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Ôn tập TNTHPT – tiếng Anh 12 (KPB) Phần 4

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Tham khảo tài liệu 'ôn tập tnthpt – tiếng anh 12 (kpb) phần 4', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

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Nội dung Text: Ôn tập TNTHPT – tiếng Anh 12 (KPB) Phần 4

  1. Trang 29 Ôn t p TNTHPT – ti ng Anh 12 (KPB) BÀI 6: GI I T G ch dư i ñáp án ñúng. 1) Your father is very kind (with/for/to/in) David. 2) Hurry or you will be late (for/at/on/from) school. 3) Were they present (in/at/on/about) the meeting? 4) She was confused (with/on/about/in) the dates. 5) His book is different (about/from/for/between) mine. 6) Your plan is similar (with/to/of/for) his. 7) The boy is afraid (of/on/in/about) snakes. 8) She is accustomed (with/to/on/of) getting up early. 9) He was successful (in/with/of/to) his job. 10) That student is very quick (with/at/for/about) mathematics. 11) Iraq is rich (on/for/to/in) oil. 12) Are you aware (with/to/of/for) the time? 13) Are you acquainted (to/with/in/of) this man? 14) He has been absent (from/of/to/with) school lately. 15) They are interested (in/on/about/with) buying a new house. 16) Smoking is harmful (for/with/to/about) our health. 17) She is serious (with/about/of/for) learning to be a doctor. 18) I couldn’t believe what he said. It was contrary (to/with/for/in) his thought. 19) Our study is very important (for/with/to/about) our future and useful (for/to/with/in) our country. 20) Don’t give up your hope. Be confident (of/about/in/with) yourself. 21) I have some tickets available (for/to/of/with) you. 22) Are you capable (with/of/for/to) that job? 23) He is accustomed (to/with/for/in) driving fast like this. 24) Are you confident (with/of/about/in) what she has said? 25) The room was available (with/for/to/on) 2 people. 26) Finally, Jack is successful (on/in/at/to) his trade. 27) This theatre is often crowded (with/to/on/about) viewers. 28) Your bag is similar (with/to/about/for) mine. 29) The bottle is full (with/of/in/at) water. 30) Poison is harmful (to/with/for/about) humans. 31) Cheques are useful (with/to/for/on) travellers. 32) Are you successful (on/in/at/to) your experiment? 33) She got back safe (for/from/with/to) her adventure. 34) It was very lucky (to/for/of/with) me that my bag was found. 35) He seems friendly (on/to/for/about) everyone in the village. 36) She was sad (about/for/with/to) my refusal. Nguy n ð ng Hoàng Duy Chúc các em thành công!!!
  2. Trang 30 Ôn t p TNTHPT – ti ng Anh 12 (KPB) 37) Quang Linh is popular (with/for/to/in) folk songs. 38) The student is quick (with/at/on/to) understanding what the teacher explains. 39) The story is very pleasant (to/with/for/in) us. 40) He is very kind (to/of/with/for) me. 41) I’m capable (of/with/for/to) speaking two languages. 42) She is never late (to/for/with/from) work. 43) It was very nice (to/of/in/for) him to give me a lift. 44) Yesterday Nga was absent (with/from/to/for) class because she was ill. 45) Contrary (to/with/for/about) his doctor’s orders, he has gone back to work. 46) Don’t worry (about/with/to/for) the money! I’ll lend you. 47) They have been waiting (for/with/to/at) the bus for half an hour. 48) Why don’t you ask (with/to/for/on) a pay increase? 49) He took advantage (of/in/about/for) this opportunity to explain why he had done that. 50) The weeks went slowly (by/with/of/for). 51) You have to move this box to make room (for/to/about/with) the new television set. 52) Nowadays we rely increasingly (on/in/at/to) computers to regulate the flow of traffic in the town. 53) Translate these sentences (for/into/with/of) English. 54) Have you taken notice (to/for/of/with) the sign “No Smoking”? 55) Ken prefers Chinese food (about/to/over/with) French food. 56) Don’t shout (to/at/with/for) the child when he makes a mistake. 57) Last Sunday I was invited (to/on/in/at) his wedding party. 58) I have been looking (after/for/into/at) my dog for two days but I haven’t seen it yet. 59) I don’t care (about/for/with/to) what they have said. 60) I talked to him so enjoyably that I lost track (to/with/of/for) the time. 61) He spent too much money (with/on/to/in) that car. 62) Do you believe (on/at/to/in) God? 63) You must make allowance (to/for/with/of) him because he has been ill. 64) May I start now? Yes, go (up/down/ahead/back). 65) She caught sight (with/of/to/for) a car in the distance. 66) She is leaving (to/for/with/at) Paris. 67) Don’t make noise! I’m concentrating (to/on/in/at) the question. 68) Things are going (to/on/out/off) nicely. 69) She has suffered (from/to/with/about) her heart attack. 70) The exchange rate of dollars is going (up/down/on/with) from 16,000 VND to 15,750 VND for one US dollar. 71) We have lost touch (with/of/for/over) each other for a long time. 72) I must study hard to keep pace (with/of/for/to) my classmates. Nguy n ð ng Hoàng Duy Chúc các em thành công!!!
  3. Trang 31 Ôn t p TNTHPT – ti ng Anh 12 (KPB) 73) The prices of petrol are going (up/down/on/out) from 52 US dollars to 54 US dollars for a barrel. 74) I usually regard him (with/in/as/at) my close friend. 75) Don’t make a fuss (over/on/at/of) such trifles. 76) The bomb has gone (out/off/over/with) in a crowded street. 77) Who will look (for/after/at/around) the child when you’re away? 78) Congratulate you (in/to/on/with) winning the game. 79) I feel very hot because the electricity has gone (off/out/along/after). 80) The plane crashed (into/on/in/with) the mountain. 81) I’ve lost my keys. Can you help me look (at/for/after/into) them? 82) The book is divided (to/in/into/for) three parts. 83) I wrote to the company asking them (to/for/about/with) more information about the job. 84) Many people regard him (as/to/in/of) one of the greatest pianists in the world. 85) Our teacher was very kind (of/to/for/with) us. 86) Her children are very quick (with/about/at/for) computer games. 87) This kind of music is popular (for/to/with/about) the young. 88) Boys are fond (in/of/on/at) playing football. 89) Last week the beach was overcrowded (of/over/with/for) people. 90) She’s very worried (for/with/at/about) her mother’s health. 91) Why are these two schools different (to/from/with/at) each other? 92) Most children are ill-prepared (to/for/from/at) employment. 93) Four-fifths of the world’s computers use programs (at/in/on/about) English. 94) Attending all the lectures is important (to/with/at/in) us. 95) English belongs (from/to/on/in) those who use it. 96) Clean air provides us (for/at/with/about) a healthy supply of oxygen. 97) My brother is very interested (in/at/on/about) chess but he is not good at it. 98) I don’t think he was present (in/at/on/of) the meeting yesterday. 99) Are you serious (for/about/with/over) learning to be an architect? 100) She has become very famous (for/at/on/with) her novels. 101) Mary always take good care (for/of/to/with) her children. 102) Henry was born (on/in/at/to) 1992. 103) Lisa is very good (at/with/in/about) chemistry. 104) The forest fire went (after/off/out/along) after two days. 105) I always find it hard to keep pace (up/with/for/on) Nam, one of the best students in my class. 106) What do you often do (in/on/at/of) the evening? 107) Smoking is not good (for/at/about/of) our health. 108) The interview was broadcast (on/in/at/for) radio and television. 109) That farmer succeeded (on/in/at/with) raising fish. Nguy n ð ng Hoàng Duy Chúc các em thành công!!!
  4. Trang 32 Ôn t p TNTHPT – ti ng Anh 12 (KPB) 110) Clean air is necessary (with/for/about/of) our health. 111) The future of a country depends (in/at/on/from) the youth. 112) There is a great difference (from/between/about/for) these two things. 113) My father is used (to/on/in/at) living in the countryside. 114) My father isn’t pleased (for/about/with/from) my work. 115) Many people are involved (on/in/of/at) the use of English. 116) English provides ready access (with/to/for/of) the world scholarship. 117) She is always fed up (at/with/for/about) washing dishes after dinner. 118) The roofs are covered (with/about/by/for) red tiles. 119) My father insisted (in/on/of/at) building a new house. 120) We are looking forward (in/at/for/to) seeing you again. ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺ BÀI 7: PHÂN T DÙNG NHƯ TÍNH T G ch dư i ñáp án ñúng. 1) He is very (to interest/interesting/interested/interests) in my story. 2) The (encouraging / encouraged / encourage / to encourage) students work harder. 3) I didn’t find the situation funny. It wasn’t (amuse/amusing/amused/to amuse). 4) Sheila’s party was pretty (bored/boring/bores/bore). 5) I went home early because I felt (boring/bore/bored/to bore). 6) When I read that novel, I felt (excite/excited/exciting/to excite). 7) His (amuse/amusing/amused/amuses) story causes great fun. 8) It’s a (bored/boring/bore/to bore) work, so you’ll get (tired/tiring/tire/to tire) of it. 9) He seems quite (satisfied/satisfy/satisfying/satisfies) with his new job. 10) This book is very (to interest/interesting/interested/interests). 11) I feel very (to interest/interesting/interested/interests) in this book. 12) Do you think the film is (excite/excited/exciting/to excite)? 13) The film wasn’t as good as I expected. I were (disappointed / disappointing / disappoint / to disappoint) with it. 14) It was (surprised/surprise/surprising/ surprises) that he passed the exam. 15) My friend is going to the United States next month. She has never been there before. It will be an (excite/excited/exciting/to excite) experience for her. 16) Everybody was (surprised/surprise/surprising/surprises) that he passed the exam. 17) She has really learned very fast. She has made (astonish/astonishing/ astonished/ astonishes) progress. 18) He’s one of the most (bored/boring/bore/to bore) men I have ever met. He never says anything interesting. 19) The football match was (excite/excited/exciting/to excite). I really enjoyed it. Nguy n ð ng Hoàng Duy Chúc các em thành công!!!
  5. Trang 33 Ôn t p TNTHPT – ti ng Anh 12 (KPB) 20) Why do you always look so (bored/boring/bore/to bore)? Is your life really (bored/boring/bore/to bore)? ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺ BÀI 8: CÂU ðI U KI N G ch dư i ñáp án ñúng. 1) If that hat costs much, I (would have bought/will buy/bought/would buy) a small one. 2) If you (drive/drove/had driven/driven) more carefully, you wouldn’t have had so many accidents. 3) If I (make/makes/made/had made) that mistake again, my teacher will get angry with me. 4) If I spoke English, my job (was/were/will be/would be) a lot easier. 5) If he (goes/went/had gone/would go) to London yesterday, he (met/would meet/had met/would have met) his old friend. 6) I will lend them some money if they (ask/will ask/asked/had asked) me. 7) If we had known who he was, we (would have invited/have invited/will invite/would invite) him to speak at our meeting. 8) My dog will bark if it (hear/hears/heard/had heard) any strange sounD. 9) If I (had/had had/will have/have) enough money, I would buy a house. 10) They (won’t let/not let/wouldn’t let/hadn’t let) you in if you come late. 11) If you (not go/don’t go/hadn’t gone/didn’t go) away, I’ll send for a policeman. 12) If I (were/am/be/was) in your place, I would accept Mr. Anderson’s invitation. 13) If I (win/had won/won/winning) a big prize in a lottery, I’d give up my job. 14) If I (is/am/was/were) you, I (will tell/told/would tell/would have told) the truth. 15) I was busy. If I (have/had/had had/have had) free time. I (would go/will go/would have gone/go) to the cinema with you. 16) Why didn’t you attend the meeting? Oh, I did not know. If I (know/knew/had known/known) I (would come/would have come/will come/had come) there. 17) What (would/will/did/had) we do if they do not come tomorrow? 18) If I had enough time now, I (would write/write/will write/wrote) to my parents. 19) It’s too bad Helen isn’t here. If she (is/was/were/are) here, she (will know/knows/would know/would have known) what to do. 20) If I don’t eat breakfast tomorrow morning, I (will get/got/would get/had got) hungry during class. 21) If she (come/comes/came/had come) late again, she’ll lose her job. 22) I’ll let you know if I (find/finds/found/had found) out what’s happening. 23) If we (live/lived/would live/had lived) in a town, life would be better. Nguy n ð ng Hoàng Duy Chúc các em thành công!!!
  6. Trang 34 Ôn t p TNTHPT – ti ng Anh 12 (KPB) 24) I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if we (arrive/arriving/arrived/had arrived) early. 25) We (will phone/would phone/phoned/had phoned) you if we have time. 26) If I won the lottery, I (gave/had given/will give/would give) you half the money. 27) It (will/would/can/may) be a pity if she married Fred. 28) If I’m free on Saturday, I (to go/could go/went/can go) to the mountains. 29) She (will has/had/will have/have) a nervous breakdown if she goes on like this. 30) I know I’ll feel better if I (will stop/stopped/stop/had stopped) smoking. 31) If I (am/were/will be/had been) you, I would help him. 32) I could have understood him if he (speaks/spoke/had spoken/would speak) more slowly. 33) He didn’t listen to the teacher. If he (listens/listened/has listened/had listened) carefully, he (will performed/would perform/would have performed/had performed) well in the examination. 34) He’s waiting for his mother to come back from Chicago. If his mother (come/comes/will come/came) home, he (will has/will have/has/had) a lot of presents. 35) He wanted to buy some Christmas presents but he couldn’t. If he (afforded/affords/had afforded/would afford) to buy, his children (are/were/would have be/would have been) very happy to greet a new year. 36) The kitchen will look better if we (have/had/had had/would have) red curtains. 37) If I knew his address, I (go/will go/would go/went) round and see him. 38) If you (hadn’t been/weren’t/aren’t/wouldn’t be) so busy, I would have shown you how to play. 39) It (will be/would be/were/been) quicker if you use a computer. 40) If we have some eggs, I (made/makes/will make/would make) you a cake. ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺ BÀI 9: M NH ð SO SÁNH A. Ch n ñáp án ñúng nh t ñ hoàn thành các câu sau. 1) Sarah is ____ at chemistry than Susan. A. good B. well C. better D. best 2) I don’t work so hard ____ my father. A. so B. as C. than D. more 3) Sam is the ____ student in my class. A. tall B. most tall C. taller D. tallest 4) No one in my class is ____ beautiful ____ her. A. as/as B. more/as C. as/than D. the/more 5) Going by train isn’t ____ convenient as going by car. A. so B. as C. more D. A & B are correct. Nguy n ð ng Hoàng Duy Chúc các em thành công!!!
  7. Trang 35 Ôn t p TNTHPT – ti ng Anh 12 (KPB) 6) The test is not ____ difficult ____ it was last month. A. as / as B. so / as C. more / as D. A & B are correct. 7) Peter usually drives ____ Mary A. more fast B. fast than C. faster than D. B & C are correct. 8) She cooked ____ than you. A. well B. more good C. better D. more well 9) This film is ____ interesting than that film. A. most B. less C. as D. so 10) My salary is ____ his salary. A. high B. more high C. higher than D. more higher than 11) He works ____ we do. A. harder B. as hard as C. harder D. so hard as 12) No one in this class is ____ Jimmy. A. so tall as B. tall than C. the tallest D. more tall than 13) Apples are usually ____ oranges. A. cheap than B. more cheap C. the cheapest D. cheaper than 14) I know him ____ than you do. A. better B. more well C. good D. the best 15) Marie is not ____ intelligent ____ her sister. A. more/as B. so/so C. so/as D. the/of 16) Janet is ____ tennis player in the cluB. A. good B. best C. well D. the best 17) I ran ____ than Tom. A. more fast B. faster C. fast D. the fastest 18) She can speak English ____ I can. A. more well B. best than C. better than D. better 19) Ann is 18 years old. Sue is 20 years old. Ann is ____ Sue. A. older than B. younger than C. older D. younger 20) Nobody can cook as ____ as my mother. A. well B. best C. good D. better 21) Jane can swim ____ than I can. A. far B. further C. more further D. more far 22) Tom drives ____ than Jim does. A. carefully B. more careful C. careful D. more carefully 23) Today the weather is ____ than yesterday. A. worse B. more bad C. more good D. well 24) Sound travels more ____ light does. A. slow than B. slowly than C. slowly D. slow 25) My bicycle is ____ yours. A. more new B. as new as C. new than D. so new as Nguy n ð ng Hoàng Duy Chúc các em thành công!!!
  8. Trang 36 Ôn t p TNTHPT – ti ng Anh 12 (KPB) 26) This ring is ____ that one. A. valuable B. more valuable C. valuable than D. more valuable than 27) Hue is ____ beautiful ____ Dalat. A. as/as B. so/as C. as/so D. so/so 28) Nam is ____ Tan. A. bigger B. bigger than C. the biggest D. more big than 29) My computer is ____ modern ____ yours. A. less/than B. so/as C. the/than D. more/as 30) She doesn’t work ____ her sister. A. as hard as B. so hard C. more harder D. A & B are correct. 31) What is ____ road in this city? A. longest B. the longest C. the most long D. most long 32) Hoa is the ____ of the three students. A. tallest B. taller C. tall D. most tall 33) My brother sings ____ me. A. as good as B. well as C. as well as D. more well than 34) Thong is the ____ in my class. A. clever B. more clever C. cleverest D. clever than 35) What month is ____ in the year? A. the hot B. hotter than C. the hottest D. more hotter 36) I have ____ job in the world. A. the best B. good C. the better D. well 37) Our team didn’t play ____ I expected. A. as well as B. better C. well D. as bad as 38) Could you talk ____? I’m trying to work. A. quiet B. more quiet C. more quietly D. quieter than 39) Sorry we’re late. Your house is much ____ than we thought. A. far B. the farthest C. the farther D. farther 40) Write a report first. It’s more important ____ your other work. A. than B. as C. from D. then 41) Thank you! That’s ____ gift I have ever received. A. the nicer B. a nice C. nicest D. the nicest 42) Jordan played ____ skillfully____ O’Neal. A. as/than B. more/than C. so/as D. the most/than 43) The little boy spoke English ____ his brother. A. more fast B. fast than C. the fastest D. faster than 44) His job is ____ important than his friend’s. A. as B. more C. so D. the most 45) He plays the guitar ____ well as my brother. A. so B. as C. less D. A & B are correct Nguy n ð ng Hoàng Duy Chúc các em thành công!!!
  9. Trang 37 Ôn t p TNTHPT – ti ng Anh 12 (KPB) 46) Tom reads ____ than his sister. A. quicker B. quickly C. more quickly D. A & C are correct 47) California is farther from New York ____ Pennsylvania. A. as B. more C. than D. so 48) China is the country with the ____ population. A. larger B. large C. most large D. largest 49) My sister is much ____ than me. A. pretty B. prettier C. the prettiest D. more prettier 50) Do you feel ____ today than yesterday? A. well B. good C. best D. better 51) He is the ____ person we know. A. happy B. happier C. happiest D. most happiest 52) Mary is ____ as her sister. A. prettier B. as pretty C. pretty D. more pretty 53) His job is ____ important than mine. A. more B. as C. the most D. so 54) Today English is ____ international of languages. A. more B. most C. the most D. the more 55) Is this book more interesting ____ the one you read last week? A. that B. as C. than D. of 56) The teacher speaks English ____ we do. A. fluently B. more fluently C. most fluently D. more fluently than 57) John is much ____ I thought. A. strong B. more strong C. stronger than D. more strong than 58) I’m a ____ player than she is. A. better B. good C. well D. best 59) Nobody in this team plays ____ Tom. A. as good as B. so well as C. as best as D. B & C are correct 60) We are not ____ you. A. busy as B. as busy than C. as busier than D. as busy as B. Ch n t /c m t (A, B, C ho c D) c n ñư c s a l i. 61) Peter plays(A) the(B) piano better (C) I can(D). 62) Mary looks(A) more prettier(B) than(C) she used to be(D). 63) Peter can play(A) table tennis better(B) more than(C) I can(D) 64) She is(A) the(B) most cleverer(C) in(D) our class. 65) This car is(B) more economical(C) as(D) that one. 66) Your(A) computer works(B) fast(C) than mine(D). 67) The problem seems(A) to be more(B) serious that(C) we thought(D). 68) His(A) father and he(B) can run so(C) fast as(D) I do. Nguy n ð ng Hoàng Duy Chúc các em thành công!!!
  10. Trang 38 Ôn t p TNTHPT – ti ng Anh 12 (KPB) 69) This(A) machine is not so(B) modern than(C) that one(D). 70) This film(A) is more interesting(B) the one(C) we saw last week(D). 71) His old(A) house in the countryside(B) is the smaller(C) than his new one in the city(D). 72) “What(A) is the most long(B) river in the world(C)?” asked(D) the teacher. 73) That is the more(A) boring film that(B) my friend and(C) I have ever(D) seen. 74) She’s as(A) good at(B) tennis so(C) her friends are(D). 75) His(A) hand is so(B) steady as(C) a rock(D). 76) She wrote a 250-word(A) letter to(B) her friend, who is more friendlier(C) than her(D). 77) The(A) dictionary wasn’t(B) as helpful than(C) I had hoped(D). 78) A new(A) house is much(B) most (C)expensive than an old one(D). 79) Summer(A) nights in(B) Cairo are much more warmer(C) than in(D) London. 80) He has(A) been working(B) in this(C) school longer that(D) you. ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺ BÀI 10: CÂU B ð NG A. Ch n ñáp án ñúng nh t sao cho câu ñư c ch n và câu ñã cho không ñ i nghĩa . 1) The storm has delayed the 11.20 flight to London. A. The 11.20 flight has been delayed to London by the storm. B. The 11.20 flight to London has been delayed by the storm. C. The 11.20 flight to London has delayed the storm. D. All are correct. 2) The police stopped us on our way to school. A. We were stopped by the police on our way to school. B. We stopped by the police on our way to school. C. We stopped the police on our way to school. D. A & B are correct. 3) People believe that hundreds of homeless children are living on the streets. A. It is believed that hundreds of homeless children are living on the streets. B. Hundreds of homeless children are believed to be living on the streets. C. Hundreds of homeless children believe to be living on the streets. D. A & B are correct. 4) You should give us this information. A. We should give you this information. C. We should be give this information. B. We should be given this information. D. This information should give us. 5) They are repairing our car at the garage. A. Our car is repairing at the garage. B. Our car is being repairing at the garage. C. Our car is being repaired at the garage D. They are being repaired our car at the garage. Nguy n ð ng Hoàng Duy Chúc các em thành công!!!
  11. Trang 39 Ôn t p TNTHPT – ti ng Anh 12 (KPB) 6) No one has cleaned the floor for weeks. A. The floor hasn’t been cleaned for weeks. B. The floor has been cleaned by someone for weeks. C. The floor hasn’t cleaned for weeks. D. A & B are correct. 7) They have given me a chance to explain my view. A. I have given them a chance to explain my view. B. I have be given them a chance to explain my view. C. I have been given a chance to explain my view. D. B & C are correct. 8) We will finish the report in time. A. The report will finish in time. C. The report will be finish in time. B. The report will be finished in time. D. The report is finished in time. 9) Someone woke me up this morning. A. I woke up someone this morning. C. I was being waken up this morning. B. I was waken up this morning. D. B & C are correct. 10) We made certain mistakes. A. Certain mistakes were made. C. Certain mistakes made. B. Certain mistakes made us. D. Certain mistakes was made. 11) They considered his speech one of the best. A. His speech was considered one of the best. B. His speech was one of the best. C. His speech one of the best was considered. D. His speech considered them one of the best. 12) People believe that 13 is an unlucky number. A. 13 believes to be an unlucky number. B. 13 is believed to be an unlucky number. C. It is believed that 13 is an unlucky number. D. B & C are correct. 13) They thought that the man was still living. A. The man thought he was still living. C. The man is thought to be still living. B. The man was thought to be still living. D. It thought the man to be still living. 14) People know that English is an international language. A. English is known to be an international language. B. It is known that English is an international language. C. It is known that English to be an international language. D. A & B are correct. 15) She advised me to sell that house. A. I am advised to sell that house. C. I was advised to sell that house. B. I advised her to sell that house. D. She was advised to sell that house. Nguy n ð ng Hoàng Duy Chúc các em thành công!!!
  12. Trang 40 Ôn t p TNTHPT – ti ng Anh 12 (KPB) 16) He recommends us to do the job. A. We are recommended to do the job. C. We recommend him to do the job. B. We recommended to do the job. D. A & C are correct. 17) She helps me to do all the difficult exercises. A. I am helped to do all the difficult exercises. B. I am helped her to do all the difficult exercises. C. I help her to do all the difficult exercises. D. B & C are correct. 18) How did the police find the lost man? A. How was the lost man found by the police? B. How the lost man found by the police? C. How the police found the lost man? D. How was the police found by the lost man? 19) They believed that she won the competition. A. She was believed to win the competition. B. It was believed to win the competition. C. It was believed her to win the competition. D. She believed them to win the competition. 20) How can they open this safe? A. How can this safe is opened? C. How can this safe be opened? B. How can this safe opened? D. B & C are correct. 21) Do they teach English here? A. Is English taught here? C. Is English teach here? B. English is teach here? D. English taught here? 22) Did the teacher give some exercises? A. Were some exercises given by the teacher? B. Were some exercises given to the teacher? C. Were the teacher given some exercises? D. A & B are correct. 23) People believe that red is the symbol of luck. A. Red believes people to be the symbol of luck. B. Red believed to be the symbol of luck. C. Red is believed to be the symbol of luck. D. B & C are correct. 24) They may use this room for the classroom. A. This room may use for the classroom. B. The classroom may be used for this room. C. They may be used for the classroom. D. This room may be used for the classroom. 25) The teacher is going to tell a story. Nguy n ð ng Hoàng Duy Chúc các em thành công!!!
  13. Trang 41 Ôn t p TNTHPT – ti ng Anh 12 (KPB) A. A story is going to be told by the teacher. B. A story is going to tell by the teacher. C. A story be told by the teacher. D. A story is going to tell the teacher. 26) Mary is cutting a cake with a sharp knife. A. A cake is being cut with a sharp knife by Mary. B. A cake is cut with a sharp knife by Mary. C. A sharp knife is cut with a cake by Mary. D. A & C are correct. 27) Somebody has taken some of my books away. A. Some of my books have been taken away. B. Some of my books have taken away. C. Some of my books away have taken. D. Some of my books taken away. 28) People spend a lot of money on advertising every day. A. A lot of money is spent on advertising every day. B. A lot of money spent on advertising every day. C. On advertising a lot of money is spent every day. D. On advertising is spent a lot of money every day. 29) They have provided the victims with food and clothing. A. The victims have provided them with food and clothing. B. The victims have been provided them with food and clothing. C. The victims have been provided with food and clothing. D. B & C are correct. 30) You mustn’t use this machine after 5.30. A. This machine mustn’t be used after 5.30. B. This machine mustn’t used after 5.30. C. You mustn’t be used this machine after 5.30. D. A & C are correct. 31) You must wash this dress in cold water. A. Cold water must be washed in this dress. B. This dress in cold water must be washed. C. This dress must be washed in cold water. D. B & C are correct. 32) He has made no mistakes in his composition. A. No mistakes have been made in his composition. B. No mistakes have made in his composition. C. His composition has made no mistakes. D. A & C are correct. 33) They built this house 100 years ago. Nguy n ð ng Hoàng Duy Chúc các em thành công!!!
  14. Trang 42 Ôn t p TNTHPT – ti ng Anh 12 (KPB) A. This house was built 100 years ago. B. This house was being built 100 years ago. C. This house being built 100 years ago. D. This house built 100 years ago. 34) People feed these animals twice a day. A. These animals are feed twice a day. B. These animals are fed twice a day. C. These animals fed twice a day. D. These animals were fed twice a day. 35) Someone was cleaning the room when I arrived. A. The room cleaned when I arrived. B.The room was being cleaned when I arrived C. The room was cleaned when I arrived. D. The room was cleaning when I arrived B. Ch n t /c m t (A, B, C ho c D) c n ñư c s a l i. 36) They(A) were took(B) for a drive in(C) the new car by(D) my father. 37) Your(A) question can(B) only answer(C) by an excellent(D) student. 38) Him(A) was taken to(B) hospital in(C) an ambulance yesterday(D). 39) English(A) is believe(B) to be(C) an international(D) language. 40) The(A) watch has(B) not repaired(C) by the man yet(D). 41) The(A) book had found(B) by the boy(C) before they came(D). 42) He is very(A) brave. His friends(B) are impresses(C) by his bravery(D). 43) I help(A) to recall(B) my memories by(C) my friends. I must say thanks to(D) them. 44) They didn’t tell(A) all the(B) details of(C) the case by(D) their parents. 45) I had(A) my motorbike repair(B) yesterday but(C) now it still doesn’t(D) work. ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺ BÀI 11: CÂU TƯ NG THU T A. Hãy thu t l i các câu sau ñây. 1) John said, “I want to attend a famous university.” John said 2) “I’m looking for the book you gave me last week,” Mary said to Peter. Mary told Peter 3) Alfred said to John, “I did not promise to send you a telegram.” Alfred 4) "I will get myself a drink," she said. She said 5) "I cannot drive them home," he said. He said 6) "Peter, do you prefer tea or coffee?" she said. She 7) "The film began at seven o'clock," he said. Nguy n ð ng Hoàng Duy Chúc các em thành công!!!
  15. Trang 43 Ôn t p TNTHPT – ti ng Anh 12 (KPB) He said 8) The father said, “I was on a business trip the whole day yesterday.” The father 9) “My brother will get married next month,” James said. James 10) Henry said to his mother, “Come and spend a week with us.” Henry told 11) He said to me, “Keep a seat for me in the lecture hall.” He 12) Mike said to Henry, “Give me my book back, please.” Mike 13) "Don't play on the grass, boys," she said. She 14) He said, "Don't go too far." He 15) "Don't make so much noise," he said. He 16) The mother said to her son, “Don’t move, please.” The mother 17) My sister said to me, “Don’t open the window.” My sister 18) Jane said to Williams, “Will you be free tomorrow?” Jane asked 19) Fred asked the postman, “Are there any letters today?” Fred 20) Richard asked the Browns, “What are you going enter?” Richard 21) Lucy asked her boyfriend, “Where did you spend your childhood?” Lucy 22) "Have you been shopping?" he asked us. He asked 23) "Where did you spend your holidays last year?" she asked me. She asked me 24) "Why haven't you phoned me?" he asked me. He asked me 25) John asked his friend, “Do you know Tom’s address?” John B. Ch n ñáp án ñúng nh t ñ hoàn thành câu ho c thu t l i câu ñã cho. 26) Mr Brown said, “I watched TV last night.” Nguy n ð ng Hoàng Duy Chúc các em thành công!!!
  16. Trang 44 Ôn t p TNTHPT – ti ng Anh 12 (KPB) ---> Mr Brown said that he ____ TV the night before. A. was watching B. watched C. had watched D. has watched 27) Sandy explained, “ I saw the accident at the corner of High Street.” ---> Sandy explained that ____ the accident at the corner of High Street. A. he had seen B. I saw C. I had seen D. he saw 28) Bob said, “ We had a wonderful time at Peter’s party.” ---> Bob said ____ a wonderful time at Peter’s party. A. he had B. they had had C. we had D. we had had 29) The farmer said, “ I didn’t see her.” ---> The farmer said ____ her. A. he had seen B. I hadn’t seen C. she didn’t see D. he hadn’t seen 30) Will and Tim said, “ We were very happy about the present.” ---> Will and Tim said they ____ very happy about the present. A. had been B. been C. were D. were being 31) Peter reported, “ We played a lot of tennis last year.” ---> Peter reported that they had played a lot of tennis ____. A. the followingyear B. the year beforeC. last year D. A&B are correct 32) The Clarks told us, “ We drove right down to Athens last summer.” ---> The Clarks told us ____ right down to Athens ____. A. he had driven / the summer before B. they had driven / the summer before C. they drove / the previous summer D. he drove / last summer 33) Helen said, “ I’m watching the late night show.” ---> Helen said ____ the late night show. A. they were watching B. you watched C. she was watching D. Helen is watching 34) Peter said, “ They were interested in other countries.” ---> Peter said ____ interested in other countries. A. he had been B. he was C. they were D. they had been 35) Mrs Miller said, “I don’t feel better now.” ---> Mrs Miller said she ____ feel better ____. A. they not / now B. she doesn’t / then C. she didn’t / then D. they didn’t / now 36) Phil asked me, “Were you at the party?” ---> Phil asked me ____ at the party. A. had I been B. if I had been C. whether I was D. B&C are correct 37) Ann asked Kirk, “Did you really write this story?” ---> Ann asked Kirk ____ really ____ story. A. whether he had / written that B. if he wrote / that C. to write / this D. he had written / this 38) Tim asked, “Who has taken my ruler?” ---> Tim asked ____ ruler. Nguy n ð ng Hoàng Duy Chúc các em thành công!!!
  17. Trang 45 Ôn t p TNTHPT – ti ng Anh 12 (KPB) A. had who taken his B. who took my C. had taken my D. who had taken his 39) The mother asked him, “Why are your clothes so dirty?” ---> The mother asked him why ____ so dirty. A. were his clothes B. my clothes are C. clothes were D. his clothes were 40) Sam asked her, “Have you got 20 pounds?” ---> Sam asked her ____ 20 pounds. A. whether had she got B. if she got C. if she had got D. whether she got 41) He wanted to know, “Which picture is the most famous one?” ---> He wanted to know ____ the most famous one. A. which picture was B. whether it was C. which is D. that picture was 42) They asked me, “Did Paul lose the match?” ---> They asked me ____. A. if Paul lost the match B. if he had lost the match? C. if Paul had lost the match D. if had he lost the match 43) He told her, “Don't call me before 7 o'clock! ---> He told her ____ before 7 o’clock. A. not to call me B. not to call him C. to call him D. to call me 44) They wanted to know, “When is your birthday?” ---> They wanted to know ____. A. their birthday was when B. when their birthday was C. when was my birthday D. when my birthday was 45) Cathy asked me, “Is the movie interesting or boring?” ---> Cathy asked me ____ interesting or boring. A. was the movie B. the moive was C. if the movie is D. if the movie was 46) Sarah said, “ My father takes me to school every day.” A. Sarah said her father took her to school every day. B. Sarah said her father takes her to school every day. C. Sarah said my father took her to school every day. D. Sarah said her father takes me to school every day. 47) Mum asked me, “Have you seen my wallet?” A. Mum asked me had I seen her wallet. B. Mum asked me if I had seen her wallet. C. Mum asked me if I saw my wallet. D. Mum asked if you had seen my wallet. 48) He asked me, “Who has cleaned the pool?” A. He asked me to clean the pool. B. He asked me who cleaned the pool. C. He asked me if who cleaned the pool. D. He asked me who had cleaned the pool. 49) He said to her, “Give up smoking!” A. He told her to give up smoking. B. He told her not to give up smoking. C. He told her if she gave up smoking. D. He told her to giving up smoke. 50) He told them, “Don't tell me such a nonsense!” A. He told them not to tell him such a nonsense. Nguy n ð ng Hoàng Duy Chúc các em thành công!!!
  18. Trang 46 Ôn t p TNTHPT – ti ng Anh 12 (KPB) B. He told them to tell him such a nonsense. C. He told them not to tell them such a nonsense. D. He told them to tell them such a nonsense. C. Ch n t /c m t (A, B, C ho c D) c n ñư c s a l i. 51) I asked(A) him how far was it(B) to the station if(C) I went there by taxi(D). 52) All of(A) my students wondered(B) how many(C) people lived in Tokyo? (D) 53) They asked me that(A) I could(B) do the(C) shopping for(D) her. 54) Her mother ordered(A) her do not go(B) out with him(C) the night before(D). 55) The traffic warden(A) asked me(B) why had I parked(C) my car there(D). 56) He said that(A) he will pick(B) me up at(C) 8 am the following(D) day. 57) She said(A) that the books in(B) the library would be(C) available tomorrow(D). 58) He advised(A) her think about(B) that example again(C) because it needed correcting(D). 59) The(A) receptionist said I must(B) fill out that form(C) before I attended(D) the interview. 60) Marty said a(A) good friendship is(B) like a diamond(C) – valuable, beautiful and durable(D). ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺ BÀI 12: CHUY N ð I CÂU Ch n m t câu có nghĩa tương ñương ho c gi ng câu ñã cho. 1) The bridge was so low that the lorry couldn’t go under it. A. It was so a slow bridge low that the lorry couldn’t go under it. B. It was such a slow bridge low that the lorry couldn’t go under it. C. The bridge was too low for the lorry to go under. D. B & C are correct. 2) My brother used to walk to school with his friends. A. My brother no longer walks to school with his friends. B. My brother is accustomed to walking to school with his friends. C. My brother hated walking to school with his friends. D. My brother doesn’t walk to school with his friends no longer. 3) “What’s your name?” the policeman said to the little boy. A. The policeman asked the little boy whether his name was. B. The policeman asked the little boy what your name was. C. The policeman asked the little boy what was his name. D. The policeman asked the little boy what his name was. 4) My kitchen is smaller than yours. A. Your kitchen is bigger than mine. C. Your kitchen is as small as mine. Nguy n ð ng Hoàng Duy Chúc các em thành công!!!
  19. Trang 47 Ôn t p TNTHPT – ti ng Anh 12 (KPB) B. My kitchen is as big as yours. D. All are correct. 5) I’ll give you my phone number. I want you to phone me when necessary. A. I’ll give you my phone number so that to phone me when necessary. B. I’ll give you my phone number so that you can phone me when necessary. C. I’ll give you my phone number so to phone me when necessary. D. B & C are correct. 6) I couldn’t come there on time because I got up late. A. Because of getting up late, I couldn’t come there on time. B. If I hadn’t got up late, I could have come there on time. C. I got up late so I couldn’t come there on time. D. All are correct. 7) My father advised me to choose that job. A. I chose that job because of my father advised me. B. I chose that job because of my father’s advice. C. Because of advising me, my father chose that job. D. B & C are correct. 8) That boy is clever. He can make children’s toys. A. That boy is so clever that he can make children’s toys. B. That is a so clever boy that he can make children’s toys. C. That is such a clever boy that he can make children’s toys. D. A & C are correct. 9) That pupil is very lazy. My sister can’t teach him English. A. That pupil is too lazy that my sister can’t teach him English. B. That pupil is too lazy for my sister can’t teach him English. C. That pupil is too lazy for my sister to teach him English. D. B & C are correct. 10) I regret buying the second-hand motorbike. A. I wish I don’t buy the second-hand motorbike. B. I wish I didn’t buy the second-hand motorbike. C. I wish I hadn’t bought the second-hand motorbike. D. I wish I had bought the second-hand motorbike. 11) They think that she is the most beautiful girl in this class. A. She thinks she is the most beautiful girl in this class. B. She is thought to be the most beautiful girl in this class. C. It is thought that she is the most beautiful girl in this class. D. B & C are correct. 12) We have to keep these explosives in a safe place. A. These explosives have to be kept in a safe place. B. These explosives have to keep in a safe place. C. These explosives be kept in a safe place. Nguy n ð ng Hoàng Duy Chúc các em thành công!!!
  20. Trang 48 Ôn t p TNTHPT – ti ng Anh 12 (KPB) D. A & C are correct. 13) It was such a good film that we decided to go and see it again. A. The film was so good that we decided to go and see it again. B. The film was too good for us to go and see again. C. The film was very good that we decided to go and see it again. D. A & C are correct. 14) People are using computers in almost every field. A. Computers are using in almost every field. B. Computers are used in almost every field. C. Computers are being used in almost every field. D. Computers being used in almost every field 15) The thief drove very quickly. The police couldn’t catch him. A. The thief drove too quickly that the police couldn’t catch him. B. The thief drove too quickly for the police to catch. C. The thief drove so quickly that the police couldn’t catch him. D. B & C are correct. 16) I would like you to help me to lift this heavy box up. A. Do you mind to help me to lift this heavy box up? B. Would you mind help me to lift this heavy box up? C. Do you mind helping me to lift this heavy box up? D. Do you mind to helping me to lift this heavy box up? 17) Someone rang the alarm as soon as the burglars left the shop. A. No sooner the burglars left the shop than someone rang the alarm. B. No sooner had the burglars left the shop than someone rang the alarm. C. No sooner the burglars had left the shop than someone rang the alarm. D. B & C are correct. 18) The last time I saw her was a week ago. A. I haven’t seen her for a week. C. I haven’t seen her since a week. B. I have seen her for a week. D. A & B are correct. 19) He had hardly put down the phone when his wife rang back. A. Hardly he had put down the phone when his wife rang back. B. Hardly had he put down the phone when his wife rang back. C. Hardly did he have put down the phone when his wife rang back. D. B & C are correct. 20) She stayed in bed because of her sickness. A. Because she was sick she stayed in bed. B. She was sick because she stayed in bed. C. Because being sick she stayed in bed. D. She was sick because of staying in bed. 21) You didn’t work hard. You got bad marks. Nguy n ð ng Hoàng Duy Chúc các em thành công!!!



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