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Doctoral Thesis summary of Educational sciences: Development of lower secondary school teachers in Ha Noi city by professional title standards

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To recommend solutions to develop public lower secondary school teachers by professional title standards in Ha Noi in order to improve the quality of teachers for the requirements of educational innovation based on theoretical and practical research.

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Nội dung Text: Doctoral Thesis summary of Educational sciences: Development of lower secondary school teachers in Ha Noi city by professional title standards

  2. The doctoral thesis completed at the Viet Nam National Institute of Educational Sciences in 2021. PhD supervisor: 1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vuong Thanh Huong 2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Do Thi Bich Loan Reviewer 1: .................................................................... ................................................................... Reviewer 2: .................................................................... ................................................................... Reviewer 3: .................................................................... ................................................................... The doctoral thesis will be defended at the institutional level in front of the Thesis Examination Committee of the Viet Nam Institute of Educational Sciences, 101 Tran Hung Dao Street, Ha Noi, Viet Nam. At ..... hour ..... day ..... month ...... Thesis can be found at: - The Vietnamese National Library. - The Library of the Viet Nam Institute of Educational Sciences.
  3. 1 INTRODUCTION 1. The necessity of the research theme Adjusting and supplementing professional title standards for education managers and teachers; reviewing the contingent of education managers and teachers at all levels, developing projects on teacher training and upskilling to improve professionalism in the context of integration are important solutions of our Party and State. Development of lower secondary school teachers by professional title standards is considered one of the indispensable and urgent solutions to improve the teaching quality in the education reform process in general and junior high education in particular. Ha Noi, the capital of Vietnam enjoys the Law on the capital and its education quality is ranked the top of the country. However, the development of lower secondary school teachers in the city by professional title standards has not been paid much concern. To the above mentioned aspects of theory and practice, the author chooses the research theme "Development of lower secondary school teachers in Ha Noi city by professional title standards" as a doctoral dissertation. 2. Research purposes: to recommend solutions to develop public lower secondary school teachers by professional title standards in Ha Noi in order to improve the quality of teachers for the requirements of educational innovation based on theoretical and practical research. 3.1. Research population and research focus 3.1. Research population: Teachers in public junior high school. 3.2. Research focus: development of public lower secondary school teachers in Ha Noi city by professional title standards. 4. Scope of research: (i) Scope of research content: development of lower secondary school teachers in public lower secondary schools in Ha Noi city; (ii) Scope of research space: public lower secondary schools in Ha Noi city (excluding special and multi-level schools); Research samples: 397 teachers and education managers (including lower secondary school managers; administrators of Department/Division of Home Affairs and Department/Division of Education and Training 5. Research hypothesis: If solutions such as planning the development of lower secondary school teachers by professional title standards in association
  4. 2 with the school development strategy and local education; recruiting lower secondary school teachers by professional title standards; building capacity for lower secondary school teachers to meet the requirements of professional title ranks and professional title standards; developing internal inspection regulations in line with professional title standards and creating a motivating environment for professional title standard-based development of lower secondary school teachers are synchronously implemented, the quality of lower secondary school teachers in Ha Noi city will be improved to meet the requirements of job positions, professional title ranks and the 2018 General Education Program as well as innovation of education and training. 6. Research tasks 6.1. To research theoretical basis for the development of lower secondary school teachers by professional title standards. 6.2. To research practical basis for the development of lower secondary school teachers in Ha Noi city by professional title standards. 6.3. To recommend and experiment solutions for the development of lower secondary school teachers in Ha Noi city by professional title standards. 7. Research methods and methodology 7.1. Methodologies: System approach; Standard-based approach; Human resource development management-based approach; Practice-based approach. 7.2. Research methods: Theoretical research methods; Practical research methods: questionnaire; experts; empirical methods; in-depth interview; experiment; Data processing methods (SPSS software-based mathematical statistical methods). 8. Defensive arguments 8.1. Development of lower secondary school teachers by professional title standards will be effective when it is implemented based on human resource development, standardization, professional title rank standards, the context of the locality and the education and training innovation. 8.2. Development of lower secondary school teachers will be effective when it is implemented based on human resource development in association with job positions and professional title standards. 8.3. Development of lower secondary school teachers in Ha Noi city will be effective when the following resolutions such as planning the development of lower secondary school teachers in Ha Noi city by professional title
  5. 3 standards in association with the school’s development strategy and the local education; recruiting secondary school teachers by professional title standards; training and building capacity for lower secondary school teachers to meet the requirements of professional title ranks and professional title standards; developing internal inspection regulations in line with professional title standards and creating a motivating environment for professional title standard- based development of lower secondary school teachers are synchronously implemented. 9. New contribution of the dissertation 9.1. Systematizing, supplementing and clarifying the theory on development of lower secondary school teachers by professional title standards, systematizing professional title standards and classifying lower secondary school teachers by professional title standards for better implementation of policies on teacher quality improvement based on competence and job positions. 9.2. Proposing a set of professional title rank-based evaluation criteria for lower secondary school teachers that ensures objectivity, demonstrates the characteristics of public employees working in the education sector, and provides a basis for recruitment, use, training, and development of the contingent of lower secondary school teachers in Ha Noi city by professional title standards. 9.3. Recommending solutions for development of lower secondary school teachers by professional title standards in consistent with the context of Ha Noi city. 10. Dissertation structure: In addition to its introduction, conclusion, recommendation, list of references and annex, the dissertation is structured into 3 chapters. Chapter 1 THEORETICAL RATIONALES ON DEVELOPMENT OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS BY PROFESSIONAL TITLE STANDARDS 1.1. Overview of previous related research 1.1.1. Research on lower secondary school teachers 1.1.2. Research on development of lower secondary school teachers 1.1.3. Assessment of previous research and identification of contents to be focused for research
  6. 4 It was found from the review that: the research works mentioned the need to develop lower secondary school teachers and affirmed the development trend by job positions and standardization is inevitable; The studies also analyze the contextual factors affecting the career development of lower secondary school teachers. Although there are many studies referring to the development of lower secondary school teachers from the point of view of standardization, they mainly focus on developing lower secondary school teachers by professional standards. There has not been much research on development of lower secondary school teachers by professional title standards, especially there are no works that fully and deeply clarify the development of lower secondary school teachers in Ha Noi city by professional title standards. 1.2. Basic concepts 1.2.1. Human resource development 1.2.2. Development of lower secondary school teachers In this section, basic concepts such as human resource development, development of lower secondary school teachers; professional title standards for lower secondary school teachers; development of lower secondary school teachers by professional title standards are clearly defined. Development of lower secondary school teachers by professional title standards can be understood as the process of carrying out planning, recruitment, use, evaluation, classification, training and upskilling of lower secondary school teachers as well as building policies/environments for them to improve their professional quality and competence to meet the standards required by particular job positions and professional title ranks. 1.3. Educational standardization, professional standards and professional title standards for lower secondary school teachers In this section, the author analyzes and clarifies the aspects as follows: 1.3.1. Standardization in education 1.3.2. Functions and tasks of lower secondary school teachers 1.3.2. Characteristics of pedagogical work of lower secondary school teachers. 1.3.3 Qualities and competencies of lower secondary school teachers by professional standards and professional title standards 1.3.4. Professional quality and competence of lower secondary school teachers
  7. 5 1.4 Development of lower secondary school teachers by professional title standards 1.4.1 Some models of human resource development 1.4.2 Purposes and significance of the development of the contingent of lower secondary school teachers by professional title standards. 1.4.3 Requirements for the development of lower secondary school teachers by professional title standards Development of lower secondary schools by professional title standards based on human resource development: is to conduct planning, recruitment, use, evaluation, classification of lower secondary school teachers and building a motivating environment for them for the requirements of professional title ranks. Development of lower secondary school teachers by professional title standards to meet current educational innovation requirements: these following issues are clearly analyzed in this section, specifically: (i) The context of educational innovation (ii) Requirements for the implementation of 2018 General Education Program and the 2019 Education Law; (iii) Requirements to develop lower secondary school teachers by professional title standards. 1.4.4. Contents of the development of lower secondary school teachers by professional title standards Development of lower secondary school teachers by professional title standards includes: planning, recruitment, use, upskilling, evaluation, classification of lower secondary school teachers by professional title standards and building a motivating environment for their professional development. DEVELOPMENT OF LOWER SECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHERS BY PROFESSIONAL TITLE STANDARDS Planning to Recruiting and Upskilling for Evaluation and Building a develop lower using lower lower classification of motivating secondary secondary secondary lower environment school school teachers school secondary for their teachers by by professional teachers by school teachers professional professional title standards professional by professional development title standards title standards title standards Figure 1.4. Model of development of lower secondary school teachers by professional title standards
  8. 6 1.4.5. Management decentralization and development of lower secondary school teachers by professional title standards in Viet Nam: Management on lower secondary school teachers by professional title standards in Viet Nam is conducted by different state education management agencies, including: Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Education and Training, Provincial People's Committee (represented by Department of Home Affairs, Department of Education and Training), District People's Committee (represented by the Division of Home Affairs and the Division of Education and Training). 1.5. Influencing factors to the development of lower secondary school teachers by professional title standards 1.5.1. Mechanisms and policies 1.5.2. The socio-economic context 1.5.3. Competence of lower secondary school principals 1.5.4. Competence of lower secondary school teachers 1.5.5. The needs of lower secondary schools Conclusion of Chapter 1 Chapter 2 PRACTICAL RATIONALES ON DEVELOPMENT OF LOWER SECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHERS BY PROFESSIONAL TITLE STANDARDS 2.1. Overview of the research space 2.1.1. Overview of the research space 2.1.2. Overview of development of lower secondary school teachers in Ha Noi city 2.2. Surveying the current situation of development of lower secondary school teachers in Ha Noi city by professional title standards. 2.2.1 Purposes: To assess the current situation of the lower secondary school teachers and development of lower secondary school teachers in Ha Noi. 2.2.2. Contents: the actual situation of planning, recruitment, use, evaluation and classification, training and upskilling of lower secondary school teachers; incentives and professional promotion for lower secondary school teachers in Ha Noi by professional title standards. 2.2.3 Scope and subjects of the survey: 15 public lower secondary schools. Survey subjects: managers of Departments of Education and Training,
  9. 7 Departments of Home Affairs; Divisions of Education and Training, Divisions of Home Affairs; principals, vice principals of Ha Noi's lower secondary schools: including 397 people. 2.2.4 Survey methods: questionnaire (Appendix No. 2), Cronbach's Alpha coefficient > 0.95 shows high reliability; in-depth interviews; studying relevant documents 2.2.5 Processing survey findings: The scale is built at 4 levels; Process the data by calculating the average score (very good, good, fair, poor). The findings are processed by mathematical statistical method using SPSS software for analysis and conclusions. 2.3. Actual situation of development of lower secondary school teachers in Ha Noi city by professional title standards 2.3.1. Planning of lower secondary schools by professional title standards in Ha Noi city Quantity, quality and structure of lower secondary school teachers in Ha Noi city (i) Quantity: In the 2019-2020 school year, the number of full-time lower secondary school teachers in Ha Noi is 17045 teachers [97]. According to Circular No. 16/ 2017/TT-GDĐT, there is a shortage of payroll teachers in Ha Noi; There still remains redundancy and shortage of lower secondary school teachers at the same time, which can be seen in table 2.3. (ii) Quality: The ratio of qualified lower secondary school teachers for training qualification is 99.98% [97], the number of overqualified accounts for 75.6% [76]; teachers holding doctorate degrees accounts for 14.29%, master's degrees accounts for 16.76% [97]; 98% qualified for professional standards [76]. 100% of lower secondary school teachers receive regular professional title standards-based upskilling; 100% receive annual upskilling [76]; over 98% are qualified for professional standards and hold certificates of foreign languages and informatics [76]. (iii) Structure of lower secondary school teachers in Ha Noi city Structure of training qualifications described in chart 2.3; structure of gender and age in chart 2.4 and 2.5; structure of professional titles ranks in chart 2.6. It can be seen in the structure of lower secondary school teachers by professional title ranks that lower secondary school teachers of rank 3 takes up the highest percentage (60.7%), followed by rank 2 (32.8%); and the last is rank 1 (1.8%).
  10. 8 The survey findings on the current situation of planning the development of lower secondary school teachers in Ha Noi city by professional title standards are shown in Table 2.5. Forecasting the demand for the quantity of teachers by learning subjects of the new general education program is evaluated the best with an average score of 2.93. However, many important contents of the planning are evaluated not very good. Planning of teachers at lower secondary schools has not been focused, it is even not implemented in some schools. The Vice Principal of HBT 1 school said: "My school has not developed a planning for the structure of professional title ranks because there are no requests to perform this task." It can be found from job position projects of a number of lower secondary schools in Ha Noi city that job positions, number and the current status of the professional title structure have been stated but only restricted in describing the current status of the professional title structure, not the need for the professional title ranks. 2.3.2. Actual situation of recruitment and use of lower secondary school teachers by professional title standards in Ha Noi city Actual situation of recruitment and use of lower secondary school teachers: it can be seen from reviewing documents and decisions on recruitment and use of teachers in recent years (from 2018-2020) [88], 89], [93] that the recruitment and use have been conducted procedurally. The organization of recruitment of lower secondary school teachers is decentralized to district government level [87]. Ha Noi did not organize recruitment for education sector including lower secondary school teachers from 2015 to 2018, [105]; In 2020, Ha Noi recruited 1,161 lower secondary school teachers of rank 3 [93]; recruitment of lower secondary school teachers of rank 2 and rank 1 has not been stated in its recruitment plans in recent years. The city has not had a roadmap or plan for teachers’ professional rank promotion. Survey findings on recruitment and use of lower secondary school teachers in Ha Noi city Table 2.7. Evaluation of education managers and teachers on the current situation of recruitment and use of lower secondary school teachers in Ha Noi city by professional title standards Managers Teachers Total Criteria for No. Averag standard standard standard surveying average average e deviation deviation deviation The number C2.1 2,96 0,93 2,81 0,95 2,85 0,94 of teachers
  11. 9 Managers Teachers Total Criteria for No. Averag standard standard standard surveying average average e deviation deviation deviation recruited meets the requirements of learning subjects Teachers C2.2 recruited are 2,68 1,03 2,49 1,02 2,54 1,03 of rank 3 Teachers recruited are C2.3 1,81 0,85 1,68 0,82 1,72 0,83 of rank 2 and rank 1 Teachers are recruited by C2.4 2,39 0,70 2,29 0,70 2,32 0,70 entrance examination Teachers are C2.5 recruited by 1,87 0,93 1,71 0,86 1,76 0,88 selection Teachers are assigned C2.6 teaching tasks 2,69 1,02 2,52 1,00 2,57 1,01 by training qualification Teachers are assigned tasks C2.7 by appointed 1,76 0,74 1,65 0,72 1,68 0,72 professional title ranks It can be seen that the recruitment and use of lower secondary school teachers in Ha Noi mainly focus on the requirements of learning subjects, not on teachers’ professional title ranks, which results in redundancy and shortage of teachers as well as unproper recruitment as mentioned above. 2.3.3 Actual situation of lower secondary school teachers training and upskilling by professional title standards in Ha Noi city. The current situation of lower secondary school teacher training and upskilling in Ha Noi. Survey findings on the current situation of lower secondary school teacher upskilling by professional title standards: as demonstrated in Table 2.8. reviewing needs for training and upskilling by professional title standards has not been properly done and does not reach the average threshold with a survey
  12. 10 score of 1.74 and standard deviation of 0.87 (
  13. 11 2.4. Factors influencing the development of lower secondary school teachers by professional title standards 2.4.1 The policy 2.4.2 The socio-economic context 2.4.3. The principal of junior high school 2.4.4. Lower secondary school teachers 2.4.5 The needs of lower secondary schools 2.5. Overall evaluation of development of lower secondary school teachers in Ha Noi city by professional title standards 2.5.1. Strengths: Ha Noi has an adequate number of lower secondary school teachers for learning subjects. The teachers are qualified and assigned tasks by their training qualifications. The recruitment of lower secondary school teachers is properly conducted with transparency. The city strictly implements the salary policy for lower secondary school teachers by professional title ranks and creates a good environment for teachers to share their professional knowledge and skills. 2.5.2. Weaknesses There's an unequal quality between teachers inner and outer the city. The ratio of teachers holding high professional title ranks such as rank 1 and rank 2 is not commensurate with the scale of the city. The structure of professional title ranks has not been stated in the planning of lower secondary school teachers. The recruitment remains subject-focused. There are no plans for recruitment of lower secondary school teachers of rank 1 and rank 2. There are also no evaluation and classification of lower secondary school teachers by professional title standards. The building of a motivating environment for teachers' professional development is just proper implementation of salary policy, not the concern on promotion to higher professional ranks or creating a platform for professional knowledge and experience sharing. 2.5.3. Causes The implementation of policies on appointment to professional title ranks for lower secondary school teachers has not been much focused. There is no guidance in planning of quantity and structure of professional title ranks. The needs for professional title ranks has not been included in the Job Position Project.
  14. 12 No guidance in building criteria for evaluation and classification of lower secondary school teachers for professional rank promotion. According to the management hierarchy, lower secondary school principals are not allowed to involve or just involved to a certain extent in recruitment. In addition, there is no connection between the system of documents regulating professional title ranks and documents regulating lower secondary school teachers. 2.6. International experience in development of lower secondary school teachers and implications for Viet Nam Conclusion of chapter 2 Chapter 3 SOLUTIONS TO DEVELOP LOWER SECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHERS IN HA NOI CITY BY PROFESSIONAL TITLE STANDARDS 3.1. Development orientations of Ha Noi education and training towards 2025: Improving the quality of lower secondary school teachers and managers at all levels; Focusing upskilling/retraining and regular training. 3.2. Principles for solution proposal 3.2.1. Legality 3.2.2 Objectiveness 3.2.3 Systematization and consistency 3.2.4. Inheritance and development 3.2.5. Ensure the specificity of the Capital 3.3. Solutions to develop lower secondary school teachers by professional title standards 3.3.1. Planning the development of lower secondary school teachers in Ha Noi city by professional title standards in association with the education development strategy of the school and locality The goal of the solution: to develop a contingent of qualified lower secondary school teachers in response to the requirements of the school's development strategy and Ha Noi’s education. The significance of the solution: proper implementation of the solution will create a balance between teachers of rank 1, rank 2, rank 3 and synchronization and balance in terms of age, gender and competence of teachers. Contents of the solution
  15. 13 a) Demand forecasting: determining the demand for the quantity of job positions, the structure of teachers of rank 1, rank 2 and rank 3 by periods and in line with the development strategy of the school. b) Analysis of the current situation: reviewing and analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of teachers of rank 1, rank 2, rank 3 in terms of structure, competence and ability to perform tasks; analyzing advantages and limitations in the implementation of policies on lower secondary school teacher employment, upskilling or salary, etc.; analyzing teachers' satisfaction with their assigned tasks. c) Develop a job position project: the project must be in line with the scale and development goals of the school. d) Develop a plan for the project implementation: Realizing the job position project. The plan should set out the contents, measures, methods, implementation roadmap, expected results and responsibilities of stakeholders for the implementation of development of lower secondary school teachers according to the approved job position project. The plan must be made public. Implementation of the solution Ha Noi People's Committee: develops a document system guiding the implementation of management of lower secondary school teachers by professional title standards. District People's Committee: promulgates a system of documents guiding the implementation of development of lower secondary school teachers by professional title standards, including planning. Conditions for the solution implementation: it is crucial to be aware of the importance of planning of lower secondary school teachers by professional title standards; there should be close coordination and consistency between the Education sector and the Home Affairs sector; lower secondary schools must actively review and evaluate their teachers by professional title standards; the solution should be synchronously implemented by management levels to ensure decentralization in the planning of development of lower secondary school teachers by professional title standards. 3.3.2. Recruitment of lower secondary school teachers in Ha Noi city by professional title standards The goal of the solution: to supplement to the contingent of lower secondary school teachers to ensure a balanced structure between teachers of rank 1, rank 2 and rank 3 and the quantity of job positions and the number of
  16. 14 staff of the school; to use lower secondary school teachers based on the requirements of job positions by professional title ranks. The significance of the solution: the solution enables the school to maintain a good resource of teachers and create a balance in its structure of professional title ranks. Contents of the solution Lower secondary schools develop their job position projects including the quantity of teachers, and send the project to the Division of Home Affairs and the Division of Education and Training; involve in recruitment if assigned by competent authorities; assign tasks to teachers by their appointed professional title ranks according to relevant decisions. The District People's Committee: develops its job position project including the number of staff working in lower secondary schools in the district based on the proposals of lower secondary schools; organizing recruitment of lower secondary school teachers; direct the schools to use and assign tasks to the employed teachers according to the decision on appointment to professional title ranks of the teachers. Ha Noi People's Committee develops its job position project and submits it to the superior management agency for approval; develop criteria and conditions for recruiting lower secondary school teachers by professional title ranks including rank 1, rank 2, rank 3; makes a plan for recruitment and recruitment decentralization. Conditions for recruitment include criteria specified for lower secondary school teachers of all ranks as prescribed. The recruitment plan needs to provide appropriate forms of recruitment such as examination or admission that are suitable with teachers of different ranks such as rank 1, rank 2, rank 3. School principals and core teachers should be members of the Recruitment Council. Implementation of the solution (i) Ha Noi People's Committee: based on the city's planning and job position project, Ha Noi people's Committee assigns the Department of Home Affairs to coordinate with the Department of Education and Training to develop a recruitment plan and submit it to Ha Noi People's Committee for approval of the quota for certain job positions. The plan should set out criteria and conditions for recruitment that are in line with recruited positions such as teachers of rank 1, rank 2, rank3. Forms of recruitment should be suitable with certain professional title ranks: entrance examination for teachers of rank 3;
  17. 15 admission for teachers of rank 1 and 2 who are already payroll employees of the education sector and have good teaching experience. Ha Noi People's Committee directs the District People's Committee to conduct recruitment of lower secondary school teachers of rank 1, rank 2, rank 3 in a proper process. (ii) District People's Committee: assigns the Division of Home Affairs in coordination with the Division of Education and Training to direct lower secondary schools in the area to review and develop their job position projects which includes the current situation of the school’s teaching staff and recruitment needs by its job positions (quantity of teachers, professional title ranks). The schools report to the Division of Home Affairs and the Division of Education and Training. Based on the job position projects developed by lower secondary schools in the district, the Division of Home Affairs in coordination with the Division of Education and Training reviews the projects and request for adjustment if necessary and advise the District People's Committee in approving schools’ job position projects and propose the quantity of employment to Ha Noi People's Committee. The Division of Home Affairs and Division of Education and Training are assigned to make up a recruitment plan and delegated to organize the recruitment. (iii) Lower secondary schools: follow the direction of the District People's Committee; based on the guiding documents of the superior authorities, review and forecast the recruitment needs and positions to be recruited; develop the school’s job position project and submit it to the District People’s Committee. The Committee develops a recruitment plan based on the school's need for recruitment to minimize redundancy or shortage of teachers. Conditions for implementation: There must be close coordination between the principal of the junior high school, the District People's Committee (represented by Division of Home Affairs and the Division of Education and Training) and Ha Noi People's Committee (represented by Department of Home Affairs and Department of Education and Training); the recruitment of lower secondary school teachers must be public, transparent, serious and fair; the forms of recruitment must be suitable for professional title ranks (including rank 1, rank 2, rank 3). 3.3.3. Conducting upskilling courses for lower secondary school teachers in Ha Noi city to meet the requirements of professional title ranks in association with professional standards
  18. 16 The goal of the solution: to standardize the contingent of lower secondary school teachers to meet the demands of their appointed professional title ranks and aim to meet the requirements of higher professional title ranks so as to be eligible for examination/selection for higher rank promotion as well as to meet the innovation requirements of the education sector. Significance of the solution: the solution enables teachers to promote their professional quality and competence to meet the requirements of professional standards and professional title ranks; helps to improve the quality of lower secondary school staff in response to the increasing requirements of education and training. Contents of the solution: Identifying the actual situation and upskilling needs of the school; develop lower secondary school teacher upskilling plans by professional title ranks (rank 1, rank 2, rank 3). Conducting upskilling courses for lower secondary school teachers, focusing on professional ethics and professional competence by professional title ranks. Implementation of the solution (i) Ha Noi People's Committee: delegates the District People's Committee to develop and implement upskilling plans for lower secondary school teachers by professional title standards based on the teachers’ needs and the local planning of lower secondary school teachers. Regular, continuous and on-site upskilling should be encouraged. (ii) District People's Committee: provides guidance to lower secondary schools on conducting surveys of the teachers’ upskilling needs by professional title ranks; assigns the Division of Home Affairs in coordination with the Division of Education and Training to develop an upskilling plan for lower secondary school teachers by professional title standards; delegates lower secondary schools in the area to proactively make up and implement lower secondary school teacher upskilling plans by professional title standards based on the teachers’ needs and the local planning of lower secondary school teachers. Regular, continuous and on-site upskilling should be encouraged. (iii) Lower secondary schools: conduct surveys on the upskilling needs of teachers of rank 1, rank 2, rank 3; develop upskilling plans for teachers by professional title ranks with appropriate upskilling modes as well as roadmaps to ensure resources for implementing teaching and educational activities; encourage the teachers to take part in upskilling courses of their needs after
  19. 17 their working hours or during summer vacation so that it does not affect their teaching tasks. These upskilling courses should be carried out regularly and continuously at the school. The upskilling contents need to be associated with professional activities of teachers. In addition, the principals need to select and build a team of presenters and core teachers of rank 1 to work as trainers for teachers of rank 2 and rank 3; It is necessary to conduct upskilling modes such as full time, in distance, on-site, continuous or regular, during or out of working hours, seminars, study visits, field trips; promote self-study; include upskilling contents in professional activities and meetings; encourage self-improvement, self-research and online upskilling among teachers; organize training courses on foreign languages and informatics skills at the school, using the school's teaching resources such as teachers of foreign languages and informatics. It is possible to coordinate with other schools in the district to appoint core teachers of foreign language and informatics to work as trainers; create a foreign language learning environment inside the schools. Conditions for the solution implementation: it is a must to be based on the training needs of teachers, schools and localities. The principals need to focus on using core teachers (of rank 1 and 2) as trainers for their colleagues. 3.3.4 Developing internal inspection regulations based on professional title standards for lower secondary school teachers in Ha Noi city The goal of the solution: to ensure that the contingent of lower secondary school teachers are able to meet the requirements of their appointed job positions and professional title ranks and the schools use the right authority. Significance of the solution: the solution will help improve the organizational structure of the school, develop a contingent of qualified teachers with equal quality among lower secondary schools to meet the requirements of their job positions and appointed professional title ranks. Contents of the solution Building internal inspection regulations provides a framework of criteria for evaluation and classification of lower secondary school teaches by professional title standards. This internal inspection toolkit sets out 4 levels of evaluation closely associated with 4 levels of evaluation of teaching staff by professional standards and 4 levels of evaluation and classification of the education sector's employees. The evaluation results can help to build a plan
  20. 18 for using lower secondary school teachers who are not yet qualified for the requirements of their appointed professional title ranks. Implementation of the solution (i) Ha Noi People's Committee: assigns the Department of Home Affairs in coordination with the Department of Education and Training to advise on formulating and promulgating documents guiding the District People's Committee to develop internal inspection regulation including objectives, criteria for evaluation and classification of lower secondary school teachers by their professional title ranks and give guidance on the implementation of the regulation. (ii) District People's Committees: develop official documents to guide lower secondary schools to build a teacher evaluation framework based on the requirements of their appointed professional title ranks; make up an evaluation process, provide evidence suggestions as reference for districts and lower secondary schools. (iii) Lower secondary schools: develop professional title standard-based internal inspection regulations which must be approved by the School's Pedagogical Council. Principals develop inspection and evaluation criteria on teachers' quality and task performance by professional title ranks and the Circular stipulating standards for particular professional title ranks. Principals should synthesize inspection and evaluation results, which helps to develop upskilling plans for teachers who want to stay in the same professional ranks or propose higher rank promotion for those who are able to meet the requirements of quality and ability to perform tasks by professional title ranks. There’s a need to impose punishment to teachers who have been appointed to certain professional ranks but make violation when performing their tasks or are not able to meet the standards of their appointed professional tittle ranks. The evaluation and classification must be based on evidence. Roadmap for inspection and classification should be built annually. The results will be an important factor that enables teachers to be eligible for examination/selection for higher rank promotion. The inspection of teachers must go with the quality of their performance proved by evidence (table 3.1. 3.2 and 3.3). Conditions for the solution implementation: Internal inspection regulation must be ensured to be issued with proper authority and consensus of the School Party Committee, teachers and the School Administration Board.



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