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TEST Topic 5 : Shopping

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Nội dung Text: TEST Topic 5 : Shopping

  1. TEST Topic 5 : Shopping Exercise 1. Find the mising words to complete each sentence. EX : In a shop you can use a credit card or charge card, or you can pay in C_______( Cash ) 1. If you are paying by cheque, don’t forget to put your s________ at the bottom. 2. Someone who owns a small shop and who serves people in it is called a s__________ 3. Someone who is employed to serve customers in a shop or store is a s________ a _____ 4. The salesperson in a shop usually serves the customers from behind a c _________ 5. Salesperson : “ Can I h______ you ?” . Customers: “ No, it’s all right, thanks. I’m just l ____ 6. This real leather handbag was reduced in the summer s _______ , so I only had to pay 5.95 $ - It was a real b _________. 7. The assistant added up the prices to find the t_________ price we had to pay. 8. In case we want to exchange something, remember to keep the r _________. 9. If the radio goes wrong within twelve months, remember it’s still under g __________. 10. A large store may lose some of its stock as a result of theft or s ___________. 11. If you want something for your headache you can get it at a c ___________. 12. It’s unwise to buy new shoes or sandals without first t __________ them on. 13. I wanted to buy some walking boots but they hadn’t got my s _________. 14. I’ve tried on this coat and it doesn’t f _________ me, it’s a bit too ________. 15. I’m going to ask if they have any yellow cotton socks in s __________. 16. Yellow socks won’t m ________ your sweater and anyway yellow doesn’t s ________ you. 17. To find out how to wash a garment, look at the instructions on the l _________. 18. You can usually get goods cheaper if you buy them in an open – air m __________. 19. If you have a student identity card, some shops may give you a d _________. 20. Fruit and vegetables in a supermarket aren’t as fresh as at a g ___________. 21. You can spread the payments over twelve months by buying something on h______ p ____ 22. You can get almost anything you want in a big d ______ s _____, but some people prefer to buy things by m ______ o ____. 23. If something is too heavy for you to carry home yourself, the shop can d ________ it. 24. Personally speaking, I’d say that going shopping is __________. Exercise 2. What sort of shops can you buy these items in ? EX : You want to buy a dozen bananas from __________? ( Greengrocer’s or Fruit shop ) 1. You want to buy a street plan of your city and guidebook about your country from _______ ? 2. You want to buy a litre of milk – and a glass to drink it from ______ and from _____ ? 3. You want to buy a kilo of tomatoes – and a knife to cut them with from _____ and from ___? 4. You want to buy some sausages for dinner – and frying pan to cook them in from _____ and from ____________ ? 5. You want to buy a bottle of wine – and a corkscrew to open it with from ____and from____? 6. You want to buy a personal stereo – and some cassettes to play on it from ___ and from___? 7. You want to buy a notebook and a pen to write in it with from _________? 8. You want to buy a tube of toothpaste and a new toothbrush from _________ ? 9. You want to buy a picture postcard to send to a friend abroad and a stamp to stick on it from _______ ? Exercise 3. Complete the unfinished sentences in this dialogue. Assistant : - Good morning. Have ______________________ ? Customer: - No, only for a few moments. Could you help me, please ? Assistant : - Certainly. What ___________________________ ? Customer: - I’m looking for a pair of jeans in my size. Assistant : - What ____________________________________ ? Customer: - I take a size 30, normally. Assistant : - Thirty. Well , we have these Levis on special offer. - Do _____________________________________ ? Customer: - Oh, very nice, yes. I like that style very much. Assistant : - You can try them on in the changing room over there. ( The customer tries them on )
  2. Assistant : - Do ______________________________________ ? Customer: - Yes, they fit perfectly. How much ___________________ ? Assistant : - 16.99$. Is there anything else you’d like to see ? Customer: - Yes, have ________________________________ ? Assistant : - I’m afraid we’re out of stock of the matching jackets at the moment, but we’ll get some more in soon Customer: - When _________________________________ ? Assistant : - We’re expecting a delivery at the end of the week.If you want, I’ll put one aside for you when they come in. Customer: - Oh, thanks.And I think I’ll keep these jeans on now. Do_________________ ? Assistant : - Yes, we take all major credit card. Exercise 4. What words are needed to complete the sentences ? EX : Sometimes students get a special DISCOUNT on things they buy. 1. When you travel by bus you have to pay your __________ 6. VAT stands for _____________________________ 2. When you use a lawyer you have to pay a ______________ 7. Large companies pay _________________________ 3. When someone dies, their heir has to pay ______________ 8. If you import something you may be liable for __________ 4. On any money that you earn, you have to pay __________. 9. When you are old the Government should pay you a _____ 5. If you have paid too much tax, you should get a ________ 10. If you are out of work you may be able to claim ________ Exercise 5. Can you find a general word to describe each group of items below ? 1. apples, oranges, peaches ______________ 5. detergent, soap, toilet paper _____________ 2. shoes, a blouse, a jacket ______________. 6. stuffed animals, dolls, electric train set ______ 3. a sofa, an armchair, a table ______________ 7. writing paper, envelopes, cards _____________ 4. a television, a washing machine, a food processor ______________ TOPIC 6 : PEOPLE AND RELATIONSHIPS. Exercise 1. Choose the best answer. 1. She’s a very _______ person – always smiling and in a good mood. a. cheerful b. delighted c. glad d. pleased 2. He’s a very ________ person – I wish he’s a bit more easy – going. a. bad – tempered b. furious c. mad d. wild 3. Don’t tell her off – she’s very _________ and she may start to cry. a. responsive b. sensible c. sensitive d. sympathetic 4. People enjoy his company because he’s extremely ____________. a. adorable b. likeable c. lovable d. unreliable 5. If you’ve got a problem, go and talk to her – I’m sure she’ll be __________. a. patient b. sympathetic c. tolerant d. warm - hearted 6. He has excellent taste in clothes and always dresses __________. a. cleanly b. healthily c. smartly d. tastily 7. When his wife started seeing more of the tennis coach, he became very _______. a. arrogant b. envious c. jealous d. selfish 8. The twins keep pretending to be each other – they’re such _________ children ! a. evil b. miserable c. naughty d. wicked 9. Thank you for your beautiful present. It was very ________ of you to buy it for me. a. charitable b. generous c. loyal d. reliable 10. If you give him a message, make sure he writes it down because he’s very _____. a. absent b. forgetful c. mindless d. reliable
  3. 11. You have to be quite __________ to stand up in front of an audience. a. self – confident b. self – conscious c. selfish d. self - satisfied 12. She’s a very ________ little girl – her parents give her everything she asks for. a. consented b. discriminating c. generous d. spoilt 13. He’s a dreadful person – I can’t __________ him. a. stand b. suffer c. support d. swallow 14. Everyone agrees that he’s a very __________ man. a. beautiful b. gorgeous c. handsome d. pretty 15. When she first went to work in another city, she felt very _________ a. abandoned b. alone c. lonely d. single 16. Most people feel _____________ before an examination. a. absent – minded b. anxious c. eager d. nervy 17. How long has Mary been ____________ with Peter ? a. going back b. going in c. going out d. going up 18. They fell in love _________ first sight a. on b. with c. at d. to 19. How long have they been __________ ? a. betrothed b. engaged c. financed d. intended 20. When are they going to ___________ ? a. get married b. marry them c. marry each other d. marry themselves 21. Peter has asked Michael to be his _________ at the wedding. a. best man b. bridesmaid c. eyewitness d. godfather 22. Mary has invited all her _________ to the wedding. a. compatriots b. in – laws c. parents d. relations 23. Her parents have been married for twenty years and today is their _________. a. anniversary b. birthday c. jubilee d. marriage 24. The people in the flat upstairs are always having noisy ___________. a. debates b. discussions c. noises d. rows 25. When her mother remarried, she got on very well with her new _________. a. ancestor b. forefather c. foster – father d. step – father 26. A diagram that shows the members of the family and their relationship is called a family ____________. a. branch b. line c. river d. tree Exercise 2. Choose the best answer. 1. Let me introduce my betrothed / engaged / fiancÐe. We’re getting married next month. 2. Jim is just a/an acquaintance / colleague / figure I met on holiday. 3. As I’m officially a/an alien / outsider / stranger I have to register with the police. 4. Local people are campaigning for better facilities for the aged / ancient / elder. 5. Our ancestor / descendants / predecessors are all burried in the local churchyard. 6. Peter is 50 and unmarried and his friends call him “ an eligible bachelor / independent / single” 7. When I was a bloke / chap / lad I used to walk ten miles to school. 8. We call her “ Auntic Flo” though sge is not really any family / relation / relative to us. Exercise 3. Fill the gaps. The first letter is given 1. I g________ on with all my workmates, and we have a lot of fun. 2. Lucy and I just don’t see e________ to e________ when it comes to politics. 3. I hate it when we argue. Couldn’t we try to make it u _______ and be friends again ? 4. She is senior t ________ me in the office, so I have to do what she tells me. 5. I may be old – fashioned but I think children should respect their e _________. 6. I felt strongly r ________ by his unpleasant attitude. I never want to speak to him again. 7. I heard that Brian and Fiona have s_______ up. I thought they were madly in love. 8. He’s not really a friend, just a casual a ___________. 9. He doesn’t just love her, he absolutely i _________ her ! 10. Jill is David’s f________. They plan to get married next year, as far as I know. Exercise 4. Rewrite each sentence, starting with the words given below.
  4. 1. You must be more polite to people . ( It is __________________________ ) 2. Although she’s the daughter of a rich man, he doesn’t want to marry her. ( Inspite ________________________ ) 3. She’s much more humourous than her brother. ( Her brother ____________________ ) 4. They first met five years ago. ( They have _____________________ ) 5. During her husband’s absence, she was lonely. ( While _________________________) Exercise 5. Replace the words underlined with one of the phrases given. Fell out Turned him down Moved in with Got to know Grew up Got on well with Kept in touch with Ran away from Let him down Went out together 1. When Brian asked her to marry him, Ann said no. 2. I commmunicated regularly with most of my old friends. 3. Ann spent her childhood years in London. 4. David and Jean dated for three months before they got engaged. 5. Kate quarelled with her boyfriends and they stopped seeing each other. 6. Helen had a good relationship with her in – laws. 7. Hary left home without his parents’ permission 8. Sophia promised to meet Michael after work but disappointed him. 9. After a few weeks, I went to live in the house of some friends. 10. I grew friendly with Pam when we worked together. Topic 7 : Nature and the environment. Exercise 1. Add three more items to each list. 1. Cereal : oats, rye, maize, barley, wheat. 2. Fruit : grape, pear, peach, _________, _________, __________. 3. Vegetables : spinach, radish, carrot, ________, _________, _________. 4. Trees : pine, olive, oak, __________, ___________, __________. 5. Flowers : rose, daisy, carnation, _________, _________, ___________. 6. Wild animals ( mammals ) : rabbit, tiger, whale , ________, ______, _______. 7. Domestic animals : turkey, camel, goat, ________ , __________, __________. 8. Pets : parrot, goldfish, ________, __________, ___________. 9. Birds : sparrow, eagle, pigeon, _________, __________, __________. 10. Young animals : puppy, calf, chick, _________, _________, __________. 11. Reptiles : lizard, alligator, _________, _________, __________. 12. Insects : butterfly, wasp, ant, _________, ___________, ___________. 13. Fish : salmon, shark, __________, ___________, ___________. 14. Other sea creatures : oyster, octopus, crab, ________, ________, ________. Exercise 2. Find the missing words to fill the gaps in these sentences. Ex : Less than 2% of the British labour force is employed on farms in a_______( agriculture ) 1. In the autumn, at h _____ time, the c _____ in the fields have to be gathered in and the fruit in the orchards has to be p _____. 2. In the Alps, cows are kept indoors in winter and spend the summer in the m __________. 3. The sport that involves chasing or shooting animals is called h __________. 4. P _______ is caused when waste products or p _______ contaminate the environment. 5. According to the weather f ________, there will be sunny intevals this morning. 6. In the early morning there may be thick f ________ and motorists should drive slowly. 7. We couldn’t see very far from the top of the hill because it was slighly m _________. 8. During the night t ___________ will fall below freezing and there will be a f _________. 9. During the s ___________many trees were blown down.
  5. 10. Althoughthe storm passed us by, we could hear the th ________ and see the l _______ _ in the distance. 11. It’s not going to rain all day, it’s just a sh __________. We’ll soon be able to go out. 12. The s _________ in the north of the country is spectacular with deep v ________ and high snow – capped peaks, but the c __________ tends to be cool and wet. 13. The west c _________ of the country has high c _________ as well as sandy beaches. Exercise 3. Fill the gaps in these sentences with suitable phrases from the list According to Ahead of Apart from = Except for On behalf of As for As regards By means of Owing to Due to Instead of In addition to = As well as 1. The flight was cancelled __________ the fog. 2. We had wonderful weather everyday ___________ Sunday 3. Pollution can only be prevented ___________ international law. 4. I love all animals __________ dogs. 5. Tropical forests are being destroyed _________ the demand for hardwood for furniture. 6. ___________ the weather forecast, it’s going to snow. 7. Just a minute, I will go __________ you and hold the door open. 8. Hello, I’m phoning __________ Mr Brown. He asked me to give you a message. 9. People should protect trees ___________ cutting them down 10. They have two cats ____________ four pet rabbits 11. ___________ pets, I don’t think that people should keep them in small apartment. 12. ___________ consevation, I believe that the government should impose controls. Exercise 4. Choose the most suitable word underlined. 1. Could you close the window ? There’s a bit of a current / draught. 2. I’m soaked, I got caught in a downpour / torrent. 3. You’d better do some work in the garden, it’s full of herbs / weeds. 4. The roads were packed with holidaymakers heading for the coast / shore . 5. I feel hungry. Could you peel / skin an apple for me ? 6. Don’t be afraid of the monkey, it’s quite tame / trained. 7. That’s an unusual dog. What breed / race is it ? 8. Our country has many natural resources / sources. 9. Before you put those roses in a vase, cut the stem / twigs a bit. 10. We’ve had a very good crop / production of apples this year. Exercise 5. Complete each sentence with one of the words given. Animal Domesticated Environmental Endangered Pedigree Health Rare Artificial Extinct Wild 1. Michael breeds ___________ cocker spaniels as a hobby. 2. We should make a distinction between wild and _________ animals. 3. Some farms have stopped using ____________ fertilizers. 4. Many species of wildlife could become ____________ if left unprotected. 5. The gardens contain many kinds of ___________ plants. 6. Some vegetarians object to eating __________ products of any kind. 7. The dolphin is one of many ____________ species. 8. More and more of my friends are eating so – called ___________ foods. 9. People are becoming more concered about ___________ matters. 10. We’re going up the moutainside to look for __________ strawberries. Exercise 6. Use a word from the list to complete each phrase. Nest Pack Troop Shoal Swarm Flock Flight Herd 1. A _________ of sheep 3. A _________ of bees 5. A _______ of wolves 7. An ants’__________. 2. A _________ of cattle 4. A _________ of fish 6. A _______ of monkeys 8. A ________of sparrows Exercise 7. Match each word or phrase “a” to “ j” with one of the explanations “ 1” to “ 10”
  6. a. A gale 1. A small river b. A reptile 2. A place where a wild animal sleeps c. A rainbow 3. A period when there is a shortage of water. d. A lair 4. A very strong wind. e. A drought 5. An animal which feeds its young with its own milk f. A stream 6. A wild plant not wanted in the garden g. An insect 7. A crawling animal such as a snake or lizard. h. A rodent 8. A small creature with no bones and six legs. i. A weed 9. An arch of colours that appears in the sky. j. A mammal 10. A small animal with very strong teeth. Exercise 8. Choose the most suitable word. 1. Last year this tree was struck by lightning / thunder / a storm 2. I like spring best, when the apple trees are in blooming / blossom / flowers 3. Something must be done to protect wild / wilderness / wildlife 4. When I want to relax, I go for a walk in the countryside / the nature / the outside. 5. In this part of the country, the earth / theland / the soil is quite expensive. 6. Suddenly we saw a ship appear on the atmosphere / horizon / sky. We were saved ! 7. Most animals will attack you to protect their babies / litters / young . 8. Julia recently discovered a new category / make / species of fruit – fly . 9. We got soaked to the skin in the torrential drizzle / downpour / snow. 10. While I was eating cherries I accidentally swallowed a nut / pip / stone.



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