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Hướng dẫn dự thi TOEIC về kỹ năng Nghe - Đọc

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Như một cẩm nang cho những ai muốn dự thi TOEIC và hiểu rõ về chứng chỉ Quốc tế này. Cuốn sách cung cấp các thông tin cần thiết về kì thi TOEIC, được tổng hợp qua các phần nội dung của cuốn sách như: Giới thiệu về TOEIC, những câu hỏi liên quan đến TOEIC, tham gia thi TOEIC, các quy định và hướng dẫn thi TOEIC.... Bạn sẽ tìm thấy những thông tin mình cần về kì thi TOEIC trong cuốn sách này.

Chủ đề:

Nội dung Text: Hướng dẫn dự thi TOEIC về kỹ năng Nghe - Đọc

  1. Hướng dẫn dự thi Kỹ năng Nghe hiểu và Đọc hiểu Baøi thi TOEIC Know English. Know Success.
  2. Muïc luïc Giôùi thieäu veà TOEIC® ----------------------------- 2 Baûn “TOEIC Background Questionnaire” TOEIC----------------------------------- ---2 vaø baûn “Answer Sheet” ------------------------- 12 T ’’ ------------- 12 ------------------------------------- 12 Nhöõng caâu hoûi thöôøng gaëp lieân quan ñeán TOEIC ------2 -------------------------------------------------- 12 T ----------------------------- 12 T T ’’ ------- TOEIC? ------------------------ ------------------------------- 15 TOEIC? -------------------- T Keát quaû baøi thi TOEIC---------------------------- 17 T ---------------------- TOEIC? -------------- TOEIC ------------------------------------------------------- 17 T ---------------------- TOEIC 17 TOEIC --------------------------------------------- 17 TOEIC 17 Chöùng chæ TOEIC ------------------------------------ 4 T ---------------- 18 TOEIC --------------------------------- 18 Tham gia thi TOEIC--------------------------------- 4 T -------- ------------------------------------------- 4 T ---------- -----------18 ---------------------------------------- 4 ------------------------ 5 Caùc quy ñònh vaø höôùng daãn söû duïng keát quaû TOEIC ----------------------------------------------- 19 ---------------------- --------------------------------------------------- 19 ----------------------------------------------- 19 Caâu hoûi maãu ---------------------------------------- 7 -------------------------------------------------- 19 -------------------------------------------- 7 TOEIC -------------------------------- 20 -------------------------------------------- 7 -------------------------------------- 20 ------------------------------------------- 9 Ñeå bieát theâm thoâng tin chi tieát veà baøi thi TOEIC, xin vui loøng lieân heä vôùi caùc Vaên phoøng cuûa IIG Vieät Nam (TOEIC Vieät Nam) - IIG VIEÄT NAM Chi nhaùnh Ñaø Naüng Chi nhaùnh TP Hoà Chí Minh Truï sôû chính Toøa nhaø IIG Soá 268 Traàn Phuù, Q. Haûi Chaâu, Soá 3 Ñöôøng 3 Thaùng 2, Phöôøng 11, Soá 75 Giang Vaên Minh, Q. Ba Ñình, TP Ñaø Naüng, Vieät Nam Q. 10, TP Hoà Chí Minh, Vieät Nam Haø Noäi, Vieät Nam Ñieän thoaïi : (84- 511) 3565 888 Ñieän thoaïi : (84- 8) 3929 2633/34 Ñieän thoaïi : (84-4) 3773 2411 Fax : (84- 511) 3565 154 Fax : (84- 8) 3929 2635 Fax : (84- 4) 3835 9418 E-mail : E-mail : E-mail : 1 Höôùng daãn döï thi TOEIC - Kyõ naêng Nghe hieåu & Ñoïc hieåu Muïc luïc
  3. Giôùi thieäu veà TOEIC TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) Caáu truùc baøi thi TOEIC TOEIC TOEIC môùi T T TOEIC TOEIC môùi Nhöõng caâu hoûi thöôøng gaëp lieân quan ñeán TOEIC Ñoái töôïng thi TOEIC 2 Giôùi thieäu veà TOEIC
  4. Nhöõng caâu hoûi thöôøng gaëp lieân quan ñeán TOEIC (tieáp theo) Muïc ñích thi TOEIC? Noäi dung caùc caâu hoûi trong baøi thi TOEIC? Thôøi gian vaø ñòa ñieåm thi TOEIC? Khoaûng caùch giöõa caùc laàn thi TOEIC? Leä phí thi TOEIC? Möùc ñieåm ñeå “ñoã” baøi thi TOEIC? Ngöôøi khuyeát taät coù theå thi TOEIC? Nhöõng caâu hoûi thöôøng gaëp lieân quan ñeán TOEIC 3 Höôùng daãn döï thi TOEIC - Kyõ naêng Nghe hieåu & Ñoïc hieåu
  5. Chöùng chæ TOEIC (TOEIC Certificate of Achievement) T TOEIC C ERTIFICATE OF A CHIEVEMENT T This is to certify that Your Name achieved the following scores on the Test of English for International Communication Listening 5 Reading 5 Total 10 As administered under the auspices of: Your Test Center at: 01-January-2009 date: date of birth: identification: TOEIC SCALE Listening: 5-495 T Reading: 5-495 Total: 10-990 114258 ORIGINAL DOCUMENT HAS WATERMARK ON REVERSE SIDE 725201 Tham gia thi TOEIC Quaù trình chuaån bò Quaù trình laøm baøi thi T 4 Chöùng chæ TOEIC
  6. Tham gia thi TOEIC (tieáp theo) Yeâu caàu veà chöùng minh nhaân thaân Caùc loaïi giaáy chöùng nhaän nhaân thaân boå sung sung Phaàn 1: Thoâng tin chung C Caùc loaïi giaáy tôø khoâng ñöôïc chaáp nhaän T T C T HAY TÊ V T Phaàn 2: Ñoái vôùi thí sinh laø coâng daân Vieät Nam T V T Caùc loaïi giaáy chöùng nhaän nhaân thaân chính 5 Höôùng daãn döï thi TOEIC - Kyõ naêng Nghe hieåu & Ñoïc hieåu Tham gia thi TOEIC
  7. Tham gia thi TOEIC (tieáp theo) Phaàn 3: Ñoái vôùi thí sinh laø ngöôøi nöôùc ngoaøi V Anh Noäi quy phoøng thi T Huyû boû tö caùch döï thi vaø keát quaû thi 6 Tham gia thi TOEIC
  8. Caâu hoûi maãu T T Höôùng daãn chung CAÂU HOÛI MAÃU Caâu hoûi 1: Phaàn I: Nghe hieåu 1- Phaàn 1: Hình aûnh Caâu hoûi 2: Ví duï 7 Höôùng daãn döï thi TOEIC - Kyõ naêng Nghe hieåu & Ñoïc hieåu Caâu hoûi maãu
  9. Caâu hoûi maãu (tieáp theo) 2- Phaàn 2: Hoûi vaø traû lôøi 3- Phaàn 3: Hoäi thoaïi Sheet. Ví duï: Where is the meeting room? MOÄT SOÁ CAÂU HOÛI MAÃU (A) To meet the new director. (B) It’ (C) Yes, at two o’clock. ( ) I think I’ll have to take the train to the week. Answer Sheet. (Nam) Don't you usually drive when you go to those meetings? I thought you didn't like to MOÄT SOÁ CAÂU HOÛI MAÃU take the train. Caâu hoûi 1 ( ) I don’t, but the highway’s being repaired, 11. Did you make a dinner reservation? and I’m afraid I might be late if I have to make a detour through an area I don’t know very well. (B) Flight 261 to Osaka. (C) Yes, it’s at 7 o’clock. (Nam) You’re right. up there, too. Caâu hoûi 2 12. Who takes the packages to the post 41. Why is the woman going to the city? 41. Why is the woman going to the city? (A) Turn left at the corner. (A) To attend a sale (B) Martin usually does it. (B) To go to a meeting (C) No, I didn’t. (C) To get her car repaired Caâu hoûi 3 (D) To go on a tour 13. isn’t it? 42. How will she get there? (A) Yes, it’s very complicated. 42. How will she get there? (B) Yes, I often wear it. (A) By car (C) No, but she used to. (B) By bus Caâu hoûi 4 (C) By train 14. Why don’t you have a seat while you (D) By airplane wait? (A) Two in the same row, please. 43. What is the problem? (B) It didn’t weigh very much. 43. What is the problem? (C) Thanks, I think I will. (A) The trains are often late. Caâu hoûi 5 (B) The meeting may be canceled. 15. They’ve reduced the price of these (C) cameras. (D) The roads are being (A) Then let’s go ahead and buy one. (B) I don’t think we’ve been introduced. (C) I never win anything. 8 Caâu hoûi maãu
  10. Caâu hoûi maãu (tieáp theo) 4- Phaàn 4: Ñoaïn thoâng tin (A) (B) (C) T (D) T Phaàn II: Ñoïc hieåu MOÄT SOÁ CAÂU HOÛI MAÃU ( ) 5- Phaàn 5: Hoaøn thaønh caâu MOÄT SOÁ CAÂU HOÛI MAÃU A (A) T (B) T (C) T (D) T 9 Höôùng daãn döï thi TOEIC - Kyõ naêng Nghe hieåu & Ñoïc hieåu Caâu hoûi maãu
  11. Caâu hoûi maãu (tieáp theo) 105. Of the two animated lms released today, _____is 7- Phaàn 7: Ñoïc hieåu certain to be popular with children, while the other will appeal more to adults. (A) neither (B) it (C) one (D) another 6- Phaàn 6: Hoaøn thaønh ñoaïn vaên MOÄT SOÁ CAÂU HOÛI MAÃU ATTENTION ART MOÄT SOÁ CAÂU HOÛI MAÃU For descriptions and pictures of select items reward you for your excellent performance, the Board of (A) T (B) joined (B) T (C) composed (C) To of (D) included (D) T (A) (C) Beforehand (B) (D) Otherwise (C) will be examined carefully as we determine the appropri (D) View some pieces of art (B) to inform (C) will inform 10 Caâu hoûi maãu
  12. Caâu hoûi maãu (tieáp theo) (A) T (B) T (C) T (D) T (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) A (B) A (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) Ñaùp aùn PHAÀN 1 PHAÀN 2 PHAÀN 3 PHAÀN 4 PHAÀN 5 PHAÀN 6 PHAÀN 7 1. B 11. C 41. B 71. C 101. D 141. D 153. A 2. D 12. B 42. C 72. B 102. B 142. B 154. D 13. A 43. D 73. D 103. B 143. C W 14. C 104. A 181. B 15. A 105. C 182. D 183. C The bearer of this certificate is entitled to £25 184. B off the price of a meal at Winchester Falls Café. 185. A Café Locations: London, Birmingham, Manchester Expires: December 31 For customer service or inquiries, contact Winchester Falls' Guest Relations Department by telephone at 0616 555-4239 or by mail at 77 Twickenham Road, Manchester WF1 JK2. 11 Höôùng daãn döï thi TOEIC - Kyõ naêng Nghe hieåu & Ñoïc hieåu Caâu hoûi maãu
  13. Baûn “TOEIC Background Questionnaire” vaø baûn “Answer Sheet” Maõ ñôn vò Baûn “TOEIC Background Questionnaire” Maõ theo yeâu caàu khaùch haøng Baûn “Answer sheet” 12 Baûn "TOEIC Background Questionnaire" vaø Baûn "Answer Sheet"
  14. Background Questionnaire TOEIC Read the choices below each question and select the one best answer. Fill in only one answer for each question. Section I. Your educational and/or work-related 03. Manufacturing - food background 04. Manufacturing - pharmaceutical 05. Manufacturing - chemicals 1. Choose either the level of education in which you are 06. Manufacturing - fabric/paper currently enrolled or the highest level that you have 07. Manufacturing - oil/petroleum/rubber completed. 08. Manufacturing - steel/other metals A. Elementary school (primary school) 09. Manufacturing - machinery/fine machinery B. General secondary school (junior high school) 10. Manufacturing - electronic C. Secondary school for university entrance qualification or equivalent (high school) 11. Manufacturing - vehicles (includies manufacturing of D. Vocational/technical high school all modes of transportation) E. Vocational/technical school after high school 12. Manufacturing - cement/glass F. Community/junior college (for associate degree) 13. Manufacturing - clothing G. Undergraduate college or university (for 14. Manufacturing - other bachelor’s degree) 15. Service - education (high school equivalent or below) H. Graduate or professional school (for master’s or 16. Service - education (college equivalent or above, doctoral degree) assessment, research) I. Language institution 17. Service - court/legislalive/municipal/prefecture 2. Choose the major that you are currently enrolled in 18. Service - foreign affairs or the major of your highest degree. 19. Service - armed forces (The majors shown in parentheses are examples 20. Service - health/hospital/medical research only.) 21. Service - hotel/recreation/restaurant/travel A. Liberal arts (education, fine arts, languages, literature, music, psychology) 22. Service - other B. Social studies/law (international studies, law 23. Public utilities production/management studies, political science, sociology) (electricity/water supply) C. Accounting/business/economics 24. Broadcasting/mass media D. Finance/marketing/trading 25. Telecommunication E. Sciences (agriculture, computer science, 26. Retail/wholesale mathematics, physics, statistics) 27. Trading F. Health (medicine, nursing, pharmacy, public 28. Accounting/banking/finance/security health) 29. Insurance G. Engineering/architecture 30. Real estate H. Other/none 31. Transportation 3. Which of the following best describes your current 32. Other status? 5. If you are currently employed, which of the following A. I am employed full-time (including self employed). best describes the type of job you do? B. I am employed part-time and/or study part-time. (The jobs shown in parentheses are examples only.) C. I am not employed. (Skip to Questions #6.) A. Management (executive, manager, director) D. I am a full-time student. (Skip to Question #6.) B. Scientific/technical professionals (engineer, 4. If you are currently employed, which industry best mathematician, programmer, researcher, scientist) describes that of your current employer? C. Teaching/training 01. Agriculture/fishing/forestry/mining D. Professional specialist (accountant, broker, financial 02. Construction/building design specialist, lawyer) E. Technician (carpenter, electrician, equipment operator, plumber) Copyright © 2006. EDUCATIONAL TESTING SERVICE, Educational ETS, ETS logo, and TOEIC are registered trademarks of Testing Service Educational Testing Service. Baûn "TOEIC Background Questionnaire" 13 Höôùng daãn döï thi TOEIC - Kyõ naêng Nghe hieåu & Ñoïc hieåu
  15. Background Questionnaire TOEIC - Side 2 F. Marketing/Sales (foreign exchange broker, 10. How often has difficulty with English affected your marketing analyst, real estate agent, sales ability to communicate? representative, travel agent) A. Almost never G. Clerical/administrative (office staff member, B. Seldom receptionist, secretary) C. Sometimes H. Services (customer service representative, human D. Frequently resources representative, hotel staff member, public E. Almost always relations representative ) 11. Have you ever lived in a country in which English is I. Other the main spoken language? A. No (Skip to Question #13.) Section II. B. Yes, for less than 6 months C. Yes, for 6 to 12 months Your English-language experience D. Yes, for more than 1 but less than or equal to 2 years 6. How many years have you spent studying English? E. Yes, for more than 2 years A. Less than or equal to 4 years 12. What was your main purpose for living in a country B. More than 4 years but less than or equal to 6 in which English is the main spoken language? years A. To study (in other than an English-language C. More than 6 years but less than or equal to 10 program) years B. To participate in an English-language program D. More than 10 years C. To travel (not work related) 7. Which of the following language skills are/were most emphasized? D. To work A. Listening E. Other B. Reading Section III. C. Speaking Your experience in taking the TOEIC test D. Writing E. Listening and writing 13. Before today, how many times have you taken the G. Listening, reading, speaking, and writing TOEIC test? 8. How much time must you use English in your daily A. Never life? B. Once A. None at all C. Twice B. 1 to 10% D. Three times or more C. 11 to 20% 14. What is your main purpose for taking today’s D. 21 to 50% TOEIC test? E. 51 to 100% A. For a job application 9. Which of the following English-language skills do B. For promotion you use most often? C. To assess the effectiveness of an English- A. Listening language program B. Reading D. To assess future learning needs C. Speaking E. To graduate from a course of study D. Writing 00004-B1071 Y67E5 Printed in U.S.A. E. Listening and speaking 741714 F. Reading and writing G. Listening, reading, speaking, and writing 14 Baûn "TOEIC Background Questionnaire"
  16. 15 Höôùng daãn döï thi TOEIC - Kyõ naêng Nghe hieåu & Ñoïc hieåu Baûn "Answer Sheet" maãu
  17. Keát quaû baøi thi TOEIC Tính coâng baèng cuûa baøi thi vaø caùch söû duïng ñieåm TOEIC YÙ nghóa ñieåm soá TOEIC Ñaùnh giaù naêng löïc Ñieåm thöù haïng theo nhoùm Phieáu ñieåm TOEIC Ñoä tin caäy cuûa baøi thi TOEIC Toång ñieåm thi cuûa Phieáu ñieåm Mieâu taû möùc ñoä thoâng thaïo theo ñieåm soá 17 Höôùng daãn döï thi TOEIC - Kyõ naêng Nghe hieåu & Ñoïc hieåu Keát quaû baøi thi TOEIC
  18. Keát quaû baøi thi TOEIC (tieáp theo) Tính hieäu löïc cuûa baøi thi TOEIC Ñoä leäch chuaån cuûa ñieåm TOEIC (SEM) Ñoïc hieåu Nghe hieåu Ñoïc ñöôïc caùc bieân baûn ghi nhôù Hieåu caùc höôùng daãn tìm ñöôøng - Hieåu ñöôïc caùc tin nhaén baèng Ñoïc ñöôïc vaø coù theå chuyeån taûi gioïng noùi qua ñieän thoaïi. noäi dung tieáng Anh sang ngoân - Ghi laïi caùc lôøi nhaén ñieän thoaïi ngöõ cuûa mình cho ñoàng nghieäp. Hieåu ñöôïc caùc tranh luaän Phuùc khaûo baøi thi TOEIC môû roäng cuûa moät chuû ñeà Ñoïc vaø hieåu caùc chæ daãn phöùc taïp Noùi Vieát Leân danh saùch caùc coâng vieäc Goïi ñieän ñaët haøng caàn thieát cho kyø nghæ cuoái tuaàn Mieâu taû hình daùng moät ngöôøi Vieát 1 baùo caùo chính thöùc 5 baïn trang veà döï aùn cuûa ai ñoù ñaõ laøm Vieát thöù töï giôùi thieäu baûn thaân Tranh luaän veà yù kieán cuûa ai ñoù vaø mieâu taû naêng löïc phaåm chaát Thôøi gian löu giöõ keát quaû TOEIC T 18 Keát quaû baøi thi TOEIC
  19. Caùc Quy ñònh vaø Höôùng daãn söû duïng Keát quaû baøi thi TOEIC Giôùi thieäu Höôùng daãn • • T Quy ñònh • TOEIC 19 Höôùng daãn döï thi TOEIC - Kyõ naêng Nghe hieåu & Ñoïc hieåu Caùc Quy ñònh vaø Höôùng daãn söû duïng Keát quaû baøi thi TOEIC



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