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Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi môn Anh cấp huyện Phú Mỹ

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Đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Anh dành cho những bạn nào chuẩn bị dự kì thi học sinh giỏi, học sinh trường chuyên lớp chọn.Qua đó phần nào hệ thống kiến thức, cấu trúc ngữ pháp và kĩ năng xử lý tình huống trong bài thi.Chúc các bạn ôn tập tốt và có kết quả thật cao

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Nội dung Text: Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi môn Anh cấp huyện Phú Mỹ

  1. UBND HUYỆN PHÙ MỸ ĐỀ THI CHỌN HSG LỚP 9 CẤP HUYỆN PHÒNG GIÁO DỤC&ĐÀO TẠO Năm học: 2011- 2012 - Môn: Tiếng Anh Ngày thi: 06/10/2011 ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC: Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút A. LISTENING: ( 2ms ) Part I: Listen and complete the spaces. You have one minute to study the part and listen to the dialogue twice ( 1.0 m ): Liz: Would you like me to read you a story, Andy ? Andy: Yes, please. I want the Pied Piper of Hamelun. Lize: All right. ………(1)………. and sit next to me. Andy: Here’s the book. Lize: Long ago, in a town named Hamelin in Germany, there was a ………(2)………. plague of rats. Andy: What’s plague? Lize: It’s a time ………(3)………. many animals or insects cause a lot of damage. The people in the town didn’t know what to do, so they ………(4)………. to the mayor. A strange man came to the town and told the mayor he could remove the rats. The mayor agreed to pay the man a lot of ……(5)…..if the rats disappeared. Andy: Did the rats go away ? Lize: Yes, the man ………(6)………. a tune on his pipe. All the rats followed him to the river ………(7)………. they fell in and drowned. Andy: Did the mayor pay the piper? Lize: No, he laughed at the piper and ………(8)………. him to go away. So the piper played another tune and the children of Hamelin followed him and disappeared. There was only one young boy who ………(9)………. walk very fast. Andy: Did the other children ever come back ? Lize: No, they never returned and the town people were heartbroken. The mayor was very ………(10)………. for not paying the piper. Part II: Listen to the story and answer the questions. You listen to it twice. (1.0m) 1: What sports has he played for the school team this year ? 2: Where did he go with his Uncle Nghia ? 3: What language did he speak during his vacation ? 4: Are there any American passengers on the plane ? 5: Who explained Vietnamese to the foreign passengers ?
  2. 2 B: READING: (12ms) Part I : In this part of the test you must choose the words or phrase which best completes each of the following sentences . ( 1m) 1. ………… take a taxi, you’ll be late for the lecture. A. Unless you B. If you not C. Because of D. For you 2. ………… the cold weather, she wasn’t wearing a coat. A. Although B. Because C. Since D. In spite of 3. John can’t make a ……… get married to Mary or stay single until he can afford a house and a car A. decide B. decision C. decisive D. decisively 4. When you see your friend off at the station, you say: “………………….!” A. Lucky you B. Good night C. Have a good journey D. You’re welcome 5. He came home late, so I asked him where ……………. A. he had been B. has he been C. he has been D. had he been 6. He’s accustomed to …………….to music before bedtime. A. listen B. listened C. listening D. be listening 7. He drank ……………coffee that he couldn’t sleep last night. A. so B. so much C. so many D. a lot of 8. Billy, come and give me a hand with cooking. A. help B. prepared C. be busy D. attempt 9. Mary always takes great care …………her chidren. A. for B. of C. to D. with 10. All traffic laws …………… A. is observed B. had better observe C. must have observed D. must be observed Part II: Filling in each space with one appropriate word . (1,0m) They called New York “the Big Apple”. Maybe it is not exact like an apple, it’s certainly very big ……..(1)……… expensive. There are too many people, that’s the problem. The streets are always full ……..(2)……… cars and trucks, you can never find a place to park there. If you have enough money, you can ……..(3)……… a taxi. New York cabs are yellow. They look all the same. But the ……..(4)……… are very different. Some were born and raised in New York, but many are newcomers to the United States. A few drive ……..(5)………, but most go very and very fast. The cab driving is a difficult job. It can be dangerous, too. Thieves often try to ……..(6)……… the drivers’ money. Drivers sometimes get hurt. If you don’t want to take a taxi, you can go by bus ……..(7)……… you can take the subway. The subway is quick and it’s ……..(8)………, but parts of it are old and dirty. Lights don’t always work and there are often fires on the track. On some subway lines, there ……..(9) ……… new, clean, silver trains. But you can’t ……..(10)……… the color of the old trains easily. There is too much dirt and too much graffiti, inside and out side. Part III: Read the following passage carefully, and then choose ONE best option (A,B,C or D) to complete each sentence. ( 0.5 m) Ever since humans have inhabited the earth, they have made use of various forms of communicatio Generally, this expression of thoughts and feelings has been in the form of oral speech. When there is a language barrier, communication is accomplished through sign language in which motions stand for letters, words, and ideas. Tourists, the deaf, and the mute have had to resort to this form of expression. Many of these symbols of the whole words are very picturesque and exact and can be used internationally, spelling, however, cannot. Body
  3. 3 language transmits ideas or thoughts by certain actions, either intentionally or unintentionally. A wink can be a way of flirting or indicating that the party is only joking. A nod signifies approval, while shaking the head indicates a negative reaction. Other forms of nonlinguistic language can be found in Braille (a system of raised dots read with the fingertips), signal flags, Morse code, and smoke signals. Road maps and picture signs also guide, warm, and instruct people. While verbalization is most common form of language, other systems and techniques also express human thoughts and feelings. 1. Which of the following best summarizes this passage? A. When language is a barrier, people will find other forms of communication B. Everybody uses only one form of communication C. Nonlinguistic language is invaluable to foreigners D. Although other forms of communication exist, verbalization is the fastest 2. The word “these” in the first paragraph refers to ………………………… A. tourist s B. the deaf and the mute C. thoughts and feelings D. sign language motions 3. All of the following statements are true EXCEPT ……………………….. A. There are many forms of communication in existence today B. Verbalization is the most common form of communication C. The deaf and mute can use an oral form of communication D. Ideas and thoughts can be transmitted by body language 4. Which form other than oral speech would be the most commonly used among blind people ? A. Picture signs B. Braille C. Body language D. Signal flags 5. Sign language is said to be very picturesque and exact and can be used internationally EXCEPT for ………………………………….. A. spelling B. ideas C. whole words D. expressions Part IV: Read the following passage carefully, and then decide whether the following statements are True (T), False (F) or No Given (N) . (0,5 m) A combination of sewage, salt, air pollution, sun, sand and wind may destroy the huge statue on the outskirts of Cairo. This statue of the sun god has the body of a lion and the face of a human being. It is five thousand years old, but it is too badly damaged to be completely saved. The statue has already been dug out of the sad three times. However, the latest problems are much more serious. First, there are no proper drains and water pipes in the neighborhood and the underground passages round the statue have become blocked. Too much water has been running into the stone statue for several years. As a result, tiny pieces of salt have been left on the stone and have damaged it. Secondly, air pollution from the increasing amount of traffic in Cairo is also destroying the ancient statue. The air is so full of poisonous gases that it is making the stone crumble and decay even faster. Thirdly, the statue is being damaged by extremes of temperature. For example, although the air is very cold at night, during the day the stone of the statue becomes very hot under the strong sun. Other natural forces such as serve sandstorms also attack the statue. Finally, the tourists who visit the statue everyday also cause a lot of damage. 1.The statue is in the center of Cairo. 2.Part of the statue looks like a lion and part like a person. 3.The underground passages round the statue are full of waste and water. 4.High temperatures damage stone far more than low temperature.
  4. 4 5.Fortunately, little damage is caused by visitors to the statue. Part V: You are going to read the passage. Five sentences or phrases have been removed from the passage. Choose from the sentenes A - H the one which fits each gap 1-5. Remember that there are more sentences or phrases than needed. There is an example for you. (1m) Ex: 0 +A A. he is an actor in a drama he writes for himself B. he was fascinated by how things work, by engines made C. thinks that conscience is one of humankind’s great creations. D. was more interested in the lesson to be drawn from the ways E. so your ability to reason properly has been lost F. Damasio is one of the world-wide brainstorm of neurologists exploring G. And they don’t just experience risk, danger and pain H. you are very smart, you have lots of memory Antonio Damasio makes himself up as he goes along. Every waking moment, he is engaging in the study of his identity. Beyond the core self- the man who absent-mindedly picks up the orange juice or steps around the furniture- is an autobiographical fiction; …………(0)…………….. At least, that’s how the distinguished professor at the University of Iowa College of Medicine sees it. The centerpiece of Damasio’s exploration is the brain. It’s part of the machinery of life management. It keeps the heart beating and fight-or-flight machinery prepared for danger. It tells you when you are hungry. But it can also stun you with questions like ‘what was there because time began?’ …………(1)……………. the great question of consciousness, the inexplicable mystery of why humans know who they are, where they came from and what they would really like for supper. And the key, for him, is that all human identity is a kind of fiction. We are all engaged in the process of self- creation. Damasio was born in Portugal in 1944. From his earliest years, …………(2) ……………. by Meccano. He went from there to the mechanisms of the mind, dithered about being a writer or philosopher, and then read about brain research and decided this was exactly what he wanted to do. “I went into medical school and straight into the thing that interests me most.” Well into his career as a neurologist- he has a chair at the Salk Institute in La Jolla. California, as well as the department in Iowa- he began to get interested in cases of frontal lobe damage. There were several cases of people who, before suffering damage of this kind, were considered honest, trustworthy and dependable, but afterwards became vulgar, irresponsible and capricious, these cases were classic pieces of evidence that personality and identity were creation of the brain, and that the brain was a machine into which spanners could be thrown. Damasio, however, …………(3)……………. that patients with this condition will take decisions. ‘What people will frontal lobe damage have is an inability to decide correctly; they do it in a setting where the emotions are gone. You maintain your overt intelligence. You speak normally, …………(4)……………. but you make the most foolish decisions in relation to yourself, your family and your work. The big distinction is that you no longer have an ability to emote and feel normally, especially in relation to social emotions. You don’t feel guilt, you don’t feel pride for that matter and …………(5) …………….. And that is what put me on to the idea that emotion is really the only explanation for this kind of problem. All my work starts from here.’
  5. 5 Part VI: There are 11 mistakes in the following passage. Find and correct them. There have been an example for you .(1m) Ex : are à is There are very little documentation about the origins of water polo. It is known, however, that the sport originated in the rivers and lakes of mid -19th century English as an aquatic version of rugby. Early games used an inflated rubber ball that comes from India known as a "pulu" (the single Indian word for all "balls"). Pronounced "polo" by the England, both the game and the ball became known like "water polo." To attract more spectators to swimming exhibitions, the London Swimming Association designed a set of water polo rules for indoor swimming pools in 1870. At first, players scored by planting the ball on the end of the pool with both hands. A favorite trick of the players was to place the five-to-nine inch rubber ball inside their swim suit and dive under the murky water, they would then appear again as close to the goal as possible. The introduction of the rules by Scottish players changed the nature of water polo. It became a game that emphasized swimming, speed and passing. Scottish rules moved from a rugby variant to a soccer style of play. Goals became a cage of 10 x 3 feet and a goal could be score by being thrown. Players could only be tackled when they "held" the ball and the ball could no longerly be taken under water. The small rubber ball is replaced by a leather soccer ball. If the player came up too near the goal, he was promptly jumped on by the goalie, which was permitted to stand on the pool deck. Games were often something more than gang fights in the water as players ignored the ball, preferring underwater wrestling matches that usually ended with one man floating to the surface unconscious. Water polo was first played in the USA in 1888. The game featured the old rugby style of play which resembled America football in the water. "American style" water polo became very popularly and by the late 1890's was played in such venues as Madison Square Garden and Boston's Mechanics Hall, attracting 14,000 spectators to national championship games. Part VII: Give the correct form of the words in brackets.There is an example for you.(1m) Ex : She is a good ………of English . (teach ) : teach à teacher 1. She has one of the biggest …………… in Britain. ( COLLECT ) 2. Thank you for a very ……………. evening. ( ENJOY ) 3. He cycled ………….. and had an accident yesterday. ( CARE ) 4. I really don’t think he has the ……………. to do this job. (ABLE ) 5. His boss told him off because he had behaved ..................... ( RESPONSIBLE ) 6. The knife is very blunt. It needs ……………….. ( SHARP ) 7. He doesn’t agree with the…… that there is life on other planets. (BELIEVE) 8. She divorced him because of his …………… to the children. ( KIND ) 9. Is it possible to ………. between a hobby and an interest ? ( DISTINT ) 10. She always listens ………… to what she is told . ( ATTENTION ) Part VIII: Read the text below and then decide which word best fits each space.(1m) The 22nd Southeast Asian Games successfully closed in Ha Noi. Prominent among 40.000 spectators at the closing ………(1)……… at My Dinh Stadium were Party Secretary General Nong Duc Manh, Vice President Truong My Hoa and leaders of the Asian Sport Federation. A spectacular art………(2) ……… programme with the participation of 300 musicians and 500 artists was …………(3)………… to welcome the success of the Games. Singaporean swimmer Yeojoscelin who won six gold medals and Vietnamese marksman Nguyen Manh Tuong
  6. 6 who owned five gold medals during the Games were awarded the most …………(4)………… athlete title. Nguyen Danh Thai, Minister – Chairman of the State Committee for Physical Training and Sports, President of the 22nd SEA Games Council and Head of the 22 nd SEA Games Organising Committee, ………(5)……….. that the Games have successfully concluded after boisterous competition days. All activities took place …………(6) ……… scheduled in an …………(7) ………… of solidarity and friendship among Southeast Asian people. With the Vietnamese Government and people’s efforts and international support, the 22nd SEA Games have become a festival that impressed people …………(8)………… the spirit of “ solidarity, cooperation for peace and development”. The 22nd SEA Games are not only a song of honesty and nobility in competition and organising competition but …………(9)……… a sign of a bright future for the development of regional sports After Vietnamese singer My Linh and a Philipine singer sang the song “ For the World of Tomorrow “, Minister Nguyen Danh Thai and Chairman of the Ha Noi People’s committee Hoang Van Nghien handed over the SEA Games Flag to the Chairman of the Olympic Committee and the dead of the Philipine sport team, ………(10) ………… the host country of the SEA Games – the Philipines 2005. 1. A. meeting B. forum C. celebration D. ceremony 2. A. performing B. performed C. performance D. performances 3. A. put B. held C. organized D. B & C 4. A. outstanding B. upmost C. best D. top 5. A. said B. affirmed C. stated D. all are correct 6. A. like B. as C. to D. with 7. A atmosphere B. environment C. aspect D. surroundings 8. A. of B. with C. for D. under 9. A. also B. well C. as D. of 10. A. represent B. represented C. representing D. behalf of Part IX: You are going to read an article about a sailing race. Choose the most suitable heading from the list A - I for each paragraph from 1 – 5 of the article. There is three extra headings which you do not need to use. There have been an example for you. (1m) EX: Paragraph 0 +I A. An unexpectedly demanding way of life B. The consequences of poor performance C. No way out if you don’t like it D. Letting everyone have a moment of glory E. Benefiting from the power of nature F. Cooperating to overcome the power of nature G. It’s not what people think H. A solution that seems to work I. The terrible consequences of making a mistake Paragraph 0: Imagine for a moment, spending the night on board a large yacht, being roughly woken in the pitch dark and ordered on deck. Every so often you will be totally drenched, very suddenly, in salt water. You will be sharing the same cramped space with 14 other people for a whole year. Your stomach, when not affected by seasickness, will be hit by the competitive tension and nervousness that afflicts all sportspeople. You will be obliged to concentrate without cease. The slightest loss of focus could cost someone their life. Paragraph 1: For the eight crews taking part in the Round-the-world yachting race, this has been daily life since they left Britain eleven months ago. Now, after racing 50,000 across kilometers
  7. 7 of ocean, they are soon due home. While most of us have worked, slept, taken a holiday, these crews have sailed and sailed, day after day, night after night, in weather conditions that would test any human. This is the reality of ocean yacht racing, which bears little resemblance to the popular image of sailing- the quick sprint around a lake before returning ashore for a meal and a warm bath. Paragraph 2: Racing 20-metre yachts around the world is a story of unrelenting hard work, pushing yourself to the limits of endurance. But it is also a story of the vastness and beauty of the sea, of seeing the sun rise and set on hundreds of desolate horizons, and of the supreme satisfaction of arriving somewhere knowing that wind alone has taken you there. Paragraph 3: Unlike the captains, who are professional sailors, the crews all consist of amateur volunteers who have actually paid for the privilege of taking a year off from their work and enduring these difficult conditions. On board London Light the ages range from 21 to 65. For the youngest member, Susan Porter, the trip is about the excitement of both the racing and the elements ‘Being able to pitch yourselves as a team against a storm gives you a huge sense of achievement’, she says Paragraph 4: Jerry Wallace, a marketing director, found sailing a refreshing change from the selfish individualism of business. Although he was prepared for the discomfort, the mental stress of long distance racing was not what he has anticipated, ‘A grand Prix driver has a few hours of focus, a footballer 90 minutes, but we have been racing for 11 months. This is something I didn’t really appreciate before I start.’ Paragraph 5: Inevitably, there are tensions. The kind of people who choose to take part in races like this tend to motivated and strong-willed. On a trivial level, there are the usual arguments about things like cleaning, tidying, personal hygiene, even the way people snore. Row on a boat must be addressed immediately. Left to develop, they get much worse. On London Light they have done this by having a meeting where problems can be discussed and resolved by majority vote. Cooperation is the key, and everyone can have their say. The London is one of the few boats that has never lost any crew early because of a personality clash. Part X: Complete each space with the correct form of the verbs given in the list. Remember that there are more verbs than needed : (1m) want catch first give find prove not know get seem taste test be make You've probably heard someone say that the reason you ……….(1)………… a cold was that you were 'run down'. People generally accept that if you are under pressure or run down you are more likely ……….(2)………… ill. But is this really true or is it just an old wives' tale? The problem with old sayings like this is that it's often difficult ……….(3)………… whether they are true or not. For example, if you ask people with colds whether they are feeling run down, they are almost certain to say yes. People without colds ……….(4)……… more likely to say no. So, how do you tell if it's the cold that ……….(5)………… them feel run down or the fact that they are run down that is making them more likely to catch a cold? Now it ……….(6)…………there is a scientific answer to this question. And answer is yes - if you are run down or under stress, you are more likely to catch a cold. Scientists at the Common Cold Research Centre ran a series of tests. They got volunteers without colds to attend the centre, where they ……….(7)………… a questionnaire to complete. The questions measured the amount of stress each volunteer was under. The volunteers were then deliberately infected with a cold virus and left to see whether they developed a cold. After many people ……….(8)………… the researchers looked for a link between the measured stress level and the chances of catching a cold. They found that the higher the stress, the more likely the person was to catch a cold. At the moment it ……….(9)………… why stress makes someone more likely to become ill, but now that the link ……….(10) …………, researchers might be able to investigate further. They may even find different ways of
  8. 8 combating disease. Part XI : Choose one sentence that has the most similar meaning to the original one(0,5m) 1: “ Shall I make you a cup of tea ?” A. Mary wanted to make me a cup of tea. B. Mary hesitated to make me a cup of tea. C. Mary promised to make me a cup of tea. D. Mary offered to make me a cup of tea. 2: The firefighters managed to put out the fire within 30 minutes. A. It took the firefighters about 30 minutes putting out the fire. B. The firefighters were capable to put out the fire within 30 minutes. C. It was about 30 minutes for the firefighters putting out the fire. D. The firefighters were able to put out the fire within 30 minutes. 3: The police think that he was one of the robbers. A. He is alleged to take part in the robbery. B. The police suspect him of taking part in the robbery. C. He is thought to be one of the robbery. D. The police accuse him of taking part in the robbery. 4: “ You shouldn’t have played computer games all day!” Ann said to her son. A. Ann advised her son not to play computer games all day. B. Ann asked her son for playing computer games all day. C. Ann told her son not to play computer games all day. D. Ann accused her son for playing computer games all day. 5: Without your help, I would not have succeeded. A. I was talked to you for my success. B. If you had helped me, I would have succeeded C. Had it not been for your help, I would not have succeeded. D. I would be very grateful if you could help me. Part XII: The following sentences belong to a paragraph but they are mixed up. Sort the sentences out and put them in the correct order of a paragraph. (0,5 m) 1. The study also shows that having discussions with stangers in internet areas called “chat room” is one of the most addictive activities. 2. Most people use the Internet to get information or for entertainment. A new study, however, says that almost 6% of internet users are using it so often that it is seriously harming their lives. 3. Someone who is addicted finds it extremely difficult to stop an activity. According to Mr. Greenfield, a spychologist, 30% internet users say that they use the internet to escape from problems or emotions. 4. It is estimated that about 200 million people who use the Internet computer network around the world. 5. The study says these people may find it difficult to stop using the Internet because they have become addicted. Part XIII: Identify the underlined word or word phrases (A, B, C or D) that must be changed in order to correct the sentence. There have been an example for you. (1 m) EX: He buy me a new book every month. A B C D - The correct answer is B 1. My teacher got used to drive a car on the left when he lived in London. A B C D
  9. 9 2. A number of tourists is going to return the evaluation form distributed by the travel agent. A B C D 3. I have three brothers, one is a farmer, another is a doctor and the other a teacher. A B C D 4. The film was a bit bored but in the end , the main characters had a happy ending. A B C D 5. Do you remember to try this kind of food somewhere else before ? A B C D Part XIV: Fill in the blank with the words given (Don’t change their forms). Remember that there are more words than needed : (1m) increasing shape beatiful wider as well as words girls where less untill heavier unlike For the first ten years, girls and boys grow at almost exactly the same rate. Then ………(1)……… suddenly start to grow more quickly than boys. As a result, girls at the age of thirteen are taller, …………(2)……..…and stronger than boys. At about the age of fourteen, the average girl starts to grow……….(3)……….. rapidly and the average boy catches up and then surpasses her. …….…(4)…….… girls, boys do not stop growing when they are fifteen or sixteen. They keep growing, although more slowly, …….…(5)……… they are about twenty. Then they begin to shrink, very slowly but surely.Their weight, however, usually goes on ………..(6)………… until they are in their forties. To keep fit, they must cut the fats from their diet ……..(7)……… exercise. In addition, adolescents undergo changes in facial appearance. The lower half of his or her face changes its………(8)……….. The jaw becomes longer and juts out more. As a result, the chin becomes much more pointed, and the mouth becomes ………(9)……... At the same time the nose also becomes slightly longer. In other…….(10)………, the “baby-face” look disappears. These changes are all part of growing up. C : WRITING : (6ms) Part I: Rewrite the sentences so that it has the same meaning as the sentence printed before it (2ms) 1. Although the girl is young, she is quite experienced. -> In spite of …………………………………………………………………. 2. The play started as soon as we arrived at the theatre. -> No sooner…………………………………………………………………... 3. As Mike earned more money, he bought more clothes. -> The …..……………………………………………………………………… 4. Who often makes people in your class laugh ? -> By .…………………………………………………………………………. 5. “Shall I clean the windows for you, Mai ? ” Said Nam -> Nam offered ………………………………………………………………… 6. Fish are more expensive than meat in some areas of the country, aren’t they ? -> Meat isn’t …………………………………………………………………… 7. My sister likes her boyfriend to take her to the movies. ->My sister ………..…………………………………………………………… 8. No one has seen Hoa since her birthday. -> The last time Hoa .. ………………………………………………………… 9. The boys prefer playing soccer to staying indoors. -> The boys would rather …………………………………………………….. 10. Neither Nam nor his parents likes chocolate cakes.
  10. 10 -> Nam doesn’t …….………………………………………………………… Part II: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it, using the words in the brackets (1m) 1. Mai said to Jean, “ Why are you so late ? Did your car have a flat tire ? ” ->Mai ……………………………………………………. ( was ) 2. I am sorry that I didn’t take your advice. -> I ………………………………………………………......... ( regret ) 3. The house in the city is too expensive for my father to buy for me. -> It is ………………………………………..,…………… ( so …… that ) 4. Finish the work today, or I won’t pay you. -> I …………………………………………………………… ( unless ) 5. The difficult lessons aren’t finished in class on time. -> The students ........................................................................... ( finish ) Part III: The table below shows the number of visitors from some countries to visit our country in 2010 and 2011. Describe the information shown in the table. You should write at least 100 words. (1,0 m) Countries England America France China Spain Number of visitors In 2010 50 150 200 250 300 In 2011 200 150 100 500 150 Total 250 300 300 750 450 Part IV: Write a composition about 250 words on the following topic: (2,0 ms) TELL US ONE OF THE SUBJECTS YOU LIKE BEST. WHY ? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. 11 UBND HUYỆN PHÙ MỸ HƯỚNG DẪN CHẤM ĐỀ THI HSG LỚP 9 CẤP HUYỆN NĂM HỌC: 2011 - 2012 PHÒNG GD-ĐT MÔN: TIẾNG ANH --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HƯỚNG DẪN CHẤM A: Listening: (2 điểm) Part I: 1,0 điểm. (0,1 đ x 10 ) 1. come 2. terrible 3. when 4. complained 5. money 6. played 7. where 8. told 9. couldn’t 10. sorry Part II : 1,0 điểm . ( 0,2 đ x 5 ) 1: He has played soccer, volleyball and basketball. 2: He went to Hong Kong with Uncle Nghia 3: He spoke English during his vacation. 4: Yes, there were. 5. Uncle Nghia did. B: Reading: ( 12 điểm ) Part I : 1,0 điểm. ( 0,1đ x 10 ) 1.A 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. D Part II : 1,0 điểm. ( 0,1 đ x 10 ) 1. and 2. of 3. take/catch 4. drivers 5. slowly 6. steal 7. or 8. cheap 9. are 10. see/ watch Part III : 0,5 điểm. (0,1 đ x 5 ) 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. A Part IV: 0,5 điểm ( 0,1 đ x 5 ) 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. N 5. F Part V : 1,0 điểm. ( 0,2 đ x 5 ) 1. F 2. B 3. D 4. H 5. E Part VI : 1,0 điểm. ( 0,1 đ x 10 ) 1. comes -> came 2. like -> as 3. swim -> swimming 4. score -> scored 5. no longerly -> no longer 6. is -> was 7. which -> who 8. something -> nothing 9. America -> American 10. popularly ->popular Part VII : 1,0 điểm ( 0,1 đ x 10 ) 1. collections 2. enjoyable 3. carelessly 4. ability 5. irresponsibly 6. sharpening/to be sharpened 7. belief 8. unkindness 9. distinguish 10. attentively Part VIII : 1,O điểm . ( 0,1 đ x 10 ) 1. D 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. D 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. C Part IX: 1,0 điểm: ( 0,2 đ x 5 ) 1. G 2. E 3. F 4. A 5. H Part X: 1,O điểm: ( 0,1 đ x 10 ) 1. caught 2. to get 3. to prove 4. are 5. is making 6. seems 7. were first given 8. had been tasted 9. is not known 10. has been found Part XI: 0,5 điểm: ( 0,1 đ x 5 ) 1: D 2: D 3: B 4: A 5: C Part XII: 0,5 điểm: ( 0,1 đ x 5 )
  12. 12 4+ 2 + 5 + 3 + 1 Part XIII: 1,0 điểm: ( 0,2 đ x 5 ) 1: B 2: B 3: D 4: A 5: B Part XIV: 1,0 điểm: ( 0,1 đ x 10 ) 1. girls 2. heavier 3. less 4. unlike 5. untill 6. increasing 7. as well as 8. shape 9. wider 10. words C: Writing: 6 điểm. Part I: 2,0 điểm (0,2 đ x 10 ) 1. In spite of the young girl, she is quite experienced. 2. No sooner had we arrived at the theatre than the play started. 3. The more money Mike earned, the more clothes he bought. 4. By whom are people in your class often made to laugh ? 5. Nam offered to clean the windows for Mai. 6. Meat isn’t so/as expensive as fish in some areas of the country, is it ? 7. My sister likes to be taken/ being taken to the movies by her boyfriend. 8. The last time Hoa was seen was on her birthday. 9. The boys would rather play soccer than stay indoors. 10. Nam doesn’t like chocolate cakes and his parents don’t, either / Neither do his parents. Part II: 1,0 điểm. ( 0,2 đ x 5 ) 1. Mai asked Jean why he was so late and if/whether his car had a flat tire. 2. I regret not taking your advice/ not having taken your advice. 3. It’s so expensive a house in the city that my father can’t buy it fot me. 4. I won’t pay you unless you finish the work today. 5. The students don’t finish the difficult lessons in class on time. Part III: 1,0 điểm. (Giám khảo chấm theo ý làm bài của học sinh ) - Nội dung: 0,75 điểm - Ngữ pháp: 0,25 điểm PartT IV : 2,0 điểm (Giám khảo chấm theo ý làm bài của học sinh ) - Hình thức: 0,25 điểm - Nội dung: 1, 5 điểm - Ngữ pháp: 0,25 điểm ------------------------------The end-------------------------------
  13. 13



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