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Đề cương ôn tập học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 7 năm 2022-2023 - Trường THCS Minh Đức

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Nội dung Text: Đề cương ôn tập học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 7 năm 2022-2023 - Trường THCS Minh Đức

  1. MINH DUC Secondary school Grade 7 Name:………………………………………………….. Class: REVISION FOR THE FINAL EXAMINATION – THE 2ND SEMESTER A. Vocabulary - Review from unit 5 – unit 8 - Vocabulary: Wordlist (p.131 – p.133 STB) UNIT 5: ACHIEVE N ENGLISH EQUIVALENTS VIETNAMESE WORDS Achieve (v-T) Đạt được 1 Achievement (n) [C] Thành tựu Distance (n) [C] Khoảng cách 2 A short distance (n) [C] Khoảng cách gần Astronaut (n) [C] Phi hành gia 3 To send astronauts into space Đưa phi hành gia vào vũ trụ Incredible (adj) Khó tin 4 An incredible story (n) [C] Một câu chuyện khó tin 5 Writer (n) [C] Nhà văn Successful (adj) Thành công 6 To succeed in (phrasal verb) Thành công Wealth (n) [U] Sự giàu có, tài sản 7 Wealthy (adj) Giàu có Shot (v-T) Bắn 8 To shot an arrow Bắn một mũi tên Weight (n)[U] Cân nặng 9 To gain weight Tăng cân To lose weight Giảm cân Lifetime (n)[C] Cuộc đời 10 Once in a lifetime (idiom) Một lần trong đời Medal (n)[C] Huy chương 11 To win a gold medal Giành huy chương vàng Bodybuilder (a) Người tập thể hình 12 Bodybuilding (n) [U] Môn tập thể hình Calorie (n) [C] Calo 13 A low-calorie diet (n) [C] Chế độ ăn ít calo 14 Contain (v-T) Chứa, đựng Muscle (n) [C] Cơ bắp 15 To relax the muscle Thả lỏng cơ bắp Nutrient (n) [C] Chất dinh dưỡng 16 Essential nutrients (n) [C] Dưỡng chất cần thiết Nutrition (n)[U] Dinh dưỡng Energy (n)[U] Năng lượng 17 Be full of energy Tràn đầy năng lượng Diet (n)[C] Chế độ ăn 18 A healthy diet (n)[C] Chế độ ăn khỏe mạnh
  2. Record (n) [C] Kỉ lục 19 To set a record Lập kỉ lục Genius (n) [C] Thiên tài 20 A mathematical genius Thiên tài toán học Expert (n) [C] Chuyên gia 21 A computer expert (n) [C] Một chuyên gia máy tính Scientist (n) [C] Nhà khoa học 22 Science (n) [C] Môn khoa học 23 Prize (n) [C] Phần thưởng Talent (n) [C] Tài năng 24 Talented (adj) Có tài năng Publish (v-T) Xuất bản, phát hành 25 To publish a book Xuất bản một quyển sách A publisher (n) [C] Nhà xuất bản UNIT 6: SURVIVAL N ENGLISH EQUIVALENTS VIETNAMESE WORDS 1 Shelter (n) [C] [U] Nơi ở 2 To be / get lost (v – passive) Bị lạc đường 3 Jungle (n) [C] Rừng rậm nhiệt đới 4 Pick (v-T) Nhặt, hái Cool (adj) Mát mẻ 5 Keep cool Giữ cho mát mẻ 6 Direction (n) [C] Phương hướng Challenge (n) [C] Sự thử thách 7 To face a challenge Đối mặt với thử thách Alive (adj) Sống, sống động 8 To bring something alive (idiom) Làm cho cái gì đó sinh động Face (v-T) Đối mặt 9 To face difficulties Đối mặt với khó khăn To face reality Đối mặt với hiện thực Adventure (n)[C] Thám hiểm 10 An adventure story (n)[C] Truyện thám hiểm
  3. 11 Comfort (n)[U] Sự thoải mái Practical (adj) Thực tế 12 Practical experience Kinh nghiệm thực tế 13 Reserved (adj) Bảo thủ, khép kín Competitive (adj) Cạnh tranh 14 Competition (n)[C] Cuộc thi đấu To lead (v-I/T) Lãnh đạo, dẫn đầu 15 Leader (n)[C] Nhà lãnh đạo, người dẫn đầu Decide (v-I/T) Quyết định 16 Decision (n)[C] Sự quyết định To make a decision Đưa ra một quyết định Boss (n)[C] Ông chủ, bà chủ 17 Bossy (adj) Mang tính ra lệnh, thích người khác làm theo mình 18 Solo (adj) Một mình Physical (adj) Thể chất 19 Physical fitness (n) [U] Sự cân đối của cơ thể Habit (n) [C] Thói quen 20 Eating habit Thói quen ăn uống A good habit Thói quen tốt Risk (n) [C] Nguy hiểm 21 To take risk Mạo hiểm First-aid (n) [U] Sơ cứu 22 First-aider (n) [C] Người thực hiện sơ cúu 23 Torch (n) [C] Ngọn đuốc Tent (n) [C] Lều 24 To put up a tent Dựng lều To take down a tent Hạ lều xuống 25 Desert (n) [C] Sa mạc
  4. UNIT 7: MUSIC N ENGLISH EQUIVALENTS VIETNAMESE WORDS Classical (adj) Cổ điển 1 Classical music Nhạc cổ điển 2 Concert (n) [C] Buổi hòa nhạc 3 Hard rock (n) [U] Nhạc rock gia điệu mạnh mẽ 4 Lyrics (n) (plural) Lời nhạc 5 Be crazy about someone Rất yêu thích ai đó Drum (n) [C] Trống (nhạc cụ) 6 To play the drum Chơi trống 7 Weird (adj) Lạ 8 Rhythm (n) [C] Nhịp điệu Song (n) [C] Bài hát 9 To sing a song Hát một bài hát A hit song Một bài hát đang nổi tiếng Version (n)[C] Phiên bản 10 The latest version Phiên bản mới nhất Ambitious (adj) Tham vọng 11 Ambition (n)[U] Sự tham vọng 12 Charming (adj) Duyên dáng, dễ chịu, thu hút Confident (adj) Tự tin 13 Confidence (n) [U] Sự tự tin Overconfident (adj) Quá tự tin Voice (n) [C] Giọng nói, giọng hát 14 To speak in a soft voice Nói chuyện nhẹ nhàng To lower your voice Nói chuyện nhỏ tiếng Win (n) [C] = Victory (n) [C] Sự chiến thắng 15 Winner (n) [C] Người chiến thắng 16 Organize (v-T) Tổ chức
  5. Organization (n) [C] Sự tổ chức Review (n)[C] Nhận xét 17 A book review Nhận xét một quyển sách Compassion (n)[U] Sự thông cảm 18 To show compassion Thể hiện sự thông cảm Sympathy (n) [U] Sự thông cảm 19 Sympathize (v-I/T) Thông cảm Human (Human being) (n) [C] Con người 20 Humanity (n) [U] Tính nhân văn A sense of humanity Lòng nhân văn Cheerful (adj) Vui vẻ 21 Cheerfully (adv) Một cách vui vẻ Entrepreneur (n) [C] Doanh nhân, chủ doanh nghiệp 22 A creative entrepreneur (n) [C] Một doanh nhân sáng tạo Award (n) [C] Phần thưởng 23 To receive an award Nhận phần thưởng Passion (n) [C] Niềm đam mê 24 To share a passion Chia sẻ niềm đam mê Perform (v-I/T) Biểu diễn 25 Performance (n) [C] Sự biểu diễn A live performance (n) [C] Buổi biểu diễn trực tiếp UNIT 8: I BELIEVE I CAN FLY N ENGLISH EQUIVALENTS VIETNAMESE WORDS Dream (v-I/T) Mơ 1 Daydream (v-I) Nằm mơ giữa ban ngày Economy (n) [U] Nền kinh tế 2 Economical (adj) Tiết kiệm
  6. Jetpack (n) [C] Thiết bị hỗ trợ bay (trong truyện khoa học viễn 3 tưởng) Engine (n) [C] Động cơ 4 To start the engine Khởi động động cơ Traffic jam (n) [C] Kẹt xe 5 be stuck in a traffic jam. bị kẹt xe. Amphibious (adj) Có thể hoạt động ở trên cạn và dưới nước 6 An amphibious vehicle (n) [C] Xe chạy cả trên cạn và dưới nước Convenient (adj) Tiện lợi 7 Convenience (n) [U] Sự thuận tiện Space (n) [U] Không gian 8 Spacious (adj) Rộng rãi Drive (v-I/T) Lái xe 9 A driver (n) [C] Tài xế Self-driving (adj) Xe tự lái Passenger (n)[C] Hành khách 10 Bus passengers (n)[C] Hành khách xe buýt Pollution (n)[U] Sự ô nhiễm 11 Polluted (adj) Ô nhiễm Loss (n) [U] Sự mất mát 12 Lossless (adj) Không mất mát Environment (n)[U] Môi trường 13 Environmental (adj) Thuộc về môi trường Environmentally friendly (adj) Thân thiện với môi trường Electricity (n)[U] Điện năng 14 To produce electricity Sản xuất điện năng An electricity bill (n)[C] Hóa đơn tiền điện Renewable (adj) Có thể tái tạo 15 Renewable sources of energy Nguồn năng lượng có thể tái tạo 16 Sun (n)[singular] Mặt trời
  7. Sunlight (n)[U] Ánh nắng mặt trời Solar energy (n)[U] Năng lượng mặt trời Limited (adj) Giới hạn 17 Limited resources (n)[C] Nguồn tài nguyên có giới hạn 18 Install (v-T) Lắp đặt Generate (v-T) Tạo ra 19 To generate power / energy Tạo ra năng lượng Operate (v-T) Phẫu thuật 20 Operation (n)[C] Cuộc phẫu thuật To undergo an operation Trải qua một cuộc phẫu thuật Accident (n)[C] Tai nạn 21 A minor accident (n)[C] Tai nạn nhẹ Rescue (v-T) Cứu hộ 22 Rescue (n)[C] Cuộc cứu hộ Aviation (n)[U] Hàng không 23 The aviation industry Ngành công nghiệp hàng không 24 Come up with something (phrasal verb) Tạo ra, tìm thấy Innovate (v-I/T) Cải tiến 25 Innovation (n)[U] Sự cải tiến Innovative (adj) Cải tiến B. Grammar * UNIT 5 1.So sánh bằng ↔ So sánh nhất No (one/ body/ place …) + be + as + Adj + as + N /obj pronoun ↔ S + be + the +Adj + est + (Noun) + place the most + Adj + (Noun) + place EX: My sister is like my mother. Adam is so different from his brother. She’s the most successful singer in the world. 2. Can/ could
  8. - Can dùng để nói về khả năng ở hiện tại tức ai biết làm gì hoặc có khả năng làm gì ở hiện tại. - Could dùng để nói về khả năng ở quá khứ tức ai biết làm gì hoặc có khả năng làm gì ở quá khứ. EX: I can drive. He could read other's minds. My father can fix everything - Structure: S + can/could + V S + cannot/could not (can't/couldn't) + V Can/Could + S + V? Yes, S + can/could. & No, S + can't/couldn't. Lưu ý: Can đi với tất cả các ngôi. * UNIT 6 1. WILL/WON’T IN THE FIRST CONDITIONAL If + S + V (s/es) …, S + will/ won’t + V (nguyên mẫu). don’t/ doesn’t + V…, am/ is/ are (not), 2. Must/should - Should được dùng cho lời khuyên và nói ra những điều chúng ta nghĩ ai đó nên làm. (giving advice and recommendations) EX: You should see ‘Daughter of the Moon' - it's a great film. - Mustmang tính chất mạnh hơn should (strong obligations) - Must có ý tương tự như should nhưng mạnh hơn và dứt khoát hơn, nó diễn tả ý chắc chắn điều gì đó sẽ xảy ra hoặc điều gì đó là đúng EX: The doctor said I must give up smoking. (mệnh lệnh buộc phải tuân theo) * UNIT 7 1. BE GOING TO - Dùng để chỉcác hành động của thì tương lai gần đều đã có dự định, kế hoạch, cụ thể, có bằng chứng xác định. EX: I feel tiried, so I am going to the hospital tomorrow. The weather forecast says it is not going to snow tomorrow. - Cần xác định cấu trúc be going to dựa trên ngữ cảnh cụ thể và các bằng chứng ở thời điểm hiện tại. - “Going to go” có thể được thay thế bằng “going” EX: She is going to go to the library tomorrow. -> She is going to the library tomorrow.
  9. 2. Phân biệt Will và Be going to Be going to Will Cách dùng – Diễn tả một kế hoạch, dự định trong tương lai, - Diễn tả một quyết định bất chợt nảy ra một hành động đã được lên kế hoạch từ trước. ngay tại thời điểm nói. EX: We are going to visit our teacher tomorrow. EX: I will go to the grocery. – Diễn đạt một dự đoán dựa trên những căn cứ, bằng chứng ở thời điểm hiện tại. – Diễn đạt một lời dự đoán mông lung, EX: Look at those dark clouds. It’s going to rain. không có căn cứ. EX: I think she will get the job. – Đưa ra một lời đề nghị, nhờ vả EX: Will you please give me a piece of paper? Cấu trúc S + be going to + V(inf) S + will +V (inf)  S + intend (s) + to V (nguyên mẫu) … = S + am/ is/ are + going to + V (nguyên mẫu) …  S + have/ has intention of + V – ing … = S + am/ is/ are + going to + V (nguyên mẫu) … * UNIT 8 Connecting ideas:Liên từ là từ vựng được sử dụng để liên kết 2 từ, cụm từ hoặc mệnh đề lại với nhau.
  10. Liên từ kết hợp Example - FOR: Giải thích lý do hoặc mục đích (dùng giống because) I do morning exercise every day, for I + Lưu ý: Khi hoạt động như một liên từ, for chỉ want to keep fit. đứng ở giữa câu, sau for phải sử dụng một mệnh đề và trước for phải có dấu phẩy (,) I do morning exercise every day to keep - AND: Thêm / bổ sung một thứ vào một thứ khác fit and relax. I don’t like listening to music nor playing - NOR: Dùng để bổ sung một ý phủ định vào ý phủ sports. I’m just keen on reading. định đã được nêu trước đó. He works quickly but accurately. - BUT: Dùng để diễn tả sự đối lập, ngược nghĩa You can play games or watch TV. - OR: Dùng để trình bày thêm một lựa chọn khác. I took a book with me on my holiday, yet I - YET: Dùng để giới thiệu một ý ngược lại so với ý didn’t read a single page. trước đó (tương tự but) I’ve started dating one soccer - SO: Dùng để nói về một kết quả hoặc một ảnh player, so now I can watch the game each hưởng của hành động/sự việc được nhắc đến trước week. đó. C. Practice I. Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others?
  11. 1. A. fan B. call C. dance D. band 2. A. rock B. clothes C. show D. know 3. A. dream B. heavy C. mean D. beach 4. A. nice B. tired C. skill D. kind 5. A. write B. hit C. lyric D. victim II. Which word has a different stress pattern from that of the others? 1. A. music B. concert C. popcorn D. become 2. A. popular B. instrument C. piano D. classical 3. A. busy B. along C. singer D. problem 4. A. confident B. talented C. ambitious D. quality 5. A. energy B. ticket C. invite D. party 6. A. music B. viewer C. painter D. attraction 7. A. success B. ambitious C. charming D. competitive III.Choose the word / phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence 1. Bananas are a rich source of potassium. Potassium ________ a sudden pain in muscles. A. reduces B. ease C. decrease D. A, B, C are correct 2. William was a genius with a very high IQ, but in the end he ________a lonely life. A.lives B. lived C. didn’t live D. doesn’t live 3. She is strong and healthy ____ she changed her eating habits. A.and B. however C. because D. so 4. To join the Desert Challenge, you must be fit and you must prepare _____. A.careful B. carefully C.careless D. carelessly 5. Friends are important, but keep _____ from “problem people”. A.out of B. off C. down D. away 6. Mozart was known ______ a musical prodigy. A.of B. as C.about D. for 7. You mustn’t ____ in the sea today. The weather is not good and there is a red flag. A.swimming B. to swim C. swims D.swim 8. The word “pop” is from ________. A.popcorn B. population C. people D. popular 9. “What are you going to do when you leave school?” – “___________________”. A.I will travel to Hanoi next month B. I’m going to join dancing class
  12. C. I will pick you up at 7 p.m D. No, thanks. I’m full 10. “ What is the best way to learn salsa?” –“____________”. A.I love it, but I’m not good. B. It’s probably best to have lessons. C. I’d like to learn salsa. D. It looks weird. 11. What does this sign says? 12. What does this sign say? A. Do not use loud speaker. A. Narrow road ahead B. School ahead B. Do not chat with your friends. C. Road widens ahead C. Do not make loud noises. D. Left-hand curve D. Loud voice is permitted if all agree 13. The musician added some electronic melodies___________ his previous songs. A. from B. about C. for D. to 14. The teammates are mad ______ their leader because he is quite bossy. A. at B. from C. on D. in 15. John is a ____________. He is trying his best to have muscles as strong as Ronnie’s Coleman’s. A. astronaut B. bodybuilder C. mathematician D. programmer 16. Today, young people prefer the ___________ of pop songs. They are very catchy. A. lyrics B. fusion C. chorus D. hits 17. I’ll sell some tickets if you want. - ___________ A. That would be great, thanks. B. Nothing special. C. It’s a bit too weird for me. D. I can’t right now. 18. Minh: Why was the year 2000 important? Lan: __________________ A. Never mind. B. Let’s celebrate that year. C. Thanks. It is a good idea. D. Because it was the start of the new millennium. 19. Anna doesn’t play soccer as _________as her brother. A. well B. good C. best D. better 20. You ________ follow the safeguard‘s instructions in the swimming pool. A. must B. mustn’t C. shouldn’t D. don’t 21. Mary first started _________ when she was fifteen. A. wrote B. written C. write D. writing 22. He is quite bossy _________ he doesn’t listen to anyone. A. or B. but C. and D. for 23. What does the sign mean? A. No cars and motorcycles B. No pedestrians C. No bus D. No bicycles
  13. 24. What does the sign mean? A. a biology research B. a QR code and a smart phone C. a laptop D. a computer 25. She didn’t have a real talent…….. singing. A. on B. for C. in D. at 26. Choose the word or phrase whose meaning is nearly the same as the underlined one: Nobody likes Jack because he always likes telling people what to do. He’s really ………… A. ambitious B. boss C. bossy D. successful 27. My friend bought a flight ticket last week, so he ……….. visit Hoi An Ancient Town. A. will B. is going to C. won’t D. shall 28. Andy: That song is so great. Jenny: I’m sure it …………… a big hit. A. will B. will be C. is going to D. is going to be 29. We use fossil fuel in our daily life, ………. they’re limited and cause pollution. A. because B. but C. or D. and 30. Error identification: She was an extremely shy person, so she was happier to stay over and write than to meet people. A. extremely B. happier C. over D. to meet IV.Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence. 1. You should pay ___________in class and do your homework. (attend) 2. Peter is _______________ and likes a challenge. (compete) 3. She was the most _______ person in my class because no one likes her. (popular) 4. His life is meaningful with plenty of ___________. (ambitious) 5. “Come in and get your dinner right now “ he said ______________. (boss) 6. Mr. Hoang _________his speech about Vietnamese history last week. (presentation) 7. Two teams of three people will face a 16- day jungle adventure in Steve Grant’s new _______ show. (survive) 8. Peter Quinn is _____________ and likes tough survival challenge. (competition) 9. To join the challenge, you must be fit and you must prepare very ____________(careful) 10. Barbara can play six instruments. She the most ____________ person I know. (talent) 11. Most young children are always ____________,so they never stop running, playing until they sleep. (energy) 12. They’ll live without ____________, and they won’t have contact with the outside world. (comfortably) V.Arrange these words or phrases into their correct order: 1. young /has an / singer/voice / amazing / That / .  2. all over the / traditional music / Many people / and enjoy / world still value / . /  3. if /it is /Will you / on Sunday ? / go out / sunny / 
  14. 4. Can you/ or a compass/ find your way / ?/ a phone/ without using/ 5. find you soon/ you are/ ./ someone will / Stay where/ and hope that/ 6. / leave in / hurry up because / 5 minutes / We have to / our train will /. /  7. a tough/ thirteen- year- olds/ Desert Challenge is/ course for over-/ desert survival/./ 8. First, Jamal Edward/music videos/ added live/ with musicians to mess/ concerts and interviews/./ VI. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the same. 1. The small animal over there is similar to a mouse. → The small animal over there looks ____________________ 2. You must be quiet. → You mustn’t make _______________. 3. They should use their phone to get directions when they get lost. → They will ______________________________________________________. 4. There were many fans at the concert. → Many fans ______________________________________________________. 5. My favorite singer is Britney Spears. → I’m _______________________________________ 6. She intends to make a video about Pop music. → She is ________________________________________ 7. Sandy plans to visit Shanghai this summer. → Sandy is ________________________________________ 8. It’s not possible for human to live without water in 3 weeks. → Human ________________________________________ 9. In my opinion, no one can cook as well as Tom. → In my opinion, Tom ________________________________________ 10. You wake up early and you will not miss the bus to school. → If ________________________________________ 11. Mary doesn’t play tennis as well as Mike. →Mike plays ________________________________________ 12. All visitors should follow the rules of the sports center.
  15. →All visitors ________________________________________ 13. Do more grammar exercises, or you will get poor marks. → If you ________________________________________ 14. Does she plan to leave London tomorrow morning? → Is ________________________________________ VII.Read the following passage. Decide if the statements are True or False, and choose the correct answers (A, B, C or D) for multiple choice questions TEXT 1: A Success Story Jamal Edwards is the boss of a music YouTube channel, and he even received an award from the queen for his services to music. So, what’s his story? Jamal was born in England in 1990. At sixteen, with a video camera, he uploaded a video of foxes and received 1,000 visits! Soon he wanted to combine his love of filming with his passion for grime – a type of hip hop music. Jamal began filming some grime artists when they were performing in the street and at concerts. After his posts, thousands of people watched and downloaded the videos. In 2007 he created his own online TV station, SBTV. First, he added live concerts and interviews with musicians to grime music videos. Later, he started including different types of music to attract more viewers. The strategy worked, and today, SBTV is very popular among young people. 1. Jamal receive an award for his musical instruments. 2. Jamal’s two hobbies were making videos and grime music when he was sixteen. 3. Jamal’s grime videos were successful because he added live concerts and interviews with musicians. 4. SBTV is very unpopular among young people. 5. Why did Jamal decide to create his own TV station? A) He wanted to sell more videos. B) He wanted to combine filming and grime music. C) He wanted to make more friends. D) He wants to earn more money. 6. What did Jamal do to increase the number of SBTV viewers? A) He made more videos of music. B) He added amazing beats to the songs. C) He included different types of music. D) He posted new videos on YouTube.
  16. TEXT 2: The ability to make fire is also a survival skill both with and without fire lighting equipment. Training and practice of the skill is very important. The old saying is that you can survive three minutes without air, three days without water and three weeks without food. Always carry plenty of water, learn all you can about water and its nature. Although we can use a mobile phone to send signals, it is necessary to carry with you a map and a mirror, a torch and a whistle to give signals. 1. We can make fire with fire lighting equipment. 2. We must learn and practice making a fire. 3. Water is more important than food in a journey. 4. We shouldn’t carry some items necessary to give signals. 5. You can survive without air in three ____________________. A. months B. weeks C. days D. minutes 6. We can use a _____________________ to give light signals. A. map B. torch C. knife D. All are correct TEXT 3: A WEBSITE REVIEW One of my favourite websites is It’s great because you can learn English while you listen to your favourite songs. You choose a song and then listen to the song and complete the lyrics. You can also watch the video of the song. The good points include the fact that there are lots of up-to-date songs in English you can listen to. In addition, you can choose the level: beginner, intermediate or expert, depending on your level of English. Another good feature is that you can repeat a line of the song as often as you want, until you know the missing word. Also, the website is very easy to search and you can listen to songs in different languages, for instance in Spanish, German and Italian. 1. is a great website for learning English. 2. You can listen to recent songs in English. 3. You can’t repeat a line of the song to complete the missing words. 4. You can only hear songs in one language. 5. What does “good feature” mean? A. good song B. good website C. good video D. good point 6. How many levels of songs that you can choose from? A. two B. three C. four D. five VIII. Choose the word / phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in the following passage TEXT 1: GPS and Survival
  17. (1) ------------ The USA the Global Positioning System (GPS) in the 1970s. At first, it was a military (2) ------------ project, but now anyone can use the system to find out exactly their locations, and their movements. For GPS to work, your receiver (or smartphone) must be in contact with four or more satellites in space. (3) ------------ Then it uses the data to calculate the exact time and on Earth. However, it is not enough for survival situations (escaping the jungles or deserts) because you must know (4) ------------ your direction - which way you are moving and your speed - how you are moving. GPS provides ------------ this (5) , by tracking your position over time. For modern explorers, a smartphone and GPS are as important as a compass, torch and a map. With the (6) ------------ right applications, your will help you survive. 1. A. gave B. took C. invented D. found 2. A. know B. C. follow D. found track 3. A. B. face C. way D. street position 4. A. far B. C. often D. much fast 5. A. information B. time C. money D. food 6. A. book B. bag C. smartphone D. parents TEXT 2: I recently listened to the song "Shape of You" by Ed Sheeran and I must say, it's a (1) ……………. tune. The song has a nice beat, and the melody is easy to follow, making it a great song for (2) ……………. .The lyrics are also simple and easy to understand, which is great for those who (3) ……………. learning English. The song talks about a guy who (4) ……………. a girl at a bar and is attracted to her. Overall, I enjoyed (5) ……………. to this song and would recommend it to anyone who likes upbeat music. The song has a great rhythm and catchy (6) ……………. that will have you tapping your feet and singing along in no time! 1. A. sad B. catchy C. boring D. slow 2. A. native speakers B. beginners C. professional D. experts 3. A. is B. was C. are D. were 4. A. reserves B. detests C. meets D. hangs around 5. A. watching B. viewing C. hearing D. listening 6. A. band B. concert C. bass D. lyrics TEXT 3: Agatha Christie was a British writer. She was born (1) ________ England in 1890 and (2) ________ there in 1976. She first started to write when she was sixteen. Later, when she was a nurse, she had the idea (3) _________ a detective story and she published her first novel in 1920. She was a very shy person, (4) _____ she was happier to
  18. stay in and write than to meet people. Agatha Christie (5) ________ became one of the most popular writers in history. She wrote more than sixty novels, as well as plays and poetry, and sold more than two billion books. There are (6) __________ of her books in more than 100 languages. People love her works because the characters and the mysteries are so interesting. 1. A. in B. on C. at D. by 2. A. dead B. die C. death D. died 3. A. with B. of C. for D. under 4. A. but B. so C. and D. or 5. A. late B. eventually C. also D. after that 6. A. comment B. translations C. readings D. selling



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