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ĐỀ THI TRẮC NGHIỆM MÔN Tiếng Anh 12 - Mã đề thi 132

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Nội dung Text: ĐỀ THI TRẮC NGHIỆM MÔN Tiếng Anh 12 - Mã đề thi 132

  1. ĐỀ THI TRẮC NGHIỆM MÔN Tiếng Anh 12 Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút; Họ, tên thí sinh:........................................................................ Mã đề thi 132 Lớp: 12 …….. Hãy tô vào các ô tương ứng A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D 1O O O O 11 O O O O 21 O O O O 31 O O O O 2O O O O 12 O O O O 22 O O O O 32 O O O O 3O O O O 13 O O O O 23 O O O O 33 O O O O 4O O O O 14 O O O O 24 O O O O 34 O O O O 5O O O O 15 O O O O 25 O O O O 35 O O O O 6O O O O 16 O O O O 26 O O O O 36 O O O O 7O O O O 17 O O O O 27 O O O O 37 O O O O 8O O O O 18 O O O O 28 O O O O 38 O O O O 9O O O O 19 O O O O 29 O O O O 39 O O O O 10 O O O O 20 O O O O 30 O O O O 40 O O O O Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest. From 1 to 2 Câu 1: A. temperature B. serious C. awareness D. chemical Câu 2: A. ability B . agriculture C. development D. contaminate Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer. Endangered species are plant and animal species which are in danger of extinction. Over 8,300 plant species and 7,200 animal species around the globe are threatened with extinction, and many thousands more become extinct each year before biologists can identify them. The primary causes of species extinction are habitat destruction, commercial exploitation and pollution. The drainage of wetlands, cutting of forests, urbanization and road and dam construction have destroyed or seriously damaged natural habitats. Since the 1600s, worldwide commercial exploitation of animals for food and other products has reduced the number of rare species. Toxic chemicals in the air and land, contaminated water and increased water temperatures have also driven many species to the verge of extinction. Plant and animal extinction lead to a loss of biodiversity. Maintaining biodiversity is important for us in many ways. For example, humans depend on species diversity to have food, clean air and water, and f ertile soil for agriculture. In addition, we benefit greatly from the many medicines and other products that biodiversity provides. Different conservation efforts have been made in order to save endangered species. The Red List - a global list of endangered and vulnerable animal species – has been introduced to raise people’s awareness of conservation needs. Governments have enacted laws t o protect wildlife from commercial trade and overhunting . A number of wildlife habitat reserves have been established so that a wide r ange of endangered species can have a chance to survive and develop. Câu 3:The number of species around the globe threatened with extinction is over …………………… A. 1,600 B . 7,200 C. 15,000 D. 8,300 Câu 4: Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a primary cause of species extinction? A. pollution B . overexploitation C. natural selection D. habitat destruction Câu 5: The Red List is a special book that provides manes of ……………………………..animals. A. extinct B . vulnerable and endangered C. endangered D. hunted Câu 6: The development of wildlife habitat reserves helps…………………………… A. enact laws to protect wildlife B . save a large number of endangered species C. make a list of endangered species D. develop commercial trade and overhunting Câu 7: The best title for the passage is ……………………… A. Endangered species and their Benefits. B . The Global Extinction Crisis C. Endangered species and Conservation Measures D. Endangered Species Extinction: Causes and Conservation Measures. Choose the word whose underlined part differently from the rest from 8 to 10 Câu 8: A. endangered B. destroyed C. damaged D. provided Câu 9: A. attit ude B. survive C. introduce D. human Câu 10: A. medicine B. priority C. crisis D. primary Fill in each numbered with one suitable word or phrase N early 200 of the 1500 native plant species in Hawaii are at risk of going extinct in the near future bec ause they have been (11)……………… such low numbers. Approximately 90 percent Hawaii’s plants are found nowhere else in the world but they are (12)………………by alien invasive species such as feral goats, pigs, rodents and non-(13)……………………..plants. The Hawaii Rare Plant Restoration Group is striving to (14)………………..the extinction of the 182 rare Trang 1/3 - Mã đề thi 132
  2. H awaiian plants with fewer than 50 individuals remaining in the wild. Since 1990, (15)………………… a result of their ‘Plant Extinction Prevention Program’, sixteen species have been brought into cult ivation and three species have been reintroduced. Invasive weeds have been removed in key areas and fencing put up in order(16)………………protect plants in the wild. Câu 11: A. disappeared B. reduced C. increased D. developed Câu 12: A. guarded B. invested C. conserved D. threatened Câu 13: A. nation B. native C. national D. nationally Câu 14: A. prevent B. encourage C. stimulate D. influence Câu 15: A. so B. due C. as D. but Câu 16: A. at B. to C. with D. on Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting Câu 17: It is really sad how many people have the misconception that reading is bored A B C D Câu 18: Reading can not make your life longer, but reading r eally makes your life more thicker. A B C D Câu 19: Desert is a large area of land that has very little water however very few plants growing on it. A B C D Câu 20: Rain falls occasionally in deserts so desert storms are often violent. A B C D Choose the most suitable word or phrase. Câu 21: J ohn’s family is very happy………..his being awarded a scholarship. A. either B . if C. because of D. nor Câu 22: ………….you have no key, you will have to get back before I go out A. Provided B . Although C. As D. Unless Câu 23: I think School ought to give more advice…… A. in B . at C. by D. on Câu 24: It started to rain heavily……….we decided not to stay at home A. therefore B . but C. however D. so Câu 25: Don’t phone Ann now. She ………….be having lunch A. must B . can C. might D. has to Câu 26: You have beeb reading for four hours. This book……….be very interesting A. might B . can C. must D. should Câu 27: My mother is going to have her eyes………… A. examining B . examined C. examination D. to examine Câu 28: Butter……….kept in the refrigerator A. had better B . should be C. need be D. ought to Câu 29: Book in the home are the wonderful………….of knowledge and pleasure A. provision B . origine C. source D. supply Câu 30: New York City is a great………….centre A. commercial B . commerce C. commercially D. commercials Câu 31: Thousands of speacies of animals and plants are………..and the number increases each year A. dangerous B . danger C. endanger D. endangered Câu 32: ………the time you get to the theatre, the play will have finished A. By B . In C. Until D. O n Câu 33: Lan always go to school………….foot A. In B . by C. O n D. w ith Câu 34: I can’t help you. I’m bad……….English A . at B . in C . on D. f rom Câu 35: He usually watches the news……………TV at 6 o’clock in the morning A. in B . at C. w ith D. on Câu 36: “Don’t put your feet on the chair”, my mother said. A. my mother told me that I should put my feet on the chair B . my mother told me not to put my feet on the chair C. my mother told me I did not put my feet on the chair D. my mother said to me not to put your feet on the chair Câu 37: The girl ______ is our neighbor. A. talks to the lady over there B . is talking to the lady over there C. was talking to the lady over there D. talking to the lady over there Câu 38: He talked as if he ______ where she was. A. knew B . had known C. w ould know D. w ere knowing Câu 39: He keeps working _____ feeling unwell. A. although B . because of C. in spite of D. unless Câu 40: ……..Long has finished his work, he will go home. A. As quickly as B . As far as C. As soon as D. As long ----------- HẾT ---------- Trang 2/3 - Mã đề thi 132
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