Đề thi học sinh giỏi lớp 7
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- Đề thi Học sinh giỏi lớp 7 TP Hồ Chí Minh 2004-2005
- ONTHIONLINE.NET Đề lý lớp 7 – HSG Bài 1: Cho hai điểm sáng S1 và S2 trước một gương phẳng như hình vẽ: a/ hãy vẽ ảnh S1’ và S2’ cả các điểm sáng S1; S2 qua gương phẳng. b/ Xác định các miền mà nếu ta đặt mắt ở đó thì có thể quan sát được 1/ S1’ 2/ S2’ 3/ cả hai ảnh 4/không quan sát được bất cứ ảnh nào. Bài 2: Cho hệ thống hai gương phẳng được ghép như hình vẽ; hãy vẽ một tia sáng xuất phát từ điểm sáng A, sau khi phản xạ trên hai gương, lại quay về A Bài 3: Hãy thiết kế một hệ thống ròng rọc sao cho Có số ròng rọc ít nhất, để khi kéo vật có trọng lượng là P lên cao thì chỉ cần p sử dụng lực kéo là 3 Bài 4: Một động tử chuyển động hướng về phía một bức tường phẳng, nhẵn vuông góc với bức tường, với vận tốc 5m/s. Động tử phát ra một âm thanh trong khoảng thời gian rất ngắn hướng về phía bức tường. sau một khoảng thời gian, máy thu âm được gắn trên động tử nhận được tín hiệu của âm phản xạ, xác định tỷ số khoảng cách của động tử tới bức tường ở các vị trí phát âm và nhận được tín hiệu phản xạ . vận tốc âm trong không khí là 340 m/s và giả sử rằng vận tốc âm không bị ảnh hưởng của vận tốc động tử. Bài 5: trong một mạch điện, người ta thường dùng cái chuyển mạch hai vị trí, tùy theo vị trí khóa mà điểm O được nối với điểm 1 hay điểm 2( hình vẽ) Hãy thiết kế một mạch điện mà gồm 1 nguồn điện hai bóng đèn giống nhau, có hiệu điện thế 1 bằng hiệu điện thế của nguồn sao cho ứng với 0 4 vị trí khác nhau của khóa. Mạch sẽ hoạt động: 2 a/ hai đèn không sáng. b/ Hai đèn sáng bình thường c/Hai đèn sáng như nhau và dưới mức bình thường d/ Một đèn sáng bình thường, một đèn không sáng. Mạch điện phải đảm bảo là không có vị trí nào của khóa để mạch bị nối tắt.
- Bài 6: Điểm sáng cố định trước một gương phẳng. hỏi khi quay gương đi một góc i theo trục quay vuông góc với mặt phẳng tới và không đi qua điểm tới thì tia phản xạ quay 1 góc bao nhiêu -------Hết------ Hướng dẫn chấm HSG 7. Bài 1(3 đ): ( hình vẽ) Vẽ được ảnh S’1; S’2 ( có thể bằng Phương pháp đối xứng) ( 1 đ) Chỉ ra được: + vùng chỉ nhìn thấy S’1 là vùng II (Cho 0,5 đ) + Vùng chỉ nhìn thấy S’2 là vùng I ( cho 0,5 đ) + Vùng nhìn thấy cả hai ảnh là vùng III ( cho 0,5 đ) + Vùng không nhìn thấy ảnh nào là vùng IV ( cho 0,5 đ) Bài 2: ( 5 đ) ( xem hình vẽ) Gọi ảnh của A qua các gương là A1; A2 ( dựng được ảnh, cho 1 đ) Theo tính chất trở lại ngược chiều M Của ánh sáng. Nếu ánh sáng xuất phát từ A1 và A2 thì tia phản xạ sẽ đi qua A ( 0,5 đ) N Vậy ta có cách dựng: + Dựng ảnh A1; A2 của A qua các gương. +Nối A1 và A2 cắt các Gương tại M và N ( cho 1 đ) + Các tia sáng qua các điểm A, M, N như hình vẽ là các tia sáng cần dựng ( cho 1,5 đ) + Tia sáng có thể theo chiều AMNA hoặc ANMA đều thỏa mãn ( 1 đ) Bài 3(3 đ): Hệ thống ròng rọc được thiết kế như hình vẽ ( cho 1,5 đ) + Khi trọng lượng P của vật nặng tác dụng vào ròng Rọc phía dưới. lực này được chia đều cho các sợi dây Mỗi sợi dây chịu 1 lực là P/3 ( 1 đ) Vậy lực kéo vật là P/3 ( 0,5 đ)
- Bài 4( 3 đ): Gọi vận tốc của động tử là V1; vận tốc âm thanh là V2 Khoảng cách của động tử tại thời điểm động tử phát âm tới Vật cản là S1 và khoảng cách tại thời điểm động tử nhận được Tín hiệu âm phản xạ là S2. S1 Thời gian âm thanh đi từ động tử tới vật cản là t1 = ( 0,5 đ) V2 Thời gian âm thanh phản xạ đi từ vật cản tới gặp động tử là: S2 t2 = ( 0,5 đ) V2 Thời gian động tử đi từ khi phát âm tới khi nhận được tín hiệu là S1 S 2 t3 = (0,5 đ) V1 S S S S Ta có t3 = t1 + t2 1 2 1 2 (0,5 đ) V2 V1 S V V 5 340 69 1 1 2 (1 đ) S 2 V2 V1 340 5 67 Bài 5(3 đ): Nhận xét: + Khi hai đèn mắc song song vào nguồn thì hai đèn sáng như nhau (0,5 đ) + Nếu hai đèn mắc nối tiếp vào nguồn thì hai đèn sáng như nhau và dưới mức bình thường. (0,5 đ) + Vậy phải mắc cái chuyển mạch sao cho ở vị trí này thì hai đèn mắc song song, còn ở vị trí kia thì hai đèn mắc nối tiếp (0,5 đ) + cái chuyển mạch thứ hai đảm bảo yêu cầu: ở vị trí này thì mạch hở, ở vị trí kia thì mạch kín. (0,5 đ) + Vậy mạch điện được thiết kế như hình vẽ sau: Vẽ đúng mạch ( 1 đ) Bài 6(3 đ): ( xem hình vẽ) + vẽ đúng hình: ( 1 đ) + xác định được góc quay của tia phản xạ là góc j: (0,25 đ) + xác định được góc AII’ = j (0,25 đ) + Xác định được góc AIM = I (0,5 đ) + Xác định được góc MII’ = I (0,5 đ) + Kết luận j = 2i (0,5 đ)
- ĐỀ THI HỌC SINH GIỎI LỚP 7 HUYỆN XX NĂM HỌC 2012-2013 Câu 1(4 điểm) 2 3 2 2003 2 3 1 1 1 2 3 2 5 a,[6.( ) -3.( )+1]:( )-1) b,[( ) .( ) .(-1)]:[( ) .( ) 3 3 3 3 4 5 12 Câu 2(3 điểm) a,Tìm số nguyên a để(a.a+a+3) (a+1) b,Tìm số nguyên x,y sao cho x-2xy+y=0 Câu 3(4 điểm) a c a,Chứng minh rằng nếu a+c=2b và 2bd=c thì = với b,d khác 0 b d b,Cần bao nhiêu số hạng của tổng S= 1+2+3+4…..để được một số có 3 chữ số giống nhau Câu 4(7 điểm ) Cho tam giác ABC có góc B =45độ ,góc C=120 độ.Trên tia đối của tia CB lấy điểm D sao cho CD=2CB.Tính góc ADE? Câu 5(2 điểm) 2 2 Tìm mọi số nguyên tố thoả mãn:x -2y =1 ~~~~~~Chúc các bạn thi tốt~~~~~
- ĐỀ SỐ 7 PHÒNG GD- ĐT TP BẮC NINH ĐÁP ÁN VÀ ĐỀ THI HỌC SINH GIỎI LỚP 7 TRƯỜNG THCS ĐÁP CẦU MÔN THI TIẾNG ANH Thời gian thi: 120 phút - Không kể thời gian giaođề ( Đề thi gồm 4 trang ) I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others by circling the corresponding letter A or B, C, D. 1. A. happy B. apple C. act D. aunt 2. A. mind B. bike C. fit D. tidy 3. A. school B. chair C. church D. chat 4. A. health B. team C. tea D. sea 5. A. sun B. fun C. son D. put 6. A. excited B. interested C. worried D. painted 7. A. use B. computer C. duty D. shut 8. A. chair B. fair C. pair D. are 9. A. how B. know C. town D. brown 10. A. season B. break C. great D. steak II. Choose the best answer by circling its corresponding letter A, B, C or D: 1. We always need more players. Why don’t you come ………………? A. on B. along C. with D. after 2. Will you be home …………..dinner tonight? A. to B. for C. at D. on 3. Giving a book report before the class is an interesting ………………….. A. act B. action C. activity D. deed 4. Do you go out ………..? A. in the afternoon on Fridays B. on Fridays in the afternoon C. on afternoons Friday D. on Friday afternoons 5. …………….lives in a very big house A. A Queen of England B. Queen of England C. The Queen of the England D. the Queen of England 6. On Sunday mornings I stay in bed …………..8 o’clock. A. until B. at C. from D. to 7. I often ……………in winter. A. go playing skiing B. go skiing C.play skiing D. go to ski 8. Some young peole are working ……………hospital volunteers. A. to be B. such as C. like D. as 9. We shouldn’t cross the street outside the ……………. A. pavement B. foot lane C. sidewalk D. zebra crossing 10. They …………..healthy after the summer vacation. A. looked B. were seeming C. were looking D. were appearing 11. They meet their friends and …………some fun. A. take B. have C. do D. enjoy 12. Yo should pay more …………….in class. A. part B. care C. notice D. attention 13. He and his friends usually get ……… and talk about their stamps.
- A. together B. themselves C. each other D. one another 14. He likes stamps. He is a stamp ………….. A. collect B. collecting C. collector D. collects 15. Some students say they are …………have no time for pastime. A. hurry B. busy C. full D. hard 16. It’s difficult to cross this street because there is too much ……….. A. crowd B. traffic C. people D. transport 17. There aren’t any good movies …………..at the moment. A. going on B. being on C. performing D. showing 18. Sorry I can’t come but thanks …………. A. any ways B. any way C. anyway D. in anyway 19. Look at ………..girl over there. A. one B. this C. that D. a 20. Would you like to come to my house for lunch? A. Yes, I do B. I’d love to C. Yes, I like D. OK. I’d like III. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets to complete the following sentences. 1. No one enjoy (go) ……….to hospital. 2. What you (do)…………at the moment? - I (watch) ………….T.V. 3. We (be) ……………students in four years. 4. A new school (build) ………………near our school now. 5. You (be) …………..angry if he refuses to help you? 6. I will send him the message as soon as he (return)……………… 7. A little girl can’t spend all her time (listen) ……………..to stories. 8. He sent a telegram for his mother (learn) …………….good news. 9. + Where are you? + I am upstairs. I (have)……………… a bath. IV. Fill in each blank with the correct form of the word given in capital: 1. My father has a …………computer. He often brings it with him when he’s away on business. PORT 2. We must remember to eat ………………... SENSE 3. The room will look brighter if there is a …………..on the wall. PAINT 4. Some of the children …………….boys, play marbles when there is a break. MAIN 5. You shouldn’t eat ……….food. HEALTH 6. We mustn’t be ……………….when we cross busy streets. CARE 7. She often feels …………………when she gets bad marks. HAPPY 8. There are about 200 ………….in this company. EMPLOY 9. Mai is ………….at math than me. GOOD 10. This lovely apartment has two bedrooms and it is …………… FURNISH V. There is one mistake in each of the following sentence. Find and correct it. 1. Tim is at the same age as Hoa. 2. At recess, the students practice to play basketball. 3. Do you know how much a banana cost? 4. The tacher says Ba will be a famous artist in one day. 5. Some boys are playing marble in the school yard at recess. 6. Some students are playing games as blind man’s buff and catch. 7. Mai learns how to use a computer in her scientific class. 8. I’d love coming to your birthday but I’m much too busy.
- 9. There are less TV programs for teenagers than there are for adults. People are living longer so there are more and more many old people. VI. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions. 1. What time does the library close? - It closes …………about half …………four. 2. Can you help me wash …………these dirty glasses? 3. We look ………………..the new words in the dictionary. 4. You shouldn’t eat and watch TV ……….the same time. 5. These cards are in alphabetical order and …………author. 6. Schools in Vietnam are different ……….those in the USA. 7. What is your date ………birth? - November eighth. 8. Farmers are very hard-working. They work from morning …night on their farms. 9. I like to live ……….the countryside because people there are more friendly. 10. Mr. Minh is not at home now. He is …………work. VII. Choose one suitable word to complete the following passage. fishing singer Join Join in off watching when spend movies things house home I only have Sunday (1)………… so I have very little free time. Sunday is a wonderful day for me to (2)……….time with my friends and family. One of the (3)……….I really enjoy doing on Sunday morning is to go (4) ………….with my friends, although I am not always successful in catching fish. It is a time to relax and talk about the previous week’s events and future plans. I usually go (5)……..late in the afternoon. My family sometimes (6)……………..other relatives on Sunday evening at a karaoke restaurant and we all have a good time together. It is especially fun (7)……..my father gets up to sing. Please don’t tell him I said this, but he is a very bad (8)……..! Once in a while I go to the (9)……………with my friends or my brother. Sometimes, I just stay at home, listening to music, (10)……………videos or reading novels. VIII. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word. Tokyo, which is the (1) … city of Japan, is one of the three (2) … cities in the world. (3) … the twelfth century, Japan’s capital was an island city named Kyoto. Six hundred years later, many people (4) … Kyoto moved east to a city called Yedo, renamed it Tokyo, and (5) … this city the capital of all Japan, which is still is. Today, Tokyo is a (6) … place. It (7) … a center for business and education. It is also a center for religion. In (8) … Tokyo university, the beautiful grounds of the Imperial Palace, the famous Imperial Hotel built (9) … 1920 by a noted American, Frank Lloyd Wright, and many fine shops, stores, theaters, and (10) … places can be found in this capital. IX. Use given words to rewrite the second sentence that the meaning not change: 1. What a luxurious car! How………………………………………………………! 2. It takes me an hour to do my homework every evening. I spend …………………………………………………… 3. No one can run faster than me. I am ……………………………………………………… 4. Is there a library at your school? Does……………………………………………………….? 5. How old are you? What ………………………………………………………? 6. Shall I bring you a cup of tea? Would ………………………………………………………? 7. My sister is more hard-working than me. I don’t ………………………………………………………?
- 8. Do you have a better refrigerator than this? Is this…………………………. 9. Finding an apartment in a big city is not easy. It is ………………………………………………………… 10. February often has 28 days. There ……………………………………………………… 11. You shouldn’t eat too much meat. You’d............................................................................ 12. Because of the bad weather, we had to stop our picnic. The bad weather prevented …………………………… 13. Miss Lan runs fast. Miss Lan is………..…………………………………… 14. One of the greatest football player is Zidane Zidane is among …………………..………….………… 15. Our summer vacation lasts two months. We have a ……………………………………………… X. Rearrange the words in correct sentences 1. at / the library / Englớsh / of / books / in / the back / are / those. 2. learn / write / literature/ about/ essays / in / and / we/ books / the. 3. the bell / into / the students / ten / and / go / past / rings / all / the yard / half / at. 4. play / the / is / room / the guitar / Ba / in / learning / music / to. 5. dinner / like / come / would / to / house / you / to / for / my? XI. Rearrange these statements to make a meaningful dialoguage. The first one has been done for you: 1. D A. Nam : Not yet. They are going to built some tennis courts next year. B. Viet : Oh, that’s good because I’m still 14. C. Nam : Not really, Viet. It’s 50,000 dong a month if you’re 15 to 18, and 30,000 dong if you are under 15. D. Nam : Hello, Viet. Do you hear about the new sports centre? E. Viet : OK. Any day except Thursday. F. Nam : On Thang Long Road. You know near Xuan Thuy Street, behind the station. G. Viet : What about tennis? H. Nam : I got the number 16 bus. It’s only 10 minutes from the bus station. Do you want to go next week? I. Viet : Yes, OK. Let’s meet after school. J. Nam : And on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday it stays open late – till 10 o’clock. K. Viet : Oh. Is it good? L. Nam : Yes, it’s great! You can do a lot of sports. I played table tennis courts next year. M. Viet : No, Nam. Where is it? N. Nam : Well, why don’t you go on Friday? Then we can stay late. O. Viet : Oh, great. How did you get there? P. Viet : Is it expensive? ==========THE END==========
- PHÒNG GD- ĐT TP BẮC Ninh ĐÁP ÁN VÀ HƯỚNG DẪN CHẤM ĐỀ THI HỌC SINH TRƯỜNG THCS ĐÁP CẦU GIỎI LỚP 7 NĂM HỌC 2011- 2012 MÔN THI TIẾNG ANH I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others by circling the corresponding letter A or B, C, D. (5 points) 1 2 3 4 5 D C A A D 6 7 8 9 10 C D D B C II. Choose the best answer by circling its corresponding letter A, B, C or D. (10 points) 1 2 3 4 5 B B C D D 6 7 8 9 10 A B D D A 11 12 13 14 15 B D A C B 16 17 18 19 20 B D C C B III. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets to complete the following sentences. (10 points) 1. going 5. will …be 2. are …..doing, am watching 6. returns 3. will be 7. listening 4. is being built 8. to learn 9. am having IV. Fill in each blank with the correct form of the word given in capital:(10 points) 1. portable 6. careless 2. sensibly 7. unhappy 3. painting 8. employees 4. mainly 9. better 5. unhealthy 10. furnished V. Find and correct the mistakes. (10 points) 1. at x 6. as like 2. to play playing 7. scientific science 3. cost costs 8. coming to come 4. in one day one day 9. less fewer 5. marble marbles 10. many x VI. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions. (5 points) 1 2 3 4 5 At - past Up up at by 6 7 8 9 10 from of till in at
- VII. Choose one suitable word to complete the following passage. (5 points) 1. off 2. spend 3. things 4. fishing 5. home 6. join 7. when 8. singer 9. movies 10. watching VIII. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word. (10 points) 1.capital 2. largest 3. in 4. from 5. made 6. busy 7. is 8. addition 9. in 10. eating IX. Use given words to rewrite the second sentence that the meaning not change:(15 points) 1. How luxurious the car is! 2. I spend an hour doing my homework everyday. 3. I am the fastest runner. 4. Does your school have a library? 5. What is your age? 6. Would you like a cup of tea? / Would you like me to bring you a cup of tea? 7. I don’t work so / as hard as my sister (does). 8. Is this the best refrigerator you have? 9. It is not easy to find an apartment in a big city. 10. There are often 28 days in February. 11. We’d better not eat too much meat. 12. The bad weather prevented us from our picnic. 13. Miss Lan is a fast runner. 14. Zidane is among the greatest football players in the world. 15. We have a two-month summer vacation. X. Rearrange the words in correct sentences. (5 points) 1. Those books at the back of the library are in English. 2. In literature, we learn about the books and write essays. 3. At half past ten, the bell rings and all the students go into the yard. 4. Ba is learning to play the guitar in the music room. 5. Would you like to come to my house for dinner? XI. Rerrange these statements to make a meaningful dialoguage. (15 points) 2.M 3.F 4.K 5.L 6.G 7.A 8.P 9.C 10.B 11.J 12.O 13.H 14.E 15.N 16. - Tổng điểm toàn bài: 100 điểm - Thang điểm 10 Tổng những phần làm đúng - Điểm bài thi = 10
- ĐỀ, ĐÁP ÁN THI HSG ANH 7 ĐỀ SỐ 1 Full name: ----------------------- ĐỀ THI HỌC SINH GIỎI LỚP 7 ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC MÔN THI TIẾNG ANH Thời gian thi: 120 phút - Không kể thời gian giao đề SECTION A: PHONETICS I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others by circling the corresponding letter A or B, C, D. 1. A. happy B. apple C. act D. aunt 2. A. mind B. bike C. fit D. tidy 3. A. school B. chair C. church D. chat 4. A. health B. team C. tea D. sea 5. A. sun B. fun C. son D. put 6. A. excited B. interested C. worried D. painted 7. A. use B. computer C. duty D. shut 8. A. chair B. fair C. pair D. are 9. A. how B. know C. town D. brown 10. A. season B. break C. great D. steak SECTION B: VOCABULARY, GRAMMAR I. Choose the best answer by circling its corresponding letter A, B, C or D 1. We always need more players. Why don’t you come ………………? A. on B. along C. with D. after 2. Will you be home …………..dinner tonight? A. to B. for C. at D. on 3. Giving a book report before the class is an interesting ………………….. A. act B. action C. activity D. deed 4. Do you go out ………..? A. in the afternoon on Fridays B. on Fridays in the afternoon C. on afternoons Friday D. on Friday afternoons 5. …………….lives in a very big house A. A Queen of England B. Queen of England C. The Queen of the England D. the Queen of England 6. On Sunday mornings I stay in bed …………..8 o’clock. A. until B. at C. from D. to 7. I often ……………in winter. A. go playing skiing B. go skiing C.play skiing D. go to ski 8. Some young peole are working ……………hospital volunteers. A. to be B. such as C. like D. as 9. We shouldn’t cross the street outside the ……………. A. pavement B. foot lane C. sidewalk D. zebra crossing 10. They …………..healthy after the summer vacation. 1
- A. looked B. were seeming C. were looking D. were appearing 11. They meet their friends and …………some fun. A. take B. have C. do D. enjoy 12. Yo should pay more …………….in class. A. part B. care C. notice D. attention 13. He and his friends usually get ……… and talk about their stamps. A. together B. themselves C. each other D. one another 14. He likes stamps. He is a stamp ………….. A. collect B. collecting C. collector D. collects 15. Some students say they are …………have no time for pastime. A. hurry B. busy C. full D. hard 16. It’s difficult to cross this street because there is too much ……….. A. crowd B. traffic C. people D. transport 17. There aren’t any good movies …………..at the moment. A. going on B. being on C. performing D. showing 18. Sorry I can’t come but thanks …………. A. any ways B. any way C. anyway D. in anyway 19. Look at ………..girl over there. A. one B. this C. that D. a 20. Would you like to come to my house for lunch? A. Yes, I do B. I’d love to C. Yes, I like D. OK. I’d like II. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets to complete the following sentences. 1. No one enjoy (go) ……….to hospital. 2. What you (do)…………at the moment? I (watch) ………….T.V. 3. We (be) ……………students in four years. 4. A new school (build) ………………near our school now. 5. You (be) …………..angry if he refuses to help you? 6. I will send him the message as soon as he (return)……………… 7. A lttle girl can’t spend all her time (listen) ……………..to stories. 8. He sent a telegram for his mother (learn) …………….good news. 9. + Where are you? + I am upstairs. I (have)……………… a bath. III. Fill in each blank with the correct form of the word given in capital: 1. My father has a …………computer. He often brings it with him when he’s away on business. PORT 2. We are all ………..about going on an excursion to Cuc Phuong forest next weekend. EXCITE 3. The room will look brighter if there is a …………..on the wall. PAINT 4. Some of the children …………boys, play marbles when there is a break. MAIN 5. You shouldn’t eat ……….food. HEALTH 6. We mustn’t be ……………….when we cross busy streets. CARE 7. She often feels …………………when she gets bad marks. HAPPY 2
- 8. There are about 200 ………….in this company. EMPLOY 9. Mai is ………….at math than me. GOOD 10. This lovely apartment has two bedrooms and it is ……………FURNISH IV. Choose the underline word or phrase that is incorrect 1. Tim is at the same age as Hoa. AB C D 2. At recess, the students practice to play basketball. A B C D 3. Do you know how much a banana cost? A B C D 4. The tacher says Ba will be a famous artist in one day. A B C D 5. Some boys are playing marble in the school yard at recess. A B C D 6. Some students are playing games as blind man’s buff and catch. A B C D 7. Mai learns how to use a computer in her scientific class. A B C D 8. I’d love coming to your birthday but I’m much too busy. A B C D 9. There are less TV programs for teenagers than there are for adults. A B C D 10. People are living longer so there are more and more many old people A B C D V. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions. 1. What time does the library close? - It closes …………about half …………four. 2. Can you help me wash …………these dirty glasses? 3. We look ………………..the new words in the dictionary. 4. You shouldn’t eat and watch TV ……….the same time. 5. These cards are in alphabetical order and …………author. 6. Schools in Vietnam are different ……….those in the USA. 7. What is your date ………birth? - November eighth. 8. Farmers are very hard-working. They work from morning ………night on their farms. 9. I like to live ……….the countryside because people there are more friendly. 10. Mr. Minh is not at home now. He is …………work. SECTION C: READING I. Choose one suitable word to complete the following passage. fishing singer Join Join in off watching when spend movies things house home 3
- I only have Sunday (1)………… so I have very little free time. Sunday is a wonderful day for me to (2)……….time with my friends and family. One of the (3)……….I really enjoy doing on Sunday morning is to go (4) ………….with my friends, although I am not always successful in catching fish. It is a time to relax and talk about the previous week’s events and future plans. I usually go (5)……..late in the afternoon. My family sometimes (6)……………..other relatives on Sunday evening at a karaoke restaurant and we all have a good time together. It is especially fun (7)……..my father gets up to sing. Please don’t tell him I said this, but he is a very bad (8)……..! Once in a while I go to the (9)……………with my friends or my brother. Sometimes, I just stay at home, listening to music, (10)……………videos or reading novels. II. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word. Alice is a new English friend of (1)…………….. . She is very (2) …………….to tell me about her new (3)…………… Her lessons begin at nine each morning and (4)……………until half past ten. Then she has a ………….for a quarter of an hour. During this time she usually talks to her friend about many things such (6) …………………the last class or last night’s movie, … . She has five (7) …………….in the morning and three in the afternoon. Alice’s favorite (8) ………..English. The first term lasts four months from September to December. Alice tries her (10)……………….to become a good student in the class. SECTION D: WRITING I. Use given words to rewrite the second sentence that the meaning not change: 1. What a luxurious car! How………………………………………………………………! 2. It takes me an hour to do my homework every evening. I spend …………………………………………………………… 3. No one can run faster than me. I am ………………………………………………………….. 4. Is there a library at your school? Does……………………………………………………….? 5. How old are you? What …………………………………………………………? 6. Shall I bring you a cup of tea? Would …………………………………………………………? 7. My sister is more hard-working than me. I don’t …………………………………………………………………? 8. Do you have a better refrigerator than this? Is this…………………………. 9. Finding an apartment in a big city is not easy. It is ……………………………………………………………… 10. February often has 28 days. There ……………………………………………………………… 4

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