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Bài tập Bổ trợ & Nâng cao Tiếng Anh 12 – PHRASAL VERBS 2

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Tham khảo tài liệu 'bài tập bổ trợ & nâng cao tiếng anh 12 – phrasal verbs 2', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

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  1. Page 1 Bài tập Bổ trợ & Nâng cao Tiếng Anh 12 – PHRASAL VERBS 2 Name: ……………………………….. Class: ................ EXERCISE 1: Replace the words in brackets in the following sentences with a suitable phrasal verb. Make any other necessary changes. call on get on for do in turn down g o down look up get down g o off look in take to get at go back to cut up take off g o down with go out give away take away 1) If he says that again I’ll (kill him) ____________ him ___________ - I swear it! 2) You’d better not dink that milk, Joe. It’s (turned sour) _______________. 3) We knew he wasn’t English as his accent (betrayed him) ___________________ him. 4) The house I live in (dates from) ______________________ the 15th century. 5) Let’s (go and visit) ______________________ Paul and Jan tonight. It’s been ages since we last saw them. 6) Clive was really (upset) ______________________ when he failed his proficiency exam. 7) I think I’ll go somewhere for the weekend. Things have been ( making me depressed) _____________ me lately, so a change of air will do me good. 8) John can’t come with us tonight after all. It seems he’s (caught) _________________ a cold. 9) “What does “misogynist” mean, Allan?” – “I’ve no idea, Jill. You’d better (find out its meaning) _______ it ______ in the dictionary. 10) The power point was behind the piano, which made it very difficult to (reach) ________________. 11) You’re not going to wear a mini-skirt, are you, Jane? They (stopped being fashionable) _________________ years ago. 12) “How old is Eva?” – “I’m not sure. But she must be (nearly) ______________________ forty.” 13) If you (subtract) ________________ 25 from 100, you’re left with 75. 14) No one really believed it when the news came through that the “Titanic” had (sunk) ________________ on her maiden voyage. 15) I tried smoking a pipe once, but I never really (liked) _________________ it. 16) I was offered a job in Leeds but I (refused it) ___________ it ___________ because I didn’t want to move away from Hastings. 17) I can’t stop now but I’ll (pay a short visit) ___________________ later on my way home from home. 18) You should see Brian (imitate) __________________ the new boss. The way he does it is really fantastic. He’s just like him! EXERCISE 2: Replace the words in brackets in the following sentences with a suitable phrasal verb. Make any other necessary changes. let off g o through with do up turn out come round take for go off turn away put up with go over get round to come apart fall out g o with get out of put up put off get through to 1) Do you think you could (examine) _________________ this work with me some time, Pete? 2) The teacher suspected that one of the class had stolen the money, so he made them all (empty) ____________ their pockets. 3) You look upset, Sven. Have you and Inger (quarrelled) _________________ again? 4) I tried to have lunch at the Savoy yesterday, but was (refused admittance) ____________________ because I wasn’t wearing a tie. 5) Guess what, Sue? I was (mistaken f or) _____________________ John Travolta last week. It was a great feeling. 6) Paul, do you think you could (give me a place to sleep) ______________ me ____________ for the night? It’s a bit too late to go home now. 7) Many things are so badly made nowadays that they often (break into pieces) ________________ after only a few weeks. 8) He was caught shop-lifting but since this was his first offence he was (allowed to go free) ______________ with a warning. 9) I didn’t really want to play football on Saturday, but since there was no one else to take my place I couldn’t really (escape from doing) ________________________ it. 10) Could you help me (wrap) ___________________ this parcel, please, Tom? 11) I don’t know how she (tolerates) ___________________ him. She must have the patience of a saint. 12) You never listen to me, Eva, do you? It’s impossible to (reach) _________________ you these days! 13) I think David’s (stopped liking) _____________________ me. He hasn’t told me he loves me for over a week. 14) The girl was relieved when her boyfriend (regained consciousness) ___________________ after having fainted h alf- way through the Pop Concert. 15) I like your blouse, Sally. It (matches) __________________ your skirt. 16) I know you find the course boring, Pauline, but since you’ve started it you might as well (complete) ____________ it. 17) The only thing that (discourages me from) _________ me ___________ getting married is the thought of having to sleep in the same roof as someone else. 18) I keep meaning to write to my parents but I’m so busy nowadays that I can’t seem to (find the time to do) _______________ it. EXERCISE 3: Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable VERB (in the 1st part of the sentence) and a suitable PREPOSITION / PARTICLE (in the 2nd part of the sentence). E.g. I’d give up smoking, only I’m afraid of putting on weight. 1) When she was told that her father had ____________ away she broke ____________. 2) The police were ____________ in to break ____________ the fight outside the dance hall. 3) My father was ____________ up two days after war broke ____________. 4) She’s ____________ out! Quick somebody! Get the smelling salts! That should bring her ____________. 5) Unless the group ____________ up soon we’ll have to call ____________ the concert. Nguyễn Đức Hưng* * - Marie Curie School, HP. : 0912.883.190 /
  2. Page 2 Bài tập Bổ trợ & Nâng cao Tiếng Anh 12 – PHRASAL VERBS 2 6) James ____________ into quite a large sum of money when his parents were killed when the plane they were in crashed as it was taking ____________. 7) I ____________ across these old books while I was clearing ____________ the attic. 8) “You will ____________ me up at the meeting, won’t you, Bill?” – “ Of course, Pat. You know you can count ____________ me for support.” 9) I’m a bit ____________ up at the moment, Miss Brown. So perhaps you wouldn’t mind dealing ____________ this matter instead. 10) Although the was a public outcry when the news ____________ out that the Prime Minister had been taking bribes, it didn’t take long for all the fuss to die ____________. 11) What do you mean, you’ve ____________ out of cigarettes? I bought you two packets yesterday. You can’t possibly have got ____________ them yet. 12) It took John a long time to ____________ over Cathy. In fact, it wasn’t until he heard that she’d got married that he finally gave ____________ all hope of her ever going back to him. 13) If your son ____________ on working like this, Mrs. South, then he’s bound to get ____________ the exam in the summer. 14) I think I’d better ____________ in now; we’re setting ____________ very early in the morning. 15) “Do you ____________ like dancing?” – “Well, I’d rather sit this one ____________, if you don’t mind.” 16) Could you ____________ off another fifty copies of the letter please, Mr. Wilson, and make sure they’re sent ____________ first thing in the morning.” 17) Things were really _________ me down last week. In fact, I was almost tempted to do ________ _______ myself. 18) I don’t know how I’d ____________ by if I didn’t have my savings to fall ____________ ____________. 19) I’ve got some friends ____________ round this evening, so I’d better go home and tidy ____________ the flat before they arrive. 20) My daughter really ____________ on well with people. She takes ____________ her father in that respect. Nguyễn Đức Hưng* * - Marie Curie School, HP. : 0912.883.190 /



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