Lesson plan Unit 8: Country life and city life - Lesson 4: Read (page 75 ~ 79)
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By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to understand the text about one of the social problems: Why many peopleare living their home in the country to go and live in the city and the problems these people cause.
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Nội dung Text: Lesson plan Unit 8: Country life and city life - Lesson 4: Read (page 75 ~ 79)
- HANOI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY FOREIGN LAGUAGE DEPARTEMENT CLASS : 30A TRAINEES : Nguyeãn thò Döông Haïnh Vuõ Thanh Haø DATE : May, 3rd 2014 LESSON PLAN UNIT 8 : COUNTRY LIFE AND CITY LIFE LESSON 4 : READ ( Page 75 ~ 79 ) I/ OBJECTIVES :By theendof thelesson,Sts will beableto understandthetext aboutoneof thesocial problems: Why manypeopleareliving their homein the countrytogoandlive in thecity andtheproblemsthesepeoplecause. II/ LANGUAGE CONTENTS : + Vocabulary : Learnto readandwritesomenewwords Adjectives: rural, urban. Nouns: strain,typhoon,drought,struggle,migrant,increase. + Grammar : PracticethePresentprogressivetenseby talkingaboutthefuture. III/ SKILL : Practicereadingcomprehension IV/ TEACHING TECHNIQUES : Languagemethod,communicativeapproach, writingskill, othertechniques… V/ TEACHING AIDS : Textbook,sub-board,picture,poster. VI/ WAYS OF WORKING : Individuals,pairswork, groupswork . VII/ PROCEDURES : A/ Greetings and checking attendance : T : How areyou today? Sts : I’m fine, thank… 1
- B/ Today’s lesson Steps Teacher’s activities Students’activities I/ Warm up Jumbled words ( 5’ ) -T writesthewordswhichSts learntfrom lastlessonwith disorderedletterson the Answer keys : boardor usestheposters. 1/ swimming-pool 2/ hairdresser 1/ swigminm-ploo 3/ grocerystore 2/ hari-ressred 4/ drugstore 3/ groryce-serot 5/ wetmarket 4/ drgu-streo 6/ stadium 5/ wte-mrakte 6/ sdimuta - Sts work in group - Dividetheclassinto two teams. - Writethewordson -Ask Sts in eachteamto go to theboard theboard andwritethecorrectformof words. - The teamwhichis fasterwith more correctwordswin thegame. - Sts repeatafter teacherchorally, - T givespresentto thebestgroup. individually - T readsthewordscloudyandgetSt to repeat -Leadin thenewlesson: Todaywe will learnaboutcountrylife andcity life II/ Pre T introducesthetopic of thereadingand reading presentsomenewwordsto Sts. ( 15’ ) 1/ Preteach vocabulary a/ Present and give the meaning of the new words + rural ( adj) (showingpicture& explaination) 2
- T asks Sts : Where is this ? Possible answers Right, this is the countryside. So, this is - This is countryside the rural area Rural means something deals with the coutryside T reads the word clearly and cloudly, - Sts listenandrepeat then writes the word on the board chorally, individually, thencopydown +urban (adj) (showingpictureandgive antonym) Possible answers : T asks Sts : - It is city - Whatis theantonymof therural area? - Good! It’s city. It’s theurbanarea - So, urbanmeanssomethingdealswith thecity - Sts listenandrepeat 3
- T reads the word clearly and cloudly chorally, individually, T writes the word on the board thencopydown + Strain (N, V)(explainationandgiving Possible answer : examples) - I feel stressed - How do you feel beforedoingthe - anxiety examination? - worry about -OK, everybodyoftenbecomestressand that strainbeforedoingtext - For thatreason,strainmeansbeing stressed/anxiety/worry aboutsome - Sts listenandrepeat diffucultthings chorally, individually, T reads the word clearly and cloudly thencopydown T writes the word on the board + typhoon (N)(givingsynonym & example) - thesynonymsof typhoonarestorrmor hurricane - Sts listenandrepeat - It means a storrmwith verystrongwind chorally, individually, T reads the word clearly and cloudly thencopydown T writes the word on the board Possible answers : - No, thereisn’t + drought (N)(explaination&translation) - No, only a little - I feel verydry and - Is theremuchrain in thesunny season? hot -How do you feel in thesunnyseason? - I’m, too -So, droughtmeansthereis little or no rain - Sts listenandrepeat for a longtime/perord chorally, individually, - It’s meanshaïn haùn thencopydown T reads the word clearly and cloudly T writes the word on the board + struggle (N)(expaination& giving example) - A countrystrugglingfor independence - He struggledagainstcancerfor two years - Sts listenandrepeat 4
- - So, strugglemeansto fightagainstS.th/ chorally, individually, S.bodyto preventa badsituation thencopydown T reads the word clearly and cloudly T writes the word on the board Possible answers : - I’m living in + migrant (N)(explaination& giving HCM.City / Ha Noi examples) City/ anotherprovince, - Whereareyou living ? etc… - Before,I’ve livedin Ha Noi. Then,I’ve movedHCM City for work . Now I’m living HCM city, too - So, migrantmeansa personwho moves - Sts listenandrepeat fromoneplacesto another,especially in chorally, individually, orderto find work thencopydown T reads the word clearly and cloudly T writes the word on the board Possible answers : -Twentyeightpersons increase (V)(Explaination& giving examples) - Thirty five persons - Last year,how manystudentswerethere in our class? - And now ? - Now, thenumberof students increased - Sts listenandrepeat fromtwentyeightto thirtyfive chorally, individually, - Increasemeansto makesomething thencopydown greaterin amount,numberor value,etc T reads the word clearly and cloudly Sts listen and repeat T writes the word on the board ( 2 times for each word ) b/ T speaks all of the words clearly and cloudly once again ( 2 times for each word ) 2/ Checking vocabulary: - WHAT AND WHERE 3/ Grammar Structure Present progressive tense a/ Giving example: 5
- - Many peopleareleavingfromtheir rural andmovingto thecity - The weatheris gettingwarmer - Today,I’m notgoingto Nha Trang - Whatareyou doingtonight? b/ Usingexplaination: - Sts work in pairs - Presentprogressivetenseis usedto talk to give more aboutthefuture - Try to write the c/ Expadingexamples: form on the board - Let Sts givemoreexamples - Let Sts analyse& try to givetheformof - Sts write down presentprogressivetenseby themselves the form to their d/ Writingcorrectforms: Affirmative: S + am/is/are + Ving Negative: S + am/is/are not + Ving - Sts work in groups to guess Question: Am/is/are + S + Ving the difficulties of Possible answers : 4/ Brainstorming: - drought Ask Sts to think of thedifficultiesof - theweather farmerslife - hardwork - Ask Sts to work in groupsto guesshow - no vacations farmersdealwith difficulties - lack of cleanwater - electricity - insects - destroyharverts Difficulties of - Sts demonstratein farmers’life farmers’ life frontof class - Call on some Sts to report their predictions and write them on the 6
- III While 1/ READ - Sts listento thetape reading - Let Sts listento thetapeandreadthetext andreadthetextto ( 15’ ) silently to checktheir predictions checktheir predictions - Get Sts answerthequestion:“ Whatdo - Answerthequestion: manyfarmersdo to solvetheir problem? Theyhaveto move Theyhaveto moveto thecity so that to thecity so thatthey theycangetwell – paidjobs cangetwell-paidjobs - Call on someSts to readthetextin front - Sts readthetext of class aloudin frontof class 2/ PRACTICE : a/ Gap – filling: - T aksSts to wornin pairsto complete - Sts work in pairsto summary1 on page75, usingthe completesummary informationfromthepassage - Call on somevolunteersto reporttheir - Sts readtheir results results Give feedback : - Sts checkandcorrect 1/ leaving 6/ problems themistakes 2/ home 7/ schools 3/ city 8/ hospitals 4/ rural 9/ problem - Sts readthecomplete 5/ city 10/ world - Call on someSts to readthecomplete passageloudly passagealoud - Sts readthetextagain b/ Finding the words : anddo theexercise2 - Ask Sts to readthetextagainandwork with their patnersto do theexercise2 page - Sts readthecomplete 75 : – Findingthewords.in thepassage results thatmeans Answer Keys: - Call on someSts to reporttheir results a/ rural Give feedback : b/ plentiful a/ of thecountryside c/ increase b/ asmanyasneeded d/ strain c/ becomegreateror larger e/ stragedy d/ a greatpressure f/ urban e/ a terribleevent f/ of thecity or city life 7
- IV Post DISCUSSION : reading - Give a situation: If you werea minister, ( 5’ ) whatwouldyou do for farmers? - Sts work in groupsto - Ask Sts to work in groupsto discuss discuss - Call on 4 volunteersfrom4 groupsto - Showtheir ideas showtheir ideasin frontof theclass beforetheclass Possibleanswers: - Help themto loanmoneyfromthebank with low rate - Technicaladvicer - guiding input/output..,etc V Conso - Summarythetext lidation ( 3’ ) VI Home -T assignsthehomework Sts copyin their work (2’ ) 1/ Write5 thingsthatgovernmentshould notebook do for therural areas 2/ Do exercisein workbook: Ex 3 & 4 page54 3/ Preparethenextlesson 8

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