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Sams Teach Yourself CSS in 24 Hours- P11

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Sams Teach Yourself CSS in 24 Hours- P11: Times have changed, thankfully, since those Dark Ages of CSS. All major browsers as well as some minor ones have increased support for Cascading Style Sheets in the latest versions. Web developers are aware of CSS and the vital role they play in designing great Web pages, and presumably you’ve got some idea of how important they are if you’ve bought this book.

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  1. 482 screenreader screenreader, 372-373 shorthand values, 218 style sheets and aural CSS, 378 short hex notation, 157 defined, 2, 464 tag, 409 sibling selectors, 348 embedded, 68-70 tag, 416 sight-impaired readers, 293 organization, 331-334 selectors, 26 fonts and colors, 395 saving, 25 adjacent sibling, 348-351 site-wide style sheets, site-wide, 335-336 attribute, 342-353 335-336 styling, 185-196 child, 347 size property, 362 user-defined, 121 class, 73-75, 82-84, 384 sizing content, 299-308 validating, 337-338 defined, 464 #banner box, 303 tag, 68-70, 438, 444 descendant, 87-91, 347 box width, 302 styling, 185-196 div[title], 398 constraints, 308 columns, 261 family-based, 347 content width, 302 links, 185 first-child, 95-97 flexible dimensions, techniques, 191-196 for XML, 439 307-308 tables, 247-266 grouping, 86-87 height subscripts, 203, 205-206 id, 75-76, 82-84, 384 box, 302 superscripts, 203, 205-206 navlink:active, 442 content, 302 SVG. See Scalable Vector navlink:link, 442 Internet Explorer width Graphics pseudo-class, 91-92 bug, 303-307 switch, 422 :active, 187-188, 388, correcting miscalcula- 442 tion, 304-305 :after, 395-396, 441 reasons for, 305 T :before, 395-396, 441 workaround for, 306 tag, 248, 252, 256, :focus, 190-191, 388, #maincontent box, 303 272, 289, 317 392, 442 spacing text, 206-213 table headers, 248 :hover, 188-190, 388, tag, 71 table-layout property 392, 442 speak-header property, 280 values, 253 :lang(), 383-384 speak-numeral property, 380 tables :link, 93-94, 186-187, speak property, 380 applying other styles 442 speak-punctuation property, horizontal alignment, :visited, 93-94, 186-187, 380 263-265 442 speech-rate property, 379 vertical alignment, pseudo-element, 92 Standard Generalized 265-266 sibling, 348 Markup Language borders type, 82 (SGML), 13, 430 collapsing, 256-257 universal, 85-86, 342 stress, property, 379 empty cells, 254 serif fonts, 144-145 Strict HTML, 464 separated, 258 SGML. See Standard String.fromCharCode(event. captions, 260 Generalized Markup which) method, 422 collapsed border model Language structure, 464 adjacent cells with dif- shorthand properties, 140-141 style, 464 ferent properties, 257 background, 182 style attribute, 438, 444 adjacent cells with border-color, 223-224 style object, 414 same properties, 256 font, 140 style sheet editors (Web CSS model, 250 list-style, 244 sites), 23-24 display property, 251 defined, 464
  2. unordered lists 483 defined, 464 misused, 455-456 text effects, 159, 164 formatting, 247-263 , 443 text formatting, 29 HTML , 436 text-indent property, automatic layout, 253 , 439 202-203 building complex, 248 , 434 hanging indent, 202 CSS model, 250-251 , 399 values, 202 default styling, 250 redundant tags with CSS, text nodes, 107 defining, 248 454-455 text-shadow property, determining dimen- , 416 163-164, 314 sions, 252-253 , 409 text-transform property, fixed layout, 253 , 71, 342, 382 162-163 layers, 252 , 68, 438, 444 values, 162-163 padding, 254 , 248, 252, 256, tag, 248, 252 separated-borders model, 272, 289, 317 tag, 248, 251, 257, 263 258 , 248, 252 tag, 248, 252 setting spaces between , 248, 251, 257, 263 themes, 414 table cells, 263 , 248, 252 tiling, 170 spacing, 254 , 248, 251, 257, 263 tag, 434 styling, 247-266 , 248, 252 title attribute, 342 columns, 261 , 434 Tolkien, J.R.R., 397, tag, 250, 262 , 248, 252, 317 399-400 tag, 250, , 304 top property, 277, 279, 282 262 , 438 tag, 248, 252, 317 and vision-related disabili- tag, 248, 252 transformed text, 163 ties, 251 tag, 248, 251, 257, 263 transparent value, 168 tags (HTML) text, 155-159 Transitional HTML, 63 , 434, 442 aligning and indenting, defined, 465 , 434, 443 199-206 trees, 107-108 , 372 colors, 155-59 TrueDoc Web site, 150 , 382, 431 effects, 159, 164 tty media type, 358 , 30, 170, 191-192 formatting, 29 tv media type, 358 , 108, 289, 431 justified, 201 type selector, 82 , 250, 260 line height, 211-213 defined, 465 , 88-89 spacing, 206-213 , 250, 262 special effects 159-164 , 250, 262 transformed, 163 U defined, 464 text-align property, 200-201, underlines deprecated, 453-454 263-264, 318 removing, 192-193 , 71, 82-85, 342, 397 values, 200 replacing, 193 , 431 text-decoration property, text-decoration, 160 , 108 159-162, 366 unicode-bidi property, 384 , 342, 431 in embedded style sheets, universal selector, 85-86, 342 , 382 161-162 workaround for , 289, 372, 431 values, 159 Netscape 4 and Internet , 313 text editors, 22-23 Explorer, 85 , 35, 66-67, 438, 444 defined, 465 unordered lists, 236
  3. 484 URL URL :visited pseudo-class selec- CSS and, 329-338 namespace, 434 tor, 93-94, 186-187, 442 design issues, 330 prefix, 434 visual formatting site-wide style sheets, url() value browser support for 335-336 inserting an image using, (Netscape 4), 276-277 style sheet organiza- 398 changing page layout, 272 tion, 331-334 usability defined, 272 CSS validation, 337-338 and CSS, 325-326 float properties, 272 reasons for, 338 useful user CSS recipes Web positioning properties, 272 colors, fonts, and layout, site, 347 voice-family property, 379 324-325 user agent volume property, 379 design types, 324 defined, 388, 465 organization and planning, user-defined style sheet, 327 121-122 W page layout, 271-295 defined, 465 site-wide style sheets, W3C. See World Wide Web user interface 335-336 Consortium browsers, 388 style sheet organization, W3C Process, 453 creating outlines, 392 331-334 W3C Web site, 106, 317, 456 cursor appearance, 388-391 testing sites, 327-329 W3C’s composite/capabili- defined, 465 usability tests, 328-329 ties/preferences profile graphical, 388 usability, 325-326 Web site, 359 using system colors, Web Design Group’s CSS W3C’s CSS validation Web 392-394 validator Web site, 337 site, 337 using system fonts, 392, Web development software W3C’s HTML validation 394 Web site, 24-25 Web site, 337 validating HTML, 64-65 Web reference layout Web WAI. See Web Accessibility site, 318 Initiative Web review Web site, 46 V WCAG. See Web Content Web sites Accessibility Guidelines Analog, 326 validating style sheets, 337- Web accessibility. See Bob Stein’s VisiBone, 169 338 accessibility Bobby program, 376 valign property, 265, 318 Web Accessibility Initiative City of Fullerton, 336 values, 26 (WAI), 374-377 CSS accessibility benefits, calculated, 125 purpose of, 372-373 456 inherited, 125 Web Content Accessibility CSS development tech- variables, 409 Guidelines (WCAG), niques, 456 vertical-align property, 375-376, 465 CSS/edge, 47 203-206, 265-266, 318 Web browsers. See browsers CSS enhancements and values, 204-205 Web content and user inter- DOCTYPE switching, viewing style sheets, 37 face, 388 307 virtual marker box, 243 Web Content Accessibility CSS in 24 Hours, iv, 317, visibility property, 228, 366 Guidelines (WCAG), 390 and JavaScript, 417 375-376, 465 bookstore examples hiding a column, 262 Web site, 456 (Hour 16), 276, 282 values, 228 Web design, 323-329 JavaScript examples Visibone Web site, 157 access logs and, 326-327 (Hour 23), 411, 414, 416, 422
  4. XHTML 485 language example Mozilla, 50 whitespace, 209 (Hour 21), 382 Netscape 4, 51 defined, 465 site-wide style sheet Netscape 6, 50 whitespace condensation, example (Hour 18), Netscape, older versions, 209 336 51 widows property, 366 sizes example (Hour Opera 5, 53 width attribute, 299-300 17), 300 Opera 6, 52 width property, 253, 262, CSS Level 1 W3C Sams, 4 302, 306, 308, 318 Recommendations, 4, style sheet editors, 23-24 tag, 304 454 TrueDoc, 150 WindowsEyes Web site, CSS Level 2 W3C useful user CSS recipes, 373 Recommendations, 5, 454 347 word-spacing property, CSS Level 3 W3C VisiBone, 157 207-208 Recommendations, 359, W3C, 106, 317, 456 styles, 208 455 W3C’s composite/capabil- values, 207 EmacSpeak, 373, 378 ities/preferences profile, word wrapping, 209 European Association for 359 workarounds, 45-46 Standardizing W3C’s CSS validation ser- World Wide Web Information and vice, 337 Consortium (W3C), 11 Communication W3C’s HTML validation accessibility and, 374 Systems, 408 service, 337 CSS validator Web site, HTML editors, 24-25 Web Content Accessibility 337 HTML 4.01 specifications, Guidelines, 456 defined, 465 455 Web Design Group’s CSS HTML validator Web site, HTML specification, 456 validator, 337 337 HTML Writers Guild, 6-7 Web development soft- recommendations, 451 Mailing List, 328 ware, 24-25 audience, 452 IBM’s Home Page Reader, Web Reference layout, Candidate 373, 378 318 Recommendation iCab, 53 Web Standards Project, 47 state, 454 International Center for Web review, 46 purpose of, 452 Disability Resources on WebTV, 54 reading, 453 the Internet, 3 WestCiv, 46 specifications, 454-456 Internet Explorer for WindowsEyes, 373 structure, 454 Macintosh, 49, 348, 349 XML recommendation, Web Accessibility Internet Explorer for 456 Initiative (WAI), Windows, 48, 348, 349 Web standards, 46-47 374-377 Jacob Nielsen, 325 Web Standards Project Web Web site, 106, 317, 456 JAWS, 373, 378 site, 47 XHTML and, 444 Konqueror, 54 Web review Web site, 46 Kynn’s personal site, 331 WebTV, 44, 54 causes page, 336 WebTV Web site, 54 X-Z Lynx, 55 WestCiv Web site, 46 XHTML. See Extensible Microsoft typography, 150 white-space property, Hypertext Markup Model A Ford Club of 209-211 Language America, 328 values, 209
  5. 486 XLink XLink, 434-436 XSL, 444 tag, 438 browser support for, 436 XUL, 444 XSL. See Extensible Style styling links, 442-443 XML-based User Interface Sheet Language xlink:href attribute, 436 Language (XUL), 445 XSL Formatting Objects xlink:type attribute, 436 XML Document Type (XSL-FO), 13 XML. See Extensible Definitions (DTD), 433-434 XSL Transformations Markup Language (XML) xml:lang attribute, 434 (XSLT), 13 XML-based languages, XML schemas, 433 XUL. See XML-based User 443-445 XML specification Web site, Interface Language, 445 SVG, 445 456 z-index property, 315 XHTML, 444 process- ing instruction, 443



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