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Lecture Digital signal processing: Chapter 2 - Nguyen Thanh Tuan

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Chapter 2 introduce you to quantization. In this chapter, you will learn to: Quantization process, digital to analog converters (DACs), A/D converters, oversampling noise shaping,...and another contents.

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  1. Chapter 2 Quantization Nguyen Thanh Tuan, Click M.Eng. to edit Master subtitle style Department of Telecommunications (113B3) Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology Email:
  2. 1. Quantization process Fig: Analog to digital conversion  The quantized sample xQ(nT) is represented by B bit, which can take 2B possible values.  An A/D is characterized by a full-scale range R which is divided into 2B quantization levels. Typical values of R in practice are between 1-10 volts. Digital Signal Processing 2 Quantization
  3. 1. Quantization process Fig: Signal quantization R  Quantizer resolution or quantization width (step) Q  2B R R  A bipolar ADC   xQ (nT )  2 2  A unipolar ADC 0  xQ (nT )  R Digital Signal Processing 3 Quantization
  4. 1. Quantization process  Quantization by rounding: replace each value x(nT) by the nearest quantization level.  Quantization by truncation: replace each value x(nT) by its below nearest quantization level.  Quantization error: e(nT )  xQ (nT )  x(nT ) Q Q  Consider rounding quantization:  e 2 2 Fig: Uniform probability density of quantization error Digital Signal Processing 4 Quantization
  5. 1. Quantization process Q /2 Q /2 1  The mean value of quantization error e    Q /2 ep(e)de    Q /2 e Q de 0 Q /2 Q /2 2 1 Q  The mean-square error  q 2  e 2   ( e  e ) 2 p (e)de   e 2 de  Q 12 (power)  Q /2  Q /2 Q  Root-mean-square (rms) error: erms   q  e2  12  R and Q are the ranges of the signal and quantization noise, then the signal to noise ratio (SNR) or dynamic range of the quantizer is defined as   x2  R SNR dB  10log10  2   20log10    20log10 (2 B )  6 B dB   Q  q which is referred to as 6 dB bit rule. Digital Signal Processing 5 Quantization
  6. Example 1  In a digital audio application, the signal is sampled at a rate of 44 KHz and each sample quantized using an A/D converter having a full-scale range of 10 volts. Determine the number of bits B if the rms quantization error must be kept below 50 microvolts. Then, determine the actual rms error and the bit rate in bits per second. Digital Signal Processing 6 Quantization
  7. 2. Digital to Analog Converters (DACs)  We begin with A/D converters, because they are used as the building blocks of successive approximation ADCs. Fig: B-bit D/A converter  Vector B input bits : b=[b1, b2,…,bB]. Note that bB is the least significant bit (LSB) while b1 is the most significant bit (MSB).  For unipolar signal, xQ є [0, R); for bipolar xQ є [-R/2, R/2). Digital Signal Processing 7 Quantization
  8. 2. DACs Rf  Full scale R=VREF, B=4 bit I i 2Rf 4Rf 8Rf 16Rf xQ=Vout MSB bB b1 LSB -VREF Fig: DAC using binary weighted resistor  b1 b2 b3 b4   REF  2R 4R 8R 16R I  V       f f f f   b1 b2 b3 b4  xQ  VOUT   I  R f  VREF       2 4 8 16  xQ  R24  b1 23  b2 22  b3 21  b4 20   Q  b1 23  b2 22  b3 21  b4 20  Digital Signal Processing 8 Quantization
  9. 2. DACs  Unipolar natural binary xQ  R(b1 21  b2 22  ...  bB 2 B )  Qm where m is the integer whose binary representation is b=[b1, b2,…,bB]. m  b1 2B1  b2 2B2  ...  bB 20  Bipolar offset binary: obtained by shifting the xQ of unipolar natural binary converter by half-scale R/2: 1 2 BR R xQ  R(b1 2  b2 2  ...  bB 2 )   Qm  2 2  Two’s complement code: obtained from the offset binary code by complementing the most significant bit, i.e., replacing b1 by b1  1  b1 . 1 2 R B xQ  R(b1 2  b2 2  ...  bB 2 )  2 Digital Signal Processing 9 Quantization
  10. Example 2  A 4-bit D/A converter has a full-scale R=10 volts. Find the quantized analog values for the following cases ? a) Natural binary with the input bits b=[1001] ? b) Offset binary with the input bits b=[1011] ? c) Two’s complement binary with the input bits b=[1101] ? Digital Signal Processing 10 Quantization
  11. 3. A/D converters  A/D converters quantize an analog value x so that is is represented by B bits b=[b1, b2,…,bB]. Fig: B-bit A/D converter Digital Signal Processing 11 Quantization
  12. 3. A/D converters  One of the most popular converters is the successive approximation A/D converter Fig: Successive approximation A/D converter  After B tests, the successive approximation register (SAR) will hold the correct bit vector b. Digital Signal Processing 12 Quantization
  13. 3. A/D converters  Successive approximation algorithm 1 if x  0 where the unit-step function is defined by u ( x)   0 if x  0 This algorithm is applied for the natural and offset binary with truncation quantization. Digital Signal Processing 13 Quantization
  14. Example 3  Consider a 4-bit ADC with the full-scale R=10 volts. Using the successive approximation algorithm to find offset binary of truncation quantization for the analog values x=3.5 volts and x=-1.5 volts. Test b1b2b3b4 xQ C = u(x – xQ) b1 1000 0,000 1 b2 1100 2,500 1 b3 1110 3,750 0 b4 1101 3,125 1 1101 3,125 Digital Signal Processing 14 Quantization
  15. 3. A/D converter  For rounding quantization, we  For the two’s complement shift x by Q/2: code, the sign bit b1 is treated separately. Digital Signal Processing 15 Quantization
  16. Example 4  Consider a 4-bit ADC with the full-scale R=10 volts. Using the successive approximation algorithm to find offset and two’s complement of rounding quantization for the analog values x=3.5 volts. Digital Signal Processing 16 Quantization
  17. Oversampling noise shaping Pee(f)  e2 fs  e'2 f s' e(n) HNS(f) -f’s/2 -fs/2 0 fs/2 f’s/2 f  e2  e'2  '2 x(n) ε(n) xQ(n)  '   e2  f s e' fs fs fs Digital Signal Processing 17 Quantization
  18. Oversampling noise shaping Digital Signal Processing 18 Quantization
  19. Dither Digital Signal Processing 19 Quantization
  20. Uniform and non-uniform quantization Digital Signal Processing 20 Quantization



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