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Tiếng Anh - Bài tập trắc nghiệm viết câu: Phần 2

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Nối tiếp nội dung của phần 1 Tài liệu Bài tập trắc nghiệm viết câu tiếng Anh, phần 2 cung cấp cho người đọc các bài tập trắc nghiệm phần semtence building, bài tập viết lại câu trong tiếng Anh. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo nội dung chi tiết.

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Nội dung Text: Tiếng Anh - Bài tập trắc nghiệm viết câu: Phần 2

  1. PART li SENTENCE BUILDING SENTENCE BUILDING Ì L SENTENCE BUILDING PATTERNS 1. ít + be + adjective + for + (pro)noun + to infinitive l ự difficulự thèm/ understand this lesson. ít is difficult for thèm to understand this lesson. 2. s + be + adịective + enough + to ỉnfínitỉve The nurse/ kind enough/ help him walk. The nurse is kind enough to help him walk. 3. s + be+ too + adjective + for + (pro)noun + to infinitive These grapes/ too green/ you/ eat. These grapes are too green for you to eat. 4. Noun + to infinitive + be + adịective His intention/ get / university degree / clear. His intention to get a univetsity degree is clear. 5. s + V + o + wh-word + to ỉnfínitive as direct object ì show/ how/ improve/ listening skill. ì show him how to improve his listening skill. n. PRACTICE Choose the best sentence constructed/rom the given sét ofwords & phrases. Ì. ít / painíul/ Morton/ see so much suffering. ..Ạ. ít was painful for Morton to see so much suffering. B. ít painíul for Morton to see so much suffering. c ít was painful for Morton seeing so much suữering. D. ít being painíul for Morton to see so much suffering. 2. Pasteur/ confident enough / try ouự unusual theories. > A. Pasteur is confident enough to try out his unusual theories. 67
  2. B. Pasteur being confident enough to try out his unusual theorics. JC. Pasteur was confident enough to try ou t hi s un us ùa Ì theori e s. D. Pasteur was confident enough trying out his unusual theories. 3. The patient/ tao sick/ eaự dinner. A. The patient was tro sick of eating dinner. B. The patient was teo sick too eat his dinner. c. The patient sick nót eating dinner. D. The patient was so sick to eat dinner. 4. The doctor's willingness/ read medical journals/ essential. A. The doctor willingness for read medical journals is essential. B. The doctor's willingness to read medical journals essential. c The doctor's vvillingness ofreadingmedical journals essential. D. The doctor's willingness to read medical journals essential. 5. We told/ whom/ meet/ the station. Ạ We told thèm whom to meet át the station. B. We tell thèm whom to meeting át the station. c. We told thèm whom for meeting át the station. D. We told thèm whom to meet the station. SENTENCE B U L D I N G 2 L SENTENCE BUILDING PATTERNS 1. S| + simple past + when + S + past continuous 2 They came when we were ha ving dinner. 2. Sị + past continuous + white + s + past continuous 2 My mother was watching TV while my brother was listening to music. 3. s + present perĩect My uncle has worked in this paper min for 20 years. 4. s + present perfect cotinuous They have been vvaiting for the bus for thirty minutes. 5. Si + be + r more + long adịectivèì + than + s 2 Ì short adjecti ve + er Ị Your house is more expensive than mine. Mount Everest is higher than Mount Fuji. 68
  3. l i . PARACTICE Choose the best sentence constructed/rom the given sét ofwords & phrases. Ì. We / di seussing many things when / headmaster come / in. A. We are discussing many things when the headmaster comes ỉn. ,Đ. We discussed many things when the headmaster was coming in. c. We discuss many things when the headmaster comes in. D. We were discussing many things when the headmaster came in. 2. While he / íeeding /poultry / pigs, his uncle / aunt / planting some ữuit trees. A. While he was feeding the poultry and the pigs, hỉs uncle and aunt were / planting some fruit trees. B. While he fed the poultry and the pigs, his uncle and aunt planted sọme fruit trees. c. While he was íeeding the poultry and the pigs, his uncle.and aunt planted some fruit ttees. D. While feeding the poultry and the pigs, his uncle and aunt were planting some fruit trees. 3. We / made / relieí map since last week. A. We had been makỉng a relief map since last week. B. We were making a relief map since last week. c. We made a relif map since last week. We have made a relif map since last week. 4. He / been talking/ the teacher / one hour. VA. He has been talking to theteacherfor one hour. B. He is talking to the teacher for one hour. c. He was talking to the teacher for one hour. D. He talked to the teacher for one hour. 5. January / long / than February. A. January longer than February. ^B. January is longer than February. c. January was longer than February. D. January is long than February. 69
  4. SENTENCE B U I L D I N G 3 L SENTENCE BUILDING PATTERNS 1. s + V + gerund as oject He rỉsked investing his money in business. 2. Gerund as subject + V Following good advice is necessary for us children. 3. s + Nót only + V, + bút also + v 2 She nót only coughs bút also sneezes. 4. S1+ V + Ị mon + long adveHb + than + S2 Short adverb + er J Morgan drives more careíull than Tony. They worked faster than our students. 5. s + make + o + adjective The sad movie make the girl sad and moved. n. PRACTICE Choose the best sentence constructed/rom the given sét ofwords and phrase. 1. Heming admit / discover / penicillin accidentally. \A. Reming admited discovering penicillin aẹcidentaỉly. B. Hemỉng admits discovering peniciỉỉin accidentally. c. Fleming admited to discovered penicillin byttccident D. Heming discovered the accidental penicỉllin was admitted. 2. Sending / telegram / faster / writing / letter. \ A. Sending the telegram íaster than writing the lett«. B. Sending a telegram is faster ứian vvriting a letter. \ c. Writing a letter is faster than seding a telegram. ỉ D. ít is faster sending a telegram than vvriting a letter. 3. We/ only hoe úp / earth / also break / úp with mallets. A. We nót only break úp the earth bút also hoe Ít úp with mallets. B. We break úp the earth and hoe Ít úp wiứi mallets. c. We nót only hoe úp the earth bút also break Ít úp witíi malỉets. D. We nót only hoed úp the earth bút also break Ít úp wiưi mallets. 70
  5. 4. He / speak English more íluently / Peter. A. He can speak English Auently more than Peter. B. He speaks English íluently than Peter. c He can speak English more íluently than Peter. D. He speaks English more íluently thân Peter. s. Water / manure / made / soil rích. A. Water and manure have made the soil rích. B. Water as well as manure have made the soil rích. c. Water and manure made soil rích. D. Water bút manure have made the soil rích. SENTENCE B U I D I N G 4 i L SENTENCE BULDING PATTERS. 1. I f + s + past subịunctive + Sj + would + V 2 If he were the Prime Minister, he would invest more money in jto education. 2. I f + s + past perĩect subjunctive + Sj + would have + v 2 3 If the droughs had prolonged, the local people would have been hungry. 3. Sj + Vị + when + s + v 2 2 He passes the station when the clock strikes five. 4. Sj + simple present + while + s + present continuous 2 He smokes a cigarette while he is writíng something. 5. Sj + simple past + after + S + past perfect 2 Dick moved the lawn after he had ĩinished dinner. n. PRACTICE Choose the best sentence constru cted/rom the given sét of words and phrases. ỉ. I f farmers use / hybrid seeds, they would / larger crops. A. u íarmers had use hydrid seeds, they will have larger crops. B. I f farmers use hydrid seeds, tìiey would have larger crops. c. If farmers used hybrid seeds, tíiey will have larger crops. If farmers used hybrid seeds, they would have larger crops. 71
  6. 2. I f you / nót rescued / boy, he would / drovvned. A. I f you had nót rescued the boy, he would be drowned. B. I f you don't rescued the boy, he will be drowned. I f you had nót rescued the boy, he would ha ve been dr o wned. D. I f you didn't rescued the boy, he would be drowned. 3. Dick wake / úp when / alarm clock goes off. A. Dick woke úp when the aỉarm clock goes off. B. Dick wakes úp when the alarm clock goes off. c. Dick woke úp when the alarm clock went off. D. When the alarm clock went off Dick wakes úp. 4. Dick get/ dressed whiỉe his wife prepare / breakfast. A. Dick get dressed while his wife preparing breakíast. B. Dick gets dressed while his wife is preparing breakíast. c. Dick gets dressed whiỉe his wife was preparing breakfast. D. Dick gót dressed while his wife prepared breakíasL 5. His wife can / him after he/ k í t / office. A. His wife caỉled him after he had left the office. B. His wife called him after he has left the office. c. His wife had called him after he had ỉeft the office. D. His wife calls him after he k í t the office. SENTENCE B U I L D I N G 5 ĩ. SENTENCE BUILDING PATTERNS: 1. S| + V j + because + S + V 2 2 My sister felt tired because she went úp the hiu. 2. Sj + V , + so thát + s + v 2 2 They dug the ditches so thát the water could run into the fields. 3. Si + Vị + though + s + V j 2 Nowadays people can contact each other though they li ve far away. 4. Sj + be + so + adj + thát +S + can't + V2 The picture is so high thát the child can't rcach Í t 72
  7. 5. Sj + Vị + so + much + noun + thát + s +negative verb 2 He has gót so much money thát he doesn't know how to use Ít. ILPRACTICE Choose the best sentence constructed/rom the given sét ofwords and phrases. 1. He uses / electric shaver because he get / a íaster shave. A. He uses an electric shaver because he gót a faster shave. B. He used an electric shaver because he gets a íaster shave. c. He uses an electric shaver because he gets a íaster shave. D. He uses electric shaver because he gets a íaster shave. 2. The farmer sold / horses so thát he / huy / tractor. A. The farmer sold his horses so thát he could huy a tractor. B. The farmer sold horses so thát he bought a tractor. c. The farmer sold the horses so thát he can huy a tractor. D. The íarmer sold his horses so thát he will be able to huy a tractor. 3. Computers / direct ílights / they won'treplacepilots. A. Computers direct ílights if they won't replace pilots. B. Computers will direct fỉights bút they won't replace pilots. c. Computers dừect tlights and they nót replace pilots. D. Computers will direct ílights though theỵ won't replace pilots. 4. He came so early / 1 / nót ready. A. He comes so early thát ì nót ready. B. He came so early thát ì am nót ready. c. He comes so early thát ì was nót ready. D. He came so early thát ì was nót ready. 5. She / so much food / nót sleep well. A. She ate so much food thát she could sleep weỉl. B. She ate so much food thát she can nót sleep well. c. She ate so much food thát she could nót sleep well. D. She eats so much food thát she could nót sleep well. 73
  8. SENTENCE B U I L D I N G 6 L SENTENCE BUILDING PATTERNS: Ì. s + am/ is/are + being + past participle (present continuous passrve) New English text books are being used by the pupils now. 2. s + passive verb (maixed tenses) The garbage is collected early in the moming. A new sputnik will be launched in a near íuture. 3. s + had been + past participle (past períect passive) AU the exercises had been corrected before he went to bed. 4. I f + s + present + S| + simple future (conditional tuype 1) 2 ư the weather is fine, the farmer will have a bumper crop. 5. lỉnless + s + present + Sj + simple future 2 Unless he is sick, he will come to our party. n. PRACTICE Choose the be si seníence constructed /rom the given sét of words and phrases. Ì. New methods are / experiment / now. A. New methods are experimented now. B. New methods are experimenting now. c. New methods are being experimented now. D. New methods are being now experimented. 2. The exercises will / done / class tomorrovv. A. The exercises will be done in class tomorrow. B. The exercises are done in class tomorrow. c. The exercises will do in class tomorrovv. D. These exercises will be done from class tomorrow. 3. He had / given / very íamous novel years before. A. He had be given a very famous novel years before. B. He had given a very famous novel years before. c. He was given a very famous novel years beíore. D. He had been given ã very famous novel years before. 4. If / farmers have tractors, ứiey / cultivate more land. A. If the fanners have tractors, they would cui'!v»te more land. B. Kthe íarmers have tractors, they will cultivate more land. 74
  9. c. If the íarmers having ưactors, they will cultivate more land. D. If the farmers had tractors, they will cultivate more land. 5. ưnless he huy / a pump, he won't / able / irrigate / fields. A. Unless he bought a pump, he won't be able to inigate his fields. B. Unless he buỵs a pump, he won't be able to irrỉgate his íields. c. Unless he buys a pump, he won't be able irrigating his fíelds. D. Unless he doesn't buy a pump, he won't be able to irrigate his fields. SENTENCE B U I L D I N G 7 L SENTENCE BUILDING PATTERNS: 1. Sj + whose + noun + S + V Ị + prep + Vị 2 The aircraít whose passengers the whole world was talking about fell into the Persian Gulf. 2. Sj + where + s + V j + Vj 2 The factory where my sister-in-law is working is Tan Mai Paper Company. 3. Sị + Vị +noun + when + S + VỊ 2 September 2,1945 was ứie day when Uncle Horeadthe Declaration of Independence. 4. s + V + o + v-íng We saw the thief pickpocketing a foreigner át the aừport. 5. By + time + s + will have + v 3 By the and of this year, Hanoi city will have existed for 900 years. n. PRACTICE Choose the best sentence constructed from the given sét of words and phrases. Ì. The woman ỉ cai ĩ ỉ riding in had / accident. A. The woman his car ì was riding in had an accident. B. The woman whose car ì was riding in had an accident. c. The woman whose car ì was riding in had accident. D. The woman his car ì rode in had an accident. 75
  10. 2. VVedrove by/lót where/mobile homes/on display. A. We drove by lót where mobile homes were oa display. B. We drove by the lót where the mobile homes were an display. c. We drove by the lót in which ứie mobile homes an display. D. We drove by the lót where the mobile homes are an display. 3. Sam remembers / the winters / he used / spend hours shoveỉling snow. A. Sam remembers the winters he used to spending hours shovrlHng snow. B. Sam remember the winters thát he used to spend hours shovelÌing snow. c. Sam remembered vvinters which he used to spend hours shove Ì ] i ng snow D. Sam remembers the vvinters when he used to spend hours shovelling snow. 4. We / watching / actors playing / the stage. A. We are watching actors plaỵ over the stage. B. We vvatching the actors playing ôn the stage. c. We are watching the actors playing ôn the stage. D. We were watching the actors are playing ôn the stage. 5. By next July he will / finished / trip. A. By next July he will have ũnished the trip. B. Next July he will finish the trip. c. By next July he will finish the trip. D. By next July he is going to íinish the trip. SENTENCE B U I L D I N G 8 L SENTENCE BUILDING PATTERNS l.By + time + s + will have been + V-ing By next month, they wiu have been building this suspension brídge for half a month. 2. s + V + o + o e (objective complement) They appointed Lomonosov professor of chemisữy. 3. Át + tỉme + future time + s + wfll + probably + be + V-ing Át this time next year, she will probably be learning in her last year át the university. 76
  11. 4. s + be/get + used to + V-ing / noun •-4 She will never be used to the Japanese raw físh. 5. s + V + o + past participle Our people witnessed a lót of villages destroyed during the air attacks li. PRACTICE Choose the best seníence constructed/rom the gìven sét of words and phrases. ỉ. By next July, she will / been teaching Russian / l o months. A. By next July, she has been teaching Russian 10 months. B. Next July, she will be teaching Russian 10 months. c. By next July, she will be teaching Russian for 10 months. D. By next July, she will have been teaching Russian for l o months. 2. They nominate / him minister / íòreign affairs. A. They nominate him a minister about íoreign affairs. B. They nominated for him minister of íoreign affairs. c. Theỵ nominated him minister of íoreign affairs. D. They nominate him minister of foreign affairs. 3. Át / time tomorrow, she / probably / cooking. A. Át time tomorrow, she is probably cooking. B. Át this time tomoưow, she will probably be cooking. c. Át the time tomoưow, she probably be cooking. D. Át times tomrrow, she will probably be cooking. 4. The teacher / get used / teaching / crowded class. A. The teacher has gót used to teaching a crowded class. B. The teacher gót used to a crowded class. c. The teacher used to teach a crowded class. D. The teacher was used to teach a crowded class. 5. The moon keep / the same side tùm / tovvards / earth. A. The moon keeps the same side to be turned towards the earth. . B. The moon keeps the same side to tùm towards the earth. c. The moon keeps same side tùm toward the earth. D. The moon keeps tìie same side turned tovvards the earth. 77
  12. SENTENCE B U I L D I N G 9 ì. SENTENCE BƯILDING PATTERNS 1. S| + V Ị + such + a + singular countable noun + thát + Sj +negati ve verb He gave me such a scolding thát ì didn't feel comfortable. 2. Sj +Vj + the + noun + thát + Sj + v 2 We received the news thát he had died in a battle. 3. Sj +Vj + whether + s + V Ị + or nót. 2 ì wonder whether they can hold the mceting or nót. 4. What + s + V , + V , 2 What he said was intersting. 5. The + noun + thát + s + v +Vj 2 2 The fact thát the u.s imperialists lost heavily was clear. n. PRACTICE Choose the best sentence constructed/rom the given sét of words and phrases. Ì. He had such / lót / work / nót go / the movies. A. He had such a lót of work thát he could nót go to the movies. B. He had such lót of work thát he can't go to the movies. c. He had such lots work thát he could nót go to the movies. D. He has such a lót of work thát he couldn't go to the movies. 2. He couldn't produce / proof / he had talked / the man. A. He couldn't produce proofs thát he was talking to the man. B. He couldn't produce proofs thát he had talkeđ to the man. c. He couldn't produce the proof thát he talks to the man. D. He couldn't produce the proof thát he had talked to the man. 3. The farmers will have / irrigate whether / rains / nót. A. The farmers have irrigated whether Ít rains or nót. B. The farmers will have to irrigate whèther Ít rains or nót. c. The fârmers will have to ừrigate whether Ít rains or nót. D. The íarmers will have irrigated whether Ít rains or nót. « 4. What Aunt Beryl / done / bad. A. What Aunt Beryl had done was bad. B. What Aunt Beryl have done was bad. 78
  13. c. What Aunt Beryl had done is bad. D. What Aunt Beryl did is bad. 5. His fear / some minorities would / recognized / unfounded. k A. His fear thát some minorities would recognize was uníounded. B. His fear thát some minorities would be recoginzed was uníounded. c. His fear about some minorities would be recognized was uiứòunded. D. His fear of some minorities would be recognized was unfounded. 1 SENTENCE BUILDING lo ì. SENTENCE BUILDING PATTERNS. 1. s + V + o + bare infinitive. ì feel my heart thump with excitement. 2. s + V + o + to infỉnỉtive. The teacher asked us to keep quiet during his explanation. 3. s + used to + verb. Mỵ grandĩather used to sít in this armchair. 4. s + be + to infinitive as complement. Her wish is to win a lottery ticked. 5. s + have + o (person) + bare inĩinỉtive. s + have + o (thỉng) + past participle. We had the postman mail the letters for us last month. We had the letters mailed last month. n. PRACTICE. Choose the best seníence constructedỊrom the given sét of words and phrases. ì. ì see/the children walk/tiptoe. A. ì saw the children walk ôn tiptoe. B. ì saw the children were walking ôn tiptoe. c. ì saw the children walked ôn tiptoe. D. ì saw the children walking by tìptoe. 2. Theừ parents allowAhem/stay out late. A. Their parents allow thèm stay out late. B. Theừ parents allowed thèm to stay out late. 79 Ì
  14. c Their parents were allovving thèm to stay out late. D. Their parents allowed thèm staying our late. 3. We used/ play football when /were/the sixth form. A. We used to playing íootball when were in the sixth form. B. We were used to playing íootball when we were in the siXth form. c. We used to play football when we were in the sìxth form. D. We used to be playing íootball when we were in the sixth form. 4. Our task / to íinish building / bridge beríore April 30. A. Out tack to finish building this bridge beíore April 30. B. Chít tack is to finish building this bridge before April 30. c Out tack for finish this bridge is before April 30. D. out tack of íinish this bridge is beíore April 30. 5. Have they / the elephants feed / yet? A. Have they had the elephants fed yet? B. Have they gót the elephants feed yet? c. Have they had the elephants feed yet? D. Have they had the elephants be fed yet? SENTENCE B U I L D I N G l i ì. SENTENCE BƯILDING PATTERNS 1. ít + be + adj + thát + s + V It's íortunate thát you gót a narrow escape. 2. s + Scarcely / barely + V His voice scarcely rose above a vvhisper. 3. Sị + Vị + vvhereas + S + V 2 2 It's hót in the soutíi of Hai Van pass whereas it's cold in the north of í t 4. As far as Pin concerned, s + V As far as I'm concemed, a tobaco factorywill be established here. 5.S + V + s o a s t o + V He drove slowly so as nót to have accident. 80
  15. n . PRACTICE Choose the best sentence constructed/rom the given sét ofwords andphrases. ì. ít possible / he will hear / his old friend soon. A. It's possible thát he will hear from his old friend sòm. B. It's possible for him hearing from his old friend soon. c It's possible thát he will hear about his old íriend soon. D. ít' s possible thát he will hear of his old ííiend soon. 2. He / scarcely hold back / tears. A. He couldn't scarcely hold back his tears. B. He could scarcely hold back his tears. c. He could scarcely held back his teáVs. D. He could scarceỉy hold back his tears. 3. Britain / nót mountainous vvhereas Italỵ / mainly mountainous. A. Britain is nót mountainous whereas Italy isn't either. B. Britain is nót mountainous \vhereas Italy is too. c. Britain is nót mountainous whereas Italy is mainly nountainous. D. Britain is nót mountainous whereas Italy is mainly so. 4. As / as ì / concerned, you / call / police. A. As far as Piĩi concemed, you will call the police. B. As far as I'm concemed, ỵou called the police. c. As far as I'm concerned, you should call the police. D. As far as 1'm concerned, you cai! the police. 5. He stay / away / work / a week so as / be able / have / rest. A. He stayed away to work for a week so as to be able to have a rest. B. He stayed away from wòrk for a week so as to be able for having a rest. c. He stayed away for work a week so as to be able to have a rest. D. He stayed away ftom work for a week so as to be able to have a rest. S E N T E N C E B U I L D I N G 12 ì. SENTENCE BUILDING PATTERNS. 1. s + be / V + more and more + long adjective The storms became more and more violent. 81
  16. 2. The less + adj + s + V, the l e n + adj + s + V The less strong we are, the less happy you will be. 3. S I + V I + thát + S2 + present subjunctive. The commander demanded thát his soldier break in thát military post. 4. ít + be + adj + thát + s + present subjunctive. It's essential thát his wife work to help pay this bills. 5. The + noun + be + thát + s + present subjunctive. There advice was thát theừ daughter finish college before manying. i n . PRACTICE Choose thệ best sentence constructed/rom the given sét ofwords and phrases. 1. Nights/getting longer/longer. a. Nights are getting longer and long. b. Nights are getting longer longer. c. Nights getting longer and longer. d. Nights are getting longer and longer. 2. The less tasty/food became, the less/ ate Ít a. The less tasty food became, the less we ate Ít. b. The less tasty the food became, the less Ít was ate. c. The less tasty the food became, the less was ate Í t d. The less tasty food became, the less ate Ít. 3. Our teacher suggested/Ken read more/ motorized suburbs. a. Chư teacher suggest thát Ken read more about motorized suburbs. b. Our teaher suggested thát Ken read more about motorized suburbs. c. Our teacher suggested Ken to read more abour motorized suburbs. d. Our teacher suggested Ken reading more about motorized suburbs. 4. l ự importantAhe husband spend timeAhe children. a. It's important thát the husband spend time with the children. b. It's important thát the husband spends time with the children. c. It's important for the husband spend time with the children. d. It's important to spend time for the children with ứie husband. 5. My suggession/ thát you/ close attention/ your work. a. My suggestion was thát you paid close attentìon to your woric b. My suggestion was thát you paying close attention to your work- c. My suggestion for you to close attention to youivvvork. d. My suggestíon was thát you pay close attentìon to your work 82
  17. SENTENCE B U I L D I N G 1 3 L SENTENCE BƯBLDING PATTERNS. 1. s, + V , + thát + s, + Vị. The hotel manager says thát the mattress beds are excellents. 2. S| + V Ị + wh ->• word + s + v . 2 2 ì must ask when Ben invented the telephone. 3. s + be + adj + thát clause. We are sorry thát our television sét is broken. 4. s + V + wh - word + to inĩỉnitive. We don't know how to operate this combine harvester. 5. Sj + who + v +2 VỊ. The scientist who invented the steam engine was James Watt. n. PRACTICE Choose the best sentence constructed from the gỉven sét of words and phrases. 1. The mayor says/ the new post office will / open / next week. a. The mayor says the new post office be opened next week. b. The mayor says thát the new post offíce will open next week. c. The mayor says thát the new post office wiu be opened next week. d. The mayor said thát the new post office will be opened next week. 2. ì must ask when Bell invent/ the telephone. a. ì must ask when Ben invented the telephone. b. ì must ask when Bell invents the telephone. c. ì must ask when did Bell invent the telephone. d. ì must ask when Bell had invented the telephone. 3. V glad/ television sets are becoming cheaper ai]/ time. a. ì was glad thát television sets are becoming cheaper all the time. b. ì am glad thát television sets are becoming cheaper all the time. c. ì am glad thát television sets become cheaper aỉl time. d. ì be glad thát television sets are cheaper than any tíme. 4. ì wants / know how much/ write about satellites. a. He wants to know how much satellites to write about b. He want know how nÀch to write about. c. He vvanted to know how much writing about satellites. 83
  18. d. He wants to knovv how much to write about sa tte li te s. s. The man who run/ the store/ called /manager. a. The man who run the store is called the manager. b. The man runnỉng the store called the manager. c. The man who runs the store is called the manager. d. The man who runs the store is caUed the manager. S E N T E N C E B U I L D I N G 14 L SENTENCE BƯILDING PATTERNS. I 1. Sj + V j + a s i f + S + V . 2 2 The young man acted as i f he has been a professional lion tamer. 2. s + should have + v . 3 He should have finished writing his dissertation beíore May. 3. s + could have + V j . The nomads could have eaten taro instead of rice. 4. s + must have + v . 3 The penguins mus have been extinct due to scarcity of food. 5.s + be + t o + V . They were to satisty the academic requirements for college admission. n. PRACTICE Choose the best sentence constructed/rom the given sét ofwords andphrast 1.1 felt as if / had had/ headache. A. ì felt as if ì have a headache. B. ì felt as i f ì had had a headache. c. ì ftít as if ĩ have had a headached. D. ì felt as if ì had a headache. 2. She would/ boughtAoothpaste/her father yesterday. ạ. She should has bought a toothpaste for her father yesterxiay. b. She should have bought toothpaste for her father yesterday. c. She should have bought a tcx)thpaste for her father yesterday. d. She should huy a toothpaste for her father yesteniay. 84
  19. 3. He could borrovved some books his assignment. a. He could have borrowed some books from his assignment. b. He can borrovved some books for his assignment. c. He could borrovv some bookds for his assignment now. d. He could have borrowed some books for his assignments. 4. You must/ taken your hát / you yesterday. a. You must have taken your hát with ỵou yesterday. b. You must have taken your hát for you yesterday. c. You must be taken your hát will ỵou yesterday. d. You must be taking your hát for you yesterday. 5. She/ to take/ attic/ the tóp/ a middle - class house a. She will be to take an attic by the tóp of a middle - class house. b. She is taking an attic ôn the tóp in a middle - class house. c. She was to take an attic át the tóp of a middle - class house. d. She was to be taken attic át the tóp of a middle - class house. SENTENCE B U I L D I N G 1 5 L SENTENCE BUILDING PATTERNS. 1. Sj + whom + s + v + Vị. 2 2 The doctor whom ì know specializes in gynaecology. 2. S| + prep + whom + s + v + Vị 2 2 The soldier of whom you were proud was badly vvounded. 3. Sj + prẹp + which + s + V j + Vị. 2 The beach ôn which we used to lie was destroyed by an oil plant. 4. Sj + whose + noun + v + Vị. 2 The film whose tùm over was thousands of dollars gót a fĩrst prize in the festival. 5. Sj + whose + noun + s + v + Vị. 2 2 The submarine whose fate you know had explored in the Barrent Sea. 85
  20. n . PRACTICE Choose the be si sentence constructed /rom the gi ven tét ofwords and phraset 1. The mand / you saw behind/ counter/ the butcher. A. The man whom you saw behind the counter ís the butcher. B. The man who you saw behind the counter was the butcher. c. The man whom you saw behind the counter i s a butcher D. The man thát you saw behind the counter is butcher 2. The clerk for / we were looking / noự the store. a. The clerk for vvhose we were looking isn't in the store. b. The clerk whom we were looking for isn't the store. c. The clerk you thát we were looking isn't in the store. d. The clerk for whom we were looking isn't in the store. 3. This/noự brand for / 1 asked. A. This isn't the brand for which ì am asked. B. This nót the brand for which ì asked. c. This isn't the brand for which ì asked. D. This wasn't the brand for thát ì asked. 4. The vvoman whose husband sell/ cai insurance wreck/ her cai. A. The woman whose husband sells car insurance wrecked her car. B. The woman whose husband sen car insurance wrecks her car. c. The woman whose husband sold car insurance vvrecks her car. D. The woman vvhose husband selling car insurance wrecked her cai. 5. The policeman/car she hít gave her/ ticket. A. The policeman his cai she hít was given a tĩcket. B. The policeman whose car she hít gave her a ticket. c. The policeman his cai she hít gave her a ticket. D. The policeman whose car she hít gives her a ticket. 86



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