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Báo cáo nông nghiệp:" Dòng mẹ TGMS 135s"

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J. Sci. Dev. 2011, 9 (Eng.Iss. 1): 108 - 111 HANOI UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE Short communication Dòng mẹ 135 được tạo ra từ tổ hợp lai giữa hai dòng mẹ 103s/Pei Ải 64s và được lai trở lại một lần từ năm 2003. Đến năm 2006 đã chọn được dòng thuần được đặt tên là dòng 135s. Dòng mẹ 135s có kiểu hình thuộc kiểu hình kiểu cây mới, ở giai đoạn mẫn cảm từ bước 4 - 6 của phân hóa đòng, dòng chuyển hóa bất dục hoàn toàn khi nhiệt độ trung bình của môi trường ≥ 240C và hữu dục...

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  1. J. Sci. Dev. 2011, 9 (Eng.Iss. 1): 108 - 111 HANOI UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE Short communication Development of TGMS line 135S Dòng mẹ TGMS 135s Vu Hong Quang1, Nguyen Van Hoan2, Pham Van Cuong2, Mai Van Tan1 1 Rice Research Institute – Hanoi University of Agriculture, Vietnam 2 Faculty of Agronomy, Hanoi University of Agriculture, Vietnam Corresponding author email: Received date: 03.03.2011 Accepted date: 20.04.2011 TÓM TẮT Dòng mẹ 135 được tạo ra từ tổ hợp lai giữa hai dòng mẹ 103s/Pei Ải 64s và được lai trở lại một s lần từ năm 2003. Đến năm 2006 đã chọn được dòng thuần được đặt tên là dòng 135s. Dòng mẹ 135s có kiểu hình thuộc kiểu hình kiểu cây mới, ở giai đoạn mẫn cảm từ bước 4 - 6 của phân hóa đòng, dòng chuyển hóa bất dục hoàn toàn khi nhiệt độ trung bình của môi trường ≥ 240C và hữu dục cao khi nhiệt độ trung bình của môi trường < 230C. Dòng mẹ 135s có khả năng kết hợp chung cao với các dòng bố và con lai F1 cho ưu thế lai cao hơn so với đối chứng F1 là giống lúa lai hai dòng nhập nội Bồi tạp sơn thanh (BTST) từ Trung Quốc. Từ khóa: Chọn tạo giống, dòng mẹ TGMS, lúa lai hai dòng, ưu thế lai. SUMMARY A new thermo- sensitive genic male sterile (TGMS) line, 135S was selected from a cross between TGMS 103S line and TGMS line, Peiai64S, using pedigree selection method from 2003 to 2006. The135S line is of a new plant type with short growth duration (78-80) and has complete sterility when exposed to extreme temperatures, good capacity for obtaining outside pollens This TGMS line also showed high grain yield (4.86 ton ha-1) in self multiplication at fertility stages. The GA3 amount required for helping this line obtain outside pollens in F1 seed production was low (140 g per ha). Furthermore, 135S exhibits good combining ability with male parents, i.e. the F1 hybrid combinations between the 135S line and 6 restorer lines (R45, R50, R63, 9311, No 44, No 154) showed high heterosis for grain yield (2.0 – 4.0 ton per ha). Based on the high grain yield of maintenance of TGMS seed, high yield of F1 seed production and F1 hybrid performance, TGMS 135S line could be recommended for use in two-line hybrid system across the country. Key words: Heterosis, hybrid rice, TGMS line. A new thermo- sensitive genic male sterile (TGMS) line 135S was developed by the Rice Research Institute (RRI), Hanoi University of Agriculture from 2003 to 2006. The cross between TGMS lines 103S and Peiai64S was made; the F1 was then backcrossed to 103S for one generation. The pedigree method of selection was applied in the backcross progeny for early maturity, sterility, stability and suitability for developing two-line hybrids (Fig.1). TGMS line 135S has short growth duration, new plant type, high yield of seed production, and high outcrossing rate. The main characteristics of the TGMS line 135S are presented in Table 1 and Table 2. Under field experiment conditions at RRI, the growth duration of 135S from sowing to flowering varies from 78 to 80 days and depends on sowing date. Seed multiplication at Bacha District – Lao Cai province 108
  2. showed that 135S had growth duration of 120 days (about 80 days from sowing to 20% flowering). Average seed yield was about 4.86 tons ha-1. S S 103 x Peiai 64 Year 2003 (Spring and Summer) S 103 x F1 BC1F1 Year 2004 (Spring and Summer) Pedigree selection ………. S 135 Spring 2005 and Summer 2005 Pure lines and testcross Pure lines and seed production Year 2006 Figure 1. Development of TGMS line 135S Table 1. Morpho-agromonomic characters of 135S line under field condition in summer season S S No. Characters 135 line 103 line (Check) 1 Time from sowing to flowering (days) 78 – 80 81-83 2 Plant height (cm) 86.6 89.7 -1 3 Effective tillers hill 4.3 4.6 4 Number of leaves 14.3 15.0 5 Time of flowering 9h30 9h30 6 Outcrossing rate (%) 74.3 81.3 -1 7 Grains panicle 239.5 212.5 8 Plant type New plant type Normal plant type 9 Fertility rate Complete fertility Complete fertility 10 Ability of receiving outside pollens (from restorers) Good Good 11 1000 grain weight (g) 22.0 23.0 12 Stigma exertion rate (one sides) (%) 37.2 38.6 13 Stigma exertion rate (both sides) (%) 41.8 45.4 14 Grain filling rate to the effect of GA3 (%) 78.9 81.9 Table 2. Yield and yield components of 135S line in summer in 2006 at Bac Ha district – Laocai province Number Number Fertile Active Individual 1000- TGMS of of filled Yield rate (%) at tillers yield grains weight -1 17.0 C ≤ t ≤ 0 0 Lines spikelets/ grains/ (tons/ ha ) -1 -1 hill (g/ plant ) (g) 0 -1 -1 22.5 C panicle panicle s 135 8.0±2 240±4 140±3 85.0 23.0±2 22.0 4.86±2 s 103 7.2±3 215±4 125±3 81.0 21.0±2 23.0 3.86±2 (Check) 109
  3. Vu Hong Quang, Nguyen Van Hoan, Pham Van Cuong, Mai Van Tan The TGMS line 135S was also evaluated for its combining ability with available restorer lines. Combining ability test showed that the F1 hybrids between 135S and restorer lines have normal fertility rate (Table 3). Further extensive cross tests showed that hybrids of 135S with the pollen lines have normal fertility and high individual grain yield. The results suggest that 135S is a potentially promising TGMS parent for the two – line system of hybrid rice breeding. 6 F1 hybrids (between 135s and 6 restorer lines) showed high heterosis (Table 4). Compared with the check variety, the characters of seed set per panicle, 1000-grain weight and individual yield had a high standard heterosis. Without applying GA3, the outcrossing rate (cross fertilization) of 103S is higher than 135s line. In contrast, with GA3 treatment, the outcrossing rate of 135S line was higher than 103s (Table 5). The greatest effect of GA3 on the outcrossing habit of 135S line was three days after flowering. Table 3. Yield and yield components of 6 F1 hybrid combinations Percent of filled grains Number of spikelets grainsper panicle # effective tillers Individual yield Harvest index (1000 kg ha Number filled Characters 1000 – grain per panicle Grain yield (g plant weight (%) -1 ) F1 hybrid -1) Combinations S 135 /R50 4.7 293.1 259.0 88.4 25.5 21.4 0.52 94.4 S 135 /R45 3.9 307.4 265.1 86.2 23.5 18.5 0.53 78.8 S 135 /9311 4.0 204.5 173.8 87.3 28.1 18.0 0.47 64.5 S 135 /R63 4.2 233.6 204.0 84.6 28.5 19.4 0.39 80.6 S 135 /44 3.8 227.6 193.1 84.8 26.6 21.2 0.52 71.7 S 135 /154 4.4 199.5 187.2 93.8 27.1 18.1 0.49 78.0 BTST(Check) 4.0 185.4 173.6 93.6 21.5 14.9 0.41 49.3 Table 4. Heterosis for yield components of 6 F1 hybrid combinations involving TGMS line 135S Number of filled grains Number of tillers 1000-grain weight Individual yield F1 hybrid 1 per panicle Combinations HB % HS % HB % HS % HB % HS % HB % HS % S 135 /R50 46.9 17.5 37.1 49.2 4.0 9.3 68.5 36.6 S 135 /R45 17.2 -15.0 57.4 52.7 11.8 23.3 57.3 24.2 S 135 /9311 48.1 0.0 16.7 0.1 -3.1 30.7 78.2 20.8 S 135 /R63 -6.7 5.0 29.4 17.5 0.0 32.6 -26.2 3.2 S 135 /44 -7.3 -5.0 -23.9 11.2 4.6 37.7 1.0 42.3 S 135 /154 -18.5 10.0 39.7 7.8 -1.0 33.5 28.6 21.5 HS: Heterosis Standard HB: Heterosis Beltiosis 110
  4. Development of TGMS Line 135S Table 5. Effect of GA3 on the ability of receiving outside pollen of 103S and 135S lines Outcrossing rate – non GA3 Outcross rate – with GA3 (%) (%) Day after flowering S S S S 103 135 103 135 1 56.90 50.33 81.96 78.93 2 44.50 39.07 75.15 67.99 3 35.50 32.03 63.19 59.63 4 26.60 23.07 51.13 36.40 5 17.30 14.20 35.03 15.73 6 11.40 9.13 19.50 20.06 7 4.90 7.17 7.90 15.70 LSD 0.05% 4.80 2.61 4.20 3.98 CV% 9.60 5.30 5.80 5.40 111



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