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Historical Ph.D. thesis: Ha Tinh Provincial Party leaders developped friendly relations and cooperation with Bolykhamxay Khammuon provinces (Lao PDR) from 1991 to 2010

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The research of the process of building friendship and cooperation with Bolykhamxay, Khammuon provinces of Ha Tinh Provincial Party between 1991 and 2010, contributes to conclude a practical key guideline in policy foreign party on a certain locality, thereby contributies historical basis for the implementation of task leaders strengthen relationships special friendship, comprehensive cooperation with the provinces to reach you in time more effective.

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Nội dung Text: Historical Ph.D. thesis: Ha Tinh Provincial Party leaders developped friendly relations and cooperation with Bolykhamxay Khammuon provinces (Lao PDR) from 1991 to 2010

  1. 1 PREFACE 1. Reasons to choose the topic Vietnam and Laos are close neighbors on the Indo-China peninsula; the two countries have a tradition of creative diligence, had a close relationship since long. Over the long time of struggle, hardship, the two peoples have always united to stand together in the struggle for independence, freedom, development and national defense. The faithful and pure relationship, went all the way through the glorious history and became an invaluable property of the two nations and the two peoples. Moreover, it is a vivid expression of the clever combination genuine patriotism with proletarian internationalism. The relationship was more clearly expressed among the bordering provinces, each joint fight back hard against the conspiracy of invaders, to exist and develop. Ha Tinh province and province Bolykhamxay, Khammuon are the three provinces geographically close, and leaned back against the Truong Son range and there are similarities in history, culture, traditions, economic and social conditions. This is the objective and sustainable foundation of the friendship between the people of the three provinces in the building and defending for the countries. Such sentiments are showed vividly in the history of nearly a century of protracted struggle against invaders and the building of the countries of people in Ha Tinh and Bolykhamxay, Khammuon provinces. Currently, in the context of both Vietnam and Laos continue to implement the foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, cooperation and development, multi cultural and diversified foreign relations; active and proactive international economic integration; particularly the implementation of the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation, the contents of strategical cooperation Vietnam - Laos is go into depth, the task of building relations of friendship and comprehensive cooperation between the three provinces as be actively promoted and enhanced. Therefore, the study of the process of leadership in building relationship Bolykhamxay and Khammuon provinces of Ha Tinh Party from the day of re-establishment till now, helps review and assess the achievements, specify the limitations, defects, thereby draw on the experience of process planning policies within the organization as well as implementation, to further the relationship between the three provinces in the near future is necessary tasks. At the same time, the study of the process of building leadership relationship Bolykhamxay cooperation with provinces, Ha Tinh Party Khammuon through 20 years of re-innovating also contributed to the overall process of implementing open practical foreign policy of the Party on a specific locality, with specific natural and
  2. 2 historical conditions. On that basis, the thesis not only enriches the historical external activities of the Party, but also contribute to a more comprehensive study of the history of the local Party and history provide the basis for traditional education solidarity between the people and the province of Ha Tinh province Bolykhamxay, Khammuon, further strengthen cooperation relations long-term, comprehensive, sustainable bilateral Vietnam - Laos in general and in three provinces in particular historical conditions the new. Stemming from the above sense, the authors chose the theme: "Ha Tinh Provincial Party leaders developped friendly relations and cooperation with Bolykhamxay Khammuon provinces (Lao PDR) from 1991 to 2010" as the subject for historical Ph.D. thesis, majors Communist Party of Vietnam. 2. The purpose and mission of the thesis. 2.1 The purpose: The research of the process of building friendship and cooperation with Bolykhamxay, Khammuon provinces of Ha Tinh Provincial Party between 1991 and 2010, contributes to conclude a practical key guideline in policy foreign party on a certain locality, thereby contributies historical basis for the implementation of task leaders strengthen relationships special friendship, comprehensive cooperation with the provinces to reach you in time more effective. 2.2 The mission : - Analyze and study the impact of the fundamental elements affecting the interests of each province and cooperative relations between the provinces of Ha Tinh and Khammuon Bolykhamxay in the period from 1991 to 2010; - Systematize the events objectively and systematically the whole process leaders building relations of friendship and cooperation with Bolykhamxay Khammuon province of Ha Tinh Provincial Party during the period from 1991 to 2010; - Draw some major experiences in the process management implementation tasks of building friendly relations and cooperation among three provinces. 3. The subjects and scope of research. 3.1 The research subjects: Thesis researched on the planning process, policy and leadership organization in performing tasks to strengthen friendly relations and comprehensive cooperation with provinces Bolykhamxay, Khammuon of Ha Tinh Provincial Party period 1991-2010. 3.2 Scope of the study: In regarding of the content: the research thesis focused on the process of the leadership of relationship building special friendship and comprehensive cooperation with Bolykhamxay and Khammuon province of Ha Tinh Provincial Party from 1991 to 2010, on the field of politics, economics, culture, education, health, science and
  3. 3 technology, national security, border affairs, charity activities, people friendly exchanges. About the space: the activities of friendly relations and cooperation particularly comprehensive on three provinces: Ha Tinh province and province Bolykhamxay Khammuon. Regarding the time: the thesis put the research on the process of the leadership to build friendly relations with Provincial Bolykhamxay cooperation, Khammuon of Ha Tinh Provincial Party between 1991 and 2010. 4. Thesis rationale and research methods The dissertation is done on the basis of theoretical dialectic materialism and historical materialism, the view of Marxism - Leninism and Ho Chi Minh City and the views of the Party policy guidelines on foreign relations in general, especially the friendship and comprehensive cooperation with the Lao People's Democratic Republic in particular. Research Methodology The thesis is mainly of historical methods and methods of logic, and the integration of research methods and interdisciplinary majors, with particular focus on the actual survey methodology and statistics. 5. Contribution of the thesis - Through the collection of documents, studies, field surveys of three provinces, the thesis clarifies theoretical basis and practical form special relationships, comprehensive cooperation between the provinces of Ha Tinh and Bolykhamxay, Khammuon nam1991 time since 2010. - Evaluation of an objective reality, the results achieved, the difficulties, limitations and inadequacies in the policy making process and performing tasks leaders to strengthen the friendship and cooperation with province Bolykhamxay , Khammuon of Ha Tinh Provincial Party. Since then, the thesis contributes to committees, authorities, departments, groups and individuals to further the scientific basis and practical material to consult and advise during the construction undertakings as well as the organization implementing the tasks and measures to further strengthen the cooperation between the three provinces in the near future. - The thesis contributes to providing more information and data for overview and systematically about friendship and cooperation relations between the three provinces period 1991 - 2010, thereby contributing to traditional education, as to enrich the Party history and local history and Ha Tinh province Bolykhamxay, Khammuon province. 6. Layout thesis : Besides the introduction, Overview of the study, conclusions, appendices and reference list, the thesis includes 03 dissertation chapter content, six lessons.
  4. 4 OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH 1. The research work related to the thesis Laos and Vietnam are two close neighboring countries in the Indochinese peninsula, noted in the history as a shining symbol of international solidarity of the proletariat, a fine example of the rare and common aquatic, in light of the history of relations international. The friendly relations and comprehensive cooperation Vietnam - Laos is a research topic is presented with special attention. There have been many studies on this subject, notably the work on the following groups: 1.1 The research work relating to the Vietnam - Laos. On the perspective of this research, there have been studies about worldwide situation, regional, perspective, line and foreign policy of the Party and State over the period, which mentions the relationship special friendship and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam - Laos; speeches and articles of researchers published in newspapers and magazines; scientific conferences ... We can see that this works much access important documents in both countries and focus on the following general topics to reconstruct the history of relationships between the two countries on each specific field, such as political, diplomatic, security, military, culture - education, economics; research, clarify the rationale and practicality of the ruling party building in the two countries; contribute to summarize, analyze and evaluate the characteristics of the relationship "special relationship" and summarized the lessons learned, and suggest issues apply to current and future ... 1.2 The scientific work refers to the Vietnam - Laos on a number of areas, regions or specific local. The works on this perspective have assembled a relatively complete source monographs and valuable original documents, rich and reliable. The author presents in some detail the issue of geographical conditions, historical traditions, and cultural factors that impact the partnership; presented systematic cooperation in the fields of politics, defense and security, economic, cultural and some other areas; draw some preliminary comments on the advantages and difficulties, lessons learned, methods, features and recommendations on mechanisms to implement good policies to expand cooperation between localities of Vietnam some provinces of Laos. The results of the research work has provided the basis for the authors is important in the process of analyzing, evaluating and summarizing the ethos of partnership between Ha Tinh province to province and Khammuon Bolykhamxay.
  5. 5 1.3 The scientific work is directly related to the friendship and cooperation between the provinces of Ha Tinh province Bolykhamxay, Khammuon. On the basis of resources and relatively complete historical perspective (common usage), the studies refered to different aspects of the relations of friendship and cooperation between the provinces of Ha Tinh Central Laos, including Bolykhamxay province, Khammuon. Our thesis will inherit some selected results to cater for the expansion and research issues in terms of historical sciences Party, particularly the policy development process, the team leader function implemented, the results achieved, the difficulties, limitations, the issues raised in the process of leading and directing the implementation of collaborative tasks on the field between Ha Tinh province to province and Bolykhamxay Khammuon. 2. Contents related to thesis research projects mentioned Through the research works that have been published, we find that: Regarding Laos: The research has shown a comprehensive and insightful historical, traditional, career achievements in national liberation and nation building through the construction period, the outline of Foreign Relations of the Lao PDR and other countries in the region and around the world, including Vietnam. Regarding bilateral bond Vietnam - Laos: There have been many studies mentioned issues related to research that reflect a comprehensive and profound relationship of traditional friendship and cooperation between Vietnam and Laos as well as the provinces bordering the two countries. However, so far, there are no works monographs, thesis research in a systematic way the leadership of the party in the process of developing friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries' localities, especially the bordering provinces. Regarding the cooperation between the provinces of Ha Tinh province Bolykhamxay, Khammuon: The study was an analysis of the content of the cooperation between the provinces on the field, especially relations of friendship and cooperation of provincial troops in the war against the French colonialists and the U.S. imperialists and cooperation on political, security, defense, foreign affairs ... in the reform era, and refers to the results, and the limitations of current issues in collaborative process between the provinces. Party leaders issue construction process relationship of cooperation between provinces that are not mentioned, or just yet extremely generalized. This issue needs to be further researched, summarized in earnest, comprehensive and deeper way. Thus, from the overall situation can study shows that, so far, there have been many studies concerning the relationship between Vietnam - Laos in general, cooperation between the provinces and regions in Vietnam with the bordering provinces of Laos in particular. However, the work does not have a study this issue
  6. 6 from the perspective of the scientific approach to reconstruction Party History a full and comprehensive process of Ha Tinh Provincial Party leaders to develop friendly relations Bolykhamxay cooperation with provincial and Khammuon from 1991 to 2010. 3. Contents the thesis focused on: With purpose and mission in place, the thesis focused on researching, clarifying the following: - Background history of the cooperative relationship among the province of Ha Tinh province Bolykhamxay, Khammuon. - Rationale and practice of policy formation of Ha Tinh Provincial Party in building, developing partnerships with Bolykhamxay province, Ha Tinh Party Khammuon of the period 1991-2010. - Clarification of the factors affecting the process of cognitive development and leadership building, developing collaborative relationships between provinces: Ha Tinh, Bolykhamxay, Khammuon follow the course of history, the last two periods (1991-2000 and 2001-2010). - Serving up picture of the thorough process of the foreign policy of the Party in the province of Ha Tinh to the specific points, difficulties and certain advantages, in all fields of economic, political, socio-cultural, security and defense... - Identifying an objective successes, limitations, deficiencies in the policy making process as well as in directing the implementation process of the Ha Tinh Provincial Party leadership building exercise, develop Bolykhamxay cooperation with provinces, Khammuon innovation in almost 20 years (1991-2010). From the success, limiting defects in the construction management, developing partnerships with provinces Bolykhamxay, Khammuon of Ha Tinh Provincial Party for nearly 20 years (1991-2010), elucidate the thesis characteristics of the relationship between the three provinces; simultaneously draw on some experience primarily in terms of both the thorough policy of the Party Central Committee on Local use, both in terms of organizing and directing the implementation of this policy on a specific geographical area.
  7. 7 Chapter 1 THE PROCESS THE LEADERS BUILT FRIENDSHIP RELATIONS AND COOPERATION WITH BOLYKHAMXAY KHAMMUON PROVINCES OF HA TINH PROVINCIAL PARTY COMMITEE FROM 1991 TO 2000 1.1. Friendly relations and cooperation between the people of Ha Tinh province and Bolykhamxay, Khammuon provinces before 1991 1.1.1. Factors affecting relations between the provinces of Ha Tinh and Bolykhamxay, Khammuon Natural conditions: Ha Tinh, Bolykhamxay, Khammuon are three adjacent provinces, having geographically consecutive mountain, river line, with 145 kilometers of common border of the two countries Vietnam - Laos. The similarities in geography, economics, politics, culture and tradition are favorable conditions for the three provinces to expand and strengthen cooperation in various fields. Ha Tinh province is in the North Central Coast, north of Nghe An Province with a length of 88 km, south of Quang Binh Province with a length of 130 km, the East Sea with a length of 137 km, the west borders Bolykhamxay, Khammuon provinces - Laos, with 145 km border. Ha Tinh province has an area of 6055.6 km2 natural population of about 1.3 million people. Ha Tinh Province has 12 administrative units, including 1 city, 1 town and 10 districts. In particular, there are three border districts: Huong Son, Vu Quang, Huong Khe. Bolykhamxay Province is one of seven provinces of Central Laos, with an area of 1.59977 million hectares and a population of 422 300 people. Bolykhamxay provinces adjacent to Vietnam in the east to the 165 km long border. Bolykhamxay province has great potential for minerals like coal, iron, tin, gypsum, gemstones, copper, lead, zinc, gold ... Khammuon Province of Laos is a mountainous province, with a total area of natural 16.315km2 population of 55 985 people; 9 districts. Khammuon Province and other mountainous regions of Laos, midland hills and occupies 2/3 of the land area. Province Khammuon there are many types of wood and rare forest products. Although conditions on natural resources has many advantages, besides that, the province Bolykhamxay, Khammuon are faced with many difficulties on the path of development, especially low literacy levels, meet other people's lives difficulties, mainly based on agriculture and forest products exploitation; poor transportation system development with no rail, so the exchange between local traders in collaboration with provincial and outside also encountered many difficulties. Population factors and socio-cultural: Although there is little population similarities but living so long under the same roof as the Truong Son range, the people
  8. 8 from three provinces have long lived in harmony , the solidarity, mutual help in the fight against foreign invaders, as well as build a career in home country. Stemming from these similarities, much less influenced by the method living activities, the residents of three bordering provinces grow closer to each other and inevitably affected, in the interactions of the cultural life. It’s the strength of traditional cultural factors mainly contributed to building special affection between the people of the three provinces throughout history from ancient times to the present day. Economic Characteristics: In the process of development, due to geographical proximity and similarities in terms of natural, cultural and spiritual activities, residents along the three border provinces have traditionally delivered store, exchange and similarities in the early time. Due to the characteristics of natural conditions and social advantage, and the potential difficulties and challenges for each province in the development process, so in the process of building partnerships, especially in the economic field, the provinces of Ha Tinh and Bolykhamxay, Khammuon can complement and support each other to minimize and overcome these difficulties and challenges, while promoting maximum potential and strengths of each province. Traditionally struggle against foreign invaders in historical periods: During the process of development, solidarity and friendly relations between the two countries Vietnam - Laos in general and between the provinces of Ha Tinh province Bolykhamxay, Khammuon particular created not by the subjective desire of every nation, every locality, but from an objective requirement, which is vital in the struggle for national construction and defense of the people of both nations and the local history through the ages. In particular, from the date of the revolutionary party leading the way, the two nations continue to stand together in the period against the aggressor, foster friendship between two nations and people of two countries. 1.1.2. The partnership between the provinces of Ha Tinh and Bolykhamxay, Khammuon in the early years of innovation (1986 - 1990) After peace was restored, in 1976, the province of Nghe An, Ha Tinh were merged into Nghe Tinh. In this phase, the friendly relations of cooperation between Ha Tinh - Bolykhamxay, Khammuon be placed in the relationship between the province Nghe Tinh and the provinces of Bolykhamxay, Khammuon. In the period 1986 - 1990, friendly relations of cooperation between the three provinces took place in the context of the two countries are facing many difficulties, especially when provincial economic conditions were poor, not yet been out of the mechanism administrative subsidy, also had to deal with the conspiracy against hostile forces. However, the traditional solidarity of the oldest and special offers to win for each other, friendship and cooperation relations between the three provinces continue to be enhanced and obtained encouraging results, especially cooperation
  9. 9 political and national security. Cooperation in the field of economic, social and cultural initially interested and obtained certain results. In particular, the help of experts, provision of facilities and equipment necessary for production, the province's life helped to solve the difficult time ahead. However, at this stage, much of the content has been proposed cooperation but lack of timely implementation, where they were at the lack of feasibility. Therefore, in general, the cooperation between the three provinces brought low efficiency. 1.2. The policy and the process of building friendly relations and cooperation with Bolykhamxay and Khammuon province of Ha Tinh Provincial Party from 1991 to 2000. 1.2.1. Ha Tinh Provincial Party leaders to build relations of friendship and cooperation with provinces Khammuon Bolykhamxay from 1991 to 1995 Shortly after the re-establishment (8/1991), the provincial Party Congress Resolution XIII and thematic NQ Editor, Provincial Executive Committee have reaffirmed their determination to continue to strengthen long-term cooperation relations, the whole comprehensive and effective on all areas of economic, political, socio-cultural, security, defense, friendly exchanges between people... and the provincial People's Party Bolykhamxay, Khammuon. The policy has shown that the successor, the continuation of the achievements of the People's Party and former Nghe static, medium of expression and determination of the Party and people of Ha Tinh province continues cultivating relationships strong and faithful friendship with the People's Party and the Lao tribal brothers, meet the requirements of revolutionary tasks in the new situation. In addition push up propaganda, the Party committees, governments, industries, organizations from provincial to grassroots leaders have timely, direct and organize the thorough implementation of the program, in collaboration with content Province of Laos on the field. In the political field: Highlights of cooperation in the political field between the three provinces as the maintenance of mutual visits of high-ranking leaders of the three provinces. In addition to maintaining the official friendly visit and carrying out high-level talks, three provinces have sent many missions of the industry, the local working visit in order to grasp the situation, exchanged of the experiences and signed agreements to cooperate content. In the field of economy and trade: The parties continue to celebrate the province's delegation, of the branch into a working visit to discuss and agree on specific plans for cooperation, trade, experience economic development households, help you on agricultural techniques, fruit trees, livestock, mining, forestry processing industry... The ministries of Culture and Sports of 3 provinces organizes regular visits and exchange of experience in the field of management of cultural activities, performing arts ... The arts and culture group has held three provincial tour with special entertainment shows, leaving a good
  10. 10 impression in the hearts of viewers. Education and training in Ha Tinh province has signed cooperation agreements with the provinces to create favorable conditions to help and contribute to improving the quality of education and training effectiveness of other provinces. Three provincial health sectors strengthen cooperation in the field, especially focusing on the construction of facilities for health care facilities; directly appointed expert guidance, and exchange experiences, provide information to build and develop the health of each province. In the field of defense, security and border affairs: Under the guidance of the Provincial Party Committee, People's Committee of Ha Tinh province were promptly directed the departments to review functionality timely, unified management of intrusion objects allowed, strengthen inspection and proper handling of personal, collective criminal acts; continue to strengthen the extensive propaganda for people to understand the policies and laws of the Party and State, especially Border Regulation; maintaining regular briefings on the work, inform each other of the situation and promptly resolve problems that arise in the border. However, due to the economic conditions of the three provinces have difficulties, especially in terms of Ha Tinh has just split, so the results of cooperation in the period 1991 - 1995 was not commensurate with the potential and requirements. 1.2.2. Ha Tinh Provincial Party leaders built partnerships with provinces Bolykhamxay and Khammuon in the early years of promoting industrialization and modernization (1996 - 2000) In the political aspect: The mission to strengthen friendly relations and cooperation with provinces Khammuon, Bolykhamxay continued to be promoted, especially the continuing organization of summit meetings and signed a written agreement cooperation in the field, organized the visits and works of the department, the operational activities of the people. In the field of agriculture - forestry, Ha Tinh province has instructed the Department of Agriculture and related industries redirecting from a small investment cooperation to supporting the neighboring countries combine strategic planning for agricultural development planning of food production, food; investment in the construction of small and medium irrigation projects, ensure food security associated with the task of building a new countryside. In the construction sector: Focused on maintenance tasks, upgrades, new construction road traffic system and the construction of provincial roads connecting the two sides, the road system along the border to serve people's needs and ensuring national defense and security. In the field of commercial investment and tourism: Three provinces have increased investment in construction, complete transportation system, expanding the commercial center, the base formed many trade services, especially in two border checkpoints, on the road No.8, along the border... In the field of education - training: In addition to
  11. 11 strengthening cooperation improve the quality of high school education, Ha Tinh province are interested in helping train students in the neighboring provinces, which do not have industry training conditions especially in economics, science and technology. In the medical field, three provinces have strengthened cooperation in various fields, particularly focusing on the construction of facilities for health care facilities; professional training and professional; directly appointed expert guidance, and exchange experiences, provide information to build a network of provincial health facility; implementation of measures to prevent and combat the disease. In the field of culture and sports: On big festivals, arts and culture groups three provinces have organized regular visits and performances in the provinces, especially provinces along the three border provinces. In the field of security, defense and border affairs: The party has promoted comprehensive cooperation, focusing on advisors, professionals, strengthen the exchange of experiences in building the local army forces, civil guerrillas; help the neighboring provinces build the people's war; strengthening propaganda and education, helping people to raise awareness, implement good policies and policies of the Party and State laws, especially to actively participate in the task of protecting the border. On the basis of the guidelines and policies of the Party and the state of foreign affairs, international sentiments and faithful brotherhood, Ha Tinh Provincial Party promptly grasped, specified and promulgated policy to strengthen solidarity, friendship and cooperation with the People's Party and the provinces bordering Laos. In the years from 1986 - 1990, friendly relations and cooperation between the three provinces continued to be enhanced and obtained encouraging results, especially in politics and cooperation on security and defense. However, at this stage, the results obtained during the implementation of the agreement had been agreed is lower than required, the desire and the potential of three provinces. Entering the period 1991 - 2000, relations between the three provinces are implementing a comprehensive, uniform, higher efficiency in many fields; gradual economic cooperation was identified as the central task and initially yielded encouraging results in a number of areas... However, through the process of understanding the cooperation between the two provinces of Ha Tinh and Bolykhamxay, Khammuon period 1991 - 2000 showed that the results of the cooperation were not as effective, especially in the economic field.
  12. 12 Chapter 2 POLICIES AND PROCESS OF DEVELOPMENT FRIENDLY RELATIONS AND COOPORATION WITH BOLYKHAMXAY COMPREHENSIVE AND KHAMMUON OF THE PARTY HA TINH PROVINCE FROM 2001 TO 2010 2.1. Context affects the relationship between Vietnam - Laos in early decades of the twenty-first century. 2.1.1. The situation of international and regional: Entering the new millennium, world and regional’s affairs happens unpredictably in political, economic, cultural and social. Revolutionary of science and technology continue to evolve with increasing speed, accelerate the development of productive forces, and accelerating the process of restructuring the world economy. Southeast Asia, after decades of war, confrontation, there was peace but still some potential destabilizing factor. In this context, the innovation of the country, the opening of Vietnam and Laos is facing many opportunities but also many challenges. 2.1.2. The situation in the country Entering the new millennium, with the victories won earlier in the construction and national defense, and the great achievements of the crucial 15 years of innovation have made the world and Vietnam's increasingly strengthened and enhanced. Meeting of the Nineth National Party has said: "Implement consistently the foreign policy line of independence, openness, multi cultural, diversification of international relations. Vietnam is willing to be a friend and reliable partner of all countries in the international community, striving for peace, independence and development. " The 10th Congress Party continues to affirm: "Implement consistently the foreign policy line of independence, peace, cooperation and development; open foreign policy, multilateralism and diversification of relations international. Proactive and positive international economic integration, expanding international cooperation in other fields. Vietnam is a friend, reliable partner of all countries in the international community, actively participating in process of international cooperation and the region. " 2.2. Ha Tinh Provincial Party leaders to develop the relations of friendship and comprehensive cooperation with provinces Bolykhamxay, Khammuon from 2001 to 2010.
  13. 13 2.2.1. The policy of the Ha Tinh Provincial Party about continuing to develop a special relationship between the provinces of Ha Tinh province Bolykhamxay, Khammuon. Party Congress in Ha Tinh Province XV declared: "Continue to strengthen good relations with the provinces of Laos, maintaining friendly border". The policy of the Congress to promote regional economic development and exploitation potential economic advantage Road 8, investing region Cau Treo border gate economic, infrastructure construction west, frontier, most renovation, upgrading and building new roads East - West axis ... the base and favorable conditions to further strengthen cooperation with provinces Bolykhamxay, Khammuon. On the basis of Resolution of XV Congress and Resolutions of Executive Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Provincial People's Committee has developed the scheme, action plan, particularly issued many policies to encourage investment in economic zones 8 Street, Cau Treo border gate, promote cooperative programs with other provinces of Laos. Congress Party of Ha Tinh province XVI (12/2005) stated their intention to continue to promote the depth of international relations have been established between the provinces of Ha Tinh province of Laos. The views and guidelines in collaborative initiative confirmed as positive, comprehensive and in-depth. This is a new development in the awareness building process as well as policy, planning programs, specific plans of the Party and local authorities to continue to strengthen friendly relations and cooperation with provinces Bolykhamxay, Khammuon. Compared to the period 1991 - 2000, opinion, the policy of the provincial Party in strengthening cooperation with other provinces period 2001 - 2010 there is a new development, it is: On the basis of viewpoint, the general policy about foreign affairs duties and tasks to enhance cooperation with provinces Bolykhamxay, Khammuon be further confirmed and shown in more detail thematic resolutions of the Executive Committee, the Standing. Content, cooperative programs with other provinces gradually been put into the research program, plan social and economic development and national security of the province. For provinces Bolykhamxay : Congress Party IV term 2005 - 2010 of the Provincial Party Committee confirmed Bolykhamxay "Continue to implement the foreign policy of the Party and strengthen the special solidarity and cooperation comprehensive Vietnam ". Political Report of the Party Congress in the Fifth, the term 2010 - 2015 of the Provincial Party Committee Bolykhamxay was "Affirming the foreign policy of the Party, to promote friendly relations, special solidarity, the comprehensive cooperation with Vietnam, especially in bordering provinces. " For provinces Khammuon: Political Report of the Provincial Party Congress VII of Khammuon term 2006 - 2010 confirmed : "Implementing policies to expand ties and cooperation with foreign countries, on the basis of equality , mutually beneficial. Strengthen relationships especially, comprehensive cooperation with Vietnam to take
  14. 14 advantage of the strengths of the two parties for the development of each province ". Political Report of the Provincial Party Congress VIII Khammuon on 19/08/2010 said: "Continue to implement the foreign policy direction of the party, such as peace, independence friendship and cooperation, strengthen ties of friendship and special solidarity, traditional, comprehensive cooperation with Vietnam. Continue to build the relationship and cooperation with neighboring countries, the expansion of foreign affairs and international non-governmental organizations abroad ". 2.2.2. The process of developing friendly relations and cooperation with the provinces Khammuon and Bolykhamxay of Ha Tinh Provincial Party Committee (2001 - 2010) Grasping the policy of the provincial Party Congress and the leadership, the Provincial People's Council and Provincial People's Committees had concretized the task requires cooperation with Laos in particular provinces and foreign-relating missions on the new period in general to the plan of action programs, projects and tasks of socio-economic development of annual, short-term and long-term, consistent with the specific conditions in each stage. On cooperation in the fields of politics, diplomacy: Since 2001 - 2010 the three provincial leaders held dozens of official friendship visits to each other and dozens of documents signed as cooperation agreements. This is the legal basis for the Party committees, governments, industries, organizations, and social and economic institutions of the province relating to the grounds for its functions and duties, program development, implementation plan. In addition to maintaining the official friendship visits to bilateral visits, the working periodically and irregularly by the provincial leadership has been maintained and increased in number. On the neighboring provinces, in addition to the official friendly visit and signed the cooperation agreement of senior leaders, every year, many provinces have sent delegations representing committees, governments, industries unions, local authorities in the province to work in collaboration to solve problems arising in relations between the parties and study tour experience. Cooperation in the field of economics: Regarding agriculture, forestry, Ha Tinh Province has increased cooperation and investment, the province gradually help the neighboring provinces solve problems, promote the development of agriculture and rural development. The content of cooperation focuses primarily on helping the neighboring countries raise the level of science and technology, bringing the same animals and crops of high economic value to production; cooperation in food production, food, mining, processing plant and forestry products; build an economic model of agricultural - forestry. On trade and tourism: Three provinces have reinforced the directions and created conditions conducive to the economic sectors
  15. 15 for investment and business, production, processing and consumption of domestic products and exports to 3rd country. Priority for business of three provinces in this period is investing in production and processing of agricultural and forestry products such as wood, food, foods, fruits, vegetables and mining, mineral processing. The parties further enhanced steering and extended tours through the Cau Treo border gajnte; expand and strengthen the exchange of goods traffic. Industry and construction: Many companies and enterprises in Ha Tinh province has undertaken several construction projects in the neighboring provinces ensure the quality requirements and progress. In particular, investment by Government, Ha Tinh province undertook repair and upgrade path between the two provinces is strong main route 8A, while upgrading the road Gia Lach - Xuan Hai Port. Ha Tinh Province has issued preferential policies to help you use the jetty system, parking ... create an environment and conditions favorable for the Lao province exchanges, commodity exchanges. Three provincial culture sector have signed cooperation documents, encouraging all levels, sectors and localities to strengthen exchanges to enhance mutual understanding, to exchange experience in the field of management cultural activities, art shows, press releases, film, publishing, library work, photography, model building cultural and artistic development professional ... Ha Tinh Province has the neighboring provincial training center to help students in the their provinces, where do not have industry training conditions, especially in economics, science and technology; election of union officials and experts to visit, study, exchange of experience in management, improve the quality of education at all levels. Regarding health: Strengthening cooperation on the field, especially focusing on the construction of facilities for health care; professional training; directly appointed expert guidance, exchange of experience in building organizations from the provincial health network to the basis; implementation of measures to prevent and combat the disease: malaria, goiter, prevention of infectious diseases. Science - technology field: Cooperation in science and technology between the three provinces with adequate attention. Ha Tinh province continued to support the implementation of projects: technology transfer project, the construction of water treatment plants, biogas, solar power for two provinces; Transfer Project biotech tissue culture plant cells produce varieties of bananas, sugar cane, just determined, Paulownia; Technology transfer project firewood production in Laos raw coal; building research project feasible measurement management system. In the field of security and defense and border affairs: the most striking result in security and defense cooperation between the three provinces in this period is to maintain political security, social order and safety, smashed scheme the destruction of enemy forces. In parallel with the mission to strengthen cooperation to effectively prevent the scheme of the hostile forces, maintaining security and order in the province, three provinces have increased cooperation to build border of peace and friendship .
  16. 16 In the period 2001 - 2010, besides cooperation in the fields of politics, defense and security has been identified as the basis and foundation, to cooperate in the field of economic, commercial real sector is considerably focused, motivation for cooperation in other fields to develop a new step. Some programs, major capital projects, attracting a workforce to be implemented to bring high efficiency. Besides, cooperation in culture, education, health, science and technology are properly concerned and obtained encouraging results. In terms of leadership, Ha Tinh Provincial Party has focused on leadership through the identification of perspectives, as well as guidelines issued NQ subjects. In the development of the policy, compared with the previous period, the capturing of information, studying the real situation, especially in terms of resources to ensure implementation of the policy of cooperation with interested parties better. Pay adequate attention to the political leaders to institutionalize perspective, the direction of strengthening friendly relations with the provinces Bolykhamxay, Khammuon's Party, the programs, plans and specific projects, at the same time, focusing on the power the government in the implementation. Work to strengthen the organization and apparatus for personnel to be more focused properly. The working group, assisting teams at provincial and local departments concern is established, consolidated operationally and effectively. The inspection, preliminary and final reviews of the implementation was initially valued; noted to promote the role of the Fatherland Front, the peoples, the social and economic organization in the implementation of activities in accordance with the functions and duties. Chapter 3 SOME COMMENTS AND EXPERIENCE 3.1. Comment 3.1.1. Regarding the planning process of policy and directing the implementation of the friendship, comprehensive cooperation with provinces Bolykhamxay, Khammuon of Ha Tinh Provincial Party. Looking back on the process of research, planning process of policy and directing the implementation of the friendship, comprehensive cooperation with provinces Bolykhamxay, Khammuon of Ha Tinh Provincial Party: - The policy of strengthening long-term partnerships, comprehensive and effective on all fields with the Provincial Party and people of Bolykhamxay,
  17. 17 Khammuon was confirmed shortly after the re-establishment, inherit and promote the achievements of people and Nghe Tinh Provincial Party in the past. - The policy of strengthening cooperation with the Lao province of Ha Tinh Provincial Party concretized in time and contributed to the ampleness, varieties of all policies and guidelines and policies of the Party in the external affairs. - The policy to continues to strengthen solidarity, friendship and comprehensive cooperation with people and the Provincial Party of Bolykhamxay, Khammuon of Ha Tinh Provincial Party has implemented and developed continously in accordance with mission requirements and specific conditions in the province. - Ha Tinh Provincial Party has focused on concretization the policy and steering the various levels and branches to perform the tasks of friendly relations and cooperation with two provinces along the border After grasping thoroughly the policy, foreign policy of the Party and the State in accordance with the characteristics of local, Ha Tinh Party has gradually focused on directing the government to institutionalize the views, the direction of strengthening friendly relations with Bolykhamxay and Khammuon province. At the same time, focusing to promote the power of the machinery of government in the implementation of programs, plans and projects have been developed and adopted. Especially when turning to period 2001 - 2010, a number of programs and projects have a large capital investment, especially in industries, construction, transport, science and technology are elaborately prepared and implemented initial provides high efficiency, creating a significant change in sentiment to implement the central economic work during the mission to strengthen cooperation between the three provinces. Beside, the working group, assisting teams at provincial and local departments concerned is established, consolidated and come into operation effectively, contributing to significant changes in advisory work, directing, organizing to implement the collaborative content. The work of the advisory of committees, departments and specialized agencies to help governments improve the effectiveness and efficiency of executive leadership has many positive changes. Advisory work, coordination between local government and Ministries and Central Agencies are grasped thoroughly and implemented timely, uniform, bring practical results. The inspection, preliminary and final reviews of the implementation was initially valued; paid attention to the promotion the role of the Fatherland Front, the union, the social and economic organization in the implementation of activities with the functions and tasks to strengthen the friendship and co- work with the provinces Bolykhamxay, Khammuon ... The renewal of the leadership of the Party above has gradually overcome the limitations, weaknesses in leadership methods in the previous period; simultaneously, suit to the process of renewing the leadership of the Party in the new period. Thus,
  18. 18 contributed to improve the capacity and efficiency of the leadership of provincial Party on the field over time, which is tasked to strengthen the friendly relations of cooperation with provinces Bolykhamxay, Khammuon. These important changes and achievements in the process of cooperation with other provinces in each period mentioned above have demonstrated deeply the processes of innovation, development of comprehension and the implementation process, develope the policy to strengthen solidarity, friendship and cooperation with the Lao province of Ha Tinh Provincial Party. 3.1.2. Results of building friendship and cooperation between the provinces of Ha Tinh and Khammuon, Bolykhamxay Looking back at the friendly relations of cooperation between the provinces of Ha Tinh province with Laos in the period 1991 - 2010, we find: In the period 1991 - 2000, relations between Ha Tinh, Bolykhamxay, Khammuon had many changes, relations majored from political, security and defense in the '70s, gradually switching to comprehensive cooperation in all fields. In particular, economic cooperation, political increasingly important position. Along with the focus on the economic cooperation, the other areas of cooperation are also constantly developing and achieving results. In terms of leadership, Ha Tinh Provincial Party during this period had been many changes, towards the thorough awareness of methods of Party leaders identified in the platform for national construction in the transitional period to the Socialism. Specifically, Party leads by the social platforms, strategies, and policy-oriented undertakings; by propaganda, persuasion and mobilization, organization and test exemplary actions of party members. Party introduced the elite members, who have sufficient capacity and quality for operational leadership in the government agencies and unions. Entering the period 2001 - 2010, the friendly relations of cooperation among three provinces had large changes, both in width and depth compared to the previous period. During this period, besides cooperation in the fields of politics, defense and security which had been identified as the basis and foundation, to cooperate in the fields of economy, trade, which is seen as the focused areas , create incentives for cooperation in other fields to develop to a new step. In cooperation of Ha Tinh with provinces of Laos, it had shifted from subsidies, direct aid, to equal cooperation and mutual benefit, more diversity, focusing on exploiting the potential advantages of each other more . Some programs, major capital projects, attracting a workforce to be implemented to bring high efficiency. Besides, cooperation in culture, education, health, science and technology are properly concerned and obtained encouraging results; social activities, exchanged people have been strengthened with the content and forming rich, diverse, practical solidarity and foster the special friendship between the Party and the people of the three provinces.
  19. 19 In terms of leadership, compared with the previous period, the capture of information, the study of the real situation, especially in terms of resources to ensure implementation of the undertakings of the parties to cooperate received more attention. The adequate attention to the political leaders to institutionalize perspective, the direction of strengthening friendly relations with Bolykhamxay province, Kham's Late Party, into programs, plans, specific projects, and focusing on the power of the machinery of government in the implementation of programs, plans and projects have been developed and adopted. Work to strengthen the organization and apparatus for personnel to be more focused properly. The work of the advisory committees, departments and agencies specialized committees to help governments improve the effectiveness and efficiency of executive leadership has many positive changes. The inspection, preliminary and final reviews of the implementation was initially valued; noted to promote the role of the Fatherland Front, the people, the social and economic organization in the implementation of activities in accordance with the functions and tasks to strengthen ties of friendship and co- work with the provinces Bolykhamxay, Khammuon ... 3.1.3 Some key features of the relationship between Ha Tinh province and Bolykhamxay, Khammuon : Looking back at the process of planning policy and implementation tasks to organize cooperation between Hatinh province and Bolykhamxay, Khammuon provinces of Ha Tinh Provincial Party period 1991 - 2010 , we can draw a number of key features as follows: - The relationship between Hatinh province and Bolykhamxay, Khammuon provinces carries general characteristics of a special relationship,which is pure ,exemplary rare and increasingly consolidating and developing between two countries, two ethnics Vietnam - Laos. - The partnership between Ha Tinh province and Bolykhamxay, Khammuon is the concretization of the plans, directions, perspectives, and additional development and contribution to enrich the special relationship between the two parties, Government and people of the two countries. - Despite there are many difficulties, restrictions , different objectively and subjective causes in the process of implementing the program and collaborative content, results achieved in this period critically contributed to the successful implementation of political tasks, socioeconomic, defense and security of the Parties and the provinces. - The implementation of the program, cooperation content with the other Party has contributed to the enhancement of the leadership capacity of the Party Committee ,the effective and efficient administration of government, the
  20. 20 coordination of the activities of the industries, unions and the political system from provincial to grassroots in Ha Tinh province as well as neighboring provinces. - Due to the similarities in natural conditions, economic, cultural traditions, history, cooperation between Ha Tinh province and Bolikhamxay, Khammuon provinces has some quite “ similar” points compared with the cooperation between a number of provinces in North Central Vietnam and a number of provinces of the country bordering Laos. - Beside these similarities, the cooperation between Ha Tinh province and Bolykhamxay, Khammuon provinces has special characteristics compared with cooperation between a number of provinces in North Central provinces bordering Laos such as: On the border between Ha Tinh province and Bolikhamxay, Khammuon ther are less common cases involving extensive invasion, invasive migration, marriage in contravention of regulations between citizens of the two countries and a number of issues relating to border security. Vietnam government had planned construction orientation Vung Ang port with integrated ports and specialized ports to serve industrial engineering, steel rolling mills, ship building and repairing , petrochemical, and especially to help Laos "to the sea". This project is important to the two countries' leaders and prioritized to focus on directing, contributing to economic development in the North Central region, goods in transit serving of Laos and economic development in East - West. The implementation of this project will certainly create new momentum and contribute to the improvement of the quality and efficiency of cooperation between Ha Tinh province and Bolykhamxay, Khammuon provinces in the future. 3.1.4 : Some inadequacies, limitations - The results of economic cooperation were potentially incommensurate with the requirements and expectations of the Party and the people of the three provinces. Although some content of cooperation has been agreed or signed but is slowly being implemented, or not implemented. - The quality of human resources for the implementation of programs and projects, especially the staff, skilled professionals in the areas of three provinces, especially in the two provinces are weak and lacking. - Qualifications, capacity, professional staff of experts in the field of foreign affairs in general and in particular foreign economic relations are insufficient, failing to meet the requirements of the new situation. - The exploration and investigation to grasp the situation, especially the ability, manpower requirements, facilities, capital, natural conditions, economic and other social ... to ensure the viability of content, cooperative programs are not given due attention.



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