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PHD thesis in philosophy: Education and training in the development of high quality human resources in Vietnam at present

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Research purpose: The thesis clarifies fundamental theoretical matters and the real situation of the education and training to the development of hight-quality human resources; recommends a number of directions and solutions to bring into full play the role of education and training in the development of hight-quality human resources in Vietnam at present.

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Nội dung Text: PHD thesis in philosophy: Education and training in the development of high quality human resources in Vietnam at present

  2. GUARANTEES I swear that this is the scientific research of my own. The data and materials used in the thesis are honest, origin and provenance clear. The scientific results of the thesis have not been published in any public works. Thesis’ author Lương Công Lý
  3. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION 1 Chapter 1: OVERVIEW OF THEME’S RESEARCH-RELATED 6 1.1. The researches related to human resource and role of human resource education and training. 6 1.2. The researches related to real situation of high quality human resource. 12 1.3. The researches related to orientations and solutions to promote the role of education and training for developing high quality human resources. 17 Chapter 2: HIGH QUALITY HUMAN RESOURCE AND ROLE OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING FOR DEVELOPING HIGH QUALITY HUMAN RESOURCES IN VIETNAM AT PRESENT. 24 2.1. High qualiy human resource and important role of developing high quality human resources in Vietnam at present. . 24 2.2. The concept, role, impact factors and education – training requirements with developing high quality human resource in Vietnam today 45 Chapter 3: EDUCATION – TRAINING AND DEVELOPING HIGH QUALITY HUMAN RESOURCE IN VIETNAM AT PRESENT, REAL SITUATION AND OUTSTANDING MATTERS. 63 3.1. Real situation of education - training execution in developing high quality human resource in Vietnam today. 63 3.2. Some conflicts need to be solved in order to improve roles of education – training in develoing high quality human resource in Vietnam today. . 94 Chapter 4: DIRECTIONS AND SOLUTIONS FOR IMPROVING ROLES OF EDUCATION –TRAINING IN DEVELOPING HIGH QUALITY HUMAN RESOURCE IN VIETNAM TODAY. 104 4.1. Directions for improving roles of education – training in developing high quality human resource in Vietnam today. 104 4.2. Major solutions for improving role of education – training in developing high quality human resource in Vietnam today. 109 CONCLUSION 149 LIST OF AUTHOR’S SCIENCE WORKS 151 REFERENCES 152 APPENDIX
  4. 1 INTRODUCTION 1. The necessity of the research In Vietnam and in the world as well, it has long been thought that the success or failure, existence or death, and decadence or prosperity of a nation deeply depends on the nation’s human resources. In the context of rapid development of advanced scientific and technological revolution, knowledge economy and globalisation, countries are paying more attention to the development of high-quality human resources. Human resources have become a competitive advantage of numerous countries world-wide. Thus, countries are increasingly attaching greater importance to bringing into full play the role of education and training to develop and enhance the quality of human resources, taking full advantages of internal forces in the situation of fiercer competition among countries all over the world under the framework of the present globalisation. After more than twenty five years of adopting renovation policies in the socialist orientation that the Party initiated and led, Vietnam’s revolution has obtained considerable achievements of historical significance. The country has overcome socio-economic crisis and entered a new development era: accelerating national industrialisation and modernisation, and taking steady steps towards the socialist path. These achievements have set forth fundamental conditions for as well as requires the development of human resources, especially the high-quality human resources to facilitate the country in the new era of development. In the national renovation process, the high-quality human resources has made a rapid growth, making essential contributions to the national achievements of historical significance in all fields of social life. Education and training has played an overriding important and decisive role to the development of the country’s human resources. Resolution of the 2nd plenary session of the 8th Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam states that: “Developing education and training is the national top policy”, aiming to train a human resources that meets rising requirements. The 11th
  5. 2 Party Congress also specified a strategic breakthrough: “Rapidly developing the human resources, particularly high-quality human resources, concentrating on the fundamental and comprehensive renewal of the national education; incorporating the development of human resources with the development and application of science and technology” [49, 106]. In the past year, our education sector in general and higher institutions have produced a strong contingent of engineers, BSc, MA, and doctors in the fields of economy, politics, education and training, culture, and social affairs…satisfying requirements for high-quality human resources to hasten the national industralisation and modernisation. Nevertheless, Vietnam’s education and training sector still witnesses shortcomings. Content, curricula, teaching method, management forces, mechanism, policy as well as environment, conditions, and equipment and facilities for the cause of education and training to foster a high-quality human resources remain limited, failing to meet the real demands. The quality of education and training, especially at higher level which is directly involved in the education and training of the high-quality human resources, is generally low. The qualification and professionalism of graduates remains limited, their adaptability to the reality is still weak; our human resources remains few in quantity and limited in quality whereas mechanism is inadequate. These demonstrate shortcomings and limitations of our education and training sector which fails to manifest its role in developing the nation’s high-quality human resources. The development of high-quality human resources depends on a number of factors, in which the role of education and training is of overriding importance. Hence, it is a pressing issue for the nation’s education and training sector in general and higher education institutions in particular to produce a high-quality human resources to satisfy the demands for speeding up the nation’s industrialisation, modernisation and international integration in the new era, contributing to realising the target to basically turn Vietnam into a modernity-oriented industrial country by 2020, and to successfully
  6. 3 build up a society of wealthy people, prosperous nation, democracy, justice, and civilisation as our Party has stated. These issues are increasingly pressing to our nation on those days, in terms of both theoretical and practical perspectives and demanding for a thorough study. With that in mind, the author has selected the subject “Education and training in the development of high-quality human resources in Vietnam at present” as the specialism of this thesis. 2. Purpose, task of the research 2.1. Research purpose The thesis clarifies fundamental theoretical matters and the real situation of the education and training to the development of high-quality human resources; recommends a number of directions and solutions to bring into full play the role of education and training in the development of high-quality human resources in Vietnam at present. 2.2. Research task - Clarifying theoretical ground related to the development of high-quality human resources and the role of education and training in the development of high-quality human resources in Vietnam at present. - Clarifying the real situation of the role of education and training in the development of high-quality human resources in Vietnam at present. - Proposing a number of essential directions and solutions to bring into full play the role of education and training in the development of high-quality human resources in Vietnam at present. 3. Subject and scope of the research 3.1. Research subject The thesis concentrates on studying and clarifying the role of education and training in the development of high-quality human resources in Vietnam at present. 3.2. Research scope - The thesis does not study the whole matters of the development of high-quality human resources as well as those of the education and training
  7. 4 sector, but studies the role of education and training in the development of human resources in our country; concentrating the study in higher institutions in Vietnam at present. - Studying the realities of the role of education and training in the development of high-quality human resources in certain higher institutions in Vietnam at present. - In term of time scope, the thesis studies the role of education and training in the development of high-quality human resources in Vietnam from 1986 to present. 4. Research methods The study is based on theoretical foundation of the Marxism – Leninism, Ho Chi Minh Thoughts, standpoints, paths of the Party and policies of the State of Vietnam on the development strategies of education and training, and the development of human resources, and high-quality human resources in Vietnam. The study applies the methodology of the Marxism – Leninism, Ho Chi Minh Thoughts; incorporates theory and practice, properly employs analysis and synthesis methods; logic and history, sociological study, and practical recapitulation are major methods applied in the study of this thesis. 5. New findings of the research - The thesis explains more clearly the role of education and training in the development of human resources in Vietnam at present. - Based on achievements, shortcomings and matters arise from the reality, the thesis proposes a number of fundamental directions and solutions to bring into full play the role of education and training in the development of high-quality human resources in Vietnam at present. 6. Theoretical and practical significance of the research 6.1. Theoretical significance The thesis explains more obviously theory of human resources, high-quality human resources and the role of education and training in the development of high-quality human resources in Vietnam at present. The thesis provides scientific grounds to the implementation of directions and solutions to bring into full play the role of education and training in the development of high-quality
  8. 5 human resources in Vietnam at present. 6.2. Practical significance - The new findings of the thesis can be used as reference to planning and implementing policies to develop the role of education and training in higher institutions in Vietnam at present. - The thesis can be a useful reference for lecturers, education managers and pupils, and students in higher institutions in Vietnam at present. 7. Conclusion The thesis consists of introduction, four chapters, nine sections, conclusion, list of reference and appendixes. Chapter 1 OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH ON THE SAME SUBJECT OF THE THESIS 1.1. STUDIES ON HUMAN RESOURCES AND THE ROLE OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING OF HUMAN RESOURCES In the context of rapid development of advanced scientific and technological revolution, knowledge economy and globalisation, countries are paying more attention to the development of high-quality human resources. The issue of high-quality human resources and the education and training of human resources has been a great concern of numerous scientists and researchers in countries world-over in different fields of science. A number of typical works related to the issue in China such as: - Studies in China are related to the thesis consists of: Liang You Jia (2006), Book Talent management, Publishing House of Zhong Shan University, Quang Dong, China concentrates on analysing some fundamental issues such as concept of talents, talent management, basic characters of talent resources, factors impacting talent, value system of talent resources, driving force system of talent resources, the arrangement and usage
  9. 6 of talents, talent management institution and legislation. This is a fundamental book of theory on talent resources and talent resources management of China. Shen Rong Hua and Wu Guo Miao (2008), Book A Respect for Intelligentsia and Talented People – A Hundred-Year Master Plan for the Restoration and Development of the Country, National Political Publishing House, Ha Noi, systematically covers thoughts of Deng Xiao Ping on intelligentsia, talented people, respect for and the development of talented people, education and training to develop high-quality human resources in the reform period. The book asserts that China always considers the education and training of high-quality human resources, the talented people work as matters of special significance and as a hundred-year master plan for the restoration and development of the country. A range of theoretical and practical issues in Deng Xiao Ping thoughts on education and training to develop high-quality human resources and talented people of the country has been interpreted, being foundations for the Communist Party of Chinese to carry out paths, and policies on cadres, developing high-quality human resources in the period of socialist construction with Chinese characteristics. Wang Hui Yao (2010) Book National Strategy - Talents Change the World, China’s People Press, highlights China’s strategy for the development of high-quality human resources (talents), analyses basic issues of talents, assesses the situation of Chinese talents at present; proposes guidelines, policies, contents, especially the education and training to develop high- quality human resources for the country in the new development period đề xuất những chủ trương, nội dung, chính sách, đặc biệt là giáo dục và đào tạo phát triển nguồn nhân lực chất lượng cao cho đất nước trong thời kỳ phát triển mới. Liu Xiao Ping (2011), Book The Theories and Practices of Human Resources Assessment, Sun Yat-sen University Press, contends that under the context of knowledge economy, human resources play an extremely important
  10. 7 role: arousing and developing human resources and high-quality human resources are of extreme significance. Thus, to exploit and bring into full play human resources nations should develop appropriate assessment theories and methods; and puts forward some theoretical issues and methods of human resources assessment. Wang Chong (2012), Book The Quality of Economic Growth in Western China in Association with the Usage of Rural Human Resources, China’s People Press, illustrates the economic growth in China’s western region at present, points out factors of the growth quality, in which the author concentrates on analysing the human resources factor; and indicates some issues related to the usage and bringing into full play rural human resources, particularly the education and training of human resources to ensure and enhance the quality of economic growth in western China in the new situation. Ren Zhong Ping (2004), Journal Article The Sublimation of the Reality of Comprehensive Construction of Wealthy Society - Discussing about Development Viewpoint, Achievement Viewpoint, Populace Viewpoint, Nhân dân Nhật báo, Beijing, issue 12, January 2004, contends important improvements in the work of talents, China’s human resources development in the reform period, criticising the achievement hunting, and manifestations of disregarding the populace in the work of talents; recommends certain requirements on the work of talents in the new era. - Some monographs are related to the thesis from other countries: In Japan, Okuhira Yasuhiro (1994), Book Japan’s Politics and Economy, National Political Publishing House, Ha Noi, obviously indicates basic issues of talent; personnel policies, talent development; analyses experience in the assessment and rotation of cadres, bringing into full play Japanese talents on Japan’s social characters; asserts efforts to conserve and bring into full play national traditions; presents the implementation of training
  11. 8 and employee management regime in public authorities, paying attention to building virtues, especially loyalty virtue of employees and ensuring suitable policies and payment regulations to make employees keep their mind on their work. In South Korea, Kim, Jang-ho (2005), Book New Paradigm of Human Resources Development: Government Initiatives for Economic Growth and Social Integration in Korea, KRIVET, Seoul, 135949, Korea. The monograph indicates socio-economic challenges in high-quality human resources development in Korea; asserts the important role of high-quality human resources; competitiveness of the nation’s human resources; proposes development directions; especially introduces and analyses issues of vocational education and training, incorporating training with research development, and issues on building a learning society in Korea. In Singapore, the book Li Guangyao 40 Nian Zheng Lun Xuan (Lee Kuan Yew’s Political Writings of 40 Years) (1994), National Political Publishing House, Ha Noi, demonstrates Lee Kuan Yew’s thought of treasuring talented people, the role of education and training in the development of human resources and training talents; emphasises that “the regime Singapore applies is the one to treasure talents", considering the know-how to train and employ talented people as the key to success of Singapore in developing high-level human resources and developing talents. In Lao, PhD thesis on Party construction Training, Fostering a Leading Contingent Managing the Party and State Economic Performance in Lao at Present, National Political Academy, Ha Noi by Sinkham Phommaxay (2003). The author presents viewpoints, characteristics of economic management leadership; analyses fundamental issues of policies related to training and cultivating leading staff, and talented people; proposes solutions to improve the quality and efficiency of training and cultivating leaders managing Lao’s economy in the new circumstance.
  12. 9 Viewpoints, concepts, characteristics, role of human resources, high- quality human resources, talent, intellectuals, the importance of education and training as well as issues related to the talent usage, development of high- quality human resources, are comprehensively studied by the works mentioned above. This is an important foundation for the author to acquire, inherit, and continue studying and specifying in the author’s thesis. - In Vietnam, there have been many studies so far on high-quality human resources and the role of education and training of human resources, noticeably: Pham Minh Hac (Lead author – 1996), Study The Issue of Human Beings in the Cause of National Industrialisation and Modernisation. The work analyses theoretical and practical foundations for performing human strategy, considering human factor, human development, human resources to be of decisive significance to material and spiritual creation; presents the relation between education and training, between the usage and creation of occupation with the development of national human resources; from which defines management responsibility of education and training towards the development of human resources for industrialisation and modernisation. Luong Viet Hai (Lead author - 2003), Research Impacts of Scientific, Technical and Technological Advance on the Research and Development of Human Beings and Human Resources in Early 21st Century, State-level research project KX-05 Research on Culture, Human Beings, Human Resources in Early 21st Century November, 2003. The project carries out a synthetic and comprehensive study on human beings, human resources; analyses and specifies concepts and factors affecting the quality of human resources; fundamental issues of education and training, human resources management in Vietnam in accelerated industrialisation, and modernisation; puts forwards essential recommendations to develop culture, people, education and training of human resources in the next decades.
  13. 10 Bui Ngoc Lan (2002), Book Intellectual Resources in the Cause of Renovation in Vietnam, National Political Publishing House, Ha Noi. The book analyses intellectual resources in Vietnam’s renovation process; indicates the role of intellectual resources in social development and fundamental conditions to bring into full play intellectual resources; proposes and analyses basic directions and solutions to bring into full play intellectual resources in the cause of renovation and national construction in the socialist direction. Pham Tat Dong (2005), Book Vietnam’s Intellectuality, Reality and Prospect, lead author, National Political Publishing House, Ha Noi. The author introduces a number of conceptions of intellectuality, Vietnam’s intellectuality; analyses characteristics, the formation and development of intellectual contingent in Vietnam; points out prospects of and solutions to develop this contingent in the new era. Nguyen Dac Hung (2007), Book Developing Talents to Strengthen the Nation, National Political Publishing House, Ha Noi. The book discusses the “leading” force in high-quality human resources; introduces basic concepts such as: potential, ability, the talent, talent management; indicates certain lessons of experience from Vietnam’s history and some countries in the world on developing high-quality human resources, developing the talent; analyses some fundamental viewpoints of the Party, Ho Chi Minh Thoughts on knowledge and the talent; indicates factors directly influencing the talent development, basic contents of high-quality human resources development, and talent development; raises some issues related to the training of pupils and students and to the discovery of, fostering, training, using, and attracting the talented people. Nguyen An Ninh (2009), Book Bringing into Full Play the Potential of Vietnam’s Socio-Science Intellectuality, National Political Publishing House, Ha Noi. The book contributes to interpreting potential of Vietnam’s social
  14. 11 science intellectuality, an important section of the national high-quality human resources; analyses theoretical and practical matters related to Vietnam’s social science intellectuality, as a key component of the country’s human resources; indicates basic issues of mechanism, policy, regime, of education and training to bring into full play the potential of Vietnam’s social science intellectuality in the new era. Pham Thanh Nghi (Lead author - 2007), Book Raising the Efficiency of Human Resources Management in the Process of National Industrialisation and Modernisation, Social Science Publishing House, Ha Noi. The book approaches basic theoretical issues of human resources and human resources management; analyses the efficiency of human resources management and factors affecting human resources management in our country in the process of national industrialisation and modernisation. Vu Van Phuc, Nguyen Duy Hung (Co-authors - 2012), Book Develop Human Resources to Meet the Demands for Industrialisation, Modernisation and International Integration, National Political Publishing House, Ha Noi. The book states some basic concepts of manpower, human resources, analyses characteristics of Vietnam’s human resources, fundamental issues to develop human resources for the requirements of industrialisation, modernisation and international globalisation. This is a valuable source of reference for research and actual guidance of developing the country’s human resources at present. Ho Sy Quy (2007), Textbook Human Beings and Human Beings Developmenti, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Faculty of Philosophy, Education Publishing House, Ha Noi. The document systematically indicates basic issues of human beings and human beings development, such as the methodology on human beings study, definition, concept of human beings, manpower, personality, potential, talent, community and individual. The textbook presents fundamental issues of Vietnamese people, the role of human factors; indicates ability to develop
  15. 12 human beings; proposes directions and solutions to develop Vietnamese people, fulfilling requirements of the industrialisation and modernisation. Nguyen Huu Tiep (2010), Textbook Human Resources Textbook, Labour and Social Publishing House, Ha Noi. The document presents systematically fundamental questions of human resources, namely concept, criterion, classification, factors affecting human resources; presents the education and training of human resources, management, allocation, usage, policies, and mechanism towards the country’s human resources. Le Thi Hong Diep (2010), Political economics thesis Developing High- Quality Human Resources to Expand Knowledge Economy in Vietnam. The thesis presents basic concepts such as: human resources, high-quality human resources, characteristics of high-quality human resources in our country, the development of high-quality human resources; analyses increased population, the structure of human resources, the proportion of scientific and technological manpower, characteristics and requirements of knowledge economy for high-quality human resources; proposes essential solutions to develop high-quality human resources to expand the knowledge economy in Vietnam. 1.2. Studies on the reality of high-quality human resources Vu Hy Chuong (Lead author - 2002), Research project Evaluating, Forecasting Prospect and Basic Solutions to Create Human Resources for the Industrialisation and Modernistaion, Research project of social science 02-02. The project evaluate the national human resources, indicates strengths, limitations and causes; forecasts factors affecting the development of human resources and prospects for the development of human resources in the future. From these foundations, the project recommends fundamental directions and solutions comprehensively, in particular education and training solutions to produce human resources for the national industrialisation and modernisation.
  16. 13 Pham Tat Dong, (Lead author - 2005), Research Project Scientific Ground for Policies to Bring into Full Play the Working Ability and Creativeness of Intellectuals and Students, Ministerial-level research project, Ha Noi. The project directly mentions scientific grounds to introduce and implement policies to bring into full play the labour ability and creativeness of intellectuals and students. The research analyses theoretical foundations, evaluate the status of labour capacity and creativeness, points out shortcomings of our country’s intellectuals and students; analyses factors influencing their capacity and creativeness; proposes policies, particularly the implementation of education and training policies to bring into full play working capacity and creativeness of these resources considered as the key component of the national high-quality human resources. Tran Van Tung and Le Ai Lam (1998), Book Human Resources Development – World Experience and our Country’s Practice, Ha Noi. The book interprets some fundamental theoretical issues on human resources; presents the status of human resources development, from which introduces lessons of experience of human resources development by world powers in recent decades and the practical development of human resources in Vietnam, concentrating on education and training and considering it as the decisive factor in human resources development. The book indicates that the successful development of a nation is closely related to policies and strategies of human resources development, especially education and training development strategy or in other words “people training strategy”. Institute for Education Development (2002), Book From Education Development Strategy to Human Resources Development Policies, Institute for Education Development, Ha Noi. The book gathers research results of some scientists and managers from different fields of social and economic science with the aim to unify viewpoints and policies of human resources development; recommends human resources development policies in order to
  17. 14 successfully implement objectives of the education and training development to develop high-quality human resources, strengthening the nation. Nguyen Van Son (2002), Book Vietnam Higher Education Intellectuals in the Period of Accelerated Industrialisation and Modernisation, National Political Publishing House, Ha Noi. The book presents fundamental issues of higher education intellectuals in Vietnam in the period of promoting industrialisation and modernisation, particularly the status, to provide added grounds for the renovation and development of higher education to satisfy requirements of the new era. The National Centre for Social Sciences and Humanities (2003), A summary research project of Results of the Post-Graduate Education in the National Centre for Social Science and Humanities 1978 - 2003, Social Sciences Publishing House, Ha Noi. The project summarises results of the post-graduate education in the National Centre for Social Sciences and Humanities in the 1978-2003 period; analyses some theoretical and practical issues of post-graduate education; proposes basic solutions to promote post- graduate education in the National Centre for Social Sciences and Humanities in the next period of time. Le Du Phong, (Lead author - 2006), Book Resources and Driving Force of Development in the Socialist-Oriented Market Economy in Vietnam, The Publishing House of Political Theory, Ha Noi, introduces concepts of human resources, analyses the importance of human resources as the driving force of development; analyses the status of human resources development in our country under the context of socialist-oriented market economy with emerging requirements for development. Ngo Huy Tiep, (Lead author - 2009), Book Renovating Leadership Modes of the Party Towards our Country’s Intellectuals at Present, National Political Publishing House, Ha Noi. The book reflects the status of Vietnam’s
  18. 15 intellectuals, of the application of leadership methods of the Party towards our intellectuals over the past time. From that basis, the book introduces certain solutions to renew Party’s leadership modes towards intellectuals, in particular solutions to renovate awareness of Party committees at all levels and the State management authorities, policies to treat and treasure the intellectuals who make remarkable contributions to the society. Duong Van Quang, Banh Tien Long, Trinh Duc Du (Lead authors - 2009), Book Summary Record of the Workshop on “Cultivating Human Resources for International Integration”, The Gioi Publishers, Ha Noi. The book gathers writings on human resources training for international integration, especially high-quality human resources; many writings analyse, evaluate the status of human resources, point out limitations and weaknesses of our human resources under requirements for international integration; clarify limitations which result from education and training; specify fundamental issues of human resources education and training for international integration. Nguyen Van Khanh, (Lead author - 2012), Book Vietnam Intellectual Resources, History, Status Quo and Prospect, National Political Publishing House, Ha Noi. The book presents concepts of intellectual resources, the usage of intellectual resources; experience in building and bringing into full play intellectual resources in some countries in the world and in Vietnam; assesses history and status quo of Vietnam intellectual resources in a number of fields; analyses factors affecting the usage of intellectual resources, point out advantages, disadvantages and prospects of bringing into full play Vietnam’s intellectual resources at present. Trinh Ngoc Thach (2008), PhD thesis of education management Completing Management Model of High-Quality Human Resources Education and Training in Higher Education Institutions in Vietnam. The
  19. 16 author surveys and analyses the management model of high-quality human resources training in some key higher education institutions of Vietnam, in which thoroughly studies the Ha Noi National University’s model to describe typical features of the management models of high-quality human resources training in Vietnam’s higher education institutions, indicating advantages, limitations and the adoptability; proposes some basic solutions to complete the management model of high-quality human resources training in Vietnam’s higher education institutions. Le Quang Hung (2011), PhD thesis Developing High-Quality Human Resources in Key Economic Zones in the Central Region, Development Strategy Institute. From the economic perspective, the thesis presents the importance of high-quality human resources development in key economic zones in the central region; assess advantages, disadvantages, and causes of high-quality human resources in the region; introduces some requirements and solutions to develop high-quality human resources in the central region’s key economic zones, attaching much importance to education and training. Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences (2008), Summary record of the workshop Constructing a Contingent of Intellectuals in the Period of Promoting National Industrialisation and Modernisation, International Integration, co-organised by the Central Committee for Propaganda and Education and Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences’ Party Affairs Section on March 28, 2008, Ha Noi. The summary record collects numerous reports extensively discussing the intellectuals in Vietnam; thoroughly analyses the status of our intellectuals; introduces many solutions, recommendations, especially on policies and mechanism to attract and evaluate intellectuals and the talent in the period of speeding up national industrialisation, modernisation and international integration.
  20. 17 Nguyen Thi Hong Van (2005), Article Education with the Development of Human Resources for Industrialisation and Modernisation, Journal of Education Development, No 4, analyses the role of education in developing human resources, especially high-quality human resources for industrialisation and modernisation; indicates the status quo and shortcomings of education; recommends opinions to renovate education and training to meet the demand for human resources development for national industrialisation and modernisation. Hoang Xuan Long (2006), Article Policies to Develop Science and Technology Human Resources: Status Quo and Recommendations, Labour and Social Affairs Review, No 288, presents the status quo of science and technology human resources development in our country, points out limitations, and shortcomings in policies towards this matter; proposes viewpoints on the policies related to the development of science and technology human resources in the new era. Pham Minh Hac (2008), Article Developing Human Beings, Human Resources – Concept and Policy, printed in the Book Emerging Theoretical and Practical Issues in the Current Circumstance, National Political Publishing House, Ha Noi. The article discusses theoretical grounds of human development; introduces concepts of human resources, talent, labour force; analyses the status quo and proposes solutions to develop the national human resources. Duong Vinh Suong (2012), Article Education, Training in the Development of Human Resources for Industrialisation and Modernisation, Communist Party of Vietnam’s Theoretical and Political Journal, No (833). The article analyses the role of high-quality human resources; assesses the status of our human resources and high-quality human resources, analyses limitations, weaknesses of our human resources in comparison with countries



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