intTypePromotion=1 Tuyển sinh 2024 dành cho Gen-Z

1000 từ tiếng Nhật cơ bản có hệ thống 10

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Tham khảo tài liệu '1000 từ tiếng nhật cơ bản có hệ thống 10', ngoại ngữ, nhật - pháp - hoa- others phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

Chủ đề:

Nội dung Text: 1000 từ tiếng Nhật cơ bản có hệ thống 10

  1. List of 1000 Kanji 堂 任天堂 nin ten dou - Nintendo video game company hall 226 DOU 食堂車 shoku dou sha - dining car ドウ 食堂 shoku dou - lunch room, cafeteria 特 特別 toku betsu - special special 227 TOKU 特に toku ni - especially, particularly トク 特技 toku gi - special skill 肉 皮肉 hi niku - irony, ironic meat 228 NIKU 牛肉 gyuu niku - beef ニク 筋肉 kin niku - muscle 野 荒野 ara no - wasteland, wilderness plains, field 229 YA , SHO 野球 ya kyuu - baseball ヤ , ショ 長野県 nagano ken - Nagano prefecture no の 発 shuppatsu - depart, leave 出発 depart, start from, 230 HATSU baku hatsu - explosion to happen 爆発 ハツ hakken - discovery 発見 abaku , tatsu hatsu mei - invention 発明 あ ば く, た つ 46
  2. List of 1000 Kanji 飯 meal, cooked rice 御飯 go han - rice, meal 231 HAN 朝ご飯 asa go han - breakfast ハン 炊飯器 sui han ki - rice cooker meshi めし 病 病気 byou ki - sick ill, sick 232 BYOU 病院 byou in - hospital ビョウ 急病 kyuu byou - sudden illness yamai , yamu あ ま い, や む 不 不可能 fu ka nou - impossible non-, negative, 233 FU , BU 不安 fu an - uneasy, unsure bad フ ,ブ 不公平 fu kou hei - unfairness, injustice 服 洋服 you fuku - western style clothes clothing, obey 234 FUKU 衣服 i fuku - clothes フク 服従 fuku juu - obedience 物 植物 shoku butsu - plant life thing, matter, 235 BUTSU , MOTSU 物語 mono gatari - story, legend object ブ ツ, モ ツ 食べ物 tabe mono - something to eat mono もの 47
  3. List of 1000 Kanji 文 bun mei - civilization sentence, literature 文明 236 BUN , MON bun ka - culture 文化 ブ ン, モン bun gu - stationery 文具 fumi , aya bun shou - a sentence 文章 ふみ,あや 別 separate, another, 別荘 bessou - a second house 237 BETSU 特別 toku betsu - special specially ベツ 別に betsu ni - it's not that important, not particularly wakareru , wakeru わ か れ る ,わ ける 勉 勉強 ben kyou - study exertion 238 BEN 不勉強 fu ben kyou - idleness べん 勉強中 ben kyou chuu - in the midst of studying tsutomeru つとめる 目 一目ぼれ hito me bore - love at first sight eye 239 MOKU , BOKU 目的 moku tek i - purpose, goal モ ク, ボ ク 左目 hidari me - left eye me め 用 使用 shi you - use use, service, 240 YOU 用紙 you shi - paper, form business ヨウ 用意 you i - prepare mochiiru 用心棒 you jin bou - body gaurd も ちいる 48
  4. List of 1000 Kanji 夜 夜逃げ yo nige - flight in the night, fleeing in the night night, evening 241 YA 今夜 kon ya - this evening ヤ 夜間 ya kan - night, night time yo , yoru よ, よ る 曜 何曜日 nan you bi - what day of the week? weekday 242 YOU 金曜日 kin you bi - Friday ヨウ 土曜日 do you bi - Saturday 洋 洋服 you fuku - western style clothing the West, 243 YOU 洋食 you shoku - western (foreign) food western style, ヨウ 洋画 you ga - foreign painting ocean 理 logic, reason, truth 理由 ri yuu - reason, cause 244 RI 無理 mu ri - impossible, unreasonable リ 理科 ri ka - science 料 料金 ryou kin - a charge, a fee fee, materials 245 RYOU 料理 ryou ri - cooking, dish リョウ 飲料 in ryou - a drink (written word) 49
  5. List of 1000 Kanji 相 首相 shu shou - prime minister each other , 246 SOU , SHOU mutual , 相合傘 ai ai gasa - 2 people sharing an umbrella そう ,しょう appearance , 相変わらず ai ka warazu - same as always; ai aspect same ole same ole... あい minister of state 相撲 sumou - Sumo (has a special su sound 愛 愛している - I love you! love 247 愛妻 ai sai - beloved wife 愛知県 ai chi ken - Aichi prefecture ai 愛読 ai doku - a Book lover あい 合 相合傘 ai ai gasa - 2 people sharing an umbrella to be together; 248 GOU , KATSU to fit 場合 ba ai - a case, situation ゴ ウ, カ ツ 具合 gu ai - condition (of various things) au 都合 tsu gou - circumstances, condition, convenience あう 商 商港 shou kou - a trade port to sell; trade 249 SHOU 商業 shou gyou - commerce, business しょう akinau あきなう 浅 経験が浅い kei ken ga asai - have little experience shallow, 250 SEN superficial 浅緑 asa midori - light green, pale green せん asai あさ い 50



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