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Đề thi tổng hợp Môn: Anh Văn – Đề 16

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  1. Đề thi tổng hợp Môn: Anh Văn – Đề 16 Pronunciation 1. a. increase b. inside c. ink d. indoor --> c
  2. 2. a. hook b. pull c. brook d. booth --> d 3. a. must b . bu s y c. muscle d. muscular --> b 4. a. with b. mathematics c. thank d. death --> a 5. a. obtain b. obstacle c. obscure d. observe -->b 6. a. bull b. full c. pull d. cull d Find the mistakes 7. He has done a valuable contribution to the independence of the country. a. done b. valuable c. to d. of --> a 8. While he watched TV last night, a cat ran across the floor. a. watched
  3. b. ran c. across d. the --> a 9. Children! It’s high time for you should tid y away those to ys! a. ’s high time b. for you c. should tid y d. those to ys --> c Grammar and Vocabulary 10. His house is ................ at the corner of a shopping street. a. situated b. placed c. stood d. pu t a 11. W aitresses and waiters who serve .................. deserve at least a 20 percent tip. a. in a courteous manner b. courteously c. with courtesy in their manner d. courteous b 12. The fisher saw the plane crash into the sea when its engines ................ . a. failed b. stood c. struck d. held a 13. Choose the synonym of “Innocent beyond a shadow of a doubt”. a. lack of certainty b. lack of freedom c. lack of vision d. lack of courage a 14. He was the last soldier .............. left Vietnam. a. who b. whom c. which
  4. d. whose a 15. Slender forms. a. round and curvy b. bright and shiny c. colorful and attractive d. long and thin d 16. All the articles of jeweller y were beautifully arranged on a ................ of black velvet. a. ground b. vicinity c. background d. terrace c 17. From 1926 until her death, Margaret Mead ..............New York’s American Museum of Natural History. a. was associated with b. associates with c. is associated with d. associated a 18. In spite of lengthy discussions between the Union and the Management, closure became ................ because of the cancellatio n of several major orders. a. irreplaceable b. inevitable c. responsible d. impossible b 19. Our neighbours complained to us ............... the noise we made last night. a. for b. about c. on d. with b 20. Up to the time of his death, Richard Colson was one of the most notable ................ in our town. a. characteristics b. features c. statements
  5. d. figures d 21. He's a ............... and so he alwa ys votes for the Labour Party. a. conservative b. liberal c. socialist d. socialite c 22. ............ the Gulf Stream is warmer than the ocean water surrounding it. a. Whollly b. Whole c. As a whole d. A whole as c 23. M y doctor ................ me to take up swimming as it is such good exercise. a. suggested b. proposed c. advised d. said c 24. Memorial Da y, a holida y set aside to remember the dead, is usually celebrated on ........... in most states. a. thirtieth May b. the thirtieth Ma y c. May thirty d. the thirtieth of May d 25. Phone me before ten; ................ I'll be too busy to talk to you. a. unless b. whether c. otherwise d. if c 26. Fortunately the machine was not ................ when it caught fire. a. in order b. in use c. in progress d. in ruins b
  6. 27. In some countries, it is compulsory to vote in a(n) .................. a. choice b. constituency c. election d. selection c 28. I disapprove ................ people smoking in public places. a. of b. with c. at d. on a 29. They haven't ................ replied to the letter we sent two months ago. a. still b. yet c. alread y d. ever a 30. She found it hard to ................ up to the fact that she would never be famous. a. come b. get c. face d. keep c 31. Please leave this space ................ on the enrolment form. a. absent b. blank c. missing d. undone b 32. Come and see me after you ................ your report. a. finish b. will finish c. had finished d. having finished a 33. The factory .................... my father works in is in the centre of the city. a. when b. where c. which
  7. d. how c 34. I never forget the village .................... I was born. a. that b. where c. when d. who b 35. For the first few minutes she was leading the race, then she began to fall ................ a. out b. through c. back d. off c 36. The passport she carried was ................ a. artificial b. imitation c. untrue d. false d 37. I'm tired of my neighbours ................ their records at full volumn ever y night. a. to play b. play c. having pla yed d. playing d 38. The burglar was sentenced to 20 years in .................... a. dock b. goal c. jail d. trial c 39. ................ many times I tell him, he alwa ys forgets to pass on phone messages. a. W herever b. Whatever c. However d. Whenever c
  8. 40. This sort of music was ver y ................ in the 1940. a. preferred b. liked c. favourite d. popular d 41. They'll never ................ to get here b y six - the roads are quite busy today. a. manage b. arrive c. succeed d. able a 42. The instructor warned the students ................ sailing alone on the lake. a. not b. from c. about d . ou t o f c 43. The police have ............... the man who is suspected of committing the murder. a. arrested b. captivated c. imprisoned d. punished a 44. Only a small number of countries possess nuclear ................, thank Goodness. a. ammunition b. equipment c. guns d. weapons d 45. "You look tired." "I ................ all night." a. have worked b. had worked c. have been working d. had been working c 46. Every student tries ................... hard to pass the examination.
  9. a. stud y b. to stud y c. stud ying d. studied b 47. ................ the weather is warmer, you can go out. a. However b. Now that c. No matter d. So that b 48. W e're late, I expect the film ................ b y the time we get to the theatre. a. have started b. will start c. will be starting d. will have started d 49. I'm sure he was ............... lies! a. telling b. making c. doing d. saying a 50. He asked me what the ............ of the explosion was. a. source b. cause c. reaction d. reason b



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