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Thi TOEIC chuẩn đầu ra

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Tham khảo tài liệu 'thi toeic chuẩn đầu ra', ngoại ngữ, toefl - ielts - toeic phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

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  1. Thi TOEIC chuẩn đầu ra You are logged in You are here HUNG YEN UNIVERSITY • / ► Đề thi TOEIC chuẩn đầu ra • / ► Quizzes • / ► READING SECTION • / ► Attempt 1 • READING SECTION JavaScript must be enabled to continue! READING In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of Jeading comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many as possible within the time allowed. You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the book. Part V Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C) or (D) on your answer sheet. Question 1 Marks: 5 Question106. He is particularly ----------by the way the new manager has dealt with emergencies. Choose one answer. a. impressionable b. impressed c. impressive d. impression Question 2 Marks: 5 Question138. Most of department will be-- holding --------- office parties before the Christmas vacation begins. Choose one answer. a. to hold b. held c. have held d. holding Question 3 Marks: 5
  2. Question117. For professionals at the beginning of their careers,leisure time is a ---- scarce -------commodity. Choose one answer. a. high-priced b. regular c. common d. scarce Question 4 Marks: 5 Question135. Even the . best efficient worker makes mistakes and has an off-day every now and again. Choose one answer. a. best b. most c. mostly d. more Question 5 Marks: 5 Question107. The company thought the shipment --- d. would arrive --------in time for the holiday shipping season. Choose one answer. a. can arrive b. is arriving c. will arrive d. would arrive Question 6 Marks: 5 Question119. A recent study of corporate managers ----------- most executives do not find their work satisfying. Choose one answer. a. found that b. which discovered c. revealing d. founded Question 7 Marks: 5 Question132. ----------- we concede that the union does have a point, it is impossible for us to meet the members' demands. Choose one answer. a. During b. Having c. While d. As
  3. Question 8 Marks: 5 Question126. Our competitor orders a high ----------- of if equipment from foreign companies. Choose one answer. a. percentage b. range c. level d. degree Question 9 Marks: 5 Question127. Jobs at the company pay a ----------- of $15.00 per hour, increasing within two years to $20.00. Choose one answer. a. minimal b. minimum c. marginal d. margin Question 10 Marks: 5 Question129. Be sure----------- all stationery orders by 3 p.m. on Fridays. Choose one answer. a. place b. placing c. to place d. placed Question 11 Marks: 5 Choose one answer. a. celebration b. memory c. ceremony d. ceremonial Question 12 Marks: 5 Question120. By the end of the day, you must decide …………. or not you want to attend the conference next month. Choose one answer. a. whether b. if c. however d. rather Question 13 Marks: 5 Question136. ----------- the manager found out that the secretary had lied to her, she was furious.
  4. Choose one answer. a. Owing to b. So c. If d. When Question 14 Marks: 5 Question124. Her competence, intelligence,-----------efficiency make her an excellent candidate for the job. Choose one answer. a. but b. or c. and d. so Question 15 Marks: 5 Question134. She really ----------- to learn to control her temper in the office. Choose one answer. a. has b. have c. hasn't d. having Question 16 Marks: 5 Question102. Five years ---------, the Lewis sisters ran the most successful interior design business in Los Angeles. Choose one answer. a. ago b. then c. since d. after Question 17 Marks: 5 Question105. We usually recommend that couples----------- their investment in order to plan for their retirement. Choose one answer. a. elevate b. schedule c. coordinate d. delineate Question 18 Marks: 5 Question108. ----------- the unsuccessfusl summer season,the manager wants to go ahead with expansion plans.
  5. Choose one answer. a. Because b. Although c. Due d. Despite Question 19 Marks: 5 Question104. They----------- to build an addition to their hotel to accommodate their many guests. Choose one answer. a. must b. ought c. should d. have to Question 20 Marks: 5 The company plans to purchase back-up generators to prevent the loss of information in case of a power -------------, Choose one answer. a. fails b. failure c. to fail d. failed Question 21 Marks: 5 Before the summary was issued, Ms.Townsend---------- responsibilities for any errors found in it. Choose one answer. a. claiming b. claim c. will claim d. claimed Question 22 Marks: 5 The 5 acres of land---------------- which the city plans to build the new shopping complex were purchased. Choose one answer. a. for b. from c. to d. on Question 23 Marks: 5 Mr. Montague will contact our office----------- the brochure needs important changes or corrections.
  6. Choose one answer. a. prevented from b. only if c. asking for d. all about Question 24 Marks: 5 Originally intended for notebook computers, this flash memory card is now widely used in many cellular phones and smart cards because of its -----------to climate changes. Choose one answer. a. resisted b. resistant c. resisting d. resistance Question 25 Marks: 5 Qualified candidates may apply for the vacant position ------------their religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity or country of origin. Choose one answer. a. regards b. without regard c. regarding d. regardless of Question 26 Marks: 5 -----------some of the oil drilled in the state of Oklahoma is exported to the Far East, most of it is consumed within the country. Choose one answer. a. Because of b. Both c. While d. Yet Question 27 Marks: 5 Department store managers should always keep in mind that the way ------------insignificant details are handled will influence the customer's purchasing decisions. Choose one answer. a. seems b. seem c. seemed d. seemingly Question 28 Marks: 5
  7. If the revised text---------------- by now, the printers could have distributed the meeting agenda by regular mail. Choose one answer. a. had arrived b. would arrive c. had been arriving d. arrived Question 29 Marks: 5 The lawmakers passed a new resolution that requires all car manufacturers to-------------- their vehicles to tougher safety tests. Choose one answer. a. prohibit b. discard c. support d. subject Question 30 Marks: 5 --------- after resigning as vice president of the Southwest division, Ms. Harriet decided to start her own business with her former colleagues. Choose one answer. a. Soon b. Late c. Nearly d. Almost Question 31 Marks: 5 Even well-established publishing firms frequently experience an unexpected ----------- in publication especially during the busy holiday seasons. Choose one answer. a. delays b. delayed c. delaying d. delay Question 32 Marks: 5 In order to respond ------------to customer complaints, the company management decided to set up a new team that exclusively deals with complaints over the phone and via email. Choose one answer. a. overtly b. intensely c. severely d. promptly Question 33
  8. Marks: 5 Having -------------the rest of the chapters,Prof. Bovon invited his students to contribute their ideas for further discussion. Choose one answer. a. covers b. cover c. covering d. covered Question 34 Marks: 5 ------------technical difficulties may occur when installing the new software, in which case you can use our support hotline for assistance. Choose one answer. a. Much b. Most of c. A few d. A little Question 35 Marks: 5 The demand for new passenger vehicle is often -----------of the overall consumer sentiment. Choose one answer. a. thoughtful b. manageable c. reflective d. possible Question 36 Marks: 5 Proposals for the building -------------include new staff lounge, a fitness facility and a state-of- the-art daycare center for singl mothers. Choose one answer. a. expands b. expansive c. expanding d. expansion Question 37 Marks: 5 This article compares the originally proposed timetable------------ the actual progress made thus far. Choose one answer. a. which b. so c. with d. where Question 38
  9. Marks: 5 ----------------domestic sales to increase in foreseeable future, the central government should come up with a comprehensive plan to boost the economy. Choose one answer. a. Which b. For c. When d. In addition to Part VI Directions: Read the texts on the followin pages. A word or phrase is missing in some of the sentences. Four answear choices are given below each of these sentences. Select the best answer to complete the text. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. Question 39 Marks: 5 Questions 141-143 refer to the following advertisement. Texas INSTRUMENTS, due to rapid expansion, is seeking an experienced ------------with 141. (A) individual (B) individually (C) individualism (D) individualist demonstrated analytical instrument sales and management ability to be responsible for the organization and administration of a regional sales office. Texas Instruments is a------------- 142. (A) prevalent (B) leading (C) foremost (D) habitual manufacturer of industrial and laboratory instruments. The REGIONAL SALES MANAGER'S responsibilities will include the hiring and supervision of sales, service, and clerical personnel, monitoring of revenues and expenses and budgeting forecasts. Demonstrated ability to manage a sales office, 3 years experience in direct sales of scientific, analytical instrumentation, and a college degree in Chemistry-----------. 143. (A) be requiring (B) are required (C) has required (D) to require Question 141 ? Choose one answer. a. individual b. individually c. individualism
  10. d. individualist Question 40 Marks: 5 Question 142 ? Choose one answer. a. prevalent b. leading c. foremost d. habitual Question 41 Marks: 5 Question 143 ? Choose one answer. a. be requiring b. are required c. has required d. to require Question 42 Marks: 5 Questions 144-146 refer to the following advertisement. Administrative assistant Are you looking for personal and social fulfillment? Asia22, a nonprofit organization with a-------------- on activities throughout Asia, is looking for a highly motivated person with excellen 144. (A) attention (8) highlight (C) response (0) focus communication skills to assist our team.----------experience with nonprofit organizations is 145. (A) Previous (8) Early (C) Precise (0) Timely necessary. A bachelor's degree is preferred. We do seek someone with a desire to learn. The position------------- a number of tasks specifically related to public relations and fund-raisin 146. (A) involve (8) involves (C) involving (0) involvement and the successful candidate will have an opportunity to grow within the organization. Washington office position will require travel to many parts of the world, including regional offices in northern Africa (Morocco), sub-Saharan Africa (Angola) and Europe (Germany).
  11. Interested persons should e-mail or fax a resume with cover letter to John Lewis at As 878 Third Ave, Washington City, 10069. Fax at 224-544-6441. All candidates must also show proof of a valid driver's license and passport. Question 144 ? Choose one answer. a. attention b. highlight c. response d. focus Question 43 Marks: 5 Question 145 ? Choose one answer. a. Previous b. Early c. Precise d. Timely Question 44 Marks: 5 Question 146 ? Choose one answer. a. involve b. involves c. involving d. involvement Question 45 Marks: 5 Questions 147-149 refer to the following memo. To: All staff From: John Grisham, Marketing Director Subject: Marketing strategy As of Dec. 3rd, we will discontinue the use of return cards --------we attach to our advertisements 147. (A) which (B) whose (C) what (D) of which in magazines. Lately, we have ---------fewer return cards. Fifteen years ago, we obtained 300 148. (A) to receive (B) been receiving (C) been received (D) receiving
  12. new customers each year through return cards. Recently, however, those numbers have dropped to 40 new customers annually. Through surveys, the marketing department has learned that the public would rather call our toll- free subscription number than complete and mail a return card. They prefer this method not because of cost savings but because of convenience. They find it faster and easier to speak to someone directly over the phone. Therefore, the marketing department has decided to discontinue the use of return cards. Because we have made this change in our marketing strategy, we must explore other avenues for increasing our customer base. We have hired outside consultants to help us improve our long-range marketing plans. They are experts ---------- 149. (A) for (B) as (C) on (D) in harnessing the power of the Internet to achieve business goals. We plan to use e-commerce to give us a competitive edge over our competitors. Question 147 ? Choose one answer. a. which b. whose c. what d. of which Question 46 Marks: 5 Question 148 ? Choose one answer. a. to receive b. been receiving c. been received d. receiving Question 47 Marks: 5 Question 149 ? Choose one answer. a. for b. as c. on d. in Question 48 Marks: 5 Questions 150-152 refer to the following note. Brown, While you were meeting with the-------- client, Jan Hammer of Data Center called. He was
  13. 150. (A) deliberate (B) evident (C) intermittent (D) prospective really upset, but not with us. Someone at his office had given him the wrong information, so our quote to him on designing their brochures needs to be------------. He gave me the new 151. (A) established (B) remodeled (C) revised (D) borrowed specifications and asked if we could get back to him today. I immediately took them to Danny in Estimating. Danny said that he can have a revised quote ready by 4:00 p.m. at the latest. I called Jan back and told him that I thought we could give him a price by 5:00. He's expecting you to call him. He also has some questions on a (an) --------- different project. 152. (A) densely (B) entirely (C) strongly (D) frequently Apparently, his boss was impressed by the ads we did for Toyron Electronics. He wants to hear your proposals on a similar ad campaign for Data Center. Of course, that part can wait until tomorrow, but he needs the brochure price today. Lisa Question 150? Choose one answer. a. deliberate b. evident c. intermittent d. prospective Question 49 Marks: 5 Question 151 ? Choose one answer. a. established b. remodeled c. revised d. borrowed Question 50 Marks: 5 Question 152 ? Choose one answer. a. densely b. entirely c. strongly d. frequently
  14. Part VII Directions: In this part, you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles, letters, and advertisements. Each text if followed by several questions. Select the best answer for each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. Question 51 Marks: 5 Questions 153-154 refer to the following notice. Video conferences are the way of the future. A meeting will be held among top managers here at the head office to discuss how to implement this new technology to improve interoffice communications. All vice presidents and general managers are asked to meet next Thursday at 10 AM to begin discussion on how this can positively affect our business. After a 45-lunch at noon, we will begin to plan implementation procedures and discuss how the costs will be distributed among departments. Because this is a very important discussion about how we will conduct meetings among other branches in the future, I want all of you who are attending the meeting to contact their employees from other branches to discuss any special needs or ideas they may have prior to the meeting. Please come prepared to briefly discuss what you feel ,are the merits and potential obstacles to swiftly prepare this new way of doing things. Thank you. Question 153: Who will has been asked to attend the meeting? Choose one answer. a. Janitorial staff b. Videoconference technicians c. Vice presidents and general managers d. The President Question 52 Marks: 5 Question 154: Who must attendees contact prior to the meeting? Choose one answer. a. Their in-house employees b. Their fellow management staff c. Their staff at other offices d. Clients they wish to confer with Question 53 Marks: 5 Questions 155-157 refer to the following job advertisement.
  15. Busta Movers is one of the nation's largest moving companies. We have been providing moving services to individual homes and businesses of all sizes for the last 25 years. We are seeking new employees to fill many types of positions to make our planned expansion possible. We intend to double the number of Busta Movers offices and trucks over the next 2 years, and we need highly motivated people on our team to make that possible. We need new managers,. drivers, and administrative staff. For more details about the requirements for each position, please consult our website at People wishing to contact us to apply or to ask questions can do so via email through contact information to be found on the website.We offer a complete benefits package that includes dental, life, medical and disability insurance, as well as 2 weeks paid vacation and sick leave. Salaries vary depending upon the position applied for and experience. Please contact us without delay, we will begin the interviewing process as soon as possible. Question 155: What job positions are opening up at Busta Movers ? Choose one answer. a. Managers b. Drivers c. Administrative staff d. All of the above Question 54 Marks: 5 Question 156:What experience is required? Choose one answer. a. Driving experience b. Moving experience c. Management experience d. It depends on the position applied for. Question 55 Marks: 5 Question 157: How should people apply for these positions? Choose one answer. a. In person b. By telephone c. Via the internet d. By mail Question 56 Marks: 5 Questions 158-160 refer to the following memo. To: The Staff From: Eddie Bauer, President Subject: Office Supplies Date: June 30
  16. As you know, the recent recession has forced us to cut costs in many areas. One area where people have not been fully cooperating is in regard to office supplies. For this reason the following guidelines are being put in place: 1. Dave Smith has been designated as in charge of all supplies. All supplies must be checked through him with your signature and his before they are removed from the storeroom. 2. There are monthly limits to how much of each item can be borrowed each month. Anything exceeding these amounts must be approved by your manager and Dave Smith, and the justification must be given in writing. Along with these guidelines, here are some additional suggestions with regard to conservation of these materials: 1. Hang on to your pens! We go through far too many pens in this office, this can only be because people are carelessly losing them. 2. People should always print on both sides of office paper before recycling, unless this is for official business correspondence. 3. Folders and binders can be used again once old projects are completed. The cost of these items adds up! I appreciate your cooperation, and I hope these measures will lead to an improvement in this area soon. Question 158: Why has Mr. Bauer written this memo? Choose one answer. a. To ensure people are happy with their new office supplies b. To advise of new regulations that will save the company money c. To break the news that cuts will be made in many areas d. To thank people for saving the company so much money Question 57 Marks: 5 Question 159: How do people borrow supplies from now on? Choose one answer. a. By clearing them with Dave Smith b. By getting a written order from their manager c. By signing them out with their own pens d. By special permission from Mr. Bauer Question 58 Marks: 5 Question 160: What is the exception to the rule that says people must print on both sides of office paper? Choose one answer. a. For rough drafts of proposals b. For personal correspondence c. For official business correspondence d. For copies of this memo Question 59 Marks: 5 Questions 161-162 refer to the following advertisement.
  17. Looking for a good place today? Finding the right accommodation for you in Seoul can sometimes be difficult. Negotiating a favorable rate can be even more of a challenge. But with twenty years of experience in the Korean tourist industry Delta Travel has forged strong relationships with some of the best hotels in the region, and is ready to pass the benefits on to you. Delta Travel, More Than an Agency --It's Your Travel Companion TEL: (02) 2648-0509 FAX: (02) 2656-0509 KeumYoung Building, 44-1 Jongrogu, Seoul Question 161: What is being advertised? Choose one answer. a. A flight to Seoul b. A job opening c. A consulting service d. A travel agency Question 60 Marks: 5 Question 162: What advantage does Delta offer? Choose one answer. a. Extended warranty b. Free translation service c. Useful business contacts d. Highly trained tour guides Question 61 Marks: 5 Questions 163-164 refer to the instructions.. How to get your subscription to the Evening Sun In Person: Visit our offices on 321 Back Street and fill out a subscription , form. Payment by check or credit card will be accepted at that time. Online: Visit and fill out our subscription form online. You will be asked for your credit card at that time. By Telephone: Call us at 555-9876 anytime from 9 am to 8 pm on weekdays. Please have your credit card ready. By Fax : Fax!the attached subscription form to 555-9765 anytime, and be sure to include your credit card information.
  18. Payment must be received in full before the first issue will be delivered to your door. In the event of cancellation, a refund equal to 90% of the value of issues that have not yet been received will be granted. Question 163: What method of subscribing will allow people to pay by check? Choose one answer. a. In person b. By telephone c. By fax d. Online Question 62 Marks: 5 Question 164: How much will be refunded in the event of a cancellation? Choose one answer. a. 90% of the amount paid for the subscription b. 50% of the total amount paid c. 90% of the value of undelivered issues d. It depends on the payment method. Question 63 Marks: 5 Questions 165-166 refer to the following letter. Speedenix 78 Center Street Atlanta, GA 83528 November 17, 2004 DBX Studio, Inc. 445 Mass Ave. Boston, MA 02143 Dear DBX Studio: I wanted to thank you for your passionate commitment to web design and superior service. I develop customer relationship management strategies on a daily basis for my clients and I am NEVER easily impressed with customer service in any industry. In fact, my motto had been that customer service is mediocre at best. I am glad to say that DBX Studio proved me wrong and my web site is clear proof of that! When I first talked to Douglas, one of your associates, on the phone, I knew he was the right web designer for me even though we had never met or spoken before. I was impressed most with Douglas' commitment to my work and his willingness to educate me about the web design process. Throughout my experience with DBX Studio I was always very satisfied with prompt and reliable service. Douglas told me that I could reach him at almost anytime. Now this is unheard of, and it is a great example of the kind of personal customer service today's businesses should strive for. I remember times when Douglas told me he would be until 1 am or so on my web site to meet our deadlines. And sure enough, I would receive e-mails the next morning that were received anywhere from 1 to 3 am.
  19. Thank you so much for all of your help ---- the web site looks terrific! I look forward referring many of my clients to you. Sincerely, Scott Hatheaway President of Speedenix Question 165: What is the purpose of this letter? Choose one answer. a. To complain about poor customer service b. To request changes in the plan c. To refer new clients to the company d. To praise an employee for his Dedication Question 64 Marks: 5 Question 166: What did Douglas NOT do for Mr.Hatheaway? Choose one answer. a. Introduced him to a new client b. Educated him about web design c. Worked late hours to meet the deadlines d. Proved his motto to be wrong Question 65 Marks: 5 Questions 167-168 refer to the following letter. A & S Piano School 6250 Plaza de Augustus 265-970 Rome, Italy November 25 Mr. George Smith Manager, Client Realations Smithe and Andersen Pianos Inc. 530 Via Thecla 255-860 Rome, Italy Dear Mr. Smith: In today' s fast-paced world, it is common to overlook the performance of a killed employee. This being the case, I am writing to inform you that one of your sales associates, Mr. FrankJones, has provided me with a superb service. When I visited your storeroom last month to purchase a new piano, Mr. Jones was there to answer all of my questions and fulfill every need I had. He is certainly a credit to his profession and you should feel privileged to have such an excellent employee. Kindly let Mr. Jones know that we at A &SPiano greatly appreciate his skill, service and of pianos. He made shopping at your store a real pleasure for us. Sincerely, John Giovanni John Giovanni President Question 167: What is the purpose of this letter
  20. Choose one answer. a. To comment on the quality of their pianos b. To apply for a sales position c. To request the delivery of a piano d. 10 praise a certain employee Question 66 Marks: 5 Question 168: What does Frank Jones do for Smith and Andersen Company? Choose one answer. a. He plays the piano. b. He keeps pianos in storage. c. He sells pianos. d. He delivers pianos. Question 67 Marks: 5 Questions 169-170 refer to the following notice. Welcome to the new Tripoli's restaurants With the coming of the spring, we are pleased to invite you to our newly locations! OVer the past winter months, we've been remodeling our restaurants throughout the area and now they have all been reopened and are ready for you and your family to enjoy. Although their exterior may not look different, the inside is completely new with a new look, a new menu, and an all new atmosphere. However, some things did notchange atall- likethequaJityofour famous appetizers and mouth-watering authentic Italian cuisines.'And we still believe in keeping our prices low! Question 169: What change is announced in the advertisement? Choose one answer. a. The restaurants have been relocated. b. Food prices in the restaurants have been reduced. c. The restaurant buildings have been remodeled. d. Some new restaurants have been opened. Question 68 Marks: 5 Question 170: What is NOT promoted in this advertisement? Choose one answer. a. The new menu b. The prices of the food c. The efficient service d. The interior design Question 69 Marks: 5 Questions 171-172 refer to the following press release.



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