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Chuyển đổi số trong giáo dục nghề nghiệp - Trường hợp nghiên cứu tại trường cao đẳng nghề Đà Nẵng

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Bài viết nghiên cứu xu thế chuyển đổi số trong hệ thống giáo dục nghề nghiệp thông qua trường hợp nghiên cứu tại Trường Cao đẳng Nghề Đà Nẵng. Đổi mới đào tạo nghề gắn với chuyển đổi số, tăng cường ứng dụng công nghệ trong giáo dục nghề nghiệp là giải pháp quan trọng nhằm cung cấp cho thị trường lao động nguồn nhân lực chất lượng cao trong bối cảnh cuộc Cách mạng công nghiệp 4.0.

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Nội dung Text: Chuyển đổi số trong giáo dục nghề nghiệp - Trường hợp nghiên cứu tại trường cao đẳng nghề Đà Nẵng

  1. International Conference on Smart Schools 2022 CHUYỂN ĐỔI SỐ TRONG GIÁO DỤC NGHỀ NGHIỆP - TRƯỜNG HỢP NGHIÊN CỨU TẠI TRƯỜNG CAO ĐẲNG NGHỀ ĐÀ NẴNG DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IN VOCATIONAL EDUCATION - A CASE STUDY AT DANANG VOCATIONAL TRAINING COLLEGE ThS. Lê Đức Thọ Cao đẳng nghề Đà Nẵng - Da Nang Vocational Training College Email: Keywords: ABSTRACT: The article studies the trend of digital transformation in Digital conversion; Job the vocational education system through the case study at Da Nang education; Danang Vocational Training College. Innovating vocational training in association Vocational Training College with digital transformation, increasing the application of technology in vocational education is an important solution to provide the labor market with high-quality human resources in the context of the industrial revolution 4.0. Through the research results at Da Nang Vocational Training College, the article proposes some recommendations to promote digital transformation in vocational education today. Từ khóa: TÓM TẮT: Bài viết nghiên cứu xu thế chuyển đổi số trong hệ thống Chuyển đổi số; giáo dục giáo dục nghề nghiệp thông qua trường hợp nghiên cứu tại Trường Cao đẳng nghề nghiệp; Cao đẳng Nghề Nghề Đà Nẵng. Đổi mới đào tạo nghề gắn với chuyển đổi số, tăng cường ứng Đà Nẵng dụng công nghệ trong giáo dục nghề nghiệp là giải pháp quan trọng nhằm cung cấp cho thị trường lao động nguồn nhân lực chất lượng cao trong bối cảnh cuộc Cách mạng công nghiệp 4.0. Thông qua kết quả nghiên cứu tại Trường Cao đẳng Nghề Đà Nẵng, bài viết đề xuất một số khuyến nghị nhằm đẩy mạnh chuyển đổi số trong giáo dục nghề nghiệp hiện nay. 1. Introduction Digital transformation is not simply the digitization of resources but also the transformation of hardware, which leads to the management of resources devoted to education and training, vocational education also changes. (Do Thi Ngoc Quyen, 2021). The issue of digital transformation has become a pervasive trend to all sectors, which will be the weight for economic growth. For the field of vocational education, the digital transformation in the current period is the strong application of information technology in teaching and scientific research, which is also an inevitable trend. The policy of promoting digital transformation has set out the need for change in the training of high-quality, competitive human resources in the new economy. This is considered a challenge but also an opportunity to innovate in the operation of Da Nang Vocational Training College today. In recent years, Da Nang Vocational Training College has paid great attention to implementing digital transformation in activities such as: training program design, training management, teaching and learning activities, testing and evaluation of academic results, enrollment,… However, the results are not high, due to many objective and subjective reasons. Therefore, the study of the situation of implementing digital transformation so that there are appropriate solutions to promote the digital transformation process at Da Nang Vocational Training College is now necessary. 2. Study results 2.1. The trend of Digital transformation in Vocational education in Vietnam today In recent times, there has been a growing talk of "digital transformation", especially in the economic, business and service sectors. In education, it wasn't until the covid-19 pandemic broke out on a global scale that stalled all socioeconomic activity that students and students couldn't go to school, that digital transformation really became a process that could result in an entirely new educational appearance, with new methods, methods, methods, techniques, tools and means. There are many different definitions of digital transformation but it can generally be that it is to move our activities from the real world to the virtual world in the network environment. The deepening participation of technology (mainly information and telecommunications technology) in all aspects of life, economy and society is fundamentally and comprehensively changing the way we live, work, relate to each other (To Hong Nam, 2020). 400
  2. International Conference on Smart Schools 2022 Digital transformation is the process of transitioning from traditional model to digital model by applying new technologies such as big data, IoT (Internet of Things), Cloud computing, … and technology software to change management methods, operate, change processes, ways of working and change organizational culture. Digital transformation in vocational education is a change in teaching methods, applying modern information technology to teaching and learning to meet the learning needs of students and teachers, helping teachers and learners maximize their thinking ability, creative, proactive. Digital transformation in vocational education plays an extremely important role in training Vietnamese citizens with knowledge and skills to become global citizens. However, to be successful, it is necessary to create opportunities and motivation, help teachers and students change their minds and adapt well. The current trend of digital transformation in vocational education in Vietnam is due to: 2.1.1. Theevil of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 Since the last two decades when information technology, the Internet is widely used in training, education, digital transformation has been set, but somewhat vague, because there are not really reasons to implement it. Advances in information technology and the penetration of the Internet have led to initiatives in open education with the emergence of courses on MOOCs online platforms such as Coursera, Udemy, edX, on open learning materials with the introduction of learning application programs, Adaptive learning and assessment apps such as Acellus, IXL, Mathletics, and open science with free shared online scientific research databases (Open Access databases). The advent and growing in both the market and technology for these platforms shows that 'digital education' has a reason to exist, and has the full potential to be the future of education. However, while there are still other options, traditional education is still possible, there is still reason to refuse conversion, online education is still only an extra when there is or lacks some conditions. Digital transformation is an inevitable trend, taking place very quickly especially in the context of the current Industrial Revolution 4.0. 2.1.2. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic Recently, the Covid-19 pandemic has affected all areas of life, education and training is no exception. In Vietnam, many schools have adopted online teaching during the Covid-19 outbreak. Teachers and students have worked hard to turn challenges into opportunities, gradually changing the perception of digital transformation. When direct education in school is impossible, the problem of digital transformation becomes a lifesaver solution at many levels from micro to macro. Naturally in this situation, digital transformation cannot be superficial, superficial but must be comprehensive, complete, accurate.,… to be able to bring the desired result. That pig, people have more access to information, shorten the distance, narrow down the space, save time. 2.1.3. It comes from the practice of digital transformation in education around the world. In the world, many countries have been implementing national strategies on digital transformation such as in the UK, Australia, Denmark, Estonia, … Digital transformation content is very broad and diverse but shares some of the main content including digital government (such as online public services, open data), digital economy (such as digital finance, e-commerce), digital society (such as education, health, culture) and digital transformation in key industries (such as agriculture, travel, electricity, transportation). In the context of global integration, Vietnam in general and the education, training and vocational education sector in particular cannot be outside the general trend of the world and must be implemented very urgently if it does not want to miss the opportunity that the Industrial Revolution 4.0 brings. 2.1.4. Timeliness in the Party and State's awareness of accelerating the digital transformation trend The Prime Minister issued Decision No. 749/QD-TTg on June 3, 2020 approving the National Digital Transformation Program to 2025, oriented to 2030. This is an important document, defining the vision, goals, tasks and solutions for Vietnam's digital transformation. In this trend, digital transformation at universities and colleges has also been implemented to varying degrees. In the field of vocational education, digital transformation helps to innovate teaching and learning activities at vocational education institutions in the direction of reducing teaching, transmitting knowledge to developing learners' capacity, increasing self-learning ability, linking theoretical learning with practice. In particular, the explosion of artificial intelligence technology platform, big data, ... has been forming digital education infrastructure in general and digital vocational education in particular. Inthe context of the Covid-19 epidemic, the transition from traditional education to digital education is becoming increasingly urgent. However, the reality shows that, currently, vocational education institutions are still passive in implementing digital transformation. Most vocational education institutions are not equipped with internet infrastructure and information technology application platforms 401
  3. International Conference on Smart Schools 2022 in learning management for online teaching. The ability to digitize and adapt to online teaching of the vocational education system is still low,… These are the barriers that cause difficulties in the digital transformation process in vocational education that need to be overcome soon in the coming time. The covid-19 pandemic has driven the digital transformation process, requiring more vocational education in withstanding and responding to unpredictable developments. 2.2. The implementation of Digital transformation at Da Nang Vocational Training College At Da Nang Vocational Training College, the trend of digital transformation is being focused on in recent school years. The School Board of Directors always considers digital transformation as an important breakthrough in the development period from now to 2025 to maintain its position as a national key public school, located in 45 key vocational education colleges of the country, as well as the leading vocational education institution of the Central Highlands region with influence. enjoy, pioneer and lead in the vocational education system. The basic purpose of digital transformation in vocational education is to improve the quality and learning experience of learners, increase the competitiveness of Da Nang Vocational Training College through the use of digital technology, create a culture of decision-making based on data analysis to optimize the resources of the College. It is possible to demonstrate the digital transformation activities at Da Nang Vocational Training College through the following activities: 2.2.1. On digital transformation in design, development of training programs Before 2018, the training program was built on the basis of referencing the available programs of the General Department of Vocational Education (formerly the General Department of Vocational Training); 100% of the program has integrated skills using information technology. From 2018 to now, training programs have been designed to adhere to output standards, both meeting certain high levels of expertise, while meeting broad, interdisciplinary platform requirements and soft skills such as system thinking, creative competence, communication skills and teamwork. From 2019 to 2020, the framework of training programs is managed on the internal information system of the school. The process of designing and developing training programs is carried out on the Internal Information System. To date, all training programs have been digitized. 2.2.2. On digital transformation in the organization, management of the training process From the academic year 2019 to 2020 onwards, activities of organizing and managing the training process such as teaching plans of lecturers, student registration, point management, ... done on education software. In addition, teachers have to do a lot of work related to books. Currently, the school has built software to manage organizational activities, manage the training process at the address: With this software, management staff and lecturers can easily grasp information related to teaching as well as training activities in the school. The school also coordinated with the People's Committee of Da Nang city in implementing the Application of Digital Social Insurance - VssID from the school year 2020 - 2021. From the academic year 2020 to 2021, in order to apply information technology and highly functional management activities of the university in training management, test management, survey management of learner satisfaction, student work management, equipment management, financial management, student information, the school has implemented the use of ASC Training Management software to serve the training management of the school. 2.2.3. About digital transformation in teaching and learning activities Previously, the Lecturer composed the content of the lecture in the form of slides, video clips. From the academic year 2018 to 2019, the school began to organize online training in a number of subjects such as Politics and some other theoretical subjects. Starting from the 2019-2020 school year, especially from 2020, online training of 70% of subjects to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic; complete online training software at the address: In order to encourage the creative positivity of the teaching staff, in early 2021, the school organized an E-Learning Lecture Design Contest, digitizing lectures in the 2020-2021 school year, through the school competition selecting creatively designed lectures and using new technologies to replicate throughout the school, as the basis for teaching e-learning. 2.2.4. On digital transformation in testing activities, evaluating learning results The school has developed a set of multiple choice questions for theoretical subjects and has held online exams starting from the 2018-2019 school year. For this form, the Quality Assurance Department only enters the question content once and organizes the exam for multiple courses. This form has minimized manual tasks for teachers such as making problems, answers, grading exams, getting into grades, … All of this work is done on the system. Up to now, 70% of the topics have been digitized. 402
  4. International Conference on Smart Schools 2022 2.2.5. On digital transformation in development, exploitation of learning systems Over the years, Da Nang Vocational Training College has always been active in building and exploiting open educational resources for the research of lecturers as well as the learning of students. The school's information lookup system is gradually being raised with modern computer systems, the school has computer systems arranged in the lobby with internet connection to serve the access to search materials of students and lecturers. In addition, the school's library system is also gradually being digitized, syllabuses, lectures, related materials are also updated on the school's digital library system. The school's online library has links to digital libraries throughout the country and several regional libraries. The university's internet system has also been gradually improved, in addition to the wired internet system, the wifi system has now covered all lecture halls, libraries for lecturers and students (Le Duc Tho, 2019). 2.2.6. About digital transformation in admissions Starting in 2013, the school started promoting full enrollment information on the website at the address: Currently, the admission information of the school is also entered in full, regularly, timely on the school website. In addition, the school also uses quite effectively the media such as Facebook, Youtube, admissions consultancy by Facebook to bring high efficiency. Starting from the academic year 2017 - 2018, the school develops the process of organizing and managing the admissions process on the e-website system comprehensively from registration for admission, admission, admission confirmation to online admission completely online. Thus, the digital transformation trend has been implemented almost all activities at Da Nang Vocational Training College. This demonstrates the acumen in the awareness of the Board of Directors, management staff and lecturers throughout the university in approaching and responding to the digital transformation trend. With that trend, over the years, the school has greatly reduced the load of manual paperwork, instead all of these jobs are gradually being digitized. 2.2.7. Some difficulties, limitations In addition to the above results, the implementation of digital transformation in schools still exists weaknesses and obstacles such as: Firstly,the information technology floor has not yet met the requirements of learning and digital interaction anytime, anywhere; the school's wi-fi system is weak, some classrooms, areas on campus have not accessed the school wifi network. Secondly, the thinking about digital transformation has not been spread to all managers and lecturers. Third, digital resources are not much and not synchronized, so the tectonic education ecosystem has not developed. Fourth, digital governance has not yet developed synchronously and overall. Fifth, digital transformation in training is still slow. Sixth,the use of applied software in the management of training is not guaranteed, outdated, inadequacies cause a lot of difficulties in teaching activities of the school; especially the teachers are too hard to update the learning results of students. 2.3. Some proposed solutions to promote Digital transformation at Da Nang Vocational Training College today 2.3.1. Raising awareness among managers and lecturers about the trend of digital transformation in education, training and vocational education From practice at Da Nang Vocational Training College, to implementing a successful digital transformation process, one of the biggest barriers is cognitive transformation among managers and lecturers. Without the commitment and determination to implement it among all managers and lecturers, it will be a major barrier to implementing digital transformation in schools. Because, only the determination from the school board is not enough, but the digital transformation process requires every department, lecturer, and staff to boldly step out of the "safe zone" to access technology and learn new skills. Changing the mindset of managers and teaching methods of teachers and lecturers is not easy. Therefore, the management staff and lecturers must see the inevitable trend of digital transformation and each cadre and lecturers themselves must constantly improve their own level to meet the work in the context of digital transformation. Digital transformation does not have to move from "paper" to "network" but it must be associated with international standardization and cutting back on cumbersome procedures. 403
  5. International Conference on Smart Schools 2022 Digital transformation makes every unit, every individual have to rethink the workflow. Therefore, promoting the propaganda, raising awareness and responsibility, transparency of thought and determination to join forces to implement digital transformation among lecturers and managers is necessary. 2.3.2. Promoting the application of information technology in teaching and learning Implement combined teaching for all theoretical modules, experiment/practice modules on the computer. Develop fully online training programs for areas such as information technology, business,… to meet the needs of learning anytime, anywhere, according to the personalized roadmap to suit the conditions and learning capacity of each learner. Diversifying training programs in the direction of interdisciplinary, interdisciplinary with digital technology integration. Especially in the context of technology and technology changing very rapidly, the formation of self-learning capacity and lifelong sense of learning should be valued more seriously than the knowledge of the training industry. Designing short-term training courses, programs to supplement knowledge and skills for employees as enterprises shift their industry structure and change technology. Increase communication through the website, Facebook,… about the operation of the unit to expand accessibility, attract customers. 2.3.3. Fostering and training in capacity and digital technology for the management staff and lecturers of the school As of the academic year 2021 - 2022, the number of managers and lecturers of the school is 183 people, however, there are only 01 PhD, 118 masters, 52 universities and 13 other qualifications (Da Nang Vocational Training College, 2021). In the academic year 2019 - 2020, the school has sent many times of officials, lecturers and staff to participate in training classes organized by competent agencies. Professional training and retraining programs have been practical and intensive to meet the practical requirements of the school and learners. The school has organized for lecturers to study and take additional IC3 certificates; Toeic foreign language certificate for lecturers. In order to meet the needs of digital transformation in education, the school needs to continue to focus on team building, especially the source staff. Organize refresher classes and exchange experiences in E-Learning lecture design for lecturers as well as information technology training classes for management staff. Fostering and improving team capacity to implement strongly applied teaching methods of information technology, digital technology, online training forms, training through virtual environment. 2.3.4. Investment in upgrading and developing the system of facilities to serve the digital shift trend In addition to people, the current obstacle for the university is that the infrastructure is not enough to meet the needs of student management, training and administrative procedures. Currently, the school is implementing the Information Technology Project; upgrading the wi-fi system throughout the school, ensuring the conditions of information technology facilities are increasingly improved to serve the teaching and working work. However, the effect has not been met to be carried out at the school. Therefore, in the coming time, the school needs to invest in ICT infrastructure to meet big data technology, Internet of Things and Cloud Computing; Invest in smart classroom systems, e-libraries, learning spaces, experiences and innovation to serve the teaching, research and learning needs of faculty and students. 2.3.5. Develop a long- and medium-term puzzle transfer plan It can be seen that, in order to develop into a smart digital university or college, the university needs to have an overall, comprehensive and detailed digital transformation program for the medium-term plan 2020-2025 with a vision of 2030. Implement a synchronous digital transformation roadmap in all areas of activities from training, human resources, finance, facilities to management and administration. Perfect the functions on the digitalization systems being implemented at the school to apply comprehensively and synchronously in all areas of the School's activities. Identify specific roadmaps and plans for developing into a smart school in the future. 3. Conclusione In the context of the impact of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, the trend of digital transformation in education, training and vocational education is inevitable. Da Nang Vocational Training College is one of the early vocational education institutions implementing digital transformation in all activities at the school. The college has achieved very important initial achievements, contributing to improving the quality and efficiency of operations, creating advantages in competition and establishing a high brand and reputation in society. However, the results of implementation over the years show that the implementation is not synchronized between fields, the digital capacity of the team is still limited, leading to not fully exploiting the potential, digital technology advantages bring. Therefore, in the coming time, the school needs to have solutions to raise awareness to all managers and lecturers about the trend of digital transformation. At the same time, promoting the application of information technology throughout the whole activity; improve digital transformation capacity for management staff and lecturers; invest 404
  6. International Conference on Smart Schools 2022 in facilities and have specific and timely digital transformation strategies and plans. REFERENCES Prime Minister of the Government (2020). Decision No. 749/QD-TTg dated June 3, 2020 approving the National Digital Transformation Program. Retrieved from tin/Quyet-dinh-749-QD-TTg-2020-phe-duyet-Chuong-trinh-Chuyen-doi-so-quoc-gia-444136.aspx. Prime Minister of the Government (2020). Directive No. 24/CT-TTg dated May 28, 2020 on promoting the development of skilled human resources, contributing to improving labor productivity and increasing national competitiveness in the new situation. Retrieved from luong/Chi-thi-24-CT-TTg-2020-day-manh-phat-trien-nhan-luc-co-ky-nang-nghe-nang-cao-nang-suat-lao- dong-443834.aspx Van Ly (2020). Digital transformation in vocational education activities. Retrieved from chuyen-doi-so-trong-hoat-dong-giao-duc-nghe-nghiep-20201224180419624.htm. Do Thi Ngoc Quyen (2021). Digital Transformation in Education: Challenges and Risks. Retrieved from To Hong Nam (2020). Digital Transformation in the field of education and training: Status and Solutions. Information and Communication Magazine, 2, 11-16. Le Duc Tho (2019). Building and exploiting open educational resources at da Nang Vocational College today. Proceedings of the National Scientific Conference. Publishing House. Hanoi National University, 576-585. Da Nang Vocational Training College (2021). Report on the implementation of resolution of the Meeting of cadres and officials in the academic year 2020-2021, orientation of the task of the academic year 202 1-2022. Da Nang. 405



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