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Tham khảo tài liệu 'đề luyện thi tốt nghiệp 2011 có đáp án môn: anh văn – đề 12', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

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  1. ĐỀ LUYỆN THI TỐT NGHIỆP 2011 CÓ ĐÁP ÁN MÔN: ANH VĂN – ĐỀ 12 Cu 1: The boy decided to go out _______ it was raining very heavily outside. A. although B. despite C. because D. even if Cu 2: Did you see Alice at the meeting last week? A. Did you see Alice and then come with her to the meeting last week? B. Was there a meeting with Alice last week? C. Did you have an appointment with Alice at the meeting last night? D. Did you catch sight of Alice at the meeting last week? Cu 3: We _____ him for months now. A. don't see B. didn't see C. won't see D. haven't seen Cu 4: You can use my car, but return it to me before 8 this evening. A. You can return my car when you finish using it at 8 this evening. B. If you return the car to me before 8, you can't use it. C. Provided that you return my car before 8 this evening, you can use it. D. You and I can take turns to use my car before 8 this evening. Cu 5: if you / stay / late / tired / tomorrow // A. If you are staying late, you can feel tired tomorrow. B. If you stay up late, you will feel tired tomorrow. C. If you had stayed up late, you would be tired tomorrow. D. If your stay is booked late, you will be tired tomorrow. Cu 6: I'll get my brother ________ the heating. A. fix B. for fixing C. to fix D. fixing Cu 7: I cut myself _______ I was shaving. A. during B. while C. by the time D. until Cu 8: What do you think of Korean films? _ ________. A. No, I don't B. Yes, I do C. I think of them very much D. I like them Cu 9: They're my two brothers, _______ are architects like me. They don't like the job. A. neither B. both of those C. who neither D. neither of whom
  2. Cu 10: If you have finished your homework by midnight you can go to the party. A. The party is held at midnight when you have finished your homework. B. Having finished your homework by midnight, you will go to the party. C. Unless you finish your homework by midnight, you can't go to the party. D. Unless you go to the party, you can't finish your homework by midnight. Cu 11: A lot of things ________ to the house before we can move in. A. need to do B. need to be done C. need being done D. need be doing Cu 12: This is a _________ measure to cope with the problem. A. weightless B. underweight C. overweight D. weighty Cu 13: We should take _______ of foreign investment to develop our national economy. A. use B. opportunity C. chance D. advantage Cu 14: 'You ought to slow down a bit,' the doctor told him. A. The doctor advised him to slow down. B. The doctor made him slow down. C. The doctor begged him to slow down. D. The doctor threatened him to slow down. Cu 17: The fire-fighters ______ put the fire out after an hour. A. succeeded to B. managed in C. could D. were able to Cu 18: car / fast and comfortable / than / motorcycle // A. Cars are more fast and comfortable than motorcycles are. B. Cars are faster and more comfortable than are motorcycles. C. Cars are faster and comfortable than motorcycles. D. Cars are faster and more comfortable than riding motorcycles. Cu 19: The little girl wasted half an hour ________ for her picture book. A. to look B. look C. looking D. looked Cu 20: We had expected many of them to come, but only ________ showed up. A. a few B. few C. a little D. none
  3. Cu 21: You _______ do it now, and do not argue. A. need B. are going to C. must D. may Cu 22: So funny _____ that all his friends laughed wildly. A. he sang B. was his song C. he did sing D. did he sing Cu 23: Excuse me! I'm doing my homework. ________ turning down your radio a bit? A. Could you B. Would you mind C. Would you please D. Can you Cu 24: Some people believe in ________, but ________ don't. A. themselves / others B. theirs / others C. themselves / another D. them / the other Cu 25: Hard work can often make ______ for lack of intelligence. A. up B. as C. in D. into Cu 26: The students in this class, ________ are from the provinces, are having trouble finding decent accommodation. A. all whom B. almost of whom C. many of that D. most of whom Cu 27: America, which is considered to be a new continent, is said _________ by Christopher Columbus. A. being discovered B. to be discovered C. to have been discovered D. to discover Cu 28: The road has just been ______ for better flows of traffic. A. widened B. wide C. width D. widely Cu 29: She _______ have been the one who caused the damage, I think. She was not home then. A. can't B. mustn't C. must D. needn't Cu 30: She's just bought a brand new car, so she ________ be able to drive. A. used to B. must C. can't D. won't Cu 31: The car hit a lamppost, making it ______ over. A. fall B. falling C. to fall D. fallen Cu 32: It was an _________ trip that we had last week. A. events B. event C. eventful D. eventfully
  4. Cu 33: Neither the boy's parents nor I ________ satisfied with his progress. A. have B. am C. are D. has Cu 34: I've advised him many times that he should give _______ smoking. A. out B. off C. in D. up Cu 35 Lake Superior is _______ any other lakes in the world. A. the largest of B. largest of C. larger than D. the larger than Cu 36 Practice ________ English anywhere you can is a way to better your speaking skill. A. speaking B. for speaking C. speak D. to speak Cu 37 It is possible that they will win the scholarship. A. They are possible to win the scholarship. B. They really enjoy winning the scholarship. C. They are quite likely to win the scholarship. D. Winning the scholarship is out of the question. Cu 38: The religious wedding _____________ takes place in a church. A. engagement B. marriage C. performance D. ceremony Cu 39: Hung doesn't take his matters ________ good consideration. A. about B. for C. of D. into Cu 40: _________ you keep it in good condition, I`ll lend you my car. A. Although B. While C. Because D. So long as Cu 41: The teacher spent an hour ________ the new lesson. A. to explain B. explained C. explaining D. explain Cu 42: He was looked ________ by others because of his poverty. A. up to B. into C. down upon D. out for Cu 43: It's much too expensive. We can't possibly _____________ it. A. cost B. cope C. afford D. pay Cu 44: Mr. Brown said, 'Could you please wait here about half an hour?' A. Mr. Brown asked me if I was pleased to wait there about half an hour. B. Mr. Brown asked me if I had been able to wait there about half an
  5. hour. C. Mr. Brown asked me if I could wait there about half an hour. D. Mr. Brown asked me to wait there about half an hour. Cu 45: Do you often see each other? - Oh, no! Rarely ________ dates. A. we have B. do we have C. will we have D. have we Cu 47: Tax-free goods / buy / before / board / plane. A. Tax-free goods can be bought before the boarding of the plane. B. There are tax-free goods to buy before the boarding plane. C. Tax-free goods have boarded the plane before. D. Tax-free goods can be bought before boarding the plane. Cu 49: _______ we go shopping this evening? _ That's a good idea. A. Must B. Shall C. Will D. Might Cu 50: The use of computer aids in teaching, _______ the role of teachers is still very important. A. where B. unless C. yet D. despite Cu 51: When I met John, he ________ from his university already. A. had graduated B. was graduating C. graduated D. had been graduating Cu 52: His carelessness in doing tests ______ I am worried may lead to a failure. A. about that B. which C. that D. about which Cu 53: It was such ________ news that they all sat there saying nothing. A. worry B. worried C. worrying D. worryingly Cu 54: We haven't written to each other for two months. A. It is two months that we wrote to each other. B. It is two months since we wrote together. C. There are two months for us to write to each other. D. It is two months since we last wrote to each other. Cu 56: When I was younger, I _______ to smoke or drink. A. never used B. not used C. wasn't used D. didn't used Cu 58: I have never seen him play so well. A. He has never played so well for me to see it. B. He has never seen such a good play. C. He has never seen so well at a play. D. He has
  6. never been seen to play so well. Cu 59: The winner of the contest was given a(n) _____ for her excellent performance. A. reward B. bonus C. award D. fine Cu 60: You should clean the cut thoroughly ______ prevent any infection. A. as to B. so that C. in order to D. or Cu 61: She was made _______ over the passport. A. to hand B. hand C. handed D. handing Cu 62: _________ you change your mind, I won't be able to help you. A. Because B. If only C. Provided D. Unless Cu 63: He hid that letter in a drawer _______ no one could read it. A. than B. so that C. although D. because Cu 64: He forced his wife _____ him the money. A. that she gave B. to give C. to giving D. give Cu 65: There's still a lot to be done about the _________ of the victims in the earth-quake. A. houses B. household C. re- housing D. housework Cu 66: Neither my colleagues nor I __________ particularly interested in the training course next month. A. are B. be C. being D. a m Cu 67: Jennifer is learning to play _______ chess. A. the B. some C. any D. X Cu 68: Smoking and drinking bring _______ a quick decline in health and fitness. A. in B. off C. about D. up Cu 69: Steven Spielberg, ________ career excelled in the film industry, is one of the leading figures in Hollywood. A. whom B. who C. whose D. that Cu 70: what / population / of / Ho Chi Minh City ?//
  7. A. What kind is it of the population of Ho Chi Minh City? B. What is the population of Ho Chi Minh City? C. What makes the population of Ho Chi Minh City? D. What population of Ho Chi Minh City is it? Cu 71: ________, there are no such so-called ghosts. A. Science B. Scientific C. Scientist D. Scientifically Cu 72: We haven't seen each other ______ last January. A. for B. since C. on D. in Cu 73: The problem of ________ among young people is hard to solve. A. employment B. employees C. employers D. unemployment Cu 74: She has always got on well with the children. A. She has always been on good terms with the children. B. The children have always put up with her. C. She is trying to establish a good relationship with the children. D. She has always had poor relationship with the children. Cu 75: Does he tell you how he is getting _______ his new colleagues? A. on of B. away with C. out of D. on with Cu 76: He's doing a course in business ________ for further advancement in his career. A. manager B. management C. managerial D. manageability Cu 77: The firemen _______ put out the fire in just half an hour. A. needn't have B. would C. were able to D. could Cu 78: _______ Tom was unable to see anything, he knew some one was in his room. A. If B. In case C. Even though D. Because Cu 79: Your money will be refunded if the goods prove to be ________. A. satisfactory B. dissatisfied C. unsatisfactory D. satisfying Cu 80: She is too weak; she can't sit up and talk to you. A. If she hadn't been too weak, she could sit up and talk to you. B. If she wasn't too weak, she can sit up and talk to you. C. If she isn't too weak, she can sit up and talk to you. D. If she weren't too weak, she could sit up and talk to you.
  8. Cu 81: Not until 2001 ______ across the river. A. the first bridge was built B. built the first bridge C. the first building of a bridge was D. was the first bridge built Cu 82:: We haven't written to each other for two months. A. It is two months that we wrote to each other. B. There are two months for us to write to each other C. It is two months since we wrote together. D. It is two months since we last wrote to each other. Cu 83: A new bridge over the river _______ at present. A. is being constructed B. is constructing C. is constructed D. constructed Cu 84: Mary ________ lazy preparing her lesson last night. A. should have been B. shouldn't have been C. should be D. shouldn't be Cu 85: She takes a great interest in ______ matters. A. mysterious B. mystified C. mystery D. mysteries Cu 86: Hard work can often make ______ for lack of intelligence. A. up B. into C. in D. as Cu 87: It is wrong to _______ poorer people. A. look upon B. look down C. look down on D. look on Cu 88: Fail to pay the bill _________ they will cut off the electricity. A. if B. unless C. and D. so Cu 89: Just a minute too late, he ______ on the train when the girl came. A. had left B. left C. would be leaving D. leaves Cu 90: Can you see anybody in that classroom? - Yes. There _______ a teacher and fifty students there. A. have been B. has been C. are D. is Cu 91: I have never seen him play so well. A. He has never seen such a good play. B. He has never played so well for me to see it. C. He has never been seen to play so well. D. He has never seen so well at a play.
  9. Cu 92: There are many addresses of the _________ sites included in this book. A. history B. historian C. historic D. historical Cu 93: They're my two brothers, _______ are architects like me. They don't like the job. A. who neither B. neither C. neither of whom D. both of those Cu 94: You _______ explain that again because I understand everything now. A. would rather B. mustn't C. needn't D. can't



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