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Chủ đề:

Nội dung Text: Bài giảng Không lỗ van 3 lá

  1. KHOÂNG LOÃ VAN 3 LAÙ 1- 3% caùc beänh TBS - 1/10000 - 20000 sô sinh Tam saéc theå 21 - Hoäi chöùng “Maét meøo” BS. Ñaøo Höõu Trung
  2. ÑÒNH NGHÓA - ÑÒNH DANH - PHAÂN LOAÏI - Tim moät thaát - Taâm thaát chính Traùi - Khoâng noái tieáp NT - phaûi - Situs Solitus - Phaân loaïi : I Ia Ib Ic Khoâng coù CV ÑÑM II IIa IIb IIc CV ÑÑM Type D III CV ÑÑM Type L 2
  3. Giaûi phaãu beänh lyù Van 3 laù - Khoâng phaùt trieån - Xô hoaù - Maøng Nhó phaûi - Daøy - 10% juxtaposition atriale TLN nhieàu tyùp Thaát traùi - Buoàng thaát chính - Daøy daõn tuøy thuoäc löôïng maùu leân phoåi Thaát phaûi - Thaát phuï 2 thaønh phaàn Thoâng lieân thaát thöôøng laø haïn cheá 3
  4. Sinh lyù beänh hoïc 3 yeáu toá - Kích thöôùc loã TLN - Coù hay khoâng heïp ÑMP + Ch/vò ? - Kích thöôùc loã thoâng TLT Thoâng thöôøng coù 2 theå - Taêng löôïng maùu leân phoåi - Hieám - Giaûm löôïng maùu leân phoåi - Nhieàu hôn 4
  5. Anatomic classification of tricuspid atresia. In about 70% of cases the great arteries are normally related, and there is a small ventricular septal defect (VDS) with associated hypoplasia of the pulmonary artery (PA). When the great arteries are transposed, the VSD is usually large, and the Pas are large with increased pulmonary blood flow. AS, aortic stenosis ; D-TGA, complete TGA ; L-TGA, congenitally corrected TGA ; PA, pulmonary atresia ; PS, pulmonary stenosis ; Sub AS, subaortic stenosis ; Sub PS, subpulmonary stenosis ; TGA, transposition of the great arteries ; VSD, ventricular septal defect. (Data from Keith JD, Rowe RD, Vlad P : Heart Disease in Infancy and Childhood, 3rd ed. New York, Macmillan, 1978) 5
  6. Classification by associated lesions. Type I, normally related great arteries ; II, D- transposed great arteries : a. pulmonary atresia; b. subpulmonary or pulmonary valvular stenosis (reduced pulmonary blood flow); c. no pulmonary stenosis (normal or increased pulmonary blood flow), and III, L-transposed great arteries. (Adopted from Edwards JE, Burchell HB; congenital tricuspid atresia : A classification. Med Clin North Am 33 : 1177, 1949) 6
  7. Factors that determine physiology : 1. VSD : if tiny, then the RV is severely hypoplastic and VR – related great artery receives no direct flow. If large, then the RV can even be of normal size 2. Stenosis of semilunar valve arising from the RV ; this determines the volume of flow into its great artery 3. Great vessel relation : TGA or normally related Patient to left has : Tricuspid atresia + small/moderate VSD ; PS ; normally related great arteries. Restrictive VSD makes RV small ; small RV and PS make MPA small ; Two above factors make the Qp inadequate 7
  8. Patient to left has : Tricuspid atresia + normally related great arteries. There is no VSD and therefore no RV ; without trans-RV flow in utero there is pulmonary atresia Pulmonary blood flow is ductal-dependent ; therefore, the patient needs a shunt Patient to left has : Tricuspid atresia + a small/moderate VSD ; AORTIC stenosis and TGA (Ao from RV and MPA from LV) The small VSD has reduced flow in utero, causing hypoplasia of the RV, aortic valve, and Aao FUNCTIONALLY, this child has hypoplastic left heart syndrome 8
  9. LAÂM SAØNG 2 theå phoå bieán nhaát - Khoâng CVÑÑM Tuøy thuoäc heïp ÑMP Tím sôùm - Coù CVÑÑM Thöôøng keøm taêng löu löôïng maùu leân phoåi Suy tim sôùm 9
  10. CAÄN LAÂM SAØNG ° ECG Truïc leäch traùi - Phì NP - Phì TT (SV1V2 > RV5,V6) Soùng P thay ñoåi 80% ca ôû D1, D2, aVF, V1 ° Xq TP - Daïng heïp ÑMP: Tim khoâng lôùn Hình quaû tröùng Tuaàn hoaøn phoåi giaûm - Daïng khoâng coù heïp ÑMP: Tim lôùn Tuaàn hoaøn phoåi taêng 10
  11. CAÄN LAÂM SAØNG Sieâu aâm - Muïc ñích: Caùch noái tieáp taàng NT - Xaùc ñònh toån thöông Daïng - Chöùc naêng van NT, Thaát Vò trí thaát, vò trí ÑÑM, kích thöôùc Toån thöông phoái hôïp - TLT - TLN - OÂÑM... - Maët caét höõu ích: 4 B moûm DS voøng quanh, DS doïc - Chaån ñoaùn xaùc ñònh: Khoâng coù loã van 3 laù Chæ coù boä maùy van NT traùi Kích thöôùc TLN - TLT Ñöôøng ÑMP - ÑMC 11
  12. Tracing from a 6-month-old girl with tricuspid atresia showing left anterior hemiblock (-30 degrees), right atrial hypertrophy, and left ventricular hypertrophy 12
  13. Posteroanterior view of chest roentgenogram in an infant with rricuspid atresia with normally related great arteries. The heart is minimally enlarged. The pulmonary vascular markings are decreased, and the main pulmonary artery segment is soewhat 13 concave
  14. The electrocardiogram typically demonstrates left axis deviation and left ventricular enlargement ; alarge notched P-wave may be present, indicating atrial enlargement (P-tricuspidale) 14
  15. Maët caét 4 buoàng töø moûm : van 3 laù laø 1 maøng daày, coù TLT lôùn ñi keøm (A). Maët caét 4 buoàng döôùi söôøn (B- C) : van 3 laù laø 1 maøng daày 15
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  20. DIEÃN TIEÁN - 40% töû vong naêm 1 tuoåi - 50% töû vong töø 1 - 15 tuoåi - Tuøy thuoäc tuaàn hoaøn phoåi - Bieán chöùng thaàn kinh: côn ngaát, abceøs - Bieán chöùng VNTM 7% - Loaïn nhòp (Rung nhó, Cuoàng nhó) - Suy tim 20



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