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Tham khảo tài liệu 'đề ôn thi hki môn: anh văn - đề 2', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

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Nội dung Text: ĐỀ ÔN THI HKI MÔN: ANH VĂN - ĐỀ 2

  1. 1. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. a. . count b. should c. round d. ground 2. I ___________ to get up early when I lived in Lo ndon. a. didn't use b. wasn't used c. used not d. a and c 3. The book is _____________ interesting ___________ informative. a. no word / and b. not only / but also c. both / and d. all are correct 4. The _____________ acted promptly and the operation was successful. a. physicist b. chemist c. surgeon d. worker 5. Don't be _____________ Everything will be OK. a. overanxious b. overeating c. over weight d. overnight 6. Mary is used to asking her mother to ___________ her son when she is on business. a. make allowance for b. catch sight of c. make use of d. take care of 7. He is my particular friend we never have ___________. a. agreement b. disagreements c. common d. protection 8. I bought a coat ___________ my mother _____________ the supermarket. a. for/from b. from/for c. for/at d. for/in 9. _________ shopping at the supermarket. a. Never I have gone b. Never have I gone c. Never have gone I
  2. d. All are correct 10. In order to increase the output, the workers have to work overtime. a. goods b. things c. production d. cargo 11. I have lived in this city for 5 years and I am _________ in traffic jams. a. experience b. experiencing c. experienced d. experiences 12. If someone knocks __________ the door _____________ night, don't open it. a. at / at b. on / at c. up / in d. at / on 13. Up to now, we ____________ the pollution problems yet. a. haven?t solved b. are not solving c. hadn?t solved d. will not have solved 14. He pulled the telephone to pieces. He __________. a. broke the telephone up into parts. b. dropped the telephone. c. threw the telephone away. d. put the telephone aside. 15. Everybody admires their _____________. a. friend b. friendly c. friendships d. friendless 16. I haven't seen him _________ 1990. a. for b. since c. in d. from 17. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. a. . adult b. sun c. summer d. sure 18. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. a. rock b. rose
  3. c. polish d. spot 19. Tail pipe emission refers to ___________. a. lightning b. engine exhaust c. volcanic eruptions d. all are correct 20. He said he would visit me __________ following day. a. a b. an c. the d. no aricle 21. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. a. gas b. garden c. giant d. gain 22. Most of American women who are used to independence do not want to be __________. a. objected b. advised c. protected d. omitted 23. When we boil water, it ___________. a. freezes b. vaporises c. melts d. disappears 24. The teacher was explaining the lesson slowly and clearly __________. a. . to make his students to understand it. b. in order that his students can understand it. c. so as to that his students could understand it. d. so that his students could understand it. 25. Automobile's exhaust system gave off foul smelling fumes. a. erected b. blew c. emitted d. emote 26. The environmental ___________ is doing harm on us. a. destroy b. destructible c. destruction d. destructive 27. Some workers are so poor that they don?t want to quit their job __________ they are ill-treated.
  4. a. as though b. although c. since d. if 28. I can't speak Chinese, ________. a. So can't Peter. b. Peter can't, too c. Either can't Peter d. Neither can Peter 29. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. a. . amount b. about c. cough d. mountain 30. Wind and water cause the _____________ of soil. a. disappearance b. erosion c. contribution d. limitation 31. Many Vietnamese students find it difficult to write in __________ style. a. normal b. formal c. ordinary d. extraordinary 32. My nephew is lonely. He would be happier if he had someone __________. a. that he could play with. b. whom he could play with. c. to play with. d. all are correct. 33. The woman __________ at the principal's office is our new teacher. a. whom is standing b. that is standing c. had stood d. all are correct 34. _____________ wildlife is a very important work for us to do. a. Hunting b. Destroying c. Draining d. Guardkeeping 35. "I'm always nervous when I travel by plane." means __________ a. Although I travel by plane I am always nervous. b. Flying always makes me nervous. c. Flying always makes me to be nervous. d. Being nervous I travel by plane. 36. Shaking hands is a _____________ greeting.
  5. a. formal b. conventional c. extraordinary d. unusual 37. We were confused __________ the cross word puzzles. a. on b. with c. of d. for 38. Thank you for the __________ gift. a. unexpect b. unexpected c. unexpectedly d. unexpectedness 39. At last I had to force him away. I couldn't tolerate him. a. put aside b. put up with c. keep up with d. be fed up with 40. The situation is ___________ e can't do anything to improve it. a. useless b. childless c. hopeless d. careless 41. He was sacked because he had worked _________. a. irresponsible b. irresponsibly c. responsible d. responsibly 42. Each of the students ______________ ready for the oral test. a. is b. be c. are d. have been 43. Everyone has to prepare the report ___________. a. ourselves b. yourself c. itself d. himself 44. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. a. match b. machine c. champagne d. chauffer 45. The manager decided to __________ with the plan although he was in difficulties,
  6. a. go over b. go away c. go out d. go ahead 46. There are a lot of people __________ London every day. a. visit b. to visit c. visiting d. have visited 47. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. a. function b. fuss c. fuel d. fun 48. In the US, most women do not __________ their maiden name when they get married. a. retain b. maintain c. entertain d. restrain 49. Thanks to the efforts of the environmentalists, bear is no longer in danger of becoming an __________ species. a. rarely b. precious c. special d. extinct 50. Nguyen Du devoted all his lifetime _____________ writing. a. for b. from c. in d. to 51. To trust a good friend is to ___________ him. a. rely on b. count on c. believe d. all are correct 52. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. a. . champagne b. check c. champion d. cheap 53. The boss often has his secretary _________ the letters. a. to type b. type
  7. c. typing d. typed 54. ?My suggestions were ignored.? means ___________ a. They ignored my suggestions b. No one paid attention to my suggestions c. They put aside my suggestions d. All are correct 55. He was the first man __________ left the burning house. a. whom b. which c. that d. when 56. My friend is a _____________. a. statistics b. statistician c. statistical d. statistically 57. Your hairstyle is quite similar _________ me. a. of b. to c. from d. with 58. ________ beautiful your new dress is! a. what b. whether c. how d. which 59. By the time the ambulance approached, the old man __________. a. dies b. died c. had died d. would die 60. Of the five students, Mary is __________. a. more intelligent. b. the more intelligent. c. most intelligent. d. . the most intelligent. 61. Everything is available ________ the operation. a. of b. for c. on d. from 62. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. a. . coughs b. sings
  8. c. stops d. sleeps 63. __________, my friend came. a. On my leaving home b. When leaving home c. Leaving home d. As I has just left home 64. He said he was __________ employee of __________ gas company and he came to get ___________ bill. a. an / the / the b. a / a / a c. an / a / the d. an / the / no article 65. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. a. delicate b. entertain c. contempt d. knowledge 66. Don't let the little boy play with scissors ___________ he cuts himself. a. in case b. although c. unless d. so that 67. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. a. . route b. shout c. trousers d. amount 68. Since he has never been in such a situation before his apprehension was understandable. a. eagerness b. hesitation c. excitement d. fear 69. He ___________ the organization of the celebration. a. underwent b. undertook c. understood d. undercharged 70. Laser can kill cancer _________ and leave healthy neighbours unharmed. a. pulps b. cents c. blood d. cells
  9. 71. At 10 o?clock tomorrow morning, we ___________ our final test. a. will take b. will be taking c. . has been taking d. would be taking 72. All the hard work is _____________ him. a. accounting for b. telling on c. regarding as d. depending on 73. I __________ in the waiting room when I heard someone __________ me. a. am sitting/to call b. was sitting/call c. was sitting/called d. have sat/called 74. Because of her _____________ interest in fashion, she has spent a lot of money on clothes and make up. a. keen b. afraid c. favour d. abnormal 75. ?It was thought that the building had been destroyed.? means _________ a. The building was thought had been destroyed. b. The building was thought to have been destroyed. c. The building thought to be destroyed. d. They have destroyed the building. 76. Do you mind _____________ I smoke? a. if b. why c. so d. such 77. Years ago, cancer was _________. a. unspent b. unanswerable c. untreatable d. unattended 78. George ask Mary __________ ?Hamlet?. a. if she has seen b. what she has seen c. if had she seen d. had she seen 79. Man is destroying the earth's ___________ resources. a. natural b. external c. conditional d. internal
  10. 80. This is ______________ last cigarette I smoke. a. a b. an c. the d. no article 81. The lecture was not only interesting but instructive ________. a. as well b. as loo c. so too d. well 82. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. a. . man b. fame c. flame d. name 83. _____________ youngest boy has just started __________ school. a. a / the b. the / the c. a / no article d. the / no article 84. When water freezes, it becomes ___________. a. solid b. solidity c. solidness d. solidify 85. If you ___________ drinking so much, you'll get a stomachache. a. go over b. go out c. go after d. go on 86. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. a. . collected b. earned c. needed d. visited 87. You aren't aware __________ the time, are you?You are always late __________ work. a. for/of b. on/at c. of/for d. on/for 88. You are __________ when asking for higher salary. You are lazy and sometimes late for work. a. reasonable
  11. b. unreasonable c. right d. good 89. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. a. hate b. hat c. factor d. dad 90. English is the _________ language of science, technology, media and international sports. a. first b. second c. foreign d. main 91. They had no ________ of selling the house which they inherited from their mother. a. intend b. intention c. intentional d. intentioned 92. Holiday makers often litter the park. a. throw gabage away b. give gabage away c. put gabage aside d. go gabage over 93. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. a. . push b. pull c. rush d. butcher 94. Vietnam is an _________ country. a. agriculture b. agricultural c. agriculturally d. agriculturist 95. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. a. honour b. hour c. exhaust d. host 96. Frequent practice ________ you to get achievement. a. able b. unable
  12. c. enables d. disables 97. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. a. peptic b. plastic c. process d. prospect 98. The firemen are trying to extinguish the fire. a. put away b. put out c. put up d. put on 99. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. a. declare b. are c. prepare d. rare 100. A calculating machine can work with numbers __________. a. professionally b. carefully c. slowly d. automatically



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