Leadership study of women in education in Merauke regency
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The purpose of this study is to find out how women's leadership in the education sector in Merauke Regency. This study used a qualitative approach, the informants selected were informants of female leaders in the education sector, namely in high schools and universities.
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Nội dung Text: Leadership study of women in education in Merauke regency
- International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) Volume 10, Issue 03, March 2019, pp. 1820-1825. Article ID: IJMET_10_03_184 Available online at http://www.iaeme.com/ijmet/issues.asp?JType=IJMET&VType=10&IType=3 ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed LEADERSHIP STUDY OF WOMEN IN EDUCATION IN MERAUKE REGENCY Fitriani and Alexander P. Tjilen Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Musamus University, Merauke, Indonesia ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to find out how women's leadership in the education sector in Merauke Regency. This study used a qualitative approach, the informants selected were informants of female leaders in the education sector, namely in high schools and universities. From this study, it is known that women's leadership in the education sector in Merauke Regency is included in transformational leadership, where the application is very good, seen from personality, broad capabilities, communication skills, good and able to be exemplary and transformational for others. Keywords: leadership, women, educational institutions Cite this Article Fitriani and Alexander P. Tjilen, Leadership Study of Women in Education in Merauke Regency, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 10(3), 2019, pp. 1820-1825. http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/issues.asp?JType=IJMET&VType=10&IType=3 1. INTRODUCTION The study by Bush and Coleman (2000) shows principals and other senior female managers in England and Wales indicated they tended to behave in a transformative and participatory leadership model. Another study of female head teachers and school principals in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, New Iceland and Canada shows that female managers appear to work cooperatively and advocate for their colleagues and function team work effectively (Blackmare, 1996). The general picture of the position and position of Indonesian women is still very alarming. This can be seen in the 1999-2004 GBHN which acknowledged explicitly the occurrence of subordativity, in which the state itself recognized the existence of gender inequality, in addition to the quality of life of Indonesian women, which ranked lowest in ASEAN, namely health, education, employment aspects, economic aspects, legal aspects, aspects of human rights and political aspects. But at this time there have been many female figures who have become role models and educators in the midst of society. In the united Indonesia Cabinet, there are several female leaders who become ministers and sit in the legislature both at the central and regional levels, even though they have not reached 30%. This shows that government programs in terms http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 1820 editor@iaeme.com
- Leadership Study of Women in Education in Merauke Regency of gender equality have begun to be realized, and of course support from various parties is needed. In the field of government, there are enough women who hold key positions as leaders. In carrying out their duties and obligations as leaders of the government, of course there are many obstacles and challenges that must be passed by them, however, not a few village heads or village chiefs achieve more successful or brilliant achievements in carrying out their work. This is for example due to the ability support in terms of education, organizational experience and motivation of the women themselves. One area that is currently found by many female leaders is in the world of education. It is very easy to find women who occupy the top leadership in educational institutions both as rector, vice rector, dean, head of school, head of department, head of sector and others. This certainly shows that women also have leadership skills that can be relied upon and can compete with male leaders. The leadership style of women in the field of education is able to realize effective leadership because women have the advantage of playing and creating organizational effectiveness. Women's leadership builds consensus and good interpersonal relationships through communication and involvement, has transformation leadership, and is a good negotiator compared to men. A woman as a leader in the field of education is very possible to create an educational institution that excels, because work related to education and attention and affection for children and adolescents is a tendency of women in general. Leadership in this context is defined as activities to lead, including guiding, guiding, mobilizing, directing, influencing, controlling, organizing, motivating, cooperating in relationships. Leadership is a process of persuading people to take steps towards a common goal. Based on preliminary observations it was found that quite a lot of women in Merauke District held important positions in the education sector. For example as Principal of Upper Middle School, Head of Vocational School, Head of Middle School, Head of Primary School up to Higher Education. Special higher education data shows that there are 60 percent of office holders in the Musamus University environment are women, starting from the Deputy Chancellor, Dean, Chair of the Department, Secretary of the Department, Head of the Laboratory, Section Head, Head of Subdivisions. This certainly becomes a special attraction for review. Referring to the data, it is interesting to research and analyze women's leadership, especially in the field of education. 2. METHODS This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach (Fenty and Suroto, 2018; Funnisia et al., 2018), where to get more accurate data, the authors use the case study method, which aims to obtain as much data and information as possible about the main problems discussed, namely about women's leadership in education in Merauke Regency. This study uses data analysis according to the model of Miles and Huberman (1984), which is called an interactive model. 3. LITERATURE REVIEW Women's leadership is unusual regardless of gender terms. Gender according to Doyle (1985) is a concept used to describe differences between men and women in a socio-cultural way. This difference refers to the emotional and religious elements as social characteristics in which the relationship between men and women is constructed so that they differ between place and time, for example women are known as being gentle, beautiful, emotional and motherly, while men are considered strong, rational, manly and mighty. These characteristics are properties that can http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 1821 editor@iaeme.com
- Fitriani and Alexander P. Tjilen be exchanged because there are women and men who are the opposite, or a combination between the two. Emotional level markings attached to women resulted in women being deemed inappropriate in appearing as leaders, resulting in discrimination in society towards women even though according to law, women had obtained equal rights with men in all respects. In various studies that have been carried out, it results in the absence of gender differences in the organization. Gender when associated with leadership, generally will lead to certain leadership styles that look typical of women. According to Eagly and Johnson (in Steeers, Porter and Bigley, 1996) who conducted a gender and leadership style meta-analysis, stated that women's leadership style was more democratic than men in the same organizational environment. This fundamental difference from gender is based on differences in men and women in terms of personality and work skills. The types of leadership styles typical of women in general there are 2 (two) leadership styles, namely masculine-feminine leadership and transformational-transactional leadership. According to Loden in Situmorang (2011) masculine leadership style has competitive characteristics, hierarchical authority, high control for leaders, not emotional and analysis in solving problems, while feminine leadership has cooperative characteristics, collaboration with leaders and subordinates, control low for leaders and overcoming problems based on intuition and empathy. Based on gender, Loden also stated that men tend to have masculine leadership models while women tend to be feminine leadership. According to Visser (2002) said it is in accordance with the typical feminine leadership style based on sex, that feminine style is inherent in family orientation while the masculine style is more career oriented. In addition, there was also found a blend of masculine-feminine style known as androgynous style which is commonly used by men or women and not classified (Bem, 1981), where many girls find love and do what normal boys do. . According to Bass (1985) that transactional leadership is a social approach to leadership that harmonizes the reciprocal process between leaders and subordinates. Whereas transformational leadership explains the process of relationships between leaders and subordinates based on values, beliefs and assumptions regarding the organization's vision and mission. Research conducted by Parker (1996) shows that women tend to have a transformational leadership style compared to men. This difference based on sex is based on differences between men and women in terms of personality and work skills. Research conducted by John Holland (1997) found that women work more characteristically in the field of services or jobs that require less skills (administration, nurses, servants, psychologists, social workers), while men more classify jobs such as engineers or architect. In general, this shows that there are not many gender differences in terms of organizations. But if it is associated with a leadership style, then there is a certain style that is typical of women (but not sex) which is more about the factors of work characteristics (Eagly and Jhonson in Steers, Portes and Bigley 1996). Here shows that there are influences of job characteristics with women's leadership style. According to Nina (2011) job characteristics if associated with women's leadership style, then 2 (two) women's leadership styles namely feminim-masculine and transformational- transactional, there will be a combination or combination between the two styles, because in reality female leaders don't just wear one of these styles, because they will combine it based on the characteristics or demands of the existing work. http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 1822 editor@iaeme.com
- Leadership Study of Women in Education in Merauke Regency The leader is essentially a person who has the ability to influence the behavior of others in his work by using power. In its activities that the leader has the power to mobilize and influence his subordinates in connection with the tasks that must be carried out. At the assignment stage the leader must provide clear direction and guidance, so that subordinates in carrying out their duties can be easily and the results achieved are in accordance with the stated objectives. Thus leadership includes the distribution of power that is not the same among leaders and members. Leaders have the authority to direct members and can also influence, in other words leaders can not only govern subordinates what must be done, but also can influence how subordinates carry out their orders. So that intertwined a social relationship that interacts between leaders and subordinates, which eventually happens a reciprocal relationship. Therefore, leaders are expected to have the ability to carry out their leadership, because if they do not have the ability to lead, then the goals to be achieved will not be achieved optimally. In this study the author will use Transformational leadership theory according to Parker and Bass in Sondang Siagian (2005). A leader must have abilities such as: (1). Have a good personality, (2). Have broad abilities. This means that the leader must have an understanding and knowledge of various scientific disciplines that are related or related to the strategies, plans, and activities of the organization they lead, (3). Have effective communication skills. This means that leaders have the capabilities needed by various parties to facilitate the course of the decision making process, (4). Adjudication. A leader must project a personality that is reflected in the form of loyalty to the organization, loyalty to superiors and subordinates, dedication in duties, work discipline, moral and ethical foundation used, honesty, attention to interests and needs and various other positive life values. 4. DISCUSSION This study will use the theory of Parker and Bass in Sondang Siagian (2005) 9, which is about Transformational Leadership, where women's leadership tends to transformational leadership (Parker 1996), then 4 indicators are used, namely personality, broad abilities, communication skills, and exemplary. this study is expected to produce a picture of women's leadership in education in Merauke Regency. The leadership role of women in the world of education for women as educators has a strategic position to form a empathic and virtuous person, as well as in leadership, women provide a distinctive approach that is a factor supporting the sustainability of educational organizations. In general, leadership has required the best. In particular, the ideal figure of women's leadership is among them, manners, and kind, independent and guarding honor. Then the leadership of women with valuable values in the field of education supports the achievement of gender mainstreaming targets in Indonesia. Women actually have extraordinary abilities to maintain for the success of the organization. The leadership potential that is truly possessed by women who, if given the opportunity, can only contribute bravely to the leadership shown by a female leader who dares to sacrifice for the progress achieved by their leaders. From the results of studies conducted, the discussion is as follows: 4.1. Personality The phenomenon that is happening now in Indonesian society, it turns out that some people assume that men are more suitable to be leaders in every field of life. But the progress of the times has changed the views of women a lot, but in terms of ideas and ideas women cannot be denied their roles and functions, where women are able to lead well when they succeed in achieving their goals. From the results of the study it is known that the role of women in the field of education is that women can be declared necessary and important to be developed in all fields and for all fields and for all levels. Gradually the position and leadership of women will http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 1823 editor@iaeme.com
- Fitriani and Alexander P. Tjilen actually be the same as men, so there is no longer a separation of women in their endeavors and devote themselves to building themselves in accordance with national ideals. 4.2. Wide ability The leader is expected to be able or able to carry out the task, if the leader has the ability to do something work quickly and correctly. If a leader who can do it quickly remains wrong can not be said to be capable. From the results of the study it is known that the implementation of the abilities possessed by a leader can do a field does not hesitate to do the job, as if he had never thought about how to do it again, there are no more hindering difficulties. 4.3. Communication skills A leader has communication skills is an ability that is owned and can be through training and experience to do the task of communicating where the process of achieving a better mutual understanding of the issues that are important to all parties concerned. From the results of the study conducted it can be concluded that communication skills have been implemented in a leader where abilities that are not born from birth and do not appear suddenly, skills that need to be learned and trained and require a lot of experience. 4.4. Exemplary To develop the attitude or behavior of a good leader not only gives a principle attitude because a leader can be considered as a character who gives exemplary in applying these principles. For this reason, a leader must be able to bring colleagues towards a clear goal and must be the main capital. From the results of the study that the most effective main function leader to develop the attitudes of subordinate colleagues is not only a theory but an example of the primacy by a leader. 5. CONCLUSION Based on the studies that have been conducted, it can be illustrated that (1) the leadership of women in the education sector in Merauke Regency has been very good, this is evidenced by the many female leaders in the world of education and who have very good personalities. broad, communication skills, good and able to be an example for others, (2) in this study also found other influences, namely the nature of a woman and family support. REFERENCES [1] Bass, B.M. 1985. Leadership and Performance Beyond Expectattions. The Free Press. A., London [2] Bem, S.L. 1981. The Sex Role Inventory Professional Manual. Consulting Psychologist Press Inc., California. [3] Blackmare, 1996. Mengfungsikan Team Work Secara Efektif, Hall 1996. [4] Bush & Coleman, 2000. Leadership and Strategic Management in Education, Houston: Gulf Publishing. [5] Doyle, James A. 1985. Sex and Gender :The Human Experience. Wn.C. Brown Publisher, Iowa. [6] Fenty Yoseph Manuhuttu and Suroto, 2018. the Effect of Raw Material Costs and Labor Costs on Products in Wooden Furniture Enterprises in Merauke District, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 9(12), pp. 1044–1052. [7] Funnisia Lamalewa, Elisabeth Lia Riani Kore and Chyntia Novita Kalalo, 2018. The Influence of Practices of Human Resources Management, Compensation, Work Satisfaction http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 1824 editor@iaeme.com
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