Multi-attribute decision making green electrical discharge machining
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(BQ) This paper aims to develop a combination of Taguchi and fuzzy TOPSIS methods to solve multi-response parameter optimization problems in green manufacturing.
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Nội dung Text: Multi-attribute decision making green electrical discharge machining
Expert Systems with Applications 38 (2011) 8370–8374<br />
<br />
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect<br />
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Expert Systems with Applications<br />
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/eswa<br />
<br />
Multi-attribute decision making for green electrical discharge machining<br />
S.P. Sivapirakasam a,⇑, Jose Mathew a, M. Surianarayanan b<br />
a<br />
<br />
Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, India<br />
b<br />
CISRA, Central Leather Research Institute, Chennai, India<br />
<br />
a r t i c l e<br />
<br />
i n f o<br />
<br />
Keywords:<br />
EDM<br />
TOPSIS<br />
Green manufacturing<br />
Multi-attribute decision making<br />
<br />
A high carbon high<br />
chromium tool steel<br />
<br />
a b s t r a c t<br />
This paper aims to develop a combination of Taguchi and fuzzy TOPSIS methods to solve multi-response<br />
parameter optimization problems in green manufacturing. Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM), a commonly used non-traditional manufacturing process was considered in this study. A decision making<br />
model for the selection of process parameters in order to achieve green EDM was developed. An experimental investigation was carried out based on Taguchi L9 orthogonal array to analyze the sensitivity of<br />
green manufacturing attributes to the variations in process parameters such as peak current, pulse duration, dielectric level and flushing pressure. Weighing factors for the output responses were determined<br />
using triangular fuzzy numbers and the most desirable factor level combinations were selected based<br />
on TOPSIS technique. The model developed in this study can be used as a systematic framework for<br />
parameter optimization in environmentally conscious manufacturing processes.<br />
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.<br />
<br />
1. Introduction<br />
Manufacturing processes generate large amounts of various solid, liquid, and gaseous wastes. Apart from the generation of waste,<br />
the manufacturing process is considered to be an energy intensive<br />
activity, which also indirectly affects the environment. Implementation of stringent government regulations and growing public<br />
awareness made the environmental issues in the processes one<br />
of the most important topics in strategic manufacturing decisions<br />
(Sheng & Srinivasan, 1995). Green manufacturing is an advanced<br />
manufacturing mode, aiming at improving the efficiency of the<br />
process as well as minimization of environmental impact and resource consumption during the manufacturing process (Tan, Liu,<br />
Cao, & Zhang, 2002).<br />
Die sinking Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) is one of the<br />
most popular non-traditional manufacturing processes suitable<br />
for machining very hard and brittle materials. Recent advances in<br />
the EDM technology made it a valuable and viable process in the<br />
manufacturing of critical parts such as aerospace and aeronautical<br />
components. Despite its advantages the EDM is considered as a<br />
hazardous process in which large amounts of toxic solid and liquid<br />
wastes and exhaust gas are discharged, resulting in serious occupational and environmental problems (Tonshoff, Egger, & Klocke,<br />
1996). High discharge energies of this process can lead to the arising of a number of reaction-products of the dielectric, which can<br />
emit from its surface as aerosols or gases. Apart from the air emissions, hazardous substances can also concentrate in the slurry and<br />
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 431 2503408; fax: +91 431 2503402.<br />
E-mail address: spshivam@nitt.edu (S.P. Sivapirakasam).<br />
0957-4174/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.<br />
doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2011.01.026<br />
<br />
dielectric itself. These toxic substances can enter the body of operating personnel through ingestion, inhalation and skin contact. The<br />
performance characteristics of this process and the amount of<br />
waste generated from it are strongly influenced by the process<br />
parameters. Thus optimization of process parameters is an essential requirement to achieve green EDM.<br />
The selection of optimum process parameters to achieve green<br />
manufacturing involves contradictory criteria which necessitates<br />
the implementation of sophisticated Multi-Attribute Decision<br />
Making (MADM) methods. Analytic Hierarchic Process (AHP)<br />
(Saaty, 1980), Technique for Order Preference by Simulation of<br />
Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) (Hwang & Yoon, 1981), VIKOR (Tong, Chen,<br />
& Wang, 2007) and gray relational analysis (Deng, 1989) are the<br />
MADM techniques normally employed in solving engineering<br />
problems. Several researchers used these techniques in environmental impact assessment and green manufacturing (Kuo, Chang,<br />
& Huang, 2006; Tesfamariam & Sadiq, 2006). Yeo and New<br />
(1999) used a prioritization matrix for dielectric selection in a<br />
die sinking EDM process. However, no reported literature on the<br />
optimization of process parameters for green EDM is available.<br />
Among the MADM methods TOPSIS, which can handle multi-response problems with both continuous and discrete data, is the<br />
most suitable technique in manufacturing applications (Tong &<br />
Su, 1997). The basic philosophy of this method is to select the best<br />
alternative that has the shortest distance from the positive ideal<br />
solution and the farthest distance from the negative ideal solution.<br />
Real life multi-criteria decision-making problems usually involve<br />
uncertain, imprecise and subjective data, which make the decision-making process more complex and challenging (Aiello, Enea,<br />
Galante, & Scalia, 2009). In evaluating such data, decision makers<br />
<br />
S.P. Sivapirakasam et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 38 (2011) 8370–8374<br />
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generally view risk in terms of linguistic variables like low, high,<br />
very high, very low, etc. Fuzzy set theory (Zadeh, 1965; Bortolan<br />
& Degami, 1985) deals effectively with this type of uncertainty<br />
(vagueness), thus allowing linguistic variables to be used for<br />
approximate reasoning. Generally triangular and trapezoidal fuzzy<br />
numbers are used for representing linguistic variables.<br />
The main objective of this work was to select optimum process<br />
parameters for die sinking EDM which best reflect the manufacturing priority between environmental and machining factors. The<br />
experiments were designed using Taguchi L9 orthogonal array.<br />
An analytical model was developed for optimizing the process<br />
parameters. Peak current, pulse duration, dielectric level and flushing pressure were the process parameters considered in this study.<br />
Relative importance of output parameters were designated by triangular fuzzy numbers (TFN). TOPSIS was used to evaluate the<br />
overall performance index values corresponding to each experimental run and optimum factor level combinations are identified<br />
based on the same.<br />
2. Decision making model for green EDM<br />
In die sinking EDM process, an electric arc struck between two<br />
conductive electrodes produces the energy required for the material<br />
removal. The process is carried out in a dielectric medium. The main<br />
cause of the material removal is the high temperature reached by the<br />
surface of both the electrodes due to the thermal energy generated in<br />
the discharge channel. Heat generated in the channel causes some of<br />
the work material to melt and even evaporate. As the spark collapses,<br />
the evaporated metal and part of the molten metal are carried away<br />
by the dielectric fluid which is flushed using pressure (Abbas, Solomon, & Bahari, 2007). In order to assess the relationship between<br />
the process parameters and output responses, a modified form of<br />
the input-process output model (Fig. 1) proposed by Choi, Kaebernick, and Lai (1997) was employed. The inputs of the process include<br />
the process parameters (peak current, voltage, pulse duration, flushing pressure, etc.), materials (work, tool and dielectric) and electrical<br />
energy. The outputs are the material removal rate, tool wear rate, air<br />
emissions, dielectric wasted in the form of liquid, eroded work and<br />
tool materials, heat and noise.<br />
Organizations implementing green manufacturing for the EDM<br />
process should consider two types of attributes: manufacturing<br />
and environmental. Each attribute is related to several output<br />
parameters. Fig. 2 illustrates the proposed analytical decision making model for parameter optimization in green EDM. In this model<br />
two responses were considered under manufacturing aspects and<br />
three responses were considered under environmental aspects.<br />
The following discussion is concerning the output responses assessed in this work.<br />
<br />
8371<br />
<br />
Fig. 2. Decision making model for green EDM.<br />
<br />
time and cost of operation. The time required for unit material removal was considered as a factor in the present work.<br />
2.2. Relative tool wear ratio<br />
During the electric discharge, some of the discharge energy applied to the tool produces a crater in the tool material. This electrode wear influences the cost of operation as well as the<br />
amount of waste generated. The amount of erosion suffered by<br />
the tool compared with that of the work piece was referred to as<br />
the relative tool wear ratio.<br />
2.3. Process energy<br />
The electric energy consumed during the EDM operations indirectly affects the environment as more waste is produced in order<br />
to generate more electricity. This energy is determined by the gap<br />
voltage during discharge, the discharge current and the length of<br />
time that the current flows. In the present study the energy consumed for unit material removal was considered as the response<br />
variable.<br />
2.4. Breathing zone concentration of aerosol<br />
Occupational exposure to toxic aerosols is an important hazard potential of the process particularly when hydrocarbon<br />
dielectric fluid is used. The aerosol generated from the process<br />
may consist of metallic particles and reaction products of the<br />
dielectric material. Mass concentration of respirable particulates<br />
in the breathing zone of the operator was considered as a factor<br />
in the study. Generally this value is used as a measure of risk in<br />
similar processes.<br />
<br />
2.1. Process time<br />
<br />
2.5. Dielectric consumption<br />
<br />
Material removal rate is the most important machining parameter in the EDM process. This parameter determines the machining<br />
<br />
During the EDM process, the dielectric fluid is generally wasted<br />
through three paths (Yeo, Tan, & New, 1998):<br />
(i) Coating of the dielectric fluid on the work piece.<br />
(ii) Coating of the dielectric fluid on materials removed from<br />
both the work piece and tool.<br />
(iii) Vapor of the dielectric diffused into the surrounding<br />
environment.<br />
<br />
Fig. 1. Input-process-output diagram of EDM process.<br />
<br />
The dielectric consumed during the process has economical<br />
and environmental impacts. The wasted dielectric in the form<br />
of gas and liquid may cause problems to the operators as well<br />
as the environment. In the present investigation the mass of<br />
dielectric consumed per unit material removal was considered<br />
as a factor.<br />
<br />
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S.P. Sivapirakasam et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 38 (2011) 8370–8374<br />
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3. Materials and methods<br />
3.1. Determination of output parameters<br />
The experiments were conducted on a conventional die sinking<br />
electric discharge machine manufactured by Victory Electromech.<br />
A high carbon high chromium tool steel plate of size<br />
4 cm  4 cm  1.5 cm was used as the work piece and a copper<br />
rod of diameter 25 mm was used as the tool. Commercially available kerosene was used as the dielectric fluid and side flushing<br />
was opted. Kerosene is a blend of hydrocarbons (C12–C15) which<br />
is widely used in EDM because of its high flash point, good dielectric strength, low viscosity and low specific gravity. The open gap<br />
voltage was kept constant at 100 V. Duty factor was kept at 0.5.<br />
During the machining, the tool ‘jumped’ periodically to a height<br />
of 1.25 mm to clean the gap between the work piece and tool.<br />
The machining was interrupted at each jump. The jump duty cycle<br />
(ratio of machining time to the total time) was kept at 0.75.<br />
Aerosol in the process location was sampled using a Universal Air<br />
Sampler (SKC model No. 224-PCXR8) with cyclone attachment. The<br />
cyclone attachment was used to separate particles of size 5 lm and<br />
above which are not respirable. A PVC filter of diameter 37 mm was<br />
used as the sampling medium. Samples of the aerosol were taken at a<br />
sampling point of 200 mm vertical distance and 200 mm horizontal<br />
distance from the dielectric surface above the process location. This<br />
location was assumed to correspond to an operators breathing zone<br />
in the worst case. The velocity of the sampler was kept at 2.5 l/min<br />
and the sampling was done for a duration of 8 h. The sampler was<br />
calibrated before and after sampling using a soap bubble meter, with<br />
the sampling medium in line. The weight of the filter paper was measured before and after sampling using a sensitive balance (accuracy<br />
±0.01 mg). The concentration of aerosols (CA) in the work atmosphere was calculated from the following equation:<br />
<br />
ðW fb À W fa Þ Â 1000<br />
CA ¼<br />
ts  v<br />
<br />
ð1Þ<br />
<br />
where Wfa and Wfb are the weights of filter paper in mg, before and<br />
after sampling, ts is the sampling duration in minutes and v is sampling speed in l/min.<br />
The material removal rate (MRR) and the tool wear rate (TWR)<br />
were calculated by taking the weights of the work piece and tool<br />
before and after the experiment<br />
<br />
MRR ¼<br />
<br />
ðW Wa À W Wb Þ<br />
tm<br />
<br />
ð2Þ<br />
<br />
where WWa and WWb are the weights of workpiece in mg, before and<br />
after machining and tm is the machining time<br />
<br />
TWR ¼<br />
<br />
ðW Ta À W Tb Þ<br />
tm<br />
<br />
ð3Þ<br />
<br />
were WTa and WTb are the weights of tool in mg, before and after<br />
machining and tm is the machining time.<br />
Process time (T) is the time taken in seconds to remove 1 mg of<br />
material. This factor was calculated using the equation shown<br />
below<br />
<br />
T¼<br />
<br />
60<br />
MRR<br />
<br />
ð4Þ<br />
<br />
where fd, fi, V, and I are the duty factor, jump factor, gap voltage and<br />
peak current, respectively.<br />
The volume of dielectric in the dielectric sump was measured<br />
before and after machining and the dielectric consumed for removing 1 mg of material (Dc) was calculated as follows:<br />
<br />
Dc ¼<br />
<br />
Da À Db<br />
tm  MRR<br />
<br />
ð7Þ<br />
<br />
where Da and Db are the volume of dielectric in the sump (cm3), before and after machining and tm is the machining time.<br />
The peak current (I), pulse duration (tp), dielectric level (l) and<br />
flushing pressure (p) were the independent variables studied to<br />
analyze the following responses; process time, relative tool wear<br />
ratio, process energy, breathing zone concentration of the particulates and dielectric consumption. In this study L9 (34) orthogonal<br />
array was selected to conduct experimental runs. The process variables and their levels for the design used in this study are shown in<br />
Table 1. The design of experiment matrix and experimental results<br />
are presented in Table 2.<br />
3.2. Optimization using fuzzy TOPSIS<br />
In this paper important weights of the output responses were<br />
assigned linguistic variables as shown in Table 3. The linguistic<br />
variables were described using triangular fuzzy numbers. Four experts form a committee to act as decision makers. Each decision<br />
maker rated each attributes weight with respect to linguistic term.<br />
The results are presented in Table 4 and aggregated fuzzy weight of<br />
each output parameters are shown in Table 5.<br />
The optimization was done using the normalized performance<br />
matrix. The normalized performance matrix was obtained using<br />
the following transformation equation:<br />
<br />
xij<br />
rij ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi<br />
P9 2<br />
i¼1 xij<br />
<br />
ð8Þ<br />
<br />
where xij represents the actual value of ith attribute of jth experimental run and rij represents the corresponding normalized value.<br />
The normalized performance matrix was then multiplied by<br />
weights associated with each attribute thus yielding the weighted<br />
performance matrix S. The positive ideal value set, S+, and the negative ideal value set, SÀ, were then determined as follows:<br />
<br />
Sþ ¼ f½maxðsij Þjj 2 J or ½minðsij Þjj 2 J 0 ; i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; 9g<br />
¼ fsþ ; sþ ; . . . sþ g<br />
1<br />
2<br />
5<br />
<br />
ð9Þ<br />
<br />
SÀ ¼ f½minðsij Þjj 2 J or ½maxðsij Þjj 2 J 0 ; i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; 9g<br />
¼ fsÀ ; sÀ ; . . . sÀ g<br />
1<br />
2<br />
5<br />
<br />
ð10Þ<br />
<br />
where<br />
J = {j = 1, 2, . . . , 5|j}: Associated with higher the better performance parameters.<br />
J0 = {j = 1, 2, . . . , 5|j}: Associated with lower the better performance parameters.<br />
All the performance parameters considered in this study were<br />
of lower the better type. According to the weighted normalized<br />
<br />
Relative tool wear ratio is the ratio of TWR and MRR<br />
<br />
RTWR ¼<br />
<br />
TWR<br />
MRR<br />
<br />
ð5Þ<br />
<br />
Parameters<br />
<br />
Process energy (E) is the energy in Watts used to remove 1 mg<br />
of material. This was calculated using the following equation:<br />
<br />
E ¼ fd  fj  V  I  T<br />
<br />
Table 1<br />
Input parameters and their levels.<br />
<br />
ð6Þ<br />
<br />
Unit<br />
<br />
Level 1<br />
<br />
Level 2<br />
<br />
Level 3<br />
<br />
Current<br />
Pulse duration<br />
Dielectric level<br />
Flushing pressure<br />
<br />
A<br />
<br />
2<br />
2<br />
40<br />
0.3<br />
<br />
4.5<br />
261<br />
60<br />
0.5<br />
<br />
7<br />
520<br />
80<br />
0.7<br />
<br />
ls<br />
mm<br />
kg/cm2<br />
<br />
8373<br />
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S.P. Sivapirakasam et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 38 (2011) 8370–8374<br />
Table 2<br />
Experimental results.<br />
Sl.<br />
No.<br />
<br />
Input parameters<br />
Peak<br />
current (A)<br />
<br />
Pulse<br />
duration (ls)<br />
<br />
Dielectric level<br />
(mm)<br />
<br />
Flushing pressure<br />
(kg/cm2)<br />
<br />
Process<br />
time (s)<br />
<br />
REWR<br />
<br />
Process<br />
energy (W)<br />
<br />
Conc. of aerosol<br />
(mg/m3)<br />
<br />
Dielectric<br />
consumption (cm3)<br />
<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3<br />
4<br />
5<br />
6<br />
7<br />
8<br />
9<br />
<br />
2<br />
2<br />
2<br />
4.5<br />
4.5<br />
4.5<br />
7<br />
7<br />
7<br />
<br />
2<br />
261<br />
520<br />
2<br />
261<br />
520<br />
2<br />
261<br />
520<br />
<br />
40<br />
60<br />
80<br />
60<br />
80<br />
40<br />
80<br />
40<br />
60<br />
<br />
0.3<br />
0.5<br />
0.7<br />
0.7<br />
0.3<br />
0.5<br />
0.5<br />
0.7<br />
0.3<br />
<br />
0.7258<br />
1.5357<br />
1.6393<br />
0.4705<br />
0.3415<br />
0.3942<br />
0.4062<br />
0.2381<br />
0.2646<br />
<br />
0.3899<br />
0.0055<br />
0.0051<br />
0.3496<br />
0.0041<br />
0.0049<br />
0.3452<br />
0.0065<br />
0.0076<br />
<br />
54.433<br />
115.178<br />
122.951<br />
79.389<br />
57.620<br />
66.516<br />
106.632<br />
62.4884<br />
69.469<br />
<br />
0.82<br />
0.77<br />
0.64<br />
1.22<br />
2.13<br />
1.98<br />
2.4<br />
4.12<br />
5.05<br />
<br />
0.0665<br />
0.0981<br />
0.0865<br />
0.051<br />
0.0332<br />
0.0394<br />
0.0497<br />
0.0351<br />
0.0434<br />
<br />
Output parameters<br />
<br />
Table 3<br />
Linguistic variables for the importance weight of each output<br />
criterion.<br />
Importance<br />
<br />
Abbreviation<br />
<br />
Fuzzy weight<br />
<br />
Extremely low<br />
Very low<br />
Low<br />
Medium<br />
High<br />
Very high<br />
Extremely high<br />
<br />
EL<br />
VL<br />
L<br />
M<br />
H<br />
VH<br />
EH<br />
<br />
The proximity of a particular experimental run to the ideal solution is expressed using the closeness coefficient (CCi) which was<br />
calculated as<br />
<br />
(0, 0, 0.1)<br />
(0, 0.1, 0.3)<br />
(0.1, 0.3, 0.5)<br />
(0.3, 0.5, 0.7)<br />
(0.5, 0.7, 0.9)<br />
(0.7, 0.9, 1)<br />
(0.9, 1, 1)<br />
<br />
À<br />
<br />
CC i ¼<br />
<br />
Decision maker<br />
DM1<br />
<br />
Process time<br />
REWR<br />
Process energy<br />
Concentration of aerosol<br />
Dielectric consumption<br />
<br />
DM2<br />
<br />
DM3<br />
<br />
DM4<br />
<br />
H<br />
VL<br />
M<br />
VH<br />
H<br />
<br />
H<br />
L<br />
H<br />
EH<br />
H<br />
<br />
VH<br />
L<br />
M<br />
VH<br />
M<br />
<br />
H<br />
VL<br />
L<br />
VH<br />
H<br />
<br />
Table 5<br />
Fuzzy weights.<br />
Output parameter<br />
<br />
Fuzzy weight<br />
<br />
Process time<br />
REWR<br />
Process energy<br />
Concentration of aerosol<br />
Dielectric consumption<br />
<br />
0.55,<br />
0.05,<br />
0.35,<br />
0.75,<br />
0.45,<br />
<br />
0.75, 0.925<br />
0.2, 0.4<br />
0.5, 0.7<br />
0.925, 1<br />
0.65, 0.85<br />
<br />
þ<br />
<br />
5<br />
X<br />
<br />
ð14Þ<br />
<br />
The closeness coefficients for each experiment of the L9 orthogonal array were calculated as discussed in the previous section (Table 6). According to the performed experiment design, it could be<br />
clearly observed from Table 6 that the EDM parameters setting of<br />
experiment No. 5 yielded the highest closeness coefficient. Therefore, experiment No. 5 had the optimal machining parameters setting for the desirable output responses simultaneously (i.e. the<br />
best multi-performance characteristics) among the nine experiments. The response table for the Taguchi method was used to calculate the closeness coefficient for each level of the input parameters.<br />
The procedure is: (i) group the closeness coefficients by factor level<br />
for each column in the orthogonal array and (ii) take the average of<br />
them.<br />
The closeness coefficient values for each level of process parameters are shown in Table 7. Regardless of the category of performance<br />
characteristics, a greater closeness coefficient value corresponds to<br />
better performance. Therefore, the optimal level of the machining<br />
Table 6<br />
Closeness coefficients.<br />
Sl.<br />
No.<br />
<br />
fuzzy decision matrix, the elements sij were normalized positive<br />
triangular fuzzy numbers and their ranges belong to the closed<br />
interval [0; 1].<br />
The distance of each experimental result from positive and negative ideal solutions were calculated using the following<br />
equations:<br />
<br />
di ¼<br />
<br />
di<br />
À<br />
þ di<br />
<br />
4. Results and discussion<br />
<br />
Table 4<br />
Importance of output responses.<br />
Output response<br />
<br />
þ<br />
di<br />
<br />
dðsij ; sþ Þ;<br />
j<br />
<br />
i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; 9<br />
<br />
ð11Þ<br />
<br />
dðsij ; sÀ Þ;<br />
j<br />
<br />
i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; 9<br />
<br />
ð12Þ<br />
<br />
Current<br />
(A)<br />
<br />
Pulse<br />
duration<br />
(ls)<br />
<br />
Dielectric<br />
level (mm)<br />
<br />
Flushing<br />
pressure (kg/<br />
cm2)<br />
<br />
Closeness<br />
coef.<br />
<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3<br />
4<br />
5<br />
6<br />
7<br />
8<br />
9<br />
<br />
2<br />
2<br />
2<br />
4.5<br />
4.5<br />
4.5<br />
7<br />
7<br />
7<br />
<br />
2<br />
261<br />
520<br />
2<br />
261<br />
520<br />
2<br />
261<br />
520<br />
<br />
40<br />
60<br />
80<br />
60<br />
80<br />
40<br />
80<br />
40<br />
60<br />
<br />
0.3<br />
0.5<br />
0.7<br />
0.7<br />
0.3<br />
0.5<br />
0.5<br />
0.7<br />
0.3<br />
<br />
0.694042<br />
0.47655<br />
0.484248<br />
0.7304<br />
0.857285<br />
0.830036<br />
0.617257<br />
0.709666<br />
0.600028<br />
<br />
i¼1<br />
À<br />
<br />
di ¼<br />
<br />
5<br />
X<br />
<br />
Table 7<br />
Response table for closeness coefficient.<br />
<br />
i¼1<br />
<br />
where d(x, y) is the distance measurement between two fuzzy numbers. This distance between two triangular fuzzy numbers was calculated using the following equation:<br />
<br />
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi<br />
1<br />
½ðx1 À y1 Þ2 þ ðx2 À y2 Þ2 þ ðx3 À y3 Þ2 <br />
dðx; yÞ ¼<br />
3<br />
<br />
ð13Þ<br />
<br />
Input parameter<br />
<br />
Average closeness coefficient<br />
Level 1<br />
<br />
Peak current<br />
Pulse duration<br />
Dielectric level<br />
Flushing pressure<br />
<br />
Level 2<br />
<br />
0.5516<br />
0.6806<br />
0.7446<br />
0.7171<br />
<br />
0.8059<br />
0.6812<br />
0.6023<br />
0.7236<br />
<br />
0.6423<br />
0.6381<br />
0.6529<br />
0.6414<br />
<br />
Max–min<br />
<br />
Level 3<br />
0.2543<br />
0.0431<br />
0.1423<br />
0.0822<br />
<br />
8374<br />
<br />
S.P. Sivapirakasam et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 38 (2011) 8370–8374<br />
<br />
parameters was the level with the greatest closeness coefficient value. Based on the closeness coefficient values given in Table 7, the<br />
optimal machining performance for the green EDM was obtained<br />
for 4.5A peak current (level 2), 261 lm pulse duration (level 2),<br />
40 mm dielectric level (level 1) and 0.5 kg/cm2 flushing pressure (level 2). As listed in Table 7, the difference between the maximum and<br />
the minimum value of the closeness coefficient of the EDM parameters was as follow: 0.2543 for peak current, 0.0431 for pulse duration, 0.1423 for dielectric level and 0.0822 for flushing pressure.<br />
The most effective factor affecting performance characteristics was<br />
determined by comparing these values. This comparison demonstrated the level of significance of the input parameters over the<br />
multi-performance characteristics. The most effective controllable<br />
factor was the maximum of these values. Here, the maximum value<br />
was 0.2543. This value indicated that the peak current had the strongest effect on the multi-performance characteristics among the input parameters. The order of importance of the controllable factors<br />
to the multi-performance characteristics in the EDM process, in sequence can be listed as follows: peak current, dielectric level, flushing pressure and pulse duration.<br />
5. Conclusions<br />
The present work proposed a combination of Taguchi method<br />
and TOPSIS to solve the multi-response parameter optimization<br />
problem in green electrical discharge machining. An analytical<br />
structure was developed to perform multi-criteria decision making. The responses were ranked based on the scores obtained by<br />
the summarization of final global preference weights. Triangular<br />
fuzzy numbers were used to assign preference values to the output<br />
responses.<br />
The optimum factor level combinations were identified based<br />
on the closeness coefficient values. The optimal machining performance for the green EDM was obtained for 4.5 A peak current (level 2), 261 lm pulse duration (level 2), 40 mm dielectric level<br />
(level 1) and 0.5 kg/cm2 flushing pressure (level 2). From analysis<br />
of the closeness coefficients, it was identified that the peak current<br />
was the most influential parameter in multi-performance characteristics used in this study.<br />
The computational and experimental effort needed to optimize<br />
these parameters was rather small. It was illustrated that the<br />
method was efficient and effective for multi-attribute decision<br />
making problems in green manufacturing.<br />
<br />
Acknowledgements<br />
The authors are grateful to the Director, NIT Tiruchirappalli for<br />
his continuing encouragement and support for this work. Part of<br />
the work is supported by the Ministry of Environment and Forests,<br />
Government of India (F.No. 19/102/2008-RE).<br />
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