Practical design and testing of wind driven water pumping systems
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The goal is to pump 15 m3/day of water to cover the student services building needs. The test after installation showed that the pumping flow rate of 0.2 L/sec has been achieved; this result shows that the designed and manufactured wind pumping system can pump more than the record which allows storage of water.
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Nội dung Text: Practical design and testing of wind driven water pumping systems
- International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) Volume 10, Issue 03, March 2019, pp. 1419-1430. Article ID: IJMET_10_03_143 Available online at http://www.iaeme.com/ijmet/issues.asp?JType=IJMET&VType=10&IType=3 ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed PRACTICAL DESIGN AND TESTING OF WIND DRIVEN WATER PUMPING SYSTEMS Ahmad S. Awad Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering Technology, Al Balqa` Applied University, Amman-Jordan, (corresponding author, Email: ahmadawwad@bau.edu.jo ABSTRACT Wind energy is that clean, green, available and one of the most economical renewable energy source. Wind driven water pumping systems – windmills- are some of the older machines. Long time ago, windmills have been developed by many cultures to lift water for livestock, land drainage, irrigation and domestic supplies. As found from other wind projects and studies, the most economical and useful application that can be installed in the Jordanian arid regions is the wind pumping system using Windmill. The Windmill is a perfect choice for our region because it doesn’t need high wind speed and the wind torque can be achieved by using large rotors. The windmill converts kinetic energy in wind into mechanical energy and then into hydraulic energy into the pump. The 24 blade classic windmills are the most common type of windmills which it is the one that been chosen for the present study. Achieving the goal of this study could be done by the careful design of the rotor, transmission system and the pump. A good pump design will raise the system efficiency. A design is made and all calculations showed a very good pumping output. Then the model is manufactured in the faculty of engineering workshop from local materials. It is designed to be used in a wind speed of about 3.5 m/s at 8 m tower elevation. The goal is to pump 15 m3/day of water to cover the student services building needs. The test after installation showed that the pumping flow rate of 0.2 L/sec has been achieved; this result shows that the designed and manufactured wind pumping system can pump more than the record which allows storage of water. Keyword head: wind energy, water pumping, windmills, pumping design Cite this Article Ahmad S. Awad, Practical Design and Testing of Wind Driven Water Pumping Systems, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 10(3), 2019, pp. 1419-1430. http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/issues.asp?JType=IJMET&VType=10&IType=3 1. INTRODUCTION Today windmills are making a comeback thanks to rising conventional energy prices and the threat of energy shortages. With the rise in oil prices in the early 1970s, interest in wind pumps revived [1, 2]. However, the introduction of current multi conventional windmills in developing http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 1419 editor@iaeme.com
- Practical Design and Testing of Wind Driven Water Pumping Systems countries has been hampered by the cost of importing (or importing the materials needed to manufacture them) and maintenance requirements. But as new and more efficient wind turbines development and production costs are reduced through the use of materials obtained locally, the costs of pumping water with wind pumps can be decrease. A piece of equipment, which requires only the wind to operate and properly installed and maintained, can give more than 40 years of reliable service is a very attractive investment indeed. For most developing countries, renewable energy has been identified as an attractive alternative to solve their problems. Its attractiveness to developing countries grew out of the illusion that entry into the period of renewable energy technology could be achieved with great success without any real investment in scientific and technological capabilities. Wind energy technologies continue to mature; Performance is becoming better and more reliable, while at the same time costs continue to decline [3- 6]. Environmental issues are becoming very important because of the increase in energy consumption that has resulted in a significant impact on the health and safety of the human population. The Natural Resources Authority (NRA) and the Water Authority (WA) in Jordan agreed to implement a field project to pump water from deep wells using wind energy. A system consisting of a multi-sheet windmill, storage tanks and pumps [7, 8 and 9] was purchased, installed and tested. The Royal Scientific Society (RSS) has designed, built and tested a number of different models of mechanical wind pumps (MWPs). The program aims to strengthen the (RSS) experience and knowledge to be able to design and build different wind energy conversion systems (WECS) for different applications that fit the local conditions of Jordan [10, 11]. Bragg and Schmidt [10] presented a procedure that allows optimum selection of pumps and windmills for a given water pumping station. They found that when wind information, pump characteristics and windmill characteristics are available, one can select the best pump and windmill for the application and can predict the design of the entire system. In the year 2012, the Jordanian government issues the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency law, which states that the government of Jordan should work on: Exploiting renewable energy sources for increasing the percentage of their contribution to the total energy mix and contributing to environmental protection and achieving sustainable development by promoting the exploitation of renewable energy and improving its efficiency in various sectors [15]. To meet with the goals set by the Jordanian national energy strategy, the objectives of the present study are to design, manufacture and test the performance of locally made windmill for water pumping to determine wind energy potential in our faculty and to direct research and development of wind energy towards the beneficial applications in Jordan. 2. WIND ENERGY IN JORDAN Jordan has no verified and usable oil or gas reserves. Jordan like other developing countries depends entirely on imported oil for meeting its needs of commercial energy and its location in an area with high political insecurity has had an inhibiting effect on its ability to import energy. It has a heavy dependence on fossil fuels when Jordan currently imports around 96 percent of its energy needs, accounting for over 20 percent of GDP for the energy bill [16]. The annual growth rate of energy and electricity demand amount to 3%, and the maximum power demand is expected to be doubled in the next decade. So that the wind energy can be one of the renewable energy resources available for better utilizations in Jordan. Wind power can be converted into different useful energy forms, such as mechanical energy or electricity. It is an absolutely clean source of renewable energy with no emissions or direct influences on the environment. Wind power technology has come forward but the conventional type of windmill is still being built and used. It is widespread all over the world, mainly in developing countries http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 1420 editor@iaeme.com
- Ahmad S. Awad and remote areas. Jordan has important wind energy resources and constructions that could be used for power generation [8-11]. In the year 1983, Renewable Energy Research Center of the (RSS) completed a major study to measure the potential of renewable energy in Jordan. Parts of the study were listing the available wind data as a first estimation of the wind energy potential as shown in Country's Wind Atlas figure 1. The study concluded that most Jordan regions have moderate annual wind theoretical power of up to 250 W/m2, which is appropriate for water pumping and power generation at limited scales [17]. Some wind sites in Jordan show a favorable application towards wind powered water pumping. They include Mafraq, Ras Muneef, and Aqaba [18]. Country's Wind Atlas showed the wind speeds in Jordan are as high as 7.5 m/s, especially in the northern and western regions and are up to 11.5 m/s in the eastern areas of the country. Two wind projects exist with a capacity of 1.5 MW running since early 1990. A new constructed project is the Tafila wind farm with a total capacity of 117 MW. The Tafila Wind Farm is the first commercial utility-scale wind power project in the Middle East. The 117 megawatt wind farm has increased the country’s total power capacity by 3% [19]. Figure 1 RSS wind speed measurement sites (shaded areas are suggested wind farm sites) [17] 3. JORDAN WATER PUMPING STATIONS In the past 20 years, there have been major innovations in wind energy utilization and development. From 2008 to 2009 alone, wind powered electricity generation increased 20% worldwide [20]. According to Global Wind Energy Council Report, the world’s wind power capacity grew by 22.5% in 2010 [21]. The hydraulic wind power has been used for the past centuries with insignificant modifications in windmill construction. Until the early 20th century wind power was used to provide mechanical power for such tasks as grinding grain and pumping water. [22]. Wind power generated has been increasing due to the increasing in oil prices and the effects of fossil fuel products on the climate and environment. Jordan renewable energy policy targets were promoting the renewable energy sources to contribute 7% in the http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 1421 editor@iaeme.com
- Practical Design and Testing of Wind Driven Water Pumping Systems energy mix in 2015, and 10% in 2020. Wind energy in Jordan is used mainly for electricity generation and water pumping. Wind energy is available over parts of Jordan at low to moderate rate suitable for water pumping, where the use of wind turbines for pumping water is acceptable to people in remote areas. [23]. A mechanical wind pumping system was developed locally by (RSS) in Jordan and installed at some sites. There are many systems used for pumping water that use wind energy. The power supplied to a pumping system can be obtained from a horizontal or vertical WEC. Almost all horizontal WECS are lift type. This is inherent in the configuration of the horizontal axis machine where the blades rotate in a plane perpendicular to the wind current. Of the two major categories of WECS, the vertical axis will be excluded as they are not used in Jordan, and the choice will be only between horizontal axis elevators. In this category, there are two types of systems for pumping water using wind energy, mechanical wind pumps and electric wind energy conversion systems [7]. Most windmill mechanical systems (tip speed ratio little better than 1) are essentially friction devices (tip velocity index less than or equal to 1). Wind and electricity systems (peak speed ratio usually around 5 to 7) are definitely lifting devices. For greater demands on power, electric wind pumping systems (WEPS) can be applied, incorporating a wind generator (available in larger diameter) that drives a combination of an electric motor pump through an electric transmission. The flow rate of this MWPS will depend on the rate of consumption and the on-site wind regime [7] 4. TRANSMISSION SYSTEM DESIGN A mechanism is a device used to produce mechanical transformation in a machine. The connecting rod and connecting rod mechanism is used to convert the angular (rotational) motion into linear motion (piston) that has been used in this work to convert the rotational motion of the rotor into reciprocating motion in the pump as shown in Figure 2. Figure 2 Project mechanism http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 1422 editor@iaeme.com
- Ahmad S. Awad 4.1. Slider Crank Mechanism In the present study, we have been using a four-link mechanism with output cranks. A sliding crank can be used to convert the reciprocating motion into rotational motion or to convert the rotational motion into reciprocating motion. The positions to which the cursor movement is inverted are called dead centers. When the crank and connecting rod extend in a straight line and the slider is at its maximum distance from the axis of the shaft, the position is the top dead center (TDC); when the slider is at its minimum distance from the axis of the axis, the position is the bottom dead center (BDC). 5. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 5.1. Windmill Power A typical wind water pumping system will be required to generate a suitable amount of power and to maintain the necessary flow rate. The mechanical power generated in the windmill used to drive the reciprocating movement of the pump piston, the reciprocating speed changes with the change of the wind speed, as a sequence the mechanical power and the water flow rate from the pump are directly proportional to the wind speed, as shown in Figures 3 and equation 1, where the wind power is proportional to the cube of wind speed. Figure 3 Power in the wind with wind speed variation The output power produced by a wind turbine is given by equation (1) where the wind power is proportional to the density of air, swept area of the rotor and the cube of the wind speed. Therefore, any slight change in wind speed can lead to large changes in wind power and production capacity [24]. 1 PW = 2 ρAVw 3 (1) Where ρ is the air density, A is the area swept by blades and Vw is the wind speed. The mechanical power delivered by the wind turbine is given by: 1 Pm = 2 ρACp Vw 3 (2) Where Cp is the power coefficient of the wind turbine, which is the ratio between the captured power and the available power in the wind. In this paper a wind turbine can only extract part of the power not more than the Betz Limit (maximum 59% from the wind), as given in [25]. Therefore, the maximum mechanical power delivered by the wind turbine is: http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 1423 editor@iaeme.com
- Practical Design and Testing of Wind Driven Water Pumping Systems 1 2.072 Pm = × 1.22 × π × × 5.153 × 0. 59 = 165.44W 2 4 Figure 4 Theoretical flow rate wind speed 5.2. Water Volume Flow Rate Water volume flow rate depends on the wind speed as shown in Figure 5, and the pump volume. In the present study the pump stroke is 90 mm and its inner diameter 125 mm, so the swept volume of the pump will be: 12.52 VS = SA = 9 × π × = 1104.47cm3 = 1. 10447L (3) 4 So the swept volume of the pump is 1.10447 L, the flow rate of the pump is SAN Q= (4) 60 60Vλ 60 × 5.01 × 1.1 N= = = 52. 27RPM = 0.87RPS 2πR 2 × π × 1.035 λ is the tip speed ratio (TSR) is defined as the ratio between the blade tip speed and the wind speed ωR λ= (5) V Where ω denotes the rotor speed, and R is the radius of the wind turbine blade, as λ=1.1 0.1252 m3 33.21m3 Q = 0.09 × π × × 0.87 × 0.4 = 0.00038435 = 4 s Day http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 1424 editor@iaeme.com
- Ahmad S. Awad Figure 5 Daily water volume flow rate with wind speed variation It is extremely important for the wind machines designer to determine the wind power and the variation of wind speeds in the testing locations for estimating the needed power output. Also turbine designers need the detailed information to optimize the cost-effective performance to minimize the generating costs [26]. Table 1 illustrates the statistical wind speeds, which is the most important variable and it’s responsible for the movement of the blades. If the rotor of the windmill captured high kinetic energy from the wind pumping flow rate will increase dramatically. When the solidity of the rotor increases the wind quantity captured will increase, so that the increase of solidity can be done by increasing the area of the rotor Table 1: Flow rate vs. wind speed variation Date 30th May 31th May Hour 11-12 12-13 13-14 09-10 11-12 13-14 V(m/s) 4.55 3.12 2.65 3.56 2.78 2.15 t(s) 60 78 110 72 120 209 Qact(m3/s) 0.00033 0.00026 0.0001 0.00028 0.00017 0.00010 P(W) 114.83 37.02 22.69 55 26.19 12.12 PH(W) 8.18 6.29 4.46 6.81 4.09 2.35 PM(W) 20.44 15.72 11.15 17,03 10.22 5.87 Η(W) 17.8 42.46 49.14 30.97 39.02 48.43 ω (rad/s) 4.4 3.01 2.56 3.44 2.69 2.08 N (RPS) 0.7 0.48 0.41 0.55 0.43 0.33 Qthe (m3/s) 0.0008 0.0005 0.0004 0.0006 0.0005 0.0004 Ηvolu (%) 44.09 49.46 41.29 46.96 36.08 26.79 The experimental tests of the designed and manufactured wind driven pump were conducted during May 2012, and the results taken are formulated in Tables 2 and 3. Table 2 represents the hourly and the average amount of water that the given pumping unit can provide for 13th to 20th of May. Table 3 represents the wind power and the amount of water that the given pumping unit can provide at different wind speeds http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 1425 editor@iaeme.com
- Practical Design and Testing of Wind Driven Water Pumping Systems Table 2: Experimental data measured 08.00-09:00 12:00-13:00 15:00-16:00 Average flow Daily flow Date (m3/h) (m3/h) (m3/h) rate (m3/h) rate (m3/h) 13th MAY ….. …… 1.2 1.2 28.8 15th MAY 0.6 0.4 1.3 0.77 18.48 16th MAY 0.3 1.44 2.88 1.54 36.96 17th MAY 0.7 0.5 0.85 0.68 16.4 18th MAY 0.7 0.2 0.6 0.5 12 19th MAY 1.2 0.3 1.5 1 24 20th MAY 0.7 0.3 0.6 0.8 19.2 Average 0.6 0.45 1.2 1.07 22.26 Table 3: Experimental results N(RPS) V(m/s) P(w) Q(m3/s) Q(m3/day) 0 0 0 0 0 0.084618 0.5 0.151322 3.7364E-05 3.228261 0.169236 1 1.210576 7.47283E-05 6.456522 0.253854 1.5 4.085695 0.000112092 9.684783 0.338472 2 9.684611 0.000149457 12.91304 0.42309 2.5 18.91526 0.000186821 16.1413 0.507708 3 32.68556 0.000224185 19.36957 0.592326 3.5 51.90346 0.000261549 22.59783 0.676944 4 77.47689 0.000298913 25.82609 0.761562 4.5 110.3138 0.000336277 29.05435 0.84618 5 151.322 0.000373641 32.28261 0.930798 5.5 201.4096 0.000411005 35.51087 1.015416 6 261.4845 0.00044837 38.73913 As can be seen from Table 3 and Figure 6, the maximum daily flow rate was 36.96 m3/day, when the windmill worked 24 hours, while the minimum flow rate was found to be 12 m3/day. The results show that the system is capable of pumping at an average of 22.6 m3 /day. Figure 6 Daily water volume flow rate http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 1426 editor@iaeme.com
- Ahmad S. Awad Table 4 shows the calculated results for two days. The measured wind speed, wind power and water volume flow rate during three hours are shown in Figures 7 and 8. After analyzing the data, the highest actual flow rate is found to be 0.33 L/s and by calculating the power from the wind speed and the mechanical power applied to the pump, the maximum efficiency of the windmill is about 49.14 % and the lowest efficiency is about 17.8 %. Figure 8 shows the wind power is a proportional function of wind speed. Table 4: Input data of the KIJITO mechanical wind pumping system Item Cost (JD) Lifetime (Yrs) Annuity(JD) Investment costs: Vertical pipes 180 4 54.35 Horizontal pipes 180 20 18.33 Water tank 3100 30 275.37 Water counter 40 5 10.02 Installation 300 20 30.56 Buildings 250 30 22.21 Operation cost 1400 1. Regular maintenance 200 2. Station keeper 1200 Figure 7 Flow rate at different wind speed Figure 8 Wind power at different wind speed http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 1427 editor@iaeme.com
- Practical Design and Testing of Wind Driven Water Pumping Systems 6. ECONOMICAL EVALUATION METHOD 6.1. Cost Comparison Method Mechanical wind power stations for water pumping are sustainable energy supplies with minimum pollution effects. It might be found in desert, farms and remote areas to give necessary water supply for domestic needs and irrigation use, especially in regions where fuel and electrical driven pumps are not available. Despite the overall design goals of these types of projects focused on affordability and simplicity of design rather than efficiency, the cost- effective evaluation is presented. The aim of the cost comparison method is to identify the cost the locally manufactured MWPS system with the imported MWPS for a definite quantity of water pumped from a certain depth. Since the renewable energy pumping systems are relatively not so widely used in Jordan, long term maintenance and repair needed, and the consequent costs are roughly estimated. The economic analysis is based on cubic meter of pumped water, not considering the depth of the well. Table 4 shows the input data of the imported MWPS such as KIJITO which used for conducting the economical analysis comparisons. The present economical study aimed at determining the cost of locally manufactured MWPS found that the cost of a single production of the MWPS similar in specification to the KIJITO will be around 3787 JD at the current rates of labour and materials. The mass production of this system will cost 2680 JD which it is much cheaper than importing the system from abroad. Water pumping systems are usually installed in remote locations where the reliability of the system is one of the most important factors in choosing a system. As the photovoltaic water pumping systems can be more cost effective than diesel engines to energize pumping systems in Jordan Badia [27], the wind energy pumping systems is more reliable than diesel ones. Also, even if the price of the photovoltaic modules increases; the prices of the windmills technology decreased yearly. Wind power technology has expanded very fast all over the world and its investment cost falls very quickly. New technology developments and optimizations of wind turbines have shown major improvement in generated power output and efficiency [28]. They do not require frequent maintenance. They have safety features that allow them to stop without causing damage in case of failure. Moreover, the use of diesel systems does not only consume imported fuel, but also pollutes the atmosphere. In addition, its use entails the problems of transporting fuel to the site regularly. 7. CONCLUSION The results showed the maximum flow rate that obtained from the present locally made windmill is 36 m3/day, which shows how efficient the MWP system. From the present design and manufacturing of the MWPS the following conclusions can be obtained; The manufactured windmill has been tested on the site and it was found that the cut in wind speed of the rotor when its free (without load) is 1.5 m/s, and with load is 4.53 m/s. The Windmill is an efficient MWP unit which can be used in remote areas where fuel transportation and maintenance are costly. A backup system (diesel driven water pump) can be existed in the locations where continuous water consumption is needed all over the year. The cost of the Windmill (construction, maintenance and operation) is less than the cost of conventional diesel operated water pump. The cost of the present MWPS built is 3787 JD which equal one third of the cost of the imported MWPS. http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 1428 editor@iaeme.com
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