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Tham khảo tài liệu 'kỳ thi thử tốt nghiệp và đại học năm 2011 - test 13', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

Chủ đề:


  1. KỲ THI THỬ TỐT NGHIỆP VÀ ĐẠI HỌC NĂM 2011 - TEST 13 I. Pronunciation: 1. a. weight b. height c. straight d. late b 2. a. jumped b. smiled c. picked d. looked b 3. a. forget b. forty c. former d. fortunate a 4. a. blew b. flew c. new d. crew c 5. a. thank b. thick c. they d. thin c 6. a. either b. neither c. height d. leisure d 7. a. chief b. of c. leaf d. thief b II. Find the mistake: 8. He had to explain the lesson very clear so that his students could understand it. a. had to b. clear c. so that d. could --> b 9. Doctors are using laser beam to remove of bone in ear surgery. a. are using b. to remove c. of d. in --> c 10. We wish today was sunny so that we could spend the day in the country communing with nature. a. was b. so that c. could spend d. in the country --> a
  2. III. Grammar and vocabulary: 11. The students left the room .............. they had finished their exam. a. while b. soon c. once d. during -->c 12. Direct speech: "Why did he move to San Francisco?" (Change into Indirect speech) a. I wondered that why he had moved to San Francisco. b. I wondered that why he hadn't moved to San Francisco. c. I wondered that why he moved to San Francisco. d. I wondered that why he would move to San Francisco. a 13. The brothers are so alike that I cannot ............ one from the other. a. say b. notice c. tell d. mark -->c 14. Nancy was on her own when she lived in London. a. free b. alone c. sick d. uncommitted b 15. The tallest bird on the North American continent, the white whooping crane, ………….. four and a half feet tall. a. stands b. which stands c. it stands d. standing --> a 16. It was .................. that I couldn't eat it. a. such a hard cake b. such hard cake c. so a hard cake d. so hard cake a
  3. 17. The prisoner ................. that he had assaulted a policeman. a. refused b. declined c. denied d. rejected -->c 18. Robert opened the drawer and …….............. a knife. a. taking out b. taken out c. took out d. take out c 19. Do you mind ................ that everyone has got a ticket? a. controlling b. checking c. assuring d. knowing --> c 20. "I have bought this washing machine for two months but now, it is out of order." "Don't worry. Your car is being ................. " a. stopped b. broken c. serviced d. rented c 21. With every ................. he took, he got more and more tired. a. walk b. march c. step d. foot -->c 22. The robber made the bank manager ................ the money. a. hand over b. to hand over c. handing over d. handed over a 23. I wish I could give you the ............. to your problems. a. answer b. conclusion
  4. c. reply d. end -->a 24. How long is it since you .................. Mary? a. has seen b. saw c. had seen d. see b 25. His youngest brother intends to take .................. skating next winter. a. to b. up c. on d. in --> b 26. ............. his old age, Mr. Johnson runs seven miles before breakfast. a. Though b. Although c. In spite of d. Instead of c 27. The fire was ................ by the time the firemen arrived. a. finished b. off c. away d. out -->d 28. I remember ................ the package a few days before going to the countryside. a. to send b. sending c. sent d. to have sent b 29. My teacher was very conscious ................. his bald head. a. of b. with c. about d. for -->a
  5. 30. Seeing all that food made me very ............. a. hunger b. hungry c. hungrily d. hurry b 31. It took us five hours of negotiation to ................. a compromise. a. make b. do c. arrive d. reach --> d 32. You have to run or ................ you will miss the train. a. instead b. else c. therefore d. though b 33. The police car .............. the suspect for over 100 miles. a. persisted b. ensued c. sued d. pursued -->d 34. He was brought ................ in the spirit of communism. a. back b. down c. up d. in c 35. The offer of a place at a good university is not to be ............... at. a. coughed b. sneezed c. laughed d. rejected -->b 36. ................ the time you reach the airport, the plane will have taken off. a. At b. On c. By
  6. d. In c 37. It never ............... his mind that his dishonesty would be discovered. a. crossed b. came c. sprung d. passed -->a 38. They object ................ the proposal to restrict the use of cars in the city. a. at b. with c. for d. to d 39. The official report on the accident was a .............. of lies. a. pack b. bundle c. heap d. bunch -->a 40. Did they build the garage ..................... as the house? a. at the same time b. in the same time c. on the same time d. the same time a 41. Unless you ............ to the rules, we’ll have to ask you to leave. a. obey b. stand c. do d. conform -->d 42. We believe that there is a ................ between them. a. join b. chain c. link d. connector c 43. The high cost of advertising is invariably paid by the ............... . a. target
  7. b. consumer c. market d. client -->b 44. If you want to find these titles, look them up in the ................. a. reference b. index c. catalogue d. directory b 45. Very often the chocolate inside is not as exciting as its .............. . a. coat b. wrapper c. cover d. paper -->b 46. You can ................ your troubles with me. Don't argue with your boss. a. share b. save c. deprive d. avoid a 47. Mary was called upon to .............. evidence against her father. a. say b. give c. tell d. put -->b 48. Lucy ................ that dress since Barbara's wedding. a. haven't worn b. didn't wear c. doesn't wear d. hasn't worn d 49. She don’t believe what he says. She has ……………….. about him. a. hopes b. doubts c. odds d. chances -->c
  8. 50. When students finish high school, they have several choices: a. going to college, getting a job, or the army. b. going to college, getting a job, or joining the army. c. going to college, finding a job, or join into the army. d. to go to college, getting a job, or joining the army. b



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