The relationship between the behavior of transformational leader and job satisfaction of medical staff working in laboratory and blood bank department- King Fahad hospital, Hofuf, Alhassa, K.S.aA
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This study aims to investigate the interrelationship between behaviors of transformational leader and satisfaction of medical staff in their jobs in laboratory and blood bank department at King Fahad Hospital Hofuf (KFHH).
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Nội dung Text: The relationship between the behavior of transformational leader and job satisfaction of medical staff working in laboratory and blood bank department- King Fahad hospital, Hofuf, Alhassa, K.S.aA
- International Journal of Management (IJM) Volume 9, Issue 1, Jan–Feb 2018, pp. 84–92, Article ID: IJM_09_01_014 Available online at http://www.iaeme.com/ijm/issues.asp?JType=IJM&VType=9&IType=1 Journal Impact Factor (2016): 8.1920 (Calculated by GISI) www.jifactor.com ISSN Print: 0976-6502 and ISSN Online: 0976-6510 © IAEME Publication THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE BEHAVIOR OF TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADER AND JOB SATISFACTION OF MEDICAL STAFF WORKING IN LABORATORY AND BLOOD BANK DEPARTMENT- KING FAHAD HOSPITAL, HOFUF, ALHASSA, K.S.A Baqer Abbas Albeladi MBA, School of Business, King Faisal University, Hofuf, K.S.A Musaddag Elrayah Assistant Professor, King Faisal University, School of Business, Hofuf, K.S.A ABSTRACT This study aims to investigate the interrelationship between behaviors of transformational leader and satisfaction of medical staff in their jobs in laboratory and blood bank department at King Fahad Hospital Hofuf (KFHH). A survey questionnaire consists of forty five questions adopted from (Multi-Factor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) short Form5X),Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (Short form) , Researchers four questions regarding transformational leaders behaviors and five demographic questions about: age, sex, experience and job title used in this study. Thirty-six responses, which represent 32% response rate, found valid for analysis. The Findings show the present of one behavior of transformational leader behaviors, which is an idealized influence and overall job satisfaction. Moreover, the study finds a positive correlation between the behavior of transformational leader and medical staff job satisfaction. Furthermore, significant correlation between an idealized influence, inspirational motivation and job satisfaction. Key words: Healthcare industry, Laboratory, Blood Bank, Transformational leader, Job satisfaction. Cite this Article: Baqer Abbas Albeladi and Musaddag Elrayah, The Relationship Between the Behavior of Transformational Leader and Job Satisfaction of Medical Staff Working in Laboratory and Blood Bank Department- King Fahad Hospital, Hofuf, Alhassa, K.S.A. International Journal of Management, 9 (1), 2018, pp. 84–92. http://www.iaeme.com/IJM/issues.asp?JType=IJM&VType=9&IType=1 http://www.iaeme.com/IJM/index.asp 84 editor@iaeme.com
- The Relationship Between the Behavior of Transformational Leader and Job Satisfaction of Medical Staff Working in Laboratory and Blood Bank Department- King Fahad Hospital, Hofuf, Alhassa, K.S.A 1. INTRODUCTION "Medical Laboratory Science (also known as Clinical Laboratory Science) is one of the main branches of modern medicine. It involves collection and analysis of patients' blood and body fluid specimens, to provide data essential for diagnosing diseases and monitoring body response to treatment. While accounting for only 5% of hospitals budgets, estimated that 60- 70% of diagnostic and therapeutic medical decisions influenced by laboratory results (Forsman RW 1996) .Medical laboratories divided into small, medium and large volume laboratories based on the volume of testing and the variety of services offered. Large volume laboratories usually receive hundreds or even thousands of specimens daily and perform tests with varying levels of complexity. Consequently, very strict regulations were put in place to determine qualifications and skills of personnel involved in analyzing and interpreting these tests"( Al Khamees, M. 2017)." Blood banking refers to the process of collecting, separating, and storing blood. Today, blood banks collect blood and separate it into its various components so they will be used most effectively according to the needs of the patient. Red blood cells carry oxygen, platelets help the blood clot, and plasma has specific proteins that allow proper regulation of coagulation and healing." Although research has yielded drugs that help people's bone marrow produce new blood cells more rapidly, the body's response time can still take weeks, thus donated blood remains an important and more immediate life-saving resource. Blood is the vital connection to having a healthy body, and according to the American Red Cross, nearly 5 million people receive blood transfusions each year ". (American society of hematology). Healthcare industry needs Leaders who are decision makers, visionary and knows how to align resources and restructure the units in continuousness changeable industry. An effective and efficient ways of management need to be used by leader to reserve and sustain resources. The key to success of this industry depends on human resources who provide the services to customers. Satisfied employee are more productive (Fischer & Sousa-Poza, 2007). Satisfied employee definitely affects the healthcare services' quality and leads to customers' satisfaction, and as a result community satisfaction of healthcare sector (Jimmy P. and Andy D. 2009). Moreover, leader’s leadership style effects both organization performance and employee job satisfaction. Employee job satisfaction reflects good leadership and will be used as an indicator that good leadership leads employee to be more effective (Likhitwonnawut, 1996). Satisfied employees are more productive (Fischer & Sousa-Poza, 2007). Job dissatisfaction leads to burnout and, or turnover which both effects quality of work performance (Fridrkin SX et al 1996). Employee's job satisfaction is not an easy task to achieve (Albion and Gagliardi, 2007). There are many studies and researches tried to study the effects of leadership behavior on employee's job satisfaction (Abualrub RF, Alghamdimg MG.2012; Medley F.LA Rochelle D.1995; Furkan, B., Kara, E., Tascan. &Avsalli, H. 2010; Rad, A.M. M., &Yarmohammadian, M. H. 2006; Hina Saleem.2014). 2. LITREATURE REVIEW 2.1. Job Satisfaction Job satisfaction is one of the factor that positively affect productivity; this concept is widely studied in researches (Weiss and Copranzano, 1996). The importance of these researches came from the theory that satisfied employee work more productively (Lim, 2007). Job satisfaction is "a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job or job experiences " (Locke, 1975, p.1304)".(Spector, 1997) revel that what employee feel and react with in their jobs or any aspect of their job is called employee job satisfaction. http://www.iaeme.com/IJM/index.asp 85 editor@iaeme.com
- Baqer Abbas Albeladi and Musaddag Elrayah Furthermore, (Mosadragh, 2003) defined job satisfaction as" the interaction between employee job, actual done job and environment in which job done". Job satisfaction is not an easy task to be accomplished by decision makers. Many factors have their contributions to reach such a task. Generally, these factors are classified into two main categories: overall job satisfaction, which is most analyzed, and job satisfaction facet, which could be Extrinsic factors, Intrinsic factors and environmental factors. Extrinsic factors such as wages, job security. Intrinsic factors such as accomplishment, acknowledgment, independence, benefits, job importance and motivation (Rad and Yarmohammadian 2006, Mueller & Kim, 2008). Other factors such as working conditions, communication, coworkers, supervisor help, workplace environment, organization climate, and reputation of the organization contribute on employee job satisfaction. Any organization who seek improvement or looking for understanding a trending phenomenon, like turnover should focus in job satisfaction facet (Kerber & Campbell, 1987). 2.2. Transformational Leadership In 1980s, a new leadership theory developed by (Burns, 1978) "transforming leader and followed by (Bass, 1985) "transformational leadership". According to this theory, Leadership styles classified into three styles: Transformational leadership style , Transactional leadership, Passive/Avoidant Leadership Style. Transformational leadership style is “wherein one or more persons engage with others in such a way that leaders and followers raise one another to higher levels of motivation and morality (Burns, 1978).The transactional leadership style "based on the hypothesis that followers are motivated through a system of rewards and punishment." If the follower does something good, they will be rewarded. If the follower does something wrong, they will be punished'. The laissez faire style "allows followers for complete permissiveness, and the group often lacks direction because the leader does not help in making decisions". Since the 1990s, transformational and transactional leadership styles are widely used in research (Burns, 1978). These studies emphasis on transformational leadership behaviors. Transformational leadership style is “wherein one or more persons engage with others in such a way that leaders and followers raise one another to higher levels of motivation and morality". According to (Burns, 1978). (Northouse 2007) defined leadership, as "Leadership is a process through which an individual influence a group of people to attain common goals". In leadership research, the most widely used type of leadership style is transforming leadership (Burns, 1978) which developed by (Bass ,1985) to transformational leadership. According to (Krishnan, 2005) the valuable character of transformational leader is ability to motivate employee to achieve more than what are needed. 2.3. Transformational Leadership Behaviors 2.3.1. Idealized Influence Transformational leaders act as a model for their employee and has an ethical and moral conduct. They give priority to employee needs when compared to their needs(Tales, 2010). 2.3.2. Inspirational Motivation Transformational leaders has a vision and able to inspire followers with it by making them think about future optimism. (Bass and Avolio, 1990; Tales2010). 2.3.3. Intellectual Stimulation Transformational leaders encourage employee's thinking and motivate them for success, innovation and creativity. (Burke RJ, Cooper CL. 2006). http://www.iaeme.com/IJM/index.asp 86 editor@iaeme.com
- The Relationship Between the Behavior of Transformational Leader and Job Satisfaction of Medical Staff Working in Laboratory and Blood Bank Department- King Fahad Hospital, Hofuf, Alhassa, K.S.A 2.3.4. Individual Consideration Transformational leaders take care of each employee needs and accomplishment by providing different types of support such as emotional support and work like mentor or coach for every employee to achieve their goals and objectives. (Bass and Avolio, 1990; Tales2010). Theoretical framework: From the given literature, following research model and hypothesis has been formulated. 3. HYPOTHESIS OF THE STUDY The following hypotheses are taken for the study:. H1: Transformational leader behavior idealized influence is positively effects subordinate job satisfaction. H2: Transformational leader behavior inspiration motivation behavior is positively effects subordinate job satisfaction H3: Transformational leader behavior intellectual stimulation behavior is positively effects subordinate job satisfaction. H4: Transformational leader behavior individual consideration is positively effects subordinate job satisfaction. 4. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY This study aims to investigate the interrelationship between behaviors of transformational leader and subordinates satisfaction. Specific objectives are: To investigate the interrelationship between behavior of transformational leaders and job satisfaction between medical staff working in laboratory and blood bank at (KFHH). To assess the level of job satisfaction between laboratory and blood bank medical staff at (KFHH). To provide recommendations for KFHH management. 5. METHODOLOGY This is study uses quantitative research design. The data collected via survey- based from primary source (Medical staff working in laboratory and blood bank).It uses descriptive analysis technique to describe the relationship between variables and Pearson correlation to test the hypothesis. The population of this study is medical staff working in laboratory and blood bank department at (KFHH). Al-Hassa, Eastern province, Saudi Arabia. They are medical staff who are working in different units such: Blood Bank, Microbiology, Hematology, Immunology, Biochemistry, and Histopathology ….etc. They are medical staff http://www.iaeme.com/IJM/index.asp 87 editor@iaeme.com
- Baqer Abbas Albeladi and Musaddag Elrayah with at least one-year experience. The study uses simple random technique. All medical staff that working at (KFHH) laboratory and blood bank consider as a respondents and ask to identify the presence or absence of transformational leader behaviours in his direct boss where in this study consider as a supervisor. Moreover, the respondents ask about his/her different level of job satisfaction. The study use primary data sources through distributing survey. Pilot study was done by establishing an online survey. A short explanation about the study, it is practical and theoretical importance and the way to answer the survey provided and only little responses received due to two reasons: difficulty of the survey English language and inability to understand the questions. Researcher change the survey to be paper based and acted as a translator in different groups of participants. Researcher mobile number and email provided in the survey. To avoid any deviation, answering the survey was in an individual basis and voluntary. 75 surveys distributed. After one month, 42 surveys received about 56%. Six of them excluded due to missing answer of some questions. 36 surveys are valid and ready for analysis. The response rate is 32%. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22.0 was used to analyze the data of this study. 6. RESEARCH FINDINGS 6.1. Demographic Analysis The table below shows the respondents of this study is 36 participants. 86.1% are male and 13.9% are female. The age of 47.2 percentage is between 35-44 years. Meanwhile,25% between age 21-34. Meanwhile, 22.2% between age 45 to 54 and only 5.6% between age 55 or older. 69.4% has an experience more than ten years which. Meanwhile 19.4% has experience between 5 to less than 10 years and 11.1% has an experience between two years and less than 5 years. Technologist represent 36.1% , Technician 38.9%,Specialist physician 8.3% , Senior technologist 11.1% by 4 respondents which indicate one respondent not included in the population ( see research limitation). Only 2.8% respondent for both Consultant physician and Nurse. Full demographic data listed in the table below: Table 1 Demographics data. CHARCHTERISTICS Frequency Percentage CONSULTANT- 1 2.8 PHYSICIAN Job Title SPECIALIST-PHYSCIAN 3 8.3 SENIOR 4 11.1 TECHNOLOGIST TECHNOLOGIST 13 36.1 TECHNICIAN 14 38.9 NURSE 1 2.8 SEX Male 31 86.1 Female 5 13.9 Experience TWO TO LESS THAN 5 4 11.1 FIVE TO LESS THAN 10 7 19.4 TEN YEARS AND MORE 25 69.4 21-34 9 25 Age 35 TO 44 17 47.2 45 TO 54 8 22.2 55 OR OLDER 2 5.6 Total respondents 36 100% 6.2. Descriptive Statistics for Transformational Leader Behaviors The table below shows: the aggregate mean for each of transformational leader's behavior and aggregate mean for transformational leadership. As per the criteria mentioned earlier only one http://www.iaeme.com/IJM/index.asp 88 editor@iaeme.com
- The Relationship Between the Behavior of Transformational Leader and Job Satisfaction of Medical Staff Working in Laboratory and Blood Bank Department- King Fahad Hospital, Hofuf, Alhassa, K.S.A behavior of transformational leader behaviors present, while an overall transformational leadership style absent. Table 2 Transformational leadership behavior aggregate mean. Transformational leader behavior Aggregate Std. Deviation Mean Idealized influence 3.01 .989 Intellectual stimulation 2.72 1.097 Individual consideration 2.68 1.141 Inspirational motivation 2.72 1.117 Transformational leadership 2.78 1.086 6.3. Descriptive Statistics for Job Satisfaction The table below shows the mean value for each variable of Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) that measure both intrinsic and extrinsic factors of job satisfaction. Generally, the medical staff are satisfied in their jobs where the aggregate mean is 3.29 and std. deviation is 1.208. There are only five factors reflect medical staff's dissatisfaction in their job, which are: The chances for advancement on current job. The freedom to use my own judgment.* The chance to try my own methods of doing job.* The working conditions. The praise I get for doing a good job. Table 3 Factors of job satisfaction mean and std. deviation. Item Mean Standard deviation 1. being able to keep busy all the time 3.08 1.317 2. The chance to work alone on the job 3.47 1.320 3. The chance to do different things from time to time 3.31 1.305 4. The chance to be somebody in the community 3.00 1.373 5. The way my boss handles his/her workers 3.86 1.150 6. The competence of my supervisor in making decision 3.42 1.052 7. Being able to do things that do not go against my conscience 3.78 1.333 8. The way my job provides for steady employment 4.08 1.025 9. The chance to do things for other people. 3.86 1.175 10. The chance to tell people what to do. 3.78 1.149 11. The chance to do something that makes use of my abilities 3.50 1.207 12. The way company policies are put into practice. 3.03 1.158 13. My pay and the amount of work I do. 3.14 1.376 14. The chances for advancement on this job. 2.25 1.156 15. The freedom to use my own judgment 2.89 1.116 16. The chance to try my own methods of doing the job 2.83 1.183 17. The working conditions 2.39 1.271 18. The way my co-workers get along with each other 3.31 .951 19. The praise I get for doing a good job 2.94 1.194 20. The feeling of accomplishment I get from the job 3.56 1.252 21. Generally, I am satisfied in my job. 3.58 1.251 Aggregate Mean 3.29 1.208 http://www.iaeme.com/IJM/index.asp 89 editor@iaeme.com
- Baqer Abbas Albeladi and Musaddag Elrayah 6.4. Correlations Analysis The table below illustrated the correlation between transformational leadership behaviors and overall job satisfaction. There are a positive correlation between transformational leader's behaviors, but are low. Two behaviors has a positive and significance correlation: Idealized influence and Inspiration motivation. Table 4 Correlation analysis. Transformational leader behavior Pearson correlation Idealized influence Sig. (2-tailed).377* .023 Inspiration motivation Sig. (2-tailed).443** .007 Intellectual stimulation Sig. (2-tailed) .322 .055 Individualized consideration Sig. (2-tailed).305 .071 Transformational leadership **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed). 7. CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATIONS Results of this study show that the transformational leadership style in laboratory and blood bank is absent and there is only one behavior of transformational leaders' behavior, which is idealized influence. Moreover, there is a positive correlation between transformational leader's behaviors and job satisfaction. The most important behaviors of transformational leaders are idealized influence and inspirational motivation. Medical staff in laboratory and blood bank needs a leader who acts as a model and has a moral and ethical conduct. Furthermore, they need a leader who has a vision and inspire them with it where it make the future optimism. The study's hypothesis are achieved and there is a positive relationship between transformational leadership behavior and job satisfaction. This study has provide some recommendations that include the following: Importance of hiring future medical laboratory and blood bank staff who has a good leadership skills and good self-awareness. It shields the lights for the importance of education and training courses about leadership principles, styles, and its importance, which could be incorporated in undergraduate, postgraduate or in job training. Attending and passing leadership development courses could be set as a condition for future promotions. Initiating a career development program which sets a plan for each employee and goals need to be accomplished. Healthcare industry needs Leaders who are decision makers, visionary and knows how to align resources and restructure the units in continuously changeable industry. Moreover, leader’s style effects both organization performance and subordinate job satisfaction. The key success of this industry depends on human resources (healthcare professionals) who provide the services. Satisfied employees produce high quality healthcare services and leads to patient's satisfaction and as a result community satisfaction. Effective and efficient ways thought to be used to reserve and sustainable resources. Transformational leadership behavior has its positive influences and correlation with this issue. Transformational leaders' behaviors: idealized influence, Individual consideration, intellectual stimulation and inspiration http://www.iaeme.com/IJM/index.asp 90 editor@iaeme.com
- The Relationship Between the Behavior of Transformational Leader and Job Satisfaction of Medical Staff Working in Laboratory and Blood Bank Department- King Fahad Hospital, Hofuf, Alhassa, K.S.A motivation play a critical role in achieving employee job satisfaction, quality of work and improving working conditions. REFERNCES [1] Abualrub, R. F., & Alghamdi, M. G. (2012). The impact of leadership styles on nurses’ satisfaction and intention to stay among Saudi nurses. Journal of nursing management, 20(5), 668-678. [2] Al Khamees, M. (2017). Organizational Structure of King Fahad Hospital in Hofuf Laboratory and Blood Bank, Work Strategy in The Department of Laboratory and Blood Bank, manuscript in preparation, King Fahad Hospital in Hofuf. Al Ahsa. [3] Albion, M. J., & Gagliardi, R. E. (2007). A study of transformational leadership, organisational change and job satisfaction. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 7th Industrial & Organisational Psychology Conference and 1st Asia Pacific Congress on Work and Organisational Psychology: Better Work. Better Organisations. Better World. [4] Atwater, D. C., & Bass, B. M. (1994). Transformational leadership in teams. [5] Baldauf, A., Cravens, K. S., & Binder, G. (2003). Performance consequences of brand equity management: evidence from organizations in the value chain. Journal of product & brand management, 12(4), 220-236. [6] Bass, B. M. (1985). Leadership and performance beyond expectations: Collier Macmillan. [7] Clay-Warner, J., Reynolds, J., & Roman, P. (2005). Organizational justice and job satisfaction: A test of three competing models. Social Justice Research, 18(4), 391-409. [8] Ean, L. (2007). Study on the job satisfaction and burnout among medical social workers in government hospitals in Malaysia. Master's thesis, University Sains Malaysia. [9] Fischer, J. A., & Sousa‐Poza, A. (2009). Does job satisfaction improve the health of workers? New evidence using panel data and objective measures of health. Health economics, 18(1), 71-89. [10] Forester, J., & Clegg, S. R. (1991). Burns, JM (1978). Leadership. New York: Harper and Row. Leadership Quarterly, 2(1). [11] Forsman, R. W. (1996). Why is the laboratory an afterthought for managed care organizations? Clinical Chemistry, 42(5), 813-816. [12] Fridkin, S. K., Pear, S. M., Williamson, T. H., Galgiani, J. N., & Jarvis, W. R. (1996). The role of understaffing in central venous catheter-associated bloodstream infection. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology, 17(3), 150-158. [13] Furkan, B. (2012). The Effects of Leadership On Job Satisfaction (Visionary Leadership, Transformational leadership, Transactional leadership). [14] Kerber, K. W., & Campbell, J. P. (1987). Job satisfaction: Identifying the important parts among computer sales and service personnel. Journal of Business and Psychology, 1(4), 337-352. [15] Krishnan, V. R. (2005). Transformational leadership and outcomes: Role of relationship duration. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 26(6), 442-457. [16] Likhitwonnawut, A. (1996). Leadership styles of construction managers and their impact on project performance. School of Civil Engineering, Asian Institute of Technology, Klong Luang: Master Thesis. [17] Locke, E. A. (1976). The nature and causes of job satisfaction. Handbook of industrial and organizational psichology. The nature and causes of job satisfaction: Handbook of industrial and organizational psichology. http://www.iaeme.com/IJM/index.asp 91 editor@iaeme.com
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