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Tham khảo tài liệu 'đề thi thử tốt nghiệp môn: tiếng anh – đề 4', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

Chủ đề:


  1. ĐỀ THI THỬ TỐT NGHIỆP MÔN: TIẾNG ANH – ĐỀ 4 A. Choose the b est answer among A, B, C or D to complete each senten ce. 1 . He was writing to his friend when he ................. a noise. A. was hearing B. heard C. had heard D. hears 2 . Ho w much . ……. . . . . these eggs? A. is B. was C. do D. are 3 . M y mo ther .................. very happ y when she ..................... her old friend again two days ago. A. was / met B. had been / met C. has b een / meets D. has b een / met 4 . I .................... man y peop le since I came here in June. A. met B. has met C. was meeting D. have met 7
  2. OÂn taäp toát nghieäp THPT Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch - Nguyeãn Ñaëng Ho aøng Duy 5 . He ................ foo tball since he was a bo y. A. plays B. is p laying C. has p layed D. played 6 . We ................... maths at this time last week. A. were learning B. are learning C. learnt D. was learning 7 . When I ................... the door, she was read ing a newspaper. A. op ens B. opened C. was o pening D. was opened 8 . She was playing games while he ................... a foo tb all match. A. watched B. watches C. was watching D. watching 9 . She ................... to Ho Chi Minh city last year. A. go es B. has gone C. go D. went 10. Water .................... most of the Earth's su rface. A. covers B. cover C. covering D. covered 11. Lee ......... her shirt mad e o ne month ago . A. has B. have C. will have D. had 12. Nowadays my mother ................ to wo rk o n foo t. A. has gone B. used to go C. went D. go es 13. ................ he p laying footb all now? A. Will B. Does C. Was D. Is 14. I can’t so lve t hat thorn y problem u ntil my b rother................ it to me. A. will explain B. exp lain C. has exp lained D. will be exp laining 15. ..................... yo u to Londo n with him to mo rrow? A. Does your father take B. Is you r father take C. Your father takes D. Will your father take 16. Every morning, I often sit in m y garden and .............. to my nightingale sing. A. listening B. listen C. listened D. listens 17. Keep qu iet! We ....................... to the mu sic. A. are listening B. listen C. were listening D. is listening 18. Whenever you .................. your ho mework, yo u can leave the house. A. finish B. finished C. have finish D. had finish 19. She is looking fo r her b ag b ecause she can't rememb er where she ................... her bag. A. leave B. left C. had left D. was left 20. The news that he to ld yo u last night ........................ untru e. A. were B. was C. has D. have been 21. Mary will tell her mother the truth when she ...................... b ack. A. will co me B. wou ld co me C. co mes D. will have co me 22. Jackso n looks concer ned. He .................... worrying about his son. A. has b een B. been C. have been D. being 23. My b rother said he sent the letter to my p arents three d ays ago , but they ….. yet. A. did not receive B. had not received C. do es not receive D. have no t received 24. Their sons ........................ out of the house since six o ' clo ck. 8
  3. OÂn taäp toát nghieäp THPT Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch - Nguyeãn Ñaëng Ho aøng Duy A. will co me B. has co me C. did co me D. have co me 25. .......... yo u do your exercises yesterday? A. Did B. Do C. Does D. Have 26. Carol ........................... here at weekends since the first month o f this year. A. has b een working B. has wo rking C. having working D. has b een worked 27. Her eyes are fu ll o f tears whenever she ............... such a sad film. A. watches B. has watched C. will watch D. watched 28. I ............... in the gard en when it b egan to rain. A. was walking B. walked C. am walking D. have walked 29. I …….................. in the living-roo m when the police arrived . A. sat B. was sat C. was sitting D. have sat 30. She ................. you as soo n as she co mes b ack. A. phones B. wou ld co me C. will p hone D. phone 31. When the telep hone rang, she ............... a letter. A. wrote B. was writing C. was written D. were writing 32. “Who ............... noise in the roo m?” A. makes B. mad e C. is making D. was making 33. .................. a new hou se? A. Have yo u just bou ght B. Did yo u just bu y C. Do you ju st b ought D. Have yo u bought just 34. They ....................... for an hour when the final bu s came. A. wait ed B. have waited C. have been waiting D. had been waitin g 35. I came into the ro om while they .............. the rad io. A. have listened to B. listened to C. were listening to D. have been listen ing to 36. The old peo ple ............... tea to coffee. A. prefer B. prefers C. preferred D. had preferred 37. That little b o y ........... non-stop fo r the past hour. A. cried B. was cr ying C. is cr ying D. has b een crying 38. Mary ....................... a beautiful long dress at the mo ment. A. is wearing B. wears C. was wearing D. has worn 39. While I ................ for a bus, I saw a terrib le accid ent. A. have waited B. wait C. was waiting D. waiting 40. After he ................ work, he went straight home. A. had finished B. has b een finishing C. has finished D. wou ld finish 41. He ................ in Vietnam since Janu ary 5 . A. has b een B. had been C. was D. have been 42. The bo y fell while he ................ down the stairs. A. run B. was running C. running D. runs 43. Up to now, I ................ a lot o f info rmatio n abou t her. A. wou ld learn B. have learnt C. have learn D. will learn 44. The canteen alwa ys ................ at 7 :10 a.m. 9
  4. OÂn taäp toát nghieäp THPT Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch - Nguyeãn Ñaëng Ho aøng Duy A. will o pen B. will have o pened C. opens D. be opened 45. I ..................... very fast when the accid ent happ ened. A. wasn't driving B. hadn't driven C. am not driving D. hasn't d riven 46. So meone .............. my grand father's car twenty years ago . A. stolen B. has sto len C. was sto len D. stole 47. Everybod y ad mires him becau se he .............. good sense o f hu mo r. A. go t B. has got C. get D. is 48. It rained while my mother ................ the clothes. A. washed B. was washing C. has washed D. had washed 49. I generally ................ jeans, but tod ay I .................... a suit. A. wear / was wearing B. am wearing / wear C. wear / wear D. wear / am wearing 50. When I see Lee in the street, she alwa ys ................... at me. A. smiled B. has smiled C. was smiling D. smiles 51. "When did you co me ho me?" "I ............... here since last Sunday." A. had been B. was C. have D. have been 52. As soo n as he ................. a certificate in English, he will app ly for a job . A. would get B. got C. gets D. will get 53. He usu ally ................. in green ink. A. write B. writes C. wrote D. has written 54. It's a lovely da y, bu t I ...................... staying at ho me with my grandfather. A. don't mind B. haven't mind C. am not mind ing D. wasn't mind ing 55. I o ften have so me bananas when I ................. my meal. A. finished B. finish C. will finish D. will be finished 56. Maria .................. here since last week. A. has b een B. was C. were D. have been 57. My sister .................... in Paris at the mo ment. A. will stud y B. studies C. is stud ying D. has b een stud ying 58. When water freezes, it ................. into ice. A. turns B. has turned C. wou ld turn D. is turning 59. The accident ................. when we were on the wa y to Vung Tau . A. occur B. occurring C. occurred D. had occurred 60. At the mo ment, Ann ................. a letter to her parents. A. is writing B. writes C. was writing D. has written 61. ..................... usually have bo iled rice and meat for lunch? A. Are yo u B. Have you C. Do you D. Had you 62. She ................. in Nha Trang from 1995 to 1997 . A. was living B. lived C. had lived D. has lived 63. He .................... to scho ol when he had a puncture. A. shall d rive B. am driving C. drove D. was driving 64. There ............. so me good news about my family latel y. A. is B. were C. has b een D. have been 10
  5. OÂn taäp toát nghieäp THPT Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch - Nguyeãn Ñaëng Ho aøng Duy 65. Since 1980, scientists all over the wo rld ..... a lo t o f things to fight against AIDS. A. have d one B. are go ing C. did D. had done 66. At present, they ................. at their office. A. have wo rked B. are go ing to work C. are working D. have been working 67. Whenever my little sister .............., all of u s will run to him. A. cries B. will cr y C. wou ld cry D. cried 68. Yesterd ay I ................ in the p ark when I saw Dick p la ying foo tball. A. was walking B. is walking C. has walked D. has b een walking 69. I .................. a film fo r two years up to now. A. don't see B. haven't seen C. won't see D. didn't see 70. Peter ........................ for her wife's letter since last Friday. Now he hasn't received yet. A. was waiting B. waits C. waited D. has b een waiting B. Choose the u nd erlined part among A, B, C o r D that need s correcting. 1 . To m and his father p lays tennis ever y afternoo n with their friends. A B C D 2 . I didn’tsee him since he moved to London. A B C D 3 . When I walk p ast the p ark, I saw so me children play fo o tb all. A B C D 4 . Anybod y who have a fever mu st go ho me immediately. A B C D 5 . Physics are my best sub ject at schoo l. A B C D 6 . I met many p eople since I came here in June. A B C D 7 . After John eaten dinner, hewrote severalletters and went to b ed . A B C D 8 . Afterd riving for 20 miles, he sudd enly realized that he hasbeend riving in A B C D the wrong directio n. 9 . After George hadretu rned tohis house, he wasreading a book. A B C D 10. What didyo udo at 9 o’clock lastnight ? I phoned you b ut no bod y answered . A B C D 11. Have you finished reading the b oo k which I lend s yo u last week? A B C D 12. A chill struck me when I entering the interviewingroo m. A B C D 13. When I arrived at the station, the train hasalready left. A B C D 11
  6. OÂn taäp toát nghieäp THPT Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch - Nguyeãn Ñaëng Ho aøng Duy 14. The president went fishing after he hasfinished his work. A B C D 15. Since I havecome here lastweek, I haven’tp ho ned her. A B C D 16. I hadneverseen any o f Picasso ’s paintings b efore I visit t he art museu m. A B C D 17. The child wereto ld toapo lo gize fo rb eing rude to his bro ther. A B C D 18. When Sam willarrive, we willo pen the gift. A B C D 19. Ann and Su san haveknown eacho ther during they were at school. A B C D 20. Peter never go to bed before he hasfinished hisho mewo rk A B C D C. Choose one sentence that best rewrites the sen tence given. 1 . They last visited me five years ago . A. They haven’t visited me for a long time. B. I haven’t been visited fo r a long time. C. They haven’t visited me for five years. D. They have known me fo r five years. 2 . Mike turned off the light, then he went to b ed. A. Befo re Mike went to b ed , he had turned off the light. B. Before Mike tu rned off the light, he had gone to bed. C. After Mike had gone to bed, he turned o ff the light. D. Mike turned o ff the light as soon as he had gone to bed. 3 . I haven’t visited the museu m for three months. A. It is three mont hs since I visited the mu seu m. B. I d idn’t visit the museu m three months ago . C. The last time I visited the mu seu m was three months ago . D. A and C are co rrect. 4 . “John began playing the piano 10 years ago” A. John p layed the p iano 10 years ago . B. John has played the piano fo r 10 years. C. John u sed to p lay the piano 10 years ago. D. John d oesn’t play the piano anymore 5 . I haven’t seen her fo r 3 weeks. A. I haven’t seen her since 3 weeks. B. She was seen fo r 3 weeks. C. It’s 3 weeks since I last saw her. D. It’s 3 weeks before I last saw her. 6 . He started to p lay the guitar five years ago . A. He has been playing the guitar for five years. B. He has been starting to play the gu itar for five years. C. He has been p laying the guitar five years ago . D. He started playing the gu itar for five years. 12
  7. OÂn taäp toát ng hieäp THPT Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch - Nguy eã n Ñaëng Hoaøng Duy 7. The last time I saw her was a week ago. A. I haven’t seen her for a week. C. I haven’t seen her since a week. B. I have seen her for a week. D. A & B are correct. 8. They haven’t seen their parents for five years. A. It’s five years since they last saw their parents. B. Their parents have seen them for five years. C. They last saw their parents five years ago. D. A & C are correct. 9. This is the first time I have lived in such a friendly neighbourhood. A. I have lived in such a friendly neighbourhood before. B. I haven’t lived in such a friend ly neighbourhood before. C. I had lived in such a friendly neighbourhood before. D. All are correct. 10. I haven’t seen her since we left school. A. The last time I saw her was when we left school. B. I last saw her when we left school. C. The last time I saw her was when we were at school. D. All are correct.



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