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Đề thi học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 6 năm 2023-2024 - Trường THCS Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm, Long Biên

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  1. PHONG GD&DT QUÅN LONG BIEN END-OF-SECOND TERM TEST - GRADE 6 G THCS NGUYEN BINH KHIEM Time: 60 minutes CODE: 601 School year: 2023-2024 PLE CHOICE (7,2 points) en and choose Zナ〃e Or Fb広e. 1. Mi thinks血ey can recycle things in the bins. A. True B. False 2. At book fairs, Students can exchange their old books. A. True B. False 3. Nam thinks students wi11 save money ifthey go to school by bus. A. True B. False 4. Students can exchange their used unifoms at unifom fairs. A. True B. False L短en `略a寂#nd choose Jhe correci “nswer /O〆〃 in /he blankjZ,r eaCh q〃eSiion. 5. Mi is from class A. 6A B. 6B C. 6E D. 6I 6. Ifshe becomes the president ofthe Club, She wi11 put a bin in every classroom. A. reusmg B. recycling C. reducing D. rubbish 7. Mi will organize some fairs A. cIothes.   B. uniform.   C. book.        D. shoes. 8. Nam will encourage students to use to help the environment. A. ship B. motorbike C. car D. bus Md諦初ee h#er4, B, C; D /0 ;n窃cate !he word whose mde招nedpart d#購万om /he oiher ! 巌pron〃nCiationカo each 4勃ejZ)〃o砂ing qnesiions. 9. A. pQStCard B. ocean C. pQPular D. robot Mhrk /he /etter4, B, C; D /0 ;n`nCate !he word Jhat `鞠脅rs力・Om !he other /hree ;n /heposみion Q/ pr訪uny siress ;n each q/’thejZ’〃o砂ing qlleStions. 10. A. channel B. cartoon C. future D. fumy M高庇肋e h#erA, P, C; D Jo巌俄caie Jhe correci ans砂er /O eaCh qrthe q〃eS訪on. 1 1… ….Picture do you prefer - this one or that one? A. which B. who C. What D. how 1 2.What 1ast weekend? A.were/do B.did/did C.did/do 13. Mr Bean has old car. blue. A. an/The B. an/A C. a/ The D. the/A 14・ In the future, there will be many robots that are designed to Iook children. A. on B. at C. for D. after 15. A _ helps us to wash our dirty cIothes and make them ready for us to wear. A. dishwasher B. electric fan C. fridge D. washing machine 16. Ifshe travels to London, She the museums. A. visits B. wi11 visit C. visited D. is visiting Page l /3-Code601
  2. 17. - rubbish into the river! It wi量l pollute the water. A. Throw B. Don’tthrow c. please throw D. Notthrow 脇k rfee励er4,姉or D on J,0〃r answer sheet祝融励短or。@ C狐ZrsT加mean暗 tO祝融e脇ed word(卵e each雄ej脇砂暗q〃e鍬タn. 18. We must聖堂Our environment. A・ destroy B. protect c. reuse D. reduce 脇妨aerA,明0r D onJ,0〃r ans腸sheei ‘0妨a鋤e word㈲ O軸湘E fro mean暗 19. We sho哩聖哩a11 the electric軸ances before vI′e gO Out. A. tum down B. open c. turn on D. tum xp 陶枕fe〃erA, P’C D ‘o祝icate海co”eCi ans聞O eaCr4枕q〃eS硯 20. Mi:負Ifmore people cycleJhe air will be cleaner. Right?” - Linda: “ ▲  「言「__ 丁 今・豊三警e With you.   B. I don言霊読ng. C. That’s awesome. D. Yes. It,s better than the plastic ones.  ̄  ̄ }▼) ̄ ̄ )▲1“1嘉⊥し○○ヽノP⊥`↓Dし⊥しU○○じき. Read %伽嬢p伽略e and ma励e助er4巧C; or D on J,0〃r ans砂er shee研e嬢伽 CO〃eCi word orphrase ‘hat best鉢each q偽e ”#mbered bhn応. He11o everyone, I am Laura. Last Tuesday, my Class (21) - about what we印do with things we norma11y throw away, 1ike plastic軸es. Afterwards’Our teacher asked us to make SOmething (22) - Out Ofrubbish and show the class (23) - Monday. I made toys out oftoi」et Paper rolls. (24) - friend, Riley, reuSed cans and plastic cups to make plant pots. I thougiv reCyCling would be boring (25) - it is not・ This pr由was really fun and usefu" did not know that we can make so many things from rubbish. 葦 葦 三雲 豊 胸祝融er4 ±L C or D onJ,0妨anSWer Sheet ‘o初icate海u肋協edpar初#eeds CO〃eCめn de each q/勃e力〃栃”g q胸めns. 26.塾立唾Will垣±勘2§Q睦坐the housework. 器豊,W。mlgh,±霊宝m。。n軸Idaf people D do 念書s由。。k週hi誓el c the D証 A. is B. my c. and D. your Read海“伽i柳a暗and mark海協erA,姉D ‘o励eate ife correci ons砂er fo each My餌ure house wi萱l be located on a wide lake. It wi上I b仁quiet andpeacefuL There will be wide roof tO PrOteCt my house from the sun and rain・ I wi11 groⅥ′ a lot of flowers around my house. Every mOming’I will water them and arrange some flowers in my house. Inside my house, there wi11 be a mOdem robot to make the house clean and tidy. There wi上l be modem and convenient appliances, tOO. Maybe I might buy a boat to travel around. I wi11 order food and drink online. They might deliver them by helicopters. Page2/3-Code60l
  3. 29. Where will the house located? A. on the moon B. in the sky C. on a lake D. in the宜eld 30. What will protect the house from sun and rain? A. awidegarden B. abigrobot C. alarge energy D. awideroof 3l. Will there be any robots in the house? A. Yes, itis B. Yes, therewill C.No, it isn・t D. No, there won,t 32. Why might the author buy a boat? A.totravel around B. to go fishing sleep D. to buy food 33・ How can he buy food and drink? A. by bike B. by boat c. at market D. online α00Se !he correci sentences ”Sing ‘he c”e WOrds givcn. 34. She/ might/ become/ exp量orer/ future A. She might to become an explorer in the future. B. She might becommg an explorer in the future. C. She might becomes an explorer in the future. D・ She might become an explorer in the future. 35. If/ use/ recycIed paper, / save / trees. A. Ifyou used recycled paper, yOu Will save trees. B. Ifyou use recycled paper, yOu Will save trees. C. Ifyou usmg reCyCled paper, yOu Will save trees. D. Ifyou use recycled paper, yOu Will saving trees. 36. If/ she/ study/ hard/)/ she/ pass/ the exam. A. If She study hardly’She will pass the exam B. Ifshe studies hard, She won,t pass the exam. C. Ifshe studies hard, She wi11 pass the exam. D・ Ifshe don,t study hard, She wi11 pass the exam. II. WRITING (0,8 point) Rearmge /he wor‘短o con擁ie ‘he sentences ”訪g ‘he c〃e WO肱git’en・ 37. be/ school/ late/ for/ Don,t/! 二> 38. on/ My/ will/ the/ future/ ocean/ house/ be/. こ> M離れq〃Cstion jZ,r !he ”mわ脇nedpart加eaCh q/勃eル伽砂暗Senienc跡. 39. We will grow flowers垂唾生壁2nt g睦塾. 二> 40. She visited London last summer. 二=> 一一一THE END _○○ Page3 /3 -Code601



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