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IP Địa Chỉ

Chia sẻ: Nguyen Kien | Ngày: | Loại File: PDF | Số trang:9

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IP luôn là một câu hỏi gây thắc mắc cho nhiều sinh viên hay học sinh mới tìm hiểu về mạng máy tính và trong tài liệu này chúng ta cùng đi đến các khai niệm cơ bản để làm rõ điều này

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Nội dung Text: IP Địa Chỉ

  1. LaNet IP Address Updat e/Request Form (Instructions At ach ed ) t 1. O rganization 1a. Nam e of O rganization...........: 1b. Pos t address of O rganizat al ion..: 2. Tech nical Cont (PO C) act 2a. A rin h andl (if k now n)……..: e 2b. Nam e (L t First).............: as , 2c. Tit e …….......................…: l 2d. Pos t address…..............….: al 2e . Ph one Num ber.................….: 2f. E-M ail box.......….............…..: ______________________________________________________________________________ Exist IP Address Inform at ing ion 3. Addresses previousl assigned by Int y ernic/A R IN...: Indicat for e ach net ork h ow addresses h av been used, t incl e w e o ude: 3a. Ne t ork Num ber……………..: w 3b. Subnet m ask ...................…: 3c. Num ber of h ost s.................: 3d. Num ber of subnet s............…: 4. Addresses previousl assigned by L y aNet…: Plas e s ubm it inform at for each of your L e ion aNet assigned IP net ork s in t e form at of th e exam pl bel : w h e ow (Se e Ins t ions , M odify and Copy if m ore t an one) ruct h Net ork …………….:204.19 w ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net ork / w H ost used Av abl Proj ed used ail e ect Subnet Addr. Subnet M ask Current # - Current # 6m o - 1yr - D e s cription ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 204.19 xxx xxx xxx xxx Xxxxxxx --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tot s al xxx xxx xxx xxx ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. 5. Request for New IP addresses from L aNet (Com pl e t is section 5 & 6 onl if you are request New IP ad d resses) et h y ing Plas e prov t e fol ing inform at e ide h low ion. H os t Inform ation 5a. Init ial .....................: 5b. W it in 6 M on.…………………: h 5c. W it in 1 ye ar...................: h Subnet Inform at ion 5d. Initial ....................: 5e . W it in 6 M on…………………: h 5f. W it in 1 ye ar.............…….: h 6. Addresses Request d and J ificat e ust ion 6a. Num ber of addresses re q uested…………………...: 6b. Additionalsupport j ificat ing ust ion...................: If re q ue s t ne w addresses you are re q uired t subm it t e net ork t ing o h w opol pl in t e form at of th e ogy an h exam pl bel : (See Inst ions, M odify and Copy if m ore t an one ) e ow ruct h ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net ork / w M ax Initial Proj ct used e ed Subnet Addr. Subnet M ask H ost # H ost # 6m o - 1yr - D e s cript ion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- xxx xxx xxx xxx Xxxxxxx --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tot s al xxx xxx xxx xxx --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Net ork Address Transl ion: w at 7a. D o you current y em pl Net ork Address Transl ion t rough t e use of a firew al rout or som e l oy w at h h l, er ot e r m e ans est is h ing a priv e net ork part ion in your ent rprise? h abl at w it e 7b. Are you pl anning t ut ize Net ork Address Transl ion (NAT) in you net ork ? o il w at w W h at t e fram e do you ant im icipate? 8. Type of Net ork w Type ……………: 9 . Dat Form Com pl e d …………….: e et
  3. INSTR UCTIO NS FO R R EQUESTING INTE R NET PR O TO CO L(IP) NUM BER S Com plt of th e Net ork t pl e abov is re q uired t obt Int e ion w em at e o ain ernet Protocol(IP) Net ork Num bers. w In t e Subj ct fie l of th e E-m ail essage, use t e w ords: IP ADDRE SS REQUEST. h e d m h Plas e s ubm it t e t pl e v E-m ail o L e h em at ia t aNet at l -noc@ l . W h en : anet L t R e gis t ion Serv aNe rat ices receiv your com pl ed t pl e you w il be not es et em at l ified v E-m ail If E-m ail not av abl t you, pl fax h ardcopy t L ia . is ail e o ease o aNet and , indicat a re t fax num ber for t e Point of Cont at your organizat e urn h act ion. Cont L t v fax at act aNe ia : (225) 219 -4867 P EASE READ TH E FO L O W ING INFO R M A TION PR IO R TO R EQUESTING AN IP NUM BER FR O M L L Lt aNe : You are e ncouraged t use IP num bers reserv for priv e net ork s (as set fort in R FC19 18) w h ere o ed at w h pos s ibl. e NO TE: Your organizat w il be assigned address space for onl an im m ediat t one (1) year re q uirem ent ion l y eo . A prefix l r t an /24 m ay be issued if deem ed appropriat onge h e. ____________________________________________________________________________ Section 1. O rganizat Nam e and Post Address. ion al Prov t e nam e and ph ysical ide h address of th e organizat t at w il ion h l be ut izing t e IP address space. il h 1a. Nam e of O rganization. 1b. Pos t Addre s s al Section 2 . Te ch nicalPoint of Cont (PO C). act Th e t nical C is t e person responsibl for t e t nicalaspect of m aint ech PO h e h ech s aining an organization's IP address space . Th is person sh oul be abl t answ er any ut izat q uest d eo il ion ions L aNet m ay h ave. 2a. A R IN- h andl (if k now n). e Each PO C ent ered in t e A R IN dat h abase is assigned a user h andl a uniq ue e,
  4. t cons ist of th e person's init s and a num ber. Th is t is used in ag ing ial ag databas e re cords t indicat a PO C for a ne t ork , dom ain, or ot e r ent y. o e w h it If you are unsure of th e user h andl or w h e t e r one is assigned, perform a e h "L nam e , First nam e" search in t e W H O IS dat ast h abase . If th e PO C's user h andl is unk now n, l e 2a bl . e eav ank 2b. Nam e . Pl t e l nam e and t e first nam e of th e PO C on t e sam e l , se parat by a com m a as s h ow n: ace h ast h h ine ed L t nam e , Firs t nam e as EXAM P ES: L Sm it , M ary h Net an, J n m oh 2c. Tit e . l L t e PO C's t l if k now n. ist h it e, 2d. Pos t Addre s s . al Prov t e ph ysicaladdress of th e PO C at t e organizat re q ues t ide h h ion ing IP address space. 2e . Ph one Num ber. You m us t t e l t e com pl e t eph one num ber of th e PO C. h ist h et el 2f. E-m ail box. You m us t prov t e E-m ail ide h address of th e PO C at t e organizat h ion re q ue st IP address space. ing Section 3. Addresses Previousl Assigned by Int rnic/Arin. y e Plas e l t al IP addresses prev e is l iousl ass igned t your ent organizat direct y by t e Int y o ire ion l h ernic or A m e rican R e gis t of Int ry ernet Num bers. Pl ease res pond t it m s 3a t rough 3d w it a specific descript oe h h ion regarding t e ut izat of th ose addresses. h il ion 3a. IP Net ork Address w 3b. Subnet m as k . 3c. Num ber of h ost . s 3d. Num ber of subnet s. Section 4. Addresses Previousl Assigned by L y aNet.
  5. Plas e l t al IP addresses prev e is l iousl assigned t your ent organizat by L y o ire ion aNet (Th is w oul incl any . d ude addresses in t e 204.19 6.X.X range) h Plas e s t e e xact y h ow addresses are being used. As st ed on t e t pl e, you w il need t com pl e t e e at l at h em at l o et h ne t ork ut izat t e in t e form at sh ow n on t e t pl e. Th is sh oul incl t e fol ing: w il ion abl h h em at d ude h low Net ork / Subnet Address w Subnet M as k H os t used Current # (h ost addresses current y in use) l A v abl Current # (h ost addresses current y not in use) ail e l Proj ct Used 6m o (t al ost proj ed t be in use in 6 m ont s) e ed ot h ect o h Proj ct Used 6m o (t al ost proj ed t be in use in 6 m ont s) e ed ot h ect o h D e s cript (de s cript of net ork ) ion ion w Plas e s ubm it inform at for each of your L e ion aNet assigned IP net ork s in t e form at of th e exam pl w h es bel : ow Net ork …………….:204.19 6.207.0 w (Th is is an exam pl onl e y) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net ork / w H ost used Av abl Proj ed used ail e ect Subnet Addr. Subnet M ask Current # - Current # 6m o - 1yr - D e scription ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 204.19 6.207.0 126 127 200 200 L ibrary --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tot s al 126 127 200 200 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net ork …………….:204.19 6.208.0 w (Th is is an exam pl onl e y) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net ork / w H ost used Av abl Proj ed used ail e ect Subnet Addr. Subnet M ask Current # - Current # 6m o - 1yr - D e s cript ion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 204.19 6.208.0 0 1 0 0 Not Used 204.19 6.208.4 1 1 1 1 W eb Serv er 204.19 6.208.8 3 3 5 6 Adm inist ion rat 204.19 6.208.16 7 7 10 12 Account ing 204.19 6.208.32 15 15 20 20 R e s e arch 204.19 6.208.64 2 31 31 50 62 W ork st ions at 204.19 6.208.128 2 0 62 0 0 Not Used 204.19 6.208.19 2 2 0 62 0 0 Not Used --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tot s al 57 182 86 101 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 5. R e q ue st for Additional addresses from L IP aNet.
  6. H os t Inform ation. 5a. Init l ialy. Plas e incl h ere your est at for t e init size of th e net ork . e ude im es h ial w 5b. & 5c. W it in 6m os & 1 year. h Plas e incl h ere your est at for t e "t al size t e net ork is proj ct t be 6 m ont s and 1 year e ude im es h ot " h w e ed o h from now . A "h ost is defined as any node or any dev " ice, e .g. PC or print t at w il be ass igned an er h l address from t e h ost port of th e net ork num ber. h ion w Subnet Inform ation. 5d. Init l ialy Incl t e num ber of subnet t at w il be support by t e net ork init l ude h sh l ed h w ialy. 5e . & 5f. W it in 6m os & 1 year. h Incl t e "t al num ber of subnet proj ed t be support by t e net ork 6 m ont s and 1 year ude h ot " s ect o ed h w h from now . Section 6. Num ber of Addre s s e s R e q uest and Addit ed ionalSupport D ocum ent ion. ing at 6a. Num ber of Addre s s e s R e q uested. Pl e s t e e xact y h ow m any addresses you are re q uest eas at l ing. 6b. Addit ional us t j ification. Plas e s t e e xact y h ow m any addresses you are re q uest al w it any addit e at l ing ong h ional us t j ification ne ce s s ary. As st ed on t e t pl e, you w il need t com plt t e net ork t at h em at l o ee h w opol pl in t e form at ogy an h s h ow n on t e t pl e. h em at Your organizat is st ion rongl encouraged t subnet w h e re feasibl. y o e Addres s space is issued based on t e ut izat of Variabl L h Subnet M ask ing h il ion e engt pe r R FC 2050. If re q ue s t ne w addresses you are re q uired t subm it t e net ork t ing o h w opol pl in t e form at of th e ogy an h
  7. e xam pl bel : es ow Net ork …………… w (Th is is an exam pl onl e y) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net ork / w M ax Initial Proj ed used ect Subnet Addr. Subnet M ask H ost # H ost # 6m o - 1yr - D e s cript ion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- nnn.nnn.nnn.0 254 100 130 160 Bayou TC --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tot s al 254 100 130 160 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net ork …………… w (Th is is an exam pl onl e y) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net ork / w M ax Initial Proj ed used ect Subnet Addr. Subnet M ask H ost # H ost # 6m o - 1yr - D e s cript ion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- nnn.nnn.nnn.0 30 0 0 0 Not Used nnn.nnn.nnn.32 30 20 20 25 Sat l e 1 el it nnn.nnn.nnn.64 30 15 25 25 L ibrary nnn.nnn.nnn.9 6 30 8 10 12 Adm inist ion rat nnn.nnn.nnn.128 2 62 40 50 60 M ain Cam pus nnn.nnn.nnn.19 2 14 8 10 12 Facul ty nnn.nnn.nnn.208 6 3 3 4 M IS nnn.nnn.nnn.216 6 0 0 0 (Spare) nnn.nnn.nnn.224 30 0 0 0 Not Used --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tot s al 238 94 118 138 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NO TE: Th is represent one /24 (Cl C) using V s ass ariabl L h Subnet M ask ing e engt (V SM ). L Section 8. Type of Net ork . w Net ork s are ch aract w erized as being one of four types: Research , Educational, Gov rnm ent e -Non D e fense, Gov ernm ent e fense. W h ich t -D ype is t is net ork ? h w For furt e r inform at cont L h ion act aNet R e gist ion Serv rat ices v E-m ailat ia :
  8. lt ane -noc@ l t or v Fax at (225) 219 -4867 ia or by ph one at (225) 219 -4860 R E CO M M ENDED READING R e k h t r, Y., M os k ow it B., Karrenberg, D ., de Groot G. e z. , Addre s s A l ion for Priv e Int locat at ernet IBM Corp., Ch rysl Corp., s, er R IPE NCC. February 19 9 6. R FC 19 18. 9 p. H ubbard, K., Kost ers, M ., Conrad, D ., Karrenberg, D ., Post , J el . Int rne t R e gis t IP Al ion Guidel e ry locat ines; em ber 19 9 6. Nov BCP 12. R FC 2050. 13 p. Braden, R.T.; t , J Pos el .B. R e q uire m ent for Int s ernet Gat ays. M arina D e lRey, CA: Univ ew ersit of y Sout e rn Cal h ifornia, Inform at Sciences Inst ut J 19 87. R FC 1009 . ion it e. une 55 p. Int rne t Engine e ring Task Force, Braden, R.T. e R e q uire m ent for Int s ernet H ost -- Com m unicat L s ion ayers. M arina delRey, CA: Univ rs it of Sout ern Cal ey h ifornia, Inform at Sciences Inst ut ion it e. O ct ober 19 89 . R FC 1122. 116 p. Int rne t Engine e ring Task Force, Braden, R.T. e R e q uire m ent for Int s ernet H ost -- Appl ion and Support s icat . M arina del Rey, CA: Univ ersit of Sout ern Cal y h ifornia, Inform ation Science s Ins t ut O ct it e. ober 19 89 . R FC 1123. 9 8 p. Int rne t A ct it s Board. Int e iv ie ernet O fficialProtocolStandards. 19 9 4 M arch ; FC 1600. 34p. R Pos t l J e , .B. Int rnet St e andard Subnet ing Procedure. t St anford, CA : Stanford Universit M arch 19 9 5. R FC 1780. O b sol e s R FC1720. y. et Pos t l J e , .B. Int rnet Cont M e s s age Prot e rol ocol M arina delRey, CA: . Univ rs it of Sout ern Cal ey h ifornia, Inform at Sciences Inst ut ion it e.
  9. Sept m ber 19 81. R FC 79 2. 21 p. e Pos t l J e , .B. Trans m ission Cont Prot rol ocol M arina delRey, CA: . Univ rs it of Sout ern Cal ey h ifornia, Inform at Sciences Inst ut ion it e. Sept m ber 19 81. R FC 79 3. 85 p. e Pos t l J e , .B. Us e r D atagram Prot ocol M arina delRey, CA: Univ . ersity of Sout e rn Cal h ifornia, Inform at Sciences Inst ut August 19 80 ion it e. R FC 768. 3 p. Pos t l J e , .B. Int rnet Prot e ocol M arina del . Rey, CA: Universit of y Sout e rn Cal h ifornia, Inform at Sciences Inst ut Sept ber 19 81. ion it e. em R FC 79 1. 45 p. Reynol J ds, .K.; el J Post , .B. Assigned Num bers. M arina delRey, CA: Univ rs it of Sout ern Cal ey h ifornia, Inform at Sciences Inst ut ion it e. O ctober 19 9 4. R FC 1700. Obsol e s R FC1340. et INTE R NET R E SO UR CES Int rne t R e q ue s t for Com m ent (R FC) * (R FC's can be found at t is sit * e s s * h e)* h t p://w w w .cis .oh io-st t t at bin/rfc/INDEX.rfc.h t l m Underst anding IP Addressing h t p://w w w .3com .com /nsc/501302s.h t l t m IP Addre s s Subnet ing Tut t orial h t p://w w w .ral t ph



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