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Summary of the dissertation in Geography: Sea island tourism development in Phu Yen province

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On the basis of an overview of documents and works related to the topic. The main objective of the dissertation is to evaluate the potentials of the sea-island tourism; to analyze the current situation of sea-island tourism development in Phu Yen province; then, to propose orientations and solutions to develop sea-island tourism of Phu Yen province to 2025 with a vision to 2030.

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Nội dung Text: Summary of the dissertation in Geography: Sea island tourism development in Phu Yen province

  2. The dissertation is completed at HCMC UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION Supervisors: 1. Dr. TRUONG VAN TUAN 2. Assoc.Dr. PHAM XUAN HAU Reviewer 1: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Thi Son Hanoi National University of Education Reviewer 2: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Thi Trang Thanh Vinh University Reviewer 3: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Dao Ngoc Canh Can Tho University The dissertation will be defensed in front of the institutional-level dissertation grading committee at Ho Chi Minh City University of Education at ………… on ………. 2021. Can find the dissertation at the library: - National Library of Vietnam - Library of Ho Chi Minh City University of Education - Library of General Science in Ho Chi Minh city
  3. 1 INTRODUCTION 1. Rationale Sea-island tourism (SIT) is a type that is increasingly becoming a trend and attracting many tourists around the world. Therefore, most of the countries with the advantage of the sea choose this type of tourism as the driving force to play a key role, making tourism a key economic sector of the country. Phu Yen is one of 28 provinces and cities bordering the sea, in the South Central Coast region, with a coastline of 189km. With its advantages, the province has identified tourism as a key economic sector in the socio-economic development strategy. Being aware of its significance, over the years, researches on the development of the SIT in Phu Yen have been interested by many industries, organizations and scientists from different angles. However, so far, there has not been any in-depth research, assessment of influencing factors, analysis of the current situation of SIT under the perspective of tourism geography - an interdisciplinary, territorial space oriented science. Stemming from the above reasons, the author chooses the topic “Sea-island tourism development in Phu Yen province” for research. The research results can be applied to propose solutions and strategic planning for tourism development in Phu Yen province in the integration period. 2. Aim On the basis of an overview of documents and works related to the topic. The main objective of the dissertation is to evaluate the potentials of the sea-island tourism; to analyze the current situation of sea-island tourism development in Phu Yen province; then, to propose orientations and solutions to develop sea-island tourism of Phu Yen province to 2025 with a vision to 2030. 3. Objectives To achieve the set goals, the dissertation focuses on solving the following tasks: - An overview of domestic and foreign studies in order to systematize the theoretical and practical basis of sea-island tourism; - Determining criteria to evaluate the development of sea - island tourism in Phu Yen province; - Evaluating factors affecting the development of SIT in Phu Yen province; - Analysing the current situation of SIT in Phu Yen province; - Proposing orientations and some solutions to develop football tourism in Phu Yen province to 2025 with a vision to 2030. 4. Objects of the research - Object of the research is the tourism resources to develop Phu Yen sea-island tourism; - Objects of investigation: tourists, authorities, local residents, tourism service businesses, experts, relevant state management units in tourism in the province. 5. Scope of the research - Content: Focusing on studying factors affecting the development of SIT in Phu Yen province, in which, focusing deeply on sea-island tourism resources;
  4. 2 Analysing the current situation of SIT development in Phu Yen province in terms of geography. By industry, it is based on criteria (tourists, tourism revenue, tourism technical infrastructure, ...). By territory, we focus on a number of forms of tourism territory organizations: SIT sites, SIT routes. - Territory: Phu Yen province. The dissertation focuses on the scope of the research on administrative units with potential for sea-island tourism such as: Dong Hoa district-level town, Tuy Hoa city, Tuy An district and Song Cau district-level town. - Time: Focusing on research in the period 2009 - 2019; primary data surveyed and investigated in 2019; forecast time to 2025, vision to 2030. 6. Literature review 6.1. In the world Pirojnik II said that: "Tourism is a clearly resource-oriented industry", the author group CA Gunn: Designing Tourist Regions introduced a model of the tourism system and a process, specifically derived from the case of recreation planning for the Michigan peninsula. Gunn is also the editor of "Tourism Planning: Basics, Concepts, Cases"; C.M. Hall considers the issue of territorial planning in relation to the tourism development policy of the country and regions at the lower level. The research works on the SIT include the work "Island tourism: management principles and practice". From a topical perspective, in the work "Tourism, Globalization and Development" refers to issues related to tourism territory in the context of globalization; "Marine Tourism: Development, Impacts and Management". Mark Orams of the Center for Tourism Studies at Massey University, Albany, New Zealand said that the sea creates many opportunities for recreational and tourism purposes; The book “Climate change And Island and Croastal Vulnerability” by Sundaresan et al., the authors assessed the increasing risks from climate change in coastal communities; the book “Community integration: Island tourism in Peru” by R.E Mitchell, D.G Reid - Annals of tourism research; The book "Tourism and development in tropical islands: political ecology perspectives" mentions that political ecology is a powerful tool for investigating the role and interests of different parties. In the report, Global Trends in Coastal Tourism by Martha Honey and David Krantz, on the basis of analysis and providing tools for research and development of sustainable tourism, analyzed current trends as well as tested hypotheses about the driver programs behind marine and coastal tourism activities. 6.2. In Vietnam - In the whole country: + From the perspective of SIT development planning, there are works: "Master plan on economic development of Vietnam's sea, coastal areas and islands up to 2010" chaired by the Ministry of Planning and Investment; or "Project on development of tourism and coastal areas until 2020" and the book "Strategy for development of tourism in Vietnam to 2020 and vision to 2030; Relating to the
  5. 3 directions of economic development of marine and island tourism in a sustainable way, Le Duc To has the study "Scientific arguments on the model of ecological economic development on a number of islands and island clusters selected for Vietnam's coastal regions"; Research on "Some breakthrough solutions to develop coastal and marine tourism" and "Strategy for tourism development to 2020 with a vision to 2030" approved by the Prime Minister in Decision 2473/QD-TTg , dated December 30, 2011, determining the priority direction of tourism development associated with sea and island. + The Institute of Geography, as one of the units that research and evaluate resources for socio-economic development of sea-island areas, has also actively participated in national research programs. Those are the works “Assessment of natural conditions, natural resources and socio-economic conditions of coastal island systems in the marine economic development strategy” in 1995 and “Theory and methodology of assessment of natural conditions and resources for the purpose of socio-economic development in coastal island districts of Vietnam”; Project "Development of sea-island tourism and coastal areas until 2020" of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, 2013; the topic “Research on building sea and island tourism products in Northern tourism region”; Uong Dinh Khanh, Institute of Geography with the project "The potential for tourism development of the coastal island system of Vietnam" has assessed the potential in terms of nature, humanity, infrastructure and tourism types of the system of coastal islands. - In Phu Yen: “Phu Yen - Potential for development of SIT”; The topic "Basis for learning and implementing development of marine tourism products in Xuan Dai Bay and its vicinity"; In the Decision No. 2127 / QD-TTg dated December 29, 2017 of the Prime Minister approving the "Master plan on development of the National Tourism Area of Xuan Dai Bay, Phu Yen province to 2030", this is also a necessary document for research process of Phu Yen sea-island tourism. The above-mentioned works help the author to orientate in the research on the current situation of tourism development, especially the system of methods to be implemented when assessing tourism resources and services of coastal localities in Phu Yen province. 7. Viewpoints and research methods To carry out this dissertation, the author uses 5 points of view and 7 methods, which are Territorial perspective; General view; System view; Historical perspective view; Ecological perspective and sustainable development; Research methods: Methods of collecting, analyzing and synthesizing documents; Statistical methods; Field survey method; Professional method; Methods of sociological investigation; Mapping and GIS methods; Synthetic scoring method. 8. The approach To evaluate the development of sea-island tourism, the thesis approaches in the following directions: approach to tourism resources; approach by tourist area; approach with the participation of stakeholders and approach from the perspective of tourism supply and demand.
  6. 4 9. Contributions - Inheriting, supplementing and clarifying the theoretical and practical basis for the development of physical tourism. Determine the criteria for evaluating the development of sports tourism for Phu Yen province. - Clarifying the strengths and limitations of factors affecting the development of sports tourism in Phu Yen province. - Clearly state the achievements and limitations of the actual development of sea-island tourism in Phu Yen province. - Propose some basic solutions to effectively develop sea - island tourism activities in Phu Yen province in the near future to become a sea - island tourism destination of the South Central Coast region. 10. Structure of the dissertation In addition to the introduction, conclusion, list of references, appendices, maps, the thesis is structured in three chapters: Chapter 1: Theoretical and practical basis for the development of sea-island tourism; Chapter 2: Influencing factors and the actual situation of the development of sea-island tourism in Phu Yen province; Chapter 3: Orientation and solutions to develop the sea-island tourism of Phu Yen province to 2025, vision to 2030. CHAPTER 1. THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL BASIS ON SEA-ISLAND TOURISM DEVELOPMENT 1.1. Theoretical basis on sea-island tourism development 1.1.1. Some concepts and related content - Sea-island tourism (SIT): SIT is a type of tourism developed on the basis of exploiting resources in the sea-island area.Aassociated with this type of resource are activities such as swimming, sunbathing, water sports to satisfy needs of rest, treatment, entertainment and recreation of tourists in the sea area. In addition, there are many authors who have their own views when studying tourism. - Tourism development: It is the exploitation and rational use of marine and island resources, tourism facilities, human resources and other resources to satisfy the needs of tourists. 1.1.2. Characteristics and role of sea-island tourism in socio-economic development - Characteristics The activities of SIT are greatly influenced by climate and weather factors; SIT is organized mainly in the "coastal area"; Investment in infrastructure, technical facilities serving the SIT is often difficult and complicated; The development of SIT has a close relationship with other marine economic sectors. - Role: The development of tourism has an important role in the socio-economic development of a country, especially the coastal strip and islands, affecting the whole economic field; society and the field of security - defense.
  7. 5 1.1.3. Principles of development of sea - island tourism Firstly, the development of SIT must be carried out in a harmonious relationship with other economic sectors. Secondly, it is associated with exploiting the advantages of tourism resources of sea and islands, combined with exploitation of humanistic tourism resources of sea and islands as well as their conservation. Third, it is suitable for the capacity of sea and island areas. Fourth, it is associated with the work of ensuring national security. 1.1.4. Classification of resources, products and types of sea and island tourism - Classification of SIT resources includes: natural tourism resources; cultural tourism. In addition, status is considered a special and important and valuable resource in tourism development. - Type of sea - island tourism: The PhD student inherits and applies the classification of author Pham Trung Luong to conduct the dissertation. It is based on the purpose of the trip, including two types of tourism: travelling according to interests, desires and travelling according to obligations, responsibilities. - SIT products are collection of services on the basis of exploiting the value of sea - island tourism resources to satisfy the needs of tourists. Classification chart of types of marine tourism (Pham Trung Luong, 2003) 1.1.5. Factors affecting the development of sea - island tourism The dissertation examines the factors affecting the development of tourism tourism from the perspective of directly affecting the content of tourism development, affecting the supply and demand of tourism, including Position resources; Travel resources; Infrastructure and technical facilities; Sea-island tourism development planning; Ancillary service system for sea and island tourism; The natural environment and the assurance of security - defense; Seasonality of SIT; Participation of the local community in the provision of a number of tourism services; Impact of climate change; and Regional Links. 1.1.6. Criteria to evaluate the development of sea - island tourism - By industry: Tourists; revenue; Labor; technical facilities. - By territory (provincial level): The dissertation will develop criteria for evaluating forms of territorial organization of sea - island tourism including tourist spots and routes. a. Tourist spots: Through practical survey and inheritance of previous studies, the researcher selected 8 criteria and determined a ladder (5 steps according to the degree of convenience) and the coefficients according to the degree of influence,
  8. 6 importance to exploitation for the development of provincial SIT, then determining the corresponding rating score. Coefficient 3: Attractiveness, technical facilities- services, operating time; Coefficient 2: Location and accessibility, environment, ability to link, organization and management; Factor 1: Capacity. b. Tourist route: Coefficient 3 is the average number of tourism resources in the route; attractiveness of tourism resources; time can operate tourism; Factor 2: convenience in terms of transportation; the synchronization of facilities. From the above criteria, the evaluation scores for the criteria are determined by four levels 4,3,2,1. Table of results of evaluating the level of convenience, Phu Yen sea-island route Tourist spots Tourist routes No. Evaluation level Score No. Evaluation level Score 1 Very convenient 72 - 90 1 Very convenient 39 - 52 2 Convenient 54 - 71 2 Convenient 26 - 38 3 Quite convenient 36 - 53 3 Inconvenient 13 - 25 4 Inconvenient 18 - 35 (Source: Author) 1.2. Practical basis on sea-island tourism development The dissertation has generalized the experience of developing SIT of a number of countries with sea - islands such as: Experience in developing land tourism of Thailand; Malaysia; Indonesia. In Vietnam, the dissertation inherits the experience of developing SIT in a number of typical provinces of Vietnam and the South Central Coast such as the experience of developing SIT in Danang; Khanh Hoa; and Binh Thuan province. CHAPTER 2. AFFECTING FACTORS AND CURRENT SITUATION OF SEA-ISLAND TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN PHU YEN PROVINCE 2.1. Overview of Phu Yen province 2.1. Factors affecting the development of sea-island tourism in Phu Yen province Phu Yen is a coastal province of South Central Coast. It borders Binh Dinh province to the North, Khanh Hoa to the South, Dak Lak and Gia Lai to the West, the East Sea to the East Sea with a coastline of 189 km. Natural area of the province: 5,060.70 km2, accounting for 1.53% of the total natural area of the country. There are 09 administrative units, including 4 districts and towns bordering the sea: TuyAn district, SongCau town, Dong Hoa town and Tuy Hoa. 2.1.1. Position resources - Natural position: The coastal area of Phu Yen has a full range of position resources such as estuaries, lagoons, bays, islands, ... creating the characteristics of the coastal area in terms of geomorphology. In terms of geology, most of the coastal hills and islands are made of magma rock, both intrusive and erupting, creating many attractive landscapes, many scenic spots, many valuable geomorphological and geological heritages: Xuan Dai Bay, Ganh Da Dia, ...
  9. 7 - Economic position: Phu Yen has National Highway 1A and North-South railway running through, National Highway 25 connecting Gia Lai, National Highway 29 connecting Dak Lak province, Vung Ro seaport and Tuy Hoa airport in the south. North - South, East - West traffic routes, seaports, airports, etc. create favorable conditions for economic, cultural and tourism cooperation and exchange between Phu Yen and other provinces in the region, nationally and internationally. - Political position: Valuable for delimiting national boundaries and sovereignty at sea. Dai Lanh Cape of Phu Yen is the easternmost point on the mainland of Vietnam, it is also an important eastern defense area of the province, the South Central Coast and the Central Highlands. 2.1.2. Travel resources - Natural tourism resources: + Topographic: Coastal plains; Beach and coast terrain. + Sea - island climate: The sea - island area of Phu Yen province is located in a climate zone with basic characteristics of the tropical monsoon region, which is relatively favorable for the development of geotourism. + Hydrology: Regarding hydrology, there are about 50 large and small rivers creating an abundant source of fresh water. In addition, there are about 21,000 hectares of water surface in lagoons, bays and estuaries creating a unique coastal ecological area. Phu Yen has many mineral water sources discovered such as: Tra O, Triem Duc (Dong Xuan); Phu Sen (Phu Hoa). About the oceanography: The tides in Phu Yen sea belong to the irregular diurnal tide regime. In addition, the marine - island ecosystem is very rich, which is convenient in organizing visitors to visit ecotourism, entertainment, discovery tourism, ... + Natural resources of lagoons, bays, sea - islands: Play an important role in developing the province's geotourism. The lagoon, bays, and a system of beaches are distributed stretching from the north of Cu Mong to the south of Vung Ro. It is an ideal place for leisure activities, entertainment, picnics, camping, swimming, scuba diving and enjoying seafood specialties. - Cutural tourism resources: + Material cultural tourism resources: The most typical one is the Tomb of Ong Fish (Nam Hai god). In addition, there are historical sites of Phu Yen associated with the sea and islands such as: Vung Lam historical relic; The unnumbered wharf historical site at Bai Chua, Vung Ro bay; Temple of Thien YaNa. + Intangible cultural tourism resources: Festivals in Phu Yen are quite rich associated with culture and labor in sea-island area such as: Cau Ngu festival; Tam Giang river and water festival; O Loan lagoon boat race; Da Rang river boat racing festival; Da Nong river boat racing festival; Along with that, there are traditional folk craft villages that have existed for a long time such as making fish sauce, making salt, building ships, knitting nets, farming, catching and processing seafood. Besides, the cuisine of the sea - island is one of the cultural tourism activities that stimulate the development of tourism tourism because most tourists have a need to eat when traveling.
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  12. 8 2.1.3. Tourism infrastructure and technical facilities - Tourism infrastructure: + Traffic: In terms of roads: Upgrading and expanding National Highway 1A through Phu Yen and upgrading roads in the province. Investing in building and putting into use the Tuy Hoa to Vung Ro route, the Doc Lap route, Long Thuy - Ganh Da Dia; the Deo Ca - Khanh Hoa road tunnel, upgrading the road to Hai Dang - Mui Dien. The sea route system is being completed and put into use such as: Xuan Thinh port, An Hoa port, … In terms of sea route: Vung Ro Port is being invested heavily to meet the requirements of visiting the Ho Chi Minh Road at sea and the relic of the unumbered ship. In terms of airline route: There is Dong Tac airport that can serve 300 passengers and two A321 aircrafts during peak hours. Currently, Vietnam Airlines, Vietjet Air, Jetstar Pacific and Bamboo are operating round-trip routes from Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City to Tuy Hoa with a frequency of 8 times/trip/day. + Communication: Currently, there are about 6 mobile phone service providers in the locality, the usage rate is 50 phones/100 people (2015); Internet service is quite good, the connection is relatively stable. + Electricity: the national grid system is increasingly being expanded. In addition to the national 110KV power network, Phu Yen also has a 70MW Song Hinh hydroelectric plant that has been connected to the national grid. In addition, there are relatively small-scale hydropower plants such as: Ba Ha River, Krong Nang; + Water: Regarding domestic water, the province currently has 6 factories supplying water to serve Tuy Hoa city, neighboring areas and Hoa Hiep industrial park. Simultaneously, the province also builds a number of new water supply plants for districts and towns. - Tourism technical infrastructure: + Accommodation service providers: Constantly investing in tourist accommodation establishments, the province currently has over 150 tourist accommodation establishments; there are two 5-star hotels, two 4-star hotels, three 3-star hotels, five 2-star hotels, fifty 1-star hotels, one villa and one standard homestay, more than 60 standard motels; + Catering establishments: With 120 dining establishments inside the accommodation establishment with 40,500 seats and 350 outside dining establishments with 20,000 seats; However, the number of standard dining establishments serving tourists is still not much compared to the rich culinary potential of the locality; + Facilities providing sightseeing, sports, entertainment and entertainment services have been put into operation such as Sala, Rosa, ... but the beach area is still unspoiled, not worthy of its potential.
  13. 9 + Transportation service providers: there are over 20 suppliers with the number of vehicles not exceeding 20 vehicles/enterprise. The rental service of other means of transportation such as taxis, motorbikes, canoes, etc. has the quantity and quality which have not yet met the sightseeing needs of tourists; + Goods service providers: Phu Yen is not yet a locality capable of meeting the shopping needs of tourists. Currently, the whole province has only a few establishments selling some souvenirs and local specialties. 2.1.4. The planning and development of sea-island tourism in Phu Yen province Focusing resources on the development of sea-island tourism to bring about the highest efficiency commensurates with the existing potential of the province such as: creating a specific mechanism and procedures for investors; adopting policies to support the construction of facilities for displaying and selling souvenirs, specialties, means of transport of tourists, tourist piers; encouraging tourism enterprises to invest in developing specific tourism products; having policies to protect the natural environment, culture, etc. 2.1.5. Ancillary tourism service system for sea-island tourism - Health system: Compared to the national average, the province has a low number of hospitals, general clinics, commune/ward health stations, other medical facilities and a low total number of hospital beds. At some beaches with many tourists, only a rescue force is arranged, there is no first aid team; The remaining areas are not equipped with protective equipment, when an incident occurs, it is difficult to ensure the safety of visitors. - Banking - insurance services: banks such as Vietcombank, Vietinbank, Agribank, BIDV, etc. are increasingly improved; branches are widely distributed in the province; There are 3 companies participating in travel insurance: Bao Viet, Bao Minh and PJICO. 2.1.6. Natural environment and assurance of sea - island security and defense - Natural environment: It is home to many very beautiful beaches, still preserving the wild look. The ecological environment has not been polluted. This is a favorable condition for Phu Yen to develop specific types of tourism. However, with the development of tourism recently, the natural environment of Phu Yen has changed somewhat. The amount of garbage and wastewater from tourism activities is only rudimentary treatment for deposition and then discharged into the marine environment at beaches and coastal tourist areas: Long Thuy, Bai Xep, Bai Bau, Nhat Tu Son tourist resort, etc. - Assurance of sea-island security and defense: Phu Yen has consolidated the national defense of all people, associated with the people's security posture, creating a healthy environment for tourists. 2.1.7. Seasonality of sea - island tourism The province's tourism exploitation time is mainly concentrated in the summer months, from April to September every year. In the remaining months, most of the tourism activities in the sea - islands are not or are insignificant.
  14. 10 2.1.8. Involvement of the local community in the provision of some services Activities of local communities participating in providing tourism services affect the quality of tourism development. To develop sea-island tourism, Phu Yen needs to orient, pays more attention to and controls the participation of local communities in activities such as providing essential goods for tourism, accommodation services, and food establishments, popular food and drink, etc. and at the same time encourages the development of traditional craft village products in the sea and islands to serve the needs of tourists. 2.1.9. Impact of climate change The phenomenon of rain, storms, floods, prolonged flooding has damaged many tourism service works, historical and cultural relics and natural resources. Sea level rise affects coastal beaches. The increase in extreme weather events directly affects passenger transport activities. 2.1.10. Regional link Regional linkages in the development of sea-island tourism allow provinces in the region to exploit each other's similar advantages in terms of sea-island tourism resources, infrastructure, technical infrastructure and other resources for tourism development, towards building a brand Tourism of the whole region with distinctive sea-island tourism products, expanding inter-provincial and inter- regional tourist routes, etc. diversifying types, enriching trips for tourists, bringing benefits for the parties involved, thereby attracting investors. 2.2. Overall assessment of factors affecting the development of Phu Yen sea- island tourism - Advantages: The seas, islands of Phu Yen are very advantageous in terms of geographical location. Freshwater resources are quite abundant with large river systems flowing through the area. The coastal ecosystem is quite typical; rich marine biological resources, with a coastline of 189km. From Xuan Hai to Vung Ro, there are many beaches, alternating with many beautiful lagoons, and bays, many historical sites, many cultural festivals of the coastal population. In addition to the sea, there are many islands, which are favorable conditions for the development of sea - island ecotourism. The infrastructure in the districts and towns with sea - island tourism resources has been invested more than in other areas of the province, creating a premise for the rapid development of the sea - island tourism industry. - Difficulties: Although infrastructure has been invested a lot, but compared to the development requirements, it is still lacking, thereby it has not played its inherent advantages in terms of geography. The transport system is not synchronized; competitiveness is still low, especially in the field of tourism. The association of tourism with other types of tourism has not been done well; tourism planning and development has not been focused; the participation of the local community is still spontaneous; security - defense factors and the impact of climate change have unpredictable effects on the development of sea-island tourism; Sea and island biological resources are also gradually being exhausted due to massive
  15. 11 fishing activities, which significantly affects the sea and island ecosystems of the province in the present and in the future. 2.3. Situation of development of sea-island tourism in Phu Yen province in the period of 2009 - 2019 2.3.1. Current situation of sea-island tourism development by industry Tourist market In the whole period of 2009 - 2019, the number of tourists to Phu Yen has a relatively sustainable growth rate and increased significantly, especially domestic tourists. Guests come for the purpose of relaxation - swimming, attending festivals is the largest. However, this number of visitors is still low compared to the forecasted targets. The main reason is that some projects are slow to put into operation, besides that is the inaccurate identification of the flow of tourists and the markets that send tourists to Phu Yen. From 2011 until now, visitors to Phu Yen have had many positive changes. In 2011, tourist arrivals to Phu Yen were 530,000, an increase of 47% compared to 2010, of which international visitors reached 30,900 arrivals, an increase of 50.7% compared to 2010. In 2013, the number of visitors to Phu Yen was 600,000 arrivals, of which international tourists are 60,000. In 2015, the total number of visitors increased significantly thanks to the success of the movie "Yellow flowers and green grass" in 2015, from more than 750,000 arrivals (2014) to 900,000 arrivals (2015), an increase of nearly 20% over the same period and most is that domestic tourists increased rapidly while international visitors continued to decline sharply (mainly Russian visitors). Number of international and domestic visitors to Phu Yen in the period of 2009 - 2019 a. Domestic passenger: Compared to other provinces in the South Central Coast such as: Binh Dinh, Khanh Hoa, Ninh Thuan, Binh Thuan, etc., the number of tourists to Phu Yen is still very modest. From the survey data, it is shown that the main and most frequent purpose of the tourists' trip is to go to resort; swimming accounted for 56.2%; sightseeing, exploring nature accounted for 23.5%; learning culture and history accounted for 12.8%; the percentage of visitors going for
  16. 12 business purposes and other purposes accounted for only 7.5%. Therefore, in order to develop Phu Yen tourism in the upcoming time, it is necessary to focus on developing types of tourism, entertainment, relaxation, swimming, sightseeing and natural discovery. b. International visitors: Phu Yen's international tourist market has grown in recent years, but still accounts for a very small market share. The purpose of international visitors to Phu Yen is mainly to enjoy, relax, swim and visit nature. These two purposes account for over 76.5%, discovering indigenous culture, cuisine, visiting relatives (23.5%). Structure of international visitors: most of the market visitors are from China, Japan, Korea (29.4%); followed by visitors from Russia (19.6%); Southeast Asian countries (17.6%) Australia (11.8%) European countries (13.7%); other countries accounted for (7.9%). Tourism revenue Table of tourism revenue in the period of 2009-2019 Revenue Rate of increase Tourism revenue has a Year (billion dong) (%) period of rapid growth 2009 253.800 but also a period of 2010 249.500 -1,7 slow growth. From 2011 450.000 80,4 2009 onwards, Phu 2012 500.000 11,1 2013 540.000 8 Yen has hosted many 2014 675.060 25 unique national 2015 850.000 25,9 cultural and artistic 2016 997.500 17,4 programs such as: Sao 2017 1.245.000 24,8 Mai rendezvous, 2018 1.556.000 25 Vietnam's charm, ... 2019 1.940.000 25 began to attract the attention of tourists. 2011 was a year of great success for the tourism industry of Phu Yen province with outstanding tourism revenue thanks to promotional activities and tourist attraction participating in the national tourism year Phu Yen - South Central Coast "Sea-island tourism paradise" From 2014 until now, tourism revenue has been relatively stable and maintained an average growth rate of 25% per year. By 2019, it has reached over 1.9 billion VND. Tourism revenue of Phu Yen province has positive changes over time. This is directly related to the number of visitors, length of stay and spending of tourists at the destination. In general, over the years, the revenue from tourism of Phu Yen is quite modest compared to other provinces in the South Central Coast, but it has also marked a stage of tourism development in Phu Yen in which there are contributions at some tourist destinations. Although the revenue from sea-island tourism activities is not high due to low ticket prices, but this shows that Phu Yen has really paid attention to investing in sea-island tourism sites, showing the important role of sea - island tourism in the total provincial tourism industry. Therefore, in developing Phu Yen tourism industry, sea - island tourism should be paid more attention to develop, to generate high revenue, contributing to total tourism revenue and total economic income of Phu Yen.
  17. 13 Labor in the tourism industry Currently, the province's labor force is 554,138 people, accounting for 63.5% of the total population; Trained workers with primary vocational certificates or higher are about 19% of the total number of employed people. The number of employees working in the service industry is 192,438 people, with university and college degrees accounting for 9.47 %, intermediate professional level accounting for 17.1%, elementary level accounting for 25.94% and trained workers joining on- the-job and short-term professional classes accounting for 47.49%. The training, fostering and development of local tourism human resources are focused. This is considered an important and decisive factor for the direction of sustainable tourism development. In addition to the general situation of tourism human resources in the province, human resources for sea-island tourism are also lacking and weak, lacking a team of well-trained and knowledgeable guides and narrators who know much about the seas and islands in their home province. In addition, the service force for specific types of sea-island tourism such as diving to see corals, sea-island sports is almost non-existent (mainly local fishermen and guides support). There are no experts in marketing and business development strategies, tourism product development, entertainment business, etc. Technical facilities in tourism Accommodation: In the period of 2009 - 2019, the system of accommodation facilities serving tourists in general and sea-island tourism in particular has developed at a fairly rapid rate. There are 161 tourist accommodation business establishments, the total number of accommodation rooms is expected to be 3,410 rooms, of which over 700 rooms are of 3-5 star standard. Dining facilities, restaurants: There are more than 55 dining rooms in accommodation establishments with about 24,500 seats, serving different dishes to meet the needs of guests when participating in tourism in Phu Yen. Recreational and sports facilities: There is currently a shortage of entertainment and sports facilities and services for tourists. They not only lack in quantity of entertainment facilities but they are also very poor, monotonous without proper investment. Means of passenger transport: There are over 20 businesses providing tourist car rental services. However, most car rental businesses are small and medium- sized. Table of visitors' evaluation results of tourism service quality (%) Content Very good Good Normal Not good Transport service 18,3 31,6 40,2 9,9 Sightseeing service 7,6 33,3 46,7 12,4 Accomodation service 15,3 22,2 50,7 11,8 Food and drink service 19,3 31,1 38,3 11,3 Entertainment service 9,9 20,8 51,3 18,0 Other services 14,5 43,8 33,2 8,5
  18. 14 Currently, the quality is only very average and there are many limitations. Services are poor, especially entertainment and sightseeing services, followed by accommodation and food services. Therefore, in order for Phu Yen tourism to survive and develop in the current trend of integration and competition, the immediate problem is to pay attention to investment and development of services on technical facilities of the sea-island tourism industry, to synchronize, commensurating with resources, meeting the needs of tourists about tourism. Investment and association to develop sea-island tourism a. Investment and development of sea-island tourism: Regarding investment and construction of tourist attractions: Phu Yen has detailed planning of three tourist clusters. Regarding the attraction of investment projects in sea-island tourism, up to now, Phu Yen has had a number of big projects such as: Hon Ngoc Bai Tram eco-tourism park (US$60 million), which has been put into operation in phase I with 7 villas, hotels, restaurants; Sao Viet eco-tourism area (30 million USD), has been completed and is being expanded. In general, the investment capital in the development of sea-island tourism in recent years has been small, not meeting the needs and potential of the province's sea-island tourism development. Therefore, it is necessary to have strong measures to attract investment to promote the development of sea - island tourism in particular and tourism in Phu Yen province in general. b. Links to develop sea-island tourism: The linkage in the development of sea-island tourism in Phu Yen province is still limited and has not been focused. The construction and development of products and the organization of tourism space are still spontaneous and independent, but they are not able to link with neighboring provinces such as Khanh Hoa, Binh Dinh, ... Promotion, advertising and building tourism image and brand The work of introducing, promoting and promoting sports tourism has been interested and actively implemented, with the participation of state management agencies and tourism business units in various forms such as: building publications to promote sea and island tourism in order to introduce domestic and foreign tourists to natural images, scenic spots, sea-island beauty, tours, tourism routes, and traditional beauties of the island. Phu Yen people come to tourists. It is necessary to actively host large-scale cultural and art programs at national and international levels. With the above activities, the survey shows that the promotion of Phu Yen sea- island tourism has initially achieved some results: information that tourists know from multidimensional synthesis accounts for the highest (34.5%), from friends and relatives (21.3%), from television and from the Internet almost 18-19% alike. Particularly, promotional information from travel companies accounts for a negligible proportion (6.4%). 2.3.2. Current status of tourism development by territory Actual situation of exploiting sea - island tourist spots and routes
  19. 15 a. Sea-island tourist attractions being exploited: The author selects 16 representative tourist attractions that are being exploited stretching along 4 sea-island tourism spaces of the province to conduct an assessment survey based on the criteria for evaluating tourist attractions according to the developed method. The unifying criteria are as follows: Criterion 1: Attractiveness of tourist attractions (coefficient 3); Criterion 2: Technical and infrastructure facilities (coefficient 3); Criterion 3: Location and accessibility (coefficient 2); Criterion 4: Tourist capacity (coefficient 1); Criterion 5: Natural and Cultural Environment (coefficient 2); Criterion 6: Seasonality (coefficient 3); Criterion 7: Linkability (coefficient 2); Criterion 8: Organization and management (coefficient 2) Dong Hoa town: Is a bridge connecting with Khanh Hoa tourist center in the south, connecting and trading with tourists from the south to Phu Yen and to other tourist clusters in the tourism space of the province. Results of evaluation of sea - island tourist attractions in Dong Hoa town Criteria No. Tourist attractions (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Total 1 Bai Mon 15 3 6 5 10 12 8 6 65 2 Vung Ro 15 3 6 5 8 12 8 6 63 3 Bai Goc 15 3 6 5 10 12 8 6 65 4 Hai Dang Mui Dien 15 3 6 4 10 12 8 6 64 Scores of tourist attractions in Dong Hoa town are rated at: 63-65 points, which is convenient for orienting, exploiting and building sea-island tourist routes combined with sightseeing and relaxation in the upcoming time. Tuy Hoa city Area: Located in the administrative center - tourism center of Phu Yen province. This is the driving space for tourism in Phu Yen province today. Results of evaluation of sea - island tourist attractions in Tuy Hoa city Criteria No. Tourist attractions (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Total 1 Long Thuy beach 12 9 10 5 8 12 6 6 68 2 Hon Chua island 12 3 8 5 10 12 6 4 60 3 Cau Ngu festival 9 6 6 3 8 3 6 4 45 4 Tuy Hoa beach 12 12 10 5 8 12 8 6 73 It can be seen that the scores of the sea and island tourist spots in Tuy Hoa city area are evaluated as follows: Quite favorable: 45 points belong to the cultural tourist attraction Cau Ngu festival; and favorable level (from 60 to 68 points) for sea-island natural tourist attractions: Long Thuy sea and Hon Chua island. Particularly, Tuy Hoa beach tourism site is rated 73 points: it is a very convenient beach tourist destination for marine tourism activities combined with sightseeing, shopping, public services, MICE, transit, and entertainment. Tuy An District area: This is home to many natural tourist attractions: Da Dia Reef, O Loan lagoon, Yen island, beautiful sandy beaches and beaches along with unique cultural and festival tourist attractions of fishermen.



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