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Figure Drawing - Rabbit, Squirrel, Kangaroo

Chia sẻ: Nguyenhoang Phuonguyen | Ngày: | Loại File: PDF | Số trang:12

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Rabbit characteristics: Two pairs of upper incisors; second pair small and peg-like, located just behind the front pair. Perforated lace-like texture of bone on side of skull in front of eye socket. (Both features not found in rodents). Long and pointed large ears. Arched upper profile of skull. Strong extension of spine where neck vertebrae meet thoracic vertebrae. Strong extension of middle tail vertebrae, raising tufted tail. Relatively thin, delicate bones. Rear-projecting "metacromion" from lower end of shoulder blade (for insertion of trapezius and omotransversarius muscles). Long hind limbs with large feet. Sits on sole and heel of foot...

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Nội dung Text: Figure Drawing - Rabbit, Squirrel, Kangaroo

  1. 18S RABBIT > ANATOMY DOMESTIC RABBIT (frim specimen) Oryctolagus cuniculus Rabbit characteristics: Two pairs of upper incisors; second pair small AbDl L Abductor digit! I longus; AbDiS Abductor digit! V; Basel Basioclavicularis; Bicep Biceps brachii; BiFem Biceps femoris; Brae Brachialis; Bucc Buccinator; and peg-like, located just behind the front pair. Perforated lace-like Canin Caninus; Cldel Clavodeltoid; Clmas Cleidomastoid; DelAc Deltoid, acromial texture of bone on side of skull in front of eye socket. (Both features not portion; DelSc Deltoid, scapular portion; DLaMn Depressor labii mandibularis; found in rodents). Long and pointed large ears. Arched upper profile of ECR Extensor carpi radialis; ECU Extensor carpi ulnaris; ED1&2 Extensor digit! I & skull. Strong extension of spine where neck vertebrae meet thoracic II; ED1L Extensor digit! I longus; EDC Extensor digitorum communis; EDLat Extensor digitorum lateralis; EDLon Extensor digitorum longus; ExAbO External vertebrae. Strong extension of middle tail vertebrae, raising tufted tail. abdominal oblique; FCR Flexor carpi radialis; FCU Flexor carpi ulnaris; FDP Flexor Relatively thin, delicate bones. Rear-projecting "metacromion" from digitorum profundus; FDS Flexor digitorum superficialis; Gas La Gastrocnemius, lower end of shoulder blade (for insertion of trapezius and omotransver- lateral head; Gastr Gastrocnemius; GluMe Gluteus medius; GluSu Gluteus super- sarius muscles). Long hind limbs with large feet. Sits on sole and heel of ficialis; Ilioc Iliocostalis; Infra Infraspinatus; LatDo Latissimus dorsi; LeNas Levator nasolabialis; LLaMx Levator labii maxillaris; Longi Longissimus; Malar foot at rest; pushes off with toes. Front limb walks on toes. Five digits Malaris; Mass Masseter; Omotr Omotransversarius; OrOc Orbicularis oculi; OrOr on front limb; four on rear limb. Females larger than males. Moves by Orbicularis oris; PecSu Pectoralis superficialis; PerBr Peroneus brevis; PerLo hopping. Covered with thick fur. Bottom of feet covered with fur. Claws Peroneus longus; PrTer Pronator teres; RecAb Rectus abdominis; RecFe Rectus femoris; Rhom Rhomboid; SerVT Serratus ventralis thoracis; Smemb on digits. Hares generally larger, more upright, slender, with longer ears Semimembranosus; Sol Soleus; Splen Splenius; Stend Semitendinosus; Sthy than rabbit, but true difference is in development of young at birth. Sternohyoid; Stmas Sternomastoid; Supra Supraspinatus; TeMaj Teres major; Temp Temporalis; TenFL Tensor fasciae latae; TibCr Tibialis cranialis; Trap Trapezius; TrIAc Triceps brachii, accessory head; TriLa Triceps brachii, lateral head; TriLo Triceps brachii, long head; TrIMe Triceps brachii, medial head; VasLa Vastus lateralis; Zyg Zygomaticus.
  2. RABBIT + ANATOMY 189 DOMESTIC RABBIT (from dessectinos) EASTERN COTTONTAIL Sylvilagus floridanus
  5. 192 SQUIRREL > ANATOMY EASTERN GRAY SQUIRREL (fromfrom specimena) Sciurus carolinensis Squirrel characteristics: Strong extension of tail vertebrae at base of AbCaE Abductor caudae externus; AbDl L Abductor digit! I longus; AbDiS Abductor tail (to bend tail onto back). Walks on palm of hand (not on digits like digit! V; AncAnconeus; Bleep Biceps brachii; BiFem Biceps femoris; Brach Brachialis; Brrad Brachioradialis; Bute Buccinator; Cldel Clavodeltoid; ClOcc dog). Good rotation of joints of rear limb so sole of foot can face down Cleido-occipitalis; DAnOr Depressor angulioris; DelAc Deltoid, acromial portion; (or backward) when leg is extended. This enables squirrel to climb DelSp Deltoid, spinal portion; Digas Digastric; DLaMn Depressor labii mandibu- down trees with its rear leg extended and the sole of its foot in contact laris; KR& Extensor carpi radialis brevis; ECRL Extensor carpi radialis longus; ECU Extensor carpi ulnaris; EDC Extensor digitorum communis; EDLat Extensor digito- with the tree. Five digits on front limb (with very reduced but visible first rum lateralis; EDLon Extensor digitorum longus; ExAbO External abdominal digit); five digits on rear limb. oblique; FCR Flexor carpi radialis; FCU Flexor carpi ulnaris; F:DP Flexor digitorum Rodent characteristics: Highly variable. Body very small (mouse) to profundus; FDS Flexor digitorum superficialis; GasLa Gastrocnemius, lateral head; GasMe Gastrocnemius, medial head; GluSu Gluteus superficialis; Ilioc Iliocostalis; dog-size (capybara). Single pair of incisors in upper and lower jaws grow Inter/rtterosse/; LatDo Latissimus dorsi; LeNas Levatornasolabialis; LLaMx continuously and wear against each other, keeping their front edges Levator labii maxillaris; Longi Longissimus; Mass Masseter; Omohy Omohyoid; sharp and chisel-like. No canines—gap present between incisors and Omotr Omotransversarius; OrOc Orbicularis oculi; OrOr Orbicularis oris; PalLo cheek teeth. Often has arched upper profile of skull. Receding lower jaw Palmaris longus; PecAb Pectoralis abdominis; PecSP Pectoralis superficialis poste- rior; PerBr Peroneus brevis; PerLo Peroneus longus; PrTer Pronatorteres; RecFe ("weak jaw"). Forearm rotates (pronates/supinates). Walks on palm and Rectus femoris; Stend Semitendinosus; Sthy Sternohyoid; Stmas Sternomastoid; wrist of front limb and sole and heel of rear foot. Four or five digits on Supra Supraspinatus; TeMaj Teres major; Temp Temporalis; TenFA Tensor fasciae front limb (often with reduced first digit), three to five on hind limb. Digits antibrachii; TenFL Tensor fasciae latae; TibCa Tibialis caudalis; TibCr Tibialis cranialis; Trap Trapezius; TriLa Triceps brachii, lateral head; TriLo Triceps brachii, may be webbed in semiaquatic species. Claws on digits. Usually medium long head; VasLa Vastus lateralis. to long tails: naked and scaly (rat), lightly haired (mouse), or very bushy (squirrel). Tail horizontally flattened and wide in beaver; vertically flat- tened in muskrat (both swimmers). Prehensile tails in some species. Hair modified into long, stiff quills in porcupine. Habits: running, gliding, climbing, swimming, burrowing, and jumping (hopping).
  6. SQUIRREL » ANATOMY 193 (from disec tion ;after cuvier ;orelell) EASTERN GRAY SQUIRREL Sciurus carolinensis
  9. Ip6 KANGAROO > ANATOMY RED KANGAROO (FEMALE) Macropus rufus Kangaroo characteristics: Forelimb small; has five digits with strong Clmas Cleidomastoid; Coccy Coccygeus; Delt Deltoid; Digas Digastric; ECRB claws. Large, powerful hind limb with long, strong, narrow foot. Extensor carpi radialis brevis; ECRL Extensor carpi radialis longus; ECU Extensor carpi ulnaris; EDC Extensor digitorum communis; EDLat Extensor digitorum later- Muscular thigh; muscle mass of lower leg positioned on upper half, alis; EDLon Extensor digitorum longus; ED1L Extensor hallucis longus; ExAbO toward knee. In foot, large fourth and smaller fifth digits transmit force External abdominal oblique; FCR Flexor carpi radialis; FCU Flexor carpi ulnaris; during locomotion; first digit missing, small digits two and three bound FDP Flexor digitorum profundus; FDS Flexor digitorum superflcialis; GasLa Gastrocnemius, lateral head; GluMe Gluteus medius; GluSA Gluteus superflcialis together by skin. Long tail, thick at base, used for body support at rest anterior; GluSP Gluteus superflcialis posterior; Ilioc Iliocostalis; InAbO Internal and balance during hopping. Fast locomotion is by leaping with hind abdominal oblique; LatDo Latissimus dorsi; LeNas Levator nasolabialis; LLaMx limbs only. Walking: Hind limbs, forelimbs, and tail in contact with Levator labii maxiltaris; Longi Longissimus; Mass Masseter; OrOc Orbicularis ground at various times. Sitting: Body rests on entire foot and tail; arms oculi; OrOr Orbicularis oris; PalLo Palmaris longus; Pec Pectoralis; PerLo Peroneus longus; PrTer Pronator teres; RecAb Rectus abdominis; Sart Sartorius; hang loosely. Pouch in female opens forward, supported by two long, SerVT Serratus ventralis thoracis; Smemb Semimembranosus; Sol Soleus; Stend thin bones. Semitendinosus; Sthy Sternohyoid; Stmas Sternomastoid; Stthy Sternothyroid; TeMaj Teres major; Temp Temporalis; TenFL Tensor fasciae latae; TibCa Tibialis AbDIB Abductor digit! I brevis; AbDIL Abductor digit! I longus; AbDiS Abductor caudalis; TibCr Tibialis cranialis; Trap Trapezius; TriLa Triceps brachii, lateral digit! V; Anc Anconeus; AT Achilles tendon; Bleep Biceps brachii; BiFem Biceps head; TriLo Triceps brachii, long head; VasLa Misfr/s lateralis. femoris; Brach Brachialis; Brrad Brachioradialis; Bucc Buccinator; Canin Caninus;
  10. KANGAROO > ANATOMY 197 (afterr c RED KANGAROO (FEMALE) Macropus rufus



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