Development of lower secondary school teachers
To recommend solutions to develop public lower secondary school teachers by professional title standards in Ha Noi in order to improve the quality of teachers for the requirements of educational innovation based on theoretical and practical research.
27p mudbound 10-12-2021 24 4 Download
Surveying the lower secondary teachers, who are directly involved in the program, the research firstly aimed at investigating the reality of English teacher’s professional development activities in Thai Nguyen City. Secondly, their improvement in professional development through using lesson study and find out the effectiveness of this method. Thirdly, the researcher explores teachers’ attitude towards using lesson study in professional development. Based on the findings, recommendations are made to promote teacher’s proficiency and improve the implementation of this method.
84p beloveinhouse04 01-09-2021 24 4 Download
Aims of the study: Basing on theoretical study of managing lower secondary teachers’ in-service training activities towards competency approach and current analysis of this issue in provinces surrounding Hanoi, the author proposed management measures to improve the quality of lower secondary teachers, meeting goal of the basic and comprehensive renewal of our lower secondary education in the current period.
27p extraenglish 26-05-2021 18 3 Download