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Summary of doctoral dissertation of psychology studies: Emotion management skills of division officers-training cadets at Military Officers-Training Colleges in the Vietnam People’s Army

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he dissertation clarifies a number of practical and theoretical issues on emotion management skills of cadets, proposes pedagogic - psychological measures to develop emotion management skills of cadets of military schools.

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Nội dung Text: Summary of doctoral dissertation of psychology studies: Emotion management skills of division officers-training cadets at Military Officers-Training Colleges in the Vietnam People’s Army

  1. MINISTRY OF NATIONAL DEFENSE POLITICAL ACADEMY NguyÔn v¨n quang VU VAN LONG Emotion management skills of division officers-training cadets at Military Officers-Training Colleges in the Vietnam People’s Army Specialization: Psychology Studies Code : 931 04 01 SUMMARY OF DOCTORAL DISSERTATION OF PSYCHOLOGY STUDIES HA NOI - 2019
  2. THE THESIS WAS ACCOMPLISHED AT POLITICAL ACADEMY - MINISTRY OF NATIONAL DEFENSE Supervisors: 1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phan Trong Ngo 2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Tuan Reviewer 1: Reviewer 2: Reviewer 3: The thesis is defended at the Council of thesis evaluation at the Academic level in line with the Decision no: /QĐ - HV3 date month year 2019 by the Director at the Political Academy - Ministry of National Defense ....month.....2019 The thesis can be found at: - National Library - Military Library - Library at Political Academy
  3. LIST OF THE THESIS-RELATED WORKS PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR 1. Vu Van Long (2016), Emotion management skills of officers-training cadets at military schools today, Conference’s Preceding, Vietnam Association of Psychology - Education, December, pp.425-432. 2.Vu Van Long (2017), Factors affecting skill of emotion management of officers-training cadets at military officers- training schools of the Vietnam People’s Army, Journal of Education, Special issue, 6/2017, pp.111, 118-120. 3. Vu Van Long (2017), Factors affecting skill of emotion management of cadets of Section 2 of Political Academy today, Journal of Education and Society, Special issue, 10/2017, pp.66-68. 4. Vu Van Long (2017), Some measures to nurture the ability of control emotion for officers-training cadets at military schools today, Journal of Education and Society, Special issue, 11/2017, pp.352-356. 5. Vu Van Long (2017), Components of emotion management skillS of officers-training cadets at military officers-training schools of the Vietnam People’s Army, Journal of Education and Society, Issue 81 (142), 12/2017, pp.77-79. 6. Vu Van Long (2018), The actual situation of emotion control skills and emotion management skills of cadets of Section 2 of Political Academy today, Journal of Social Psychology, Issue 1, 1/2018, pp.94-104. 7. Vu Van Long (2018), Experimenting measures to develop emotion management skills for cadets at military officers-training schools of the Vietnam People’s Army, Journal of Social Psychology, Issue11, 11/2018, pp.123-132.
  4. 1 INTRODUCTION 1. Rationale for the study Emotion plays an important role in our mental life and has a great impact on our work, study, and creativity. When man is happy, he tends to be active, enthusiastic and he often acts positively. When man is sad, worried, disappointed, he tends to be slack, reserved if that kind of feeling lasts too long. When man feels resentful and hatred, he tends to do something that is harmful to him and others as well. Thus, managing emotion in a reasonable way to make our life balanced and harmonious is what everybody pays attention to and wants. Daniel Goleman (2007) claimed that: “Emotion management proves the ability to make our feelings get used to the situation, how man restricts his own emotions. People without this basic psychological ability getting themselves out of worry, sadness, and anger often have to struggle against bad emotions”. Therefore, emotion management does not only mean controlling our actions, biological expressions, or outside attitudes, but it also needs to work out solutions to control emotion, release restricted feelings in time. Emotion management skill is a type of living skill, playing a very important role in activities, helping man is able to control feeling, and perfect personal quality. Cadets at Military Officer Training Colleges selected from the National Entrance Exams have graduated from high school and are now being trained to become cadres and officers. During the training course, cadets have to carry out many tasks, solve different situations according to the military rules and disciplines. At the same time, the negative side of the market-economy, the social evils, the bad habits often have a negative impact on the cadets. In order to meet the training objectives and requirements as well as to form and develop the personal qualities of the officers, cadets must have living skills in general and emotion management skill in particular to control, adjust emotion; always keep themselves balanced in emotion. Over the past years, Party Committees, Administrators, functional organizations and units in military officer training schools always pay attention to directing, guiding, building plans and organizing to practise and develop personal qualities, abilities, living skills in general and emotion management skills in particular for the cadets. Cadets have good personalities, firm and steadfast thoughts, good abilities, good working methods and styles, their studying and
  5. 2 training results are good; cadets have formed and developed some basic living skills including emotion management skills. However, at military officer training colleges nowadays, living skills in general, and emotional management skills in particular of the cadets still have a lot of limitations. The ability to control and adjust emotions of the cadets is at a certain level, especially in complex situations with a lot of affecting elements, cadets feel confused and are not really flexible and creative to solve the situations in a reasonable way. Currently, the training objectives and requirements of the officer training schools are getting higher and higher. Hence, to meet the above contents, cadets are required to train and develop living skills including emotion management skills. Studying emotion management skills is a complicated issue; up to now there have been many opinions about emotion management skills. The research on emotion management skills is not various; especially in the military environment there has been no deep and systematic research on emotion management skills of the cadets at military officer training colleges. Based on the above theories and realities, the author chose the thesis topic entitled: "Emotion management skills of division officers-training cadets at Military Officers-Training Colleges in the Vietnam People’s Army”. 2. Purpose and tasks of the research * Purposes of the research The dissertation clarifies a number of practical and theoretical issues on emotion management skills of cadets, proposes pedagogic - psychological measures to develop emotion management skills of cadets of military schools. * Tasks of the research The dissertation gives an overview of foreign and domestic works related to the thesis. The dissertation analyses, generalizes and systematizes some theories on emotion management skills, building the tool concept of the thesis, identifying signs of emotion management and factors affecting emotion management skills of cadets at military schools. The dissertation evaluates the actual situation skill of emotion management and factors affecting cadets’ emotion management skills. The dissertation proposes pedagogic - psychological measures to develop emotion management skills of cadets of military schools. The dissertation experiments factors affecting skill of emotion management cadets of military schools.
  6. 3 3. Object, Subject, Scope and Scientific hypothesis * Object of the study Signs of emotion management skills and factors affecting emotion management skills cadets of military schools. * Subject of the study Officers-training cadets, teachers and officials managing cadets at military schools. * Scope of the study - In terms of content: The thesis researches on signs of emotion management skills and factors affecting cadets’ emotion management skills. In addition, it researches on cadets’ emotion management skills in learning, training and communicative relationships at schools. - In terms of subject: The thesis researches on officials, teachers and cadets at the following military schools: The Army Officers- Training College N1, The Political Officers-Training College, The Officers-Training College of Telecommunication, The Officers-Training College of Commando. - In terms of time: Data and surveys for the study are collected from 2013 to the present. * Scientific hypothesis Cadets’ emotion management skills is composed of several supporting skills (skill of identifying emotion, skill of controlling emotion, skill of directing emotion, skill of using emotion). Cadets’ emotion management skills is above average, the components skills are not equal, of which skill of identifying emotion is the best, and skill of using emotion is the worse. Cadets’ emotion management skills is formed and shown in studying, training and communicative relationships; being affected by subjective and objective factors. If the theoretical basis is clarified and the actual situation of cadets’ emotion management skills and factors affecting cadets’ emotion management skills are evaluated, then pedagogic - psychological measures to develop skill of emotion management of cadets are proposed, contributing to improve the quality of education, training at military officers-training colleges in the Vietnam people’s Army. 4. Methodology and research methods * Methodology The thesis is based on the thorough understanding of the materialist dialectics of Marxist-Leninist philosophy and the views of President Ho Chi Minh, the Communist Party of Vietnam’s view on
  7. 4 education and training, including education and training at military officers-training colleges in the Vietnam people’s Army. It is based on a system of views: view of activity; concrete and historical view; development view. * Research method The thesis uses a combination of different methods of psychology studies in general and military psychology studies in particular: In terms of theory: Analysing, generalizing some scientific works related to emotion management skills of cadets at military officers-training colleges in order to form theory of the thesis. In terms of practice: Method of observation; Method of questionnaires; Method of conversation; Method of interview; Method of experts consult; Method of experiment; Method of multiple choice. In terms of maths statistics: Use of software SPSS 20.0 to calculate the data of survey, investigation, experiment and showing research results. 5. New contributions of the thesis * In terms of theory The thesis generalizes the theory on emotion management skills and forms some basic concepts: emotion management, skill of emotion management, emotion management skills of cadets at military officers-training colleges. It identifies that the signs of emotion management skills of cadets are shown through 4 component skills (skill of identifying emotion, skill of controlling emotion, skill of directing emotion, skill of using emotion) and factors affecting skill of emotion management of cadets. * In terms of practice The thesis points out that the actual situation of emotion management skills of cadets are shown in 4 skills: skill of identifying emotion, skill of controlling emotion, skill of directing emotion and skill of using emotion are of above- average level. The worst is skill of using emotion; the best is skill of identifying emotion. Emotion management skills of cadets is affected by 2 groups of factors: Group of subjective factors and group of objective factors. Of which, group of subjective factors have more impact than group of objective factors. The findings of experiment show that skill of emotion management of cadets at military schools can be promoted by
  8. 5 the following pedagogic measure: Nurturing skill of using emotion for cadets at Army N1 Officers-Training College. 6. Theoretical and practical significance of the thesis * Theoretical significance The thesis contributes to supplement and develop the theory on Psychology studies of skill of emotion management and emotion management skills of cadets at military schools. The thesis identifies the basic sighs of emotion management skills of cadets at military schools and points out factors affecting emotion management skills of cadets at military officers-training colleges. * Practical significance The thesis provides the scientific basis for promoting emotion management skills of cadets, contributing to improve the quality of cadets at military officers-training colleges. It can also be used as references for researching on emotion management skills in general and researching, educating and supervising officers-training cadets at military officers-training colleges in particular. 7. Structure of the thesis The thesis includes: Introduction, Overview, The content consists of 4 chapters (11 periods), Conclusion, List of References and Appendixes. Chapter 1 LITERATURE OVERVIEW OF RESEARCHES RELATED TO THE THESIS TOPIC 1.1. The foreign works related to the thesis topic 1.1.1. The works on emotion * The works on emotion as phenomenon of individual psychology Here are typical authors: Cruchetxki V. A. (1982), Rubinxtein X. L. (1960), Carrol E. Izard (1992), Vugotxki L. X. (1997), Goderfroid Jo. (1998), Nicky Hayes (2005), Richard J. Gerrig and Philip Zimbardo G. (2003), etc. In their works, the authors research on issues of emotion definition, sign, stable level, appearance and origin of emotion, classifying emotion and impact of emotion on personal activities. * The works on emotion as a driving force for individuals in working and their life Typical authors: Skinner B. (1953), Maslow A. (1970), Strongman K.T (1987), Carrol E. Izard (1992), Maurice Reuchlin (1995), Keith Oatley & Fennifer Jenkins M. (1995), Goderfroid (1998), Freud S. (2002), Nicky Hayes (2005), Helen Greathead (2007), Daniel Goleman (2002, 2015),
  9. 6 James L. Gibson (2011), Virender Kapoor (2012), Richard J. Gerrig and Philip G. Zimbardo (2003), etc. In these above works, emotion is seen as a driving force for individuals to act. Therefore, how to maintain, satisfy or strengthen personal emotion is of great importance. 1.1.2. The works on emotion management In terms of emotional intelligence, which includes the factors of being conscious and controlling of the self and of others, there are works on emotion management. Typical works: Fischer, Manstead, Evers, Timmers & Valk (2004), Wegner and Therriault (1996), Diamond & Aspinwall (2003); Michelle Sams (2010). The authors points out the signs of emotions and causes of these emotions. 1.1.3. The works on emotion management skills * The works on emotion management skills as one basic factor and component in emotional intellect Emotion intelligence is a recent psychological phenomenon appeared in the end of the 20th century. The appearance of emotion intelligence has changed the traditional concept of emotion intelligence and has widely affected several fields of life. The research on emotion intelligence started in America with such experts as: Bar-On R, Salovey and Mayer in 2007, Goleman, etc. Generally speaking, there are three representatives researching emotion intelligence in different ways: Bar-On R. touched upon emotion intelligence under the perspective of personal manner; Salovey and Mayer under the perspective of consciousness; Daniel Goleman under the perspective of the work efficiency. In this thesis, we touch upon emotion intelligence according to the view of Daniel Goleman. * The works on emotion management skills as a communicative skill Soviet psychologists have made an important contribution researching in communication in general and communicative skill in particular, especially pedagogical communication. Typical authors: Cubanova, Dakharo, Leonchiev, etc. In psychology studies in America, there are a number of authors researching in art of communication, communicative skill in management and business such as: Allan Pease (1994), Torrington and his fellows (2004). * The works on building measurement to identify skill of emotion management Here are typical works: Emotion control questionnaires (ECQ2) by Roger D. and Najarian B. (1989). These questionnaires
  10. 7 consist of 56 items, divided into 4 categories (14 items in each category) with 4 areas. Emotional Quotiet Inventory, 1997. This measures stress control and management. Nowadays, another measurement is widely used in research in TTCX, that is MEIS by Mayer, Salovey and Caruso (2000) designed to measure 4 factors making up EI, with the ability to control emotion (item 4). However, these measurements are focused on identifying the general skill of emotion control, not on specific emotion. 1.2. The domestic works related to the thesis topic 1.2.1. The works on emotion Emotion is researched by several psychologists in Vietnam, typically: Vu Dung (2008), Do Manh Ton (2006), Nguyen Quang Uan (2004), Ngo Cong Hoan (2003), Nguyen Huy Tu (2003), Nguyen Khac Vien (2003), Nguyen Ngoc Phu (1998), Nguyen Dinh Sang (2015), etc. These authors believe that emotion is the indispensible product of the process of satisfying human’s basic necessity. Emotion is the feeling shown when being affected by other factors. 1.2.2. The works on emotion management skills * The works on skill of emotion control as a component of emotional intelligence The term “Emotional intelligence” was officially mentioned at the conference of Social Science at the State level KX-07 by Pham Minh Hac (chief editor) in 2001. Emotional intelligence - essence and ways of measurement” by Nguyen Huy Tu (2003). The work at the State level, code KX-05-06 in the 2001 - 2005 period by Tran Kieu and Vietnamese psychologists and educationists of Institution of Strategy and education Program. Emotional intelligence is seen as one of three factors of intelligence. This serves as a favourable condition for the author to do research on skill of emotion management of cadets. * The works on emotion management skills as basic communicative skills There are a number of works on communicative skills on different objects and areas such as: pedagogic communication; communication and negotiation in leadership; art of communication in tourist business; communication of military doctors with patients; communication of political instructors in the Vietnam People’s Army, etc. Typical authors: Hoang Anh (1993), Nguyen Van Thac (1992), Nguyen Thi Thanh Ha (2000), Nhu Van Thao (2012), etc. Generally, these authors indicate that the skills of controlling
  11. 8 communicative process (manage and control personal emotion) is one components of communicative skill. * The works on emotion management skills as a kind of life skill In recent years, emotion management skills is considered as one kind of life skill, one field of educating life skill for pupils and students at schools and students support centre. Typically: Nguyen Quang Uan, Huynh Van Son, Nguyen Thanh Binh, Kim Ngoc Dai, etc. The contents of education and training contain emotion management skills or skills of controlling personal emotion and is considered as one life skill needs educating so as for people to perfect themselves, meeting the demand of social development and international integration. * The works related to emotion management skills of cadets at military officers-training colleges In Vietnam, there are limited numbers of works on emotion management skills, focusing on emotion management skills of cadets, students at pedagogic universities, typical authors: Huynh Van Son, Tran Thi Thu Mai, Nguyen Thi Hai, Nguyen Ba Phu, Ta Quang Đam, etc. There are some works on this field but limited to emotion management skills. These authors present skill of emotion self-management, assessing the actual situation and factors affecting thoroughly and completely. 1.3. Generalization of the research results of published scientific works and the focussed issues of the thesis 1.3.1. Generalization of the research results of published scientific works For emotion, there have been many studies of domestic and foreign researchers on emotion approached from different angles and on different subjects and objects. At the same time, domestic and foreign researchers show different schools and opinions in their studies. For emotion management, emotion management skills, foreign researchers have many studies on emotion management, emotion management skills, and their way to study is very clear and coherent. Domestic studies on emotion management skills are limited in number and the studies are mainly through TTCX and living skills. In the field of military operations, there have been some studies on the emotion management skills and emotion control of lecturer training cadets and cadets at military officer training colleges. The results of the mentioned studies on emotion management skills are very valuable and various sources that the author can exploit and refer to and inherit in order to fulfil this thesis.
  12. 9 1.3.2. The focused issues of the thesis In this thesis, the author will continue to study and solve some of the problems as follows: For emotion management skills, domestic and foreign psychologists have different opinions. However, the tendency to consider emotion management skill as a type of living skills, the complex skill was chosen and studied to justify and make clear this opinion in studying emotion management skills of the cadets. Psychologists have different approaches to the emotion management skills and they have pointed out different skills of emotion management skills. Based on the studying and training activities of the cadets at Military Officer Training Colleges, the author considered the cadets’ emotion management skill a process to identify the component skills of the cadets’ emotion management skill. The objectives of the thesis is focus on clarifying the expressions of the emotion management skills of the cadets at Military Officer Training Colleges; identifying the evaluating criteria and the factors affecting the emotion management skills of the cadets to make the foundation for the reality survey and evaluation. Developing the emotion management skill of the cadets, the objectives of the thesis is not only clarifying the theories but also studying, surveying the reality, and evaluating the reality of this skill. The emotion management skill of the cadets is affected by many objective and subjective factors. Therefore, it is necessary to study and analyse the factors affecting the cadets’ emotion management skill. At the same time, to check the effect of the suggested measures, the study needs to carry out experimental testing on a measure in random to prove its impact on developing the cadets’ emotion management skill at Military Officer Training Colleges in the Vietnam People’s Army. Summary of chapter 1 By generalizing domestic and foreign studies relating to the topic of the thesis, the author assumed that the emotion management skill of the cadets at officers’ schools has not received adequate attention from the researchers both on the aspects of theory and practice. With the special characteristics of studying, training, and living, the relationships at Military Officer Training Colleges in the Army require the higher and higher standard of physical strength, the
  13. 10 intense psychology, which is one of the main causes of the bad emotions among the cadets. Thus, the topic of the thesis is of great practicality and significance. Emotion management skill is approached from different angles. However, there have not been many studies on emotion management skill in general, and on emotion management skill of cadets at military officer training colleges in particular. The results of these studied are diverse and useful sources that the author can exploit, refer to, and inherit in order to fulfil the thesis. Chapter 2 THEORIES ABOUT EMOTION MANAGEMENT SKILLS OF DIVISION-OFFICER TRAINING CADETS AT OFFICER TRAINING COLLEGES IN THE VIETNAM PEOPLE’S ARMY 2.1. Emotion management skill 2.1.1. Emotion * Definition of emotion: Emotion is the vibration that shows people’s attitudes toward things and phenomena related to their needs and motives. * Classification of emotion Focus on analysing the 6 basic types of emotion as follows: happy, miserable, fearful, angry, surprised, and scornful. 2.1.2. Skill Skill is the application of the available knowledge and experience to the reality to achieve an identified goal. 2.1.3. Emotion management skill Emotion management * Definition of emotion management Emotion management is the process of identifying, controlling, directing, and using our emotions affected by the situation in order to help individuals master their own emotion. * Distinction between emotion management and emotion intelligence Emotion management and emotional intelligence are similar in the way that they both refer to the appearance of emotion; people can identify, control, direct, and use it. The content of these two concepts has something in common. However, there are still differences between emotion management and emotional intelligence: emotional intelligence has a
  14. 11 wider range; it is a very popular psychological phenomenon like a quality, a character, ability in everyday activities and communication of human. Emotional intelligence is always present in individuals. Emotion management is a process and it can be present or not. Emotion management skill * Definition of emotion management skill Emotion management skill is the use of the available knowledge and experience to identify, control, direct, and use individual emotion when there is an impact to master our own emotion in real activities. * Component skills of emotion management skill Based on the results of the above-mentioned studies, the definition of emotion management skill, the author assumes that emotion management skill consists of the following component skills: emotion identifying skill; emotion controlling skill; emotion directing skill; emotion using skill. 2.2. Emotion management skill of division-officer training cadets Military Officer Training Colleges 2.2.1. An overview of Military Officer Training Colleges and the characteristics of division-officer training cadets at Military Officer Training Colleges An overview of Military Officer Training Colleges in the Vietnam People’s Army The characteristics of division-officer training cadets at Military Officer Training Colleges * Cadets at Military Officer Training Colleges * The characteristics of cadets at Military Officer Training Colleges - The bio-psychological characteristics. - The socio-psychological characteristics. * The characteristic features of the studying and training of cadets at Military Officer Training Colleges - Cadets are carefully selected based on the entrance exam result, and they study and train in a pedagogical and military environment in accordance with the regulations and disciplines in the Army. - The studying and training activities of the cadets are intense in the aspects of the mentality and physicality due to the strict requirements of the future career.
  15. 12 - The studying and training activities of the cadets at Military Officer Training Colleges are well organized in a pedagogical and military environment. 2.2.2. Emotion management of division-officer training cadets at Military Officer Training Colleges * Emotion of division-officer training cadets Emotion of division-officer training cadets is the vibrations that show their attitudes to things and phenomena related to their needs and motives. * Definition of emotion management of division-officer training cadets Emotion management of division-officer training cadets is the process of identifying, controlling, directing, and using their emotions to help them master their own emotions during the studying process and meet the communicative goal, and the school requirements. 2.2.3. Emotion management skill of division-officer training cadets at Military Officer Training Colleges Definition of emotion management skill of division- officer training cadets at Military Officer Training Colleges Emotion management skill of cadets at Military Officer Training Colleges is the use their knowledge and experience to identify, control, direct and use their own emotion when being affected in order to help them master their own emotions during the process of studying, training, living and communicating to meet the training goal and requirement of the schools. Expression of the emotion management skill of the division-officer training cadets at Military Officer Training Colleges - The emotion identifying skill of the cadets - The emotion controlling skill of the cadets - The emotion monitoring skill of the cadets - The emotion using skill of the cadets 2.3. Factors affecting the emotion management skill of division-officer training cadets at Military Officer Training Colleges 2.3.1. Objective factors: The impact of socio-economic condition; The cultural pedagogical military environment; The aims, the requirements and the content of the training programme; The qualities, the abilities, the methods, the styles of cadres and lecturers; The pressure of the study and examination.
  16. 13 2.3.2. Subjective factors: The knowledge and experience of the cadets; the temper of the cadets; the health and the spirit of the cadets; the methods of studying and training of the cadets; the military career tendency of the cadets. Summary of chapter 2 In this thesis, emotion management skill of the cadets at Military Officer Training Colleges is defined as the use of their knowledge and experience to identify, control, direct, and use their emotion when being affected to help cadets master their own emotion during the process of learning, training, living, communicating to meet the training goal and requirement of the schools. Emotion management skill of the cadets at Military Officer Training Colleges in the Vietnam People’s Army consists of four component skills: emotion identifying skill; emotion controlling skill; emotion monitoring skill; emotion using skill. Many factors, including subjective factors as well as objective factors, affect emotion management skill of the cadets at Military Officer Training Colleges. The effects of these factors on the emotion management skill of the cadets at Military Officer Training Colleges are different from each other. Chapter 3 RESEARCH ORGANIZING AND METHODOLOGY 3.1. Research organizing 3.1.1. Research units The research was carried out in 4 units: The Army Officers- Training College No1, The Political Officers-Training College, The Engineering Officers-Training College, and The Military Officers- Training College of Telecommunication from 2015 to 2018. 3.1.2. The object of the study The object of the study consists of 396 cadets, 127 cadres and lecturers. 3.1.3. The content of the study Study the reasoning problems about emotion management skill in general and the emotion management skill of cadets in particular. Survey, evaluate the real situation of the emotion management skill of the cadets at military officer training colleges today. Based on the results of the study, propose some pedagogical-psychological measures to develop the emotion management skill for cadets at military officer training colleges.
  17. 14 Test the effect of the measures developing the degree of the emotional management skill of the cadets at military officer training colleges. 3.1.4. The stages of the study Stage 1: Study the theories and do a preliminary survey, complete the detailed thesis proposal. Stage 2: Survey the situation, conduct impact experiments, and write the contents of the thesis. Stage 3: Check the survey statistics and continue to supplement the thesis content. Stage 4: Complete the thesis. 3.2. Criteria for evaluating the degree of emotion management skill of cadets at military officer training colleges Criteria for evaluating the degree of emotion management skill of cadets are based on the expressions of the component skills of emotion management skill of the cadets. 3.3. Research methodology In this thesis, the author has combined different methodologies to study as follows: document study, survey questionnaire, observation, in-depth interview, group discussion, experimental method, expert method and the data analysis method by using SPSS 20,0 software: analysis using descriptive statistics, analysis using inference statistics, and factor analysis. Summary of chapter 3 To study the situation of emotion management skill of cadets at military officer training colleges in the Army, the author carefully prepared the studying process and used various studying instruments. Therefore, during the process of surveying the situation and conducting the experiment, a lot of difficulties arisen subjectively or objectively were limited. A smooth combination of different study methodologies promoted their effect, helping to measure the situation of emotion management skill of cadets accurately. The findings were qualitatively authentic, valuable, help to make clear the quantitative findings collected and analysed by using SPSS 20.0 software. The measurements used in the thesis have been adapted to the civilian environment and are now applied to the military environment, these measurements have been supplemented with the characteristics of the cadets at military officer training colleges as the object of the study; therefore, they ensure the reliability when applied to the study to decide on the judgement and evaluation in the thesis.
  18. 15 Chapter 4 THE FINDINGS OF THE SITUATION OF THE EMOTION MANAGEMENT SKILL OF DIVISION-OFFICER TRAINING CADETS AT MILITARY OFFICER TRAINING COLLEGES IN THE VIETNAM PEOPLE’S ARMY 4.1. The situation of the emotion management skill of division- officer training cadets at military officer training colleges 4.1.1. A general evaluation of the situation of the cadets’ emotion management skill In this thesis, the author studied the degree of emotion management skill of cadets basing on the cadets’ self-evaluation of their four component skills: emotion identifying skill, emotion controlling skill, emotion monitoring skill, and emotion using skill, the findings are presented in table 4.1 below: Table 4.1. Emotion management skill of cadets TT Skills ĐTB ĐLC 1 Self-evaluation of cadets’ emotion identifying skill 3.71 0.41 2 Self-evaluation of cadets’ emotion controlling skill 3.67 0.42 3 Self-evaluation of cadets’ emotion directing skill 3.61 0.34 4 Self-evaluation of cadets’ emotion using skill 3.50 0.35 Cadets’ emotion management skill 3.62 0.58 The results of the study show that the cadets’ emotion management skill is at good level (ĐTB = 3.62; ĐLC = 0.58). Of component skills, the cadets’ emotion identifying skill is the best (ĐTB = 3.71; ĐLC = 0.41); next is the emotion controlling skill (ĐTB = 3.67; ĐLC = 0.42); the third place is the emotion directing skill (ĐTB = 3.61; ĐLC = 0.34) and the lowest is the emotion using skill (ĐTB = 3.50; ĐLC = 0.35). The testing results show that there are 6 correlations among the 4 component skills and they are all positive. Four of six are closely positive, including: correlation between emotion identifying skill and emotion controlling skill (r = 0.423**), correlation between emotion controlling skill and emotion directing skill (r = 0.477**), correlation between emotion directing skill and emotion using skill (r = 0.559**) and correlation between emotion controlling skill and emotion using skill (r = 0.456**). At the same time, there are two loosely positive correlations: between emotion identifying skill and emotion directing skill (r = 0.280**), between emotion identifying skill and emotion using skill (r = 0.201**). This result shows that although belonging to the
  19. 16 component skills of emotion management skill of cadets, any increase or decrease in one skill will lead to the increase or decrease in the other. The differences in emotion management skill between different groups of cadets through Independent Samples Test and One - way ANOVA in combination with in-depth Post Hoc Tests (Bonferroni). The results are presented in the table below: Table 4.2. The relationship between different object groups on emotion management skill Emotion t-test, 0ne - way management Content anova skill ĐTB ĐLC t/F p Learn Already learned 3.82 0.52 emotion t (394) = 8.225 0.000 (< 0.05) management Not yet learned 3.53 0.57 skill Object Cadets 3.62 0.49 t (521) = 26.550 0.000 (< 0.05) groups Cadres and lecturers 3.53 0.48 The first-year 3.34 0.54 cadets The second-year 3.54 0.60 Cadets of cadets F(3,392) = 128.62 0.000 (< 0.05) different The third-year 3.76 0.58 school years cadets The fourth-year 3.90 0.50 cadets Hot 3.21 0.61 Different Active 3.71 0.40 types of Quiet 3.76 0.47 F(4,392)= 367.92 0.000 (< 0.05) temper Thoughtful 3.17 0.57 Mixed 3.63 0.43 Self- The lowest group 3.17 0.58 evaluation The second 3.47 0.65 of the lowest group studying and The average group 3.78 0.53 F(4,391)= 299.94 0.000 (< 0.05) training The second 3.95 0.60 results highest group The highest group 4.16 0.54
  20. 17 There have been significant differences between cadets who have learned emotion management skill and cadets who have not learned that skill, t (394) = 8.225 and p = 0.000 (< 0.05); the previous groups of cadets have better emotion management skill than the following groups of cadets; there have been significant differences between cadets who have different types of temper, besides, there is no difference in emotion management skill between the group of cadets who are quiet and the group of cadets who are thoughtful (p = 0.600 > 0.05); cadets with good emotion management skill often have better results of studying and training. The results of the relationship between the studying and training results and the emotion management skill of the cadets through Chi-Square Tests show that: P = 0,000 (< 0.05), proving that they have relation with each other, the emotion management skill of the cadets has an important role in their studying and training situation and it is the foundation for them to do their tasks according to their position after graduation. Table 4.3. Cross correlations between the degree of emotion management skill and the studying and training result of the cadets The studying and training result The low The high Content studying studying Total and training and training result result N 190 9 199 Emotion management 95.5 4.5 100 Low emotion skill (%) management Studying skill and training 88.0 5.0 50.3 Degree of result (%) emotion 48.0 2.3 50.3 managem N 26 171 197 ent skill Emotion management 13.2 86.8 100 High emotion skill (%) management Studying skill and training 12.0 95.0 49.7 result (%) 6.6 43.2 49.7 Sum N 216 180 396



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