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Assessing institutional learning outcomes: Implications for Vietnam higher education institutions

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Researcher also made recommendations for Vietnam HEIs to improve internal quality assurance for both quality improvement and accountability purposes.

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VNU Journal of Science: Education Research, Vol. 36, No. 1 (2020) 1-12<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Original Article<br /> Assessing Institutional Learning Outcomes:<br /> Implications for Vietnam Higher Education Institutions<br /> <br /> Pham Thi Tuyet Nhung*<br /> College of Foreign Languages - Hue University,<br /> 57 Nguyen Khoa Chiem, Hue City, Vietnam<br /> Received 22 May 2019<br /> Revised 07 June 2019; Accepted 08 July 2019<br /> <br /> Abstract: Institutional learning outcomes indicate the knowledge and skills that all students<br /> regardless of disciplines from a specific university demonstrate. There are some researches about<br /> assessing learning outcomes at program level in Vietnam but no research about learning outcomes<br /> at institution level. This case study research shared experience from a U.S. comprehensive university<br /> to conduct assessment of institutional learning outcomes. The paper discussed the achievements such as<br /> successful two-year institutional assessment implementation, effective use of a national Valid<br /> Assessment of Learning in Undergraduate Education (VALUE) rubric to assess students’ performance,<br /> the use of technology in data analysis, and the best practices to communicate assessment results to<br /> multiple stakeholders to facilitate leadership decision making; the challenges such as technology,<br /> faculty engagement, the participation rate, validity and reliability; and improvement plans. Researcher<br /> also made recommendations for Vietnam HEIs to improve internal quality assurance for both quality<br /> improvement and accountability purposes.<br /> Keywords: Institutional learning outcomes, achievements, challenges, quality improvement, accountability.<br /> <br /> <br /> 1. Introduction * learning (Bassis, 2015 [1]; Jones, 2009 [2];<br /> Nelson, 2014 [3]). The regional accrediting<br /> Over the past several years, various organizations identified and recognized by the<br /> individuals, organizations, and legislators have Council for Higher Education Accreditation<br /> continued to express concerns about the quality (CHEA) all include requirements related to<br /> of higher education. Those concerns have assessing student learning outcomes for general<br /> triggered legislation and requirements at the education. The accreditors have requirements<br /> federal and state levels and by regional for articulating the outcomes as well as<br /> accreditors to assess and report on student measuring and documenting student success<br /> _______ (“Council for Higher Education Accreditation”,<br /> * Corresponding author. n.d.) [4].<br /> E-mail address:<br /><br /> 1<br /> 2 P.T.T. Nhung / VNU Journal of Science: Education Research, Vol. 36, No. 1 (2020) 1-12<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Assessment of general education has been higher education institutions have typically<br /> going on for years. According to Penn (2011) functioned in an autonomous and siloed culture<br /> [5], one of the first, comprehensive assessments when implementing changes. Various programs<br /> of general education was in the late 1920s. and offices have operated independently of one<br /> Major initiatives were undertaken in higher another. The concept of holistic, institution wide<br /> education assessment in the mid 80’s to early assessment can be somewhat of a challenge due to<br /> past practices and that autonomous nature. A<br /> 90’s to assess general education and university<br /> cohesive framework and cooperation across<br /> is again seeing that demand for detailed,<br /> campus are critical for effective implementation<br /> comprehensive assessment. With all the of general education assessment.<br /> requirements, it is easy to lose focus of the reason Similarly, accreditation is also a major<br /> for assessment and why university collect data, driver for Vietnamese higher education<br /> enter it into databases, and generate reports so that institutions (HEIs) to provide evidence of<br /> university can improve the learning and student learning. The new standards of higher<br /> performance of students. Fletcher, Meyer, education accreditation for both institution and<br /> Anderson, Johnston, & Rees (2012) [6] stated program level focus on assessment of student<br /> universities conduct assessment to provides learning following Plan-Do-Check Act (PDCA)<br /> information about student learning, student to make quality improvement (MOET, 2017,<br /> progress, teaching quality, and program and MOET, 2016) [10, 11]. Therefore, there is a<br /> institutional accountability. need to create an internal quality assurance<br /> There are numerous ways of conducting<br /> (IQA) to meet such requirements from external<br /> effective general education assessment. The<br /> stakeholders. Still, IQA is still a challenge for<br /> Association of American Colleges &<br /> Universities (AAC&U), Valid Assessment of many Vietnamese HIEs (Nguyen, 2018) [12]<br /> Learning in Undergraduate Education and quality assurance offices (Pham, 2019)<br /> (VALUE) project and the resulting rubrics have [13]. There is a research from Hue University to<br /> been implemented by many Universities. The share the experience to implement IQA from<br /> VALUE rubrics were developed as part of Asian University Network- Quality Assurance<br /> AAC&U’s Liberal Education and America’s (AUN-QA) to assess learning outcomes at<br /> Promise (LEAP) initiative (“About LEAP,” program level (Nguyen and Nguyen, 2017) [14]<br /> n.d.) [7]. One advantage of implementing the but no research has shared experience to assess<br /> VALUE rubrics is that data and studies such as learning outcomes at institutional level in<br /> the Multi-State Collaborative to Advance Vietnam context. This case study shared<br /> Quality Student Learning (MSC) and the Great experience from a comprehensive university in<br /> Lakes College Association Project to Advance United States to conduct the assessment of<br /> Learning, to name a few, report their findings student learning at institution level to support<br /> and share lessons they have learned through<br /> Vietnamese HEIs to improve quality of student<br /> their implementation. A recent report, On Solid<br /> learning and provide accountable evidence for<br /> Ground (McConnell & Rhodes, 2017) [8],<br /> provides detailed information from a large external stakeholders such as accreditation.<br /> number of institutions. The VALUE rubrics<br /> were piloted and are used by a diverse range of<br /> 2. Method<br /> post-secondary education institutions including<br /> community colleges, regional comprehensives, This research used case study as a major<br /> and R1 institutions. These data sets allow us to method to provide a rich description of the<br /> benchmark our student performance with that of phenomenon (Yin, 1994) [15]. A case can be a<br /> the collaborating universities. Brown, person, a small group, a program, or an<br /> McGreevy, & Berigan (2018) [9] point out that institution. As stated by Merriam (1998) [16], a<br /> P.T.T. Nhung / VNU Journal of Science: Education Research, Vol. 36, No. 1 (2020) 1-12 3<br /> <br /> <br /> case study provides an in-depth description of a reviewed by a general education committee for<br /> single instance, phenomenon, or social unit. recertification and to ensure they are following<br /> Creswell (2014) [17] also stated that a case has the assessment plan and student artifacts align<br /> a clear boundary and can provide an in-depth with desired outcomes.<br /> comprehension of the case. The first step in This research tried to answer the following<br /> conducting a case study is to define the case. questions:<br /> The university’s assessment process 1. What are the assessment process of<br /> explained here is from a regional institutional learning outcomes?<br /> comprehensive university in the Midwest of 2. What were the challenges and<br /> United States. Their Carnegie classification is improvements the university have had?<br /> Comprehensive Universities offering both 3. What are the key achievements the<br /> undergraduate and graduate programs. The university has made?<br /> enrollment of the university is just over 12,000 4. What are the strategies university use to<br /> undergraduate and graduate students. The sustain the institutional learning outcome system?<br /> general education program has always had the<br /> mission of providing students with foundational<br /> knowledge and skills, primarily in liberal arts 3. Findings<br /> and sciences, that encompasses all 3.1. Assessment process of institutional<br /> baccalaureate programs. A frequent observation learning outcomes<br /> made by faculty and students alike was that our<br /> previous general education program did not Assessment measures. In 2014, university<br /> appear to be a program at all but rather a updated our general education curriculum to<br /> collection of unconnected courses. Our include areas of understanding which comprise<br /> programs and the general education program four key outcomes that include a total of ten<br /> were operating in that siloed type of competencies. To assess these competencies,<br /> environment and not functioning cohesively, the Valid Assessment of Learning in<br /> particularly when related to assessment. For Undergraduate Education (VALUE) rubric<br /> those reasons, university sought a framework to (Rhodes, 2009) [19] was modified and applied<br /> implement a holistic assessment approach across campus. This activity demonstrated the<br /> which would allow us to assess the impact of institution’s commitment to ensuring learning<br /> our general education. outcomes are achieved and that a degree<br /> Like many universities, our previous reflects high quality, a goal of the Multi-State<br /> general education program focused on input, in Collaborative (MSC). This effort also<br /> the form of courses and their specific responded to a widespread objective of using<br /> competencies, and not on an outcomes related standardized testing in higher education. Most<br /> perspective (Bruce, 2018) [18]. The courses importantly, the assessment of student learning<br /> were selected strictly by their alignment with using a modified VALUE rubric provided the<br /> the selected general education topic areas. opportunity for faculty to have conversations<br /> Under our current general education program, about improvement of student learning<br /> courses must show how they align with and will outcomes (Wehlburg, Carnahan & Rhodes,<br /> meet the specific outcomes for the university 2017) [20].<br /> general education program. Programs on Assessment process. The university<br /> campus can submit courses to the faculty senate assessment system follows six phases of the<br /> general education committee for consideration assessment cycle: (1) plan and identify<br /> of inclusion in the general education program. outcomes, (2) collect data, (3) analyze data, (4)<br /> As part of that submission, they must include share results, (5) identify and implement<br /> information on how they will meet and assess changes, and (6) assess impact of change (Kuh,<br /> the prescribed outcomes. Courses are also Ikenberry, Jankowski, Cain, Edwell, Hutching<br /> 4 P.T.T. Nhung / VNU Journal of Science: Education Research, Vol. 36, No. 1 (2020) 1-12<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> and Kinzie, 2015) [21]. The revised general how to use the modified rubrics. It was<br /> education program serves student need and the determined that pilot data would be collected in<br /> public interest by ensuring students have strong the Spring of 2017 semester. Student artifacts<br /> foundational skills by providing a broad, for five competencies: written communication,<br /> enriched academic experience that both oral communication, quantitative literacy,<br /> complements and supports their study within critical/creative thinking, and managing<br /> information would be collected. As this was the<br /> specialized disciplines. To capture the student<br /> first time the university had conducted an<br /> learning of the ten general education<br /> institution-wide general education assessment,<br /> competencies, the university has used three instructors of all courses that aligned to a<br /> major assessment measures: The General specific competency were asked to voluntarily<br /> Education Assessment (GEA) Exam, the provide students’ artifacts for institutional<br /> Modified VALUE rubrics, and the National assessment. Data from four competencies (Oral<br /> Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE). The Communication, Quantitative Literacy,<br /> GEA and Modified VALUE rubrics serve as the Creative/Critical Thinking, and Managing<br /> direct assessment measure of student learning Information) were gathered in an excel template<br /> outcomes and the NSSE serves as an indirect and the Written Communication competency<br /> assessment measure of student learning outcomes. was collected through an assessment<br /> This paper only discusses the newly management software (AMS). The purpose of<br /> implementation of direct modified this pilot was to ensure the assessment process<br /> VALUE rubric. was appropriate before collecting artifacts of<br /> In an effort to determine whether the the five competencies from all courses.<br /> teaching of the GE courses met the requirement Two-Year Timeline. The data collection<br /> of the new general education competencies, the pilot was successful, therefore, from 2017-<br /> university started working on an assessment 2018, the university implemented a two-year<br /> plan and timeline for data collection. In 2015- assessment plan for general education<br /> 2016, university conducted a series of planning assessment (Table 1), using the course-<br /> meetings, with faculty teaching in the general embedded assessment (CBA) function in the<br /> education program, to collectively define the AMS. Data was collected during the Fall<br /> process for data collection. In the Fall 2016 semester, and in the Spring semester the results<br /> semester, the institution provided face-to-face, and opportunities for teaching and learning<br /> as well as online training for all instructors on improvement are discussed and documented.<br /> <br /> Table 1. Two-Year general education assessment timeline 2017-2018<br /> 2017-2018 2018-2019<br /> Assessment and Evaluation Activity<br /> Fall Spring Fall Spring<br /> Collect data/Evaluate data including the processes Competency 1,2,3 & 5 Competency 4<br /> Deliver report findings to constituents x x<br /> Take actions where necessary x x<br /> Review the competency if necessary x x<br /> yh<br /> Human Resources. To support the Services oversees the assessment activities. The<br /> assessment of the general education program, university assessment coordinator is in charge<br /> additional resources were needed and had to be of implementing the assessment process. The<br /> devoted to the process. Our structure included general Education Coordinator, a full-time faculty<br /> administrative support and faculty input. The member with course release, supports the<br /> Vice Provost of Academic Programs and communication of the purpose of assessment,<br /> P.T.T. Nhung / VNU Journal of Science: Education Research, Vol. 36, No. 1 (2020) 1-12 5<br /> <br /> <br /> assessment process, and facilitates the course- and enabled a relatively automated transfer of<br /> embedded assessment (CBA) training with information into the AMS. Therefore, faculty<br /> university assessment coordinator to streamline utilize and grade the students’ artifacts using<br /> the process and to increase the artifacts the LMS they are familiar with. As most faculty<br /> submission in the AMS. Both the assessment were familiar with LMS, this helped to<br /> coordinator and the general education coordinator encourage their participation. The second<br /> are non-voting members on the faculty senate advantage of technology is the protection of<br /> general education committee. confidential information. All data were loaded<br /> Data Collection. Aligning several directly into the AMS and only people with<br /> components of the general education courses, specific privileges were able to access the data.<br /> assessment process, and data collection is very The third advantage of technology was<br /> intentional. The goal is to ensure courses efficiency (e.g., time savings) in the data<br /> maintain alignment with the competencies and analysis, as the assessment software could run<br /> that faculty can collect and report data with a various reports. Consequently, the university<br /> minimal amount of additional workload. Any could collect a large sample of students’<br /> GE courses going through the recertification artifacts across multiple competencies in a year.<br /> process need to demonstrate that the course This comprehensive data collection enabled the<br /> learning outcomes and course assignments align university to capture a more accurate and<br /> with a specific GE competency. This ensures complete picture of student learning and<br /> courses continue to align with the general facilitate actions for improvement when looking<br /> education competencies and goals. All courses at the assessment results in the later step. The<br /> aligned to a skill-based competency are fourth advantage of using technology for data<br /> required to provide students’ artifacts from one collection was to provide both faculty and the<br /> assignment in their class. Faculty choose an institution individualized assessment reports<br /> assignment that meets all the dimensions in the based on the needs.<br /> modified VALUE rubric for university data Assessment Results. In AY 2017-2018,<br /> collection. The intent is for faculty to utilize a faculty collected students’ artifacts from 230<br /> normal or typical assignment that are currently sections aligned with Competency 1 (Written<br /> implementing in their course and to use that for Communication), Competency 2 (Oral<br /> the institutional assessment. This authentic Communication), Competency 3 (Quantitative<br /> assessment does not create much additional Literacy) and Competency 5 (Managing<br /> workload for faculty as opposed to using an Information). 57% (2858) of the artifacts had<br /> intentional assignment just for institutional been assessed by the instructors and loaded into<br /> assessment as a component of student learning in the AMS. For the remaining 43%, in some<br /> their course. Since assessment is embedded within cases, faculty did not collect the data and in<br /> all sections of the courses and is evaluated by the others, improvements in the assignments are<br /> faculty member teaching each section, the needed for faculty to be able to independently<br /> assessment process has been streamlined. score the artifacts. The goal is to have 100% of<br /> Advantages of Technology in Data the artifacts scored. In the future, to continue to<br /> Collection. In addition to the faculty-centered ensure sustainability of the assessment process,<br /> and authentic assessment process, the data university will likely implement sampling of<br /> collection and data analysis from an AMS also larger sections. Of the four competencies,<br /> streamlined assessment process. The first Competency 3 received the highest response<br /> advantage was that it integrated with the rate (76%) and Competency 2 received the<br /> existing learning management system (LMS) lowest response rate (42%). o<br /> 6 P.T.T. Nhung / VNU Journal of Science: Education Research, Vol. 36, No. 1 (2020) 1-12<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Table 2. Modified VALUE Rubric Response Rate 2017-2018<br /> <br /> Written Oral Quantitative Managing Total<br /> Communication Communication Literacy Information<br /> Total Students 1610 828 1218 1330 4986<br /> Total Reponses 752 350 924 832 2858<br /> % of Response 47% 42% 76% 63% 57%<br /> t<br /> On average, 98% of freshman met the competencies, Oral Communication and<br /> requirement, scoring one or above in the Quantitative Literacy had a higher average<br /> modified VALUE rubric. Of the four score (2.4).<br /> <br /> <br /> Written Communication (N=534) Oral Communication (N=297)<br /> <br /> Rating 0 1% Rating 0 2%<br /> Rating 1 47% Rating 1 13%<br /> Rating 2 36% Rating 2 43%<br /> Rating 3 11% Rating 3 21%<br /> Rating 4 5% Rating 4 19%<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Assessment ompetencies<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Quantitative Literacy (N=603)<br /> Managing Information (N=494)<br /> Rating 0 3%<br /> Rating 0 1%<br /> Rating 1 14%<br /> Rating 1 22%<br /> Rating 2 36%<br /> Rating 2 53%<br /> Rating 3 37%<br /> Rating 3 15%<br /> Rating 4 9% Rating 4 10%<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Figure 1. Assessment Results of Competencies.<br /> l<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> In Spring 2018, the University Assessment involved in the data collection of Modified<br /> Coordinator prepared the university GE VALUE rubrics. The purpose of the meeting<br /> Assessment report and shared it with several with academic council was to provide them<br /> groups and committees across campus with the assessment results and discuss the<br /> including Academic Council, department strategies to improve next year’s response rates<br /> chairs, General Education Committee, Faculty using the Modified VALUE rubrics. The<br /> Senate University Assessment Council discussion with the GE Committee was to<br /> (FSUAC) and the faculty group that has been facilitate their use of assessment results in the<br /> P.T.T. Nhung / VNU Journal of Science: Education Research, Vol. 36, No. 1 (2020) 1-12 7<br /> <br /> <br /> recertification process. In addition to Improvements: From the challenges<br /> aggregated assessment results for the whole encountered, in AY18-19, university prioritized<br /> university, the assessment coordinator also three solutions to facilitate closing the loop in<br /> provided the assessment report by competency. the assessment process. Acknowledging the<br /> The faculty meetings were set up by the Vice value of faculty coming together to discuss<br /> provost, university assessment coordinator, and student learning and pedagogy to identify<br /> GE coordinator to share the results and ask for opportunities to better support teaching and<br /> their feedback about the assessment process. learning in GE courses is critical. The first<br /> One of the key and critical components of the improvement is to create a time and place for<br /> assessment process remains a challenge; faculty to engage in deep, meaningful<br /> documenting actions for improvement from conversations about student learning and<br /> each competency. effective teaching. To facilitate this strategy,<br /> university established lead faculty for each<br /> 3.2. Challenges encountered and improvements<br /> competency. The major responsibilities of these<br /> Challenges encountered. After two-year of faculty are to lead the discussion of the<br /> implementation, the university still has some assessment results within their group, document<br /> challenges to overcome. The first challenge the feedback and recommendations to improve<br /> university encountered is the technology. the assessment process and possible actions for<br /> Although it provides the ability to collect and improvement. University provides a template<br /> analyze a great deal of information, some with key components in the assessment cycle to<br /> faculty had issues in the implementation such as facilitate the documentation of meeting<br /> being unable to create a link in the LMS, minutes. The second priority is to improve the<br /> inappropriate data display or issues with artifact validity and reliability of student artifacts.<br /> submission by students. The second challenge University is currently providing training and<br /> is the faculty interpretation of the modified workshops on “assignment design” and<br /> VALUE rubrics. Although training about the “norming” workshop series facilitated by<br /> modified VALUE rubrics was done before the university assessment coordinator and external<br /> data collection, some faculty still had a hard presenters. In the following semesters, lead GE<br /> time determining and assigning the scores from faculty in each competency will facilitate these<br /> the rubric to their own assignment, especially trainings for their own group annually. These<br /> when the freshman scored one in the rubric still lead faculty will serve as facilitators to promote<br /> got the A grade in their course. The third the professional development opportunities and<br /> challenge is the participation rate across the to coordinate faculty meetings to discuss and<br /> institution. Although more than two thousand review actions taken in response to learning<br /> artifacts were collected, it only accounted for outcomes data. The third improvement the<br /> 57% of population. Some faculty decided not to university is working is the additional<br /> submit any artifacts from their course in the requirement of utilizing assessment data in the<br /> system. Some had challenges separating out the GE recertification. Previously, the GE<br /> individual artifacts. The fourth challenge is the committee ensured the course learning<br /> lack of infrastructure to engage faculty who are outcomes and course assignments aligned with<br /> directly involved in the assessment process to GE competencies. The current practice is to<br /> discuss results of student learning effectively ensure student performance meets the<br /> and to identity changes for quality expectation of course learning outcomes and the<br /> improvement. Finally, university assessment course assignment.<br /> results relied on one artifact or one assignment;<br /> therefore, it was sometimes questioned about 3.3. Key achievements<br /> the reliability of the results, a barrier in making<br /> The first advantage of this assessment<br /> appropriate changes for improvement.<br /> process is the consistent assessment process for<br /> 8 P.T.T. Nhung / VNU Journal of Science: Education Research, Vol. 36, No. 1 (2020) 1-12<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> all GE competencies, which would benefit the sheet (Appendix A). This is a meaningful<br /> accreditation-related efforts. Our goal is to process and allows faculty to determine the<br /> create processes and strategies that make strengths and weaknesses of student learning<br /> assessment practice and assessment visible to for their own course, then decide what actions<br /> all faculty. This is the first-time the university they can make for improvement. Our goal is not<br /> conducted an institution-wide authentic to evaluate faculty assessment efforts but to<br /> assessment following the national authentic assist them in using assessment results to<br /> assessment, VALUE rubric. The intent is to evaluate their own practices. It is hoped that<br /> capture the 21st century skills that all graduates multiple, minor changes systematically<br /> need to demonstrate by their graduation. To implemented over time can produce substantive<br /> facilitate the implementation, the university sets impact on teaching and learning (Stanny,<br /> up GE assessment plans and a two-year Gonzale and McGowan, 2015) [22]<br /> timeline to collect data, provides multiple<br /> assessment related trainings to faculty 3.4. Sustainable strategies<br /> throughout the academic year, and utilizes a As short-term goals, the university has three<br /> central AMS system to store and analyze plans to improve the assessment of the GE<br /> assessment data. program. The first plan is to improve the<br /> The second advantage of this process is the alignment of student learning outcomes at<br /> widespread faculty engagement in the different levels (university, GE, and academic<br /> assessment process from assignment design to programs) to facilitate skill-based assessment at<br /> pedagogy, data collection, and discussion of the senior level. Senior level data not only<br /> assessment result. Two features of this process, ensures students have had opportunities to<br /> personnel work and technological tools, improve, practice, and develop skills related to<br /> distribute the responsibility for assessment of the competencies, but allows us to provide<br /> student learning outcomes so that no one person evidence of student growth over time. The<br /> is solely responsible for the assessment. University Assessment Committee will work<br /> Multiple coordinators at different levels with programs to ensure appropriate skills are<br /> (university, college, department, and embeded in their program learning outcomes. A<br /> competency) facilitate faculty engagement in pilot will be implemented the Spring of 2019 in<br /> meaningful discussion of assessment findings which faculty teaching capstone courses will<br /> and regular conversations about teaching use the modified VALUE rubric to assess<br /> practices. Most importantly, faculty can student performance. For one capstone<br /> experience assessment activities as assignment, faculty can use it to assess multiple<br /> opportunities for their own learning and skills. Faculty will decide which skills the<br /> professional growth when attending the annual capstone would align with and select the<br /> training about teaching and learning appropriate rubric(s). The pilot of capstone<br /> improvement. At the same time, lead faculty assessment will facilitate the university plan to<br /> serve as the leaders in their group to facilitate fully implement assessment across the entire<br /> closing the loop discussions. academic timeframe of students. The second<br /> The third advantage of this assessment plan is to improve the validity and reliability of<br /> process is that it also allowed individual faculty assessment results by encouraging more<br /> to evaluate their own practice. After attending meaningful actions for improvement.<br /> meetings with the group to discuss assessment University will build an inter-rater reliability<br /> results within their competency, faculty are system that includes a second faculty assessing<br /> encouraged to run the CBA report, watch a sample artifacts of the five competencies.<br /> video on the assessment website on the Statistical power will be tested to have<br /> strategies of interpreting assessment data, and representative and powerful sample. Finally, the<br /> then fill in the GE Assessment Self-reflection university will consider having a GE Assessment<br /> P.T.T. Nhung / VNU Journal of Science: Education Research, Vol. 36, No. 1 (2020) 1-12 9<br /> <br /> <br /> Committee to discuss and continue to improve the include qualitative data which our process has<br /> GE assessment process. Right now, the bulk of not yet formally included.<br /> the GE assessment activities are still initiated and<br /> overseen at the academic administrative level. To<br /> transition the assessment functions to the GE 4. Conclusion<br /> committee or formation of a committee specifically<br /> addressing GE assessment, will transfer some of As discussed in the literature review, there<br /> the ownership to faculty and help with are limited research about the implementation<br /> dissemination of information. This committee can of IQA in Vietnam context and there is no<br /> also support with inter-rater reliability as well as specific research about assessment of<br /> documentation of discussions and institutional learning outcomes. This case study<br /> recommendations for annual assessment reports. provided detailed steps by steps from choosing<br /> To sustain the culture of continuous the assessment measure to analyze the data to<br /> improvement, the university needs to maintain facilitate the implementation for other<br /> some long-term strategies. The first strategy is institutions. In addition, the sharing of the<br /> to provide continuous professional development challenges this case encountered, the<br /> opportunities for GE faculty, especially the achievements it has made and the strategies the<br /> university continue to sustain the IQA system<br /> adjuncts. University continues to have faculty<br /> can be good examples for other institutions.<br /> who seek to determine whether the pedagogical<br /> Vietnamese HEIs can implement this<br /> changes they make in the course will produce<br /> assessment process for quality improvement<br /> improvement in student learning. Those faculty and accountability, especially the current<br /> wish to pursue research and scholarship accreditation standards encouraged institutions<br /> opportunities related to assessment based on to provide quality of student learning.<br /> those findings. These efforts can lead to the First, Vietnam HEIs should look at the<br /> creation of an assessment network where institution mission to set up appropriate<br /> faculty can design and develop a common institutional learning outcomes (ILOs) for the<br /> course-based assignment for courses. The first sixty credits in the first two years. The best<br /> second strategy to build the culture of practice for ILOs is to look at the list of 21<br /> assessment is to have annual teaching and century skills that AAC&U developed and<br /> learning fair, poster sections, workshops, or choose the neccesary skills for Vietnam<br /> thinktanks where faculty facilitate sections on context. Second, institutions require courses in<br /> assessment results and implications. The major the first two year curriculum to align its courses<br /> goal of these events is to enhance faculty to appropriate ILOs. To ensure the alignment,<br /> understanding of assessment process, facilitate the course learning outcomes need to address<br /> the use of data, evaluate the entire assessment the ILOs language in the course objectives.<br /> cycle and determine whether the assessment Third, Vietnam HEIs should choose a reliable<br /> process leads to real changes in student assessment measures to collect data. VALUE<br /> learning. The final strategy is to engage student rubric is an initiative in U.S. assessment practice<br /> in GE assessment process. Although the to move away from standardized exam to<br /> university administers the NSSE, it is not authentic assessment, using the authentic<br /> students’ artifacts to make improvement of<br /> administered annually. To triangulate<br /> student learning. Some U.S. HEIs just used the<br /> assessment data from both direct and indirect<br /> available assessment rubric to collect data. Some<br /> assessment measures, instructor can ask<br /> adopted the language in the rubric. Others used<br /> students to reflect in class and use that feedback VALUE rubric as a framework to build their own<br /> for indirect authentic assessment evidence in rubric. Vietnam HEIs can choose appropriate<br /> addition to the student assignment artifacts practice to implement. Researcher recommended<br /> (Hutchings, 2018) [23]. That feedback could<br /> 10 P.T.T. Nhung / VNU Journal of Science: Education Research, Vol. 36, No. 1 (2020) 1-12<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> using the available rubric then make changes later References<br /> if there are any issues.<br /> [1] M. Bassis, A Primer on the transformation of higher<br /> Fourth, one of the keys to engage faculty is<br /> education in America.<br /> to provide guidance and understanding of the<br /> entire assessment process, why it is being s/BassisPrimer.pdf/, 2015 (accessed 1st April 2019).<br /> undertaken, and what the outcomes of the [2] D.A. Jones, Higher education assessment-Who are<br /> process will be used for. Vietnam HEIs should we assessing, and for what purpose?<br /> provide professional development opportunities<br /> for faculty teaching the courses on how to research/periodicals/higher-education<br /> design the assessment to align with the rubric, assessment%E2%80%94who-are-we-assessing-and-<br /> what-purpose/, 2009 (accessed 5th March 2019).<br /> how to read, integrate and use the rubric to<br /> [3] C. Nelson, Assessing assessment.<br /> score students’ assignment and how to provide<br /> consistent scoring across the courses. 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Bruce, Assessment in Action: Evidence- Illinois and Indiana University, National Institute for<br /> Based discussions about teaching, learning, and Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA), 2018.<br /> curriculum, New Directions for Teaching and [24] M. Martin, Internal Quality Assurance: Enhancing<br /> Learning 10 (2) (2018) 1-7. higher education quality and graduate<br /> employability, UNESCO Publishing, 2017.<br /> E<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Figure 2. Institutional learning outcomes assessment process.<br /> 12 P.T.T. Nhung / VNU Journal of Science: Education Research, Vol. 36, No. 1 (2020) 1-12<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Appendix A<br /> <br /> General Education Assessment Self-reflection<br /> <br /> Competency:<br /> Note: Please do not provide individual information in the self-reflection.<br /> How does the student learning in your course, based on the CBA data, compare with the<br /> institutional assessment results? (Benchmark)<br /> What did you learn from the individual course assessment result? Did you find any common<br /> patterns occurring in your courses?<br /> What are the strategies you implement in class in order to maintain and support student learning?<br /> If possible, what new strategies, materials, or pedagogy will you implement in this section to better<br /> support student learning?<br /> <br /> Thank you for your feedback!<br />



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