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A sumary of phd thesis: The management and development of electronic media in our country nowadays

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Purposes Base on theoritical and practical issues in terms of leadership of communist party for e-press in Vietnam, this dissertation will introduce effective solutions to strengthen the leadership of communist party for e-press in Vietnam nowadays.

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Nội dung Text: A sumary of phd thesis: The management and development of electronic media in our country nowadays

  1. 1 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1. The reasons for choosing this topic The electronic press is a new kind of journalism, the information on ellectronic press is tranfered through electrolic informaiton page. The electronic press was born from effective combination of technology and communication. The electronic press carries more useful than many kind of media because the electronic press owns big capicity; quick information transmisiton and product of electronic press is not obstacle of space, time and national borderts. The specialist characteristic of electronic press is updated information constantly and readers can get information very convenient. The high interation with writer of e-press may introduce the exchange with reader by many various ways. However, the e-press in our country also have some disadvantages. Ideological, political orientation, scientific and profesional fators in some e-press is not high as required. There is lack of consideration in some e-press to introduce articles in terms of these issues in the country and lack of selective materials to intrduce overseas articles. Many articles are introduced with the aims to increase the clients. There are some e-press which are not active and slow inovation with content and form, especially, some e-press can not convice the readers. E-press updated information and articles which did not make the references, are popular. The Secretariat of the Party Central Committee introduced Directive No. 52-CT/TW "The management and development of electronic media in our country nowadays” on 22-7-2005. To conduct the Secretariat’s Directive, Commision for Culture and Ideology (now is Commision for Communication and Education) issued a document guidline, Ministry of Information and Culture issued the document management for e-press. The agency including leadership and management build up the code of management for e-press and resolve new issues appearing. The leader in e-press agency and some officer did not see in terms of role and situation of E-press including advantages and disadvantages of e-press clealy. Therefore, it caused the stricter or permissive and lack of leadership and management. The management and leadership of Party and State for e-press can not develop as the rapid development of this press. There were not closed copperation in these agencies in giving the direction and management. With the situation above, research on “Communist Party of Vietnam leads E-Press nowadays is an essential job, in orders to discuss more detail in theortical and practical issues to strengthen the management and leadership of e-press system in our country, to promote the development and effective role of this kind of press strongly 2. Purpose and task of disertation 2.1. Purposes Base on theoritical and practical issues in terms of leadership of communist party for e-press in Vietnam, this dissertation will introduce effective solutions to strengthen the leadership of communist party for e-press in Vietnam nowadays.
  2. 2 2.2. Tasks This dissertation will research on characteristic and role of e-press and theoritical issuses related to leadership of communits party for e-press, to evalute the situation of leadership of communist party for e-press in Vietnam, determine the causes and introduce experiences and the main solutions to increase the leadership of communist party for e-press nowadays. 3. Objectives and scope of research 3.1. Objectives Objectives of thesis is leadership of communist party for e-press in Vietnam 3.2. Scope of research This dissertation focuses on the leadership of the Communist Party Central level and some e- press in Vietnam have a large amount of people accessing from 1998 to present. 4. Theoritical, pratical base and research method 4.1. Theoritical and practical base  This dissertation is conducted base on Mac-Lenin Theory, Hochiminh ideology and ideology of party and state in terms of ideoplogy work, press, leadership, management of press in general, e-private in private. This these also improved the results of other researches related to this topic which were reported before.  Practical base is situation of e-press activities and leadership of communist party at all level. This thesis also studys some reports, statisticals and other related materials. 4.2. Research method This thesis was conducted, based on Mac theory’s method. Thesis uses some special reserach method such as: practical summaries; survey, statistical, logic and history; analysis, synthesis,inductive, deductive and compariration. 5. New scientific contribution of thesis This thesis focuses on characteristic of e-press in Vietnam, attitude, content and method in leadership of communist party for e-press in Vietnam, to introduce some solutions to strengthen leadership of communist party for e-press in Vietnam nowadays 6. Meaning of theoritical and practical of dissertation  The results of dissertation may be a material for communist party at all level to lead e-press, to promote the effect of leadership and build up e-press to become stronger.  The thesis may be used as the materrials for research institute, schools, universities and department of building the Party and state governments in Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics and Public Administration. 7. The structure of dissertation Beside introduction, literature review, conclusion, references, index part, this thesis includes 3 chapters:
  3. 3 LITERATURE REVIEW 1. Researches, projects and books in Vietnam There are plenty of researches, projects and books related to press in general, e-press in private:  Research projects and books: “Improving the quality and effectiveness of external information of a number of news agencies, major newspapers in our country nowadays - the current status and solutions” (2011) of Prof. Dr. Pham Van Linh, Commision for Communication and Education.  “Continued implementation of the Directive 22-CT/TW VIII Politburo on innovation and enhance the leadership and management of the press, publishing” (2002) of Commision for Culture and ideology, Ministry of Culture and Information, Press Union. Books named “Theoritical press base” of Prof. Dr Ta Ngoc Tan and Dr. Dinh The Huynh; “Strengthening leadership and management to facilitate press Vietnam to develop strong and steady in the near future" (2007) of Commision for Communication and education. “Electronic press: basic issues” of Dr. Nguyen Thi Truong Giang. “The leadership and management of the media in 25 years of innovation (2012) of Dr. Nguyen The Ky.  There are some dissertations: “The leadership of communist party for press in the time of innovation (2003), Dr. Nguyen Vu Tien, “The attractiveness of our country's party newspaper in the current period” (2012) of Nguyen Van Sinh. “The leaders of the Committee of Dong Nai Province to the press in the current period” (2000) of Duong Thanh Tan; “Legislation on State management in the field of journalism in Vietnam nowadays” (2009), of Phí Thị Thanh Tâm; “Tính chủ động, kịp thời trong công tác chỉ đạo, định hướng nội dung thông tin báo chí” (2013), of Nguyen Thi My Linh.  These scientific articles were reported in press, magazines and workshop: Nguyen Cong Dung (2010): “Why do we need to strengthen management of e-press”, E- Journal of Communist, 07-07; Dr. Nguyen Thi Truong Giang (2011) "Development Trends report electronically in Vietnam", Young waves Electronic Press, 16-06; MA. Nguyen Minh Hue (2012): “Improving performance interactive electronic newspaper”, Propaganda Magazine; Ths. Doan Thi Thuan (2012): “Current Development of electronic media, social networking in today's Vietnam"; E- Propaganda magazine, on 30-9; Prof. Dr Dinh Van Huong (2009) “Improving the quality and effectiveness of the current media - the real situation and solutions"; Scientific Conference Proceedings: “Improving the quality and effectiveness of ideology”; Prof.Dr. Pham Van Chuc (2009) “Contributing to better manage and promote the role and effects of network communication". Le Phuc Nguyen (2009): “Improving intellectual level, strengthening ideological work, reasoning, press”; Do Quy Doan (2009) “Improving the effectiveness and efficiency of state management promotes publish press constantly evolving, deserves sharp weapons on ideological fronts - the culture of the Party”.
  4. 4 2. International researches, projects and books Vichto A[hanaxep (1995) Fourth power and four-born General Secretary, National Polictic Publisher, Ha Noi; A.A. Grabennhicốp (2003): Press in market economy, Agency Publishing House (Republic of Russia); M.I. Sotak (2003): “Film - professionalism and ethics, Agency Publishing House (Republic of Russia); E.P. Prokôrốp (2004): Press Theoritical base, Agency Publishing House (Republic of Russia); Bùi Phương Dung (China) (2005): The propaganda and ideology in new era, (Trần Khang và Lê Cự Lộc translate), National Politic Housing Publisher, Hanoi; Điền Trung Mẫn (2007): Discuss ideas for innovation in new era, Journal of Learning and theoretical studies (China), number 8) In China, the Communist Party of China leads political orientation - thought to also press very closely, Recently, in order to prevent the anti-Western countries through the Internet, especially on ideological impact of the younger generation, China launched the "7 red points" to help officials and party members and people to implement including: put legislations to manage internet; ensure the legal rights of citizens; determined to build socialism with Chinese characteristics; Anti- false information; protect benefits of communist party and state; ensuring security and social order; build social ethics, lifestyle culture, historical traditions. At the same time, China launched a new way to manage Internet: "Development, operation or management"; In orders to conduct 6 words above, they must be aware of "red lines" in order to control and ensure that management fuller freedom, that is the law, including the management of information technology has four requirements: servers located in the country; user management; strengthen management software, social networking users to register new truth is allowed; Management uses the internet as "two hands", in which a hand disprove the rumors are detrimental to the common good, while actively developing a network hand with the guiding principle of "building" to "fight". There are not basic and systeamatic researches about management of press in western countries because the awareness of capital countries is differences from Vietnam. According to some lectures and training press in University of Lin (France) and SIDA which did in Vietnam with topic “Advanced Training Press Vietnam”. Most of experts must acknowledge that press in capitalist society remain active, according to reflect the values and benefits community. The project of university Caliphoocnia Beckeley (one of strong press office in America introduced that the press will no longer prop people, not protecting them, dictated by forces. Literature review introduces that on many aspects of the problem, the study has taken the views , comments and proposed solutions for the Party leadership to press . However, no scientific work intensive research, systems, comprehensive electronic alarm Party leaders in Vietnam , especially the rationale , role , factors subject, the object, the leadership . Thesis tasks continue to improve the theoretical framework leadership of party to electronic newspaper in Vietnam ; generalize on the basis of characteristics of e-newspapers Party leaders Party leadership and the state electronic media in Vietnam, learn from experience, and recommendations for solutions specific , feasible to enhance leadership leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam for electronic media to meet the requirements of the new era .
  5. 5 CHAPTER 2: COMMUNIST PARTY OF VIETNAM LEADS E- PRESS - SOME BASIC ISSUES INCLUDING THEORY AND PRACTICE 2.1. DEFINITION, DEVELOPED PROCESS, ROLE, CHARACTERISTIC OF E-PRESS IN VIETNAM 2.1.1. Definition of E- Press There are various definitions in terms of this kind of press: According to Wikipedia, E-Press is kind of press that reader can read on the computer which is connected with internet through (modem) (Dial-Up or ADSL) (Wifi or WiMax). Article 3 of the Law on the Press in 1999, defines "electronic press is kind of journalism done on the computer system." Electronic Press newspaper is a type of information which is transmitted by a combination of the two solutions is the solution of information technology and communications solutions. 2.1.2. Development process of e- press in Vietnam The strong development of information technology is a basic science - technology for the introduction of an electronic newspaper. Electronic press has promoted by the development of information technology, changing the face of journalism in many countries. In Vietnam, in 1997, the first online newspaper in Vietnam was hometown Journal electronics. After nearly 15 years of development, electronic press in Vietnam has affirmed its position in the system of mass media; reports have varied content, rich forms of "eye-catching", attracting millions of readers per day, proved to be an effective means of communication, helpful, and good performance communication skills, advocacy and education. 2.1.3. Current situation and role of e-press in Vietnam Firstly, e-press is a type of journalism, but as a new kind of journalism, electronic press is located in the role of the press in general and some specific characteristics. Secondly, electronic press plays an active role in the dissemination and propagation of the policy, the Party opinion; policy and legislations of state, effectively extending external information, and their knowledge and information needs, cultural hobbies of the people Thirdly, electronic press plays a vital role in meeting the demand for cultural enjoyment, enhance the intellectual, education, contributed to the discovery, conservation and enhancement of the cultural and ethnic identity, to create new cultural values, build modern Vietnamese humans. Fourthly, the electronic press also contributes to an important external information. Fifthly, some other object such as students, staff, researchers often use search engines on electronic press for the learning, study and manufacturing. 2.1.4. Characteristics of e-press in Vietnam General characteristic of e-press E-press was born after other kind of media, e-press owns full of basic characteristics of the printing press, newspapers and television, (read, hear, see or perform simultaneously three types of
  6. 6 information). In addition, with the development of information technology, electronic press has completely new features, improved the level of information. General characteristics of the electronic media: the first one is multimedia; the second one is instantaneous and non-recurring; The third one is highly interactive; the fourth one are: e-Press is not limited in the ability to store and search information by page numbers or duration of the framework program as other forms of media. Characteristic of e-press in private Firstly, in terms of the development environment, content orientation, development trends. According to rule campaign, the development of information technology and internet, electronic press in Vietnam is radiation conditions to break and go up due to "short-cut first." Development trends of modern society in the era of information explosion has proven that: if maintaining political orientation - social and cultural right online newspaper in Vietnam will grow up and the dominant is growing faster than other types of media. In the world of internet information, readers may be wrong. Therefore, the orientation and the accuracy of the information would be factors that helps readers to read. Secondly, in terms of the governing body, force journalists and readers. Our reporters, editors, technicians professional good, especially scientific and technological level ... should work on any time, any place; readers, unlike other forms of media, to read electronic newspapers, readers see through the media: computer, phone, ipad internet connection. Thirdly, about the basis of engineering and technology, the combination of internet and media integration is inevitable in the revolutionary era of information explosion. In fact the years have proven, electronic press in our country more and more in rich, compelling content and diverse inform. In the future, the information demand and enjoyment of culture, science on the electronic press will spike, the competition between electronic press and other kind of media, including television will take place on fierce. 2.2. COMMUNIST PARTY OF VIETNAM LEADS E-PRESS – DEFINITON, CONTENS, METHODS AND ROLE 2.2.1. Definiton of communist party of Vietnam leads e-press Communist party of Vietnam leads electronic press in order to contribute to the construction, establishment and development of socialist ideology; to increase social creativity, to contribute to complete the political tasks of the country. Communist party of Vietnam leads electronic press is the impact of political ideology, party of organization for the electronic press and the relevant agencies to guide the development and operation of electronic press under functions, duties and role of the revolutionary press. Assume the leadership of the party for the electronic press is the central executive committee, and regularly direct the Politburo and the secretariat based on promoting the role and responsibility of the party organizations, party members in management agencies, news agencies and advisory bodies.
  7. 7 The objective of Party for electronic press are electronic press agencies (including staffs, reporters, electronics journalists); management agencies; organizations and agencies involved in the political system, the party held direct and heads of the press agency, news agencies and agencies have e-press. The purpose of the Party leads electronic press is developed orientation and operation of electronic press in accordance with and operate efficiently serve the Party's leadership and management of the State, to promote citizen’s knowledge and develop the spiritual life of society; promote the party opinion, policies and legislations of the State, country image, people, culture of Vietnam to the world; defeat the conspiracy "peaceful evolution" of the hostile forces. 2.2.2. Contents of Party leads e-press Party-oriented and developed in content and operation of electronic press Party leads electronic press is not limitted, in contrast, it helps e-press to perform fulfill its functions. In terms of the ruling party, the leadership of party is to create the most favorable conditions for electronic press activities. Party proper way mean extremely huge for electronic media. Sound guidelines contained in the information content that are viable, attractive, useful features for the press; society to receive information from electronic media to understand deeply, fully about the Party's guidelines, policies and laws of the State. The Party leads State to performmanagement functions for electronic press better, enabling electronic press to develop right way base on the Party's guidelines, policies and laws of the State From the perspective of electronic press under the leadership of the Party, the party leads state to concretize the policies and guidelines of the Party and the management of state with journalism, electronic press to ensure that activities in accordance with orientation of the Party. The party leads state to develop and to implement the direction, planning, to has plans to develop electronic press. State agencies have the authority to issue and to implemented of legal documents on electronic press; building regulations and policies on electronic press; organize information for the press; information management for electronic press; doing training, fostering political level professional ethics for electronic staff press; organize and manage the scientific operations and technology in the field of electronic press. The Party leads electronic news agencies, the agency, Vietnam Journalists Association and the authorities concerned implementation of the line, the Party's guidelines, policies and laws of the State about notice electronic The Party leads electronic press, as well as leading electronic press agencies is one of the important issues which the party conducted to them to introduce policies of the party and legislations of the state on press in general and e-press in private. Party leads the agency to concretize the views and policies of the Party, policies and laws of the state statutes, specifically the leadership and direction of the governing body for electronic press. Leading to build electronic press system, a team of reporters and electronic media practitioners and build and promote the leadership role of the party organizations, team members in the electronic press agencies
  8. 8 To develop electronic press, to fullfill function and duties, the party leads party organizations, the authorities coordinate to build electronic press systems to meet mission requirements the news. Along with building leaders electronic press systems, party focused on consolidation of party organization and implementation of training and retraining, transfer, assessment, appointment of staff, reporters who work for electronic press who they really are politically stable, solid expertise, the core of the electronic news agencies Party leads in collaboration between the electronic press with press agencies, the type, media Party leaded and to organize in collaboration between the mass media to create leaders of coordination between social institutions, the press, publishing, media in the collection, processing and dissemination information on a large scale on the basis of the rules of society, in which the institution operates with common characteristics are common fast, frequent information to many people in society. Party provides information about the Party opinion and policies, legislations of state completely and the implementation of the innovation for e-news agencies Party provides comprehensive information for propagation in the newspaper. This is an essential job, because it is the vitality of the revolutionary press. Press is provided information by the Party, the press will fulfill the function of information management and social participation because through the press, the citizens knows the ideas of party. Leadership of Party to ensure funding, infrastructure development - engineering, technology for electronic press Base on the policy, the Party opinion, in the process of formation, construction and development of electronic newspapers in Vietnam, the electronic press needs the attention and helps from leaders of the communist of party. About funding and facilities – for press agencies belongs to Central, the Central Office, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Planning and Investment, Ministry of Information and Communication (TT-TT), Ministry of police have coordinating and coperation to promote electronic press. 2.2.3 The method of Communist Party to lead electronic press Party leaders in the resolutions, directives, conclusions and major orientations for e-news Leadership by resolution, indicated that the most important method in the leadership of the Party are resolutions, directives, conclusions referring to the electronic media to show the interest of the party leadership to electronic press. Party leads e-press by electronic media and encrouage the role of state management Party leads E-press and State transfer policies into law, legal documents, test planning and management of the state agency, to the state agency on thereby directing management of electronic media. From the perspective of electronic e-press in particular, the general press under the leadership of the Party, the State and the management of activities within the framework of the law,
  9. 9 the State specifies the contents of the report state management electronic security for electronic media activities along the opinion of the Party. Party leaders through electronic media organization, officials, journalists, through party organizations and staff members in the agency electronic press, propaganda agencies, associations of journalists, the agency management Party organizations in the electronic press agencies and Vietnam associations of journalists (VAJ) is said to grassroots party organizations (GPO) in the electronic press agencies, to all levels of party committees in VAJ. Along with the press system views of the Party, the Party leadership on specific issues, the main daily based on the GPO and members of agencies and electronic press in the VAJ level. The party organizazed the electronic media agencies and associations of journalists (HNB) to grassroots party organizations (TCCSD) in the electronic media agencies, to all levels of party committees in VAJ. Along with the press system views of the Party, the Party leadership on specific issues, the main daily based on the GPO and members of agencies and electronic media in the VAJ level. Party leaders electronic press through advocacy,e ducation, persuasion Propaganda, advocacy, education and persuasio help the party committees, ministries, branches and localities thoroughly understand, grasp, understand and implement the policy, the Party opinion and policies, legislations of state on the development of electronic press particularly the local strata, staff management leaders, journalists, media practitioners, especially readers of electronic media in the country, as well abroad understand and agree with the policy, the party opinion and policies and laws of the State to access and to facilitate orientation of facilities, mechanisms and developing policies to electronic press. The leadership of Party on electronic press by the inspection and supervision of the committees and party organizations in the state agency, Propaganda, Vietnam Journalists Association, the governing body and organ electronic press Inspection and surveillance is one of the leadership of the Party, is an important part in the work of party building task. The inspection and monitoring is being conducted right from the construction process and the resolution of the implementation of the resolution to increase the correctness and accuracy of all policies and guidelines are introduced by the party. Party leads electronic press through exemplary political responsibility and professional ethics of team members of electronic press agencies The Party members in the electronic organ reported examples, demonstrates how the avant-garde is necessary to show the role of officials and members of the Party in every press agencies, was able to in each job, and each article in the movement launched by the agencies. 2.2.4. The role of communist party for e-press The leadership of Party for electronic press propaganda, is contributing to the successful implementation of the guidelines, the Party's guidelines, policies and legislations of the State
  10. 10 With leadership of the Party, electronic press will not function correctly oriented tasks, easily lead to deviations and lines, the Party's policies lack a communication channel to life The communist of party leads e-press to build Party Party leads electronic press with full attention, practical contribution to the task of Party building in a clean, strong, and implement population-based guideline for building the Party. Leadership of communist party is an essential factor for development of e-press in Vietnam The orientation of Party for handling media issues thoughts, theories, new perspectives arise, especially when there are different opinions, ensuring that the electronic press has always been politically correct stance in situations complexity of reality, when the mixed flow of information, thus implementing electronic press to fulfill specific functions of his thoughts.
  11. 11 CHAPTER 3: SITUATION OF ELECTRONIC PRESS IN VIETNAM AND COMMUNIST PARTY OF VIETNAM LEADS ELECTRONIC PRESS 3.1. SITUATION OF ELECTRONIC PRESS IN VIETNAM 3.1.1. Achievement The number of electronic press in Vietnam To 12-2013, there are 92 e-presses, magazines (20 press and independent magazine), the number of electronic information of press agencies is 265) Leaders, managers, reporters, editors, technicians Technology ability Regarding the current state of management, technical operations, the report has provided additional computer workstations and office activities in service of editors better. Regarding funding, facilities – technical Currently, with the particular nature of this type of press, the electronic press activities with different funding sources, a number of activities reported by state budget 100%, perform some activity reported prescription the income generating or self-funding. 3.1.2. Limmited points The scale and the number of electronic press Situation of electronic press is away from principles and purposes stated in the permit, the lack of political sensitivities, and to errors in the orientation information on the electronic press have a higher frequency than other types of media, especially compared to the important messages. Leaders, managers, reporters, editors, technicians The members of the electronic press have acknowledged the purpose of collective activity, but the engine is not completely dominant unity, positivity was scattered, organizational discipline is not high, there are differences in the readiness to participate in the joint. Among editor, deputy editor of the electronic press to operate independently with less than 40% had experienced journalistic activities. Technology ability Qualifications and technical equipment of the electronic e-press in general, has seen rapid development, but not according to the level of the world. Design report is backward, beautiful form. Speed of access is still slow. Network security is not high. Electronic press is not an attracttive attention and leave a good impression for readers to read. Regarding funding, facilities – technical It should be noted that the current issue of e-press is a financial hardship, is new grant funding and revenue from other sources to meet the main activity. 3.2. COMMUNIST PARTY OF VIETNAM LEADS ELECTRONIC PRESS – SITUATION, CAUSES AND EXPERIENCES
  12. 12 3.2.1. Situation of communist party of Vietnam leads electronic press Advantages About content of leadership Firstly, the Party has proposed viewpoints and tasks to guide the development and content of electronic press activities timely, realistic and as a requirements. Secondly, the Party and state have led the implementation of good management function for the state electronic e-press, to enable true electronic media policy development, the Party's guidelines, policies and legislations of the State . Thirdly, the Party has led the agencies to electronic press, the governing body, Vietnam VAJ and the authorities concerned to implement the policy, guidelines, resolutions and conclusions of Party policies and legislations of the State to electronic e-press.. Fourthly, the Party has led the construction of electronic alarm system, a team of reporters and electronic practitioners press and to promote the leadership role of the party organizations and staff members in the agency. Fifthly, The party organized in collaboration between the agencies electronic press with press agencies, the type and media. Sixthly, the Party has provided information accurately, completely and timely undertakings, the Party opinion and policies, state laws and the implementation of the reform of the country for agencies electronic press regularly and promptly. Seventhly, the Party leads e-press to ensure funding, infrastructure development - engineering, technology for electronic media. About the method of leadership Firstly, the leadership of party in the electronic press resolutions, directives, conclusions and directions. Secondly, the Party has led the electronic e-press through promoting the role of the manager i the party leads the electronic press by the resolutions, directives, conclusions and directions. Thirdly, the Party has led the electronic press through the organization, officials, journalists, media practitioners electronics, party organizers and team members in the news agencies, associations of journalists, the governing bodies and electronic media. Fourthly, the Party leads electronic media through advocacy, education, persuasion. Fifthly, the Party has led the electronic press by the inspection and supervision of the committees and party organizations in the state agency, agency Propaganda, journalist associations, governing bodies and agencies the electronic media. Sixthly, the Party has led the electronic press through exemplary political responsibility and professional ethics of cadres and Party members in electronic media agencies. Limited points About content of leadership The firs one is electronic journalism in our country has become an important means of communication in the field of journalism, but the party is not interested timely, proper; the proposed
  13. 13 viewpoints and orientations for the development and operation of electronic press is not regularly and meet requirements. Secondly, the leadership of the Party and the State in the implementation of state management functions with electronic media is not close, frequent, continuous. Thirdly, Party leads electronic press, the governing body, VAJ and the authorities concerned implementation of the line, the Party's guidelines, policies and legislations of the State of electronic media can not watch the time, even lack of leadership. Fourthly, the Party Central Committee, the Politburo has issued resolutions, conclusions, directives, but Congress Party delegation, delegation VAJ, the government affairs committee of the party, you need the party of Education and Training, the Board direct staff of the Ministry of Information and Communication does not advise to institutionalize effective policies and guidelines of the Party and supplements, complete policies, laws, creating sanctions strong enough to handle timely, serious violations. Fifthly, assigning Party leadership, coordination between the governing body and management of electronic pressand governing body are loose, obviously. Sixthly, despite having done quite a good job of providing information for the electronics, but there is a lot of content and timing, not even provide full and timely information about the new policy of Party and information on the implementation of the reform of the country for the electronic news agencies. Seventhly, party committee leaders has interested in to ensure funding, infrastructure development - techniques and technologies for electronic media activities, but there are still some committee leaders have not made it condition of facilities - technical, especially information technology, modern equipment science in service of professional services. About the leadership of method Firstly, the issuance of resolutions, directives, conclusions and directions for electronic press over time has not been focused routine properly. Secondly, there is no time for Party leader and state agency performing the function of state management for electronic press. Thirdly, the work of Party building, organization, agency officials in the electronic press has not been properly respected. Fourthly, the committees and party organizations, political organizations - civil society, mass media agencies are not well-organized in propaganda, education, persuasion, disseminate policy and guidelines Party's policies and laws of the State of the electronic media to officials, reporters and implementing electronic people, readers, especially the younger generation, understand and properly use electronic media-oriented and effective. Fifthly, some committees are not respected, even lack of inspection and supervision of electronic press. Sixthly, the party committees are not considered as members of the agency's electronic alert soldiers on the front shock journalism, is a key force in the agency report, there is no mechanism to maximize their role
  14. 14 3.2.2. The causes The causes of advantages Subjective reasons The first reason is that the Party has a new awareness of the characteristics of electronic press and the importance of leadership and responsibilities for electronic e-press, see clearly the difficulty, complexity, especially the impact of and the market mechanism of the anti-aggressive enemy forces. The second reason is that the Central Propaganda Department has maintained regular press briefings mode to direct, content oriented propaganda; regularly advise and guide the inspection, praised the good work, rectify distortions, defects in journalistic activities, including electronic press.. The third reason is that the majority of journalists working in the electronic e-press has shown clearly the responsibility of the writers, well done conventional journalistic ethics, social responsibility and civic duty, closely oriented Party politics. The fourth reason is that the coordination between the advisory bodies, management bodies and other relevant agencies. Objective reasons The first reason is that the development of the country and the Party's guidelines and policies, legislations of state on electronic press to create opportunities for electronic press better. The second reason is that the scientific revolution - technology, especially information technology is making rapid development. The third reason is that the electronic press in the world continuous innovation in the past years, developing fast, powerful, promote electronic press must renew in our country. The fourth reason is that the market economy require the party at all level to help e-press for developing, active and promote ability. Causes of limittaion Subjective reasons Firstly, a number of party committees are not fully aware of the position and importance of electronic media, both positive as well as its harmful effects, or lead to strict prohibitions, or permissive, loose direction and management. Secondly, the capacity, the field, the team responsible journalists, especially the head of agency electronic press are inadequacies, limitted. Thirdly, the management staff, reporters are still weak and inadequate. Fourthly, leaders of electronic press is a new, is not the committee conducted a preliminary review, review, review of the leadership of the Party for the electronic media. Objective reasons Firstly, new problems arise in operations management electronic press are the diversity, abundance and type of information activities of electronic press affect the leadership of the Party. Secondly, the Party leadership in electronic press and the information explosion occurred competitive information drastic and complicated.
  15. 15 Thirdly, operating in a market economy environment, the committee is facing many challenges in the field of politics, the new requirements of qualification Fourthly, the powerful opportunity, take advantage hostile electronic press, a number of officials, reporters, editors unsteady on their political, material was dominant, cause impacts to the Party leader for electronic press. Fifthly, leader of electronic press is more difficult than leaders of other media types. 3.2.3. Some experiences The first one is, to maintain the leadership role of the Party for the electronic media, we need have the positive renovation of the Party leadership, but not far from the guidelines. Secondly, we need have the closed collaboration between the leadership of the Party and State's management of electronic press in a clear mechanism. Thirdly, leaders must manage electronic e-press by the method of democracy, on the basis and in accordance with the laws of the particular type of electronic media Fourthly, choose the right and managed team leaders, manage electronic press. Fifthly, we need to strengthen inspection and supervision, to detect, prevent and promptly correct these deviations, which remedies the breach when needed.
  16. 16 CHAPTER 4: DIRECTION AND THE MAIN SOLUTION TO STRENGTHEN OF THE LEADERSHIP OF VIET NAM COMMUNIST PARTY VIETNAM FOR ELECTRONIC PRESS TO 2020 4.1. FORECAST IMPACT FACTORS, OBJECTIVES AND DIRECTION TO STRENGTHEN THE LEADERSHIP OF PARTY FOR ELECTRONIC E-PRESS FOR THE NEXT FEW YEARS 4.1.1. Forecast factors that are impacting the Party's leadership for e-news 4.1.2. Goals Specific objectives of the renewed leadership of the party for electronic –press until 2015 are: Firslty, we try to build electronic press system fastly, stablely, effcient and consistent with economic condition, technology and overall planning system of the press. Secondly, we should improve the quality of information contrent on electronic press in order to complete the political tasks and met the the information requirement of readers. Thirdly, we should prevents the forces of evil slanders, distorting policty, the party ’s opinion and policies and legislations of state. Fourthly, we should be create an environment of equality between legal services in foreign countries and provides services for electronic press and to ensure safety and security network 4.1.3. Orientation Firstly, we are continue completing perspective, and have additional policy leading to electronic e-press. Secondly, we should have strong innovation leadership of the party mode for electronic e-press, overcoming the tendency excuses, make a difference and lax leadership trends for electronic press. Thirdly, we are mobilizing synergy and promoting the efforts of organizations and party committees, the advisory bodies of the party on ideological and culture field and the governing body state control of electronic press.. 4.2. THE MAIN SOLUTION FOR STRENGTHENING THE LEADERSHIP OF VIETNAMES COMMUNIST PARTY FOR ELECTRONIC PRESS TO 2020 4.2.1. Increasing awareness and responsibility of the committee, government, unions, workers, party members for development and management of electronic press Awareness of the committees , governments , unions , members of the electronic e-press as a basis for program development , planning , implementation content and requirements of the Party leader for electronic press . The current reality , many committees , government , party members are not fully awareness, due to the position and role of the electronic e-press, electronic press is considered only one pure propaganda , thereby disregard leadership for electronic media . From fully aware of the electronic e-press committee , government , unions , officials and party members , people to exploit factor "mob mentality" to guide public opinion , creating propaganda channel education positive effect on electronic media users , especially young readers .
  17. 17 4.2.2. Renewal on content and methods of party leadership for e-press Firstly, the content of the leadership body electronic media must be active in the political orientation, especially for important, complicated, sensitive issues to national interests, community and the whole society. Secondly, about the method of leadership, besides we introduced many directives and important regulations, we should continue, consider additional adjustment to get the text system Resolution directives regulations uniformity, completeness, timeliness ..., provide the basis for political leadership and direction of the press. 4.2.3. Increasing capicity and promoting the role of state management for e-press The first one is unified state management of electronic press in the country. The central Secretariat required Steering Committee of Communist Party government study issued regulations on the tasks, the relationship between the authorities of the State Party and from Central and local to strengthen the Party's leadership, the role of state management for electronic media activities. The second one is the commision for communication and education and the Ministry of Information and Communication, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Science and Technology will be building regulations and coordination division in the leadership, content management and provide information to the general press, electronic press in particular. The third one is that the Government should issue regulations and policies applicable to electronic e-press; budget to provide, installation facilities, infrastructure, equipment and technology for electronic press overseas and in particular support machinery and equipment to be installed for the mountainous areas, islands, rural, remote and disadvantaged. Fourthly, the managed agency reported free cash to chack and have stricly reports of wrong working and building the inspection operation mechanism of the electronic press agencies affiliated. Fifthly, Promoting on the investment in equipment, modern technologies for the authorities (security ideas, network security) in censoring content, security information on the electronic press. 4.2.4. Promote the role of the party organizations in the electronic press agencies, the Association of Journalists for members who are working in the electronic press Firstly, the communist party, the party group, (Union Party Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, Congress Party delegation, VAJ Union Party, the party of government officials, Party committees in the Ministry of Information and Communication, Central Police Party Committee, Central Military Party Committee ...) and the advisory bodies of the Party: the commission for communication and education, the Central inspection Commission, Board of Central office ... should uphold the responsibility with the Party, all the proposed measures needed help Politburo, the Secretariat in leading and supervising the activities of press agencies , leader of the Assembly, the
  18. 18 editors of newspapers, magazines newspapers build strong bodies, dynamic operation, the correct orientation. Secondly, building level team members, especially the Secretary of the committee, the head of agency quality electronic newspapers to have their political, moral qualities, capable of specifying paths, Party's guidelines, policies and laws of the State in the regular job; able to solve problems everyday. Thirdly, the party committees in electronic press agencies should improve the quality of life, innovation and leadership style work practices, ensuring consistency and act. Fourthly, we should organize and motivate staff, reporters, editors and electronic press personnel involved in the development and monitoring of the activities of party committees and party members working in electronic press agencies. Fifthly, we should work associated party organizers to build media clean and strong electronic with the task of building strong bodies. Innovation, increasing capacity and leadership concretize the successful implementation of the agency's mission in the critical task of the Party Committees electronic e-press. To promote the role of HNB, need to perform a number of the following: Firstly, we should be strengthen leadership, improve the position, role, quality and performance of VAJ - the profession of journalism in the country. Secondly, we should the need to strengthen VAJ to expand international cooperation, exchange of experience organizing expertise, professional, technical and management reports electronically with the electronic media major foreign members. 4.2.5. Promote planning, training and retraining, staff, reporters, editors selection and to promote the role cadres and Party members working in the electronic press agencies To promote the planning staff, reporters, editors of electronic required perform well after several problems: The first one is leadership committees, especially committees and agency management agencies conduct electronic press review, organizational arrangements, agency officials in the electronic media, agency reports electronic, focused on strengthening the management staff, editor and deputy editor. Second one is each year, we should manage agencies and electronic e-press agencies should review and evaluate the work of the team is the key positions have qualifications, competence, prestige positions important, especially officials in charge of the content. Thirdly, we should develop the standards for each position title work in electronic media agencies; planning to base planning, training and retraining of personnel resources in strategic development of electronic media.]
  19. 19 To promote training and retraining, staff selection, reporters, editors of electronic required perform the following tasks: Firstly, we do training and retraining of staff operating in the electronic e-press as a whole: strong political, ideological, professional and well qualified to meet the requirements of the new era. Secondly, the authority of the Party, State, the central commision for communication and education, the Central Organization Department, Ministry of Information and Communication, Ministry of Education and Training, Ho Chi Minh National Political Academy; Ho Chi Minh Union Youth, VAJ and the departments concerned should develop and perfect education system, training of journalism. To promote the role and responsibilities of staff, members work in electronic media, most people hold leadership positions need to do the following: The first one is, to strengthen accountability and capacity of governing body and the head of the agency electronic media. The second one is to promote rejuvenation, standardized team leaders electronic news agencies. Need a specified time served as head of the electronic media shall not exceed two consecutive terms (each term of 5 years). 4.2.6. Strengthen inspection and supervision of the Party for the electronic press and press agencies managing electronic First, we should develop program test planning, monitoring of electronic media to create proactive, timely, avoiding passive, just checking, handling violations. Secondly, in the course of inspection, supervision is not avoided, bodies cover the electronic press and individual journalists violating party discipline and state law, there are negative manifestations, there public skepticism about the moral qualities. Thirdly, inspection and supervision of electronic press are not only owning the Central Inspection Commission, but also the work of party committees, the central commision for communication and education the Committee of Communist Party in Ministry of Information and Communication and Group Party AJC Vietnam. Fourthly, the authorities of the Party helps to check through electronic press activities, working regularly with the members at the agency in charge of electronic press to grasp the situation, promptly rectify, treatment of violations. CONCLUSION The fast development of powerful electronic press in Vietnam shows that agility of the Party Central Committee, the Politburo directly, Secretariat and the relevant authorities in the decision to launch electronic press, a new media types to meet the demands of practice. Strengthening leadership and management of the press go coupled with the continued development of the press industry to meet the requirements and duties set out in the new situation. Innovation, capacity building, bravery, quality, effectiveness of leadership of the Party, the State's management of electronic press; innovative contents, methods, thinking and leadership styles, management reports electronically, with "Leadership and management electronic media for development”.
  20. 20 Regarding to content, the committees and advisory bodies have been active in political orientation, especially for important issues, complicated, sensitive to national interests, communities and the whole society Assembly; provide timely, comprehensive, full mobilization process, the development of innovation in order to create favorable conditions for implementing electronic press communication activities. Regarding the method, besides many resolutions, directives and regulations is important that the Party Central Committee, the Politburo, Secretariat have issued, interested party should continue, supplemented, adjusted to obtain the system of the resolutions, directives, regulations, uniformity, completeness, timeliness, provide the basis for political leadership and direct electronic press. Appreciate building the party organization in electronic news organizations strong in all aspects; members to enhance the role of journalists, most people hold leadership positions; on that basis, enhancing leadership capability and direct operations in accordance with the guiding principles, objectives, functions and responsibilities of agencies and electronic press journalists conventional morality. Improving the quality of ideological, political, cultural, scientific bodies of each electronic press to electronic media is really the voice of the Party, the State and the political institutions - social, society - professional forum of people's trust. Complete planning, development plans electronic media. Urgently establish innovative schemes, rearrange the electronic news organizations throughout the country, each of the ministries, unions, local units towards a reasonable, practical and effective. To continuously improve the quality of training and retraining of staff leadership and management of electronic media; training of journalists, editors of electronic media agencies. Expand research and exchange of experience in managing, training with the electronic media in the region and around the world. Strengthen coordination between the governing body and management of electronic media and governing body of electronic media; leadership, direction and management of the Party Commission, party delegation, agency leaders with the electronic media. Improving the quality of the content, form, capable of controlling information of electronic media major. Investment satisfactory for external communication activities. Uncompromising struggle against information, wrong views, hostility by building and promoting the role of the journalist team of dedicated and expert wealth, knowledge and experience, using the forms and methods adequate facilities. Effectively prevent intrusive activities of the electronic media in our country the hostile forces, reactionaries from the outside. Strengthening infrastructure - technical, operating conditions for electronic news agencies.



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