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Bài giảng Chapter 1: Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness

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Bài giảng Chapter 1: Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness với các vấn đề chính như: Strategic Competitiveness; Sustained Competitive Advantage; Above-Average Returns;... Hy vọng tài liệu là nguồn thông tin hữu ích cho quá trình học tập và nghiên cứu của các bạn.

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Nội dung Text: Bài giảng Chapter 1: Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness

  1. Chapter 1 Strategic Management and  Strategic Competitiveness Michael A. Hitt R. Duane Ireland Robert E. Hoskisson ©2000 South­Western College Publishing Ch1
  2. Strategic Competitiveness Achieved when a firm successfully formulates  and implements a value­creating strategy Sustained Competitive Advantage Occurs when a firm develops a strategy that  competitors are not simultaneously implementing Provides benefits which current and potential  competitors are unable to duplicate Above­Average Returns Returns in excess of what an investor expects to  earn from other investments with  similar risk Ch1
  3. The Strategic Management Process Involves the full set of: Commitments Decisions Actions which are required for firms to achieve: Strategic Competitiveness Sustained Competitive Advantage Above­Average Returns Ch1
  4. Chapter 2 Strategic External Environment The Strategic Management Inputs Strategic Intent Strategic Mission Chapter 3 Internal Environment Process Strategy Formulation Strategy Implementation Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Business­Level Competitive Corporate­Level Corporate Structure Strategic Actions Strategy Dynamics Strategy Governance & Control Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Acquisitions & International Cooperative Strategic Entrepreneurship Restructuring Strategy Strategies Leadership  & Innovation Outcomes Strategic Strategic Competitiveness Feedback Above Average Returns Ch1
  5. Chapter One: Key Themes Challenge of Strategic Management Changing Competitive Landscape Two Models of Superior Profitability • Industrial Organization Model • Resource­Based Model Key Stakeholder Groups Ch1
  6. Challenge of Strategic Management Only 16 of the 100 largest U.S. companies at  the start of the 20th century are still  identifiable today! In a recent year, 44,367 businesses filed for  bankruptcy and many more U.S. businesses failed Competitive success is transient...unless care is  taken to preserve competitive position Ch1
  7. Challenge of Strategic Management Best Stocks of the Decade The goals of achieving  strategic competitiveness  and earning above­ average returns are  challenging  The performance of  some companies more  than meets strategic  management's  challenge  Ch1
  8. 21st Century Competitive Landscape Fundamental nature of  The pace of change  competition is changing is relentless.... • Rapid technological changes and increasing • Rapid technology diffusions Traditional industry  • Dramatic changes in  boundaries are  information and  blurring, such as... communication technologies • Computers • Increasing importance of  • Telecommunications knowledge Ch1
  9. 21st Century Competitive Landscape The global economy is  Traditional sources of  changing competitive advantage  no longer guarantee  • People, goods, services and  success ideas move freely across  geographic boundaries New keys to success  • New opportunities emerge  include: in multiple global markets • Flexibility • Markets and industries  • Innovation become more  • Speed internationalized • Integration Ch1
  10. 21st Century Competitive Landscape A country’s  Country Competitiveness Rankings 1999 1998 Country Competitiveness Competitiveness competitiveness is  Index 1999 Index 1998 achieved through the  1 2 1 3 Singapore United States 2.12 1.58 2.16 1.41 accumulation of  3 2 Hong Kong 1.41 1.91 4 6 Taiwan 1.38 1.19 individual firms’  5 5 Canada 1.33 1.27 strategic  6 7 8 10 Switzerland Luxembourg 1.27 1.25 1.10 1.05 competitiveness in  8 4 United Kingdom 1.17 1.29 the global economy 9 10 7 11 Netherlands Ireland 1.13 1.11 1.13 1.05 11 15 Finland 1.11 0.70 12 14 Australia 1.04 0.79 13 13 New Zealand 10.1 0.84 Achieving improved  14 12 Japan 1.00 0.97 competitiveness  15 16 9 17 Norway Malaysia 0.92 0.86 1.09 0.59 allows a country's  17 16 Denmark 0.85 0.61 18 30 Iceland 0.59 -0.18 citizens to have a  19 23 Sweden 0.58 0.25 higher standard of  20 21 20 18 Austria Chile 0.37 0.57 0.37 0.57 living  22 19 Korea 0.46 0.39 23 22 France 0.44 0.25 24 27 Belgium 0.39 -0.03 25 24 Germany 0.37 0.15 26 25 Spain 0.16 0.02
  11. Alternative Models of Superior Returns Industrial Organization  Resource­Based Model Model The External Environment Resources An Attractive Industry Capability Strategy Formulation Competitive Advantage Assets and Skills An Attractive Industry Strategy Implementation Strategy Implementation Superior Returns Superior Returns Ch1­
  12. I/O Model of Superior Returns The Industrial Organization model  suggests that above­average returns  for any firm are largely determined  by characteristics outside the firm. This model largely focuses on industry  structure or attractiveness of the  external environment rather than  internal characteristics of the firm. Ch1­
  13. I/O Model of Superior Returns External  Action required: Environment Study the external  environment, especially  General Environment the industry environment. Industry Environment Competitive  Environment Ch1­
  14. I/O Model of Superior Returns External  Action required: Environment Locate an industry with  An Attractive  high potential for above­ Industry General Environment average returns. Industry Environment An industry whose  Competitive  structural characteristics  Environment suggest above­average  returns are possible Ch1­
  15. I/O Model of Superior Returns External  Action required: Environment Identify strategy called for  Attractive  by the industry to earn  Industry General Environment above­average returns. Strategy Industry Environment An industry whose  Competitive  Formulation structural characteristics  Environment Selection of a strategy  suggest above­average  linked with above­ returns are possible average returns in a  particular industry Ch1­
  16. I/O Model of Superior Returns External  Action required: Environment Develop or acquire assets  Attractive  and skills needed to  Industry General Environment implement the strategy. Strategy  Industry Environment An industry whose  Competitive  Formulation structural characteristics  Environment Assets and Skills Selection of a strategy  suggest above­average  linked with above­ returns are possible Assets and skills  average returns in a  required to implement  particular industry a chosen strategy Ch1­
  17. I/O Model of Superior Returns External  Action required: Environment Use the firm’s strengths  Attractive  (its assets or skills) to  Industry General Environment implement the strategy. Strategy  Industry Environment An industry whose  Competitive  Formulation structural characteristics  Environment Assets and Skills Selection of a strategy  suggest above­average  linked with above­ returns are possible Strategy  Assets and skills  average returns in a  Implementation required to implement  particular industry a chosen strategy Selection of strategic  actions linked with  effective implementation  of the chosen strategy Ch1­
  18. I/O Model of Superior Returns External  Action required: Environment Maintain selected strategy  Attractive  in order to outperform  Industry General Environment industry rivals. Strategy  Industry Environment An industry whose  Competitive  Formulation structural characteristics  Environment Assets and Skills Selection of a strategy  suggest above­average  linked with above­ returns are possible Strategy  Assets and skills  average returns in a  Implementation required to implement  particular industry a chosen strategy Superior Returns Selection of strategic  actions linked with  Earning of above­ effective implementation  average returns of the chosen strategy Ch1­
  19. Resource­Based Model of Superior Returns The Resource­Based model suggests  that above­average returns for any  firm are largely determined by  characteristics inside the firm.  This model focuses on developing or  obtaining valuable resources and  capabilities which are difficult or  impossible for rivals to imitate. Ch1­
  20. Resource­Based Model of Superior Returns Action required: Resources Identify firm resources.   Study strengths and weak­  Inputs to a firm’s  nesses relative to rivals. production process. Ch1­



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