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Celebrity endorsement on buying behaviour of adolescent girls in Bangalore city

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This study was taken to know the effect of celebrity endorsement on buying behaviour among adolescent girls in Bangalore City.

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  1. International Journal of Management (IJM) Volume 9, Issue 1, Jan–Feb 2018, pp. 50–57, Article ID: IJM_09_01_009 Available online at Journal Impact Factor (2016): 8.1920 (Calculated by GISI) ISSN Print: 0976-6502 and ISSN Online: 0976-6510 © IAEME Publication CELEBRITY ENDORSEMENT ON BUYING BEHAVIOUR OF ADOLESCENT GIRLS IN BANGALORE CITY Dr. Asha Jyothi. U.H Research Guide, Department of Resource Management, Smt. VHD Central Institute of Home Science, (Autonomous) Sheshadri Road Bangalore, India Memtombi Laishram Research Scholar, Department of Resource Management, Smt. VHD Central Institute of Home Science, (Autonomous) Sheshadri Road Bangalore, India ABSTRACT: Celebrity endorsement is a type of advertisement which includes a famous person from film fraternity, sports or modeling world. It helps in promoting the product brand and also increasing the sales of the product. Hence this study was taken to know the effect of celebrity endorsement on buying behaviour among adolescent girls in Bangalore City. The objectives were to understand the buying behaviour of adolescent girls and to study the influence of celebrity endorsement on buying behaviour of adolescent girls. Survey method and questionnaire was the tool used for study. Sample size was 50 adolescents from Bangalore city. Significant findings of the study were majority of the respondents were between 19-21years and under graduates. Clothes, beauty items and Snacks were frequently purchased by the adolescents. Shopping malls, retail shops, online shopping and departmental store were the places from where the goods and products are purchased by the girls. It was found that the adolescents purchased products as and when the need arises rather than during special occasions. Adolescents had varied attitude towards celebrity endorsement of products. It was opined that Products advertised by the celebrities are of good quality, Celebrity give a positive images to the endorsed brand and Celebrity also use products which are endorsed by them. Film stars were the most preferred celebrity by majority of the adolescents followed by sports persons. Quality was ranked as first criteria followed by quantity and celebrity endorsement for purchasing the products. Trustworthiness and popularity of the celebrity were the major attributes for celebrity to endorse a product. Majority of the adolescents were satisfied by the dynamism, physical attractiveness, trustworthiness, brand association and expertise of the celebrity in choosing a product. Keywords: celebrity, Endorsement, Advertisement, Promoting, Influence, behavior 50
  2. Dr. Asha Jyothi. U.H and Memtombi Laishram Cite this Article: Dr. Asha Jyothi. U.H and Memtombi Laishram, Celebrity Endorsement on Buying Behaviour of Adolescent Girls in Bangalore City, International Journal of Management, 9 (1), 2018, pp. 50–57. 1. INTRODUCTION Celebrity endorsement is a special type of advertisement which includes a famous person from film fraternity, sports and modeling world. It helps in promoting the brand and also increasing the sales of the product. Celebrity endorsement is a particular strategy used by marketers to advertise a product from such a platform through which consumers can associate themselves with the brand value from the perspective of the celebrity personnel. 2. METHODOLOGY The aim of the study was to find out celebrity endorsement on buying behavior of adolescent girls in Bangalore city. The objectives of the study were to understand the buying behavior of adolescent girls and to study the influence of celebrity endorsement on buying decisions of adolescent girls. Survey method and questionnaire was the tool used to conduct the study. Data about frequency of purchasing products, place of purchasing the goods and products, period of purchasing products, criteria for purchasing products were collected from the sample. The sample size of the study was 50 adolescents’ girls in Bangalore city. Random sampling technique was the sampling procedure used for the study. 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table 1 Basic Data of the Respondents (N = 50) Characteristic Number Percentage AGE (Years) 17-19 16 32 19-21 34 68 Total 50 100 EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION Under graduate 39 78 Post graduate 11 22 Total 50 100 TYPE OF FAMILY Joint 6 12 Nuclear 43 86 Extended 1 2 Total 50 100 MONTHLY INCOME OF THE FAMILY(Rupees) Up to 10,000 1 2 10,000-30,000 23 46 40,000-60,000 17 34 60,000&above 9 18 Total 50 100 51
  3. Celebrity Endorsement on Buying Behaviour of Adolescent Girls in Bangalore City The majority of the respondents that is 68 percent of them are in the age group of 19-21 years. The majority of the respondents were undergraduates (78%). It was noted that majority of the respondents are staying in nuclear families (86%). It was also observed that 46 percent of the respondents were having monthly income of Rs 10,000- Rs 30, 000.About 34 percent of the respondents had monthly income between Rs40, 000- Rs60, 000 per month. (Table 1) Table 2 Frequently purchased product (N =50) Products * Number Percentage Clothes 29 58 Beauty items 14 28 Beverages 6 12 Snacks 29 58 Accessories 4 8 Electronic items 2 4 Others 3 6 *Multiple responses It can be noted that an equal percentage of respondent that is 58 percent of them frequently purchased clothes and snacks. It can also be seen that 28 percent of the respondents were purchasing beauty items frequently. A small percentage of the respondents were also purchasing items like beverages (12%), accessories (8%), other items (6%) and electronic items (4%). 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Departmental Shopping mall Retails Shops Wholesale Online Direct All of the above Store Shops Marketing *Multiple responses Figure 1 Place of purchasing the goods and products (N =50) Figure 1 shows the location of purchasing the products. Majority of the respondents that is 40 percent of them purchased goods and products from shopping malls. It can be noted that 28 percent of the respondents were purchasing from retail shops. It can also be observed that 26 percent of the respondents purchased goods from all the places that are given in the table 3 52
  4. Dr. Asha Jyothi. U.H and Memtombi Laishram Table 3 Period of purchasing products (N = 50) Periods* Number Percentage During offers 13 26 Festivals 14 28 Occasionally 11 22 As the need arises 29 58 Any other 1 2 *Multiple responses It is evident from Table 3 that majority of the respondents that is 58 percent of them purchased goods as the need arises while 28 percent of the respondent purchased during festivals, 26 percent of them purchased during offers. Table 4 Criteria for purchasing products (N=50) Products Beauty Electronic Criteria* Clothes Junk foods Beverages Snacks Accessories items Items No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % Quality 34 68 28 56 22 44 19 38 24 48 24 48 23 46 Quantity 3 6 4 8 8 16 9 18 13 26 5 10 1 2 Easily 6 12 5 10 10 20 7 14 9 18 2 4 0 0 available Celebrity 5 10 22 44 1 2 1 2 2 4 12 24 7 14 endorsement Price 22 44 13 26 13 26 9 18 10 20 17 34 20 40 Brand name 21 42 18 36 4 8 3 6 5 10 7 14 21 42 Friends 8 16 23 46 9 18 8 16 8 16 4 8 3 6 influence *Multiple responses From Table 4, it is clear that there are various criteria that are taken into consideration by the respondents during the purchase of the products. Majority of the respondents that is 68 percent of them look for qualities of the cloth followed by price (44%) and brand name (42%). It can be seen that while purchasing beauty items 56 percent of the respondents look for quality, 46 percent of the respondents purchased products because of the influence from friends and followed by celebrity endorsement (44%). It can be noted that 44 percent of the respondent look for quality of the junk foods, price (26%) and easy availability (20%). A very small percentage of the respondents that is 2 percent of them look for celebrity endorsement. It can be observed that while purchasing beverages 38 percent of the respondent goes for quality. It can also be observed that an equal percentage of the respondents that is 18 percent of them go for quantity and price. It is seen that 48 percent of the respondent look for quality of snacks followed by quantity (26%) and price (20%). It is also seen that 48 percent of the respondent purchased accessories by looking for quality followed by price (34%). A small percentage of the respondents prefer easily available (4%), quantity (10%) and friends influence (8%). 53
  5. Celebrity Endorsement on Buying Behaviour of Adolescent Girls in Bangalore City Table 5 Attitudes towards celebrity endorsement (N=50) Strongly Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Attitudes agree disagree No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % Products advertised by the celebrities are 5 10 7 14 32 64 5 10 1 2 of good quality. Celebrity give a positive images to 12 24 21 42 15 30 2 4 0 0 the endorsed brand Celebrity also use products which are 4 8 5 10 21 42 17 34 3 6 endorsed by them Brands use celebrity 19 38 21 42 6 12 3 6 1 2 to enhance their sale Table 5 reveals the response on attitudes towards celebrity endorsement. 38 percent of the respondent strongly agreed that brand use celebrity to enhance their sale. Higher percentage of the respondents that is 58 percent of them agreed that celebrity endorsement helps in brand promotion followed by celebrity give positive images to the endorsed brand (42%) and brand use celebrity to enhance their sale. 34percent of the respondent disagree that celebrity also use products which are endorsed by them. Table 6 Preference of celebrity for endorsement (N = 50) Preference Number Percentage Film star 32 64 Sports person 7 14 Politician 2 4 Social workers 0 0 Artists 1 2 T.V stars 5 10 Any other 3 6 Total 50 100 Table 6 indicates the preference of celebrity for endorsement. It can be noted that majority of the respondents that is 64 percent of them prefer Film star for endorsement. It can also be noted that 14 percent of them prefer Sportsperson and a very small percentage of the respondents that is 2percent of them give their preference to Artists for endorsement. Table 7 Ranking of influencing criteria (N=50) Criteria Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4 Rank 5 No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % Cost price 11 22 3 6 36 72 0 0 0 0 Celebrity 7 14 29 58 6 12 7 14 1 2 advertisement Quality 32 64 18 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 Quantity 0 0 0 0 6 12 31 62 13 26 Experience 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 32 34 68 54
  6. Dr. Asha Jyothi. U.H and Memtombi Laishram Table 7 indicates the ranking of influencing criteria. It can be observed that majority of the respondents that is 64 percent of them ranked quality as number 1. 58percent of the respondents ranked celebrity advertisement as number2. Higher percentage of the respondents that is 72 percent of them ranked cost price as number3. About 62 percent of the respondents rank quantity as number 4. And about 68 percent of the respondents ranked experience as number 5. 70 60 50 52 40 30 26 20 14 10 8 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 -10 Figure 2 Attributes for Celebrity Endorsement (N = 50) Figure 2 reveals the important attributes for a celebrity to endorsed product. It is seen that majority of the respondents that is 52 percent of them, the important attribute is trust worthiness followed by popularity (26%). Table 8 Satisfaction from celebrity endorsed products (N=50) Highly Highly Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfy Aspects satisfied dissatisfy No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % The message conveyed by the 5 10 19 38 26 52 0 0 0 0 celebrity Dynamism of the 2 4 17 34 30 60 1 2 0 0 celebrity Physical attractiveness 3 6 25 50 22 44 0 0 0 0 Celebrity image 1 2 24 48 21 42 2 4 2 4 Celebrity expertise 1 2 26 52 21 42 1 2 1 2 Creates uniqueness to 24 48 4 8 21 42 0 0 1 2 the product Celebrities 2 4 28 56 16 32 3 6 1 2 trustworthiness Celebrity and brand 9 18 24 48 14 28 2 4 1 2 association 55
  7. Celebrity Endorsement on Buying Behaviour of Adolescent Girls in Bangalore City Table 8 shows the satisfaction from celebrity endorsed product. It is seen that majority of the respondents that is 52 percent of them neither satisfied nor dissatisfied the message conveyed by the celebrity. It can be noticed that higher percentage of the respondents that is 60 percent of them neither satisfied nor dissatisfied the dynamism of the celebrity. About 34 percent of them satisfied the dynamism of the celebrity. A small percentage of the respondent that is 4 percent of them highly satisfied the dynamism of the celebrity. It can be observed that 50 percent of the respondents satisfied the physical attractiveness of the celebrity while 44 percent of the respondent neither satisfied nor dissatisfied the physical attractiveness of the celebrity. Majority of the percent respondents that is 48 of them highly satisfied that celebrity creates uniqueness to the product while 42 percent of the respondents neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. Higher percentage of the respondents that is 56 percent of them satisfied celebrities’ trustworthiness. About 48 percent of the respondents satisfied celebrity and brand association. A very small percentage of the respondents 2 percent of them highly dissatisfied celebrity and brand association. 4. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION Celebrity endorsement is a form of advertising campaign or marketing strategy used by brands, companies which involves celebrities or a well-known person using their social status or their fame to promote a product or service. In India a celebrity idolizes in the mind of the consumer so large that any activity can be capitalized on their huge fan followers. Therefore the huge and binding relationship between celebrity endorsement and consumer behavior cannot be ignored or undermined in a competing business environment. The majority of the respondents in the age group of 19-21 years. It was also found that a majority were undergraduates and staying in nuclear families. The monthly income ranged from Rs 10,000 to 60,000 in many of the families. Adolescents had varied attitude towards celebrity endorsement of products. It was opined that Products advertised by the celebrities are of good quality, Celebrity give a positive images to the endorsed brand and Celebrity also use products which are endorsed by them. Film stars were the most preferred celebrity by majority of the adolescents followed by sports persons. Most of them rarely purchased celebrity endorsed products. Quality was ranked as first criteria followed by quality, quantity and celebrity endorsement for purchasing the products. Trustworthiness and popularity of the celebrity were the major attributes for celebrity to endorse a product. Majority of the adolescents were satisfied by the dynamism, physical attractiveness, trustworthiness, brand association and expertise of the celebrity in choosing a product. 4.1. Conclusion: It can be concluded that though the adolescents were aware of celebrity endorsement of products at the time of purchasing there are very conscious of various criteria for making the final choice. 56
  8. Dr. Asha Jyothi. U.H and Memtombi Laishram REFERENCE [1] Atkin, c. and Block, M. (1983) Effectiveness of celebrity Endorsers Journal of Advertising Research, 23, March Issue, pages 57-61. [2] Chaugh, Anoop. Power of one in celebrity Endorsement Endorsements _1326501viewed on March 11, 2011. [3] Erdogan B, Baker M, Taggs (2000) Selecting Celebrity Endorsers: The Practitioner’s Perspective. Journal of Consumer Research 41: 39-48. [4] Gayathri Devi M. and Dr. C. Ramanigopal (2010) Impact of celebrity endorsement on Indian market Journal of Applied Science & Social Science, Vol. I, No II. November 2010. [5] Tripp, C, Jensen, T.D and Carlson, L. (1994). Trust worthiness/ Credibility of celebrity endorsers. Journal of consumer research, 20 (4). 535-547 [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] Vijay.R.Kulkarni, MBA, A Factorial Study of Consumer Buying Behavior of Laptops of Post Graduate Students in Pune, International Journal of Management (IJM), Volume 4, Issue 2, March- April (2013), pp. 09-21 [12] A. Hemalatha, Dr. Valsamma Antony and Dr. G. Sivanesan, A Study of Brand Loyalty on Toilet Soaps Buying Behavior of Female Consumers in Tiruchirappalli, International Journal of Marketing and Human Resource Management (IJMHRM), Volume 5, Issue 5, September – October (2014), pp. 11-21 57



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