Điện thoại di động băng thông rộng không dây P1
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Summary and Introduction Broadband wireless communications have gained an increased interest during the last few years. This has been fuelled by a large demand on high frequency utilisation as well as a large number of users requiring simultaneous high data rate access for the applications of wireless mobile Internet and e-commerce. The convergence of wireless mobile and access will be the next storm in the wireless communications, which will use a new network architecture to deliver broadband services in a more generic configuration to wireless customers and supports value-added services and emerging interactive multimedia communications....
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Nội dung Text: Điện thoại di động băng thông rộng không dây P1
- Broadband Wireless Mobile: 3G and Beyond. Edited by Willie W. Lu Copyright 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 0-471-48661-2 1 Summary and Introduction Broadband wireless communications have gained an increased interest during the last few years. This has been fuelled by a large demand on high frequency utilisation as well as a large number of users requiring simultaneous high data rate access for the applications of wireless mobile Internet and e-commerce. The convergence of wireless mobile and access will be the next storm in the wireless communications, which will use a new network architecture to deliver broadband services in a more generic configuration to wireless customers and supports value-added services and emerging interactive multimedia communications. Large bandwidth, guaranteed quality of service and ease of deployment coupled with recent great advancements in semiconductor technologies make this converged wireless system a very attractive solution for broadband service delivery. 1.1 Introduction ‘The future of wireless is not just wireless, it is a part of life’. When we trace back to the 1980s, everyone dreamed to have a nice mobile phone. But if we dream of the wireless picture in 2010, the story will be totally different. Why? Because by that time, the wireless infrastructure (not just for communications) will be totally multi-dimensional, whether in technologies (diversified and harmonised), applications (free mobile, local or global), or services (service/bandwidth on demand). Our wireless personal communicator or assistant (the size of a wallet or up to a book with enough bandwidth and memory) can help us enjoy our lives. Wireless becomes easy and affordable in the mass market, even when you are away from your office; your business will never be off-line. The global roaming and high-speed wireless link (thanks to the tremendous silicon advancements) will make our travels wonder- ful and feel at home. The key applications evolved from the advancement of broadband wireless, and the under- lining technologies, including broadband wireless mobile (3Gwireless and 4Gmobile), broad- band wireless access, broadband wireless networking, as well as broadband satellite solutions will surely dominate the whole communications market and therefore improve the business model in many aspects. Convergence of broadband wireless mobile and access will be the next storm in wireless communications. Fuelled by many emerging technologies including digital signal processing, software definable radio, intelligent antennas, superconductor devices as well as digital transceiver, the future wireless system will be much more compact with limited hardware entity and more flexible and intelligent software elements. Re-configurable and adaptive
- 2 Broadband Wireless Mobile: 3G and Beyond terminals and base stations helps the system easily applied in the wireless mobile as well as wireless access applications. The compact hardware and very small portion of software (called Common Air Interface Basic Input-Output System or CAI-BIOS) will go the way as the computer industries did in the past. A compact multi-dimensional broadband wireless model will be adopted for the system design and implementation. Wireless Mobile Internet will be the key application of this converged broadband wireless system. The terminal will be very smart instead of dumb, compatible to mobile and access services including wireless multicasting as well as wireless trunking. This new wireless terminal will contain the following features: † 90% of traffic will be data; † security function will be enhanced, e.g. finger print chip embedded; † voice recognition function will be enhanced, the keypad or keyboard attachment will be an option, and wireless; † the terminal will support single and multiple users with various service options; † the terminal will be a fully adaptive software reconfigurable terminal. As the wireless communications evolve to this convergence, the 4Gmobile (Fourth Generation Mobile Wireless Communications) will be an ideal mode to support high data- rate connections from 2Mbps to 20Mbps based on the new spectrum requirement for IMT- 2000 as well as the co-existence of the current spectrum for broadband wireless access. This 4Gmobile system’s vision aims at: † providing a technological response to an accelerated growth in the demand for broadband wireless connectivity; † ensuring seamless services provisioning across a multitude of wireless systems and networks, from private to public, from indoor to wide area; † providing the optimum delivery of the user’s wanted service via the most appropriate network available; † coping with the expected growth in the Internet-based communications; † opening new spectrum frontiers. Figure 1.1 shows the convergence of wireless mobile and access in one track and generates the 4Gmobile. In the following sections, we will discuss some detailed implementation issues including system architecture, reference model, protocol stack as well as system design. Figure 1.1 Convergence of wireless mobile and access in one track.
- Summary and Introduction 3 Figure 1.2 Network reference model. 1.2 Network Architecture The future wireless network should be an open platform supporting multi-carrier, multi-band- width and multi-standard air interfaces, and content-oriented bandwidth-on-demand (BoD) services will dominate throughout the whole network. In this way, the packetised transmission will go all the way from one wireless end terminal to another directly. Figure 1.2 shows this new wireless network architecture. The major benefits of this architecture are that the network design is simplified and the system cost is greatly reduced. The Base Transceiver System (BTS) is now a smart open platform with a basic broadband hardware pipe embedded with a CAI BIOS. Most functional modules of the system are software definable and re-configurable. The packet switching is distributed in the broadband packet backbone (or core network called Packet Division Multiplex – PDM). The wireless call processing, as well as other console processing, is handled in this network. The Gateway (GW) acts as proxy for the Core Network and deals with any issues for the BTS, and the BTS is an open platform supporting various standards and optimised for full harmonisation and convergence. The terminal (Mobile Station – MS) can be single or multi-users oriented supporting converged wireless applications. Figure 1.3 illustrates the unified wireless networks based on this architecture [1].
- 4 Broadband Wireless Mobile: 3G and Beyond Figure 1.3 Unified wireless networks. 1.3 Protocol Stack Considering the signalling protocol in Figure 1.2, the client-server model is established between a wireless terminal and the core network. The BTS becomes the agent in both directions. This end-to-end direct signalling can ensure the wireless terminal to be smart and intelligent rather than the dumb one in the current wireless system. Figure 1.4(a) shows the system protocol stack. Different services (ATM, IP, STM, MPEG, etc.) can be supported through ‘Service Convergence Layer’. To guarantee the Wireless QoS (quality of service) and high spectrum utilisation, a Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (DBA) scheme is required through the ‘MAC DBA Sublayer’ which improves the conventional layer architecture. DBA scheduler is the core of the MAC. To realise the dynamic resource allocation, this scheduler is essential for the broadband wireless link, which in general helps: † support class of service offerings; † provide diagnostic support for all network protocols; † eliminate the need for traffic shaping and user parameter control; † eliminate end-to-end packet and/or cell delay variation; † increase spectrum utilisation. The ‘Transmission Convergence Layer’ handles with various transmission modulations, error corrections, segmentations as well as interface mappings of wireless mobile and access in the physical layer. Figure 1.4(b) shows an example for the support of wireless access applications.
- Summary and Introduction 5 Figure 1.4 (a) General protocol stack. (b) Protocol stack: example. 1.4 Compact Open Core As mentioned in the previous sections, this converged broadband wireless system will have the following features: † multi-standards: 3Gwireless plus broadband wireless access † high channel density with efficient resource utilisation † dynamically scalable data-rates: from 32 kbps to 20 Mbps † software definable and over-the-air programmable modules † open core: various re-configurable kernels and common air interface BIOS Figure 1.5 depicts this multi-dimensional and re-configurable radio [1], while Figure 1.6 shows its open interfaces. As wireless goes multi-dimensional, different standards come out everyday for different applications. However, if you look at their architectures in details, most of them are the same or almost the same. The ‘All IP’ layer will become the common platform; the service will be based on the secured Wireless Mobile Internet; the convergence will focus on the variable services demand as well as transmission technologies. From the implementation point of the view, in the future, the wireless software will take about 75% of the work, while the hardware only takes 25% for the construction of the open platform. Figure 1.7 shows this basic hardware structure. The ‘digital block’ will eventually be implemented in one system (system-on-chip). The ‘analogue block’ outputs as an open module subject to various CAI standards. With the
- 6 Broadband Wireless Mobile: 3G and Beyond Figure 1.5 Multi-dimensional and reconfigurable radio. Figure 1.6 Compact broadband wireless – open interface.
- Summary and Introduction 7 Figure 1.7 Open platform for broadband wireless mobile and access. superconductivity technology advances, this block will probably become a separate ‘analo- gue header’ only. The broadband pipe throughout this hardware will be re-configurable and adaptive. The ‘CAI BIOS’ will be the software kernel to access and control the common hardware platform. Figure 1.8 lists the major functions embedded in this compact hardware implementation, where minimum software control is required. There are four key modules in the systems: air interfaces modules, baseband processing unit, digital broadband transceiver and smart antenna array. The detailed functional segments are required for the converged implementa- tions of the proposed broadband wireless system. Figure 1.8 Functional segments of the converged broadband wireless systems. As an example, Figure 1.9 shows the open terminal architecture of this compact wireless system, where the ‘DSP core’, ‘CAI BIOS and Soft Radio API’ and ‘Main Processor (MPU)/ CPU’ are three most important entities. ‘RF/IF Subsystem’ is an independent unit configur- able to different applications of wireless mobile or wireless access. ‘Digital Down-Converter
- 8 Broadband Wireless Mobile: 3G and Beyond Figure 1.9 Compact wireless open terminal. (DDC)’, ‘Digital Up-Converter (DUC’, ADC and DAC are components of the broadband digital transceiver system. ‘SIG’ handles various signalling protocol stacks, e.g. ‘All IP’ stack and ‘IP on Air’ stack. The proposed Fourth Generation Mobile Communications (4Gmobile) [1,2,4] will be an ideal model of this converged wireless mobile and access system. The 4Gmobile network and terminal reconfigurability (scalable and flexible self-organised) includes: † the adaptation of resource allocation to cope with varying traffic loads, channel conditions and service environments; † integration of fixed/mobile/broadcasting networks and rules for distribution and decentra- lised control of functional entities; † protocols that permit the network to adapt dynamically to changing channel conditions, that allow the coexistence of low and high-rate users, hands-off of high-data-rate users between base stations, congestion-control algorithms that are cognisant of and adjust to changing channel conditions etc.; † development of system concepts for digital broadband millimetre wave capable of deli- vering higher bit rates for the broadband wireless access applications. Therefore, the 4Gmobile will provide seamless high data rate wireless service over an increasing number of integrated but however distinct and heterogeneous wireless mobile and access platforms and networks operating across multiple frequency bands. This service adapts to multiple wireless standards (and multi-mode terminal capabilities) and to delay sensitive or insensitive applications over radio channels of varying bandwidth, across multi- ple operators and service provider domains with user fully controlled service quality levels. 1.5 Conclusions In this chapter, a new compact multi-dimensional broadband wireless core is summarised which focuses on the convergence of wireless mobile and access technologies. As the wire-
- Summary and Introduction 9 less industry will boom in the coming years, this converged wireless system will surely become the major player for the wireless mobile Internet services and applications. ITU (International Telecommunications Union) defined the future wireless systems beyond the 3Gwireless as 4Gmobile, which actually outlines the key features of our proposed convergence of broadband wireless mobile and access systems. The 4Gmobile will present a beautiful wireless life in 2010 when at that time, wireless will not just be a technology. In this book, the authors will focus on the Broadband Wireless Mobile issues. Chapter 2 will discuss the air interfaces and radio protocol of this 3Gwireless and beyond system; Chapter 3 will focus on the network architecture and reference models; Chapter 4 will update the progress of emerging wireless applications protocols and Chapter 5 will study the initia- tives in 4G mobile communications. Finally, Chapter 6 will draw out conclusions. Acknowledgments This chapter is based on my previous keynote speech on ‘Multi-Dimensional Broadband Wireless’ at Stanford University which attracted over 500 attendees from Silicon Valley. Many materials here are from 3Gwireless’2000 proceedings by Delson Group. Thanks should also be given to my colleagues in ITU WP8F, ITU JRG 8A-9B and IEEE 802.16 for their encouragement and supports. References and Further Reading [1] ‘4Gmobile – Beyond IMT-2000’, ITU 8F/INFO/4-E DOC, Mar. 2000. [2] ‘The 4Gmobile Systems’, ITU 8F/INFO/1-E DOC, Feb. 2000. [3] J. Hu, ‘Applying IP over wmATM Technology to 3Gwireless’, IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 37, no. 11, pp. 64–67, Nov. 1999. [4] Proceedings of IEEE 3Gwireless’2000, San Francisco, CA, June 14–16, 2000. [5] Special Issue on ‘3Gwireless and Beyond’, IEEE Pers. Commun. Mag., Oct. 2000. [6] W. W. Lu, et al., ‘System Reference Model and Protocol Stack for Broadband Wireless Access’, Proceedings of IEEE ICC’2000, pp. 560–564, New Orleans, LA, June 18–22, 2000. [7] White paper on Broadband Wireless Access systems, http://www.ieee802.org/16

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