Practical TCP/IP and Ethernet Networking- P63
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Practical TCP/IP and Ethernet Networking- P63: The transmitter encodes the information into a suitable form to be transmitted over the communications channel. The communications channel moves this signal as electromagnetic energy from the source to one or more destination receivers. The channel may convert this energy from one form to another, such as electrical to optical signals, whilst maintaining the integrity of the information so the recipient can understand the message sent by the transmitter....
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Nội dung Text: Practical TCP/IP and Ethernet Networking- P63
- Index Acknowledged connectionless service (ALS) data structures 237 31 Application programming interfaces (APIs) Addresses: 122 address resolution protocol (ARP) 103–4, ARPA 75, 191 106, 163, 166, 171 ASCII 3, 26, 134 address reservation cache 104 Asynchronous 3, 9, 10, 14, 31 ARP cache 163, 166 asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) 76, 94, Ethernet interface 103 237 IP to MAC address 166 file transmission 3 IP-to-physical address translation tables transmission 9–10 166 bit rate 10 physical network cards 166 eight-bit serial transmission 10 proxy ARP 106 message frame 10 IP addresses 78–84, 86–9, 102, 104, 106–7, synchronizing pattern 10 114, 119, 124, 127, 130, 138, 144–6, Attenuation 4–5 156, 158–9, 162–6, 168–9, 173, 183, signal attenuation 4–5 186–7, 195, 201–2, 210, 212, 221, 262 distortion 5 allocation 221 frequency 5 hardware address 80 rise-times of the attenuated signals 5 human ID number 80 to restore the signal 5 social security number 80 Autonomous systems (Ass) 116–7, 120–1 Ipv4 address 80, 86, 95 ISP network 116 32 bit Ipv4 addresses 86 multi-homed non-transit AS 116 dotted decimal 80 routing algorithm 116 Ipv6 addresses 79, 94–5, 97–8 TCP/IP-based 116 anycast 98, 101 transit AS 116 multicast 98 unicast 98–9 Binary: IPX addresses 98 data 1 link-local unicast addresses 100 digits or bits 1 loopback addresses 100 signal 7 MAC address 99, 103–7, 159, 161, 163, Bolt, Barenek and Newman (BBN) 74, 191 166, 183, 185–6, 221 Bootstrap protocol (BOOTP) 156–8, 160 multicast addresses 101 bootstrap ROM 156 network layer address 187 message format 156–8, 160 Novell IPX address 187 RARP 156 NSAP addresses 98 server 156 site-local unicast addresses 100 Bridges 177–8, 182, 186, 251 Algorithms 115 data link protocol 177, 186 America’s Carriers Telecommunications intelligent bridges 177 Association (ACTA) 205 redundant bridges 178 Amplitude 4–5 spanning-tree 177–8 Analog: transparent bridges 177 communication channel see local vs bridges 178 Communication channel Ethernet bridge 178 signal 4, 6 multi-port bridges 178,182 Application layer 25–6, 29–30, 133, 221 MAC or LLC bridges 177 application service elements (ASEs) 25 source-routing bridges 178
- 294 Index SRT and translational bridges 178 SC fiber connectors 69 source-routing transparent 178 Co-ordinated universal time (UCT) 113 principle of collision 52 Cable: CSMA/CA 76 AUI cable 45, 48 CSMA/CD 40, 44, 60–1, 76, 183, 251 bus cable 35 cable television (CATV) type 44 CAT5 cable 13 Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) 14, 51, 53, category 4 cable 48 54, 250 coaxial cable 44–5, 48, 60 32-bit generator 14 fiber optic cable 2, 44, 60, 71, 256 synchronous data frame 14 differential mode delay (DMD) 71 transmission interface 14 light emitting diode 72 multimode fiber 71 Data Highway Plus 3 network cable 51 Data: point-to-point cable 73 communication 1, 3, 9, 20–1 routing cables 116 asynchronous transmission see shielded twisted pair (STP) 60 Asynchronous Thicknet cable 46 bit time 9 twisted pair cable 44 clock signal 9 unshielded twisted pair (UTP) 48–9, 60, direction of signal flow 8 63, 65–6, 181 full-duplex see Full-duplex Common gateway interface (CGI) 196–7 half-duplex see Half-duplex CGI program 197 simplex see Simplex Communication channel 2, 5, 7– 8, 21 synchronization of digital data signals 9 analog communications channel 4 synchronous transmission see channel bandwidth 6 Synchronous 3dB bandwidth 6 transmission modes 8 maximum data transfer rate 7 data link layer 27–9, 32, 61 mid-band frequencies 6 data link level 27 data channel 10 Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency digital channel 9 (DARPA) 192 practical channel 7 Department of Defense (DOD) model 74–5, properties 4 78, 186, 191 PSTN channel 7 Digital: types 4 repeaters or regenerators 7 Computer: signal 6 computer emergency response team transmission channel 7 (CERT) 222, 227 Domain name system (DNS) 144, 146–8 computer operations, audit and security country code top-level domains (CCTLDs) technology (COAST) 233 145 Computer Security Institute (CSI) 218, DNS clients and servers 146 227, 233 primary nameserver 146 Connector: replicate portions 146 25-pin D-connector 45 secondary nameserver 146 9-pin D-subminiature connector 69 DNS frame format 147–8 BNC T-piece connector 47 Internet naming scheme 144 DIX connector 45 fully qualified domain name (FQDN) make-break connector 47 145 N-connector 45 global domain 145 RJ45 connectors 63 local domain 145
- Index 295 network information center (NIC) 144, fly leads 47 168, 186 physical layout 47 name resolution using DNS 144 RG-58 A/U or C/U 47 standard domain names 145 Thinnet 47, 56 EDU domain 145 10base5 Ethernet 46 registrar web sites 145 Thicknet 56 top-level domains 145 10baseF 49 Dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) fiber backbone 49 78, 158–60, 169, 201–2 10baseT 46–9, 175–6, 178, 184 DHCP-enabled 158 advantages 48 DHCP server 158–60, 169, 201–2 AWG24 48 message format 160–1 disadvantages 48 operation 158 far end crosstalk (FEXT) 48 IP lease request 158 standard 48–9 lease release 160 100base-T2 61, 64, 67, 70 lease renewal 159 features of 100base-T2 64 five-level coding (PAM-5) 64 Electrical: 100base-T4 63 energy 5 100base-T 60–1, 63–5 signal 3, 5, 28, 175 adapter cards 65 Electromagnetic: digital signal processing (DSP) 61, 64, energy 2, 4 70 induction 14 FDDI PMD layer 61 radiation 14 latter cards 65 Encoding: 1000base-CX, for copper cabling 69 4B/5B technique codes 13 1000base-LX, for vertical backbone cabling bi-phase signal-encoding 12 69 five-bit code 13 1000base-LX LICs 69 Manchester encoding see Manchester 1000base-SX, for horizontal fiber 69 methods 12 1000base-SX NICs 69 NRZ see Non-return to zero 1000baseT, for category 5 UTP 70 RZ see Return to zero AUI 45 three-level encoding scheme 13 cabling limitations 60 Error detection 14, 26, 30 10base-T Ethernet standard 60 asynchronous systems 14 coaxial tree 45 cyclic redundancy check see Cyclic collisions see Collisions redundancy check design rules 55 electromagnetic induction see cable segments 56 Electromagnetic maximum network size 57 electromagnetic radiation see maximum transceiver cable length 56 Electromagnetic maximum transmission path 57 error correction 26 detection of collisions 43 longitudinal redundancy check see Ethernet Blue Book 44 Longitudinal redundancy check Ethernet LAN 32 noise see Noise fast Ethernet design 65 Ethernet 13, 32, 40, 43–5, 49, 58–9, 67, 76, fiber optic cable distances 65 92–3, 103, 163, 168–9, 174, 177–9, 181–3, multimode cable 65 185, 189, 202, 234–5, 238–9, 241, 251 node to hub 65 10base2 47, 56–7 gigabit Ethernet 59, 67–70 disadvantages 47 frame check sequence (FCS) 71
- 296 Index full-duplex repeaters 70 fiber optic inter repeater link (FOIRL) 49, gigabit media independent interface 57, 176 (GMII) 67 fiber-optic link 176 half-duplex gigabit repeaters 71 Fieldbus 3, 20, 29, 234–5, 238 MAC function 71 see also Protocol medium access control 50–1 Foundation Fieldbus 3 carrier sense 51 standard 29 idle state 50 File transfer protocol (FTP) 77, 134, 136–7, transceiver 50–1, 56–7 246, 268 transmit mode 51 anonymous FTP 137 medium attachment unit (MAU) 45–8 GUI-based FTP client 137 physical media dependent (PMD) 60–3, 69 internal FTP commands 134 ANSI TP-3T9.5 PMD layer 62 access control commands 134, 135 eight binary six ternary (8B/6T) 63 parameter commands 134 hub-to-hub 64 service commands 134 interoperable 64 transfer parameter commands 135 multilevel threshold-3 (MLT-3) 62–3 TCP command port (21) 137 noise tolerance 63 trivial file transfer protocol (TFTP) 77, physical medium independent (PHY) 62, 137–9 67 TFTP transfer identifiers (TIDs) 137 8B/10B coding 69 user commands 136 8B/10B technique 69 Firewalls 220–2, 225, 233, 236 clock synchronization 62 application layer firewalls 222 non return to zero – inverted (NRZI) 62– dedicated firewalls 220 3, 69 de-militarized zones (DMZs) 221–2 self clocking 62 drawbacks 223 reducing collisions 55 hardware-based firewalls 220 suggestions 55 outward-bound packet 221 signaling methods 50 packet filtering 221 data stream 50 proxy server 222–3, 233, 236 Ethernet signals 50 software-based firewalls 220–1 Manchester encoding scheme 50 spoofing 221 single pair Ethernet 176 stateful inspection firewalls 223 sites 43 Frame transmission 51 SQE signal 46–7 collision detection 51, 53 station 43 frame reception 51 Thick Ethernet (10 Base 5) 18 MAC frame 51 thinwire Ethernet 47 interframe gap 51–2 vampire 45 worst-case time delay 51 Extended binary coded decimal interchange Full-duplex 9, 65, 69–72, 126, 176, 178, 183, code (EBCIDIC) 3, 26 207 Extended system configuration data (ESCD) 246 Gateway 18, 107, 172–3, 187–8, 191, 237 Extensible markup language (XML) 196–7 gateway techniques 235 SGML 196 IBM SNA network 187 internetworking devices 187 Federal communications commission (FCC) Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) 113 205 Fiber optic 57, 176 Half-duplex 8, 29, 63, 71–2 fiber distributed data interface (FDDI) 76 HART 3, 30
- Index 297 High level data link control (HDLC) 3 EIA/TIA-232-E interface standard 2 Hub 36, 38, 61, 64–5, 179, 182 interchange circuits, functional description 10base T hub 175, 180 3 media independent interface (MII) 64 mechanical characteristics 3 repeaters see Repeaters International Standards Organization (ISO) T4 ports 64 21, 75 TX ports 64 Internet layer protocols 78 100base-T hubs 64 anycasting 94 central hub 38 authentication headers 97 chassis hubs 181 border gateway protocol (BGP) 117, 120–1 desktop vs stackable hubs 179 BGP routers 120–1 stackable hubs 179, 181 external BGP (eBGP) 120 dual-speed hubs 181 internal BGP (iBGP) 120 dual-speed shared hubs 175 non-BGP routers 121 fast Ethernet hubs 181 routing information 120 hub topology 38 synchronization 121 interconnection 181 classless inter-domain routing (CIDR) 87– BNC T-piece 181 9, 99, 118, 119 daisy-chaining 181 data per fragment 93 non-stackable hubs 181 fragment offset 92–3 UTP patch cord 181 maximum transmission unit (MTU) 93, modular hubs 181 119 non-segmentable hub 180 more fragments (MF) 92 passive hubs 39 network information center (NIC) 87 segmentable hubs 180 protocol analyzers 93 shared vs switched hubs 180 client-server protocol 114 hub share 180 direct vs indirect delivery 114 logical hub bus 180 destination host 114 workgroup hubs 180 NetID portions 114 UTP hub 65 source host 114 wiring hubs 49 exterior gateway protocols (EGPs) 120 Hypertext markup language (HTML) 194–7 fragment headers 97 gateway to gateway protocols (GGP) 117, IEEE 28, 31–3, 43–4, 57, 60–1, 240–1, 243 120 802.1 high level interface 31 header format simplification 95 802.3 CSMA/CD 32, 43 hope-by-hope options header 97 802.4 token bus 32 host ID 80, 82–7, 99 802.5 token ring 32 interior, exterior and gateway to gateway 802.6 metropolitan area networks 33 protocols 116–7 802.7 broadband LANs technical advisory IGPs and EGPs 117, 120 group (TAG) 33 routing algorithms 117 802.8 fiber optic LANs TAG 33 interior gateway protocols 116–7, 120 802.9 integrated voice and data LANs 33 international postal system 81 802.10 secure LANs 33 Internet assigned numbers authority (IANA) secure data exchange 33 79, 86, 94, 99, 144–5 802.11 wireless LANs 33 regional Internet registries (RIRs) 79 802.12 fast LANs 33 Internet control message protocol (ICMP) standards 31 107–9, 111–2, 164–5, 267 Interface standards 2–3 applications 108 components 2 error message 109


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