Isolation, identification and molecular detection of zoonotic campylobacter jejuni isolated from mutton and beef samples
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Campylobacter species are a leading cause of food-borne disease and C. jejuni highlight the most potential public health impact of Campylobacter contamination by pathogens originating from animals or animal products.. The total of 33meat samples comprising 8 from sheep (5) and goat (3) also 25 beef samples were screened by morphological, biochemical and molecular technique.
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Nội dung Text: Isolation, identification and molecular detection of zoonotic campylobacter jejuni isolated from mutton and beef samples
- Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(11): 1884-1892 International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 9 Number 11 (2020) Journal homepage: http://www.ijcmas.com Original Research Article https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcmas.2020.911.223 Isolation, Identification and Molecular Detection of Zoonotic Campylobacter jejuni Isolated from Mutton and Beef Samples Sumedha Bobade*, K. Vijayarani, K. G. Tirumurugaan, A. Thangavelu and S. Vairamuthu Department of Animal Biotechnology, Madras Veterinary College, TANUVAS, Chennai (Tamil Nadu), India *Corresponding author ABSTRACT Campylobacter species are a leading cause of food-borne disease and C. jejuni highlight the most potential public health impact of Campylobacter contamination by pathogens originating from animals or animal products.. The total of 33meat samples comprising 8 Keywords from sheep (5) and goat (3) also 25 beef samples were screened by morphological, CCDA, Hip O, biochemical and molecular technique. The isolates were subjected to phenotypic MAP, Hippurate, characterization using biochemical test and genotypic characterization. The isolates from C. jejuni chevon (3 out of 3) and mutton (2 out of 5) were positive for morphological and biochemical examination. The 20 (80%) beef samples were found to be positive by Article Info morphological examination and 12(48%) isolates showed biochemical reactions positive for C.jejuni. The isolates were subjected to PCR targeting hip O and MAP A genes. The Accepted: 12 October 2020 result showed 66.66 % from chevon, 20% mutton and 20% isolates from beef samples Available Online: were found to be positive for C.jejuni. These findings suggest that PCR should be the 10 November 2020 preferred diagnostic method for detection of Campylobacter in livestock. The good hygienic and manufacturing practices must be followed in the entire food chain to prevent the contamination of food due to microbe which can cause Campylobacteriosis among the consumers. Introduction Campylobacter spp. would pose a significant public health concern (Sanad et al., 2011). The pathogenesis of C. jejuni is poorly The sudden onset of fever, abdominal cramps, understood as compared to other enteric and diarrhoea with blood and leukocytes are pathogens (Rizal et al., 2010). Cattle are a characteristics of C. jejuni infection (Kim et major source of food and the cattle industry al., 2015). Campylobacter spp. can be engages people from farms to processing transferred from animals to humans by plants and meat markets, it is plausible that contaminated food of animal origin. Chicken beef-products contaminated with has been recognized as a major source for 1884
- Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(11): 1884-1892 human infection, whereas cattle might also reservoir and source of human contribute to a lesser extent. Cattle is the campylobacteriosis is primarily considered to second major reservoir for C. jejuni (Jonas et be poultry, but also other such as ruminants, al., 2015). The consumption of contaminated pets and environmental sources are related meat and meat products are responsible for with infection burden (Maesaar et al., more than 90% of human infections caused by 2020).There is a high incidence of Campylobacter jejuni (Mikulic et al., 2016). Campylobacter species in meat carcasses, Campylobacteris considered as a principal suggesting these to be a reservoir of cause of most important zoonotic food-borne Campylobacteriosis agents, and consumption disease in humans for approximately 166 of undercooked meats is a potential health million diarrheal cases and globally 37,600 risk to consumers (Igwaran and Okoh, 2020). deaths per year (Oh et al., 2018). The major transmission routes of In humans, clinical signs of Campylobacteriosis in humans are Campylobacteriosis include diarrhea, consumption of contaminated or undercooked abdominal pain, fever, headache, nausea and meat. Despite the size of the livestock and vomiting. Most of Campylobacter are meat industry in India, little is known about sporadic and self-limiting, The main the Campylobacteriosis as zoonotic foodborne recognized sequelae are Guillain-Barré pathogen. Hence this study was attempted to Syndrome (GBS), the Reactive Arthritis detect the presence of C. jejuni using (REA) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). morphological, biochemical and PCR Thermo tolerant Campylobacter which has a technique and compare these techniques for clinical significance due to the consumption detection among different sources from of meat and meat products are C. jejuni and animal origin. its closely connected (Mikulic et al., 2016). For more than three decades Campylobacter Materials and Methods is pathogen-related causes and significant factor of diarrheal illnesses in human Collection of samples (Magana et al., 2017). This zoonotic infection is of great public health concern, with meats A total of (8) meat sample of Sheep (5) and known as the major risk factor (Carron et al., Goat (3) meat collected from retail outlet and 2018). Campylobacter spp. is a zoonotic beef (25) samples from slaughter house were bacterium and cause of human gastroenteritis collected using sterile containers and worldwide and main symptom is diarrhea transported immediately to the laboratory (Hlashwayo et al., 2020). under cold conditions for microbiological analysis. Campylobacter is difficult to isolate, grow and identify. Only Campylobacter jejuni can Processing of samples be routinely identified with phenotypic markers, and commercial systems may The isolation was performed according to misidentify non-jejuni species (Fitzgerald et Man (2011) and the isolates were identified al., 2016). Campylobacter poses an important by biochemical tests as described by risk for humans through shedding of the (Fitzgerald and Nachamkin, 2007 and pathogen in livestock waste and Lastovica and Allos, 2008). The reference contamination of water sources, environment, strain Campylobacter jejuni (ATCC33291) and food by colonization of different animal was used as standard for PCR. reservoirs (Gahamanyi et al., 2020). The 1885
- Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(11): 1884-1892 Phenotypic characterization C.jejuni based on the sequences available in the GenBank. The isolates were confirmed by Morphological examination PCR using designed primers in the study for hipO gene as forward primer (5- Sample was enriched in modified Charcoal TTCCATGACCACCTCTTCC-3) and reverse Cefoperazone Deoxycholate (mCCDA) broth primer (5-CTACTTCTTTATTGCTTGCTGC (Hutchinson and Bolton, 1984) with CCDA -3). supplement (FD 135) under microaerophillic conditions (candle jar method) by using The primers used for amplification of MAP A internal gas generation system using gene were forward primer (5- (Microaerophilic gas pack CampyPack-BD CTATTTTATTTTTGAGTGCTTGTG-3) and oxoid). reverse primers (5-GCTTTATTTGCC ATTTGTTTTATTA-3) (Khoshbakht et al., Biochemical test 2015). The isolates were identified based on their The PCR reactions were performed in 25 μl morphological and biochemical tests reaction mixture, containing 12.5 μl PCR .Suspected colonies were sub-cultured and master mix (2X-Ampliqon), 1μl of each confirmed by catalase, oxidase, nitrate and primer of a 10 μM primer concentration,1μl hippurate hydrolysis, Ninhydrintest, H2S MgCl2 (25mM), 3μl template DNA and 6.5 μl production for confirmation as C. jejuni. nuclease-free water making a total volume of 25 μl. The amplification conditions consisted Molecular confirmation of Campylobacter of initial denaturation at 94 °C for 3 min, 35 jejuni cycles with denaturation at 94 °C for 1 min, annealing at 53°C for HipO gene for 1 min, The biochemically identified isolates were and extension at 72 °C for 1 min, followed by further employed for molecular confirmation a final extension at 72 °C for 5 min as C. jejuni by polymerase chain reaction respectively (Al Amri et al., 2007) .The amplifying specific target gene using species- annealing temperature for MapA gene was specific oligonucleotide primers. DNA was optimized as 52 °C for 1 min (Khoshbakht et extracted by Phenol-Chloroform extraction al., 2015). The DNA from C. jejuni (ATCC method and the DNA concentration was 33291) was included as positive control for quantified by nanodrop and stored at -20°C PCR identification of the isolates and the until further processing. master mix without sample DNA used as negative control. The amplified products were Genotypic confirmation of isolates by observed and photographed using gel polymerase chain reaction for Hip O gene documentation System (Applied Biosystems). and MAP Agene Results and Discussion Polymerase chain reaction was carried out using primers for species specific genes. The Campylobacter spp. is a major cause of PCR was performed in a thermal cycler gastroenteritis, there is an urgent need to (Applied Biosystem). The hipO gene region is control these pathogens with zoonotic and the hippuricase gene, specific for C. jejuni. public health point of view. The Primers for hipO gene specific identification Campylobacter species are difficult to isolate were designed using the gene sequences of but the results from inoculation studies 1886
- Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(11): 1884-1892 showed that plates with charcoal had a better isolates from chevon and mutton and 12 recovery rate than other media used for isolates from beef were confirmed as C.jejuni isolation. Modified blood free Charcoal on basis of hippurate hydrolysis test. cefoperazone deoxycholate agar is commonly used worldwide (Bolton et al., 1984; Two samples from chevon and one from beef Hutchinson and Bolton, 1984). In current were positive for H2S production. The most of study all samples showed growth on mCCDA the samples were negative for H2S production agar plates. On selective agar, Blood free C. jejuni biotype 2 strains are H2S positive, modified charcoalcefoperazone deoxycholate whereas C. jejuni biotype 1 strains are H2S (mCCDA), colonies were found to be typical negative (Penner, 1988).In this studythree grey/white or creamy grey in colour, smooth, isolates were positive for H2S production glistening, and convex with entire edges and belong to biotyope 2 while 14belong to moist in appearance, dew drop with the biotype 1 of C.jejuni. tendency to spread with sticky nature were confirmed phenotypically as Campylobacter. Genotypic characterization The suspected colonies were examined for morphological characteristics, motility, The isolates were confirmed by polymerase Gram’s staining. Campylobacter species are chain with species specific primers for HIP O Gram negative rods with characteristically and MAP A gene. The size of PCR product for curved, spiral, or S-shaped cells. The overall Hip O gene was 270 bp and the size of the incidence of Campylobacter was found to be PCR product for MAP A gene was 589 bp. (3 out of 3) in chevon and (2 out of 5) mutton Three isolates (two from chevon and one from also 20 (80%) in beef by morphological mutton) as well as five from beef samples examination (Table 1 and 2). showed specific amplification and confirmed as C.jejuni. Biochemical characterization Incidence of Campylobacter jejuni in The isolates were processed for phenotypic chevon mutton and beef characterization and identified by biochemical tests, viz. oxidase, catalase, indoxyl acetate Among meat samples processed, the hydrolysis tests and H2S production in triple prevalence of Campylobacter was recorded in sugar iron test. In current investigation of raw beef (10.9%) and raw mutton (5.1%). The eight samples from mutton and chevon study reported that the prevalence of processed five isolates showed positive Campylobacter spp. was significantly higher reaction for all biochemical test. The Twelve in the food commodities, which included isolates from beef sampled showed positive raw/undercooked ingredients (Hussai et al., reaction for biochemical tests and tentatively 2007). A total of 183chevon, and 42 carabeef confirmed as Campylobacter. The test for were processed and samples showed hippurate hydrolysis is critical for separation characteristic colonies on mCCDA plates. of Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli strains. The prevalence rate of 7.6% was recorded in Glycine and benzoic acid are formed when chevon. None of the isolates were recovered hippurate is hydrolyzed by C. jejuni (Morris from beef samples. Most of the obtained et al., 1985). Out of the 46 isolates screened, isolates were classified as C. jejuni indicating 33 were found positive for hippurate that the C. jejuni was the most commonly hydrolysis and were classified as C. jejuni found species while in current study five beef (Kumar et al., 2015). In current study 5 samples were confirmed as C. jejuni. The 183 1887
- Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(11): 1884-1892 chevon samples processed, 14 (7.6%) were was isolated in 10.1% samples (Mpalang et reported as Campylobacter 10 were identified al., 2014). Pallavi and Kumar (2014) studied to be C. jejuni through molecular means the prevalence of Campylobacter species in (Monika et al., 2016), while in our study, 5 foods of animal origin. A total of 50 chevon (62.5%) from muton and chevon samples were collected from retail meat markets, were found to be positive by molecular slaughter houses and analyzed for isolation identification using species specific primer. biochemical characterization and confirmed Among the 853 livestock faecal samples, by polymerase chain reaction. The prevalence Campylobacter were detected by culture in of Campylobacter spp. in chevon 6% was 106 samples (12%); 72 samples (68%) tested observed while in current study highest positive for C. jejuni (Osbjer et al., 2016). A incidence rate was observed. total of Mutton (n=100) samples were collected from different open markets of The study to isolate and detect Campylobacter Kolkata cityCampylobacter spp. was detected species in meat samples, including mutton 64% of mutton meat samples. The most offals, beef, beef offals the samples were prevalent species recovered from samples was subjected to both traditional culture on Campylobacter jejuni with 58.8% of the modified charcoal cefoperazone deoxycholate isolates confirmed (Sharma et al., 2016) while agar (mCCDA) plates and PCR techniques. lower incidence was recorded from this study. From culture, a total of 845 presumptive isolates were obtained, of which 28.40% Rahimi et al., (2010) conducted a study to (208/845) were identified as 32.5% (208/640) determine the prevalence of Campylobacter were obtained from retail markets, 15.17% spp. isolated from retail raw meats in Iran. A (22/145) from butcheries, and 16.67% (10/60) total of (n = 190) beef, (n = 225) lamb, and (n from open markets. Campylobacter = 180) goat raw meat samples were purchased presumptive isolates from mutton sample 4 from randomly selected retail outlets and (44.44%) and 30 (33.71%) from beef were were evaluated for the presence of identified as genus Campylobacter. These Campylobacter spp. The highest prevalence were then characterised into species level, of of Campylobacter spp. was found in lamb which the prevalence rate of C. jejuni was meat (12.0%), followed by goat meat (9.4%), observed (16.66%) (Igwaran and Okoh, beef meat (2.4%). The most prevalent 2020). Campylobacter detection and Campylobacter spp. isolated from the meat prevalence calculations estimate in 17.8% samples was Campylobacter jejuni (84.0%) in (95% CI 12.6-24.5) of 2907 goat samples; accordance with current study. A total of 200 12.6% (95% CI 8.4-18.5) of 2382 sheep samples consisting of 100 meat and 100 liver samples; and 12.3% (95% CI 9.5-15.8) of surface swabs were collected from 47 lamb 6545 cattle samples suggested that meat and and 53 goat kid carcasses at 23 retail markets organs were significantly less likely to be in Northern Greece and 125 Campylobacter contaminated than gut samples (Thomas et isolates were recovered from 32 meat surfaces al., 2020).The overall prevalence of (32%) and 44 liver surfaces (44%) and C. Campylobacter for ovine trim based on PCR- jejuni (40.8%) detected species by multiplex detection was 33% (39 out of 120 samples) polymerase chain reaction (Lazou et al., with prevalence for hogget, lamb and mutton 2014).The overall prevalence of carcass trim of 56% (28out of 50), 11% (4 out Campylobacter in different sample groups of 35) and 20% (7 out of 35), respectively was 41.2%, 37.2%,23.7%, and 35.1% for goat (Rivas et al., 2020) in conformity with our meat, goat stomachs, RTE goat skewers, and study (Fig. 1). goat faecal samples, respectively. C. jejuni 1888
- Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(11): 1884-1892 Table.1 Result of biochemical test of C. jejuni isolated from different sources Sr. Samples/source Samples Isolates Biochemical test No. Examined showed growth on mCCDA Catalse oxidase nitrate Glysin Ninhydrin H2S production agar Positive Negative 1 Mutton (M1-M5) 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 0 2 2 Chevon (M6-M8) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 3 Beef 25 25 12 12 12 12 12 1 11 (BF1-BF25) M-sheep and goat meat BF-beef samples Table.2 Morphological, phenotypic and genotypic characterization of C. jejuni isolates Sr.No. Samples/source Morphological Phenotypic Genotypic Characterization Characterization Characterization 1 Mutton 2(40%) 2(40%) 1(20%) 2 Chevon 3(100%) 3(100%) 2(66.66%) 3 Beef 20 (80%) 12(48%) 5(20%) Figure.1 Comparative result of phenotypic and genotypic study of C. jejuni It is concluded in this study, we were able to from retail market from chevon and meat and isolates, identify and study incidence of beef with high incidence rate. The current Campylobacter jejuni in samples obtained study reveals that consumption of 1889
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