Summary of dissertation: Improving the competitiveness in providing mobile communication services of Vietnam' s telecommunications companies
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The objective of the study: Analyze and evaluate the competitiveness of the state providing mobile communication services of a telecom company in Vietnam, comparing the strengths and weaknesses of the provision of services between the companies together and find out the problems to be solved in order to improve their competitiveness;...
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Nội dung Text: Summary of dissertation: Improving the competitiveness in providing mobile communication services of Vietnam' s telecommunications companies
- 1 2 INTRODUCTION competitiveness in the provision of mobile communication services of Vietnam 1. The necessity of research telecommunication company. In market economies, the trend of globalization and international economic 3. Object and scope of research integration, competition among enterprises are increasing. In such conditions, the Study subjects are competitive in providing mobile communication services of the competitiveness manifests fight to ensure survival and development of products, company through considering the evaluation criteria and the factors affecting companies and national. competitiveness in the provision of mobile communication services of the Vietnam is ongoing innovation policies towards liberalization of the economy. telecommunications company. Vietnam's telecom market will be large fluctuations in the direction of freer, more open Scope of research: focus on analysis of evaluation criteria and factors affecting the in the future. According integration roadmap there will have many mobile competitiveness of service providers 3 mobile information provider of mobile communication company of many different economic sectors launched mobile communication services in Vietnam's largest (MobiFone, VinaPhone, Viettel), taking communication, many foreign telecom operators participate in the mobile into consideration certain extent with other companies. Baseline study period ranged communication market in Vietnam by different ways to join. Never the mobile from 2005 to 2012. communication market has developed strongly as the last few years and the level of 4. Research Methodology competition between service providers on the market is becoming increasingly. Topics using both qualitative research methods and quantitative research methods. In terms of new business and the environment, increasingly fierce competition - Quantitative research: topics using statistics and surveys in the field of mobile requires companies providing mobile communication services in Vietnam market to communication, such as revenue, number of subscribers, number of base stations, the operate non-stop innovation, enhance competitiveness, improve his high position in the service dealer, market services and market growth analysis phan.vv... to evaluate the market in order to maintain market share and compete with not only domestic competitiveness of the companies selected studies. In addition, subjects were 972 companies but also to compete with the foreign companies will participate in providing survey interviews clients are using mobile information services of the company and mobile communication services in Vietnam in the future near future. consulted a number of experts to study the criteria for evaluating the competitiveness of Stemming from the above issues, the topic "Improving the competitiveness in supply service companies. providing mobile communication services of Vietnam's telecommunications - Qualitative research: topic analysis methods using case studies 3 service companies" is meaningful practical reasoning and practical. providers VinaPhone, MobiFone and Viettel to shift research and development 2. The objective of the study competitiveness in the supply of products / services the company. - Clarify some theoretical issues of competitiveness in the provision of mobile 5. New contributions of the thesis communication services, the need to improve competitiveness in the provision of - Clarifying the concept of competitiveness of the company in providing mobile mobile communication services of telecommunications companies. communication services, the general criteria applied to assess the competitiveness of - Analyze and evaluate the competitiveness of the state providing mobile businesses to determine the criteria for evaluating the competitiveness of businesses communication services of a telecom company in Vietnam, comparing the strengths providing services in mobile communication. and weaknesses of the provision of services between the companies together and find - Assessment of environmental change telecommunications industry, in the field of out the problems to be solved in order to improve their competitiveness. mobile communication from monopoly to competition. - Perspective and propose some solutions and recommendations to improve - Assess the strengths and weaknesses of the competitiveness of the three major companies operating in the field of providing mobile communication services in
- 3 4 Vietnam (VinaPhone, MobiFone, Viettel) from two different aspects: assessment of model based on the assumption that the natural monopoly of the telecommunications customers to use mobile communication services and evaluate the intrinsic capacity of industry no longer reflects reality. the company providing mobile communication services. - Feng Li and Jason Whalley, Deconstruction of the telecommunications industry: - Assess opportunities and challenges for companies in the context of removal from value chains to value networks, Telecommunications Policy. In this study, the monopoly and opening the telecommunications market, provide direction and solutions authors conclude that some of the current changes in the telecommunications industry to improve competitiveness in the provision of mobile communication services of the is very progressive, and all companies need to reassess strategies and their market telecommunications company Vietnam. position and the difficult decision to go forward. 6. Dissertation Structure 1.2. A number of research projects in Vietnam In addition to the Preamble, Conclusion, References list, Annex, the thesis - In 2004, Tran Van Tung, author of the book "Competing economic and national includes four chapters. competitive advantage and competitive strategy of the company" issues mentioned in economic competition, competitive advantage analysis of national strategy and CHAPTER 1: OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH RELATED TOPICS recommendations for companies competing in the Vietnam period is gradually THESIS integrating world economy. 1.1. Some of the study abroad - In 2006, Vu Trong Lam published the book "Raising the competitiveness of So far, the theory of competitiveness on world development trends in many companies in the process of international economic integration." In this work, the different schools and many different approaches. authors have codified some notion of the competitiveness of the company in the Porter's Five Forces model was first published in the Harvard Business Review country experience analyzing and improving international competitiveness of the magazine in 1979 to learn content elements to make a profit in business. This model, company situation analysis and competitive environment the legal framework of often called the "Porter's Five Forces", is considered to be useful tools to understand competition in Vietnam. and effective source profits. More importantly, this model provides competitive Particularly mobile telecommunications sector, in recent years a number of research strategies to maintain or increase company profits. projects are as follows: In 1990, M. Porter announced his "Competitive Advantage of Nations". This book is - In 2006, Prof. Bui Xuan Feng has published the book "Managing Porter research in ten countries leading economy. The book offers the first theory of telecommunications business towards economic integration" After referring the matter competitiveness based on the causes of productivity, whereby companies compete with to business and general business administration telecommunications field each other. Porter shows how traditional comparative advantages such as natural resources telecommunications business administration, the author refers to a number of theories and cheap labor was no longer a source of prosperity. The book also introduces the on competition and competitiveness in the field telecommunications and propose some "diamond" - a way to understand the competitive position of a country (or location) in the solutions in order to improve competitiveness for telcos. current global competition and is an integral part of economic thinking international - In 2007, Le Ngoc Minh in economics doctoral thesis "Development of the business. company business business mobile communication services in Vietnam" presents the In the telecommunications sector, a number of studies as follows: theoretical development of the business of the company services of mobile - Jean-Jacques Laffont and Jean Terole, Compatition in Telecommunications, communication, situational analysis and set the direction and development of business Massachusetts Intitute of Technology. In this book, the authors provide theoretical solutions for the company's business mobile communication services in Vietnam. - In 2012, graduate student Tran Thi Anh Thu defended his doctoral thesis
- 5 6 economy "Enhancing Competitiveness of Telecommunications Corporation Vietnam in terms of Vietnam is a member of the World Trade Organization". In this work, the CHAPTER 2: THEORETICAL BACKGROUND ON author has pointed out the rationale for enhancing the competitiveness of companies, COMPETITIVENESS IN PROVIDING SERVICES OF MOBILE real state enhancement of competitiveness of the Vietnam Posts and COMMUNICATION TELECOMMUNICATIONS ENTERPRISES Telecommunications and the solution for this problem. 2.1. Characteristics of mobile communication services and service suppliers of 1.3. Conclusions drawn from the literature review mobile communication 1.3.1. The consensus view of competition in the provision of mobile 2.1.1. Characteristics of mobile communication services communication services of telecommunications companies - The quality of mobile communications services depends on many factors. - In the theoretical framework of research: most previous studies and analysis - Mobile information services have high mobility. using two models are studied diamond pattern and five forces model of Michael E. - Mobile communication service with enhanced security. Competitive Porter. The model has put the company in a particular industry - Charges mobile communication compared with other telecommunications environment, analyzing the factors affecting the competitiveness of companies in the services. provision of services and the impact of environmental competitiveness of the company. - Product of mobile communication services nature areas. - Regarding research methods: previous studies have combined both qualitative 2.1.2. Characteristics of provide information services for mobile telecommunications research methods and quantitative. company - Regarding the solution: Towards improved criteria for measuring the - Costs of major capital investments. competitiveness of the telecommunications company providing services in mobile - Technology is leading. communications and proposals to create a healthy competitive environment. - The level of competition in the sector. 1.3.2. The point to further research on competition in the provision of mobile - Humans play an important role. communication services of telecommunications companies - The process of service consumption associated with the production process. - Criteria for evaluating competitiveness in providing mobile communication - The process of transmitting information is the process of establishing multi- services of telecommunications companies. dimensional relationship. - The transformation of telecommunications environments, especially mobile - Timeliness of mobile communication services. communications sector from monopoly to competition and especially after Vietnam 2.2. Competitiveness in providing mobile communication services joined the WTO. 2.2.1. Competitiveness - The role of government in enhancing the competitiveness of Vietnam's telecom Competitiveness is the possibility that businesses can maintain their position in the companies, particularly in the provision of mobile communication services. long-term and sustainable competitive market by creating products / services are of - The response and adaptation of telecom companies in Vietnam with the change high quality, reasonable price, to sell / supply and convenience obtained desired rate. of environment. 2.2.2. Competitiveness in providing mobile communication services - Orientations and measures to improve competitiveness in the provision of mobile Competitiveness in providing mobile communication services of communication services of the telecommunication company Vietnam. telecommunications companies is the ability of telecommunications companies to maintain their position in the long-term and sustainable competitive market by creating
- 7 8 the mobile communication services with consistent quality, reasonable rates, providing - Quality of products / services. a convenient way and earned a profit target. - Charges for product / service. 2.2.3. The need and the role of enhancing competitiveness in providing mobile - The system of distribution of products / services. communication services of telecommunications companies - The difference of products / services. For companies providing mobile communication services, competitive creative - Information and promotion. opportunities and pressures. Therefore, to improve competitiveness in providing - Brand and reputation of the product / service. information services and mobile telecommunications company in the market economy 2.4. The factors affecting the competitiveness of service providers of mobile now has an active role: information Telcos First, the capacity to create competitive pressure on telecom companies must 2.4.1. External factors constantly search for creativity, improved production methods and management The elements of macro environment organization providing services, innovative technologies, applied scientific and - Political Environment - law: including the statutes, rules and activities of the state technical progress, developing new services, increase productivity, lower the cost of agencies that affect the company's operations. services. - Cultural environment - social factors including population and income, culture Second, for consumers, improving competitiveness creates a continuous pressure and environment. on prices, forcing companies to lower service charges for service to sell quickly. - Economic Environment: including economic growth, national economic policy Third, for the economy, improving the competitiveness of companies enlivened and the business cycle. the economy, promote growth and create pressure on companies and industries to use - Environmental technology: The process of technological innovation is considered resources effectively resources, thereby contributing to overall saving of resources in as the process of system development, is the time to turn new ideas into products or the economy. services can be sold on the market. Fourth, foreign relations, enhance the competitiveness of the company promote - The natural environment: including natural resources and economic market expansion in the region and the world, looking for new markets, joint ventures infrastructure. with foreign companies, through heavily involved in the division of labor and - International Environment: trends of globalization, trade liberalization. international economic cooperation, enhanced exchanges of capital, labor, science and Factors in the environment sector technology with other countries in the world. - Pressure of providers: the number and size of suppliers, the ability to replace the 2.3. Criteria for evaluating competitiveness in providing mobile communication product / service providers, information providers. services of telecommunications companies - Pressure from customers: the control through competition in a purchase decision. The different ways to assess the competitiveness of businesses around the - Competitive pressure from potential rivals: depends on the attractiveness of the following criteria: market share, revenue, and profit margins, financial management industry, the barriers to entry. practices, company reputation, the the management team and skilled work force, - Competitive pressures from substitute products: the ability to meet the needs of quality, price, service diversification, distribution systems... Applying the above similar products / services current. criteria, the proposed thesis competency assessment criteria competition in the - Competitive pressure from existing competitors: industry conditions, the provision of mobile communication services of telecommunications companies, structure of the industry, the barriers to retreat. including:
- 9 10 2.4.2. Internal factors CHAPTER 3: COMPETITIVENESS IN PROVIDING The internal factors are the factors arising from within the enterprise, affecting the INFORMATION SERVICES OF VIETNAM MOBILE consolidation and improve the competitiveness of enterprises, such as: TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY - Financial capacity: the financial situation of the company shows the company's 3.1. Overview of the market and the companies providing mobile communication strength in competing. services in Vietnam - Production capacity: the ability to create products / services are of high quality, 3.1.1. Overview of market development low price and production scale to meet the needs of the market. 1993, with the introduction of the first mobile networks - MobiFone, Vietnam's - Human resources: people is an important factor determining the existence and mobile market is formed. VMS - MobiFone choose GSM technology. In turn, then, the development of the company. following mobile network launched as VinaPhone (1997), Viettel (2004) also chose - Marketing: system sales and marketing activities deliver products / services to GSM technology. Even as HT Mobile after some time pursuing CDMA technology as the customer, the best meet customer needs. S - Fone to finally switch to GSM with a new name Vietnamobile. The market shift - Activities Research and Development plays an important role in the development from monopoly to competition. Besides, customers also demand continued to increase. and application of new technologies in time to create a competitive advantage in the Initially only the conventional voice services, short messaging, multimedia marketplace. messaging,.... And now, mobile data services are fast growing trend. - Organizational capacity and corporate governance: the combined efforts of the It can be said, competition was quite exciting on the telecommunications market common man in the organization and better use of the wealth of the organization to in Vietnam with many new service providers and policy rates more reasonable, more achieve the organization's overall goals and objectives of each people wisely and most attractive to customers. effectively. 3.1.2. Overview of companies providing mobile communication services in Vietnam 2.5. Experience enhanced competitiveness in the provision of mobile - Stage appearance (1993-1998): In 1993, the network launched MobiFone uses communication services in several countries around the world GSM technology and service providers to deploy mobile communications in May On the basis of experience introducing enhanced competitiveness of the Korean 8/1993 in Hanoi, HCM City in 1994 and continues to expand across the country. telecommunications company, and China, the thesis has identified a number of lessons In 1996, Vinaphone opened and began providing services. The agency's reference to Vietnam telecommunications company providing services in the mobile. management is Vinaphone Telecom Services Company (GPC), is a 100 % owned That is: company of VNPT investment and accounting mechanisms depend VNPT. Firstly: Improving the quality of service and customer service. - Transition period (1998 - 2001): In 2000, the General Post Office Vishipel Secondly organization management model flexible and science. allows setting satellite earth stations - TTDD Inmarsat International and licensed to Thirdly: Increase investment in research and development. provide Inmarsat services. But so far, the company has not officially active. Fourth: Update, technological innovation. - From 2001: In Vietnam, the market for mobile communication services has Fifthly: Construction company culture distinctive. made the company to join the business as: Saigon Postel, Viettel, EVN, HTMobile. Sixthly: Having strategic market development, proper customer. 3.1.3. Overview of the competition in providing information services and mobile telecommunications company Vietnam The following table shows the change of the share company providing mobile
- 11 12 communication services in Vietnam in the 2005-2012 period: 3.2. The internal factors affecting competitiveness in the provision of mobile Table 3.1: Market share and market share growth of the mobile network in Vietnam communication services of the Vietnam telecommunication company during 2005-2012 Table 3.3: Table assess the intrinsic capacity of Viettel Unit: % Strengths Weakness other - The culture of quality. - The investment is Mobifone Vinaphone Viettel - Large market. concerned, but networks Year - Resources for young and dynamic. despite a lack of Market Market Market Market - Good corporate image uniformity has led to share +/- % share +/- % share +/- % share - Services and Distribution. certain difficulties in - New Products. operating the 2005 36 49 11 4 - Good CEO. network. 2006 31 -5 -14 33 -16 -33 30 19 173 6 - Competitive service rates. - The economic crisis 2007 28 -3 -10 25 -8 -24 32 2 7 15 - Field TTDD Party and State have been identified "priority development", which is a reduced demand for 2008 29 1 4 21 -4 -16 37 5 16 13 favorable condition for the renewal and development of the company. the company's - Vietnam is considered as a potential market, the pace of economic growth, population. services. 2009 27,15 -2 -6 27,19 6 29 33,82 -3 -9 11,84 This is a big advantage for companies operating in the telecommunications sector in - Quality of service is 2010 29,11 2 7 28,71 2 6 36,72 3 9 5,46 general and in particular Viettel. limited 2011 17,9 -11,21 -38,51 30,07 1,36 4,74 40,45 3,73 10,16 11,58 - Viettel Telecom network covering all provinces and become providers of - Market telecommunications services and the nation's largest growing brand. segmentation unclear. 2012 18,45 0,55 3,07 30 -0,07 -0,23 40 -0,45 -1,11 11,55 - The financial activities of the company are relatively healthy and transparent. - Parts weak financial Source: [3] - The company has built a company culture solidarity, overcoming difficulties and management. MobiFone market share almost no variation in the years from 2006-2010. propose innovative solutions to accomplish tasks. However, between 2011 and 2010 with the spikes, the market share in 2011 decreased 11.21 %, down 38.51 %, respectively compared to 2010. In 2012, the market share of Table 3.5: Table assess the intrinsic capacity of VinaPhone Strengths Weakness MobiFone have increased but not significantly, increased by 0.55 % market share (up - Business major, long-standing, familiar image, - The bloated management structure, large-scale, 3.07 % respectively). prestige. dependent accounting inflexible. Market share declined most Vinaphone. In 2006, the net loss of 16 % - Available traditional customers. Direct contact with - The quality of a number of low-quality services. customers to quickly grasp the needs and tastes of - The investment costs of large infrastructure network. (corresponding to 33 % loss of market share compared to 2005). However, the last 3 customers. Web development by administrative area, spreading years, the market share of Vinaphone continuously increasing: in 2009 increased 6 %, 2 - The advantage of receiving modern technology, wasteful, difficult to upgrade. offering new services, diversified and high quality. - Charges for some services. Charging method less % in 2010 and 2011 increased by 1.36 %. To 2012, VinaPhone has been a slight - Network infrastructure both large national backbone attractive customers. decrease in market share, lost 0.07 %. network and local access networks. Network-wide - Sales cumbersome procedure. Strong rise in the Viettel network. In 2005, when a new entry is more than 1 year, delivery service. - Limited investment for the advertising, promotion. - There are good international cooperation. Advertising forms less attractive. this network only accounts for 11 % market share. In 2006, Viettel rising to 30 % - Our team of experienced workers, solidarity possible. - Not enough attention to market research, competitor market share. In recent years, the pace of growth has slowed Viettel. However, Viettel - Often a pioneer in offering new services to attract analysis. No business strategies to adapt quickly to is the biggest network in the market; VinaPhone is the second largest operator with 30 attention and customers. market changes. - Quality of current services better than competitors. - This type of service is not much value, service poor % and MobiFone ranked 3rd with 18.45 % market share. The only network remaining - Diversified services and advantages in providing full information content. 11.55 %. Thus, the largest company in the market including: company information service, one-stop shop for customers, satisfy customer - Awareness and business experience in the limited needs large (private network settings). market mechanisms. VMS, telecommunications company Vinaphone and military telecom company Viettel.
- 13 14 - Financial strength, strong funding of organizations - Large labor force, lack of high- level experts in supply of power is reflected in the loyalty of customers now. Model of customer loyalty and individuals at home and abroad. economics and engineering. mobile communication services in Vietnam have been two German authors on Table 3.8: Table assess the intrinsic capacity of MobiFone America, Bui Nguyen Hung proposed. Strengths Weakness LOYAL - Telecommunication network system large. - Weak network system in the remote H3 H4 - The distribution system is well organized. - Higher rates than competitors. H5 SATISFACTORY BARRIERS - The level of advanced technology. - Not focused on market development areas and - Strong financial position. remote. - High-level management, advanced management technology. H11 H12 H13 H14 H15 H21 H22 H23 H24 H25 - Quality of service possible. The call Price Value Convenient Customer Loss New New The attractiveness Customer quality structure Added Service Resilience Joining of other network Relations Services 3.3. Rating competitiveness in providing mobile communication services of Vietnam telecommunications company through client interviews investigation Figure 3.9: Model of the customer loyalty of mobile communication services in Vietnam 3.3.1. Research Methodology Source: [23] After comparing, for comparison, that the author of the Parasuraman SERVQUAL From this model, the authors have given the scale of customer loyalty in the use of scale and colleagues have similarities with six evaluation criteria competitiveness in the mobile communication services of telecommunications companies in Vietnam. provision of mobile communication services mentioned above. SERVQUAL Scale Combining these two scales together with the National Technical Regulation on quality consists of 10 components: (1) Tangible Media, (2) Trust, (3) Response, (4) Capacity phone service over mobile network communications ground (NTR 36:2011 / MIC), the serving, (5) Access, (6) India need; (7) Information, (8) Trust, (9) Safety; (10) authors give scale to assess the capacity addition competition in the provision of mobile Understanding. communication services of telecommunication companies. Then, the author has developed questionnaires, conducting surveys and collected 972 questionnaires. 3.3.2. Rating competitiveness in providing information services and mobile telecommunications company Vietnam Quality of service Chart pe rce nta ge of customer evaluation of service quality 120,00% 100,00% Totally disagree 80,00% Disagree Rate 60,00% Neutral 40,00% A gree 20,00% Totally agree 0,00% akesurethe Clear voice Salespeopleare Theresults hilevoicecalls Thevalue- Theoperator Youfeel secure Salesstaff Figure 3.8: SERVQUAL Model M W Scale Source: [47] [48] Although the model is only assess the quality of services but this scale covering Figure 3.12: Chart percentage of customer evaluation of service quality almost every aspect of the service. In addition, the competitiveness of enterprises in the Source: survey data In 2011, the Department of Quality Management of ICT MIC has officially
- 15 16 announced the results of testing the quality of the service in 2011 mobile Chart of the assessm ent rate prepaid custom ers on service charges telecommunication network of 3 ground Viettel, MobiFone and VinaPhone. 150,00% Table 3:11: The results measure the quality of telephone service in the mobile Rate 100,00% Totally disagree 50,00% telecommunication network ground Vinaphone, MobiFone and Viettel 2011 0,00% Disagree Time to Charge The cost current duration trying to charge per necessary of buying Neutral When No. Items QCVN 36 MobiFone Vinaphone Viettel new Call How to When Agree 1 Call ratio is set successfully ≥ 92% 99,77 % 96,38 % 99,50% Totally agree 2 The rate dropped calls ≤ 5% 0,23 % 1,43 % 0,23% Scale 3 Voice quality (voice quality point average) ≥ 3 points 3,80 points 3,64 points 3,94 points 4 Accuracy burn rate: - The rate of false calls were recorded charges ≤ 0,1% 0,053 % 0% 0,017 % Figure 3:20: Chart of the assessment rate prepaid customers on service charges - The rate of talktime charges were recorded ≤ 0,1% 0,003 % 0% 0,005 % Source: survey data wrong 5 Call rate charges, billing errors ≤ 0,01% 0% 0,0063 % 0,0042 % Distribution system service 6 The availability of services ≥ 99,5% 99,832 % 99,871 % 99,995% Chart percentage of customers rated the service distribution Complaints about the quality of customer 7 service (the customer complaints nai/100 / 3 ≤ 0,25 0,0051 0,0037 0,0002 system months) Feedback of customer complaints (complaints 8 100% 100 % 100 % 100% 150,00% ratio reply in writing within 48 hours from the 100,00% Rate time of receiving the complaint) Totally disagree 50,00% 9 Customer support services: Disagree 0,00% s tore is v ery s y s tem -wi de s al es pers on' operation of trading as a A c c ording to A c c ording to The s erv i c e trans ac tions c onv enient the c urrent c us tomers , is qualified - Time to provide customer service support by 24 hours a 24 hours a 24 hours a s s uppliers s ales s taff v ariety of prov iders Neutral The s hop c urrentl y 24 hours a day y ou, the hav e a bridge S tores Tim es phone day day day Agree - Percentage of calls to customer service support Totally agree and accounting for successful circuit receives ≥ 80% 98,11 % 93,87 % 97,47% signals of telephone operators answer in 60 Scale seconds Source: [20] Figure 3:24: Chart percentage of customers rated the service distribution system Charges for services Source: survey data Chart review of rate contract customers on service charges The services differentiated 120,00% Chart percentage of customer evaluation of service differentiation 100,00% 80,00% Rate 60,00% Totally disagree 120,00% 40,00% 100,00% 20,00% Disagree 80,00% 0,00% Rate Neutral 60,00% Totally disagree Connection In case you Method of such calls is charge per have lost or Charges for payment You always costs are 40,00% How to get the Agree Disagree 20,00% 0,00% Neutral Totally agree customers customers choose to you select Services preferred Services Agree Services Network Mobile legacy you Totally agree Scale Scale Figure 3:16: Chart review of rate contract customers on service charges Source: survey data Figure 3:28: Chart percentage of customer evaluation of service differentiation Source: survey data In fact, the authors also studied, comparing the network's service pack 3 was investigated and the following summary:
- 17 18 Table 3:16: The service pack of Viettel, Mobifone and Vinaphone to 05/2012 Services brand and reputation of the company Products Viettel Mobifone Vina Phone Chart percentage of custom er evaluation of brand and Sea+ Mobicard Vinacard reputation VinaPhone, MobiFone and Viettel in service Economy Mobi365 Vina Text provision Tomato Mobi 4U Vina Daily Prepaid 150,00% Sinh viên MobiQ Vinaxtra Rate 100,00% Totally disagree Hi School MobiZone Vina365 50,00% 0,00% Disagree brand Slogan associat Network Happy Zone - Isurf You can service The Neutral of Ciao - MyZone Agree Tourist - Union Officials Scale Totally agree - - TalkEZ - - EZCom Figure 3:36: Chart percentage of customer evaluation of brand and reputation Basic+ MobiGold VinaPhone Family Mbusiness iTouch VinaPhone, MobiFone and Viettel in service provision VIP Mfriend EZCom Source: survey data Postpaid Corporate Mhome VIP Besides the synthesis and analysis of evaluation criteria competitiveness in - - Colleague providing public services of all three companies, the authors also have separate - - Family Source: [21] [24] [27] individual companies and general assessment of client capacity competition in the Results in the table above shows, the network has Vinaphone package for customers supply of each company diich. Since then, with the evaluation board competitiveness in to use the most, and No. 2 is Viettel ranked No. 3 in the final MobiFone company. providing mobile communication services of each company as follows: However, considering the diversity of the services Vinaphone head but beware of the Table 3:20: Competitiveness in providing mobile communication services uniqueness and effectiveness of the services they have superior MobiFone 2 other MobiFone, VinaPhone and Viettel on customer reviews companies. Overall, customer reviews are correct when the network is too small to Unit: Point supply the package and market the unique differences of the package is less. Criteria MobiFone VinaPhone Viettel Leading Quality of service 3,765 3,717 3,685 MobiFone Information and promotion Charges for services: postpaid 1,517 1,867 1,085 VinaPhone Chart percentage of custom er e valuation of inform ation and prom otion of the netw ork prepaid 2,578 2,093 3,119 Viettel Distribution system service 3,658 3,678 3,828 Viettel 120,00% 100,00% Rate 80,00% The differentiated services 3,500 3,233 3,402 MobiFone 60,00% Totally disagree 40,00% 20,00% 0,00% Disagree Information and promotion 3,787 3,644 3,745 MobiFone The service The picture information introduces relating to providers are more Neutral book The Agree Brand and reputation services 3,879 3,833 3,970 Viettel Totally agree Source: survey data Scale In general, the evaluation of our customers, the competitiveness of the three Figure 3:32: Chart percentage of customer evaluation of information and promotion of services company providing leading mobile communications market Vietnam is the network relatively high. The evaluation criteria of companies do not differ significantly and are Source: survey data over 3 points. Private service charges indicator reached a low point and there is a
- 19 20 significant difference: the postpaid service charges, but VinaPhone highest scores but 3.4.2. Weakness lower than 2 points, while the rate prepaid service, Viettel leads first with a score - The management of State for telecommunications companies that are greater than 3. insufficient. However, in order to improve their competitiveness, companies need to pay - The three telecommunications companies are state-owned enterprises, so when attention to issues such as: (1) Make sure the conversation is the customer's call being making the investment, expanding foreign... often time consuming and procedures for dropped circuit, (2) Resolve rapid customer complaints, (3) Solving customer approval, reports state agency in charge. complaints to the situation, logical, (4) Quick fix when communications failures; (5) - The company growth and uneven development. Viettel is the speed of the Reduce the cost of subscription month for postpaid subscribers; (6) reduced call costs, company's largest development subscribers with wide coverage and the deepest. (7) Increase in promotions, discounts for postpaid subscribers, (8) freight invoice report - Quality of service is not stable. monthly postpaid subscribers need clear, accurate, (9) for prepaid subscribers, the - Telecommunications market grows too hot, the telecommunications companies operator call charges to debit the customer's exact; (10) process and procedures for are racing to increase subscribers, subscriptions run while investing for the network transfer of services to ease, simpler; (11) Keep your balance in the customer account infrastructure has not kept pace leading to congestion still occurs. type conversion services; (12) Raising the level of tellers; (13) sales skills Training for 3.4.3. Cause tellers; (14) Make clear the difference between the types of services; (15) Provide - Due to the nature of the field of mobile communication: characteristics provide services to meet customer requirements; (16) Provide services of legacy good mobile communication services of the company depends on the residential status of the characteristics, preferred customers, choice, (17) Creation of special services to meet economy. the different market segments, (18) Diversification of services of the company (19) - The management mechanism is still insufficient: all three major companies provide books, beautiful pictures introduction services, eye catching, (20) Get the providing mobile communication services above the current active form of 100 % state- customer's interests in mind is that the supply of services. owned, so the investment management, cost Government charges lead to difficulties for 3.4. Overall evaluation of the competitiveness of Vietnam telecommunications companies active in the development and market expansion. company providing services in mobile communication - Routine use of telecommunications services, internet in Vietnam is increasing but 3.4.1. Strengths still low. - Scale and network coverage increasingly broad and deep. - The company imbalance in strategic long- term business development: - Along with the promotion of installing additional base stations and coverage, expression of growth in the market share gap and large fluctuations. companies providing mobile communication services has not stopped competing, - The analysis and forecasting of the company is not good, is the cause of the racing boost subscriber growth. decision of the board of the company is not close to the real situation of the market. - Flexible tariff policy, with diverse services and customer oriented. The telecom - There is no solution to increase service revenues explicitly: most, businesses are companies are scrambling to reduce rates to entice customers and develop new not out of the problem subscriber should develop long -term strategies for development customers. services have not been paying attention. - The telecommunications company also continuously launched many different - The staff and employees of the company have not been trained in all copies and packages to best meet customer needs. synchronize the various local. - Customer care is increasingly being emphasized. The customer care is done in 3 phases: before, during and after sale.
- 21 22 CHAPTER 4: DIRECTION AND CAPACITY BUILDING SOLUTIONS - The phenomenon of brain drain. IN THE COMPETITIVE SERVICE SUPPLY MOBILE - The telecommunications industry companies will have to apply multiple standards, international standards, while incentives and state subsidies cuts. TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY OF VIETNAM 4.1.2. The development of the telecommunications sector in Vietnam in the coming time 4.1. The development of Vietnam's telecommunications company providing services - Development of market orientation: ensuring telecommunications market towards in mobile communication next time sustainable development quality and efficiency; developing internal resources associated 4.1.1. Opportunities and challenges for Vietnam telecommunications company in with international cooperation; restructured markets. providing mobile communication services in the near future - The network development: promoting the development of broadband access Development trends of the market networks to the household; capacity transmission system long distance and international - ARPU decline of the network. telecommunication networks developed by individual agencies organization. - Declining voice revenues, business opportunities from mobile data services. - The development of services: development of new telecommunications services in - The emergence of a growing number of smartphone and tablet line, these devices accordance with the trend of convergence of technology and services, reduce costs, lower will create new habits for mobile users and generates data traffic is growing. costs, improve service quality. - The start shifting from voice services to data services embodied in the new habits of - The direction of technological development: development of advanced technology consumers and as well as a new revenue source for operator. applications, modern, efficient use of telecommunication resources, promote the Opportunities for Vietnam Telcos application of telecommunications technology environmentally friendly, energy saving. - Access to capital investment, engineering, technology and management experience - The master plan and use of telecom resources: ensure the planning, allocation and new conditions modernized network, expand services, improve the quality of the team... transfer of public telecommunications resources, fair and transparent application of market - Expand overseas market of the company is made easier. mechanisms such as auctions, contests, allows transfer of the right to use, deploy mobile - Must be regularly renewed both in service delivery and organizational models, telecommunications services next-generation broadband. management thinking... 4.2. Solutions to improve competitiveness in the provision of mobile communication - Favorable opportunities for companies to increase sales, expand markets,... services of the telecommunication company Vietnam - Easily accessible with new technologies, accelerate application deployment of new - Improving service quality: focus on developing infrastructure to ensure the ability to services, high quality, attract customers,... respond to large numbers of subscribers and expand coverage to minimize the possibility Challenge that the Vietnam telcos may face of dropping out, to ensure voice quality and boosting development of content services, - Competition will become increasingly fierce. value-added mobile network. - Interconnection charges between mobile and fixed if not timely controlled, will - Expand market and brand development: Promote market research; improve ad continue to be detrimental to the fixed network, affecting the convergence of fixed phase - performance, promotion, media operations, direct marketing activities, build and Mobile - Internet - upcoming TV. standardize synchronously, consistent brand identity systems, systems and standards in - The company must always renew the organization and management to adapt to active form all contact with the outside; diversified customer care program. improve performance. - Improving the organizational structure of investment companies and human - The training and raising the level of the officials and employees must be done resource development: considering plans to set up a joint stock company affiliated to the methodically, efficiently. services provided in the course of providing services to customers; building and develop
- 23 24 corporate culture, diversity training forms, special forms of self- promoting; research to ensure the telco Vietnam maintain competitiveness in the provision of services, and building management systems and resource sharing knowledge, building capacity adapt to the context of the new economic trends. requirements standard capacity of target groups to develop core competency groups, During this research, the authors looked at the document, investigate customer strengthening innovation team and the organization and operation of the training facility. interviews, expert consultation under the guidance of science teacher guidance. As a result, - Improved service delivery process: encouraging process improvement initiatives to the thesis answers the question about the problem: (1) competitiveness and provide services; improve service delivery process synchronization, closed, construction competitiveness in the provision of mobile communication services be?, (2) Features and implementation of the quality management services, construction and implementation primarily of mobile communication services and service suppliers of mobile of the sales process, building process resolve customer complaints. communication, (4) factors affecting the competitiveness of Vietnam telecommunications - Research and development investment networks and new services: decentralization company providing services in mobile communication?, (4) the criteria for evaluating the of investment management, promoting autonomy in investment activities, strengthen competitiveness of companies in the provision of mobile communication services? inspection and supervision; overcome investment spread, focused on developing new Through the investigation of secondary data and interviews with 972 customers using services, improving the system of regulations and guidance research and development mobile information service company of three major service providers in Vietnam market is activities, building strong relationships between supply parts to the research department, VinaPhone, MobiFone and Viettel, the author has set up the comprehensive picture of the the formulate and implement good programs key science and technology. competitiveness landscape in providing information services to mobile telecom company - Strengthening cooperation and international investment: research strategy and plans in Vietnam. The author points out the strengths and weaknesses of the overall for the development of international cooperation, strengthen multilateral cooperation, competitiveness of all three companies as well as its own internal capacity of MobiFone, actively participate in the organization of economic activity, engineering, training, network VinaPhone and Viettel in the provision of mobile communication services. Combined with expansion investment, business mobile communication services in foreign markets. the theoretical framework outlined in Chapter 2, 7 groups stated solution: Improve service - Synchronization and standardized management mechanism, financial regulations quality, expand market and brand development of the company; Improving the and network planning: enhanced coordination between different levels of management, organizational structure of investment companies and human resource development; advising agencies to direct such operator determined, tasks to ensure progress to intensify Improved service delivery processes, research, investment in developing networks and the inspection, testing and monitoring mechanisms and evaluation mechanism innovation services and to boost investment cooperation and international synchronization and of financial management, improving financial regulation. standardization management mechanisms, financial regulations and network planning to improve the competitiveness of these companies in the future. In addition, the authors also CONCLUSION propose such government created a legal framework ventilation, improve the business During the period of international economic integration today, when Vietnam became environment, abolished some taxes unreasonable, uniform orientation, planning, an official member of the WTO, competition issues, especially in the competitive field of monitoring to meet the development needs of the economy and society, to create a healthy mobile communication has become fierce and aggressive. That fact requires competitive environment. telecommunications companies to innovate organization or business to suit the context of The results of this study if the practical application of information services provided the times and trends. The experience of the reference telcos around the world, as well as a by the mobile telecommunications company Vietnam will create favorable conditions for baseline study for proposed solutions " Improving competitiveness in the provision of the Vietnam telecom companies enhance their competitiveness in the supply mobile mobile communication services of telecommunications companies in Vietnam" is essential communication services, maintain its position in the domestic market, carving out a niche overseas markets.

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