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The Communication Problem Solver 30

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The Communication Problem Solver 30. Managers need top-flight communication skills to keep their staffs productive and collaborative. But often, those who manage lack the ability to get things back on track once miscommunication occurs. This book helps readers analyze their communication skills and challenges and explains how they can use simple problem-solving techniques to resolve the people issues that derail productivity at work. Easily accessible and filled with real world management examples. This no-nonsense guide is packed with practical tools to help any manager be immediately effective, as well as a handy list of common communication problems and corresponding solutions....

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  1. A PPENDIX B: C OMMUNICATION I SSUES U NIQUE TO F IRST -T IME M ANAGERS contributor role working alongside their peers. They are also expected to assume the role of manager of these current peers. In addition to time- management challenges that arise, dual roles are difficult to handle for both the new manager and the direct reports because the roles are blurred. It is unclear when the manager wears the peer hat and when she wears the manager hat. When you are given the new management duties, the first thing to do is to meet with your manager. Do you have a title and/or grade-level change? How and when will your manager announce your new role to the team? Get clarity on your manager’s expectations and your level of authority for each of your responsibilities. What percent of your time is to be spent on these new managerial responsibilities? What are your manager’s suggestions for making the new arrangement work well for the team? Who is responsible for evaluating performance of your team- mates—you or your manager? Set a plan with your new manager. Be sure you and your boss are clear on his expectations of you. How to Strike a Balance Between Functioning as a Manager and as an Individual Contributor 1. Issues: > Time management. > Defining roles and expectations—confusion about separating roles. > Prioritization (individual versus team needs). > Friction with teammates and managing friends (see Chapter 7). > How to get teammates to do the work without micromanaging. > Defining boundaries of delegation. 2. Action Steps: > Clearly define goals and objectives and job responsibilities for self and for reports. Ask for clarification from your manager and com- municate that to your entire team. Ask your boss to make the formal announcement of your new role. 272—
  2. A PPENDIX B: C OMMUNICATION I SSUES U NIQUE TO F IRST -T IME M ANAGERS > Identify all tasks for each role. Classify tasks based on individual, team, and organizational needs. Prioritize each task. > Evaluate all the work processes. Streamline processes and work- flow with input from peers. > Acknowledge the new role to the team and ask for their input on how to make the new relationships and work assignments work for everyone. Redefine roles if necessary. > Adapt to the demands of each team members’ needs. > Schedule one-on-one meetings with peers to discuss how you will handle the dual role. Set expectations with your direct reports. > Assign equal or greater priority to new management role while continuing in individual role. Allow time as necessary to be acces- sible to your team. > Discuss the change with peers. Understand and address your peers’ feelings. Accommodate their needs as much as possible. > Lead from the front—pull the team, rather than push them. Con- tribute as part of the team in the new managerial role—not aloof and not apart. > Assign work and follow up to ensure it gets done. If workload is unrealistic, clarify what your team is able to accomplish. You may need to reset your boss’s expectations or request resources. > Define the need to hire an individual contributor to fill your old position, if necessary. Present detailed workload information to your boss and prioritize. > Clearly define your new role and transition your former roles over to someone else or distribute them among several others. Learn to delegate and trust (define authority level for tasks). Train team members to pick up some of your previous tasks. Don’t take back the assignment once delegated. > Know your direct reports’ strengths and work preferences. > Plan for the future. How to Handle a Problem Managing a Peer with Greater Seniority and Experience 1. Issues: > Peer doesn’t meet established deadlines. > Peer resets already established priorities. —273
  3. A PPENDIX B: C OMMUNICATION I SSUES U NIQUE TO F IRST -T IME M ANAGERS > Peer’s general performance level has decreased. The quality of her work is lower. For example, she deviated from the standard operating procedures and that led to poor software installation. The result was higher cost. > Peer goes over the manager’s head to higher-level management. 2. Action Steps: > Gain your manager’s support for the priorities and deadlines. Clarify that he agrees with your plan to meet with the nonper- forming direct report. > Hold face-to-face meeting. Clarify goals and rules. Emphasize the priorities and deadlines and why they are important. Compare expectations to observed performance to recue the gap issues. > Discuss how to better capitalize on the peer’s experience. Does she need more independence or more challenging tasks? > Discuss what the peer will do from here on in to meet agreed expectations. What help does she need? State consequences of not meeting priorities and deadlines. > Tell your manager your plan and ask him to send the peer back to you if she goes over your head again. Gain your manager’s sup- port for the priorities and deadlines. Time Management (Balancing Time for Direct Reports and Managerial Work) 1. Issue: How to prevent people problems by organizing your time to do both jobs. 2. Action Steps: > Organize time for managerial work. • Plan and schedule your work. • Review your progress daily and plan the next day. • Close the door occasionally, or specify a ‘‘quiet hour.’’ • Set time in morning and afternoon for dialogue. • Manage your boss’s expectations. > Organize time for direct reports. • Have a weekly or biweekly pulse check one-on-one meeting 274—
  4. A PPENDIX B: C OMMUNICATION I SSUES U NIQUE TO F IRST -T IME M ANAGERS with direct reports. Each person saves up nonurgent items for the meetings. • When delegating, communicate performance standards, objec- tives, timelines, and checkpoints. • Ensure direct reports understand what to do. • Assign nonurgent work direct reports can do when they have downtime. • Expect that newer employees or lower-performing employees will require more feedback and coaching time. • Understand each person’s strengths, limitations, and talents. Transition to Being a Manager Transitioning to a management role is an exciting challenge. It offers opportunities for growth and development of communication skills. Your skills now need to be broader and deeper. There will be roles and tasks you will need to let go of. What a first-time manager lets go of when ceasing to be an individual contributor depends on the situation. Be sure to clarify your specific responsibilities and levels of authority (see Chap- ter 2, ‘‘Setting Expectations with Turbocharged Clarity’’). It is important to know precisely what your boss expects. Most managers also do indi- vidual work, although at a higher level. If you are still expected to do some detailed technical work, you need to clarify to what extent. In gen- eral, here are some things to consider as you move forward. Transitioning from an Individual Contributor to a Manager Role 1. Issue: Changing roles from doing the work to managing the indi- vidual contributors. 2. Action Steps: > Define new roles for yourself and your direct reports. Get buy-in from your manager. Find out your manager’s expectations and set expectations for your staff. Adapt and adjust. > Clearly communicate your expectations to staff and ask them to clarify their understanding. —275
  5. A PPENDIX B: C OMMUNICATION I SSUES U NIQUE TO F IRST -T IME M ANAGERS > Set up a transition plan for delegating work. Execute and monitor the plan. > Communicate continually with your manager and direct reports. Be approachable so staff feel comfortable approaching you (what is important is that they perceive an open door, not just that you tell them you have an open door). Be inclusive and understanding so direct reports are able to ask questions. Demonstrate your in- tention to preserve relationships and help them succeed on the job. > Behave as you would have other staff behave. The manager is a mirror, so the behaviors you demonstrate are the behaviors you are likely to see in your staff (honesty, consistency, meeting dead- lines, keeping commitments, listening, not judging, not gossip- ing, and being positive). > Act confident in your own abilities so the employees will be con- fident in your ability to steer the group. > Know your information before you explain to staff. Be consistent in decisions. > Continually develop expertise in your job. Grow skills and learn as much as you can. > Possibly let go of some aspects of your individual contributor role that you enjoyed. This is your decision, based on the needs of your new management role. Some managers find they need to let go of their perception of self as a technical expert, certain friend- ships, detail work, projects and tasks, gossip, and avoiding people they didn’t like to work with. These depend on the situation and people involved. How to Prove Capable in a New Role 1. Issue: Want to be capable and viewed by others as a capable man- ager. 2. Action Steps: > Continue learning the new job quickly. > Attend management training programs as soon as possible. > Read management books and articles ASAP. > Find a mentor inside or outside the organization. 276—
  6. A PPENDIX B: C OMMUNICATION I SSUES U NIQUE TO F IRST -T IME M ANAGERS > Develop a plan with your boss to increase your skills. Ask for coaching. > Make new peer relationships with other managers. > Read everything you can find on the subject of your new job to be fully competent in the industry and functional areas. > Demonstrate confidence and knowledge. > Make decisions and trust yourself. If you make mistakes, ac- knowledge them and try a new tactic. > Manage the relationships with your direct reports, your manager, and your new peers, and maintain previous relationships. > Treat each person with respect, listen thoroughly, and communi- cate well. > Resist the temptation to make changes right away. How to Get Comfortable Managing People 1. Issue: New management role is uncomfortable because of the people aspects of the job. 2. Action Steps: > Talk to your manager and get a comprehensive understanding of job requirements and level of authority for each. Get advice. Role- play feedback and coaching situations with your manager. > Develop a thorough knowledge of direct reports’ responsibilities and levels of authority. Be completely familiar with their job de- scriptions. > Get complete knowledge of all company policies, standard opera- ting procedures, workflow and processes, legalities, safety proce- dures, and HR requirements. > Ask HR what support is available for new managers. Learn how delegation, feedback, coaching, performance evaluations, and counseling are done in your organization. > Go to management classes. Read communication and manage- ment books and periodicals. > Set and meet goals for your group. Assign tasks and follow- through decisively. —277
  7. A PPENDIX B: C OMMUNICATION I SSUES U NIQUE TO F IRST -T IME M ANAGERS > Take communication training courses to develop knowledge of how to talk to direct reports, give feedback, and coach. > Know your direct reports and their work backgrounds and full range of expertise. > Develop direct reports’ skills and knowledge through appropriate assignments. Give direct reports opportunities for visibility. Coach them to help them succeed. > Give positive and redirective feedback regularly. > Hold team meetings to cross-fertilize the ideas, goals, and accom- plishments of the entire group. This also builds camaraderie and teamwork. > Get a mentor and new peers who are managers. > Keep a professional journal of what works and what you need to rethink and improve. 278—
  8. Index absence, communicating with, 13–14 Carroll, Danielle, 67 age differential of employees, 156–157 change, 84–85, 141 Amack, Craig, 14–15 feedback to gain, 185–186 American Association of Advertising employee acceptance of, 155–156 Agencies, 53 leading with communication, 260–262 analysis of judging, 108–109 in performance, 151 asking coaching, 209, 211–212 Clarifying Expectations worksheet, 35–40 process, 214–216 clarity, 2 when to use, 213–214 in expectations, 22–23 assumptions, 45 phrases for, 189–190 authority levels, 31–33 Clarity Coverdale Fury, 53–55 for delegated task, 234 closed questions, 90–92 availability, communicating with, 13–14 coaching, 23, 77–79 asking type, 209, 211–212 ‘‘bad blood,’’ 133–134 asking type, when to use, 213–214 Balboa Bay Club & Resort, 26–30, 178–180 behaviors, 208–209 behavioral questions, 92–94 benefits, 205–208 blame, 105 definition and purpose, 196–199 body language, 241 vs. feedback, 199–204 judging with, 126–128 and generational differences, 204–205 Bogdan, Marilyn, 254 for manager, 216–218 boss performance expectations and, 42–43 clarifying expectations of, 33–34, 40–41 relationship to feedback, 199 direct reports going around you to get telling type, 209–211 to, 146–148 telling type, when to use, 212–213 employees’ relationships with, 251–252 collaboration, 258 meeting for communicating expecta- increasing when delegating, 222–223 tions, 40–41 collaborative conversation, 170, 184, overdelegating by, 236–238 199–204 problems with relationship, 164–165 collaborative listening, 241–242 relationship with, 162–165 comments, restating, 242 burnout, 238 communication business coaching, see coaching first-time manager issues, 271–278 business strategy meetings, 76 interdepartmental, 10 buy-in, opportunity for, 48–49 judging and, 105 leading change with, 260–262 career plans, 55 meetings for optimizing, 76–77 Carroll, Chuck, 72–73 practicing, 250–251 —279
  9. I NDEX communication (continued ) desk barriers, 257–258 process and, 70–72 direct reports removing barriers, 257–259 benefits of delegating, 225 with status reports, 77 feedback from, 193–194 see also feedback friends as, 138–140 communication problems, xi, 57–63 going around you to boss, 146–148 clarifying management priorities, 58–59 lateness by good performers, 151–152 lack of clarity in information delivery, personal activities on work time, 58 149–151 lack of management follow-up, 61–62 problems with, 143–152 management timing, 61 task completion issues, 148–149 organization communication issues, see also coaching 62–63 directive coaching, 210 organizational obstacles, 59–61 discovery coaching, 210 surprises and, 10–12 diversity in workforce, 261 complaining, as communication style, downsizing, 238 258 effects of, 134 conflict, 9, 108 DREAM process for delegating, 233–234 between departments, 78 Drucker, Peter, 138, 265 between employees, 160–162 interpersonal, see people problems e-mail negative judging and, 102–103 avoiding for feedback, 181, 192 constructive feedback, 185 for meeting agenda distribution, 163 see also redirective feedback to share expectations, 56–57 context, providing for questions, 85 ‘‘employee milks assignment’’ example of ‘‘controlling’’ example of judging, judging, 123–124 119–121 employees corporate culture, and delegating, 232 coaching benefits for, 207–208 corrective feedback, 185 conflict between, 160–162 see also redirective feedback decision options for task completion, credibility of manager 51–52 building, 172–173 and delegating, 228 questioning techniques and, 83 environment for, 252–253 critical path diagram, 78 gaining acceptance of change, 155–156 help for communication problems, decision-making process 156–162 including others, 173 refusal of delegated assignment, questions for, 96–98 229–231 delegating relationships with boss, 251–252 benefits of, 223–225 task ownership, 50 challenges, 228–229 treatment of, 183 deciding on tasks for, 234–236 see also direct reports; feedback DREAM process, 233–234 end results, vs. process, 51–52 employee refusal of assignment, expectations, 2, 261 229–231 across organization, 57 excessive by boss, 236–238 of boss, 165 hallway or process, 231–233 communication problems from unmet, increasing collaboration when, 222–223 57–63 managers’ reluctance, 225–228 connecting to feedback, 178–180 performance expectations and, 42–43 for delegated task, 234 timing, 221–222 e-mailing, 56–57 and trust, 221–222 and feedback, 176, 192–193 what it is, 220–221 follow-up on, 41 280—
  10. I NDEX how much to say, 52–56 word choice in, 125–126 impact of unclear, 23–26, 47–48 see also positive reinforcement feed- importance of, 63–64 back; redirective feedback linking with delegating, feedback and first-time manager, communication is- coaching, 42–43 sues, 271–278 listening and, 241 follow-up by management, lack of, 61–62 meeting with boss on, 40–41 friends, supervising, 136, 138–140 model for setting, 26–30 friendship, 4 purpose of clear, 22–23 for remote workers, 153 Gallup Management Journal, 251–252 setting, 77–79 generational differences setting turborcharged for staff, 42 and coaching, 204–205 stating, and partnering, 55–56 in communication, 156–157 stating for performance, 45–46, 49–51 globalization, 261 of supervisor, clarifying, 33–34, 40–41 goals, 265–266 unmet, 105 in coaching, 200 unrealistic, and feedback absence, personal vs. organization, 7 177–178 shared with boss, 162 see also job expectations Goins, Cynthia, 26, 29, 31, 178–180 expectations communication, 20, 21–22 Goldberg, Irene, 257–258 importance of, 44–45 groups, leftover problems with new, experience, supervising someone with 154–155 more, 145–146 exploring coaching, 210 Haas, Bernie, 252–253 eye contact, 241 hallway delegation, 231–233 Hiring Batting Average (HBA), 29 face-to-face communication, lack of, hiring practices, 27, 54 152–153 ‘‘hostile’’ example of judging, 121–122 facts hostile work environment, 161–162 closed questions to learn, 90–92 Human Resources (HR) department, 163, examining, vs. judging, 106–107 231 gathering, 200, 202 familiarity, 130–131 in-person contact, absence of, 131–132 favoritism, former peer management and, influence, 262–263 141 information delivery, lack of clarity in, 58 favors, delegating and, 222–223 interdepartmental communication, 10 feedback, 23, 27, 77–79, 165 interpersonal conflict absence, and unrealistic expectations, negative judging and, 102–103 177–178 see also people problems benefits, 192–193 intuition, 259–260 vs. coaching, 199–204 in delegating, 222 collaborative conversation and, 171 role of, 68 definition of term, 175–176 expectations and, 178–180 job descriptions, 21, 141, 266–268 from former peers, 141 job expectations guidelines, 181–182 goals, 265–266 impact of absence, 190–191 performance standards, 268–270 inviting and receiving, 193–194 judging noncollaborative, 191–192 with body language, 126–128 performance expectations and, 42–43 dislike of, 106–107 relationship to coaching, 199 negative, 102–103 timing of, 176 typical, 103–106 trust and, 17 untangling, 108–109 —281
  11. I NDEX judging (continued ) ‘‘negative feedback,’’ 186 what it is, 101–102 negative judging, 102–103 word choice in, 124–126 new employees, orientation, 27–28 judgmental attitude, 18 new groups, leftover problems with, 154–155 kindness, 253–254 news TV channels, and judging, 107 Koehler-Pentacoff, Elizabeth, 103 Nielsen, Eric, 251 ‘‘nitpicky and insensitive boss’’ example labeling, 101 of judging, 114–116 see also judging noncollaborative feedback, 191–192 ‘‘lame duck’’ example of judging, 116–118 language, use in communication, 247–249 office politics, 157–158 lateness by good performers, 151–152 ‘‘old dog’’ example of judging, 112–114 laughing moments, 14–16 one-way feedback, 191 Lawrence, Sharon, 259 open questions, 86–90 ‘‘lazy’’ example of judging, 110–112 benefits, 87–88 Leadership Performance Report Cards, 29 downside, 88 listening, 85 examples, 88–90 clarifying message when, 242–244 when to use, 87 collaborative, 241–242 organization to feedback, 193–194 coaching benefits for, 206–207 impact on relationships, 245–246 expectations across, 57 importance of, 244–245 organizational obstacles, 59–61, 165–166 process, 246–247 reasons for, 240–241 paraphrasing, 243 with your heart, 247–249 in coaching, 216 partnering, stating expectations and, M&T Bank, 55–56 55–56 management timing, 61 partnership behaviors, 171–172 management workflow processes, 75–77 Paulin, Kenneth W., 55–56 managers peers benefits of delegating, 223–225 with greater seniority and experience, building credibility, 172–173 273–274 coaching benefits for, 205–206 managing, 272 coaching for, 216–218 managing former, 136, 140–143 direction from, 24 people problems lack of follow-up, 61–62 causes, 130–135 lack of training, 177 defining, 129–130 priorities, 58–59 preventing, 135 reluctance to delegate, 225–228 questioning to prevent and solve, team feedback to, 193–194 98–100 training of, 28–29 solution process, 135–136 transition to, 275–278 solution process, examples, 137–166 see also boss typical examples, 136–137 mathematics, 67–68 performance meeting with boss, for communicating absence of redirective feedback and, expectations, 40–41 190–191 meetings, 54 change in, 151 for optimizing communication, 76–77 coaching and, 198 scheduling with remote workers, 153 employees’ self-assessment, 215 milestone reporting, 234 expectations, see expectations miscommunication, preventing, 135 performance appraisals, 22, 269 mistakes, manager’s response to, 177 surprises in, 190–191 282—
  12. I NDEX performance standards, 268–270 quality, 237 personal activities on work time, 149–151 quality time, 14 personal relationship question types, 86–96 at work, 16 behavioral questions, 92–94 vs. work relationship, 4, 6 closed questions, 90–92 ‘‘personality conflict,’’ 133–134, 159 open questions, 86–90 personality types, 63 situational questions, 94–96 completing work while interacting with questioning techniques, 81–100 different, 159–160 in asking coaching, 211 persuasion, 262–263 barrage or communication, 85 phone calls with remote workers, sched- benefits, 83–84 uling, 153 to prevent and solve people problems, phrases for clarity and direction, 189–190 98–100 politics in office, 157–158 for problem-solving and decision- positive reinforcement feedback, 175, making processes, 96–98 180–183 purpose of, 81–82 five-step process, 183–185 when listening, 242–243 priorities, 135 clarifying, 58–59 Rankin, Rob, 53–55 project management and, 75 redirective feedback, 175, 180–181, problem-solving, questions for, 96–98 185–186 process direct and clear phrases for, 189–190 for asking coaching, 214–216 five-step process, 186–189 and collaborative conversation, impact of absence, 190–191 170–171 relationships, 66 and communication, 70–72 with boss, 162–165 for delegating, 231–233 building and preserving, 13–16 for solving people problems, 135–136 coaching and, 200 standardized, 71 and collaborative conversation, 170 standardized for communication, 77–79 developing with someone you don’t see also workflow process like, 18 process for untangling judgments, importance, 2, 6–9 108–109 listening and, 241, 245–246 ‘‘controlling’’ example, 119–121 with person who wanted your job, ‘‘employee milks assignment’’ example, 143–144 123–124 personal at work, 16 ‘‘hostile’’ example, 121–122 and process, 67 ‘‘lame duck’’ example, 116–118 questioning techniques and, 83 ‘‘lazy’’ example, 110–112 types, 4–6 ‘‘nitpicky and insensitive boss’’ exam- working, 3–4 ple, 114–116 remote workers, 152–153 ‘‘old dog’’ example, 112–114 delegating to, 228 ‘‘weak link’’ example, 118–119 requests of other groups, 134 project management, 78–79 research, 84–85 benefits, 74–75 resources for delegated task, 233 definition of term, 72 response, to someone you don’t like, 18 overview, 73–74 responsibilities, 360-degree view of, 31–33 project plan, 78 Ritz, H. Pat, 10 project strategy meetings, 76 roles of first-time managers, 271–272 projects, follow-up on progress, 61–62 Rundle, Jane, 247–249 public service, 257–259 pulling coaching, 210 sales process, 72–73 pushing coaching, 210 scheduling, 78 —283
  13. I NDEX Schielein, Henry, 27 time management, by first-time manag- scope definition, in project management, ers, 274–275 78 timing self-fulfilling prophesies, 104–105 of information flow, 61 shared vision, with boss, 162 management, 61 silence, communicating with, 13–14 togetherness situational questions, 94–96 absence of, 131–132 SMART goals, 265–266 problems from too much, 130–131 social networking, on work time, 150 Torchiana, William C., 256–257 staff Torok, Scott, 244 collaborating with, 138 training, in meeting participation, 76 management treatment, 14 trust, 2, 62 standardized process, 71 building, 172–173 status reports, 165 in coaching, 201 to maximize communication, 77 and delegating, 221–222, 225 stress and feedback, 17 power of, 30–31 feedback and, 176 and people problems, 134 unclear expectations, impact of, 47–48 subordinates, see direct reports; em- upper management, support from, 31–32 ployees suggestions, vs. coaching, 210 ‘‘weak link’’ example of judging, 118–119 surprises, and communication problems, weekly status meetings, 76 10–12 word choice, in judging, 124–126 words, communicating with, 13–14 work assignments, to former peers, 143 tasks work environment, 252–253 employee ownership of, 50 work hours, 151–152 problems completing, 148–149 work relationship, 66 when there is only one way to com- with someone not liked, 16–19 plete, 51 what it is, 3–4 team training meetings, behavioral ques- workflow management tions in, 93 getting work done, 69–70 teams process and communication, 70–72 impact of delegating, 224 workflow process, 66 strategic planning, 53 definition of term, 72 technical skills, retention vs. delegating example, 72–73 task, 226 management, 75–77 telecommuting, 152–153 working virtually, 152–153 television, 107 workload levels, 237–238 telling coaching, 209–211 worksheets, Clarifying Expectations, when to use, 212–213 35–40 284—
  14. NANNETTE RUNDLE CARROLL is a popular speaker, management trainer, and communications consultant. She is also a top-rated faculty member with the American Management Association. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. Photo by Rachel Capil Photography,



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