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báo cáo khoa học: " Toward a treaty on safety and cost-effectiveness of pharmaceuticals and medical devices: enhancing an endangered global public good"

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  1. Globalization and Health BioMed Central Open Access Debate Toward a treaty on safety and cost-effectiveness of pharmaceuticals and medical devices: enhancing an endangered global public good Thomas Alured Faunce* Address: Medical School and College of Law, Australian National University, Canberra ACT Thomas A Faunce LlB(Hons) BMed PhD, Senior Lecturer. Project Director, Globalisation and Health, Centre of Governance of Knowledge and Development, Regulatory Institutions Network, Australia Email: Thomas Alured Faunce* - * Corresponding author Published: 28 March 2006 Received: 30 September 2005 Accepted: 28 March 2006 Globalization and Health 2006, 2:5 doi:10.1186/1744-8603-2-5 This article is available from: © 2006 Faunce; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Abstract • Expert evaluations of the safety, efficacy and cost-effectiveness of pharmaceutical and medical devices, prior to marketing approval or reimbursement listing, collectively represent a globally important public good. The scientific processes involved play a major role in protecting the public from product risks such as unintended or adverse events, sub-standard production and unnecessary burdens on individual and governmental healthcare budgets. • Most States now have an increasing policy interest in this area, though institutional arrangements, particularly in the area of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical devices, are not uniformly advanced and are fragile in the face of opposing multinational industry pressure to recoup investment and maintain profit margins. • This paper examines the possibility, in this context, of States commencing negotiations toward bilateral trade agreement provisions, and ultimately perhaps a multilateral Treaty, on safety, efficacy and cost-effectiveness analysis of pharmaceuticals and medical devices. Such obligations may robustly facilitate a conceptually interlinked, but endangered, global public good, without compromising the capacity of intellectual property laws to facilitate local product innovations. tory environment with diminished government controls, Background: regulating the global medicines and are also likely to be major factors[3]. medical devices industries The global market for "innovative" pharmaceuticals and medical devices has become one of the most significant "Medicines" may be divided into subcategories depend- sectors for government healthcare spending, particularly ing on whether they are available to the public by physi- as higher corporate rents are leveraged from elevated intel- cian prescription or over-the-counter pharmacy sales, lectual property standards[1]. Its influence on public pol- have synthetic or biologic components, are patented or icy is set to expand exponentially, as the products generic, or are complementary (outside the traditional involved are innovatively re-shaped by nano and gene medical evidence base) in nature[4]. The term "medical technology and priced accordingly[2]. Aging populations device" has been defined in various terms by regulatory and normal profit-seeking behaviour by multinational agencies, but generally refers to any instrument, appara- corporate manufacturers and private insurers, in a regula- tus, appliance, or related article that is intended for use in Page 1 of 9 (page number not for citation purposes)
  2. Globalization and Health 2006, 2:5 the diagnosis, prevention, monitoring, treatment, or alle- munity can afford; medicines meeting appropriate stand- viation of disease, or is intended to affect the structure or ards of quality, safety and efficacy; quality use of function of the human anatomy[5]. medicines; and maintaining a responsible and viable medicines industry[14]. A major advantage of the Austral- Efficacy and safety evaluation are now routine initial reg- ian system, in that the monopsony buying power of the ulatory hurdles in most nations for any newly created pre- Federal government can build on CEAP prior to Federal scription medicine and medical device. Animal studies formulary listing to achieve major price reductions from (particularly for teratogenicity, carcinogenicity and muta- industry[15]. genicity) and then three phase human clinical trial data, are widely used for institutional approval (licensing or The New Zealand Pharmaceutical Management Agency registration) of pharmaceuticals and a variety of other ("PHARMAC") was originally established under the sources for post-approval surveillance[6]. Health and Disabilities Services Act (1993) (NZ) (now the Public Health and Disability Act 2000 (NZ)) with the spe- As shall be discussed in more detail, nations such as Can- cific purpose of improving the management of Govern- ada, Australia, New Zealand and the UK, possess institu- ment expenditure on pharmaceuticals already approved tions that have achieved international recognition for on safety and efficacy grounds. PHARMAC, with the excellence in cost-effectiveness analysis of pharmaceuti- assistance of independent medical experts on the Pharma- cals ("CEAP") as a final component of safety and efficacy cology and Therapeutics Advisory Committee ("PTAC") evaluation ("SE/CEAP")[7]. The literature and institu- and its specialist sub-committees, manages, on cost-effec- tional arrangements for cost-effectiveness analysis of med- tiveness grounds set out in guidelines, a Federal formu- ical devices ("CEAMD") after safety and efficacy approval lary, known as the Pharmaceutical Schedule. Patients and ("SE/CEAMD"), is much less developed[8]. This article their advocacy groups have input into PHARMAC's listing will discuss some significant recent industry challenges to decisions through a Consumer Advisory Committee. One such processes. of its major advances involves the use of tendering for low cost generic medicines[16]. International benchmark organizations for medicines and medical devices safety and efficacy evaluation, such as the Cost-effectiveness evaluation was introduced as a interre- US Food and Drug Administration ("FDA") have also lated evaluation with safety and efficacy approval, by the recently come under intense public and governmental Canadian provinces of Ontario[17]. and British Columbia scrutiny for perceived inadequacies and conflicts of inter- in the early 1990's[18]. The Canadian Expert Drug Advi- est[9]. Additional concerns in this area are corporate-lead sory Committee ("CEDAC") now operates under the international harmonisation processes in safety and effi- Coordinating Office for Health Technology Assessment cacy evaluation of medical devices, that appear to under- ("CCOHTA") to create cost-effectiveness recommenda- mine the precautionary principle by shifting the burden of tions for ten provincial and three territory governments, proof to public authorities post marketing approval[10]. as well as specific Federal programs (for example, veterans Given that such regulatory processes are under pressure and also indigenous people)[19]. The Canadian Patented from multinational industry interests, this article explores Medicines Prices Review Board ("PMPRB") sets a maxi- whether the most efficient public or State response may be mum "factory gate" price for new, patented "break- to work toward a multilateral treaty in this area. through" drugs, based on the median price in seven OECD nations specified in regulations (France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, U.K. and the U.S.), most of The global spread of medical safety, efficacy and which (apart from the US) rely on some form of CEAP to cost-effectiveness analysis Increasing international interest exists in CEAP prior to guide government reimbursement decisions. The PMPRB government reimbursement as a necessary value approval attempts to also ensure that most new patented drug stage after safety and efficacy evaluation[11]. Australia prices are limited to those of comparable pharmaceuticals was one of the first nations to embrace this concept, sold in Canada and that existing patented drug prices in through Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme ("PBS") guide- that nation cannot increase by more than the Consumer lines, in the early 1990s[12]. The resultant processes, Price Index (CPI), or become the highest in the world[20]. operating under the aegis of Australia's Pharmaceutical Although it does not advertise the fact, the PMPRB Benefits Advisory Committee ("PBAC"), are now widely appears to utilise a form of CEAP[21]. regarded as giving Australia world class expertise in the area[13]. They have a major role in implementing the In Europe safety and efficacy considerations fall within National Medicines Policy ("NMP") 2000, the four central the European Medicines Agency Guidelines on Risk Man- objectives of which are: timely access to the medicines agement Systems for Medicinal Products for Human that Australians need, at a cost individuals and the com- Use[22]. Governments in most OECD countries (as well Page 2 of 9 (page number not for citation purposes)
  3. Globalization and Health 2006, 2:5 as those mentioned above) utilise forms of CEAP in con- Evaluation Center ("PEC") of the Department of junction with safety and efficacy evaluations[23]. Bel- Defence[40]. gium, Finland, Norway, Portugal and Sweden have introduced formal cost-effectiveness as a routine "fourth CEAP and CEAMD are emerging fields of academic and hurdle" after quality, safety and efficacy determina- health policy interest for China, with the particular aim of tion[24]. The Hungarian Office of Health Technology reducing the high proportion (44%) of pharmaceutical Assessment of the National Institute for Strategic Health expenditure in total healthcare expenditure[41]. The Research has a mandatory role in granting social insur- South Korean government has been developing phar- ance subsidies related to medicines and medical maco-economic guidelines after consultations with devices[25]. The resultant expert recommendation may experts in Canada and Australia[42]. In 2001 the Singa- allow the creation of formularies for either positive or pore Ministry of Health appointed a Drug Cost Review negative government reimbursement of pharmaceutical Task Force to revise cost-effectiveness processes in connec- prices[26]. As well as cost-effectiveness, cost-utility, cost- tion with a Standard Drug List[43]. In Thailand, three tax- benefit and cost-minimisation approaches are uti- ation funded public insurance schemes provide a lised[27]. CEAP is often linked with reference pricing, minimum pharmaceutical package through a cost-effec- which may involve a government reimbursing the average tiveness evaluated National List of Essential Drugs[44]. or lowest price in a therapeutic grouping of prescription Malaysia and Pakistan have governments very interested medicines[28]. The UK Pharmaceutical Price Regulation in cost-effectiveness analysis of pharmaceuticals, but eval- Scheme ("PPRS")[29]. links government control over uations are limited by lack of funding, lack of trained per- manufacturer profits with a negative (non-reimbursed) sonnel, lack of protected research time, limited access to list and cost-effectiveness guidance from the National data and information, poor dissemination and official Institute of Clinical Excellence ("NICE")[30]. Though also uptake of research outcomes[45]. utilising expert analysis of systematic reviews and model- ling, unlike Australia's PBAC, NICE commissions evalua- Developing countries in general frequently lack the tions on classes of drugs, rather than having them resources to train and support officials with the requisite performed by submitting corporations for specific prod- pharmaco-economic expertise to permit interlinked ucts[31]. safety, efficacy and CEAP/CEAMD evaluations on an effec- tive, national scale[46]. To respond to community (and In the United States, safety and efficacy evaluations follow their own employees') social justice concerns about pub- the FDA pharmacovigilance and risk management action lic health problems arising from high intellectual property plans[32]. CEAP is less widely utilised in conjunction rents, the multinational pharmaceutical industry has pro- with safety and efficacy analysis at the Federal level[33]. posed self-regulatory alternatives emphasising pharmaco- The same true in Japan[34].Industry critics have pointed philanthropy, public-private partnership initiatives and to methodological flaws such as vague definitions of ther- covert differential pricing[47]. Many developing nations, apeutic class and the difficulty of obtaining good meas- such as India, rely upon the World Health Organisation's ures for societal preferences[35]. Politically dominant ("WHO") Essential Medicines List[48]. This assesses cost private insurance and pharmaceutical corporations have of such pharmaceuticals per case, per cure, per month of also linked CEAP with claims that indiscriminate, non- treatment, per case prevented, per clinical event pre- evidence-based government charges could impede patient vented, or, if possible and relevant, cost per quality- choice concerning "innovative" medicines[36]. Individ- adjusted life year gained[49]. ual healthcare facilities (with limited bargaining power) in the US are encouraged by industry to develop formular- The intense recent interest focused on the global problems ies useful to patient care using managed care guide- with safety and cost-effectiveness of pharmaceuticals, has lines[37]. A group of States have organised a Drug lead to medical devices becoming somewhat of a silent Evaluation Review Process ("DERP") to assist their man- partner in such regulatory discussions. The International aged care plans[38]. Health Management Organisations Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research ("HMO's") have begun to require pharmaceutical manu- ("ISPOR") is attempting to redress this imbalance[50]. facturers to make formulary submissions according to Devices do create unique difficulties, particularly through guidelines prepared by the Academy of Managed Care difficulties obtaining blinded trial data, the skill involve- Pharmacy ("AMCP") and increased prominence has been ment with diagnosis (they are not therefore fully embod- given to the work of the Agency for Health Research and ied technologies and have cost-effectiveness learning Quality ("AHRQ")[39]. Increasing prominence has also curves), the frequency of product modifications and poor been given to CEAP performed by the Veterans Health development of regulatory theory in this area[51]. The Administration ("VHA") and the Pharmacoeconomics Global Harmonization Task Force (GHTF) comprises rep- resentatives from national medical device regulatory Page 3 of 9 (page number not for citation purposes)
  4. Globalization and Health 2006, 2:5 authorities and industry from European Union, the SE/CEAP and SE/CEAMD have three key advantages, United States of America, Canada and Japan was estab- which may allow them to evolve into an important global lished ostensibly to encourage convergence in safety, effi- public good. The first involves an emphasis on scientific cacy and cost-effectiveness evaluations, whilst also evidence, the second a commitment to equity, to ensuring promoting technological innovation and facilitating value for a whole community and the third, the capacity international trade[52]. of SE/CEAP and SE/CEAMD to act as fiscal brakes on rent flowing to prior intellectual property owners without An important point to note from the above survey is that inhibiting encouragement of local innovation through established and effective forms of CEAP and CEAMD high intellectual property protection. work in close conceptual association with safety and effi- cacy evaluations. We can now examine whether it may One of the major disadvantages of SE/CEAP and SE/ make better regulatory sense to consider these as inte- CEAMD, is the common presence of methodological grally linked processes. flaws either in the evaluations by regulators, or in eco- nomic submissions made by industry[59]. SE/CEAMD faces comparative difficulties with "blinding," variable Advantages and disadvantages of SE/CEAP and physician technique and a shorter product life cycle. Yet, SE/CEAMD Affordable access to essential medicines is increasingly they may benefit from easier in vitro assessment and a recognised as a global public good, providing an essential greater capacity to characterise incremental design precondition to a reasonable quality of life for a signifi- changes by laboratory bench testing. cant proportion of every human population, being sys- tematically underprovided by private market forces and Another disadvantage, from the regulators' point of view, imposing burdensome international externality costs on is the lack of "hard" outcome data such as Quality third parties[53]. Further, affordable access to essential Adjusted Life Years ("QALYs"), particularly at initial eval- medicines appears to be emerging, both academically and uation of an innovative product. Manufacturers often in practise, as a core part of the international right to claim it is too early to produce such published trial data health in article 12 of the International Covenant on Eco- and prefer to rely on surrogate outcomes, such as readily nomic, Cultural and Social Rights (article 25 of the Universal measured changes in biochemical markers of disease. Declaration of Human Rights)[54]. One recent manifesta- Another disadvantage is that CEAP and CEAMD analysis tion was the Doha Declaration, which affirmed the capacity is often (unless it is linked to Federal monopsony buying of WTO members to use to the full exceptions in the Trade power) unable to question the initial price given by indus- Related Intellectual Property Rights agreement ("TRIPS") try. Direct, rather than inferred, evidence of marginal cost to promote public health by facilitating access to afforda- of production is denied to evaluators, often on "commer- ble medicines[55]. It is also specifically referred to in arti- cial-in-confidence" grounds. This means that CEAP and cle 14 of the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics CEAMD however excellently performed, often metaphor- and Human Rights[56]. There seems to be little reason why ically take place on an uncertain foundation[60]. There is in theory or practice, affordable access to essential medical also issue of nations training enough pharmaco-eco- devices should not to subject to the same considerations. nomic experts to facilitate CEAP and CEAMD for, for example, both pre and post reimbursement listing. SE/CEAP and SE/CEAMD processes, however, despite their value to contemporary health technology assessment SE/CEAP and SE/CEAMD also commonly be "gamed" by and their capacity to facilitate access to medicines, have industry. If, for example, in a system such as that of Aus- not themselves been widely discussed as a global public tralia, if a safety regulator approves 5 clinical indications, good, or as in any obvious way connected with normative this could lead to submissions to a cost-effectiveness eval- systems of distributive justice and the international uator on only one indication with the industry expecta- human right to health. Neither is primarily regarded as a tion of prescription "leakage" outside recommendations, cost-containment strategy, chiefly because their related compromising fiscal savings for the taxpayer. Similarly, formularies generally lack a capped budget and their fiscal expert evaluations considering a medicine's toxicity may effects are predicated on prescribers adhering to recom- play an important CEAP role by factoring disutility into mended indications[57]. SE/CEAP and SE/CEAMD, create modelled analysis, calculating compliance, or altering no barriers to market access, or infringements of intellec- indications. tual property rights. They merely attempt to rationalise, according to scientific evaluation of a hierarchy of clinical Hasty safety approvals could endanger public health, yet trial evidence, government or other third party (private heightened industry pressure for "fast-tracking" may arise health insurer) reimbursement expenditure [58]. from diverse sources: prior notification of submission schemes, differing standards of proof, industry applica- Page 4 of 9 (page number not for citation purposes)
  5. Globalization and Health 2006, 2:5 tions "salami slicing" indications to fit "orphan" drug cat- "innovative" medicines[67]. The US pharmaceutical egories, by inadequate conflict of interest protections industry also has a powerful influence on the globally given full cost recovery from industry and pressure for influential US legislature[68]. The Medicare Prescription development collaborations with regulators. Over-cau- Drug Improvement and Modernization Act 2003 (US), as one tious rejections could delay patient benefits, reduce export instance, thwarted attempts to introduce a Federal PBAC- earnings and stifle investor confidence; yet safety classifi- type process in the US, specifically prohibiting the US gov- cations of innovative nanotechnology products at the ernment from using its bulk buying power for Medicare device/medicine 'boundary' will be distinctly complex. beneficiaries from negotiating medicines price discounts The public may react adversely to new internationally har- in a PBAC-style approach[69]. A Congressional Confer- monised medical devices safety regulations that shift bur- ence Agreement on this legislation obligated US negotia- dens of proof to safety regulators after approval, possibly tors on the AUSFTA to report on whether that deal offered in anticipation of the difficulty in obtaining credible pub- opportunities to achieve the objectives of the Bipartisan lished trial data in this area (recruitment of subjects to Trade Authority Act 2002 (US) including the "elimination nanomedicine safety and cost-effectiveness trials will be of government measures such as price controls and refer- unusually difficult). The limited published systematic ence pricing which deny full market access" for US phar- reviews, may unduly restrict SE/CEAP and SE/CEAMD for maceuticals[70]. nanotechnology products to surrogate outcome measures, rather than quality-adjusted life years. Section 1123 of the Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act 2003 (US), commissioned a study by the US Department of Commerce, on so-called phar- Threats from global industry interests Though well entrenched in the policies of most States, maceutical "price controls" implemented by SE/CEAP sys- evolution and enhancement of SE/CEAP and SE/CEAMD tems in thirteen OECD countries. It claimed that these as a global public good should not be taken for granted. cost US drug purchasers from $5–$6 billion per year. It Brand name pharmaceutical multinationals, in particular, argued that US drug prices should serve as a benchmark are currently involved in a global strategy, using interna- for deregulated prices, despite the fact that they are 18– tional trade arrangements, carefully funded and seeded 67% higher than those in the relevant OECD coun- academic articles, strategic surveys of relevant processes in tries[71]. Europe and Asia (and how well they respond to the cor- porate lobbying principle of innovation), to separate cost- An important issue here may be the role of Article 64 of effectiveness analysis from safety and efficacy evaluations the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Prop- and central government monopsony buying power and erty Rights ("TRIPS")[72]. The United States, for example, replace it with medicines provision models emphasising subsequently has argued that the initial and subsequent privatised insurance,[61]. medicines savings moratoria is over and the Non-Violation-Nullification of accounts[62]. and direct-to-consumer advertising[63]. Benefits ("NVNB") remedy must now be accepted, by all This process has already produced large scale adverse pub- WTO Members, as applying to the TRIPS Agreement[73]. lic health consequences in China[64]. and Singapore[65]. At the WTO meeting in Hong Kong in December 2005, Nevertheless it is still being promoted by industry as a United States negotiators attempted to obtain concessions credible policy alternative to universal taxpayer-funded in return for their support for the continuance of the access schemes in developed nations such as Australia, NVNB moratorium[74]. NVNB claims, permitting dispute usually in the guise of enhancing "consumer" choice and resolution proceedings for breaching the "spirit" of a trade responsibility[66]. Critics point to the lack of logic or agreement could both support and undermine CEAP, compassion in industry emphasising the decision-making depending on the undertakings made about it at the time capacity of sick people, particularly the disabled and poor such agreements were entered. The Australian govern- patients, concerning their health and therapies, as if what ment, for example, quite explicitly gave undertakings that they were purchasing was a new car, house, or suit of the fundamental architecture of Australia's CEAP system clothes. would not be altered by the AUSFTA[75] and backed this up by passing implementing legislation against the proc- The United Nations Human Development Report 2005 ess of patent "evergreening" predicated on such an has emphasised, for example, that the World Trade assumption. Crucially important in this context could be Organisation's ("WTO's") corporate-sponsored Trade- Annex 2C (1) of the Australia-United States Free Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) agreement, Agreement ("AUSFTA,") where "innovation" is uniquely along with so-called "TRIPS-Plus" intellectual property linked with the socially-oriented concepts of 'high quality protections in subsequent bilateral trade agreements, pose health care', 'affordability', 'accountability' and "objec- a "pronounced" threat to global public health, particu- tively demonstrated therapeutic significance'. Whether larly through their expansive effect on prices for so-called "innovation" should sit within CEAP, or the patent sys- Page 5 of 9 (page number not for citation purposes)
  6. Globalization and Health 2006, 2:5 tem, or both, is a major conceptual conundrum that prob- obligations and requirements. Qualifications and process ably goes to the heart of the industry agenda in this area. of appointment of relevant experts would need to be resolved, as would the reporting mechanisms. Establish- On 1–2 December 2005, a meeting took place in Paris ing such a mechanism in a trade agreement would pro- under the auspices of the OECD "Project on Pharmaceuti- mote SE/CEAP and SE/CEAMD expertise in relevant cal Pricing Policies and Innovation." Inclusion of the term universities, building careers in this area, with the pros- "innovation" in the title discloses what was probably the pects of governments saving more money as greater num- chief purpose of this Project (though attempts were made bers of relevant experts become available to preform both by the US delegation to obfuscate this agenda, particularly pre and post-listing evaluations. by initial statements ostensibly withdrawing support and ensuring a significant role for nations such as Canada and Such a provision might be as brief as the following annex Mexico). This was to broach the first stages of implemen- at the end of a trade in goods chapter: tation of the US Department of Commerce report men- tioned previously. Its stated terms of reference appear to "Medicines and Medical Devices Safety, Efficacy and Cost- confirm this. They are: Effectiveness Committee The Parties hereby establish this Committee, comprising relevant officials and expert advisors 1) to add to the base of information about pharmaceutical from each Party. Its primary objective shall be to promote dis- pricing policy in OECD countries and develop a taxon- cussion and mutual understanding, collaborations, training, omy and framework for making international compari- education and sharing of expertise with a view to enhancing sons of policies [the European Union was running a and developing techniques of, and research related to, safety, similar investigation already] efficacy and cost-effectiveness evaluations of medicines and medical devices." 2) to analyze cross-national impacts and implications of policies, particularly with respect to impact on pharma- In time, the increased interest in SE/CEAP and SE/CEAMD ceutical prices paid in other countries and impact on phar- generated by such provisions may lead to a Treaty on maceutical research and development[76]. Safety, Efficacy and Cost-Effectiveness Evaluation of Medicines and Medical Devices. Such a Treaty could be sponsored either by UNESCO, or the World Health Organisation Toward a multilateral treaty It seems remarkable, in an age of corporate globalisation, ("WHO") or, hopefully, both organizations in collabora- that medicines and medical devices national safety regula- tion. tors and cost-effectiveness evaluators continue to work largely in formal isolation to assess the same products. The relevant terms of reference could involve negotiations Given the importance of SE/CEAP and SE/CEAMD to sus- in the following areas: tainability and legitimacy of public health systems, it is also peculiar that governments have not already perceived 1) the appropriate interrelationship of safety, efficacy and the advantages of creating a multilateral treaty in this area. cost-effectiveness evaluations One intermediate suggestion is to include provisions 2) the social theories that should underpin such evalua- establishing SE/CEAP and SE/CEAMD committees or tions including the blance between global public goods working groups in bilateral trade agreements. The aims of and private rights, perspectives on the relative importance such arrangements would include fostering relevant inter- and interaction in this context of bioethical equity and national regulatory collaborations, capacity building social justice, the international human rights to health, expertise (by facilitating the relevant trade in services) and international trade norms preventing non-tarriff barriers overcoming regulatory safety concerns that might provide and industry lobbying principles such as recognition of barriers to the entry of cheap generic medicines (for exam- innovation. ple from China to Australia). Such provisions would not impact adversely on intellectual property rights. Conse- 3) how to improve access by regulators, health profession- quently, they would not infringe any prohibitions on als, consumers and industry to public data bases of large- restricting intellectual property rights or discriminating scale, randomised, double blind clinical trails involving against fields of technology emerging from the TRIPS head to head comparisons using therapeutically equiva- Agreement. lent dosage forms for the most commonly prescribed pharmacological analogues or non-drug therapies for the For each such provision, a government department (usu- same indication. ally the respective Ministries of Health) would need to assume responsibility for operationalising the related Page 6 of 9 (page number not for citation purposes)
  7. Globalization and Health 2006, 2:5 4) whether SE/CEAP and SE/CEAMD can progressively should be taken for granted. Nation states are just becom- involve greater use of "hard" outcome measures, such as ing used to the change in sovereignty associated with fully deaths prevented or quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) privatised healthcare sectors coexisting with international gained, rather than "surrogate" pharmacological out- trade obligations to provide national treatment to multi- comes (for example low density lipoprotein levels or national corporations. In this context, much official con- blood pressure). cern has been expressed about growing public disenchantment with the policy influence of the multina- 5) improving existing SE/CEAP and SE/CEAMD systems tional pharmaceutical industry[78]. efficiencies in specifics such as reference pricing and ten- dering for ultra low cost generic medicines, but also There are both responsive and pro-active reasons for seek- whether the concept of "innovation" in relation to medi- ing to include provisions facilitating SE/CEAP and SE/ cines and medical devices should be defined to include CEAMD in bilateral and multilateral trade agreements. elements of safety, efficacy, affordability and objectively The responsive reason relates to ensuring a more transpar- demonstrated therapeutic significance. ent debate about the future enhancement of these proc- esses in relation to an industry agenda which often 6) discussions on post marketing responsibilities which appears to perceive their stringent application as an could include price-volume and binding health outcome impediment to their freedom to manufacture, obtain agreements between regulators and industry, as well as the speedy safety and efficacy approval and market direct to appropriate structure of vigilance trials, adverse incident both patients and physicians, with only limited stringent reporting, impact of fraud, prescribing habits and alterna- scientific scrutiny about either the marginal cost of pro- tive or complementary therapies. duction or overall comparative worth to the community. 7) discussions on how to globally capacity build SE/CEAP The pro-active reasons for including SE/CEAP and SE/ and SE/CEAMD as a career for health professionals and CEAMD in trade agreements relate to the possibility of facilitate trade in services training programmes, expert creating an important, transparent playing field where the exchanges and collaborations. next generation of great debates between public goods and private rights in this sector can take place. They also 8) discussions on improving data in areas such as choice concern the facilitation of trade-in-services, capacity of comparitor, measurement of relevant costs and bene- building relevant expertise, improving relevant processes fits, length of follow up, peculiarities of local setting and (including the efficiency of sharing data and reviews), as appropriate valuation of economic, clinical and patient- well as the need to commence negotiations with pharma- reported (or humanistic) outcomes. ceutical multinationals on a more rational approach to important issues such as commercial-in-confidence and 9) negotiations on public interest limits about commer- marginal cost of production. cial-in-confidence protections and on disclosing local and international marginal costs of production for each drug. Possible disadvantages in proceeding this way include the Important principles on the issue of commercial-in-confi- possibility of such a treaty becoming a lightning rod for a dence, for example, emerging from the parallel processes contrary agenda by the pharmaceutical and medical of UK NICE and Canadian CCOHTA, are that it should device industries. The aims of such a treaty, for example, not so inhibit transparency as to prevent manufacturers could be altered to provide a vehicle for corporate strate- disclosing enough information to make their submission gies such as "linkage" of regulatory evaluation of a generic understandable to the public or governments, or that it pharmaceuticals patent status with quality and safety eval- should not endanger public safety and should not be set uation prior to marketing approval, or reversal of the pre- unilaterally by industry[77]. cautionary principle with regard to regulatory approval of new medical device technologies. 10) horizon scanning processes to ensure all Parties are speedily appraised of recommended SE/CEAP and SE/ At this point in the age of corporate globalisation, perhaps CEAMD regulatory responses to developments in new it is time to start respecting scientific cost-effectiveness fields such as nano and gene-based technologies. evaluation of medicines and medical devices as a poten- tially endangered global public good, which should not be conceptually or operationally separated from safety Conclusion This article has argued that despite its obvious attraction and efficacy evaluations. Governments wishing to take a to fiscally responsible governments in a time of ageing popular strategy to elections with an ageing population demographics, neither the continuance, nor enhance- could promote the type of multilateral treaty discussed ment of science-based SE/CEAP and SE/CEAMD processes here (or provisions facilitating SE/CEAP and SE/CEAMD Page 7 of 9 (page number not for citation purposes)
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