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Báo cáo nghiên cứu khoa học: "tình hình sâu răng học sinh trung học trong Huongtra huyện, tỉnh Thừa Thiên Huế"

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Tuyển tập các nghiên cứu khoa học của trường đại học Huế đề tài: tình hình sâu răng học sinh trung học trong Huongtra huyện, tỉnh Thừa Thiên Huế...

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Nội dung Text: Báo cáo nghiên cứu khoa học: "tình hình sâu răng học sinh trung học trong Huongtra huyện, tỉnh Thừa Thiên Huế"

  1. JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, Hue University, N0 61, 2010 DENTAL CARIES SITUATION OF SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS IN HUONGTRA DISTRICT, THUA THIEN HUE PROVINCE Nguyen Huu Hai, Nguyen Van Tap College of Medicine and Pharmacy, Hue University SUMMARY Dental caries are a common disease in Viet Nam and all over the world. It affects aesthetics as well as the function of mastication. If the caries are not treated properly, it can cause dangerous complications. Today, dental caries prevention is effectely implentmented in many developed countries. Meanwhile, the dental caries prevalence in developing countries is very high because of the inadequacy of prevention measures. In Viet Nam, the national oral health survey in 2002 shows that the dental caries prevalence in different ages are: 83.7% in 6; 56.6% in 12; 67% in 15; 75 – 89.7% in adults. The study aims at identify the dental caries prevalence of secondary school students in Huong Tra district in 2009 and study some factors relating to dental caries. The Cross – sectional descriptive study in the secondary school students in Huong Tra district, 2009 was conducted. A stratified cluster sample was used in this study. There were 663 students participating in this study, who were divided into 2 groups: one living in the town, the other living in communes. The study showed that the dental caries prevalence was 84.6 % in secondary school students, the mean of DMF and DMFS were 3,00 and 5,06; the oral hygiene situation and living places were factors relating to dental carie;, and there was not a significant relationship between dental caries and the following factors: age, sex, ages of parents, number of children in the family, water source, knowledge and practice of oral health care. 1. Introduction Dental caries are a common disease in Viet Nam and all over the world. It affects aesthetics as well as the function of mastication. If the caries are not treated properly, it can cause dangerous complications. Nowadays, dental carie prevention is effectely implentmented in many developed countries. Meanwhile, dental carie prevalence in developing countries is very high because of the inadequacy of prevention measures. The measures for preventing dental caries recommended by the WHO are: Fluoride water, oral health education, reasonable diet, and regular dental examination. In Viet Nam, the oral health promotion program has been implemted for 15 143
  2. years but oral deseases prevalence is still high. The national oral health survey in 2002 showed that the dental caries prevalence across age groups were : 83,7% in 6; 56,6% in 12; 67% in 15; 75 – 89,7% in adults. The aims of this study are to identify the dental caries prevalence of the secondary school students in Huong Tra district , 2009 and study some factors relating to dental caries. 2. Methods 2.1. Research design: Cross – sectionnal descriptive study in the secondary school students in Huong Tra district, 2009. 2.2. Sample: The stratified cluster sample was used in this study. There were 663 students participating in this study, who were divided into 2 groups: one living in the town, the other living in communes. 2.3. Contents and variables of the research - Dental carie prevalence - DMFT, DMFS index - Teeth group caries clasification - Related fators: age, gender, oral hygiene situation, mean age of parents, number of children in family, educational level of parents, water resource, knowlegde and practice of oral health. - Caries diagnosis belongs to WHO dental caries criteria 2.4. Research instruments - Examiner: the author and a dentist who works in Huong Tra health service center. - Equipment: + Questionnaire, examination paper. + A Mirror, explorer, and precelle were used to examine. 2.5. Statistical method: Data was analysed using SPSS 17.0, P value ≤ 0.05 was used to analyse the significant difference between the variables. 144
  3. 3. Results 3.1. General characteristic of study population Table1. Gender and Age of study population Gender Male Female Total n % n % n % Age 12 57 8,6 % 86 13% 143 21,6% 13 78 11,8% 97 14,6% 175 26,4% 14 62 9,4% 89 13,4% 151 22,8% 15 94 14,2% 100 15,1% 194 29,2% Total 291 56,1% 372 43,9% 663 100% Table 2. Location of study population Location n % Urban 335 50,5% Rural 328 49,4% Total 663 100% 3.2. Dental caries Status Table 3. Dental caries prevalence Caries n % No caries 102 15,4 Caries 561 84,6 Total 663 100 Table 4. Caries experience (DMFT and DMFS) DMFT. n Max Min Total Mean SD 663 12 0 1992 3.00 2.31 DMFS. n Max Max Total Mean SD 663 29 0 3589 5.42 4.94 145
  4. Table 5. Caries prevalence among teeth groups Upper Upper Lower Lower p incisors and molars and incisors and molars and Teeth canines premolars canines premolars group n % n % n % n % Caries 42 6,3 319 48,1% 4 0,6% 538 81,1% No caries 621 93,7% 344 51,9% 659 99,4% 125 18,9% 0.000 Total 663 100% 663 100% 663 100% 663 100% 3.3. Relation factors to caries Table 6. Caries and DMFT by gender Gender Male Female Total p Caries n 245 316 561 Prevalence 0.789 % 84,2% 84,9% 84,6% DMFT 2.86 3.12 3.00 0.152 Total 291 372 663 Table 7. Caries and DMFT by ages Ages 12 13 14 15 p Caries n 131 145 125 160 Prevalence 0.076 % 91,6% 82,9% 82,8% 82,5% DMFT 2.93 2.77 3.09 3.20 0.315 Total 143 175 151 194 663 146
  5. Table 8. Caries and DMFT by location Location Urban Rural p Caries n 302 259 Prevalence 0.000 % 90.1 % 79.0 % DMFT 3.52 2.48 0.000 Total 335 328 663 Table 9. Caries and DMFT by oral hygiene Oral hygine Good fair Moderate Bad p Caries n 7 163 258 133 Prevalence 0.000 % 50 72.1 89.6 98.5 DMFT 1.50 2.10 3.27 4.11 0.000 Total 14 226 288 135 663 Table 10. Caries and DMFT by number of children in family No.of children 1 2 p ≥2 Caries n 18 113 427 Prevalence 0.553 % 90.0% 86.9 % 83.9 % DMFT 3.45 2.97 2.99 0.677 Total 20 130 509 659 Table 11. Caries and DMFT by Parents’ education level Ecation level High Primary Secondary University p school Caries n 137 245 94 52 0.190 Prevalence % 80.1% 84.8% 89.5% 86.7% 147
  6. DMFT 2.79 2.94 3.60 2.82 0.029 Total 171 289 105 60 625 Table 12. Caries and DMFT by using water resource Water resource Factory Raining Well Other p Caries N 281 11 268 0 Prevalence 0.187 % 84.4% 91.7% 84.8% 0 DMFS 3.01 3.25 3.01 0 0.632 Total 333 12 316 2 663 Table 13. Caries and DMFT by oral health knowledges Knowledge Good, fair Moderate Bad p Caries 136 180 245 N Prevalence 0.879 % 83.4 85.3 84.8 DMFS 3.02 3.22 2.84 0.190 Total 163 211 289 663 Table 14. Caries and DMFT by oral health care practice O.H.C practice Good, fair Moderate Bad p Caries N 174 315 68 0.986 % 84.5 84.7 84.0 DMFT 3.18 2.94 2.78 0.356 Total 206 372 81 659 4. Discussion The dental caries experience among secondary schoolchildren in Huong Tra district is high. In our research, we use diagnostic criteria of WHO that means only 148
  7. dental caries cavity is diagnosed. If we use new diagnostic criteria suggested by Koch, earlier dental caries diagnosis, the dental caries prevalence will be higher. According to foreigner reseachers, the dental caries experience in our reacher is in the range of the developing countries. Nowadays, this ration rests very low in the developed countries. The dental caries experience reseacher of WHO in 2004 shows that the distribution and serious level of dental caries vary to regions and countries in over the world. This study also shows the increasing of dental caries prevalence in developing contries. This problem was explained by the acceleration of suger consumption and fluoride indequate. In the opposite, the dental caries experience tends to decreasing in the recent 20 years. This result due to public health measures containing effective fluoride using, living condition change, life style and oral health care capacity. The reseache in southern of ThaiLand in 2001, the dental caries prevalence in 6 years – old is 96,3%, dmf: 8,1 and the dental caries prevalence in 12 years- old is 70%, DMF: 2.4. ThaiLand has geographic position, economy, culture and society similar to Viet Nam and the dental caries experience in the same range with Viet Nam. In comparision to the VietNamese reseaches in 2001, 2002, the dental caries experience among schoolchildrens tends to increasing. This ratio in 2001 – 2002 is 60 – 70%, meanwhile in our reseacher 84,6 % and 86 – 92 % in Ho Thi Thanh study ( 2009 ) in DaNang city. The dental caries goes up with the economic and social development. The cause of dental caries is mainly eating habits and oral hygene. The products containing sugar such as candy, biscuits, more and more abudant kinds. Futhermore, the fluoride water has not been implemted yet in our country and school oral health care program has not been covered yet so that the dental caries prevalence increases obviously. About dental caries complication such as : pulpitis, pulp necrose, periapical imflammation, in our reseache: 43%. Oral health care of children has not been considered approtiately by parents. Majority of children consulted in the late period of dental caries. The school oral health care in HuongTra has not developed so the examination, detection and treatment dental caries is not frequent. In Hương tra district, there is not the preventive dental care programme in the school so the schoolchildren have not been got oral health care and education. There are only 4 dentists, 2 dental practicians and 1 dental nurse serving about 117.000 inhabitants. That means 20.000 inhabitants are served by 1 dental practitioner. This ratio is 2000 / 1 dental practitioner in many developped countries. The dental caries prevalence is high but the number of patient to dentist is low. In our research, the percentage of secondary schoolchildren consulted regularly in 149
  8. dentista for oral health care is 14,2 %. A great number of children were treated dental caries at home by salt water or medecines in pharmacy. The 6th teeth dental caries are the most common. These teeth are the important ones of the dental arch so it is neccessary to pay attention to them in oral health care. The oral hygien status has the significiant association to dental caries experience. There are the same results in many researchs that demonstrates the oral hygien play a important role in the etiology of dental caries. 5. Consclusion (1) The dental caries prevalence was 84.6 % in secondary school students. (2) The mean of DMF and DMFS were 3.00 and 5.06. (3) In our research, there was a statistically significant relationship between dental caries and oral hygiene situation and living places. (4) There was not a significant relationship between dental caries and the following factors : age, sex, age of parents, number of childrens in the family, water source, knowledge and practice of oral health care. (5) The dental caries prevalence and DMF, DMFS were very high in secondary school students of Huong Tra district. (6) It is necessary to implentment an oral health care program in the secondary school. REFERENCES 1. Hue Odonto – Stomatology departement (2007). “ Oral health basis survey ”.p.24 2. Trịnh Đình Hải (2007) “Oral health care in primary school ” p.1 – 7. 3. Đinh Thanh Huề (2008) “Epidermiology” Tp68 4. Phạm văn Lình, Đinh Thanh Huề (2008) “Health sciences reaserch method”, Hue University publisher 2008, p.94. 5. Trần Tấn Tài (2006) “Dental caries and related factors among high school students Hue City”, Medical master thesis. 6. Wikipedia (2008) , “Huong tra encyclopedia” 7. Ling Z, Petersen.P.E., Hong – Ying.W, Jin- You.B, Bo- Xue.Z, (2005). International Dental Journal . No.55, p.231. 8. Petersen. P.E, Bourgeois. D, Ogawa. H, Estupinan- Day S, Ndiaye. Charlotte. (2005). “The global burden of oral diseases and risk to oral health”. Bulletin of the WHO.Vol.83, No.9. Genebra 9. 2005.p.1 150
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