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A comparison theorem for stability of linear stochastic implicit difference equations of index 1

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In this paper we study linear stochastic implicit difference equations (LSIDEs for short) of index-1. We give a definition of solution and introduce an index-1 concept for these equations. The mean square stability of LSIDEs is studied by using the method of solution evaluation. An example is given to illustrate the obtained results.

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Nội dung Text: A comparison theorem for stability of linear stochastic implicit difference equations of index 1

  1. VNU Journal of Science: Mathematics – Physics, Vol. 36, No. 3 (2020) 24-31 Original Article A Comparison Theorem for Stability of Linear Stochastic Implicit Difference Equations of Index-1 Nguyen Hong Son1,2*, Ninh Thi Thu1 1 Faculty of Mathematics, Mechanics and Informatics, VNU University of Science, 334 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi, Vietnam 2 Faculty of Natural Science, Tran Quoc Tuan University, Son Tay, Hanoi, Vietnam Received 26 June 2020 Accepted 11 July 2020 Abstract: In this paper we study linear stochastic implicit difference equations (LSIDEs for short) of index-1. We give a definition of solution and introduce an index-1 concept for these equations. The mean square stability of LSIDEs is studied by using the method of solution evaluation. An example is given to illustrate the obtained results. Keywords: LSIDEs, index, solution, mean square stability. 1. Introduction In this paper, we consider the linear time-varying stochastic implicit difference equation of the form An X (n+ 1) = Bn X (n)+ Cn X (n)n+1 , n , (1.1) where An , Bn , Cn  d d , the leading coefficient An may be singular and n  is a standard one- dimensional scalar random process. LSIDEs is generalization of linear stochastic difference equations, which have been well investigated in the literature, see [1-4]. They arise as mathematical models in various fields such as population dynamics, economics, electronic circuit systems or multibody mechanism systems with random noise (see, e.g. [5-8]. They can also be obtained from stochastic differential algebraic equations (SDAEs) by some discretization methods, see [9-12]. In comparison with linear stochastic ________ Corresponding author. Email address: https// 10.25073/2588-1124/vnumap.4570 24
  2. N.H. Son, N.T. Thu / VNU Journal of Science: Mathematics – Physics, Vol. 36, No. 3 (2020) 24-31 25 difference equations, LSIDEs present at least two major difficulties: the first lies in the fact that it is not possible to establish general existence and uniqueness results, due to their more complicate structure; the second one is that LSIDEs need to the consistence of initial conditions and random noise. The aim of this paper is to perform the investigation of LSIDEs. The most important qualitative properties of LSIDEs are solvability and stability. To study that, the index notion, which plays a key role in the qualitative theory of LSIDEs, should be taken into consideration in the unique solvability and the stability analysis, (see, [6,13, 14] ). Motivated by the index-1 concept for SDAEs in [10, 11], in this paper we will derive the index-1 concept for SIDEs. By using this index notion, we can establish the explicit expression of solution. After that, we shall establish the necessary conditions for the mean square stability of LSIDEs by using the method of solution evaluation. The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we summarize some preliminary results of matrix analysis. In Section 3, we study solvability and stability of solution of SIDEs of index-1. The last section gives some conclusions. 2. Preliminaries d d d d d d Let ( An , An1 , Bn )    be a triple of matrices. Suppose that rank An  rank An1  r and let Tn  GL( d ) such that Tn |ker An is an isomorphism between ker An and ker An1 , put A1  A0 . We can give such an operator Tn by the following way: let Qn (resp. Qn 1 ) be a projector onto ker An (resp. onto ker An1 ); find the non-singular matrices Vn and Vn 1 such that Qn  VnQn(0)Vn1 and Qn1  Vn1Qn(0) 1 (0) 1Vn 1 where Qn  diag (0, Id r ) and finally we obtain Tn by putting Tn  Vn1Vn1 . Now, we introduce sub-spaces and matrices Sn : {z  d : Bn z  imAn }, n  , Gn : An  BnTnQn , Pn : I  Qn , Q n 1 : TnQnGn1Bn , Pn 1 : I  Q n 1. We have the following lemmas, see [15- 17]. Lemma 2.1. The following assertions are equivalent a) Sn ker An1  {0}; b) The matrix Gn  An  BnTnQn is non-singular; c) d  Sn  ker An1 . Lemma 2.2. Suppose that the matrix Gn is non-singular. Then, there hold the following relations: i) Pn  Gn1 An , where Pn  I  Qn ; ii)  Gn1BnTnQn  Qn ;
  3. 26 N.H. Son, N.T. Thu / VNU Journal of Science: Mathematics – Physics, Vol. 36, No. 3 (2020) 24-31 iii) Q n1 is the projector onto ker An1 along S n ; iv) PnGn1Bn  PnGn1Bn Pn1 , QnGn1Bn  QnGn1Bn Pn 1  Tn1Qn1 ; v) TnQnGn1 does not depend on the choice of Tn and Qn . Finally, let , F ,  be a basic probability space, Fn  F , n  , be a family of   algebraic,  be an expectation, n  : n  be a sequence of mutually independent Fn  adapted random variables and independent on Fk , k  n satisfying n  0, 2  1 for all n  . 3. Main results Let us consider the linear stochastic implicit difference equations (LSIDEs) An X (n  1)  Bn X (n)  Cn X (n)n1, n  , (3.1) with the initial condition X (0)  P 1 X 0 where An , Bn , Cn  d d with rank An  r  d and n  : n  is a sequence of mutually independent Fn  adapted random variables and independent on Fk , k  n satisfying n  0, 2  1 for all n  . The homogeneous equation associated to (3.1) is An X (n  1)  Bn X (n), n  . (3.2) Definition 3.1. A stochastic process  X (n) is said to be a solution of the SIDE (3.1) if with probability 1, X (n) satisfies (3.1) for all n  and X (n) is Fn  measurable. Now, we give an index-1 concept for LSIDEs. Definition 3.2. The LSIDE (3.1) called tractable with index-1 (or for short, of index-1) if (i) rank An  r  constant; (ii) ker An1 Sn  0; iii  im Cn  im An for all n  . Remark 1. The conditions  i  and  ii  are used for the index-1 concept for implicit difference equations, see [15-17]. This natural restriction  iii  is the so-called condition that the noise sources do not appear in the constraints, or equivalently a requirement that the constraint part of solution process is not directly affected by random noise which is motivated by the index-1 concept for SDAEs (see, e.g. [10, 11]). By using the above notion, we solve the problem of existence and uniqueness of solution of (3.1) in the following theorem. Theorem 3.3. If equation (3.1) is of index-1, then for any n  and with the initial condition X (0)  P1 X 0 , it admits a unique solution X (n) which given by the formula
  4. N.H. Son, N.T. Thu / VNU Journal of Science: Mathematics – Physics, Vol. 36, No. 3 (2020) 24-31 27 X (n)  Pn1u(n), (3.3) where un  is a sequence of Fn  adapted random variables defined by the equation u  n  1  PnGn1Bnu  n   PnGn1Cn Pn1u  n  n1 , n  . Proof. Since Gn1 An  Pn , PnGn1 An  Pn and QnGn1 An  0. Therefore, multiplying both sides of equation (3.1) by PnGn1 and QnGn1 we get  Pn X  n  1  PnGn Bn X  n   PnGn Cn X  n  n 1 ,  1 1  0  QnGn Bn X  n   QnGn Cn X  n  n 1. 1 1  Since equation (3.1) is of index-1, im Cn  im An and hence QnGn1Cn  0. Then the above equation is reduced to  Pn X  n  1  PnGn Bn X  n   PnGn Cn X  n  n 1 ,  1 1  (3.4) 0  QnGn Bn X  n  . 1  On the other hand, by item iv) of Lemma 2.2, we have PnGn1Bn  PnGn1Bn Pn1 , QnGn1Bn  QnGn1Bn Pn1  Tn1Qn1. Therefore, (3.4) is equivalent to  Pn X  n  1  PnGn Bn Pn 1 X  n   PnGn Cn X  n  n 1 ,  1 1   QnGn Bn Pn 1  Tn Qn 1  X  n   0, 1 1  or equivalently,  Pn X  n  1  PnGn Bn Pn 1 X  n   PnGn Cn X  n  n 1 ,  1 1  (3.5) Qn 1 X  n   TnQnGn Bn Pn 1 X  n  . 1  Putting u  n   Pn1 X  n  , v(n)  Qn1 X  n  , we imply that v  n   Qn1u (n) and X  n   Pn 1 X  n   Qn 1 X  n   u  n   v  n    (3.6) = u  n   Qn 1u  n   I  Qn 1 u  n   Pn 1u  n  . Therefore, equation (3.5) becomes u  n  1  PnGn1Bnu  n   PnGn1Cn Pn 1u  n  n 1 ,  (3.7) v  n   Qn 1u  n  . The first equation of (3.7) is an explicit stochastic difference equation. For a given initial condition u  0  , this equation determines the unique solution u  n  which is Fn  measurable. This implies that v  n   Qn 1u  n  and X  n   Pn1u  n  are so. Thus, with the consistent initial condition
  5. 28 N.H. Son, N.T. Thu / VNU Journal of Science: Mathematics – Physics, Vol. 36, No. 3 (2020) 24-31 X  0   P1 X 0 , equation (3.1) have a unique solution X  n  which is given by formulas (3.6), (3.7). The proof is complete. Now, we study stability of the SIDE (3.1) of index-1. First, we introduce the following stability notion. Definition 3.4. The trivial solution of equation (3.1) is called:  Mean square stable if for any 0 and there exists a 0 such that  X  n   , n  , if  P1 X  0   . 2 2 Asymptotically mean square stable if it is mean square stable and with  P1 X  0    the 2  solution X  n  of (3.1) satisfies lim  X  n   0. 2 n  If the trivial solution of equation (3.1) is mean square stable (resp. asymptotically mean square stable) then we say equation (3.1) is mean square stable (resp. asymptotically mean square stable). Theorem 3.5. Assume that K1 : supn0 Pn1  . Then if there exists a positive sequence  n    with K 2 : n 0  n   such that 2 2 PnGn1Bn  PnGn1Cn Pn 1  1  n , n  0, then equation (3.1) is mean square stable. If there exists a positive sequence n  with   n 0 n   such that 2 2 PnGn1Bn  PnGn1Cn Pn 1  1  n , n  0, then equation (3.1) is asymptotically mean square stable. Proof. We have u  n  1  PnGn1 Bnu  n   PnGn1Cn X  n  n 1 2 2  PnGn1 Bnu  n   PnGn1Cn X  n  n 1 , PnGn1Bnu  n   PnGn1Cn X  n  n 1  PnGn1 Bnu  n  , PnGn1 Bnu  n   2 PnGn1Bnu  n  , PnGn1Cn X  n  n 1  PnGn1Cn X  n  n 1 , PnGn1Cn X  n  n 1 = PnGn1 Bnu  n   2 PnGn1Bnu  n  , PnGn1Cn X  n  n 1 2  PnGn1Cn X  n  n2 1. 2 Since n1 is independent on Fn , it follows that    PnGn1Bnu  n  , PnGn1Cn X  n  n1   PnGn1Bnu  n  , PnGn1Cn X  n  n 1  0.
  6. N.H. Son, N.T. Thu / VNU Journal of Science: Mathematics – Physics, Vol. 36, No. 3 (2020) 24-31 29    PnGn1Cn X  n  n2 1   PnGn1Cn X  n  n2 1 2 2 =  PnGn1Cn X  n    PnGn1Cn Pn 1  n  . 2 2 Therefore,  u  n  1   PnGn1Bnu  n    PnGn1Cn Pn 1u  n  2 2 2   PnGn1 Bn  PnGn1Cn Pn 1 2 2   u n 2 . 2 2 If PnGn1Bn  PnGn1Cn Pn 1  1  n then  u  n  1  1  n   u  n   en  u  n  , n  0. 2 2 2 By induction, we get  u  n   e k 0 k  u  0   e K2  u  0  . n1 2  2 2 This implies that  X  n    Pn1u  n   K12e K2  u  0  . Therefore, by the definition, 2 2 2 2 2 equation (3.1) is mean square stable. Similarly, if PnGn1Bn  PnGn1Cn Pn 1  1  n then we get n1   k  X  n   K12e  u  0 . 2 2 k 0  n  , lim  X  n   0 and hence equation (3.1) is asymptotically mean square  2 Since n 0 n  stable. The theorem is proved. Now consider the LSIDE with constant coefficient AX  n  1  BX  n   CX  n  n1 , n  , (3.8) where A, B, C  d d and n  : n  is a sequence of mutually independent Fn  adapted random variables and independent on Fk , k  n satisfying n  0, 2n  1 for all n  . Note that the pair  A, B  of index-1 can be transformed to Weierstraβ-Kronecker canonical form, i.e., there d d exist nonsingular matrices W ,U  such that I 0  1 J 0  1 A W  r U , B=W  0 U , (3.9) 0 0  I nr  r r where I r , I n r are identity matrices of indicated size, J  (see, e.g. [13,18]). Then, we have I 0  1  0 0  1 Pn  Pn  P  U  r U , Qn  Qn  Q  U  0 I U , 0 0  nr 
  7. 30 N.H. Son, N.T. Thu / VNU Journal of Science: Mathematics – Physics, Vol. 36, No. 3 (2020) 24-31 I 0  1 G  A  BQ  W  r U . 0  I nr  2 2 Corollary 3.6. Assume that equation (3.8) has index-1. Then, if PG 1B  PG 1CP  1 then 2 2 equation (3.1) is mean square stable. If PG 1B  PG 1CP  1 then equation (3.8) is asymptotically mean square stable. Example 3.7. Consider the LSIDE with constant coefficient (3.8) with 1 1 1   2 0   , C   2 1 . A  , B=  1  1 0   2    2   0 0 1 0  2 1  Then, it is easy to see that P   , G    and we obtain 0 0  1 2  2 2 5 PG 1B  PG 1CP   1. 6 Thus, this equation is asymptotically mean square stable. 4. Conclusion In this paper, we have investigated linear stochastic implicit difference equations (LSIDEs). The index-1 concept for these equations has been derived. After that we have established the explicit expression of solution. Finally, characterizations of the mean square stability for LSIDEs are given by the method of solution evaluation. Acknowledgments This work was supported by NAFOSTED project 101.01-2017.302. References [1] L. Shaikhet, Lyapunov functionals and stability of stochastic difference equations, Springer-Verlag London, 2011. [2] L. Shaikhet, Necessary and Sufficient Conditions of Asymptotic Mean Square Stability for Stochastic Linear Difference Equations, Applied Mathematics Letters 10 (3) (1997) 111-115. [3] F. Ma, T.K. Caughey, Mean stability of stochastic difference systems, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 17 (2) (1982) 69--84. [4] Z. Yang, D. Xu, Mean square exponential stability of impulsive stochastic difference equations, Applied Mathematics Letters 20 (2007) 938--945. [5] T. Brüll, Existence and uniqueness of solutions of linear variable coefficient discrete-time descriptor systems, Linear Algebra Appl. 431 (2009) 247-265.
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