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Serological characterization in cattle serum for Listeria monocytogenes

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Listeriosis was important bacterial disease public health significance affecting human as well as animals. Determination of the seroprevalance of antibodies to L. monocytogenes in cattle was attempted from the different organized cattle farm around the Nagpur region, Maharashtra India. Listeriolysin O is a haemolysin produced by the bacterium listeria monocytogenes for serological characterization. Present studies were targeted for serological detection of listeriolysin O in cattle serum. Serological prevalence in healthy animal was 4.17% and reproductive cases of cattle with zero prevalence. This result was showing seroprevalence in healthy cattle was higher as compare to reproductive disorder cases of cattle.

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  1. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(8): 730-734 International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 7 Number 08 (2018) Journal homepage: Original Research Article Serological Characterization in Cattle Serum for Listeria monocytogenes Rashmi Kulesh1, S. V. Shinde1, P.K. Kawareti2* and Arti Salame3 1 Department of Veterinary Public Health, Nagpur Veterinary College-440001, India 2 Department of Veterinary Anatomy and Histology, Nagpur Veterinary College-440001, India 3 Department of Animal Nutrition, Mhow Veterinary College, Indore, India *Corresponding author ABSTRACT Keywords Listeriosis was important bacterial disease public health significance affecting human as Listeria, Listeria well as animals. Determination of the seroprevalance of antibodies to L. monocytogenes in monocytogenes, cattle was attempted from the different organized cattle farm around the Nagpur region, Listeriolysin O Maharashtra India. Listeriolysin O is a haemolysin produced by the bacterium listeria Article Info monocytogenes for serological characterization. Present studies were targeted for serological detection of listeriolysin O in cattle serum. Serological prevalence in healthy Accepted: animal was 4.17% and reproductive cases of cattle with zero prevalence. This result was 06 July 2018 showing seroprevalence in healthy cattle was higher as compare to reproductive disorder Available Online: cases of cattle. 10 August 2018 Introduction ‘circling disease’ because of a tendency to circle in one direction and it is the most Listeria monocytogenes, an important common manifestation of the disease in foodborne pathogen, has a significant impact ruminants. Abortion occurs usually in late on public economy worldwide. Though human term (after 7 month in cattle and 12 weeks in listeriosis is rare but it has the ability to cause sheep) (Hird and Genigeorgis, 1990; Walker, serious and life threatening condition and 1999). The septicaemic form is relatively mainly associated with contaminated foods uncommon and occurs in the neonates. It is (Andritsos et al., 2013). In animals poor marked by depression, inappentance, fever quality silage is the main source of infection. and death. Bovine and ovine ophthalmitis has The disease can occur sporadically or in the also been described (Walker and Morgan, form of an epidemic and often leads to fatal 1993). Listeria monocytogenes is Gram- forms of encephalitis. The clinical positive facultative intracellular non-spore- manifestations of listeriosis in animals include forming, small rods bacteria. Listeria genus is rhombencephalitis, septicaemia and abortion comprised of 18 approved species including especially in sheep, goats and cattle. The Listeria monocytogenes, Listeria seeligeri, rhombencephalitic form is referred to as Listeria ivanovii, Listeria welshimeri, Listeria 730
  2. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(8): 730-734 marthii, Listeria innocua, Listeria grayi, laboratory. Serum was separated at the Listeria fleischmannii, Listeria floridensis, laboratory and stored at -20°C until further Listeria aquatica, Listeria newyorkensis, use. The strain of L. monocytogenes (EGDe) Listeria cornellensis, Listeria rocourtiae, was employed for preparation and purification Listeria weihenstephanensis, Listeria of Listeriolysin O (LLO) antigen. For studies grandensis, Listeria riparia, Listeria booriae pertaining to ion exchange chromatography, (Orshi 2016) and Listeria thailandensis protein profile studies, indirect Enzyme linked (Leclercq et al., 2016). Among all of these, immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and the two of species, L. monocytogenes and L. chemicals, and reagents of analytical grade ivanovii, are considered pathogens because of were procured from BIORAD (UK) Promega their species-specific virulence determinants. (USA), Sigma Aldrich (US), E Merck (India), SRL Chemicals (Mumbai) and S.d.fine Chem Listeriolysin O (LLO) is produced by all (Mumbai). Serodiagnosis of listeriosis by pathogenic strain of listeria spp. (Geoffroy et employing Listeriolysin-O (LLO), a virulance al., 1989) and is an extracellular 58 kDa factor of Listeria monocytogenes has been haemolysin, is a major virulence factor of L. thought to be a promising test. Therefore the monocytogenes (Gaillard et al., 1986). protein (LLO) was purified, characterized and However, conventional methods remain the subsequently employed as an antigen for sero- ‘Gold standard’ for the isolation when detection of antibodies against LLO (ALLO). compared with other methods. Serodiagnosis is considered as one of the quickest tool in Preparation of the virulence factor diagnostic aids for detection of antibodies Listeriolysin-O (LLO) against the specific antigens of the causative agent which is known to be responsible for Listeriolysin O (LLO) was extracted from the disease condition. An indirect ELISA has been cell free supernatant and purified by ion- used for the detection of antibodies against exchange chromatography from standard LLO antigen (ALLO) of the Listeria strain of L. monocytogenes (EGDe) in monocytogenes in the serum samples.The accordance with the method of Lhopital et al., objective of this study was to determine the (1993) with some important modification. seroprevalance of antibodies to L. Protein estimation was carried out as per the monocytogenes is in cattle in and around method suggested by Lowry et al., (1951). Nagpur region. Diethylaminoethyl (DEAE) Cellulose Chromatography was done as per the method Materials and Methods suggested by Kundzicz (2010). After then the peak values of optical density was pooled Serum Sample were collected on the basis of together for further characterization. reproductive disorder cases viz. abortion Polyethylene glycol (PEG- 20,000) was used vaginal discharge or vaginitis cases and to concentrate the pooled fractions (protein) at healthy cattle with no history of reproductive 40C. The concentrated protein was further disorder cases from two organized farm. All subjected to peak values of optical density was the samples were collected aseptically in the done to estimation protein concentration containers (Himedia, India) and brought to the Characterization of purified protein by laboratory in chilled conditions and processed Sodium-dodecyl sulphate poly acrylamide gel for serological characterization of Listeria electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) was used for monocytogenes. The samples were properly estimation of molecular weight of purified labeled and transported on ice to the protein as per Lammeli (1970) and then it was 731
  3. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(8): 730-734 processed for calculations of Haemolytic Unit based indirect ELISA for detection of (HU) as stated by Kohda et al., (2002).The antibodies against LLO from the clinical sera protein profiles were visualized by employing samples none of the sample turned positive silver staining technique as per method exhibiting zero seroprevalence whereas 4.17 suggested by Rosenberg, (1996). The per cent seroprevalence was recorded in haemolytic activity of purified LLO was healthy animals (Table 1). screened as per the method described by Kohda et al., (2002). Our result was showing 3.22% (31) seroprevalance of antibody to listeria Detection of antibodies against Listeriolysin monocytogenes in reproductive and healthy O (ALLO) cattle. The result of present study among healthy cattle is in lower side with Boerlin et The indirect plate ELISA was performed as al., (2002) who reported 48 percent sero per the method of Low et al., (1992). The prevalence among dairy cattle. The ELISA was standardized by Checker board seroprevalnce lower side may be due number analysis. purified LLO as an antigen is used in of sampling, properly sampled, area of a concentration of 1 μg and 2 μg per well the sampling, applied method of seroprevalnce, It hyper-immune serum as well as healthy (zero is lower seroprevalence when it is as day) serum was diluted in range of 1:100 to compared with researcher result, it was found 1:800 and added with anti-species HRPO in 48.3% (101) of the 209 cattle tested conjugate (Merck, India) in the range of (Kennerman 2005). Researcher concluded that 1:1000 to 1:4000 at the rate of 100 μl/well silage feeding is an important factor in the after that addition with 1 mg/ml solution of O- epidemiology of listeriosis in Bursa province phenylene-diaminedihydrochloride (OPD) of Turkey. Cattle sera sample were collected (Sigma Aldrich, US) assubstrate @ 100 μl per from organized farm there was no silage well. The plates were incubated for 15 min in feeding system. They were fed on open range dark for development of colour and OD was system so might be it was not a contributing measured at 492 nm in ELISA reader factor for listeria monocytogenes infection. (MultiskanGo, Thermofisher Scientific, Since then, Most listeriosis outbreaks in Finland). The serum sample at the dilution of livestock have been linked to contaminated 1:200 with the positive to negative P/N ratio silage (Wiedmann et al., 1994, 1999, 2002). L. of ≥ 2 was considered positive for listeriosis in monocytogenes numbers in poorly fermented standardized ELISA employing purified LLO. silage can be as high as 108colony-forming units (CFU)/g wet weight of silage Results and Discussion (Wiedmann et al., 2002). The interpretation of serological tests for antibodies against L. Sera samples of 07 cattle from reproductive monocytogenes is made difficult by the disorder as well as 24 cattle from apparently presence of positive reactions of up to 1:200 in healthy cases were screened for detection of clinically normal animals. The L. antibodies against LLO (ALLO) by employing monocytogenes is widespread in the LLO based indirect ELISA. The results are environment and a significant proportion of given below (Table 1). animals sporadically shed the organisms in their feces or milk (Skovgaard and Morgen, In the present study 31 sera samples 1988). Thus, many animals in the dairy cattle comprising of reproductive cases (seven) and population are expected to present antibodies healthy (24) cattles were processed by LLO towards L. monocytogenes. 732
  4. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(8): 730-734 Table.1 Details of seroprevalence in cattle Animal No. of sera No. of positive No. of sera No. of positive samples from samples (ALLO samples samples (ALLO reproductive positivity) from healthy positivity) disorder cases animals Cattle 07 Nil (0 per cent) 24 1 (4.17 per cent) No seroprevalance were reported in our Hird, D.W. and Genigeorgis C. 1990. reproductive cases of cattle may be because of Listeriosis in food animals: clinical other persistent infection which are signs and livestock as a potential source responsible for abortion in cattle. The healthy of direct nonfood borne infection for animal were showing seropositivity this may human. Eds. A.J. Miller, book chapter, be because of Listeria monocytogenes have Foodborne Listeriosis, 31-39. reported fecal shedding in dairy cattle shows Ho, A.J., Ivanek R., Grohn Y.T., Nightingale high levels with day-to-day variation and K.K., and Wiedmann M. 2007. Listeria includes outbreaks and sporadic cases of monocytogenes fecal shedding in dairy shedding of specific L. monocytogenes cattle shows high levels of day-to-day subtypes(Ho et al., 2007). variation and includes outbreaks and sporadic cases of shedding of specific Our results were showing antibodies of L. monocytogenes subtypes. Prev. Vet listeria monocytogenes in apparently healthy Med. 80(4):287-305. animal. This animal might be responsible for Kennerman, E., Babur C. and Kilic S. 2005. shedding of listeria monocytogenes in milk Determination of Seroprevalence of and fecal which can cause serious illness in Listeria Monocytogenes antibodies in immunocompromise animals as well humans Cattle in Bursa Province of Turkey. also. Uludag Univ. J. Fac. Vet. Med. 1-2-3- 4:95-98. References Kohda, C., Kawamura I., Baba H., Nomura T., Ito Y., Kimoto T., Watanabe I. and Andritsos, N. D. and Mataragas 2013. Mitsuyama M. 2002). Dissociated Quantifying Listeria monocytogenes linkage of cytokine-inducing activity prevalence and concentration in minced and cytotoxicity to different domains of pork meat and estimating performance Listeriolysin O from Listeria of three culture media from monocytogenes. Infect. Immunol. pp. presence/absence microbiological 1314-1341. testing using a deterministic and Kundzicz, H. 2010. Ion-exchange stochastic approach. Food Microbiol. chromatography. Biochem. Lab. 385 36(2): 395-405. fall Rev. 102910HK. Boerlin, P., Boerlin-Petzold F. and Jemmi T. Lammeli, U.K. 1970. Cleavage of structural 2003. Use of Listeriolysin O and proteins during the assembly of the head Internalin A in a Seroepidemiological of bacteriophage T4. Nature. 22:680- Study of Listeriosis in Swiss Dairy 685. Cows. J Clin Microbiol. 41(3): 1055- Leclercq, A., Moura N., Tessaud Rita H., 1061. Bracq Dieye P., Thouvenot G., Vales M. M., Aguilhon C. Lecuit M. 2016. 733
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