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Luận văn Thạc sĩ Khoa học Giáo dục: The use of language learning strategies in English reading at Doan Ket secondary school - An investigation

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This research aimed at identifying the levels of strategy use among the students at Doan Ket Secondary School, the correlation between the use of language learning strategies and students’ performance in English reading. Hence, both teachers and students may discover remarkable cases, secondary school teachers can adjust the students’ learning environments assisting back to the students or consulting education in case of any changes.

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Nội dung Text: Luận văn Thạc sĩ Khoa học Giáo dục: The use of language learning strategies in English reading at Doan Ket secondary school - An investigation

  3. LỜI CAM ĐOAN Ngoại trừ những trường hợp được thừa nhận rõ ràng trong chú thích và danh sách trích dẫn ở cuối bài, tôi xác nhận rằng tôi là tác giả duy nhất của luận văn được gửi hôm nay với tên đề tài nghiên cứu: The Use of Language Learning Strategies in English Reading at Doan Ket Secondary School: An Investigation Tôi xác nhận thêm rằng, luận văn này được viết theo sự hiểu biết của bản thân người nghiên cứu, không chứa tài liệu nào đã từng xuất bản hoặc viết bởi người khác trước đây, trừ việc có sự tham khảo và trích dẫn các nguồn tài liệu phù hợp cho bản luận văn. Tôi xin cam đoan luận văn này là một công trình nghiên cứu độc lập, không là cơ sở cho bất kỳ một giải thưởng hay bằng cấp nào khác, những trích dẫn nêu trong luận văn đều chính xác và trung thực. Luận văn tuân thủ các yêu cầu của trường Đại Học Sư Phạm Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh về Luận văn Thạc sĩ.
  4. Statement of Authorship Except where clearly acknowledged in footnotes, quotations and the bibliography, I certify that I am the sole author of the thesis submitted today entitled – The Use of Language Learning Strategies in English Reading at Doan Ket Secondary School: An Investigation I further certify that to the best of my knowledge the thesis contains no material previously published or written by another person except where due reference is made in the text of the thesis. The material in the thesis has not been the basis of an award of any other degree or diploma except where due reference is made in the text of the thesis. The thesis complies with the requirements of Ho Chi Minh City University of Education for a MA thesis.
  5. LỜI CẢM ƠN Tôi xin bày tỏ lòng biết ơn đến những người đã ủng hộ tôi trong việc hoàn thành luận văn này. Đầu tiên, tôi muốn gửi lời cảm ơn đến tất cả các nhà ngôn ngữ học, các nhà nghiên cứu trên thế giới đã cho tôi nguồn tài liệu nghiên cứu dồi dào, điển hình là các nghiên cứu từ Bà Oxford Rebecca cũng như một số tài liệu khác của bà ấy có liên quan đến chủ đề về các chiến lược học ngôn ngữ (Language Learning Strategies - LLS) đã giúp tôi hoàn thành nghiên cứu này, và thông qua sự giải thích cụ thể đó để Hướng dẫn Chiến lược học ngôn ngữ (LLSI) cho các em học sinh, giúp các em định hướng tốt trong tương lai. Đồng thời, tôi muốn ghi nhận sự tham gia khảo sát của học sinh lớp sáu trong nghiên cứu này, và xin chân thành cảm ơn sự sẵn sàng chia sẻ kinh nghiệm của tất cả những người tham gia. Nhờ sự hỗ trợ nhiệt tình này mà việc thu thập dữ liệu nghiên cứu đã hoàn thành và đạt được các kết quả khi phân tích dữ liệu về phương diện lý thuyết lẫn thực tiễn. Tiếp theo, tôi xin chân thành cảm ơn Hiệu trưởng nhà trường, các Ban Lãnh Đạo các Phòng/ Khoa, Ban Quản Lý và các Chuyên viên của Phòng Sau Đại Học - Trường Đại học Sư phạm Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh trong việc đào tạo Thạc sĩ ngành “Lý luận và phương pháp dạy học bộ môn tiếng Anh”, cảm ơn việc tuyển chọn những chuyên đề hay và phù hợp để đào tạo cho học viên, cảm ơn đã cung cấp đầy đủ cơ sở vật chất - trang thiết bị tiện nghi và để học viên có cơ hội học tập với những giảng viên có kinh nghiệm là các vị Giáo Sư, Phó Giáo Sư, Tiến Sĩ Triết Học, Tiến Sĩ Giáo Dục hoặc các vị Tiến Sĩ đa lĩnh vực đến từ nhiều trường đại học danh tiếng ở Việt Nam. Các vị ấy đã triển khai nhiều đề tài nghiên cứu mang tính học thuật cao và vô cùng hữu ích cho học viên cao học. Ngoài ra, các vị còn cung cấp cho học viên một số nhu cầu cần thiết: từ tài liệu học tập/ bài giảng cho đến những kinh nghiệm thực tế có giá
  6. trị, bổ trợ nhiều cho giai đoạn nghiên cứu đề tài luận văn Thạc sĩ của học viên bao gồm cả luận văn này. Nhân đây, tôi xin chân thành cảm ơn các bạn cùng khóa Thạc sĩ tại Trường Đại học Sư phạm Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh với tinh thần hợp tác đã thảo luận sôi nổi trong các chủ đề thuyết trình vì sự tiến bộ chung. Đặc biệt, tôi xin trân trọng gửi ngàn lời cảm ơn sâu sắc đến người hướng dẫn luận văn cho tôi - PGS. TS. Phạm Nguyễn Huy Hoàng đã nhiệt tình hướng dẫn, luôn hỗ trợ và chỉ bảo để tôi có thể hoàn thành tốt luận văn này. Bên cạnh đó, tôi cũng thầm cảm ơn Phật đã kết duyên lành cho tôi tiếp xúc với các thiện hữu tri thức gần xa, đồng thời giúp tôi giải tỏa phiền muộn, căng thẳng để tiếp tục phấn đấu học tập. Cảm ơn các thành viên trong gia đình tôi đã yêu thương, động viên, và quan tâm để tôi tập trung học tập sau giờ làm việc. Vậy nên, tôi xin cống hiến Luận văn Thạc sĩ này cho sự phát triển của giáo dục cấp Trung Học Cơ Sở ở Việt Nam như một sự đền đáp của tôi, và để làm tròn nghĩa vụ của một người công dân phục vụ cho đất nước - Đó cũng là điều mà gia đình tôi luôn mong muốn. Tôi sẽ tranh thủ nạp đầy năng lượng cho mình để chuẩn bị cho những nghiên cứu sâu hơn trong tương lai, tôi sẽ không ngừng trau dồi năng lực bản thân để đóng góp cho sự phát triển của quê hương đất nước. Có thể luận văn này không tránh khỏi những thiếu sót nên rất mong nhận được nhiều góp ý nhằm cải thiện chất lượng nghiên cứu chuyên môn. Nhiều người cống hiến nhiệt thành cho giáo dục thì chất lượng giáo dục Việt Nam sẽ ngày một tốt hơn.
  7. Acknowledgements I would like to show my gratitude to a number of people for their support over this thesis completion. First, I would say thanks to all the linguists and researchers in the world giving me a great source of research materials, typically Madam Oxford Rebecca and her related materials helping me fulfill this study through the clear explanations of Language Learning Strategies (LLS) and the future directions for Language Learning Strategy Instruction (LLSI). Second, I would like to acknowledge the sixth graders’ participation in this study, simultaneously to give my sincere thanks to those participants for their willingness and experiences sharing. Thanks to their enthusiastic support, the research data collection was timely completed and basically achieved the validation of data analysis in theory and in practice. Next, I am very grateful to the Headmistress, the Executive Members, the Leader Boards and the Staff of Postgraduate Administrative Office Personnel of Ho Chi Minh City University of Education opened the major course: “Master of Arts in English Language Teaching”, that selected the best subjects for teachers training, provided the classroom equipment and invited the most experienced and famous lecturers – Professors, Associate Professors, Doctors of Philosophy/ Education, Doctors of various fields, and several Visiting Professors from the celebrated universities over the Vietnam country. These noble Ph./ Ed. Doctors have implemented the exciting research meetings and lectured plenty of helpful teaching subjects to us - the cohorts. Noticeably, they have offered us some necessities: from the learning documentation to practical experiences - whose useful lessons, set the highest value for the cohorts’ MA study period and even for this thesis. I hereby give my honest thanks to the academic friends in the same MA course at Ho Chi Minh City University of Education, successfully cooperating
  8. and ebulliently discussing the presentation topics. Notably, I still owe a special thank you to my thesis instructor - Associate Professor Pham Nguyen Huy Hoang for his enthusiastic guidance, assistance, and refinement to this MA thesis. In addition, my deep thanks are sent to the religious belief of Buddhism in relieving my mind, recovering my self-control and striving for my professionalism development; and many thanks to all my family members for their love and encouragement for promoting my great learning effort after my tired working-hours at DK School. Hence, I would like to dedicate this MA thesis to the development of secondary education in Vietnam, as a debt repay to my gratitude or as a citizen’s duty serving this country - This is also the only thing that makes my family members satisfied the most. I will try to stay healthy, more energetic and willing for further research in future so that I can employ my qualifications in contributing to Vietnam education better and better. Probably, this thesis does not avoid its shortcomings, I hope to receive suggestions to improve the quality of research. The more fervent dedicators throughout the years, the better quality of education for Vietnamese.
  9. TABLE OF CONTENTS LỜI CAM ĐOAN STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP LỜI CẢM ƠN ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ABBREVIATIONS LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................... 1 CHAPTER 1. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY ...................................... 2 1.1. General context and secondary education in Vietnam ........................... 2 1.2. Rationale for the study ............................................................................ 4 1.3. Aim of the study ..................................................................................... 5 1.4. Research questions.................................................................................. 6 1.5. Background of the study ......................................................................... 6 1.6. Thesis overview ...................................................................................... 9 1.7. Chapter summary .................................................................................... 9 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW .................................................... 11 2.1. Language learning strategies ................................................................ 11 2.1.1. Definitions of learning strategies ................................................... 11 2.1.2. Classification of learning strategies .............................................. 12 2.1.3. The factors related to learning strategies ...................................... 16 2.2. Significance of English reading strategy use at secondary schools ..... 19 2.2.1. Relevance of reading selection in English learning ....................... 19 2.2.2. Reading strategy instructions in secondary schools ...................... 20
  10. 2.3. Previous studies about language learning strategies ............................ 23 2.3.1. The highlights from the previous international studies ................. 24 2.3.2. Some domestic studies (in Vietnam) ............................................... 42 2.4. Research gap ......................................................................................... 49 2.5. Summary of literature review ............................................................... 51 CHAPTER 3. METHODOLOGY ............................................................... 54 3.1. The research objectives and research questions ................................... 54 3.2. Research methodology.......................................................................... 54 3.3. Research Setting ................................................................................... 56 3.4. Research sites and participants ............................................................. 57 3.5. Data collection ...................................................................................... 58 3.5.1. Samples collection .......................................................................... 58 3.5.2. Instruments for data collection ...................................................... 59 3.6. Data analysis ......................................................................................... 62 3.6.1. Credibility ....................................................................................... 63 3.6.2. Dependability ................................................................................. 64 3.6.3. Confirmability ................................................................................ 64 3.6.4. Transferability ................................................................................ 64 3.6.5. Analysis of research data ............................................................... 65 3.6.6. Language strategy use inventory ................................................... 66 3.7. Timeline for the study ........................................................................... 74 3.8. Chapter summary .................................................................................. 75 CHAPTER 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ........................................... 76 4.1. Results ................................................................................................... 76 4.1.1. Students’ learning strategy use synthesized from the questionnaires .................................................................................................................. 76 4.1.2. Results from focus interviews ......................................................... 79
  11. 4.1.3. Results from the comparison between total mean coefficient and students’ scores in English course ........................................................... 80 4.2. Discussion of results ............................................................................. 83 4.3. Chapter summary .................................................................................. 87 CHAPTER 5. CONCLUSION ..................................................................... 88 5.1. Conclusion ............................................................................................ 88 5.1.1. Answer to the research question 1 ................................................. 88 5.1.2. Answer to the research question 2 ................................................. 89 5.1.3. Significance .................................................................................... 91 5.2. Implications .......................................................................................... 93 5.2.1. Limitations of the study .................................................................. 93 5.2.2. Suggestions ..................................................................................... 94 REFERENCES .............................................................................................. 97 APPENDICES ............................................................................................. 106 Appendix 1: Descriptions of learning strategies........................................ 106 Appendix 2: Diagram of the strategy system showing all the strategies ... 108 Appendix 3: Questionnaire on language learning strategies ..................... 110 Questionnaire on LLS in Vietnamese................................... 112 Appendix 4: The questions for interviews ................................................. 114 Appendix 5: Focus interviews in details.................................................... 115 Appendix 6: Frequency statistics of students’ English marks ................... 116
  12. Abbreviations AFFECT Affective Strategies COG Cognitive Strategies COMPENS Compensation Strategies DK School Doan Ket Secondary School EFL English as a foreign language ESL English as a second language ESP English for Specific Purposes FL Foreign language FLA Foreign language acquisition INT Interview L1 First language L2 Second language LS Learning Strategies LLS Language Learning Strategies LLSI Language Learning Strategy Instruction LLT Language Learning and Teaching MEMORY Memory Strategies METACOG Metacognitive Strategies MOET Ministry of Education and Training SLA Second language acquisition SOCIAL Social Strategies SPSS Statistical Package for the Social Sciences STELLAR Strategies for English Language Learning and Reading
  13. List of Tables Table 3.1. Descriptive statistics of participants’ sex and age ......................... 59 Table 3.2. Statistics of students’ scores in English course ............................. 62 Table 3.3. Reliability statistics ........................................................................ 67 Table 3.4. Cronbach’s alpha reliability test of LLS use ................................. 67 Table 3.5. KMO and Bartlett's Test ................................................................ 68 Table 3.6. Communalities ............................................................................... 68 Table 3.7. Total variance explained ................................................................ 69 Table 3.8. Component matrixa ........................................................................ 69 Table 3.9. Correlations among students’ LLS ................................................ 70 Table 3.10. Correlations between students’ LLS and English scores ............. 71 Table 3.11. Model summaryb in multiple regression analyses ....................... 72 Table 3.12. ANOVAb for multiple regression analyses .................................. 72 Table 3.13. Coefficientsa for multiple regression analyses ............................. 73 Table 3.14. Residuals statistics for multiple regression analyses ................... 73 Table 3.15. Timeline for the Study ................................................................. 74 Table 4.1. Descriptive statistics of questionnaires .......................................... 77 Table 4.2. Descriptive statistics of the frequency of LLS use ........................ 78 Table 4.3. Descriptive statistics - Mean total of LLS ..................................... 81 Table 4.4. English marks - Statistics ............................................................... 81 Table 4.5. Report of the comparison between mean total and English marks (for good students only) ......................................................................................... 82
  14. List of Figures Figure 2.1. Diagram of a strategy system: Overview (Oxford, 1990, p.16) ... 13 Figure 2.2. Diagram of a strategy system showing two classes, six groups and 19 sets (Oxford, 1990, p.17)............................................................................ 15 Figure 2.3. Inter-relationships between direct and indirect strategies among the six strategy groups (Oxford 1990, p.15) ......................................................... 16 Figure 2.4. Oxford Reading for Comprehension (Oxford, 2020) ................... 23 Figure 2.5. Key to understand the averages - SILL profile of results, Version 7.0 (Oxford 1990, p.300)................................................................................. 66
  15. 1 ABSTRACT This study evoked the theories of language learning strategies (LLS) in the world, of which the most priority was Oxford’s (1990) and her latest orienting students’ awareness of LLS afterwards. The investigation explored the use of learning strategies of 176 Vietnamese sixth graders at Doan Ket Secondary School through Oxford’s model of SILL. The 5-scale questionnaires were curtailed and adapted to discover an important issue - a research gap after testing the correlation between the frequency of LLS use and these students’ performance in English language reading, also the case with their reading skills. Their use of LLS at a medium level indicated a necessity for more LLS instruction (LLSI), specifically motivated English Reading Strategies - as a foundation of other LLS among secondary school students; hereby, language teachers can recognize the most suitable teaching methods to support the students. Furthermore, this study also analyzed some factors related to LLS and indicated how effective students’ LLS choice was. Transparently, the classification after definitions of language learning strategies were presented in literature review for easily applying a strategic language (e.g. English language) to secondary education, creating a better learning environment, and taking advantages of young students’ communicative competence in English. The result of this study may be controversial because of the absurd indicators of the analyzed research database. Nevertheless, the study remained showing the significance of LLS use, first and foremost reading strategies which were indispensable to English learning and teaching at secondary schools, and some pedagogical implications regarding LLS instruction were later suggested encouraging future research of LLS in different educational contexts. Keywords: language learning strategies (LLS), English reading strategies, LLS instruction, secondary school students’ LLS
  16. 2 CHAPTER 1. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY 1.1. General context and secondary education in Vietnam Language Learning and Teaching (LLT) has played an important role in a society's intellectual development and Language Learning Strategies (LLS) will decide the outcomes of language acquisition. People said that language learning strategy is a major premise in the inspirational transmission during the LLT process (English language). It became significant to researchers from the 1970s with the more direct and indirect factors related to learning strategies that bring about the innovations of LLT, specifically directing our students towards their own language learning strategies. This study summarized the definitions and classification of learning strategies from researchers, simultaneously explored students’ English language learning strategies at secondary schools that most of those are still at non-mature age and their consciousness remains ambiguous (e.g. the sixth graders aged from 11-12). Unsurely, how other secondary schools in District 6 of Ho Chi Minh City have been – It may remain a general problem for some Secondary Schools (also in District 6) as the following: Students at secondary schools are so young that they always confuse with their learning styles and learning ability, even some of them are ill-writing Vietnamese – the mother language (L1), while others belong to Chinese nationality or the ethnic groups Cham and Khmer, so the difficulty here is how can they follow a foreign language – English language (some disable ones granted as priority students from the Vietnamese government exclusive), the quality of English scoring at Doan Ket school has been at low level in District 6 and at the lowest in the city. Though the teachers have tried to adjust students’ English learning, their learning results are not satisfactory.
  17. 3 Being apprehended from the previous researches together with the existing conjuncture of this school, and as a practical illustration of the research “The use of language learning strategies in English Reading at Doan Ket Secondary School: An investigation”. This study was carried out to recognize its feasibility and significance in students’ communicative competence achievement or valued in learners’ foreign language acquisition (FLA). That somehow innovated teachers’ LLT experiences through the reading strategy instruction to these secondary school students based on the educational theories and real situations. The definitions and classification of language learning strategies, the related factors and the use of these learning strategies in foreign language learning environments that emphasized the significance of secondary education through this study – A transition phase between Primary School and High School levels created a firm knowledge foundation for Tertiary Education afterwards. The results of the previous studies indicated that the LLS use and the reading strategy instruction needs starting as soon as possible whilst Vietnam is at a span lower than other countries about the implementation due to the waiting time of project testing and approval. Moreover, the complex form of Vietnam education makes itself difficult to change or modify following an entire system of each educational level. At present, this study is an understanding of the existing situation of secondary education in Vietnam. Hence, more and more LLS research will be acknowledged and applied through the different levels of the learning environment. As investigated for the latest research from ten years back, almost all researches of LLS was implemented over the system of primary schools, high schools, and tertiary education in the Vietnam country (e.g. years from 2011- 2020). However, Doan Ket Secondary School was the only one among other schools in District 6 doing this LLS research, thus it may be representative for
  18. 4 the whole system of secondary education in Ho Chi Minh City. The strength of qualitative and quantitative research tools allowed a reliable result in the DK students’ LLS usage, then educators/ language teachers can recognize which is needed to apply and to what extent for a modification or a change. From here, this study revealed the real result of teaching at primary schools in Vietnam affected secondary school student’s learning style, right after beginning a new school year. The application of LLS in secondary education is essential to promote the development of the teacher staff and students’ potential competency at secondary schools in both theoretical and practical aspects. 1.2. Rationale for the study As Rubin (1987, p.22) insisted “Language Learning Strategies are strategies which contribute to the development of the language system which the learner constructs and affects learning directly”. Oxford (1990, p.1) also proved that “learning strategies are tools for active, self-directed involvement, which enhance students’ learning and develop communicative competence”. Standing in such a situation (i.e. explained in the Item 1.1. General context and secondary education in Vietnam including DK Secondary School), the rationale for this thesis adoption was firstly due to the practical situation of most secondary schools - facing an out-of-date state, lacking an understanding of learning strategies, and no strategy training to secondary school students, even lacking dynamicality and creativity. Secondly, it was the same topic of LLS but this research was conducted on learning EFL in a secondary school of District 6, Ho Chi Minh City without learning ESL like in high school education or any educational type in Vietnam. Thirdly, being based on what was found in other researches, journals, and in the literature review showed that learners should use as many language learning strategies as possible; nevertheless, learners’ comprehensive ability is very important, their competence and language use
  19. 5 need to be reinforced in accordance with the existing educational context at secondary schools in Vietnam. In doing so, learners need to acquire reading skill first then reading strategy as a preparation for communicative competence. This helps students at secondary schools self-regulate their learning attitude sooner and intensify the use of Language 2 (L2) through reading – A new learning method stressing the student-centered approach, not teacher-centered approach (Graham, Woore, Porter, Courtney & Savory, 2020). Correspondingly, the rationale of this research to be considered in priority in English language learning and teaching at secondary schools in Ho Chi Minh City. 1.3. Aim of the study This research aimed at identifying the levels of strategy use among the students at Doan Ket Secondary School, the correlation between the use of language learning strategies and students’ performance in English reading. Hence, both teachers and students may discover remarkable cases, secondary school teachers can adjust the students’ learning environments assisting back to the students or consulting education in case of any changes. Furthermore, based on the research results from the 6-grade students at Doan Ket Secondary School that educators or secondary school teachers may discover these students’ more or less use of language learning strategies in English reading to consider fine-tuning the balance use among their language learning strategies (i.e. increasing or decreasing the frequency of LLS use, types of LLS, if any LLS combination, etc.) or to make the informed decisions regarding whether the procedures or proposals encourage students (which LLS should be used by the students and which LLS should be trained), and instruct these learners how to employ language learning strategies effectively, specifically the use of English reading strategies.
  20. 6 1.4. Research questions Derived from the above perspective, the researcher suggested the two following research questions to obtain the aim and objectives of the study: ❶ What language learning strategies are most frequently used by students at Doan Ket Secondary School? ❷ What is the correlation between these students’ use of learning strategies and their performance in English Reading? 1.5. Background of the study In the last decades, there were a large number of research journals over the world that confirmed the roles of Learning Strategies in acquiring a FL/ SL, specifically English language. Reading was proposed to be extremely important among other language skills – complementing each other through the scanning and skimming roles before. Nowadays, the development of language learning and teaching theories are the issues that are beyond the level of teaching practice. And teaching English through Instructed Language Learning Strategies has much applied in the world, but still much limited in Vietnam. There has been a great deal of considerable contribution from the language researchers in the world (from the 2000s up to now inclusive) who have made constant modifications for Language Learning Strategies (LLS). Vietnam has also attained many worthy researches and journals posted on the pages of International Reading Association or on others’, and the Vietnamese researchers in multi-fields including education perspectives have been awarded the valuable praises (e.g. several research journals from the 2011s to 2020 have deserved to be posted on the TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching, Arab World English Journal, Universal Journal of Educational Research, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Indonesian Journal of English Language Teaching, Language Education in



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