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Summary of Education science dissertation: Managing teaching activities for the general education subject sector at arts universities towards quality assurance

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Summary of Education science dissertation: Managing teaching activities for the general education subject sector at arts universities towards quality assurance

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  2. HA NOI - 2021 The thesis is completed at: Hanoi National University of Education Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Van Le Review 1: ............................................................................... ................................................................................................ Review 2: ............................................................................... ................................................................................................ Review 3: ............................................................................... ................................................................................................ The thesis will be defensed at the University Level Thesis Assessment Council of Hanoi National University of Education At … ’ date … moth … year 2021 The thesis can be searched at: - National Library - Hanoi National University of Education Library
  3. 1 INTRODUCTION 1. Background to the study Higher education is a comprehensive education under a closed model, including basic knowledge education, basic professional knowledge and specialized knowledge, among which basic knowledge is the foundation, the initial basis for students to be able to acquire and acquire basic professional knowledge and specialized knowledge in a systematic and scientific manner. General education knowledge sector includes subjects that focus on such foundational values. Currently, in the context of higher education innovation, there are high requirements for teaching management, including teaching management in general education knowledge sector. The reality shows that the teaching management of the general education knowledge sector still has many shortcomings, the core problem is that there is no most effective approach. Up to now, there has been no research on the management of teaching activities in the general education knowledge sector at Arts universities. With the above reasons, the author has chosen the problem: "Teaching management of general education knowledge sector at Arts universities in the direction of quality assurance" as the thesis topic. 2. Research aims On the basis of theoretical research and management situation, some solutions to teaching management of the general education knowledge sector at Arts universities towards quality assurance have been proposed. 3. Variables and Subjects of the research 3.1. Variables Teaching activities for general education subjects at Arts universities. 3.2. Subjects of the research Teaching management of the general education subjects in the direction of ensuring the quality at Arts universities. 4. Scientific hypothesis Managing the teaching activities for general education subjects at Arts universities has achieved certain results. However, the current management of teaching activities for general education subjects at Arts universities is still inadequate for many different reasons. Therefore, if the correct reasons for proposing and implementing the measures to manage teaching activities for general education subjects at Arts universities can be detected in a reasonable and feasible manner in the direction of quality assurance, it will increase the quality of teaching the general education subjects and contribute to improving the quality of Arts training at Arts universities. 5. Research missions Building a theoretical basis; Evaluating the teaching situations and the management of teaching activities for general education knowledge subjects; Proposing
  4. 2 the measures to manage teaching activities teaching subjects towards ensuring the quality at Arts universities Experimenting and testing the measures to manage teaching activities teaching subjects towards quality assurance at Arts universities. 6. Limitation and scope of the study 6.1. Content Limit The dessertation focuses on studying the measures to manage teaching activities for general education subjects towards ensuring the quality according to the principals of Arts universities to meet the requirements of Artsistic education renovation. 6.2. The survey region and time limit Research on the management of teaching activities of the lecturers who teach general education subjects and students' learning activities (formal university system) in 2 Arts universities, they are: Hanoi Academy of Theatre and Cinema; Ho Chi Minh Academy of Theatre and Cinema; 7. Research methods - Approaches: The thesis used a number of approaches as follows: System approach, Process approach, Complex approach, Capability approach, quality assurance processing Approach - Specific Research Methods: Theoritical Research Methods, practical research methods, Investigation and survey method, Interview method, Information processing method group, Experimental method 8. Theoritical points of the thesis (1) Managing teaching activities for general education subjects towards quality assurance is one of the core factors to improve the quality of higher education in order to meet the requirements of modern higher education innovation. (2) Teaching management of general education knowledge sector in the direction of quality assurance needs to have a synchronous impact on the elements constituting teaching activities: teaching objectives, teaching contents, teaching methods; teaching curricula; capacity of the teaching staff, attitude and motivation of students, testing and evaluation of the teaching process towards quality assurance. (3) These inadequacies and shortcomings are evident in the stages of teaching planning and management; determine training objectives, methods, contents and innovate training programs; the work of fostering to improve the capacity of lecturers as well as building a teaching environment; The approach to managing teaching activities of general education subjects is not suitable. Therefore, properly assessing the current situation of teaching activities, managing teaching activities of subjects in the general education subjects will be the core basis for building measures to manage teaching activities for the general education subjects. (4) Developing a set of criteria and indicators to assess the output quality of teaching activities in the general education knowledge sector according to the competency approach is necessary to take that as a goal and a measure of the teaching management process of the general education knowledge sector towards
  5. 3 quality assurance. (5) Teaching management of the general education knowledge sector to ensure quality contributes to creating a solid foundation of scientific theory for students of universities in general, including Arts universities in order to improve the overall their teaching quality as well as the effectiveness of Artsistic creation. 9. New contributions of the dessertation - The dissertation clarifies the theoretical framework for managing teaching activities for general education subjects of at Arts universities in the direction of ensuring quality in terms of contents, forms, methods, and organization, and teaching results. - The dissertation conducted a survey to evaluate the overall situation of teaching and managing teaching activities for teaching general education subjects at Arts university, the main causes of the current situation. - From the thesis research, based on the analysis of the current situation, the thesis has proposed and conducted experiments to confirm the reality and feasibility of the measures to manage teaching activities in teaching general education subjects at Arts universities in the direction of ensuring quality so that they can be applied in practice. 10. The organization of the thesis In addition to the Introduction, Conclusions and Recommendations, References and Appendices, the thesis has 3 chapters: Chapter 1: Theoretical background on managing teaching activities for the general education subject sector at Arts universities towards the quality assurance; Chapter 2: Practical background for managing teaching activities for the general education subject sector at Arts universities; Chapter 3: Measures for managing teaching activities for the general education subject sector at Arts universities towards quality assurance. Chapter 1 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND ON MANAGING TEACHING ACTIVITIES FOR THE GENERAL EDUCATION SUBJECT SECTOR AT ARTS UNIVERSITIES TOWARDS THE QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.1. Literature review 1.1.1. Research on teaching and teaching activities management Regarding teaching management, such foreign authors as Muhammad Abdul Malik, Dr. Ali Murtaza, Dr. Abdul Majeed Khan ... or such indoor authors as Pham Minh Hac, Tran Nguyen Ngoc Quang, Thai Duy Tuyen ... all think that teaching activities are the interaction between the teacher's teaching activities and the students' learning activities in order to achieve the set teaching goals through the implementation of teaching methods, forms of teaching organization and teaching objectives ...
  6. 4 1.1.2. Research on teaching quality and teaching quality assurance management When researching on the overall quality management in education, many authors such as Armand V.FIGENBAUN, Bogue and Sanders Sallis, E John, West - Burnham… studied the TQM model; UNESCO's perspective on teaching quality management with CIPO model; In Vietnam, author Tran Khanh Duc studied international experiences and proposed an overall model of the university training process and a set of criteria for evaluating higher education quality from the point of view of quality management of ISO and TQM; Tran Kiem with TQM approach, author Nguyen Huu Chau with CIMO quality management model. 1.1.3. Research on teaching management at Arts universities London Artss Institution, Amsterdam Artss University, Lasalle college of the Arts – Singapore Học viện nghệ thuật London, Đại học Nghệ thuật Amsterdam, Đại học nghệ thuật Lasalle (Lasalle college of the Arts – Singapore) have had research works on teaching at Artss universities. 1.2. Teaching general education subjects at Arts universities 1.2.1. Teaching and higher education teaching Teaching activities at universities: include many elements such as teaching purposes, teaching contents, teaching methods and means, teachers’ teaching activities, learners’ learning activities, teaching results.... This process takes place and has a relationship with the socio-economic environment, the science-technology environment, the internationalization environment, etc. 1.2.2. General education knowledge subjects The subjects belonging to the General Education Department for the general Arts sector have 11 subjects, including: The basic principles of Marxism-Leninism; Ho Chi Minh Thoughts; Revolutionary lines of the Communist Party of Vietnam; Cultural and artistic guidelines of the Communist Party of Vietnam; Vietnamese cultural establishments; Foreign Languages; General Information Technology; Vietnamese literary history; World literary history; Physical Education and National Defense - Security Education. Position of general education knowledge sector In the education system in Vietnam, the phrase "basic education" (while other countries use the phrase "general education") refers to the contents related to the rules of human moral qualities in social relationships; General education knowledge is considered as a prerequisite knowledge to create an initial foundation, a basic brick for students to access the system of basic professional knowledge and specialized knowledge of the Arts. General education knowledge is the important luggage for students of Art universities to promote logical thinking, abilities to associate and link events together in a scientific way when studying intensive courses. Teaching characteristics of general education knowledge sector in training at Arts universities
  7. 5 Teaching general education knowledge subjects for Arts students also has its own characteristics, meeting the posed requirements when training Arts students, that is how to promote creative capacity in artistic work, develop the strengths of the artistic talents that students have. The task of this sector is also harder, more specific because teaching is associated with the development of creative capacity in each major that students are studying. 1.2.3. The relationships between the general education knowledge sector and the basic professional knowledge and specialized knowledge sectors As the background knowledge for thinking and creativity, the subjects of the Basic Knowledge sector for Arts students are playing a very important role. This is the initial foundation for students to access specialized and in-depth knowledge thanks to their ability to apply and evaluate themselves. Arts is the ability to create beauty with the talents that students have. 1.3. The basic requirements for innovation of teaching current general education subjects 1.3.1. The current context of higher education teaching innovation The current context of higher education innovation has great impacts on teaching subjects in the general education knowledge sector. These impacts are both opportunities and motivations, but they also pose many challenges and difficulties for managers in teaching management of general education knowledge sector. 1.3.2. The basic requirements for teaching general education subjects in training in Arts university sector In the current context, teaching in general, teaching general knowledge in the basic knowledge system must ensure the quality to meet the requirements of higher education, to fulfil the requirements of the teaching objectives, teaching programs, teaching methods, forms of organizing teaching activities as well as teaching facilities and equipment; in addition, it requires the capacity requirements of administrators, teachers and students; full awareness of students. 1.4. Teaching the general education subjects towards the quality assurance 1.4.1. Ensuring the quality of teaching Quality Teaching quality in higher education is our goal of achieving “standards” and getting closer to “excellence”. Teaching quality Teaching quality is regulated by the following factors: Quality of management; Quality of lecturers; Quality of learners; Teaching content/methods; infrastructure. Ensuring the teaching quality Ensuring the teaching quality in the general education knowledge sector towards the quality assurance is: the quality of learners (output results) will be a measure of the teaching process; The elements: objectives, contents, methods, means, environment, teachers must all meet the set requirements of the implementation of teaching the general education knowledge sector. And the teaching process of this
  8. 6 subject sector must be evaluated by the standards and criteria that have been prescribed on the quality requirements of the subjects. 1.4.2. Elements of the teaching activities of general education sector General education sector consists of 11 subjects. Teaching activities of general education knowledge block include 6 components: Teaching objectives, teaching content, teaching methods and means, assessment of teaching results, teacher's teaching activities and teaching activities. students' learning activities. The factors have a dialectical relationship with each other. 1.4.3. The process of ensuring the quality of general education subjects towards the quality assurance To establish the theoretical framework of the research topic, the author has applied integrated teaching quality assurance models: CIPO and HEQM. input process output - Admissions; - Teaching activities; - Student’s results University curricula; Learning activities; Lecturers; Learners Tesing and evaluating CSVC và PTDH teaching and learing activities học Context - Conditions, environment, Laws, Policies, Relationships between universities, families, and society Model 1.1. Teaching according to the CIPO model Thus, the output of the CIPO model will be the core factor to consider and evaluate the input and the teaching process. According to the HEQM higher education quality management model, the quality management work of the university includes the following steps: (1) Determining the development strategy; (2) Administration work; (3) Training, scientific research and community service; (4) Finally, all of the above factors are aimed at achieving the output of the higher education institution.
  9. 7 Model 1.2. Quality assurance for higher education teaching Therefore, with the two above models, it can be concluded that the problem posed for teaching the subjects in the general education knowledge sector in the direction of quality assurance must implement the following contents: Determining the quality of teaching objectives; Selecting the contents, methods and forms of organization; Quality of teaching staff and students; Evaluating the teaching quality. 1.4.4. Building a process to ensure the teaching quality of the subjects in general education knowledge sector Building quality standards The development of quality standards for input elements, teaching process and output is the top work of each Arts higher education Institution. Developing and implementing a quality management process - When developing a quality management process, Arts universities need to pay attention to the construction of small stages or processes, including: The process of implementing the established standards must cover all aspects, the factors affecting the training process; Developing an assessment process for the purpose of evaluating quality standards and quality management processes. - Implementing the quality management process: to create a product that is the output quality of the training process that meets the standards. Testing, evaluating and making adjustments in the quality management process * Self-evaluation - Evaluation of quality standards, Evaluation of the quality management process, Evaluation of training results * External evaluation External evaluation is the quality inspection of a quality accreditation organization by a superior or external professional body. 1.4.4. Building a quality culture in the school
  10. 8 The culture in universities is the behavior, attitude and consciousness of each individual in that environment with issues related to behavior, to receiving and absorbing that scientific knowledge; Building a quality culture in universities needs to be considered a central task, an indispensable factor if you want to ensure the quality of training according to the set goals. 1.5. Managing the teaching of general education subjects towards quality assurance 1.5.1. Managing the teaching of general education subjects Teaching management for general education knowledge sector is the impact of the managing subject on the managed objects to fulfill the training goals Arts universities. To establish the theoretical framework of the research topic, the author has integrated the CIPO model approach and the university teaching quality assurance model. The essence of the integration of the two approaches is that each element of the CIPO model as mentioned above is attached and directed to ensure the quality of the teaching process. As follows: - Managing the determination of objectives, content, building programs and choosing methods and forms of organizing teaching activities plays a prerequisite role. - Managing teaching staff plays a key role in the process of managing teaching activities. - Managing students plays a central role, being the object of the teaching activity management process. - The curriculum and teaching content must always be inherited and innovated to suit the needs of employers; Testing and evaluation is the final step in determining the effectiveness and quality of teaching activities. The main tool for testing and evaluation is a set of criteria and indicators Managing teaching environment is understood as operating environment management, which is the connecting factor between teachers and students. These factors are always in a dynamic state, actively interacting with each other, becoming more meaningful to students and teachers and their activities (facilities, teaching equipment, teaching aids. ..). Integrating approaches: Approach to process, capacity, approach to system, approach to quality assurance, can modelize the management of teaching and learning activities in the general education sector in the direction of quality assurance as follows:
  11. 9 Directing Directing the the building building of of teaching teaching plans: plans: Building Building aa plan plan to to develop develop training training and and education education programs; programs; Building Building aa system system ofof standards standards and and quality; quality; Building Building the the process process of of managing managing the the implementation implementation of of the the curriculum, curriculum, content, content, and and the the environment; environment; Organizing Organizing and and directing directing the the implementation implementation ofof training training programs, programs, content, content, and and environment. environment. Managing Managing lecturers’ lecturers’ teaching teaching activities activities towards towards quality quality assurance: assurance: Managing Managing teaching teaching activities activities to to improve improve teachers' teachers' capacity; capacity; Building Building aa system system of of quality quality standards standards andand management management processes processes forfor teachers' teachers' teaching teaching activities; activities; Managing Managing teachers’ teachers’ teaching teaching activities; activities; Testing Testing and and evaluating evaluating by by teachers teachers about about students' students' learning learning results results education general education Managing Managing training training innovation innovation in in the the general general education education sector sector after after each each course: course: Managing Managing training training innovation innovation plans; plans; Managing Managing andand evaluating evaluating training training quality quality with with units units outside outside the the universities universities and and the general alumni; alumni; Adjusting Adjusting and and supplementing supplementing thethe training training plan plan (programs, (programs, assurance quality assurance content, content, methods, methods, and and environment) environment) in the activities in of quality Management Management of of building building quality quality teaching teaching environment: environment: Facilities, Facilities, learning activities teaching teaching equipment; equipment; Building Building aa school school quality quality culture culture direction of the direction and learning in the teaching and block in Managing teaching block Managing Checking Checking the education education knowledge the implementation implementation of knowledge block Managing Managing students' students' learning learning activities activities towards towards quality quality assurance: assurance: block towards The The quality quality of of the the input input (Motivation, (Motivation, attitude attitude of of students); students); Directing Directing and and guiding guiding the the development development of of study study plans; plans; Managing Managing students’ students’ of teaching learning learning activities activities and and self-study; self-study; Assessing Assessing students’ students’ output output quality. quality. teaching activities towards quality activities in quality assuran assuran in the the
  12. general ee eneral 10 Model 1.3. Managing teaching activities of general education knowledge sector towards quality assurance
  13. 11 1.5.2. Contents of teaching management for general education knowwledge sector towards quality assuarance Directing the building of plans to manage the modernization of the general education subjects towards quality assurance The principal directs the development of a teaching plan for the subjects of the general education knowledge sector towards quality assurance, including the following contents: Managing the curricula of the general education knowledge sector in order to develop and ensure the implementation of the training program; Identifying training objectives and training content. Managing lecturers' teaching activities towards quality assurance. - Managing and developing capacity for teaching staff through training and teaching activities to improve qualifications, capacity and skills. - Managing teacher's teaching activities: Through directing the development, implementation and checking of teaching results. Managing students' learning activities towards quality assurance Managing learning activities includes managing the performance of students' learning, training and research tasks according to the training regulations including the following contents: Managing the quality of learners' input; Managing the development of learning plans of learners; Organizing and directing learners to develop individual study plans - Assessing the quality of students' output. Managing the innovation of training the general education knowledge sector after each course towards quality assurance Developing plans to implement training innovation activities of the general education sector after each course; Building a system of quality standards in training renovation; Building the process of managing the innovation of the training; Organizing and directing the collection and processing of complete, accurate and scientific information; Analyzing that information and results is one of the bases for adjusting and supplementing training objectives, programs, content and methods. Managing the building of a teaching environment for the general education economic sector according to quality assurance Included contents: Managing the growth of facilities and teaching equipment; Building a educational quality culture Checking the implementation of teaching activities for general education knowledge sector towards quality assurance Principals need to ensure the following criteria: Checking teachers’ teaching activities and students' learning activities; Checking the development of conditions to support teaching activities… Organizing the testing: Developing testing plans according to program distribution; Analyzing students’ learning outcomes. Analyzing the test results, determining the output of teaching activities through the standard table to determine the goals of the serial management process.
  14. 12 1.6. Factors affecting the management of teaching activities for general education knowledge sector at Arts universities - Subjective factors: Quality assurance; Regarding the capacity and qualifications of managers; Regarding the qualifications and capacity of the teaching staff; About the qualities and abilities of learners - Objective factors: Conditions of the universities’ facilities; Having appropriate mechanisms and policies; The responses of families, community and society Conclusion of chapter 1 In chapter 1 of the thesis, the author has systematized the issues of theoretical basis of managing teaching activities towards quality assurance. Since then, a theoretical framework has been identified for the management of teaching activities in the general education knowledge sector in the direction of quality assurance. On the basis of analyzing the concepts of teaching, managing teaching activities; characteristics of general education knowledge sector; the relationships between this course and other majors; identifying the basic requirements of teaching activities in the general education knowledge sector in the current context in order to find the most effective approach to ensure teaching quality; integrating two models: CIPO model and University quality assurance model to determine the quality assurance process of teaching subjects in the general education knowledge sector towards quality assurance, including 06 contents (i) Directing the development of a management plan for activities in the general education knowledge block in the direction of quality assurance; (ii) Managing teaching activities of lecturers towards quality assurance; (iii) Managing student’s learning activities towards quality assurance; (iv) Managing the innovation of implementing the training program after each course in the direction of quality assurance; (v) Managing the teaching environment according to quality assurance; (vi) Checking the implementation of teaching activities in general education knowledge sector towards quality assurance. The theoretical basis orients the survey, investigation, analysis of the current situation and proposes solutions to manage teaching activities in general education knowledge sector in the direction of quality assurance. Those are the topics that were addressed in Chapters 2 and 3. Chapter 2 PRACTICAL BASIS OF MANAGING TEACHING ACTIVITIES FOR GENERAL EDUCATION SUBJECT SECTOR AT ARTS UNIVERSITIES 2.1. Some information about Arts universities 2.1.1. General overview of Arts universities Hanoi Academy of Theater and Cinema Ho Chi Minh Academy of Theater and Cinema
  15. 13 2.1.2. Functions, tasks and organizational structure of schools Hanoi Academy of Theater and Cinema Functions and tasks of the school are defined in Decision No. 2571 - CSTM dated June 6, 2008 of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism: training and retraining human resources in theater, cinema, photography and television at universities, colleges, technical colleges, and post-graduate levels.... Ho Chi Minh Academy of Theater and Cinema Ho Chi Minh University of Theater and Cinema is a non-business unit, directly under the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, with the function of training and fostering human resources in the fields of theater, cinema, photography and television at undergraduate, post-graduate and lower levels; Researching and experimenting in the fields of theatre, cinema, photography and television in order to improve the training quality of the University and contribute to building an advanced Vietnamese culture imbued with national identity. Organizational apparatus of universities 2.1.3. Training scale 2.2. The survey on the current situation 2.2.1. The objectives of the survey Khảo sát về các thành tố và những yếu tố liên quan đến quá trình dạy học và những yếu tố đảm bảo chất lượng quá trình dạy học, từ đó có phân tích, nhận định đề ra các giải pháp. 2.2.2. The content of the survey The content of the current situation survey is based on a set of 7 criteria, including 55 teaching and learning management indicators of the general education knowledge sector in the direction of ensuring quality in training at Arts universities. 2.2.3. Survey methods Such survey methods including questionnaire; Expert interview method; Statistical methods, method of looking up report data 2.2.4. Locations and Subjects of the survey Survey locations At Ha Noi university of Theatre and Cinema and Ho Chi Minh university of Theatre and Cinema. Survey objects Surveying department-level managers, faculty-level leaders and lecturers of general education courses; Surveying students from different faculties and centers at two universities of Theater and Cinema in Hanoi and in Ho Chi Minh City Processing survey data The number of tickets issued was 450; The number of votes collected was 430 votes (There were 20 ballots with no response for the reason that officials and lecturers were busy on business trips, learners were absent from school...), in which: Managers, lecturers: 98 votes; Students: 332 votes. Ph.D. students designed a scale of survey content index according to 5 levels,
  16. 14 respectively from 1 point (minimum) to 5 points (maximum), the average score of the levels ranges from 1 to 5. Formula to calculate the score for each level as follows: In which: L is the point interval; n is the number of levels. Thus, each level will have a difference of 0.8. Accordingly, the average score ( ) of each level is calculated as follows: Level 1 - Weak : 1,00 ≤ X ≤ 1,79 Level 2 – Not good : 1,80 ≤ X < 2,60 Level 3 – Average : 2,60 ≤ X < 3,40 Level 4 – Fair : 3,40 ≤ X < 4,20 Level 5 – Good : 4,20 ≤ X ≤ 5,00 Along with the calculation of the average score, the Ph.D. students use the method of calculating the percentage (%) for each level in the content of the survey and evaluation questions, thereby making comments and evaluations. Data collected from different types of surveys were processed by computer software. 2.3. The reality of teaching general education subjects at Arts universities towards quality assurance Table 2.3. The results of the assessment through the opinion forms of lecturers and students about the current situation of teaching general education knowledge sector at Arts universities Percentage % respondent GP Content wea Not averag fai goo Levels s A k good e r d Content and Lecturers 15 48 29 8 0 2,41 Weak Curriculum Learners 11 43 31 15 0 Lecturers’ teaching Lecturers 7 26 51 16 0 Averag 2,73 activities Learners 8 24 57 10 0 e Learners’ learning Lecturers 8 26 55 4 7 Averag 2,79 activities Learners 7 23 57 8 6 e Testing and Lecturers 21 49 22 7 0 evaluating learners’ 2,16 Weak Learners 23 46 21 9 0 learning output Training to Lecturers 15 58 19 7 0 improve the 2,19 Weak qualifications and Learners 13 63 15 8 0 capacity of teachers Facilities for Lecturers 0 9 33 56 2 teaching and 3,52 Fair Learners 0 10 32 55 4 learning
  17. 15 Percentage % respondent GP Content wea Not averag fai goo Levels s A k good e r d Building a quality Lecturers 0 6 17 53 23 culture in 3,92 Fair Learners 0 4 19 59 18 universities Renovating the Lecturers 0 7 34 46 13 training of the general education 3,76 Fair Learners 0 5 27 44 24 sector after each course Survey results and data research show that: the curriculum of the general education knowledge sector is incomplete; Teaching activities and activities have not met the requirements of teaching activities; teachers are still heavy on knowledge transmission, not paying attention to practice; students are still passive, self-study and self-research are not high; the testing and evaluation has not really brought about effective training reform; 2.4. The current situation of managing teaching activities for the subjects in general education sector at Arts universities towards quality assurance Chart 2.1. The current situation of teaching management of the general education knowledge sector at Arts universities towards quality assurance 2.4.1. The current situation of directing the development of teaching plans, developing curricula, determining goals, selecting teaching content in the general education knowledge sector towards quality assurance - Most lecturers develop a specific, scientific and practical teaching plan, in which determining the objectives to be achieved of teaching activities to choose the content, methods and appropriate forms of teaching. However, the content of the curriculum is not regular, the effectiveness is still low, the knowledge is still academically heavy, the experience of innovating teaching methods is still not effective, the lecturers participate
  18. 16 a lot in teaching, which affects the students’ scientific research time and has not oriented good scientific research for lecturers and students. 2.4.2. The current situation of managing teaching activities for general education knowledge sector at Arts universities towards quality assurance - Training and fostering teaching staff towards capacity approach; Quantifying training and retraining plans in order to raise the standard of qualifications for lecturers, ensuring and developing professional and pedagogical skills for lecturers; - The teaching staff effectively implement the teaching plans: Skills in developing a teaching plan, implementing the teaching plan and testing and evaluating the effectiveness of the implementation of the teaching plan. However, in the management of teaching activities, there are still many shortcomings: The development of teaching plans is not in-depth; The lecture implementation process is still academic, not really innovative in content and curriculum. 2.4.3. Actual situation of managing learning activities of general education knowledge sector in Arts univerisities towards quality assurance Basically, effectively directing the orientation of consciousness, attitudes and building the right learning motivation for students. However, many learners believe that they have not been considered as the center in the teaching and learning process; haven’t yet had a positive, independent and creative sense of occupying knowledge, skills, techniques and professional capacity; have not formed the habit of taking initiative in self-research; slow in innovating learning methods; They have not yet consciously built their own methods of self-examination and self-assessment in accordance with the capacity and characteristics of the profession they are studying. 2.4.4. The current situation of guiding the renovation of training programs after a course in general education sector at Arts universities towards quality assurance Assessing the quality of students’ output to ensure, especially surveying the effectiveness of post-training teaching activities through employers to innovate training programs in line with reality. But there are still many shortcomings: There are many shortcomings related to employers after training; Processing and analyzing survey data to have a basis for learning as a basis for training innovation is not really convincing. 2.4.5. The actual situation of building a teaching environment in the general education sector at Arts universities towards quality assurance Each university has built a consensus pedagogical environment, self-learning; at the same time completed the regimes and policies related to compensation; has increased facilities and teaching equipment in the direction of standardization and modernity; has innovated management methods, directed to create a quality cultural environment in the university. However, in order to build a quality teaching environment, there are still many
  19. 17 limitations: The quality of facilities is not modern, the environment for practice, experience and research of students and lecturers is still limited. 2.4.6. Actual situation of directing the testing and evaluating teaching activities of general education knowledge sector at Arts universities towards quality assurance Basically, a set of standards and indicators to check and evaluate have been built and applied. However, the examination and evaluation of functional departments, departments, with the basic knowledge departments, information technology and foreign languages centers on testing and evaluation of learning results are not conducted regularly; periodically comparing and contrasting quality objectives and standards with the achieved results and implementing quality improvement based on the results of performance evaluation is not effective. 2.5. International experience From the experience of teaching management in general, teaching management of general education knowledge in the direction of quality assurance in particular of Singapore, Australia, the United States, ..., some lessons can be drawn to apply the teaching management of the general education knowledge sector in practice in the direction of quality assurance: It is necessary to confirm the role and position of the general education knowledge sector in higher education; It is necessary to develop a set of criteria and indicators to evaluate the teaching management of general education knowledge at Arts universities in the direction of quality assurance; Appling a set of criteria throughout the management process as a measure of process achievement; Developing a specific and scientific teaching plan and ensuring it is suitable for practice, in which training and fostering staff must be in the direction of approaching implementation capacity; Surveying the effectiveness of post-training teaching activities through employers to innovate training programs in line with reality; Building a quality culture in the university. Conclusion of chapter 2 The practical research contents were analyzed and commented in detail, placed in the specific context and conditions of the teaching management of the general education knowledge sector at Arts universities in the direction of ensuring quality. Accordingly, the advantages, difficulties, strengths and weaknesses were pointed out, and the causes of the situation were clearly indicated. This is the basis for proposing solutions to promote the teaching management of general education knowledge at Arts universities towards quality assurance in the current context of general education reform. From the lessons of teaching management experience in general, including teaching management of general education knowledge sector; Inheriting the achieved achievements, in the section proposing the teaching management solutions of general education knowledge sector at Arts universities towards quality assurance, it is
  20. 18 necessary to focus on overcoming inadequacies, limitations, difficult. Chapter 3 MEASURES FOR MANAGING TEACHING ACTIVITIES FOR THE GENERAL EDUCATION SUBJECT SECTOR AT ARTS UNIVERSITIES TOWARDS QUALITY ASSURANCE 3.1. Principle of proposing measures 3.1.1. Ensuring comprehensive goals Ensuring systematic, inheritance and development Ensuring practicality, feasibility and efficiency Ensuring occupational specificity 3.2. Proposing the measures 3.2.1. Applying a set of criteria and indicators for evaluating teaching management of the general education subjects towards quality assurance in training management at Arts universities The purpose of the measure Based on the features and characteristics of the Arts training environment, the development and application of the set of criteria and indicators to evaluate teaching management in general education knowledge in the direction of quality assurance will help teachers manage and control the teaching quality of the training institution, towards the common goal of the whole university. The content of the measure Based on the theoretical framework of teaching management in the general education knowledge secotor and towards the teaching quality assurance in universities, the author has built a set of criteria and indicators to evaluate teaching management for general education knowledge sector towards quality assurance in training in universities of Arts with 07 standards; 27 criteria and 32 indicators. Implementing the measure Developing a system of clear and transparent criteria with quantified indicators, clearly stating the methods of quality assurance and quality management; Using appropriate supporting methods and tools; Implementing the training and the fostering of capacity for individuals and units in charge of assessment. The conditions for implementing the measure 3.2.2. Directing implementation of a training program development plan, developing content and determining the training objectives of the general education sector towards quality assurance. The purpose of the measure Developing teaching plans; determining the objectives, content, and training program is the basic foundation in teaching management and orientation for the teaching staff to have a basis to carry out teaching activities. The content of the measure



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